Labels:text | black and white | font | newspaper | white OCR: Turnstiles pick up small Russian change Who says the nickel subway ride has gone the way of' se five-cent cigar? Certalaly not the Russians. TAP The friendly folks who brought you vodka, carlas md the 1900 Olymples now bring back the five-cent New York City subway ride-and threaten to turn the rush hour tate the Russian hour. The explanation to simple: The Soviet three-kopeks cola, worth roughly a nickel, works perfectly in the subway turmstiles. It's the same sise as the O0-cent token, although the token is a bit heavier. Soviet coln (1.), worth about a nickel, is same size "Oh, sa," Transh Authority spokesman Susan Gilbert as 60-cent subway token and works in turnstiles. dighed, adding that the authority isn't the least bit Interested la bringing back the nickel fare-even Res- It's hard ...