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Part of the Documentation Library for the Droege Software Series
Sell More Software System User's Manual
Copyright (c) 1991 Droege Computing Services, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Current edition: 4
Publication date: 17 July 1991
Internal file: i:\admin\manuals\sellmore\sellmore.doc
Address correspondence to:
Droege Computing Services, Inc.
3200 Croasdaile Drive, Suite 304
Durham, NC 27705
For technical assistance, call 919-383-9749. Trademarks
Clipper Nantucket Corporation
Compaq DOS Compaq
dBASE III+ Ashton-Tate, Inc.
Foxbase Fox Software, Inc.
IBM, IBM DOS International Business Machines, Inc.
MS-DOS Microsoft Corporation
NetLib Communications Horizon
Novell, Netware Novell, Inc.
R&R Concentric Systems
SysInit Droege Computing Services, Inc.
Droege Computing Services, Inc. (DCS) believes that the information
contained in this manual is correct. DCS reserves the right to make
periodic changes to the content of the manual without an obligation
to notify any person of the changes. However, anyone who subscribes
to DCS's software support services will receive a new manual when
changes are made.
1 PROGRAM OVERVIEW. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
PART 2: GENERAL GUIDE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1
1 GENERAL OVERVIEW. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Hardware and Software Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Program Structure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Menus, Tables, and Data Entry Screens. . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Cursor and Light Bar Movement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2 CONVENTIONS USED IN THIS MANUAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
3 CREATING AND EDITING RECORDS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Data Management Functions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Editing Keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Validation Routines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
4 MOVING THE CURSOR AND LIGHT BAR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
5 GETTING HELP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Navigation Prompt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
PopHelp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
General Help Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
6 PRINTING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
7 SCHEDULING EVENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Adding a Meeting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Keys used in scheduling. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
The Events File. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
PART 3: GUIDE TO SELL MORE SOFTWARE SYSTEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.1
1 PROGRAM OVERVIEW. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2 STARTING THE PROGRAM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
3 DOWNLOADING LASER FONTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
4 SALES AND MARKETING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
CLIENTS AND PROSPECTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
TRACKING SOFTWARE SUPPORT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
TRACKING PRODUCTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
CREATING INVOICES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
TRACKING PROBLEMS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
TRACKING CONTACT WITH PROSPECTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
RECORDING QUESTIONS FROM PROSPECTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
MAIL MERGE FORMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
COMPANY DATABASE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
5 A TYPICAL DAY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
1: RECORDING A TELEMARKETING CONTACT . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Preparing for Your Calls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Recording the Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
2: CREATING A SUPPORT RECORD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
3: CREATING AN INVOICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
4: CREATING A MAIL MERGE LETTER. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
The Anatomy of a Mail Merge Letter . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Mailmerge Functions and Options. . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
5A: SENDING AN INDIVIDUAL LETTER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Sending One Letter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Printing Labels and Envelopes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
5B: PERFORMING A MASS MAILING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Printing Labels and Envelopes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
OTHER REPORTS AND LABELS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
6 BILLING AND INVOICING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
ADDING ITEMS TO THE BILL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
GENERATING INVOICES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
INVOICES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
LEASE PAYMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
MONTHLY BILLING CHECK LIST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
7 ACCOUNTING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
THE CHART OF ACCOUNTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
TRANSACTION PROCESSING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
REDISTRIBUTION OF FUNDS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
THE DEPARTMENT DATABASE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
ACCOUNT DESCRIPTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
PRINTING REPORTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
CLOSING OUT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Creating Income Summary Transactions . . . . . . . . . . 78
EDITING THE GENERAL LEDGER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
POSTAGE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
EDITING THE SUPPLY INVENTORY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
8 SOFTWARE SUPPORT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
9 BILLING AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
PRINTING PRODUCT LABELS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
TRACKING CLIENTS AND PROSPECTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
PROJECT PLANNING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
PRODUCT PLANNING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
ENTERING PAYMENTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
EMPLOYEE DATABASE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
THE STATE DATABASE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
RETURN ADDRESS LABELS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
10 UTILITY FEATURES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
11 CHANGING THE SYSTEM CONFIGURATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
12 DATA DICTIONARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
PART 4: TECHNICAL REFERENCE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.1
GENERAL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2
1 COPYING THE PROGRAM TO YOUR HARD DISK . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2 CONFIGURING THE PROGRAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Configuration Options. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
[1] Set Up System Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
[2] Set Up Printer Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
[3] Set Up Users, Authorizations, and Assign
Printers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
[4] Set Up Function Key Assignments. . . . . . . . . . . 12
[5] Pack and/or Reindex Files. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
[6] Change Config.sys File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
[7] Change Autoexec.bat File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
[8] Reset Computer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
[9] Update System and/or Database Files. . . . . . . . . 18
3 NETWORK FEATURES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Record and File Locking Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
4 HANDLING ERRORS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
5 CUSTOMIZING FUNCTION KEYS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
6 MAKING BACKUPS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
7 UPDATING YOUR PROGRAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
8 DATA DICTIONARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
9 TROUBLE-SHOOTING GUIDE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Configuration Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Memory Problems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Hardware Problems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Printer Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Miscellaneous Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Programming Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
10 PERSONAL COMPUTER BASICS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
11 USEFUL DOS COMMANDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
dBASE EXPRESSIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.60
12 OVERVIEW. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
13 DATABASE BASICS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Database Terms and Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Database Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Viewing the Structure of the Database. . . . . . . . . . . . 63
14 VALID dBASE TERMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
dBASE Comparison Operators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Mathematical Operators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Logical Connectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Database Functions Used in Expressions . . . . . . . . . . . 68
15 BUILDING A dBASE EXPRESSION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
DOS COMMANDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.78
16 DOS BASICS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
17 THE CONFIG.SYS FILE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
18 BATCH FILES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
19 DISK COMMANDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
20 TIPS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
APPENDIX A: LICENSE AGREEMENT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A.1
This manual is divided into four parts:
PART 1 describes the important features of your program and
shows you how to install the program on your computer.
PART 2 explains how to enter data, how to get help, how to
print, and other basic skills.
PART 3 explains the features that are unique to your program.
PART 4 is a technical reference section that provides more in-
depth information about the program.
■ Maintains complete contact histories that help to determine the
next marketing step.
■ Automates the creation of product labels, correspondence, and
■ Helps you to allocate your company's resources where they are
needed most.
■ Simplifies billing and payment tracking.
The Sell More Software program is a personal computer system
designed to facilitate the marketing, sales, and administrative activities
involved in selling computer software. Created specifically for
software developers and value-added re-sellers, the program helps to
plan projects, track contact with prospects and clients, track support,
and print custom letters and forms.
The program saves you time by simplifying many routine tasks. For
example, when you enter a client's order, the program makes it easy
to create a product label, mailing label, and invoice. The revenue
information is then passed to the general ledger module.
The program's extensive set of reports help you to review trends in
sales and support, plan future projects, control expenses, and manage
your time more effectively.
The Sell More Software program is part of the Droege Software Series,
a complete line of information management programs.
Key Features
The Sell More Software program is designed for ease of use, quick
access to data, and flexibility. Some of the important features are
described below.
Complete Contact Histories. The Clients and Prospects file maintains
a record of each contact, thus preventing you from forgetting a client
or his needs.
Next Marketing Step. The program keeps track of the next contact
date for each client, thus assuring that you always know when to
make the next call or send the next letter.
Software Support Tracking. The Support record tracks support for
each client. The separate Error Tracking record lets you keep up
with problems and solutions.
Project Planning. The Project Planning module helps you track hours
spent and status of each project. It also helps to monitor expenses
with the Cost Analysis report.
Mail Merge. The Mail Merge feature automatically merges name
and address records with your own letters. The ability to rate your
prospects simplifies mass mailings. Laser fonts are supported, thus
permitting high quality output.
Reports. The program's reports help you to manage your sales,
marketing, and administrative functions. Reports include:
■ Project Cost Analysis
■ Productivity Analysis
■ Invoices Paid to Date
■ Late Payments Report
■ Project by Project Invoice Statements
■ Contact History Report
Flexibility. The Sell More Software program can be customized to fit
your company's particular needs.
To install the program on your computer, follow the steps described
below. First, type VER at the DOS prompt to see what version of
DOS you are using (you will need to know in Step 7).
What you see What you do For more,
see page
1. Create a new directory on your hard disk. 4.3, 4.47-4.48
C:\> Type MD \SELLMORE [Enter]
C:\> Type CD \SELLMORE [Enter]
2. Copy the program to your hard disk. 4.3-4.4, 4.49
The software will unbundle. As the files are installed, on-screen
messages will note that the files are being exploded and unshrunk.
3. Start the program. 4.5-4.6
Copyright screen Press [Space] to continue.
Users screen (maybe) Press [Enter] to continue.
4. Set the system settings. 4.7-4.11
Config. Menu Select [1] to set up system settings.
Set Up screen Fill in the screen as instructed by the
Navigation prompts at the bottom of the screen.5. Select your printer.4.9-4.11
Config. Menu Select [3] to set up users.
Select [E] to edit.
Move the cursor to ID# field.
Press [F1]; move the light bar to your
printer; press [Enter].
Press [PgDn] twice.
Select [Q] to quit.
6. Edit the CONFIG.SYS file. 4.14-4.15, 4.73-
Config. Menu Select [6] to edit the CONFIG.SYS file.
Press [Enter].
Edit the file to read:
Press [Ctrl-W].
7. Edit the AUTOEXEC.BAT file. 4.16-4.17, 4.80-
Config. Menu Select [7] to edit the AUTOEXEC.BAT file.
Press [Enter].
If you are using DOS 3.3 or higher, add:
SET CLIPPER=F95;V015;R032;E000
(for earlier DOS versions, omit F95;).
Press [Ctrl-W].
8. Exit to DOS and reboot. 4.17-4.18
Config. Menu Select [8] to return to DOS.
C:\SELLMORE> Press [Ctrl-Alt-Del] to reboot.
9. Start the program.
C:\> Type CD \SELLMORE [Enter]
C:\SELLMORE> Type SELLMORE [Enter] (the system will begin packing
and reindexing files, and then will display the Main Menu).
Your program utilizes menus which make it easy to enter and process
information. Once information is in the computer, the program
organizes it into specific files. This information can then be used to
generate a variety of management reports.
Hardware and Software Requirements
To run the program, you will need the following:
■ An IBM-compatible personal computer using the 80286 or 80386
■ At least 640 Kb RAM.
■ A 20-30 Mb or larger hard disk.
■ One floppy disk drive.
■ IBM DOS, MS DOS, or COMPAQ DOS versions 3.1 or higher.
■ Novell Advanced Netware (for local area network applications).
Optional Software:
■ dBASE III+ or IV, Foxbase (for creating reports and looking at
the database directly).
■ Clipper, NetLib, Sysinit (for customizing the program).
■ R&R (for report writing).Program Structure
Your program is designed to store information in database files.
Each database is a collection of information of one specific type.
Here is an example of a database:
Employee Office Phone
Jones, J. G. B302 5409
Smith, R. B380 5388
Brown, K. L. C223 4331
Greene, E. A112 6510
Smith, K. B203 4439
Johnson, H. C110 4899
As the example shows, a database organizes information into fields
and records.
A field is a category of information arranged in a column. In the
example, there are three fields: Employee, Office, and Phone.
A record is one row of information. Each record is composed of
one or more fields. In the example, there are four records: each
person, office, and phone make up one record.
Menus, Tables, and Data Entry Screens
In working with your program, you will encounter menus, tables, and
data entry screens. Each is explained on the following pages.
In your program, all features and functions are accessed by making
selections from menus. There are two types of menus.
Simple menus list operations that usually direct the computer to
perform simple, automatic functions. These menus provide a list of
options that are paired with a number. To make a selection, you
simply type the number (do not press [Enter]). Here is an example
of a simple menu:
╔═════════════════════════ Scott's Pacemaker Center ═════════════════════════╗
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ 1 - Patient Management ║
║ 2 - Look-Up Databases ║
║ 3 - Reports Menu ║
║ 4 - MailMerge Forms ║
║ 5 - Down Load Laser Soft Fonts ║
║ 6 - ║
║ 7 - Data Dictionary ║
║ 8 - System Configuration Menu ║
║ 9 - Utility Menu ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ Enter Choice ║
Enter a selection or press [Esc] to return to DOS.
Sunday, May 13 Clipper Summer 87, NetLib 2:18pm
After making a selection, you will be taken to another screen that
may be an individual record, a table, or another menu.
Data management menus list actions which can be performed on
database records. These menus appear at the bottom of the screen.
To make a selection, you type its initial letter (do not press [Enter]).
General purpose functions include Add, Edit, Delete, List, Find, and
An example of a data management menu is shown below.
╔════════════════════ (VISIT) IMPLANT/EXPLANT Page 1 of 2 ═════════════════╗
║Serial# Model# Source Type Manufacturer Warranty/Date Void Warr║
║000444 7006 MED PACER MEDTRONIC 48 01/17/94 N ║
║ ║
║Account# History# Patient Name Cost Charge Credit║
║000005 X123456 Droege, Thomas 8000.00 10000.00 0.00║
║ ║
║Procedure Procedure Name Place Phy Code Ordering Physician ║
║37.1 Generator Replacement EPLAB 0000001 Miller, M. Scott ║
║ ║
║Implanted Phy Code Implanting Physician New Implant Replacement ║
║01/18/90 0000002 Droege, Thomas N Y ║
║ ║
║Explanted Phy Code Explanting Physician Leads Left Returned ? ║
║ / / N N ║
║ ║
║HCPCS Comments: ║
║1234567 ║
║ ║
║ ║
[Find] [Add] [Edit] [Delete] [Recall] [/] Up/Down
[Browse] [Order] [Count] [List] [Esc] [─┘ More]
The standard data management functions are explained in Part 2,
Chapter 3.
Tables display lists of records in a database. Each table shows only
one type of record (for example, reasons for pacing devices in screen
shown below). To make a selection from a table, move the light bar
up or down to the desired record, and then select a data management
function (such as [Edit] if you want to modify the record).
Here is an example of a table:
╔══════════════════════════ PACING FAILURE DATABASE ═════════════════════════╗
║ ║
║ ════ ════════════════════════════════════════ ║
║ 001 Congestive Heart Failure ║
║ 002 Lead Displacement ║
║ 003 Lead Fracture ║
║ 004 Generator Failure ║
║ 005 Myopotential Inhibition ║
║ 006 Exit Block ║
║ 007 Inadequate R-Wave ║
║ 008 Inadequate P-Wave ║
║ 009 Pocket Infection ║
║ 010 Vent Perforation ║
║ 011 Diaphragm Stim ║
║ 012 Embolism/Thrombus ║
║ 013 Pocket Erosion ║
║ 014 Atrial Perforation ║
║ 015 Retrograde Conduction ║
║ ║
[Find] [Add] [Edit] [Delete] [Recall] [List] [Order] [/]Up/Down [Esc]
Only 15 records can be displayed on the screen.
Data Entry Screens
Data entry screens allow you to create records by entering data into
fields. Each field is indicated by a highlighted box. If you completely
fill a field, the cursor will jump to the next field. If you do not fill
a field, you must press [Enter] to move the cursor to the next field.
An example of a data entry screen is shown below.
╔══════════════════════ PATIENT DATABASE Page 2 of 2 ══════════════════════╗
╟───────────────────────────── INSURANCE CARRIER ────────────────────────────╢
║ Company Name METROPOLITAN LIFE Policy # T67K56789 ║
╟──────────────────── PREVIOUS CARDIOVASCULAR INTERVENTION ───────────────────╢
║ Previous Cardiovascular Intervention [Y/N] Y ║
║ Pacemaker Date / / ║
║ PTCA Date / / ║
║ CABG Date 05/23/90 ║
║ Valve Surgery Date 05/23/90 ║
║ EP Study Date 11/23/89 ║
╟─────────────────────────────────── RISKS ──────────────────────────────────╢
║ Risk Factors [Y/N] Smoker Y Diabetic N ║
║ Familial N Hypertensive Y ║
║ Stress N Abnormal Lipids N ║
║ Obesity N Renal Failure Y ║
║ ║
║ Congestive Heart Failure N NYHA Class 2348 ║
║ Pacemaker Dependent Y Idioventricular Rate 54 ║
║ ║
Enter the date an original Pacemaker was implanted.
When entering data (using either the Add or Edit function), the
Navigation Prompt at the bottom of the screen explains what is
needed in each field and sometimes presents a list of valid entries.
If you want to change the Navigation Prompt for a field, move the
cursor to that field and press [Alt-J]. After you enter the new
prompt, press [Enter] twice to end the editing procedure.Adding Notes
Some data entry screens allow you to add free-form text to make a
record more complete. An example of a Notes window is shown
╔════════════════════ (VISIT) POST OPERATIVE COMPLICATIONS ══════════════════╗
║ Post-Op Date History # Visit # Patient Name ║
║ 04/18/90 12345 1234 Sammy Smith ║
║ Mortality ? N ║
║ MI ? N ║
║ Pacing Failure 008 Inadequate P-Wave ║
║ Brief Cause ║
║ Complication Notes ? Y ║
║ ║
║ ╔═Notes:══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗ ║
║ ║ ║ ║
║ ║ ║ ║
║ ║ ║ ║
║ ║ ║ ║
║ ║ ║ ║
║ ║ ║ ║
║ ║ ║ ║
║ ║ ║ ║
║ ╚═════════DEL CHAR ^G DEL WORD ^T DEL LINE ^Y SAVE ^W═══════════╝ ║
[Find] [Add] [Edit] [Delete] [Recall] [/] Up/Down
[Browse] [Order] [Count] [List] [Quit]
In a text field, your text is not limited to the size of the box. Your
text will scroll to accommodate your entire entry.
When you exit a text field by pressing [Ctrl-W], the system will ask if
you want your spelling checked. If you enter Y (yes), the system's
dictionary will be used to check the spelling of the words contained
inside the text box.
Cursor and Light Bar Movement
The flashing cursor indicates where information will be entered. You
may position the cursor using the [Arrow] keys and other movement
keys. For example, the [Arrow Up] key will move the cursor to the
previous field and the [Arrow Down] key will move the cursor to the
next field. Other cursor movement keys allow you to move up and
down one screen at a time, and to move to the first or last record
in the database.
Cursor movement keys are explained in detail in Part 2, Chapter 4.
In this manual, instructions are presented in a consistent format.
Here is an example of the format:
To customize your system:
■ Select: [1] Set Up System Settings
An instruction is always indicated by the ■ character. Each
instruction asks you to perform an action such as Select (from a
menu), Type (a word or command), or Press (a particular key).
Keys and Commands
The names of keys will be shown in brackets. In the example above,
[Enter] means to press the [Enter] key after typing.
Words in lowercase letters are descriptions of what you should type.
Words in uppercase letters are commands and should be typed
exactly as shown. For example, if the instruction were:
■ Type: md\program name [Enter]
you would type md\ followed by the name of the program.
When entering data to create and edit records, you will need to use
various functions such as Add, Edit, and List. These data
management functions are shown in a menu at the bottom of the
screen. To use one of these functions, type the first letter of the
function name. Some data management menus also will have features
that are specific to that particular application.
[Find] [Add] [Edit] [Delete] [Recall] [/] Up/Down
[Browse] [Order] [Count] [List] [Jump] [─┘ More] [Esc]
Data Management Functions
Most data management screens have the following functions available.
[a] add Lets you add a new record.
Your program is pre-set to work in one of
three modes:
The first mode, Auto Add, allows you to add
a series of new records. When you first select
[A] (Add), you will be presented with a blank
screen. After completing this screen, you will
automatically be presented with another blank
screen. This process continues until you press
[Esc] (see "The Escape Key" later in this
chapter for detailed instructions).
The second mode for Add is set up for data
entry in which you would generally add only
one record at a time. After you enter your
data, the program automatically exits the data
entry screen.
The third mode is Multiscreen Add. This mode
is used when the record that you are adding
will be larger than one screen.
[e] edit Lets you edit the current record.
The current record is either: a) the record on
the screen when there is only one record per
screen, or b) the record that is highlighted by
the light bar when you see many records on a
Multiscreen Edit allows you to edit a record
that is too large to be shown on one screen.
[d] delete Marks the current record for deletion.
Marked records are not actually removed from
the file until you select "Pack" under Option [5]
of the System Configuration Menu. This two-
step process makes it possible to bring back or
"recall" files which have been marked but not
yet deleted.
In some cases you will be asked, "Do you want
to delete the current record or all records?"
To delete the current record, type C (Current).
[r] recall Recalls records that have been marked for
You are able to recall records up to the time
a file is packed. Once a file has been packed,
the deleted records in it can no longer be
[l] list Lists the contents of a file on the screen, prints
them on your printer, or saves them on a disk.
See Part 2, Chapter 6 in this part of the manual
for more information about the List function.
[f] find Lets you locate a particular record.
You will be shown a list of indexes (for
example, Account Number, Patient Number,
History Number). After you select the desired
index, you will be prompted to specify the
particular record that you want to find. It will
then either display the record or give a message
that the record cannot be found. When the
record is displayed, you can edit it.
[b] browse Lets you page through the database on the
screen and select a new record with which to
The database will be shown on the screen in
a table format.
[c] count Counts the number of records.
You may also count the number of deleted
[o] order Lets you choose the order in which the records
will be displayed and accessed.
This function displays a menu from which you
select the order in which you wish the database
to be displayed or accessed. You may, for
instance, change a file that is sorted by a
unique code to be sorted by a description of
one of the fields.
This function affects the sequence in which
records are displayed during Browse and when
using the [Arrow Up] and [Arrow Down] keys.
[j] jump Lets you jump immediately to another database
without going through the usual menu
[esc] Exits the current screen and displays the
previous screen (or exits the program if you are
at the Main Menu).
[─┘ more] Displays other menu options.
Editing Keys
Inserting and Deleting
[Ins] Allows characters to be inserted in a field at the
cursor. This is a toggle key. The insert mode
remains "on" until the [Ins] key is pressed again.
[Del] Deletes the character above the cursor.
[Ctrl-G] Deletes the character above the cursor (same as
[Backspace] Deletes the character to the left of the cursor.
[Ctrl-T] Deletes the word at the cursor.
[Ctrl-Y] In an data entry field, deletes everything from the
cursor to the end of the line. In a narrative field,
deletes the entire line.
Special Keys
[Pg Dn] Saves the edits and then exits the edit session.
[Ctrl-B] Reformats an edited paragraph in a narrative field.
[Ctrl-W] Exits the editing process of a narrative field and
saves edits that have been completed.
The Escape Key
The [Esc] key is generally the "undo" or "return to" key. Its exact
function varies depending on the type of work you are doing.
[Esc] When adding data to a record, stops the adding process.
If you press [Esc] before completing a record, that record
will not be added to the database.
[Esc] When editing a record, exits the edit function and undoes
any changes made.
[Esc] When you are at a database management screen, and
you're not editing the current record, returns you to the
previous screen.
[Esc] When you are in a printer selection menu, exits the print
The [Esc] key should be used with caution.
Validation Routines
Certain fields in your database have built in data validation routines.
These routines prevent you from entering incorrect data. For
example, in a field requiring either a Yes or No answer, a simple
validation would require entry of either Y or N. Any other data entry
would not be allowed by the system.
If your cursor appears to be "stuck" in a data entry window, it is due
to the fact that the information you have entered is incorrect or
unacceptable to the system. Some validation routines will provide
information to identify what has been incorrectly entered. For
example, entering an incorrect date such as 02/31/90 will cause the
message "incorrect date" to be displayed.
Another type of field validation is done using tables. A coded field
may refer to a database to determine if you have entered a valid
code. Entering an invalid code will display the message "bad code."
The cursor will remain positioned in the data entry window until you
enter a valid code.
One other type of data validation in a table may prevent you from
leaving a particular field blank.
Movement keys allow you to move the cursor and light bar quickly
from one field to another or from one record to another. Some keys
have more than one function, depending on the type of screen on
which you are working.
Moving the Cursor When Entering Data
Moving from one field to another
[Arrow Up] Moves the cursor to the previous field.
[Arrow Down] Moves the cursor to the next field.
[PgUp] Move the cursor to the first field of the record.
[PgDn] Moves the cursor through all of the fields to the
end of the record.
[Ctrl-Home] Moves the cursor to the first field displayed on the
[Ctrl-End] Moves the cursor to the last field displayed on the
[Ctrl-L] Moves the cursor to a specific field. When adding
or editing data, pressing [Ctrl-L] displays a number
beside each field:
╔════════════════════ ALL PATIENT FOLLOW-UP Page 1 of 2 ════════════════════╗
║ Visit Date History # Visit # Name ║
║104/18/90 212345 31234 Sammy Smith ║
║ RN/Tech Code 400005 Type 51 Scheduled ║
║ Name Freddy Johnson Reason 6 ║
║ ║
╟───────────────────── INTERROGATED TELEMETRY PARAMETERS ────────────────────╢
║ Symptoms 7Unable to sleep ║
║ Interrogated8Y Mode9012 VVI + ACTIVITY ║
║ Lower Rat1055 Upper Rat1182 Magnet Rat1270 ║
║ Activity Threshol1370 Rate Respons1470 Inhibite1570 ║
║ ║
║ Pulse Width 16 0.80 Pulse Width 17 0.80 ║
║ Sensitivity 18 1.50 Sensitivity 19 1.50 ║
║ Refractory 2027.50 Refractory 2127.50 ║
║ Amplitude 22 4.00 Amplitude 23 4.00 ║
║ Lead Impedance 24 600 Lead Impedance 25 450 ║
║ A-V Interval 26 2.75 Hysteresis 27 0 ║
║ ║
Currently at Field Number 1. Enter Field Number to jump to
To move the cursor to a particular field, type the field number and
press [Enter].
Moving within a field
[Arrow Right] Moves the cursor within a field to the right.
[Arrow Left] Moves the cursor within a field to the left.
Moving the Cursor During Browse
[Arrow Right] Pans to the right.
[Arrow Left] Pans to the left.
Moving the Light Bar in a Table or Data Management
Moving from one record to another
[Arrow Up] In a table, moves the light bar up one record. In
a data management screen, displays the previous
[Arrow Down] In a table, moves the light bar down one record.
In a data management screen, displays the next
Moving from one page to another in a multipage record
[Pg Up] Displays the previous screen (if the record or
database uses multiple pages).
[Pg Dn] Displays the next screen (if the record or database
uses multiple pages).
Moving to the first and last record
[Ctrl-Pg Up] Displays the first record of the file, based on the
current sort order.
[Ctrl-Pg Dn] Displays the last record of the file.
Changing the navigation prompt
[Alt-J] Allows you to enter a new navigation line prompt
for the current field (the one containing the
Help is available to you in three forms: Navigation Prompts, PopHelp,
and General Help.
Navigation Prompt
When you are entering data, the bottom two lines of your screen
make up the Navigation Prompt. The prompt gives you detailed
information about what you may enter into the current field.
PopHelp is used to access coded information during data entry.
When you are required to enter coded information but are unsure
what is required, pressing [F1] will access PopHelp and will open a
window of records based on that coded field.
For example, you are entering employee information and are required
to enter the Social Security number of John Jones. If you press [F1],
you will see two columns of information. The first column is the
coded information (the Social Security numbers), and the second
column lists descriptive information related to the code (here, the
name of each person).
To obtain the coded information, you move the light bar to the
desired record. Then, when you press the [Enter] key, the coded
information (Social Security number in this example) will
automatically be entered into the original database. You will then be
returned to the original database in which you were working.
To use PopHelp:
■ Move: the cursor to the coded field.
■ Press: [F1]
■ Move: the light bar to highlight the desired record.
■ Press: [Enter]
Example of a PopHelp window:
65K 140K
╔══════════════════════ PATIENT DATABASE Page 1 of 2 ══════════════════════╗
║ Last Name First Name Sex D.O.B. Age History # ║
║ Smith Sammy M 01/15/55 35 12345 ║
║ Address 1 3200 Croasdaile Drive SSN 399-49-2922 ║
║ Address 2 Suite 304 HIC # 2939492 ║
║ City Durham ┌────────── POP-HELP ──────────┐)383-9749║
║ State NC │ AL Alabama │)383-9749║
║ Zip 27705 Best Day &│ AK Alaska │ Months ║
║ Country USA Time to Ca│ AZ Arizona │0 ║
║ Employment Status 1 Employed │ AR Arkansas │ ║
║ Employer │ CA California │# ║
║ Harco Glass Company │ CO Colorado │ ║
╟───────────────────────────── RESPON│ CT Connecticut │─────────╢
║ Last Name First Name │ DE Delaware │ ║
║ Owens Wanita │ DC District of Columbia │ ║
║ Address 1 3200 Croasdaile Dr │ FL Florida │ ║
║ Address 2 Suite 304 │ GA Georgia │n ║
║ City Durham │ HI Hawaii │ ║
║ State NC │ ID Idaho │ ║
║ Zip 27707 └─────────────────────────────┘ ║
Search (clear w/BkSp):
[\] Chg. Order [/] Up/Down [─┘] Select [Esc] Quit
The arrow () indicates the field on which the database is sorted. In
the example, the database is currently ordered alphabetically by last
name.Features of PopHelp
There are three features available through PopHelp:
A. To change the order in which the table entries are displayed:
■ Press: [ \ ]
The indicator arrow () will move to the next field and reorder the
B. To move up or down the list:
■ Press: [Pg Up], [Pg Dn], [Ctrl-Pg Up], or [Ctrl-Pg Dn]
C. To go to fields that begin with a particular letter(s) or
■ Type: the initial letter(s) or number(s).
The [Backspace] key resets this feature and allows you to enter
another letter or number. If you enter a sequence that is not in
the file, PopHelp will beep.
General Help Information
The third type of help is a general purpose help. It is content-
specific. When PopHelp is not available, pressing [F1] will display a
screen of information that is general information about either the
current menu in use or the current function. For example, while
adding or changing order entry information, pressing [F1] could
display a screen of instructions or background information.CHAPTER 6
Whenever you select [L] List from a data management menu, you will
see the Report Options screen:
┌──────────────── Report Options ────────────────┐
│ Output To: Printer (LOCAL PRINTER (EPSON) ) │
│ Screen │
│ File │
│ Printer & File │
│ Set Margin & Print Test │
│ Change Print Destination │
│ Output To Screen Is OFF │
│ Issue Form Feed To Printer │
This screen allows you to make decisions about printing.
Menu Options
Output To
The options for "Output to" are: send the output to the default
printer, to the screen, to a file, or to the printer and a file. If
you print to a file, the system will prompt you to enter a file
name. If you do not, the file name TEMP101.TXT will be
assigned to the file.
Set Margin & Print Test
This option lets you set print margins and then prints a text
Changing the Print Destination
The default printer destination of the output was set during
configuration. However, you may change the destination either
temporarily, or change the default.
┌──────────────── Report Options ────────────────┐
│ Output To: Printer (LOCAL PRINTER (EPSON) ) │
│ Screen │
│ File │
│ Printer & File │
│ Set Margin & Print Test │
│ Change Print Destination ┌─── Print Destination ─────┐
│ Output To Screen Is OFF │ LOCAL PRINTER (EPSON) │
│ Issue Form Feed To Printer │ NETWORK PRINTER (EPSON) │
└──────────────────────────────────│ NETWORK PRINTER (LASER) │
When you change the print destination, you will be asked if you
want to make the new print destination the current one. If you
do, that printer will remain the current printer while you remain
in the program. When you exit and reenter the program, the
default printer will be set to the one indicated in the Users
Output to Screen is OFF
If you set output to screen ON, output to screen will remain on
until you turn it off or exit the program. Screen is OFF when
you first enter the program, default.
Issue Form Feed to Printer
This option causes the current printer to form feed the paper.CHAPTER 7
Some programs in the Droege Software Series include a Scheduling
module that allows you to schedule events in meeting rooms and also
to maintain the necessary databases.
The details for using the Scheduling feature are explained in more
detail in Part 3 of the user manual.
The information on the following pages explains the basic features of
scheduling: how the calendar is organized; how to schedule an event;
and how to review a scheduled event.
To use the scheduling feature:
From the Schedule menu:
■ Select: [1] Scheduling
The Scheduling calendar shows one room in each row, and one 15-
minute time period in each column.
Tuesday ╔═════╤═════╤═════╤═════╤═════╤═════╤═════╤═════╤═════╤═════╤═════╗
09/25/1990 ║ 7:00│ 7:15│ 7:30│ 7:45│ 8:00│ 8:15│ 8:30│ 8:45│ 9:00│ 9:15│ 9:30║
║2253 DHN ║ │ │5004 │====>│====>│ │ │ │ │ │ ║
║2254 DHN ║ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ║
║3535 DERYL ║ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ║
║4218 ADMIN. ║ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ║
║5270 PEDS. ║ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ║
║2001 ║ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
[Find] [Zoom] [Delete] [///] Up/Down/Left/Rght [Ctrl /] Reduce/Expand
[List] [Merge] [Quit]
The illustration above shows a meeting scheduled for AV Code 5004
in room 2253 DHN from 7:30am to 8:15am.
Adding a Meeting
To add a meeting to the calendar:
1. Move the cursor to the correct date and starting time.
2. Select [Z] Zoom.
Start Time 8:15a Enter Ending Time of Appointment 9:15a
3. Enter the ending time (the default is one hour after the starting
4. Enter the details about the meeting in the window at the bottom
of the screen:
Tuesday ╔═════╤═════╤═════╤═════╤═════╤═════╤═════╤═════╤═════╤═════╤═════╗
09/25/1990 ║ 7:00│ 7:15│ 7:30│ 7:45│ 8:00│ 8:15│ 8:30│ 8:45│ 9:00│ 9:15│ 9:30║
║2253 DHN ║ │ │5004 │====>│====>│ │ │ │ │ │ ║
║2254 DHN ║ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ║
║3535 DERYL ║ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ║
║4218 ADMIN. ║ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ║
║5270 PEDS. ║ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ║
║2001 ║ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ║
║Clnt# ║ AVCODE EVENT# 11252 ║
║Dept ║ DATE 09/25/90 Tuesday 8:15a 9:15a ║
║Evnt# ║ EVENT ║
║ ║ ║
Enter AV Code of client or Press F1 to look up
Selected Fields
avcode The Audio Visual code (press [F1] for
report If you want a confirming report sent to the
client, enter Y (Yes).
reqdate The event day assigned.
jobnum The job number (this number is assigned when
add comments If you enter Y (Yes), the following window will
║Clnt# ║ ║ ║
║Dept ║ ║ ║
║Evnt# ║ ║ ║
║ ║ ║ ║
║ ║ ║ ║
╚══════════════╚════DEL CHAR ^G DEL WORD ^T DEL LINE ^Y SAVE ^W══════╝═══╝
After entering comments, press [Ctrl-W] to save.
The meeting will now be added to the calendar as shown on the
following page.
Tuesday ╔═════╤═════╤═════╤═════╤═════╤═════╤═════╤═════╤═════╤═════╤═════╗
09/25/1990 ║ 7:00│ 7:15│ 7:30│ 7:45│ 8:00│ 8:15│ 8:30│ 8:45│ 9:00│ 9:15│ 9:30║
║2253 DHN ║ │ │5004 │====>│====>│ │ │ │ │ │ ║
║2254 DHN ║ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ║
║3535 DERYL ║ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ║
║4218 ADMIN. ║ │ │ │ │ │TD01 │====>│====>│====>│ │ ║
║5270 PEDS. ║ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ║
║2001 ║ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ║
║Clnt# TD01 4218 ADMIN. 09/25/90 8:15a to 9:15a ADMINISTRATIVE CONF.║
║Dept CTL ║
║Evnt# 11252 ║
[Find] [Zoom] [Delete] [///] Up/Down/Left/Rght [Ctrl /] Reduce/Expand
[List] [Merge] [Quit]
Keys used in scheduling
[Home] Moves the cursor to the left-most field (7:00am).
[End] Moves the cursor to the right-most field (12:45pm).
[Up/Down] Moves the cursor up/down one row.
[Right/Left] Moves the cursor right/left one column.
[Ctrl-PgUp] Moves the cursor back one day.
[Ctrl-PgDn] Moves the cursor ahead one day.
[Ctrl-Home] Moves the cursor back one week.
[Ctrl-End] Moves the cursor ahead week.
[Ctrl-Right] Expands the time taken by the highlighted event.
[Ctrl-Left] Contracts the time taken by the highlighted event.
[F] Finds a date you specify.
[Z] Lets you add a meeting or edit the highlighted
[M] Lets you do the following:
Merge the current record.
Merge multiple records.
Add/edit from letters.
Print the current label.
Print all labels.
Print selected labels.
The Events File
The Events File allows you to examine the descriptions of events that
have been scheduled.
From the Schedule menu:
■ Select: [6] Events File
╔══════════════════════════════ EVENTS DATABASE ═════════════════════════════╗
║ ║
║ ════════ ══════ ══════ ═════ ════ ═════════════════════ ══════ ═════ ║
║ 10/05/90 7:30a 8:30a 11237 TD01 DROEGE, THOMAS NO ║
║ 09/20/90 7:00a 8:30a 11238 5004 NO ║
║ 09/20/90 9:15a 9:30a 11239 3454 latta donna NO ║
║ 09/26/90 7:00a 7:30a 11240 4565 paschel bobbie NO ║
║ 09/27/90 7:00a 7:15a 11241 4565 paschel bobbie NO ║
║ 09/26/90 7:15a 9:30a 11242 NC01 CROTTS, JAN YES ║
║ 09/26/90 7:00a 8:00a 11243 TD01 DROEGE, THOMAS NO ║
║ 09/26/90 8:00a 9:00a 11244 AB01 NO ║
║ 09/26/90 8:00a 9:00a 11245 TD01 DROEGE, THOMAS NO ║
║ 09/26/90 9:00a 10:00a 11246 AB01 NO ║
║ 10/18/90 7:00a 8:00a 11251 TD01 DROEGE, THOMAS NO ║
║ 10/18/90 8:15a 9:15a 11252 TD01 DROEGE, THOMAS NO ║
║ *10/18/90 8:15a 9:15a 11253 TD01 DROEGE, THOMAS NO ║
║ ║
║ ║
Order: Event Number Search (clear w/BkSp):
[\] Chg. Order [/] Up/Down [─┘] Select [Esc] Quit
To review an event:
■ Move: The light bar to the desired record.
■ Press: [Enter]
The event description will pop up at the bottom of the screen (shown
on the following page).
╔══════════════════════════════ EVENTS DATABASE ═════════════════════════════╗
║ ║
║ ════════ ══════ ══════ ═════ ════ ═════════════════════ ══════ ═════ ║
║ 10/05/90 7:30a 8:30a 11237 TD01 DROEGE, THOMAS NO ║
║ 09/20/90 7:00a 8:30a 11238 5004 NO ║
║ 09/20/90 9:15a 9:30a 11239 3454 latta donna NO ║
║ 09/26/90 7:00a 7:30a 11240 4565 paschel bobbie NO ║
║ 09/27/90 7:00a 7:15a 11241 4565 paschel bobbie NO ║
║ 09/26/90 7:15a 9:30a 11242 NC01 CROTTS, JAN YES ║
║ 09/26/90 7:00a 8:00a 11243 TD01 DROEGE, THOMAS NO ║
║ 09/26/90 8:00a 9:00a 11244 AB01 NO ║
║ 09/26/90 8:00a 9:00a 11245 TD01 DROEGE, THOMAS NO ║
║ 09/26/90 9:╔═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗
║ 10/18/90 7:║ AVCODE TD01 DROEGE, THOMAS EVENT# 11237 ║
║ 10/18/90 8:║ DATE 10/05/90 Friday 7:30a 8:30a ║
║ *10/18/90 8:║ EVENT ║
║ ║ ║
[Find] [Add] [Edit] [Delete] [Recall] [/] Up/Down
[Browse] [Order] [Count] [List] [Quit]
Sell More Software is designed to help software consultants manage
their businesses. The comprehensive system automates many aspects
of the routine tasks of software sales, marketing, and consulting.
The program is organized into four major modules: Time and Billing
for Consultants, Sales and Marketing, Software Support, and
Accounting. Many of these areas can be accessed either from the
Main Menu or from other menus and prompts that appear on various
data management screens. This feature adds flexibility and ease of
use to the system.
Key Concepts
Before using the program, it is important to understand three key
concepts: Client Number, Product Code, and Salesperson.
Client Number. The Client Number is a unique identification for
each client. It consists of eight characters, with the first four being
the Client Code Prefix. If the characters are letters, they will always
be in uppercase. The last four characters are the incremental Client
Number. You can use any four characters you wish to designate a
Client Code Prefix. An example would be "ACCT" for all
accountants, or "ASPH" for asphalt clients. Every time you add a
client with the same Client Code Prefix, the system will automatically
increment the Client Number.
For example, let's say you have clients numbered "ACCT0001"
through "ACCT0009" already in your database, and you want to add
a new "ACCT" client. The system will prompt you for the Client
Code Prefix. If you type "ACCT" and press [Enter], the system will
then automatically place "ACCT0010" in the Client Number field for
you. You will find it valuable to group clients by specific Client Code
Product Code. The Product Code is a unique code for each product.
This code is generally the same as the Client Code Prefix, but in
some cases can be up to eight characters in length. For instance
when you want to look at the Next Step screen, it prompts you for
the product code. It is actually asking you for the Client Code prefix.
The difference is negligible because they are very similar.
Most prospects will be associated with specific product or service to
which you will assign a product code. Let's go back to the Client
Number example, and the ten accountants we entered into the
database. They would probably be associated with a product such as
ACCOUNT, which might designate an accounting package. Every
time you add a contact in the contact database concerning this
prospect, you would add "ACCOUNT" to the Product Code. This
would indicate that you contacted this prospect concerning the project
called "ACCOUNT."
Salesperson. The Salesperson is the person you assign to handle the
client's account or follow-up with a particular prospect. Each
Salesperson to whom you assign clients or prospects should have a
specific user authorization so that he can log into the system under
his user name. This system variable is called "operator" and is very
important for performing tasks within the system.
Let's say, for example, that you are entering prospects into the Clients
database. If you want these to be assigned to "Bob," Bob should be
the operator, or at least the user name Bob should be the assigned
operator. Why? Because every time you add a prospect and/or
client, the system will automatically place the operator's name in the
Salesperson field for you. The same thing is true when you are
adding contacts to the Contact database. When you add a contact,
the Salesperson or Operator name will be entered automatically for
To start the Sell More Software program, go to the \SELLMORE
subdirectory that you created during the configuration process:
■ Type: SELLMORE [Enter]
After the copyright screen is shown, you may need to select your user
code and enter your password. Then you will see the Main Menu.
╔══════════════════ SellMore Software Demonstration System ══════════════════╗
║ ║
║ ║
║ 0 - Quit and return to DOS ║
║ 1 - Sales and Marketing ║
║ 2 - Time and Billing for Consultants ║
║ 3 - Accounting ║
║ 4 - Software Support ║
║ 5 - Other Management Functions ║
║ 6 - Download Soft Fonts ║
║ 7 - Data Dictionary ║
║ 8 - System Configuration Menu ║
║ 9 - Utility Menu ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ Enter Choice ║
Thursday, December 6 Clipper Summer 87, NetLib 7:51pm
From here, you can go to more specialized submenus and databases
that allow you to create client records, track software support, log
problems, and perform other routine tasks related to telemarketing.Menu Options
[0] Exits the program and returns to DOS. Always leave the
Sell More Software program by selecting this option.
[1] Lets you track clients and prospects, track products and
projects, and create invoices (see Chapter 4).
[2] Tracks time and billing for consultants (see Chapter 6).
[3] Lets you keep records of accounts and transactions, as well
as perform the monthly and yearly closeout (see Chapter
[4] Lets you check the software support record for a client: the
purchase date, expiration date, cost, and other information
(see Chapter 8).
[5] Keeps track of clients and prospects, project planning,
software support, and software problems (see Chapter 9).
[6] Downloads to your laser printer third party fonts if you
desire custom font capability with the MailMerge feature
(see Chapter 3).
[7] Lets you examine the program's field specifications. Here
you can modify Navigation Line prompts that appear at the
bottom of the screen when you are entering data (see
Chapter 12).
[8] Lets you modify settings that are made when your program
was installed (see Chapter 11).
[9] Allows you to make system and database backups (see
Chapter 10).CHAPTER 3
The Sell More Software system's MailMerge feature lets you print
customized forms and letters using either a dot-matrix or laser printer.
If you have a laser printer but do not possess third-party fonts, your
printer's default font will be used in Mail Merge documents. But if
you do have third party fonts, these fonts can be used by the
MailMerge feature to produce high quality output to your
To use your laser fonts, you need to configure the system so that it
recognizes both your printer type and your fonts. Once the program
is configured properly, you may download your fonts to the printer.
Otherwise, the default font on your laser printer will be used.
You need to download fonts to your printer only once per work
session (unless you turn off your printer).
From the Main Menu:
■ Select: [6] Download Soft Fonts
┌──────────────── REPORT OPTIONS ────────────────┐
│ Output To: Printer (LOCAL PRINTER (LASER) ) │
│ Screen │
│ File │
│ Printer & File │
│ Set Margin & Print Test │
│ Change Print Destination │
│ Output To Screen Is ON │
│ Issue Form Feed To Printer │
Highlight "Printer" and then press [Enter].CHAPTER 4
Most of your routine work will take place within the Sales and
Marketing module. Here, you can record telemarketing contacts,
create software support records, print invoices, and create letters to
clients and prospects.
From the Main Menu:
■ Select: [1] Sales and Marketing
╔═══════════════════════ Acme Software Distributors ═══════════════════════╗
║ ║
║ ║
║ 0 - Quit and return to Main Menu ║
║ 1 - Clients and Prospects ║
║ 2 - Software Support ║
║ 3 - Products ║
║ 4 - Invoices ║
║ 5 - Problems, Error Log and Tracking ║
║ 6 - Prospect Contacts ║
║ 7 - Prospect Questions ║
║ 8 - MailMerge Forms ║
║ 9 - Company Database ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ Enter choice ║
Tuesday, April 3 Clipper Summer 87, NetLib 6:05pmMenu Options
[1] Maintains records of clients and prospects.
[2] Allows you to create software support records for clients
who have purchased systems.
[3] Lets you create and modify detailed records for the
products you sell.
[4] Allows you to create and print invoices for sold systems.
[5] Lets you track user problems and software errors.
[6] Lets you record each contact you make with prospective
[7] Allows you to record questions that you frequently get
concerning your software products.
[8] Lets you create letters for the MailMerge function.
[9] Lets you record information on each company.
Each of these options is explained on the following pages. After the
explanations, Chapter 5, "A Typical Day," will show you how the Sales
and Marketing module is used to simplify your daily sales activities.
The Clients and Prospects file allows you to maintain a detailed
record of each client and prospect.
From the Sales and Marketing menu:
■ Select: [1] Clients and Prospects
╔═══════════════════ CLIENTS AND PROSPECTS (PAGE 1 of 2) ═══════════════════╗
║SPON0004 Porzak Jim Bytel Corporation ║
║SHIP1 1029 Solano Avenue DEPT ║
║CITY Berkeley BILL2 ║
║ZIP 94706 STATE ║
║ ║
║(415)527-1157 ( ) - ( ) - Mr. ║
║ ║
║Vice President of Sales and Marketing Genifer 0 ║
║ ║
║ 08/15/90 COMP ║
║ ║
[Find] [Add] [Edit] [Delete] [Recall] [Mail] [$-salesrep] [/] Up/Down
[Browse] [Order] [Count] [List] [Quit] [noTe] [Next] [Kopy] [Search] [─┘] more
Selected Fields
client # Prospects are coded by the product they
are likely to buy. For example:
EMG_0001 or VAR_0001.
The first four characters identify the
product, and the next four, the record
number (the system assigns the numbers
ship 1/2 The shipping address.
bill 1/2 The billing address.
compno Company number.
size Can be used as the size of the company.
po number The purchase order number.
mailing lists All of the mailing lists on which this
prospect appears.
Selected Menu Options
[$] salesrep Lets you change the name of the sales
[t] note Opens a window in which you may enter
notes about this client.
[n] next Gets the next telemarketing call based on
[k] kopy Makes a copy of the current record.
[s] search Prints a list of other contacts with the same
company name.
[─┘] more Displays other menu options:
[1 - clients] [3 - products] [5 - problems] [7 - questions] [9 - Merge]
[2 - support] [4 - invoice] [6 - contacts] [8 - global repl] [noTes]
Page 2
╔═══════════════════ CLIENTS AND PROSPECTS (PAGE 2 of 2) ═══════════════════╗
║12340001 ║
║ / / N ║
║ ║
║ ╔═NOTES:══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗ ║
║ ║ ║ ║
║ ║ ║ ║
║ ║ ║ ║
║ ║ ║ ║
║ ║ ║ ║
║ ║ ║ ║
║ ║ ║ ║
║ ║ ║ ║
║ ╚═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝ ║
[Find] [Add] [Edit] [Delete] [Recall] [Mail] [$-SalesRep] [/] Up/Down
[Browse] [Order] [Count] [List] [Quit] [noTe] [Next] [Kopy] [Search] [─┘] More
Selected Fields
next The next marketing step.
rt The prospect rating (1-8):
[1 Prospect] [2 More Info a)reply b)letter c)phone] [3 Questions] [4 Has Demo]
[5 Visited] [6 Eval Demo/Questions] [7 Appr a)prop b)user c)DP d)admin] [8 Budg]
nt If you enter Y (Yes) here, the cursor will
jump to the Notes field after you finish the
Mail_List field (or after you press [Pg Dn].
If you enter N (No), the Notes field will
be skipped.
source Source of prospect:
Enter the Source of the Prospect: [1] Direct Mail [2] Article [3] Press Rel
[4] Ad [5] Referral [6] Conference, Trade show
method Method by which we were contacted
(1=phone; 2=letter; 3=reader response).
sales_rep Sales rep, district, or VAR assigned to
option 1, 2, 3 User-defined options.
size Size of the facility.
mail_list All lists on which this prospect's name
appears (separate them with periods). For
example, MMIS.EMG.ETS means the
name is on the MMIS, EMG, and ETS
Selected Menu Options
[m] mail Opens a window to allow you to enter text
that can be inserted into a Mail Merge
document by using the [mail] code.TRACKING SOFTWARE SUPPORT
The Software Support record lets you keep up with the technical
support purchased by each client for each software product.
From the Sales and Marketing menu:
■ Select: [2] Software Support
╔════════════════ SOFTWARE SUPPORT RECORD - SCREEN 1 OF 2 ═══════════════════╗
║12340001 ║
║ SALE DATE / / ║
║ ║
║ SUPPORT? [Y/N] ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
Empty file.
[Find] [Add] [Edit] [Delete] [Recall] [/] Up/Down
[Browse] [Order] [Count] [List] [Quit] [─┘] more
Selected Menu Option
[─┘] more Displays other menu options:
[1 - clients] [3 - products] [5 - problems] [7 - questions]
[2 - support] [4 - invoice] [6 - contacts]
The Product database maintains detailed records of every software
product you sell.
From the Sales and Marketing menu:
■ Select: [3] Products
╔═════════════════════════════ PRODUCT DATABASE ═════════════════════════════╗
║ABC ABC Software Mgmt System ║
║Price (license) 0 90 day Support, 30 day Guarantee OWNER ║
║Source 0 requires source support ║
║Demo 0 Full System, 50 record maximum % 0.0 Comm? ║
║Support (year) 0 Same day Phone (9-5), 3 Updates/Year, 48 hr. ship fix.║
║Support (source) 0 Programming Assistance ║
║Update 0 Update charge if not on support Fiscal Yr Start ║
║90 Day Trial 125 Includes support and license / / ║
║Lease 24 0 36 0 Includes support and license (2 year min) 0 ║
║ ╔═Pricing Comments:═══════════════════════════════════════════════════╗ ║
║ ║ ║ ║
║ ║ ║ ║
║ ║ ║ ║
║ ║ ║ ║
║ ║ ║ ║
║ ║ ║ ║
║ ║ ║ ║
║ ╚═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝ ║
[Find] [Add] [Edit] [Delete] [Recall] [/] Up/Down
[Browse] [Order] [Count] [List] [Quit] [Sub Products] [─┘] More
Selected Menu Options
[─┘] more Displays other menu options:
[1 - clients] [3 - label] [5 - problems] [7 - questions] [9-support]
[2 - support] [4 - invoice] [6 - contacts] [8 - competitors]
[s]sub products Lets you enter information about any
subproducts that belong with this product.
╔═════════════════════════════ PRODUCT DATABASE ═════════════════════════════╗
║ABC ABC Software Mgmt System ║
║Price (license) 0 90 day Support, 30 day Guarantee OWNER ║
║Source 0 requires source support ║
║Demo 0 Full System, 50 record maximum % 0.0 Comm? ║
║Support (year) 0 Same day Phone (9-5), 3 Updates/Year, 48 hr. ship fix.║
║Support (source) 0 Programming Assistance ║
║Update 0 Update charge if not on support Fiscal Yr Start ║
╔═══════════════════════════════ SUB PRODUCTS ═══════════════════════════════╗
║ ════ ════════════════════════════════════════ ═══════ ════════ ═════════ ═══║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
[Find] [Add] [Edit] [Delete] [Recall] [List] [/] Up/Down [Esc]
Invoices can be created using two methods:
Method A: Creating invoices "on the fly"
1. Open the appropriate Client file.
2. Select [4] Invoice.
3. Select [A] Add to add an Invoice. Enter all information
except the invoice amount.
4. Select [8] Detail. Enter sufficient detail about the invoice rate,
hours, project, sub project, dept, and batch. (Batch="MMXX"
where MM is the month. For example, enter 01XX for an
invoice created in January.) Enter Y if a royalty is to be paid.
5. Return to the Invoice screen.
6. Select [L] List to print one or more copies of the invoice.
Method B: Creating invoices from timesheets
1. Key the timesheets using a separate batch number for each
2. Print the Proof listing to verify that time was entered correctly.
3. List the items to be billed.
4. Print the Weekly report (or Monthly report).
5. Generate invoices. For each invoice to be created:
■ Add an invoice.
■ Set project and subproject to equal the projects from
the timesheet to put on the invoice.
■ Select [G] Gather to get any "non-invoiced" billings and
attach them to the invoice.
■ Print the invoice.
To open the Invoice file:
From the Sales and Marketing menu:
■ Select: [4] Invoices
╔═════════════════════════════════ INVOICES ═════════════════════════════════╗
║ ║
║ / / ║
║ ║
║PO # ║
║ADDR_TYPE ( ) - ║
║ ║
║ 0.00 N / / 0.00 ║
║ ║
║ / ║
║ ║
║ / ║
Empty file.
[Find] [Add] [Edit] [Delete] [Recall] [/] Up/Down
[Browse] [Order] [Count] [List] [Quit] [Gather] [─┘] more
Selected Menu Options
[g] gather Gathers related time and billing
[─┘] more Displays other menu options:
[1 - clients] [3 - products] [5 - problems] [7 - questions]
[2 - support] [4 - invoice] [6 - contacts] [8 - detail ] TRACKING PROBLEMS
The Error Tracking screen lets you keep records of software problems
and solutions.
From the Sales and Marketing menu:
■ Select: [5] Problems, Error Log, and Tracking
╔═══════════════ SOFTWARE SUPPORT - ERROR TRACKING PAGE 1 OF 2═══════════════╗
║ ║
║ , ║
║CALL RCVD / / ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
Empty file.
[Find] [Add] [Edit] [Delete] [Recall] [/] Up/Down
[Browse] [Order] [Count] [List] [Quit]
Page 2
╔═══════════════ SOFTWARE SUPPORT - ERROR TRACKING PAGE 2 OF 2═══════════════╗
║ ╔═Error Message and Background:═══════════════════════════════════════╗ ║
║ ║ ║ ║
║ ║ ║ ║
║ ║ ║ ║
║ ║ ║ ║
║ ║ ║ ║
║ ║ ║ ║
║ ║ ║ ║
║ ║ ║ ║
║ Ctrl-G Delete Char Ctrl-T Delete Word Ctrl-Y Delete Line Ctrl-W Save ║
║ ╔═Solution, How to Fix the Problem:═══════════════════════════════════╗ ║
║ ║ ║ ║
║ ║ ║ ║
║ ║ ║ ║
║ ║ ║ ║
║ ║ ║ ║
║ ║ ║ ║
║ ║ ║ ║
║ ╚═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝ ║
The Prospect Contacts File lets you record each contact with each
prospective client.
From the Sales and Marketing menu:
■ Select: [6] Prospect Contacts
╔══════════════════════════ PROSPECT CONTACTS FILE ══════════════════════════╗
║ ║
║ ════════ ═ ══════════ ════════ ════════ ═════════════════════════════════════║
║ DROEGE P TOM 02/08/89 ETS Left Message to Call Back ║
║ DROEGE I TOM 09/29/89 ETS Called Back, interested in DEMO ║
║ DROEGE L TOM 09/30/89 ETS Sent Demo with Cover Letter ║
║ DROEGE P TOM 10/15/89 ETS Called to followup Demo ║
║ DROEGE L TOM 10/16/89 ETS Sent Proposal ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
[Find] [Add] [Edit] [Delete] [Recall] [List] [Order] [/]Up/Down [Esc]
[1 - clnt] [2 - supp] [3 - prod] [4 - inv] [5 - prob] [6 - cont] [7 - quest]
Selected Field
t Type of contact (P=phone outgoing; I=phone incoming;
Selected Menu Options
[1] clnt Opens the Clients and Prospects file.
[2] supp Opens the Software Support file.
[3] prod Opens the Products file.
[4] inv Opens the Invoices file.
[5] prob Opens the Problems, Error Log, and Tracking
[6] cont Opens the Prospect Contacts file.
[7] quest Opens the Prospect Questions file.
Note: These are the same menu options available at the Sales and
Marketing menu. They appear here and on other screens to save you
The Typical Marketing/Sales Questions screen gives you a place to
make a note of questions that people often ask about your software
From the Sales and Marketing menu:
■ Select: [7] Prospect Questions
╔══════════════════ SellMore Software Demonstration System ══════════════════╗
║ ║
║ ║
╔════════════════════ TYPICAL MARKETING / SALES QUESTIONS ═══════════════════╗
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
Empty file.
[Find] [Add] [Edit] [Delete] [Recall] [/ Up/Down]
[Browse] [Order] [Count] [List] [Esc] [─┘] more
Selected Menu Option
[─┘] more Displays other menu options:
[1 - clients] [3 - products] [5 - problems] [7 - questions] [9 - Merge]
[2 - support] [4 - invoice] [6 - contacts] [8 - global repl] [noTes] MAIL MERGE FORMS
The Mail Merge Documents screen lists all of your Mail Merge
From the Sales and Marketing menu:
■ Select: [8] MailMerge Forms
╔════════════════════ MAIL MERGE DOCUMENTS (FORM LETTERS) ═══════════════════╗
║ ║
║ ════ ════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
[Find] [Add] [Edit] [Del] [Recall] [List] [/ Up/Down] [Order]
[Copy] [Pack] [Import]
Selected Menu Option
[I] import Imports a file to be used as a Mail Merge
The Company Database contains records on each company with which
you do business.
From the Sales and Marketing menu:
■ Select: [9] Company Database
╔═════════════════════════════ COMPANY DATABASE ═════════════════════════════╗
║ HOSP0001 Foothills Hospital ║
║ ADD1 1403 - 29th St. N.W. ║
║ ADD2 ║
║ CITY Calgary ║
║ ZIP ║
║ ║
║ (403)270-2487 ( ) - ║
║ ║
║ 2 0 ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
[Find] [Add] [Edit] [Delete] [Recall] [/] Up/Down
[Browse] [Order] [Count] [List] [Quit] [─┘] more
Selected Fields
size 1/2 Company size.
The way you use the Sales and Marketing module's features will be
clearer if we look at the way they are used during a typical day.
On the following pages, five routine activities involving the Clients and
Prospects file will be explained:
1: Recording a telemarketing contact.
2: Creating a support record.
3: Creating and printing an invoice.
4: Creating a MailMerge letter.
5: Sending single or mass letters.
On a typical day, you will call a number of clients and prospects. The
Sell More Software program can help you to organize your work and
automate many time consuming tasks.
Preparing for Your Calls
Preparing for your calls involves five steps:
1. Find out which clients and prospects you need to contact today.
Start by opening the Clients and Prospects file.
From the Sales and Marketing menu:
■ Select: [1] Clients and Prospects
╔═══════════════════ CLIENTS AND PROSPECTS (PAGE 1 of 2) ═══════════════════╗
║SPON0004 Porzak Jim Bytel Corporation ║
║SHIP1 1029 Solano Avenue DEPT ║
║CITY Berkeley BILL2 ║
║ZIP 94706 STATE ║
║ ║
║(415)527-1157 ( ) - ( ) - Mr. ║
║ ║
║Vice President of Sales and Marketing Genifer 0 ║
║ ║
║ 08/15/90 COMP ║
║ ║
[Find] [Add] [Edit] [Delete] [Recall] [Memo] [$-SalesRep] [/] Up/Down
[Browse] [Order] [Count] [List] [Quit] [noTe] [Next] [Kopy] [Search] [─┘] more 2. Now check the next marketing step.
■ Select: [N] Next
║ ║
Product Code 08/08/90
Entering the Product Code brings up the first record in the database:
╔═══════════════════ CLIENTS AND PROSPECTS (PAGE 1 of 2) ═══════════════════╗
║SPON0073 Brentnall Savannah Nantucket Corporation ║
║SHIP1 12555 W. Jefferson Blvd. DEPT ║
║SHIP2 Suite 300 BILL1 ║
║CITY Los Angeles BILL2 Telex 650-2574125 ║
║ZIP 90066 STATE ║
║ ║
║(213)390-7923 (213)397-5469 ( ) - Ms. ║
║ ║
║ 0 ║
║ ║
║ 08/14/90 COMP. ║
║ ║
[Find] [Add] [Edit] [Delete] [Recall] [Memo] [$-SalesRep] [/] Up/Down
[Browse] [Order] [Count] [List] [Quit] [noTe] [Next] [Kopy] [Search] [─┘] more
3. Select the record of the first client you want to call:
■ Press: [Down Arrow] until the desired record is
■ Select: [B] Browse, and then select the desired
The first page of the record will be displayed.
4. Now review notes on the client on the second page of the record:
■ Press: [PgDn]
╔═══════════════════ CLIENTS AND PROSPECTS (PAGE 2 of 2) ═══════════════════╗
║12340001 ║
║ / / N ║
║ ║
║ ╔═NOTES:══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗ ║
║ ║ ║ ║
║ ║ ║ ║
║ ║ ║ ║
║ ║ ║ ║
║ ║ ║ ║
║ ║ ║ ║
║ ║ ║ ║
║ ║ ║ ║
║ ╚═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝ ║
[Find] [Add] [Edit] [Delete] [Recall] [Mail] [$-SalesRep] [/] Up/Down
[Browse] [Order] [Count] [List] [Quit] [noTe] [Next] [Kopy] [Search] [─┘] More
5. Now review your recent contacts with the client.
■ Select: [6] Contacts
┌────── Select Option ──────┐
│ 1. Contact Summary │
│ 2. Maintain Contacts File │
■ Select: [2] Maintain Contacts File
╔═══════════════════ CLIENTS AND PROSPECTS (PAGE 2 of 2) ═══════════════════╗
║12340001 ║
║ / / N ║
╔═════════════════════════════════ CONTACTS ═════════════════════════════════╗
║ ════════ ═ ══════════ ════════ ════════ ═════════════════════════════════════║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
[Find] [Add] [Edit] [Delete] [Recall] [List] [/] Up/Down [Esc]
[1 - Clnt] [2 - Supp] [3 - Sys] [4 - Inv] [5 - Prob] [6 - Cont] [7 - Quest]
Recording the Call
After making the call, you will want to make a record of it.
To create a record of the contact:
■ Press: [Esc]
■ Select: [E] Edit
╔═══════════════════ CLIENTS AND PROSPECTS (PAGE 2 of 2) ═══════════════════╗
║12340001 ║
║ / / N ║
║ ║
║ ╔═NOTES:══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗ ║
║ ║ ║ ║
║ ║ ║ ║
║ ║ ║ ║
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║ ║ ║ ║
║ ╚═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝ ║
Do you want to add a contact? N
At the bottom of the screen, you are asked if you want to add a
To add a contact:
■ Type: [Y] Yes
║ ╚═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝ ║
Client-- T Doneby---- --Date-- Product- Description of Contact---------------
SPON0073 P ROBERT 08/15/90
At the bottom of the screen, you are prompted for the product and
a brief description of the contact.
Then you will be asked if you want to edit the Note before
continuing. If you answer N (No), the cursor will jump to the DATE
field. If you answer Y (Yes), the cursor will jump to the Notes box.
After you enter your notes and press [Ctrl-W] to save them, the
cursor will jump to the DATE field.
When a call results in a sale, you need to immediately create a
support record for the sold system.
At the Clients and Prospects screen:
■ Select: [2] Support
If this purchase is the first by this client, the system will beep twice
and display a blank support record.
╔═══════════════════════════ SOFTWARE SUPPORT RECORD ═════════════════════════╗
║SPON0004 Porzak Jim Bytel Corporation ║
║ SALE DATE / / ║
║ ║
║ SUPPORT? [Y/N] ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
Empty file.
[Find] [Add] [Edit] [Delete] [Recall] [/] Up/Down
[Browse] [Order] [Count] [List] [Quit] [─┘] More
To add a new record:
■ Select: [A] Add
╔══════════════════════════ SOFTWARE SUPPORT RECORD ═════════════════════════╗
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
Prefixes: [Free] [Demo] [Ninety Day] [Exe] [Refund] [Source] [Object] [Beta]
Serial Number Prefix
The prompt at the bottom of the screen asks for the Serial Prefix
number. The first four characters represent the product. The fifth
character is the first letter of any one of the prefixes shown at the
bottom of the screen.
For example, if you sold a demonstration disk (Demo) for the system
whose code is ASPH, you would enter ASPHD.
Then a software support record is created with some of the fields
automatically filled.
╔════════════════ SOFTWARE SUPPORT RECORD - SCREEN 1 OF 2 ═══════════════════╗
║SPON0004 Porzak Jim Bytel Corporation ║
║ CLIENT SPON0004 Porzak, Jim ║
║ SALE DATE 08/17/90 ║
║ ║
║ SUPPORT? [Y/N] ║
║ EXPIRATION DATE 11/25/90 Support good till 11/25/90 ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
Serial Number.
After completing these fields, you will see another screen for entering
other details (see the following page).Page 2:
╔════════════════ SOFTWARE SUPPORT RECORD - SCREEN 2 OF 2 ═══════════════════╗
║SPON0004 Porzak Jim Bytel Corporation ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
System Name
Finally, a window will open to allow you to enter notes:
║ ╔═NOTES:══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗ ║
║ ║ ║ ║
║ ║ ║ ║
║ ║ ║ ║
║ ║ ║ ║
║ ║ ║ ║
║ ║ ║ ║
║ ║ ║ ║
║ ╚═════════DEL CHAR ^G DEL WORD ^T DEL LINE ^Y SAVE ^W═══════════╝ ║
After entering notes:
■ Press: [Ctrl-W]
After creating the support record, you are ready to create the invoice.
Four steps are involved.
1. At the Software Support screen:
■ Select: [4] Invoice
╔═════════════════════════════════ INVOICES ═════════════════════════════════╗
║ ║
║ / / ║
║ ║
║PO # ║
║ADDR_TYPE ( ) - ║
║ ║
║ 0.00 0.00 N / / 0.00 ║
║ ║
║ / ║
║ ║
║ / ║
Empty file.
[Find] [Add] [Edit] [Delete] [Recall] [/] Up/Down
[Browse] [Order] [Count] [List] [Quit] [Gather] [─┘] more
2. To add a new record:
■ Select: [A] Add
3.After completing the record, you must add the detail to the
■ Select: [8] Detail
■ Select: [A] Add
╔═════════════════════════ BILLING DETAIL DATA ENTRY ════════════════════════╗
║[1-Switch to Products] [2-Switch to Clients] ║
║ ║
║ ═══════ ═══════ ════════ ════ ═══ ════════════════════════════════════════ ║
║ 100.00 1.00 ABC 401 This is not taxable ║
║ 100.00 1.00 XYZ 401 This is taxable ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
[Find] [Add] [Edit] [Delete] [Recall] [List] [/] Up/Down [Quit]
4. Now move the light bar to the desired invoice and press [Enter].
You will then see the screen shown on the following page.
╔═════════════════════════ BILLING DETAIL DATA ENTRY ════════════════════════╗
║[1-Switch to Products] [2-Switch to Clients] ║
║ ║
║ ═══════ ═══════ ════════ ════ ═══ ════════════════════════════════════════ ║
║ 0.00 0.00 ║
║ ║
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║ ║
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║ ║
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║ ║
Rate, if not an hourly charge, enter the price of the software.
5. After completing the screen, you are ready to print the invoice.
You can choose to print either one or two copies of the invoice.
■ Select: [L] List
┌── Select Option ───┐
│ Print Two Invoices │
│ Print One Invoice │
The MailMerge feature allows you to create and print letters to your
clients and prospects. It eliminates the need to exit the program, load
WordPerfect, type the letter, and then return to the program. There
is no limit to the number of documents you can save.
From the Sales and Marketing menu:
■ Select: [8] MailMerge Forms
╔══════════════════════════ MAIL MERGE DOCUMENTS ══════════════════════════╗
║ ║
║ ════ ════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
[Find] [Add] [Edit] [Del] [Recall] [List] [/]Up/Down [Quit] [Order]
[Copy] [Pack] [Import] Selected Menu Options
[c] copy Copies the highlighted Mail Merge
document and gives the copy a new code
that you specify.
[p] pack Compresses the database.
[i] import Imports a text file to be used as a
Mail Merge document.
The Anatomy of a Mail Merge Letter
The following example shows how codes are used to bring information
from the databases into the letter. The most useful codes are
explained in the following pages.
╔══════════════════════════ MAIL MERGE DOCUMENTS ══════════════════════════╗
║ ╔═Press Release Text:═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗║
║ ║[ldate()] ║║
║ ║ ║║
║ ║[salutation] [fname] [lname] ║║
║ ║[company] ║║
║ ║[add1] ║║
║ ║[add2()][city], [state] [zip] ║║
║ ║ ║║
║ ║Dear [salutation] [lname]: ║║
║ ║ ║║
║ ║The accompanying brochure describes ETS (Educational Tracking System), a ║║
║ ║software program that was developed by Droege Computing Services to meet ║║
║ ║the needs of hospital Education and Training departments. ETS, as the ║║
║ ║brochure details, has the features and capabilities necessary to save your ║║
║ ║department an incredible amount of time. This time savings translates ║║
║ ║into increased efficiency and a reduction in the resources necessary to ║║
║ ║administer your Education and Training Department. [mail] ║║
║ ║ ║║
║ ╚════════════DEL CHAR ^G DEL WORD ^T DEL LINE ^Y SAVE ^W══════════════╝║
Printing options:
1: The current prospect.
2: Prospects based on a condition, for example, all ETS
3: Change the margin and letter width (it automatically word
wraps into your width).
4: Handles different printers and printer codes.
Mailmerge Functions and Options
Some of the more useful MailMerge codes are explained below.
The font option is available only if you have already configured your
system to use downloadable laser fonts. Refer to Chapter 3 to
determine if your system is configured in this way.
The code is: [fontx] where x is a number that identifies the font.
The Date option writes the current date in a letter when you print it.
The code is: [ldate()].
Merging the Name and Address
The Mailing Address option sets up the salutation, first and last name,
title, and address at the top of the page. The code is: [mail_addr()].
The Mail option prints what has been typed into the Mail memo field.
The code is: [mail].
If any fields are missing, the blank row will be removed. If the
salutation field is missing, "Dear John:" will be printed; but if the field
is not empty, "Dear Mr. Smith:" will be printed.
You may address any of your MailMerge letters to either an
individual or to a group.
At the Clients and Prospects screen:
■ Select: [L] List
You will see the following option menu:
┌───────────────── Select Option ─────────────────┐
│ 1 - Print the Current Label │
│ 2 - Print a Group of Labels (mailing) │
│ 3 - Print a Group of Labels (phone/SN#) │
│ 4 - Print ALL Labels 4 up │
│ 5 - Print Client Report │
│ 6 - Create Mail Merge Secondary File │
│ 7 - Contact Summary Sheets │
│ 8 - Mail Merge (1 letter) │
│ 9 - Mail Merge (mass mailing) │
│ A - UPS Labels │
│ B - Accounts Payable Label - Contact Address │
│ C - Accounts Payable Label - Bill Address │
│ D - Analysis of Telemarketing Work to do │
│ E - Weekly Marketing Analysis - 5 Reports │
│ F - Survey Analysis using Next Step │
│ G - Calls to be Made Today or for a time period │
│ H - Letters to Related Clients │
│ I - Facsimile Transmittal Form │
Sending One Letter
To send a single letter:
■ Select: [8] MailMerge (1 letter)
You will then be prompted for the code name of the letter you want
to use:
MailMerge Code (F1 FOR HELP) Margin 14 Width 100
For help with the code, press [F1] for PopHelp to bring up this
┌──────────────────────────── POP-HELP ────────────────────────────┐
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
After selecting a letter, the code will be entered for you. Then either
change the left and right margins, or press [Enter] twice to accept the
current margins.Printing Labels and Envelopes
After printing the letter, you are ready to print a mailing label.
■ Select: [1] Print the Current Label
You will be prompted as follows:
Print Laser Label? N
The SellMore Software system makes it easy to send a letter to a
group of clients.
■ Select: [9] MailMerge (mass mailing)
You will be prompted to enter the filter for selecting clients for the
Enter Filter Expression
For more information about filters, refer to Part 4, Technical
Reference, in this manual.
After entering the filter expression, you will be prompted for the
Product Code and Minimum Rating:
Product Code Minimum Rating 0
Then, as with a single mailing, you will be prompted to enter the code
for the letter you want to use:
MailMerge Code (F1 FOR HELP) Margin 14 Width 100
Enter Choice
[4] Prints the Transaction file listing you choose:
1 - List Entire Transaction File
2 - List for a Date Period
3 - List for a Group of Transactions
4 - List Transactions to be Distributed
Enter Choice
[5] Prints the General Ledger for all accounts or for a selected
account. You will be prompted as follows:
You MUST recalculate GENERAL LEDGER if you have posted to any accounts since
you last calculated the GENERAL LEDGER. If you have not posted since the last
recalculation, you will save time by not recalculating.
Recalculate GENERAL LEDGER? [Y/N]
[6] Prints the Budget Analysis report.
[7] Prints project income statements:
1 - List Entire Transaction File
2 - List for a Date Period
3 - List for a Group of Transactions
Enter Choice
The Month End and Year End Closeout screen lets you close out and
print income summaries.
From the Accounting menu:
■ Select: [7] Month End and Year End Closeout
╔═══════════════════════ Acme Software Distributors ═══════════════════════╗
║ v 10-23-89 Month End and Year End Close MEMORY: 40 ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ 0 - Return to Accounts Menu ║
║ 1 - Create Income Summary Transactions ║
║ 2 - Year End Close ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ Enter choice ║
Wednesday, April 4 Clipper Summer 87, NetLib 5:29pm
Menu Options
[1] Lets you create Income Summary Transactions (explained
beginning on the following page).
[2] Performs the year-end close.Creating Income Summary Transactions
Screen 1:
This Option will summarize all the income and expense accounts and
create journal entries that will transfer the balances into the
appropriate dept income summary accounts.
After generating these entries, you will need to return to the process
transactions menu and post the income summary transactions.
For each dept, there will then be a balance in the appropriate dept income
summary account. Your final transaction will be to transfer these balances
to the corresponding balance in the CAPITAL capital account.
At this point, your income statement should have Zero balances and your
balance sheet should balance. After printing the final reports, you may
then proceed to close out the year.
Press the Return/Enter Key to Continue
Screen 2:
Before beginning you should have printed the following reports.
Income Statement - All and by dept
Balance Sheet
General Ledger
Transaction File
Do you need to go to the reports menu now?
Screen 3:
Accounting Date for Income Summary Accounts 03/21/91
Screen 4:
Transactions for all of the Income and Expense accounts have been created.
You must now post these transactions to the GENERAL LEDGER.
1) The program will transfer you to the JOURNAL ENTRY MENU
3) Post the transactions
4) Enter the final Transaction to transfer INCOME SUMMARY balances
to dept balances.
5) Print and Post this transaction
Press the Return/Enter Key to Continue
Screen 5:
Transactions for all of the Income and Expense accounts have been created.
You must now post these transactions to the GENERAL LEDGER.
1) The program will transfer you to the JOURNAL ENTRY MENU
3) Post the transactions
4) Enter the final Transaction to transfer INCOME SUMMARY balances
to dept balances.
5) Print and Post this transaction
Enter Date of Transactions 03/21/91 Then you will see the Transaction Processing menu:
╔════════════════════════════ System Installation ═══════════════════════════╗
║ v 12-01-90 Transaction Processing MEMORY: 140 ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ 0 - Return to Accounting Menu ║
║ 1 - Enter Transactions ║
║ 2 - Prepare Salary Distribution Journal Entry ║
║ 3 - Prepare Overhead Expense Distribution Journal Entry ║
║ 4 - Pack Journal File ║
║ 5 - Print Transactions NOT POSTED ║
║ 6 - Print Transactions Effect on GL Report ║
║ 7 - Post to General Ledger ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ Enter Choice ║
Thursday, March 21 Clipper Summer 87, NetLib 5:09pm
Screen 6:
Then you will go to the reports menu (shown on the following page).
Print the following...
1) General Ledger
2) Transaction Register
3) Balance Sheet
After you print the reports you will be ready to close out the year.
Press the Return/Enter Key to Continue
╔════════════════════════════ System Installation ═══════════════════════════╗
║ v 12-01-90 Accounting Reports MEMORY: 143 ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ 0 - Quit and Return to Accounting Menu ║
║ 1 - Chart of Accounts ║
║ 2 - Statement of Income and Expense ║
║ 3 - Balance Sheet ║
║ 4 - Transaction Register ║
║ 5 - General Ledger ║
║ 6 - Budget Analysis ║
║ 7 - Project by Project Income Statements ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ Enter Choice ║
Thursday, March 21 Clipper Summer 87, NetLib 5:09pm
That completes the creation of an Income Summary Transaction.EDITING THE GENERAL LEDGER
The General Ledger file tracks each account's activities.
From the Accounting menu:
■ Select: [8] Edit General Ledger
╔══════════════════════════════ GENERAL LEDGER ══════════════════════════════╗
║[1 - Chart of Accounts] [2 - Recalculate Balance] ║
║ ║
║ ═════ ════ ═══ ════════ ════ ════════════════════════════════════════ ════ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
[Find] [Add] [Edit] [Delete] [Recall] [List] [/] Up/Down [Quit]
To add a new record:
■ Select: [a] Add
╔══════════════════════════════ GENERAL LEDGER ══════════════════════════════╗
║[1 - Chart of Accounts] [2 - Recalculate Balance] ║
║ ║
║ ═════ Transaction # 0 ════════════ ════ ║
║ Account ║
║ Department ║
║ Project ║
║ Check Number ║
║ Description ║
║ Date / / ║
║ Debit/Credit ║
║ Debit Amount 0.00 ║
║ Credit Amount 0.00 ║
║ TTL (Cum) 0.00 ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
The Postage Database lets you track mailing expenses.
From the Accounting menu:
■ Select: [9] Postage Database
╔═════════════════════════════ POSTAGE DATABASE ═════════════════════════════╗
║ ║
║ ════════ ═══ ════════════════════════════════════════ ══════ ════════ ═══════║
║ ABC 503 0.25 01/14/91 N ║
║ ABC 503 0.50 01/14/91 N ║
║ ABC 503 1.00 01/14/91 N ║
║ ABC 509 0.25 01/14/91 N ║
║ ABC 509 0.50 01/14/91 N ║
║ ABC 509 1.00 01/14/91 N ║
║ ABC 509 2.00 01/14/91 N ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
[Find] [Add] [Edit] [Delete] [Recall] [List] [Order] [/]Up/Down [Esc]
The Inventory of Supplies file helps you to maintain adequate
From the Accounting menu:
■ Select: [a] Supplies Database
╔═══════════════════════════ INVENTORY OF SUPPLIES ══════════════════════════╗
║ ║
║ STOCK # ║
║ ║
║ CLIENT # ║
║ PHONE # ( ) - ║
║ ORDER PRICE 0.00 ║
║ OUM ║
║ PRICE/UNIT 0.0000 ║
║ SALE? N ║
Empty file.
[Find] [Add] [Edit] [Delete] [Recall] [/] Up/Down
[Browse] [Order] [Count] [List] [Quit] [1] Other Sources
Selected Field
oum Order unit of measure.
Selected Menu Option
[1] other sources Lets you enter other supply sources.
╔═══════════════════════════ INVENTORY OF SUPPLIES ══════════════════════════╗
║ ║
║ STOCK # ║
║ ║
╟─────────────────────────────── OTHER SOURCES ──────────────────────────────╢
║ ═══════════ ═════ ═══════════ ══════════ ═══════════════ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
[Find] [Add] [Edit] [Delete] [Recall] [List] [/ Up/Down] [Esc]
Selected Fields
oum Order unit of measure.
unitsperoum Units per order unit of measure.
minimum ord. qty Minimum quantity.CHAPTER 8
The Software Support option opens the Clients and Prospects file to
allow you to review a client's support status.
From the Main Menu:
■ Select: [4] Software Support
╔═══════════════════════════ CLIENTS AND PROSPECTS ══════════════════════════╗
║12340001 ║
║ SALE DATE / / ║
║ ║
║ SUPPORT? [Y/N] ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
Empty file.
[Find] [Add] [Edit] [Delete] [Recall] [/] Up/Down
[Browse] [Order] [Count] [List] [Quit] [─┘] More
Selected Menu Options
[─┘] more Displays other menu options:
[1 - clients] [3 - products] [5 - problems] [7 - questions]
[2 - support] [4 - invoice] [6 - contacts]
[l] list Presents the following print options:
┌───────── Select Option ─────────┐
│ 1.Software Support Form │
│ 2.Support Listings │
│ 3.Geographical Listing of Users │
│ 4.Sales Analysis │
│ 5.Support Expiration Notices │
│ 6.Any other Notice to Users │
│ 7.Support Expiration Labels │
│ 8.Mailing Labels │
│ 9.One Mail Merge Letter │
│ A.New Users, Demos │
│ B.Diskette Labels (one) │
│ C.Diskette Labels (many) │
│ D.Diskette Labels (many/noname) │
Menu Options
[1]Prints the Software Support form and the problem history.
[2]Prints a list of users along with their support expiration
dates and yearly support costs.
[3]Prints a list of users by state.
[4]Lists the sales amount and quantity sold, grouped by type
of system (for example, Demo, Trial, System).
[5]Prints support expiration letters for a date range you
specify. A support letter must first have been created using
Mail Merge.
[6]Prints a group of Mail Merge letters.
[7]Prints Support Expiration Labels for a date range you
[8]Prints mailing labels.
[9]Prints one Mail Merge letter.
[a]Prints a list of new users for the current month.
[b]Prints diskette labels. The default is based on the label
that you set up in the Product database.
[c]Prints a selected group of diskette labels.
[d]Prints diskette labels without the serial number and
company name.
The Billing module helps you keep track of clients and prospects,
current projects, software support activities, and software problems.
From the Main Menu:
■ Select: [5] Other Management Functions
╔══════════════════ SellMore Software Demonstration System ══════════════════╗
║ v 12-01-90 BILLING SYSTEM MEMORY: 133 ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ 0 - Return to Main Menu ║
║ 1 - Product Labels ║
║ 2 - Clients, Prospects ║
║ 3 - Project Planning ║
║ 4 - Products ║
║ 5 - Enter Payments / Outstanding Invoices ║
║ 6 - Employee Database ║
║ 7 - State Database ║
║ 8 - Return Address Labels ║
║ 9 - Zip+4 COding Address Standardization File ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ Enter Choice ║
Thursday, December 13 Clipper Summer 87, NetLib 6:42pm
Menu Options
[1] Prints diskette labels for your software products.
[2] Lets you enter information about your current and
prospective clients.
[3] Lets you record basic project data including status, weeks
to completion, and description.
[4] Lets you maintain detailed product records.
[5] Lets you print invoices and record payments.
[6] Password protected employee information.
[7] Contains the two-letter abbreviations for state names.
[8] Prints return address labels.
[9] Opens the Zip+4 Code file.
These options are explained on the following pages.
The Product Label feature prints diskette labels that include the
product name, serial number, and copyright notice.
From the Billing System menu:
■ Select: [1] Product Labels
╔═════════════════════ SERIAL NUMBER AND DISKETTE LABELS ════════════════════╗
║ ║
║ Serial Prefix ACME ║
║ Start Numbering 2 ║
║ Suffix E ║
║ Version 1.0 ║
║ Format IBM COMPATIBLE DOS 3.1 + ║
║ Copyright line1 (C) Copyright 1990, ACME Software Distributors. ║
║ Copyright line2 All rights reserved. ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
Empty file.
[Find] [Add] [Edit] [Delete] [Recall] [/] Up/Down
[Browse] [Order] [Count] [List] [Esc]
To add a record:
■ Select: [a] Add
After adding one record, you will be prompted to add another. If
you do not want to add another one, press [Esc].When you create more than one product label by choosing # 2 from
the Select Options Menu, the program will automatically increment
the starting number for each new product label and reset the number
with the new starting number.
To print the labels:
■ Select: [l] List
You will be prompted as follows:
┌───────────── Select Option ─────────────┐
│ 1 - Print the Current Label │
│ 2 - Print a Set of Labels │
The Clients and Prospects file contains essential information about
your current and prospective clients including name, shipping and
billing addresses, and phone numbers.
From the Billing System menu:
■ Select: [2] Clients, Prospects
╔═══════════════════ CLIENTS AND PROSPECTS (PAGE 1 OF 2) ════════════════════╗
║VAR_0001 ║
║ ║
║( ) - ( ) - ( ) - ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ 05/11/90 ║
║ ║
[Find] [Add] [Edit] [Delete] [Recall] [Mail] [$-SalesRep] [/] Up/Down
[Browse] [Order] [Count] [List] [Quit] [noTe] [Next] [Kopy] [Search] [─┘] more
Selected Field
informal name If you enter an informal name here, it
will be used in the greeting of your Mail
Merge letters. Refer to the Mail Merge
Selected Menu Options
[m] mail Selecting "M" will allow you to enter
unlimited text to be embedded into an
existing Mail Merge document or be
embedded into a letter by itself. Refer
to the MailMerge section.
[$] salesrep Changes your user code so that you can
follow-up on contacts other than your
own. When using the "Next" selection
from the menu (see Next below) the
database will be organized by the next
marketing step date and by user who
logged in. If you want to see another
sales representatives contact to make,
press "$" and key in the user name.
Now when you press "N" for next, you
will see their clients and prospects.
[n] next Selecting "N" is the key ingredient to
staying current with your prospects.
When you press "N," the system switches
the order of the database to the next
marketing step date on screen two (see
the next page). When you press "N" it
will prompt you for the Product Code
and the next step date. If you want to
see all of your prospects, based on their
next contact date, leave this field blank;
if you want to follow-up on only those
related to the asphalt management
system, type in the client code prefix
"ASPT." The next field is the date.
Notice that it doesn't present the current
date, it allows you to be a week behind.
You can change this date and look to see
who you have to contact for any date,
entering the date you want will put you
Caution: You will be presented with only
the contacts whose next step date falls on
the date specified and after. Those that
fall before will be missed by sales people
unless you key something like 01/01/01
for the date range occasionally to clean
up old prospects.
To see Screen 2 of the Clients and Prospects record:
■ Press: [PgDn]
╔═══════════════════ CLIENTS AND PROSPECTS (PAGE 2 of 2) ═══════════════════╗
║TEST 0001 ║
║12/31/23 Call N ║
║ ║
║ ╔═NOTES:══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗ ║
║ ║ ║ ║
║ ║ ║ ║
║ ║ ║ ║
║ ║ ║ ║
║ ║ ║ ║
║ ║ ║ ║
║ ║ ║ ║
║ ║ ║ ║
║ ╚═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝ ║
[Find] [Add] [Edit] [Delete] [Recall] [Mail] [$-salesrep] [/] Up/Down
[Browse] [Order] [Count] [List] [Quit] [noTe] [Next] [Kopy] [Search] [─┘] more
Selected Fields
note If you enter a "Y" in the Notes field, you will be placed
into the Notes window where you can enter narrative
text concerning your prospect. You should use this
feature only when the "contact" description is not large
enough to accommodate your entry. Also, you should
start your note descriptions with the date of the contact
and keep the most current notes at the top of the
The Project Planning feature lets you record information about
projects including the estimated hours required, the start date, and the
number of weeks to completion.
From the Billing System menu:
■ Select: [3] Project Planning
╔════════════════════════════ System Installation ═══════════════════════════╗
║ v 12-01-90 BILLING SYSTEM MEMORY: 118 ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ 0 - Return to Main Menu ║
║ 1 - Product Labels ║
║ 2 - Clients, Prospects ║
║ 3 - Project Planning ║
║ 4 - Products ║
║ 5 - Enter Payments / Outstanding Invoices ║
║ 6 - Employee Database ║
║ 7 - State Database ║
║ 8 - Return Address Labels ║
║ 9 - Zip+4 COding Address Standardization File ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ Enter Choice 3 ║
Enter Name
At the bottom of the screen, you are prompted for the name of the
person to whom the project is assigned.
Now, to add the record:
■ Select: [a] Add
The name you entered (in the previous step) will be entered here in
the Done By field.
╔════════════════════════════ PROJECT MANAGEMENT ════════════════════════════╗
║ ║
║ ══════════ ════════ ════ ═══════════════════════════════ ═══ ════════ ═ ═ ═ ║
║ ║
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║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
[Find] [Add] [Edit] [Del] [Recall] [List] [/] Up/Down [Status] [Notes] [Order]
Selected Fields
p The number of weeks to completion.
s The project status. The choices are:
? If the status is to be printed on the Project Status report,
Y will appear in this field.PRODUCT PLANNING
The Product Planning feature lets you keep up-to-date records on all
of your projects. It also lets you print summary reports including a
project cost analysis and a list of current projects.
From the Billing System menu:
■ Select: [4] Products
╔═══════════════════════ Acme Software Distributors ═══════════════════════╗
║ ║
║ 0 - Return to Main Menu ║
║ 1 - Product File Maintenance ║
║ 2 - ║
║ 3 - Print Product Cost Analysis with Average Monthly Cost ║
║ 4 - Clean Up, Pack and Reindex Product Databases ║
║ 5 - Print Products ║
║ 6 - Print Objectives with % Analysis ║
║ 7 - Print Product Budget, Actual and Variance ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ Enter choice ║
Wednesday, April 4 Clipper Summer 87, NetLib 5:25pm
The Invoice Management feature lets you print invoices, review
outstanding invoices, and print payment reports.
From the Billing System menu:
■ Select: [5] Enter Payments / Outstanding Invoices
╔═══════════════════════ Acme Software Distributors ═══════════════════════╗
║ ║
║ ║
║ 0 - Return ║
║ 1 - Generate or Edit an Invoice ║
║ 2 - Review Outstanding Invoices ║
║ 3 - Invoices Paid to date ║
║ 4 - Invoices Outstanding ║
║ 5 - Invoices Outstanding As of a Date ║
║ 6 - Monthly Report ║
║ 7 - YTD Invoices in Project Order ║
║ 8 - YTD Invoices in Month Order ║
║ 9 - Late Payments report ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ Enter choice ║
Wednesday, April 4 Clipper Summer 87, NetLib 5:26pm
The Employee File maintains a list of all employees.
From the Billing System menu:
■ Select: [6] Employee Database
╔═══════════════════════ EMPLOYEE FILE - CONFIDENTIAL ═══════════════════════╗
║ ║
║ ══════════ ════════════════════ ════════ ════ ══════ ════════════ ═ ═ ════ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
[Find] [Add] [Edit] [Delete] [Recall] [List] [/] Up/Down [Quit]
Selected Fields
comm Percent commission.
bill The billable rate.
category The employment category (for example,
Hourly, Subcontract, Commission).
p Is the employee a programmer? (enter Y
or N).
p Payment type (H=Hourly; S=Salary;
C=Commission; E=Expenses).
dept The revenue account (press F1 for
The State database contains the two-letter abbreviations for state
From the Billing System menu:
■ Select: [7] State Database
╔════════════════════════════════ STATE TABLE ═══════════════════════════════╗
║ ║
║ ══ ═════════════════════════ ║
║ AK Alaska ║
║ AL Alabama ║
║ AR Arkansas ║
║ AZ Arizona ║
║ CA California ║
║ CO Colorado ║
║ CT Connecticut ║
║ DC District of Columbia ║
║ DE Delaware ║
║ FL Florida ║
║ GA Georgia ║
║ HI Hawaii ║
║ IA Iowa ║
║ ID Idaho ║
║ IL Illinois ║
║ ║
[Find] [Add] [Edit] [Delete] [Recall] [List] [Order] [/]Up/Down [Quit]
The final Billing System feature prints return address labels.
From the Billing System menu:
■ Select: [8] Return Address Labels
╔═════════════════════════════════════ ═════════════════════════════════════╗
║ v 03-31-90 BILLING SYSTEM MEMORY: 95 ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ 0 - Quit and return to Main Menu ║
║ 1 - Product Labels ║
║ 2 - Clients, Prospects ║
║ 3 - Project Planning ║
║ 4 - Major Projects ║
║ 5 - Bill for hours worked ║
║ 6 - Enter Payments / Outstanding Invoices ║
║ 7 - Software Support ║
║ 8 - Error Tracking Database ║
║ 9 - Employee Database ║
║ A - State Database ║
║ B - Return Address Labels ║
║ ║
║ Enter Choice B ║
Enter # of Labels to Print 0
At the bottom of the screen, you are prompted to specify how many
of your return address labels you want printed. After entering the
number, you will be prompted for the print destination.
The Utility Menu lets you make and restore system backups and
database backups.
From the Main Menu:
■ Select: [9] Utility Menu
╔════════════════════════════ System Installation ═══════════════════════════╗
║ v 04-26-91 UTILITY MENU MEMORY: 128 ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ 0 - Return to Main Menu ║
║ 1 - Backup System to Floppy (BACKUP ALL) ║
║ 2 - Restore System to Floppy (RESTORE ALL) ║
║ 3 - Backup Databases Only ║
║ 4 - Restore Databases Only ║
║ 5 - Format a Blank Diskette ║
║ ║
║ 6 - Compress Client Database ║
║ 7 - Insert '0' in Serial Number ║
║ 8 - Update Client Database ║
║ 9 - Merge Symptoms and Comments into Solution ║
║ Z - Update Zip Codes from Zip4 Database ║
║ ║
║ Enter Choice ║
Saturday, June 29 Clipper Summer 87, NetLib 7:00pm
Menu Options
[1] Backs up the entire system to floppy diskettes.
[2] Restores the complete backup to the hard disk.
[3] Backs up only the databases to floppy diskettes.
[4] Restores the database backup to the hard disk.
[5] Formats diskettes without leaving the program.
[6] Compresses the Client files.
[7] Inserts 0 (zero) in all serial numbers.
[8] Lets you update the Client database from a diskette.
[9] Merges symptoms and comments into solution.
[z] Updates client Zip Codes from the Zip4 file.
The settings that were made during the installation of your Stamp
Auction program can be changed as needed. For example, you can
change the heading that appears on reports.
From the Main Menu:
■ Select: [8] System Configuration Menu
╔════════════════════════ Acme Stamp Auction Company ════════════════════════╗
║ ║
║ ║
║ 0 - Return to Main Menu ║
║ 1 - Set up System Settings ║
║ 2 - Set up Printer Table ║
║ 3 - Set up Users, Authorizations and Assign Printers ║
║ 4 - Set up Function Key Assignments ║
║ 5 - Pack and/or Reindex Files ║
║ 6 - Change CONFIG.SYS File ║
║ 7 - Change AUTOEXEC.BAT File ║
║ 8 - Reset Computer after changing CONFIG.SYS/AUTOEXEC.BAT ║
║ 9 - Update System and/or Database Files ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ Enter choice ║
Wednesday, November 22 Clipper Summer 87, NetLib 1:33pm
Then, from the System Configuration menu:
■ Select: [1] Set up System Settings
╔══════════════════════════════ SYSTEM SETTINGS ═════════════════════════════╗
║Title System Installation ║
║Title ║
║Title ║
║Name ║
║Company ║
║Address1 ║
║Address2 ║
║Phone ( ) - FAX # ( ) - ║
║Fed ID# ║
║Laser? Y Font File 2 x:AK0120AH.HPF ║
║Label Col 50 Font File 3 x:AJ0100AH.HPF ║
║Label Row 23 Font File 4 x:AJ0120AH.HPF ║
║Landscape chr(27)+"&l1O" Font File 5 x:AJ0140AH.HPF ║
║Portrait chr(27)+"&l0O" Font File 6 x:AJ0180AH.HPF ║
║Margin 14 Font File 7 x:AI0100AH.HPF ║
║Width 100 Font File 8 x:AI0120AH.HPF ║
║Laser Prnt LPT1 Font File 9 x:AI0140AH.HPF ║
║Env. Font Font File 10 x:AI0180AH.HPF ║
║Phone Pict "(999)999-9999" Tax State Tax Rate ║
Enter your company name
For information on changing other system settings, see Part 4,
Chapter 2, "Configuring the Program."
The Data Dictionary contains field specifications. This database gives
each field name and its database location, type (numeric, character,
or logical), length, number of decimal places, and description. It also
shows the Navigation prompt (on-screen help message) for each field.
From the Main Menu:
■ Select: [7] Data Dictionary
╔═════════════════════ ON LINE HELP AND DATA DICTIONARY ═════════════════════╗
║ ║
║ Database Field Name Type Len Dec Field Description ║
║ ════════ ══════════ ════ ═══ ═══ ══════════════════════════════ ║
║ ACCOUNTS ACCOUNT_ID C 4 0 Account Code ║
║ ACCOUNTS BUDGET N 10 2 Budget Amount ║
║ ACCOUNTS CONTROL C 5 0 Print Control ║
║ ACCOUNTS CURR_BAL N 10 2 Current Balance ║
║ ACCOUNTS DEBIT C 1 0 Debit Account Enter D ║
║ ACCOUNTS DEPT C 3 0 Cost Accounting Department ║
║ ACCOUNTS DESCRIP C 30 0 Description of Account ║
║ ACCOUNTS M01 N 10 2 January ║
║ ACCOUNTS M02 N 10 2 February ║
║ ACCOUNTS M03 N 10 2 March ║
║ ACCOUNTS M04 N 10 2 April ║
║ ║
║Enter the Unique Account Code ║
║ ║
[Find] [Add] [Edit] [Delete] [Recall] [List] [Esc]
[Get file] [Structure] [Pack]
You may make changes only to the Navigation prompts. See Part 4,
Chapter 8, "The Data Dictionary," for instructions.Data Dictionary (29 June 1991)
Field Name Type Len Dec Description
ACCOUNT_ID Char 4 Account Code
BUDGET Num 10 2 Budget Amount
CONTROL Char 5 Print Control
COPE Log 1
CURR_BAL Num 10 2 Current Balance
DEBIT Char 1 Debit Account Enter D
DEPT Char 3 Cost Accounting Department
DESCRIP Char 30 Description of Account
M01 Num 10 2 January
M02 Num 10 2 February
M03 Num 10 2 March
M04 Num 10 2 April
M05 Num 10 2 May
M06 Num 10 2 June
M07 Num 10 2 July
M08 Num 10 2 August
M09 Num 10 2 September
M10 Num 10 2 October
M11 Num 10 2 November
M12 Num 10 2 December
NEW Char 4 New account number
NEXT_BUD Num 10 2 Next budget amount
P01 Num 10 2 Previous
P02 Num 10 2
P03 Num 10 2
P04 Num 10 2
P05 Num 10 2
P06 Num 10 2
P07 Num 10 2
P08 Num 10 2
P09 Num 10 2
P10 Num 10 2
P11 Num 10 2
P12 Num 10 2
PREV_BUD Num 10 2 Previous Budget
ACCOUNT_ID Char 1 Account Code
DESCRIP Char 25 Description
ADD1 Char 30 Address 1
ADD2 Char 30 Address 2
BILL1 Char 30 Billing Address 1
BILL2 Char 30 Billing Address 2
BILL3 Char 20 City
BILL4 Char 2 State
BILL5 Char 10 Zip
CITY Char 20 City
CLIENT Char 8 Client Number
COMPANY Char 40 Company Name
COMPNO Memo 0 Enter Company Number
COUNTRY Char 20 Country
DATE Date 8 Date of Next Contact
DEPART Char 30 Department
DISK_TYPE Char 10 Disk type
ENCLOSURE Char 30 Enclosure
FNAME Char 15 First Name
FPHONE Char 13 Fax telephone number
HPHONE Char 13 Home or other telephone number
INFORMAL Char 20 Informal name for MailMerge
INVOICE Log 1 Has the client been invoiced?
LAST_EDIT Date 8 Date of last edit
LNAME Char 20 Last Name
MAIL Memo 10 Memo Contents
MAIL_LIST Char 47 Mailing List
METHOD Char 1 Method we were contacted
NEW_NUM Char 8 New number for the Client
NEXT_STEP Char 40 Next Marketing Step
NOTES Memo 10 Marketing Notes
OPTION1 Char 6 User defined option 1
OPTION2 Char 6 User defined option 2
OPTION3 Char 6 User defined option 3
PO_NUM Char 15 Purchase order number
PROSPECT Char 1 Current Prospect? [Y/N]
RATING Char 2 Prospect Rating
SALES_REP Char 10 Sales Representative
SALUTATION Char 4 Salutation
SECRETARY Char 20 Secretary
SIZE Num 5 Size of facility
SOURCE Char 20 Contact Source
STATE Char 3 State
TIME Char 4 Time of next contact
TITLE Char 40 Business title
WEXT Char 4 Work Extension
WORKDONE Memo 10 What work has been done for
WPHONE Char 13 Work telephone number
ZIP Char 10 Zip
ADD1 Char 30 Address 1
ADD2 Char 30 Address 2
BULK Char 2
CITY Char 20 City
COMPANY Char 40 Company Name
COMPNO Char 8 Unique Company Number
COUNTRY Char 20 Country
FPHONE Char 13 Fax Phone
RATING Char 2 Rating
SIZE Num 5 Company Size
SIZE2 Num 5 Company Size (other)
STATE Char 3 State
WPHONE Char 13 Company Phone
ZIP Char 10 Zip Code
CLIENT Char 8 Client Number
CTIME Char 8
DATE Date 8 Date
DESCRIP Char 40 Description
DONEBY Char 10 Making the contact
PROJECT Char 8 Project COde
TYPE Char 1 Type of Contact.
CREDIT_BAL Num 9 2 Credit balance
DEBIT_BAL Num 9 2 Debit Balance
DEPT Char 3 Department Code
DESCRIP Char 30 Department Description
CLIENT Char 8 Client Number
COMMENTS Memo 10 Comments
DATEIN Date 8 Date Project Starts
DESCRIP Char 40 Description of Project
DONEBY Char 10 Work is assigned to
EST_HOURS Num 3 Estimated Hours
PRIORITY Char 1 Number of weeks to completion
PROGRAM Char 4 Sub Project
PROJECT Char 8 Project Code
STATUS Char 1 Enter the Status Code
STAT_REPT Char 1 Print Status Report [Y/N]
SUMMARY Memo 10 Summary Note
COPY1 Char 54 Copyright line 1
COPY2 Char 54 Copyright line 2
COST Num 9 2 Cost
FORMAT Char 32 Format
PRINTED Log 1 Printed?
PROJECT Char 5 Product Code
QTY Num 4 Starting serial number to prin
SERIAL Char 4 Serial Prefix
SUFFIX Char 1 Suffix
TITLE Char 54 Software title
VERSION Char 3 Software version
ACCOUNT_ID Char 4 Chart of Account Number
AMOUNT Num 9 2 Hourly Rate or Salary
BILLABLE Num 6 2 Billable Rate
CATEGORY Char 12 Employment Category
CHK_AMOUNT Num 9 2 Check Amount
DEPT Char 3 Revenue Account, Press
DONEBY Char 10 Work was done by
HOURLY Num 8 2 Hourly Rate
HOURS Num 3 Number of Hours
NAME Char 20 Employee Name
OTHER Num 9 2 Other Amount
PAY_TYPE Char 1 Payment Type
PERCENT Num 4 1 Percent Commission
PROGRAMER Char 1 Programmer [Y/N]
RATE Num 8 2 Rate of Pay.
VACATION Num 8 2 Hours of Vacation Used
CLIENT Char 8 Client Number
COMMENTS Memo 10 Comments
DESCRIP Char 40 Short Description of Problem
DONEBY Char 10 Support Done by
ENTERED Date 8 Date Entered
ERROR Memo 10 Error narrative
INVOICE Char 1 Invoice for Support?
KEYWORDS Char 25 Keywords for retrieval
NEXT_ACT Char 1 Next Action
PROJECT Char 8 Product Code (Press [F1]
RESOLVED Date 8 Date Problem resolved
SERIAL_NUM Char 8 Serial Number of Software
SOLUTION Memo 10 Solution
SYMPTOM Memo 10 Symptom
TIMEIN Char 5 Time In
TIMEOUT Char 5 Time Out
BATCH Char 4 Batch Number
BILL Log 1 Bill Work? [Y/N]
CLIENT Char 8 Client Number
COMMISSION Num 8 2 Commission amount due sales
COMPUTER Log 1 Computer Time
DATEIN Date 8 Date
DATEOUT Date 8 Date Done
DEPT Char 3 Cost Center
DESCRIP Char 40 Description of Work Done
DONE Log 1 Done
DONEBY Char 10 Employee's First Name
HOURS Num 7 2 Hours, if not an hourly
INVOICE Log 1 Work has been invoiced
INV_NUM Char 4 Invoice Number
NONBILL Log 1 Enter [Y] only if the work
OWNER Char 15 Owner of the Software
PAID Log 1 Invoice has been paid
PROGRAM Char 4 Sub Project Code
PROJECT Char 8 Project Code
RATE Num 7 2 Rate, if not an hourly charege
ROYALTY Num 8 2 Royalty Amount Due
TIMEIN Char 5 Time
TYPE Char 5
DESCRIP Char 240 "Macro"
FUNCTION Char 2 Function Number 3-40
FUNC_DESC Char 10 Key ex. [F3] or [Alt-F1]
TITLE Char 30 Short title for function
FIELD_TXT1 Char 80
FIELD_TXT2 Char 80
CLIENT Char 8 Client Number Ordered From
DESCRIP Char 40 Description
DESIRED Num 4 Desired Qty
ITEM_NUM Char 15 Item Number
MINIMUM Num 4 Minimum Order
ORDERPRICE Num 7 2 Order Price
ORDER_DATE Date 8 Order Date
ORDER_QTY Num 4 Order Qty
OUM Char 5 Order Unit of Measure
PHONE Char 13 Phone Number
PRICE_EACH Num 9 4 Each Price
SALE Char 1 On Sale?
SALESREP Char 20 Sales Rep
SALE_DATE Date 8 Sale Date
STOCK_NUM Char 4 Stock Number
UPEROUM Num 6 Units per Order Unit of Measur
VENDOR Char 25 Vendor
ADDR_TYPE Char 1 Address Type (C-Client Address
AMOUNT Num 9 2 Invoice Amount
AMT_PAID Num 9 2 Amount Paid
AUTHORIZE Char 10 Authorize
CLIENT Char 8 Client Number
COMMENTS Char 1 Put Comments on Invoice?
CRED_NUM Char 25 Credit Card Number
DATE Date 8 Date of invoice
DATE_PAID Date 8 Date Paid
DESCRIP Char 40 Description of Invoice
EXPIRATION Char 5 Expiration Date of Credit Card
INITIAL Char 5 Initial Date
INVOICE Char 4 Invoice Number
NAME Char 30 Name
NOTES Memo 10 Comments for invoice
PAID Log 1 Paid
PO_NUM Char 15 PO Number
PROGRAM Char 4 Sub Product Code
PROJECT Char 8 Product Code
SHOW_DONE Log 1 Show who did the work on invoi
ACCOUNT_ID Char 4 Chart of Accounts Number
CHECK_NUM Char 4 Check Number
CLEAR Log 1 Check has Cleared
CREDIT_BAL Num 9 2 Credit Balance
DATE Date 8 Date
DEBIT Char 1 Debit Code
DEBIT_BAL Num 9 2 Debit Balance
DEPT Char 3 Department Code (Cost Center)
DESCRIP Char 40 Journal Description
PROJECT Char 8 Product Code
TEMP Num 9 2 Running Total
TRANS Num 4 Transaction Number
CLIENT Char 8 Client Number
COMMISSION Num 8 2 Commission Amount
CURRENT Num 2 Current Payment
DEPT Char 3 Cost Center
DESCRIP Char 35 Description for Work Done
DONEBY Char 10 Doneby
HOURS Num 7 2 Hours
INV_DESC Char 30 Invoice Description
OWNER Char 15 Owner
PROGRAM Char 4 Sub Product Code
PROJECT Char 8 Product Code
RATE Num 7 2 Rate
ROYALTY Num 8 2 Royalty Payment
TERM Num 2 Length of lease
ACCOUNT_ID Char 4 Chart of Accounts Number
CHECK_NUM Char 4 Check Number
CLEAR Log 1 Check has cleared
CREDIT_BAL Num 9 2 Credit Amount
DATE Date 8 Date
DEBIT Char 1 Debit Code
DEBIT_BAL Num 9 2 Debit Amount
DEPT Char 3 Cost Center
DESCRIP Char 40 Description
PROJECT Char 8 Product Code, Press [F1] for
TEMP Num 9 2 Running total
TRANS Num 4 Transaction Number
FONT_FILE2 Memo 0 File name for downloadable
P_LAND Memo 0 Escape sequence for Landscape
P_PORT Memo 0 Escape sequence for Portrait
S_ADDR1 Memo 0 Address on Invoice
S_ADDR2 Memo 0 Address on Invoice
S_COL Memo 0 Column coordinates for envel
S_COMPANY Memo 0 Company Name on Invoice
S_FEDID Memo 0 Federal ID# for Invoice
S_FPHONE Memo 0 Fax Number on Invoice
S_LASER Memo 0 Use Laser Printer to print
S_LPRINTER Memo 0 Default printer destination
S_MARGIN Memo 0 Default margin for merge
S_NAME Memo 0 System Name
S_ROW Memo 0 Row coordinates for envelope
S_WIDTH Memo 0 Default width for Merge
S_WPHONE Memo 0 Phone Numbe on Invoice
TITLE1 Memo 0 Enter your company name
TITLE2 Memo 0
TITLE3 Memo 0
TITLE4 Memo 0
ACTUAL Num 8 2 Actual
BUDGET Num 8 2 Budget Amount
COMPANY Char 4 Company Code
CURRENT Char 1 Current Sub Product/Project
DATE_DUE Date 8 Date Due
DESCRIP Char 40 Description
EXPENSES Num 9 2 Expenses
HOURS Num 4 Hours Budgeted
HOURS_1985 Num 6 1 1985 Hours
HOURS_1986 Num 6 1 1986 Hours
HOURS_1987 Num 6 1 1987 Hours
HOURS_1988 Num 6 1 1988 Hours
HOURS_1989 Num 6 1 1999 Hours
PERCENT Num 3 Percent
PROGRAM Char 4 Sub Product/Project
PROJECT Char 8 Product Code
STARTDATE Date 8 Start Date
TOTAL Num 9 2 Total
TTL_1985 Num 9 2 1985 Total
TTL_1986 Num 9 2 1986 Total
TTL_1987 Num 9 2 1987 Total
TTL_1988 Num 9 2 1988 Total
TTL_1989 Num 9 2 1989 Total
AMOUNT Num 6 2 Postage Amount
DATE Date 8 Postage Date
DEPT Char 3 Cost Center
DESCRIP Char 40 Description
PROJECT Char 8 Project Code
DESCRIP Char 35 Description
P_BLACK Char 35 Black Ribbon (not used)
P_BLUE Char 35 Blue Ribbon (not used)
P_BOLDOFF Char 35 Bold printing off
P_BOLDON Char 35 Bold printing on
P_CPI10 Char 35 10 characters per inch
P_CPI12 Char 35 12 characters per inch
P_CPI16 Char 35 16 characters per inch
P_CPI20 Char 35
P_DRAFT Char 35 Draft print (not used)
P_EXPOFF Char 35 Expanded print off
P_EXPON Char 35 Expanded print on
P_ITALON Char 35
P_LETTER Char 35 Letter quality (not used)
P_LINEOFF Char 35 Underline off
P_LINEON Char 35 Underline on
P_LINES66 Char 35 Lines per page (not used)
P_LINES68 Char 35 Lines per page (not used)
P_LMARGIN Char 35 Left Margin Setting
P_LPI12 Char 35 12 Lines per inch
P_LPI6 Char 35 6 lines per inch
P_LPI8 Char 35 8 lines per inch
P_NEAR Char 35 Near letter quality (not used)
P_PROPON Char 35
P_RED Char 35 Red Printing (not used)
P_SHADOFF Char 35 Shadow printing off
P_SHADON Char 35 Shadow printing on
P_SKIPOFF Char 35 Skip perforation off
P_SKIPON Char 35 Skip perforation on
P_SKIPPERF Char 35 (not used)
P_YELLOW Char 35 Yellow printing (not used)
CONTACT Char 30 Contact
DEMO Num 6
DEPT Char 20
OWNER Char 15
TIER Char 1
COMPETE Memo 10 Compete
DEMO_PR Num 6 Demonstration Price
DEPT Char 20 Related department
DESCRIP Char 50 Project Description.
FILES Num 2 Files
FY_START Date 8 Fiscal Year Start Date
LEASE Num 5 Lease Cost
LESS_COMM Char 1 Subtract Commission before
MESSAGE1 Char 50 Copyright Message
MESSAGE2 Char 50 Copyright Message
NOTES Memo 10 Pricing Comments
OWNER Char 15 Software Owner.
PERCENTAGE Num 4 1 Percentage Royalty
PRICE Num 6 Current Price of the Software
PROGRAMER Char 25 Programmer
PROJECT Char 8 Enter the project code
SOURCE Num 6 Source Code price.
SUPPORT Memo 10 Support Terms
SUPPORT1 Num 6 Annual Support.
SUPPORT2 Num 6 Source Support Cost.
TIER Char 1 Tier
TITLE Char 50 Title for Label
TRIAL Num 5 Trial price.
TYPE Char 10 Type
UPDATE Num 6 Update Price.
VERSION Char 4 Version Number
ASKED Num 4 Number of times asked
CLIENT Char 8 Client Number
DATE Date 8 Date
DESCRIP Char 250 Description of Question
DONEBY Char 10 Doneby
KEYWORD Char 15 Keywords
PROJECT Char 8 Product Code
RESPONSE Char 250 Response
CODE Char 3 Mailmerge Code
DESCRIP Char 60 Description of Mail Merge
PROUT Memo 10
PRTEXT Memo 10 Text of Mail Merge Document
ITEM_NUM Char 15 Item Number
MINIMUM Num 4 Minimum Quantity
ORDERPRICE Num 7 2 Order Price
OUM Char 5 Order Unit of Measure
PRICE_EACH Num 9 4 Price Each
SALE_DATE Date 8 Sale Date
STOCK_NUM Char 4 Stock Number
UPEROUM Num 6 Units per order unit of measur
VENDOR Char 25 Vendor
ST_AB Char 3 State Abbreviation
ST_NAME Char 25 State Name
AUTOEXEC Char 75 Contents of AutoExec.bat file
BUFFERS Char 2 Default buffers setting
CLIENT Char 8 Client Number
DEVICE Char 15 Device drivers installed
DISKTYPE Char 10 Disk Type
DOSTYPE Char 15 Dos Type
DOSVERSION Char 3 Dos version
EMULATION Char 25 Printer emulation
FILES Char 3 File Handles
LST_UPDATE Date 8 Last Update Date
MEMORY Char 15 Memory Configuration
NETWORK Char 1 Networked ?
NOTES Memo 10 Notes
OTHER Char 15 Other
OVERLAYS Char 1 Overlays?
PAID_UPDT Date 8 Last Paid Update Date
PRINTER Char 25 Type of printer installed
PROJECT Char 8 Project Code
PURCHASED Date 8 Date Support Was Purchased
SALES Num 8 2 Original Sales
SALE_DATE Date 8 Date of Sale
SERIAL_NUM Char 8 Serial Number
SUPPORT Char 1 Purchased Support?
SUPP_COST Num 8 2 Support Cost
SUP_EXP Date 8 Support Expiration Date
SYSTEM Char 15 System Name
COLOR Char 1 Color monitor
DESCRIP Char 40 User Description
DEV_DESC1 Char 25 Description of Printer 1
DEV_DESC2 Char 25 Description of Printer 2
DEV_DESC3 Char 25 Description of Printer 3
DEV_DESC4 Char 25 Description of Printer 4
DEV_DESC5 Char 25 Description of Printer 5
DEV_DESC6 Char 25 Description of Printer 6
DEV_DESC7 Char 25 Description of Printer 7
DEV_DFLT Num 1 Default Device
DEV_PID1 Num 2 Use Printer Codes
DEV_PID2 Num 2 Use Printer Codes
DEV_PID3 Num 2 Use Printer Codes
DEV_PID4 Num 2 Use Printer Codes
DEV_PID5 Num 2 Use Printer Codes
DEV_PID6 Num 2 Use Printer Codes
DEV_PID7 Num 2 Use Printer Codes
LOCATION Char 10 User login or name
PRINTER Char 2 Printer number
Before you configure your program, you must copy the program files
to your computer. First, boot your system.
1. Create a new directory on your hard disk for the program:
■ Type: cd\ [Enter]
■ Type: md\directory name [Enter]
NOTE: For "directory name," see Part 1,
Chapter 2.
2. Make the new directory current:
■ Type: cd\directory name [Enter]
3.a. If your program came on one diskette:
Insert the Program diskette into Drive A. Run the "install"
program (this program will copy the program files):
■ Type: a:install [Enter]
3.b. If your program came on two diskettes:
Insert Program diskette #1 into Drive A. Run the "install"
■ Type: a:install1 [Enter]
Then insert Program diskette #2 into Drive A. Run the
"install" program:
■ Type: a:install2 [Enter]
4. You may now configure the program.
Network Notes
Create a directory on the server and copy the files onto the server.
This directory should be mapped to a drive (for example, Drive H:).
After copying the program files, you must configure the program.
The steps below apply to both single-user and network installations.
In cases where there are additional considerations for network setups,
these will be explained in the "Network Notes" sections.
If the program has already been configured and you want to learn
how to use the program, skip now to Part 2, Chapter 3 (Entering
To start the program:
■ Type: program name [Enter]
NOTE: For "program name," see Part 1,
Chapter 2.
The first screen that you will see is the copyright notice. This notice
explains that the software is copyrighted and may not be copied or
distributed without written permission of the owners.
To continue:
■ Press:[Space Bar]
Now you will see the Users Code screen (on the following page):
╔═══════════════════════ Please Select Your User Code ═══════════════════════╗
║ ║
║ ┌───────────────────── POP-HELP ──────────────────────┐ ║
║ │ WAYNE │ ║
║ │ │ ║
║ │ │ ║
║ │ │ ║
║ │ │ ║
║ │ │ ║
║ │ │ ║
║ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ ║
║ ║
Search (clear w/BkSp):
[\] Chg. Order [/] Up/Down [─┘] Select [Esc] Quit
■ Press:[Enter]
If this is the first time that you have used the program, you will now
see the System Configuration Menu. This menu allows you to change
certain settings on your system to accommodate the new program.
To successfully configure the program, follow the instructions on the
following page.
Typical Configuration Menu:
╔══════════════════════ ACMI Product Formulation System ═════════════════════╗
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ 1 - Set up System Settings ║
║ 2 - Set up Printer Table ║
║ 3 - Set up Users, Authorizations and Assign Printers ║
║ 4 - Set up Function Key Assignments ║
║ 5 - Pack and/or Reindex Files ║
║ 6 - Change CONFIG.SYS File ║
║ 7 - Change AUTOEXEC.BAT File ║
║ 8 - Reset Computer after changing CONFIG.SYS/AUTOEXEC.BAT ║
║ 9 - Update System and/or Database Files ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ Enter choice ║
Enter a selection or press [Esc] to return to the previous menu.
Friday, March 24 Clipper Summer 87, NetLib 10:07pmConfiguration Options
[1] Set Up System Settings
Option [1] requires that you enter information that identifies your
institution and also allows customization.
To customize your program:
■ Select: [1] Set Up System Settings
■ Type: the required information in each field [Enter]
NOTE: For the "required information," see
"Changing the Program Configuration" in
Part 3.
[2] Set Up Printer Table
Option [2] lets you make sure that the program supports your printer.
The first step is to see if your printer is on the list.
To set up the printer table:
■ Select: [2] Setting Up Printer Tables
If your printer is shown in the list:
■ Select: [Q] Quit
Skip now to Option [3] on the following page.
If your printer is not on the list, it must be added using the [A] (Add)
option. This operation should be done by someone with the technical
capability to understand your printer's manual. Each printer uses
specific escape codes for such functions as compressed type, elite
print, boldface, underline, etc. This information is usually contained
in the printer manual. It also is helpful to look at one of the
standard printers already listed on the table, such as the IBM-
compatible printer, to see how the information is entered. Note that
the information is entered as literal expressions which tell the printer
what escape sequences are needed to execute each function.
After you add a new printer, you must test it using the [T] (Test)
option. This test immediately tells you if the configurations entered
for the printer are correct. It will print on one page all of the
different print settings: characters per inch, lines per inch, bold,
expanded print, and others.
[3] Set Up Users, Authorizations, and Assign Printers
Your program maintains a file of all users. When the program is
first configured, there will be one generic user called "supervisor."
Initially, the equipment assigned to the user is an IBM-compatible
printer. With Option [3], you may add other users, assign them
passwords, and indicate what equipment they may use.
To set up users and assign equipment:
■ Select: [3] Set Up Users, Authorizations, and
Assign Printers
You will see the User Authorization and Printer Selection screen (on
the following page).
╔═════════════════ USER AUTHORIZATION AND PRINTER SELECTION ═════════════════╗
║ ║
║ User Name User Description Default Destination ║
║ ══════════ ══════════════════════════════════════ ═════════════════════════ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
[Find] [Add] [Edit] [Delete] [Recall] [List] [/] Up/Down [Quit]
Enter each user's name, description, and default printer. First,
change "Supervisor" to the name of a user:
■ Select: [E] Edit
You will now see a screen for the user called Supervisor (on the
following page):
╔═════════════════ USER AUTHORIZATION AND PRINTER SELECTION ═════════════════╗
║ ║
║ Name ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐r ║
║ ══════════│ User ROBERT Color Monitor (Y/N)? N │═══════════ ║
║ │ Location FRONT DESK │ ║
║ TOM │ Password Level 7 │PSON) ║
║ WAYNE │ │ ║
║ │ Device Destination Printer No. │ ║
║ │ ══════ ═════════════════════════ ═══════════ │ ║
║ │ 1 - LPT1 OKIDATA 393 (EPSON) 3 │ ║
║ │ 3 - LPT3 0 │ ║
║ │ 4 - COM1 0 │ ║
║ │ 5 - COM2 0 │ ║
║ │ 6 - COM3 0 │ ║
║ │ 7 - COM4 0 │ ║
║ │ │ ║
║ │ Default Print Device (1-7) 1 │ ║
║ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ ║
║ ║
This screen allows you to assign up to seven different printers to the
user. After you change the user name and location, enter the correct
printer destinations and ID numbers.
To add other users:
■ Select: [A] Add
You will see the same box as shown above but with the printer
destination fields blank.
When you have finished:
■ Select: [Q] Quit
Network Notes
User names should be the same as the Novell user names. The
"system login script" on a Novell Network is very much like the
autoexec.bat file on a single user system. User names and
configurations should be the same as the ones Novell uses to identify
a user.
This option allows you to assign not just users, but passwords, colors,
and local and network printers. Your network setup will determine
the assignments you make here.
[4] Set Up Function Key Assignments
Option [4] allows you to customize certain function keys. By assigning
frequently used phrases to these keys, you will be able to operate
more efficiently and productively.
This operation does not need to be performed during configuration.
Refer to Part 4, Chapter 5, "Customizing Function Keys," for detailed
instructions for this procedure.
[5] Pack and/or Reindex Files
As you work with the system, you will occasionally mark certain
records for deletion. Option [5] allows you to "pack" those records
(actually erase them) and then "reindex" the remaining ones (put
them in order).
When you select Option [5], you will see a list of all files with the
word "reindex" next to each of them. During first time configuration,
you must reindex all files.
To reindex all files:
■ Select: [5] Pack and Reindex
■ Select: [P] Pack
■ Select: [Q] Quit
The other Pack and Reindex options, explained below, are not needed
during configuration. Use them when needed as you work with the
program. To continue configuration, skip now to Option [6].
Network Notes
Exclusive access is required to Pack and Reindex. If users have files
open, they must exit the program before this option can be
Pack and Reindex Options
At your discretion, you may pack and reindex any or all files. It is
also possible to pack some and reindex others.
Select files to pack and reindex by moving the light bar up and down
through the files to highlight the file you want (called the current
file). Then select the option you want by typing the number (1-6).
The options are explained on the next page.
[1] Selects the current file for packing.
Packing automatically reindexes the file. It is important
to note that one file in the program can have several
indexes. When a file in the program is packed, the
program will automatically mark the same file in other
areas in the program to be reindexed. In this way, all
necessary indexes are recreated automatically.
[2] Marks all files for packing and reindexing.
[3] Unmarks all files to be packed.
[4] Marks or unmarks the current file for reindexing.
[5] Marks all files to be reindexed.
[6] Unmarks files previously marked for reindexing.
[L] Lists all files and their respective indexes.
[P] Packs or deletes the files that you marked.
[Z] Not shown. Zaps (removes all information from) the
database. When you are prompted for confirmation, you
must type YES [Enter].
If you accidentally changed the index expression to an invalid or
incorrect expression, you will get an error message telling you that
there is an error in the index expression. This is because either the
index key was typed incorrectly or there was a database file change.
[6] Change Config.sys File
The config.sys file tells the computer how many files to open and
how many buffers to use. Option [6] lets you modify it to include the
correct settings for your program. The specific settings may differ
from those in this example. The correct settings will be shown in a
box at the top of the screen when you select this option.
1. To edit the config.sys file:
■ Select: [6] Change Config.sys File
2. The location of the config.sys file is shown as Drive C
(c:\config.sys). If you booted from Drive C, make no change.
But if you booted from Drive A:
■ Edit: the line to read a:\config.sys
■ Press: [Enter]
3a. If nothing is displayed on the screen at this time:
■ Type: files=n
NOTE: n is a number. For the correct
number required by your program, see Part
1, Chapter 2.
■ Move: the cursor to the next line.
■ Type: buffers=8
■ Press: [Crtl-W]
Be sure to type "buffers=8" directly under "files=n."
3b. If the files= and buffers= lines are already displayed on
the screen, confirm that the numbers displayed after each equal
sign are exactly as shown in the box at the top of the screen. If
they are not, edit them.
■ Press: [Ctrl-W]
Network Notes
The config.sys file on each workstation must be modified.
[7] Change Autoexec.bat File
Your database directory must be able to access the general purpose
DOS commands. A simple change to your autoexec.bat file will
make this possible. First, check Part 1, Chapter 2 to see if any special
commands are needed in the autoexec.bat file.
1. To change the autoexec.bat file:
■ Select: [7] Change Autoexec.bat File
2. The location of the autoexec.bat file is shown as Drive C
(c:\autoexec.bat). If you booted from Drive C, make no
change. But if you booted from Drive A:
■ Edit: the line to read a:\autoexec.bat
■ Press: [Enter]
3. If your DOS commands are in a directory called \DOS, you
must have the command path c:\dos in your autoexec.bat file.
a. If the correct command is already included as part of the
autoexec.bat file:
■ Press:[Esc] or [Ctrl-W]
b. If the file does not contain the correct command, add it:
■ Move: the cursor below the last line.
■ Type: path c:\dos [Enter]
■ Press:[Ctrl-W]
Network Notes
You may put the path command in the "system login script." The
login script is modified using "SysCon" or by editing the
\public\net$log.dat file. In addition, you may need to add a set
clipper command. See Part 1, Chapter 2.
[8] Reset Computer
The final step in the configuration procedure is to re-boot your
To complete the configuration:
■ Select: [8] Reset Computer after changing
■ Press: [Ctrl-Alt-Del]
Pressing [Ctrl-Alt-Del] is equivalent to turning the computer off and
then on, but is faster.
NOTE: Never press [Ctrl-Alt-Del] or turn off the computer while
working in the program or while in any program. Files will be
damaged and it will be necessary to restore them from your backups.
The configuration process is now complete.
[9] Update System and/or Database Files
This final option has the same update function as the command
program name U [Enter]
which is explained in Part 4, Chapter 7, "Updating Your Program."
If you are using your program on a network, the information that
follows will be of interest to you.
Record and File Locking Features
In a network it is important to ensure that the users can concurrently
use the same database as much as possible, while also ensuring that
no two users can access the same record in the database at the same
time. File and record locking features are built into the program for
this purpose. These features will be invisible to the users unless they
encounter problems or attempt to access a record or file that is
already in use. At this point, the system network would utilize its
record and file locking features.
The basic functions of a networked program require that different
types of locks be applied to the files for different operations. The
main types of locks used in the system are Exclusive Use Locks, File
Locks, and Record Locks.
Exclusive Use Locks
Exclusive Use Locks are needed for those operations in which only
one user should be able to access a file. These locks ensure that the
file can be used by only one person. Examples of functions which
require this type of locking system include update, pack, and reindex.
While doing these functions, no other user will be allowed access to
the system.
File Locks
Files Locks are used to allow users only to view a file while another
user is working with the file. This type of lock is used infrequently
within this system.
Record Locks
The most frequently used lock in this system is the Record Lock.
This lock ensures that no two users can access and change the same
record at the same time. Two users can be working in the same file
at the same time, but they cannot make changes to the same record.
If the second user attempts to access a record currently in use, a
message appears on the screen which states that the record is in use
and also identifies the user.
Record Lock has an additional feature which automatically terminates
an edit session after five minutes if no activity has occurred during
that time. This feature ensures that records inadvertently left open
will be closed in a relatively short period of time, thereby allowing
other users to access it.
When you encounter an error message on the screen, always follow
this procedure:
1. Make two printouts of the message:
■ Press:[Shift-PrtSc]
Keep one copy for your files and send the technical support address
given in the front of your manual.
2. Re-enter the program.
3. If the error message involved a bad index file, you should reindex
the appropriate file (see Part 4, Chapter 2, "Configuring the Program,"
for instructions on reindexing).
For solutions to specific problems, see Part 4, Chapter 9, "Trouble
Shooting Guide."CHAPTER 5
Your program allows you to define certain function keys to make data
entry easier. Two of the function keys are reserved and may not be
[F1] Brings up the PopHelp feature.
[F2] Displays today's date.
All of the remaining function keys may be customized. You may
assign text, commands, or instructions to the function keys.
The customization procedure takes place at the Configuration Menu.
To begin the customization procedure:
■ Select: [4] Set up Function Key Assignments
You will now see a list of the 38 function keys that you may
[F3] through [F10].
[Shift-F1] through [Shift-F10].
[Ctrl-F1] through [Ctrl-F10].
[Alt-F1] through [Alt-F10]. Field Numbers
Each of these keys has a "computer assigned" function key number
called a field number:
3-10 The numbers 3 through 10 are for the function key used
by itself. To use one of these keys, press the key.
11-20 The numbers 11 through 20 are for the shift-
function keys. To use one of these keys, keep the
[Shift] key down while pressing the key.
21-30 The numbers 21 through 30 are for the control-
function keys. To use one of these keys, keep the
[Ctrl] key down while pressing the key.
31-40 The numbers 31 through 40 are for the alternate-
function key field numbers. To use one of these
keys, keep the [Alt] key down while pressing the
Title and Purpose Fields
Beside each function key is a title field. The title field is where you
describe the purpose of the function key assignment in a few words.
This is not the actual function key assignment. It is a "memory
jogger" for you that describes the purpose. For example, [F2] has a
title field which describes the purpose of the [F2] assignment as
"today's date."
The last field is the actual "assigned" purpose field. This field is
where you enter the text that you want the function key to represent.
The text may be up to 250 characters for each function key. If you
wish to embed carriage returns in the text, use the semicolon key.
For example, if you want Function Key 5 to be assigned this phrase:
Droege Computing Services
Durham, NC
you would type the following in the assigned purpose field for the
[F5] key:
Droege Computing Services;Durham, NC
Steps in Customizing Function Keys
To assign a function to a function key:
■ Move: the light bar to the desired key name.
■ Select: [E] Edit
■ Type: the descriptive title [Enter]
■ Type: the assigned value (text) [Enter]
■ Select: [Q] Quit
Then exit the system to DOS and reenter the system to activate the
function keys.
It is imperative that you keep an up-to-date backup of the program
on hand at all times. Daily backups will prevent serious data loss in
the event of a system failure. You may back up either the database
files only or the entire subdirectory. If you choose to back up only
the database files, you will save time each day; but if you need to
restore the files, you will need to recreate all of the indexes. You
should always back up the entire subdirectory each time before you
make program changes.
The following procedure assumes that you are using diskettes to back
up your system. However, if you are using another method -- for
example, a tape backup -- your system manager should explain the
correct backup procedure to you.
Backup Diskettes
The daily backup is done using two sets of backup diskettes. We
suggest that you use the following arrangement. Label one set of
formatted diskettes with blue labels, and the other set with red labels.
Number the diskettes in each set. Use the blue diskettes for the
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday backup. Use the red diskettes for
the Tuesday and Thursday backup.
It is also important to make another backup on a regular basis and
to keep it off-site. This precautionary measure could someday save
you a great deal of time, effort, and money.
Backup Procedure
The backup procedure can be done from the Utility Menu. You will
be instructed to "Insert disk 1 and Press any key to continue." As
each diskette is filled, you will be prompted for the next diskette.
When you use all of the diskettes in a set, format another diskette
and add it to the set. Be sure to add the correct color label and
then number the diskette.
NOTE: This backup procedure backs up the files in your program,
but no others.
NOTE: Your computer may not have enough memory to run the
backup program from within your program. If the procedure fails,
you will have to return to DOS and use the BACKUP command.
Make sure the current directory is the one containing your program.
backup *.db? a: [Enter] For database files only.
backup *.* a: [Enter] For all files.
You may also use other backup programs such as Fastback.
Data Restoration
The procedure for restoring data from your backups is found in the
Utility Menu of your program.
Complete Hard Disk Backup
During the life of your computer, your hard disk will fail at some
time. To guard against losing important programs and data, you
should occasionally make a backup of your entire hard disk. To do
this complete backup, do not use your regular backup diskettes
described above. Use a different set of formatted diskettes. Be
aware that you may need as many as 15 high-density diskettes.
To perform this complete backup, return to the DOS prompt:
■ Type: cd\ [Enter]
■ Type: backup c: a: /s [Enter]
If your program becomes unavailable (because of error, hardware
failure, or other problem), you will need to transfer your backups
from the diskettes to your hard disk. In this case, use the RESTORE
■ Type: cd\ [Enter]
■ Type: restore a: c: /s/p [Enter]
You will receive periodic updates to your program. The update
procedure will automatically make changes to database structures if
necessary and copy new files and programs to the system. It will also
allow you to select or unselect files to be updated to the system.
An update to your program will come on two diskettes: a System
Diskette and a Database Diskette. To update your program, follow
these steps:
1. Make backup copies of the old program and your data. This
step is necessary in case you have problems with the new version.
2. Change to the directory that contains the program:
■ Type: cd\directory name [Enter]
Note: For "directory name," see Part 1,
Chapter 2.
3. Run the Install program:
■ Type: a:install -o [Enter]
The "-o" indicates that all files will be overwritten. If you want to
be prompted as each file is unbundled, omit the "-o" option. The
install.exe file includes the control files, users.dbf, help.dbf,
reindex.dbf, printers.dbf, and function.dbf.3. Insert the new Database Diskette into Drive A.
■ Type: a:program name u [Enter]
Note: For "program name," see Part 1,
Chapter 2.
You will now see the System Update Procedure screen:
╔══════════════════════════ SYSTEM UPDATE PROCEDURE ═════════════════════════╗
║ ║
║ System Files are on Drive H: ║
║ ║
║ Data Files are on Drive H: ║
║ ║
║ Floppy Disk to Update From A: ║
║ ║
║ Unattended update? (Y/N) ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║Insert Update Diskette #1 in Drive A: ║
╚═════════════════════════Press any Key to Continue════════════════════════════╝
Make sure that the drive specifications are correct.
■ Press:[Enter]
If you answered Y (Yes) to "Unattended update?," the update will be
handled automatically. Otherwise, you will now see the System
Update screen (on the following page).
╔═══════════════════════════════ SYSTEM UPDATE ══════════════════════════════╗
║ Set Files to be Updated by choosing the option(s) below: ║
║ [1] Mark/UnMark File to be Updated [4] Reset UPDATE.DBF ║
║ [2] Mark ALL Files to be Updated ║
║ [3] UnMark ALL Files to be Updated ║
║ After marking all desired files to be Updated, Press [U] ║
║ ║
║ ------ -------- --- ----------------------------------- ║
║ UPDATE STUDYDX DBF Database Update ║
║ UPDATE DOCTOR DBF Database Update ║
║ UPDATE FUNCTION DBF Database Update ║
║ UPDATE DIAGTBL DBF Database Update ║
║ UPDATE NERVE DBF Database Update ║
║ UPDATE STUDYRST DBF Database Update ║
║ UPDATE PATIENT DBF Database Update ║
║ UPDATE STUDYHDR DBF Database Update ║
║ UPDATE DAILY DBF Database Update ║
║ UPDATE CLINIC DBF Database Update ║
║ ║
[Add] [Edit] [Delete] [Recall] [List] [Update] [Quit]
When you first enter, all of the files will be marked to be updated.
To update all files:
■ Select: [U] Update
If you do not wish to update all of the files, you may unmark them
for updating by using options [1] or [3]. In addition to the actual
update process, the system will give a list of all of the programs that
are to be updated along with a description and what each will do.
If the structures are the same, no update is done. But if the system
encounters database file changes, it will prompt you with the message
"New Database Structure. Do you want to Update? [Y/N]." Answer
Y (Yes) unless you are the one who changed the database structure.
After updating the database structures, the system will begin an
automatic reindex of all files. Do not interrupt this process.
Network Notes
The drive settings will default to the H: drive. If you have any special
needs, you must change these default settings. For example, if you
have a hard disk that is the D: drive or you have set up the network
to be something other then the H: drive, enter the correct drive at
the prompt.
It is necessary to distinguish between system files and data files for
network installations where you may have more than one set of data
files; however, you may wish to keep only one set of program files.
For example, you may be able to keep all the system files on a Y: or
a Z: drive which would be a Novell Search Drive. All of the data
files could then be kept on different directories.
The Data Dictionary contains the specifications for all fields used in
your program. This database gives each field name and its database
location, the type (numeric, character, or logical), the length, the
number of decimal places, and a description of the field. It also
shows the Navigation prompt for each field (the help message that
appears at the bottom of the screen during data entry).
From the Main Menu:
■ Select: [9] Data Dictionary
You will see a screen similar to the one shown below.
╔═════════════════════ ON LINE HELP AND DATA DICTIONARY ═════════════════════╗
║ ║
║ ║
║ -------- ---------- ---- --- --- ------------------------------ ║
║ CALENDAR ADMDIAG C 20 0 Admitting Diagnosis ║
║ CALENDAR ADMUNIT C 20 0 Admitting Unit Name ║
║ CALENDAR AVG_HR N 2 0 Avg. Time Enroute, Hours ║
║ CALENDAR AVG_MIN N 2 0 Avg. Time Enroute, Minutes ║
║ CALENDAR CALLER C 20 0 Caller's Name ║
║ CALENDAR CALLER_PH C 18 0 Caller's Phone Number ║
║ CALENDAR CALLRECD D 8 0 Date Call Received ║
║ CALENDAR COMPLETED C 1 0 Record Complete Code ║
║ CALENDAR DATE D 8 0 Transport Date ║
║ CALENDAR DR_PHONE C 18 0 Doctor's Phone Number ║
║ CALENDAR HXNUM C 7 0 Patient History Number ║
║ CALENDAR NURSENOT N 4 0 Time Nurses Notified ║
║ ║
║Enter the Patient's Admitting Diagnosis. ║
║ ║
[Add] [Edit] [Delete] [Recall] [Get File] [Structure] [List] [Pack] [Quit] To make changes to a record (the Navigation Prompts only), move
the light bar to the record:
■ Select: [E] Edit
At the end of your user's manual, you will find the entire data
dictionary for your program.
The following problems are grouped as configuration, memory,
hardware, printer, miscellaneous, and programming problems.
Configuration Problems
Problem: The User Authorization is not working correctly.
Solution: ■ Delete the SYS*.NTX files.
■ If that solution doesn't work, copy the sysauth.dbf
files and then delete the sys*.ntx files.
■ If the second solution doesn't work, disable the user
authorization by deleting the sysauth.dbf files.
Problem: Error Message: "Unable to load COMMAND.COM" or
"Invalid COMMAND.COM."
Solutions: ■ The SET COMSPEC command is set up incorrectly,
causing the computer to try to access a different
version of DOS than it has currently loaded.
■ Type VER to determine which version of DOS you
are running. Verify that it matches the
COMMAND.COM that is referred to in the SET
COMSPEC command.
Problem: You couldn't do the backup from the Utility menu.
Solutions: ■ Try setting the X parameter in the SET CLIPPER=
F49;X45 command higher until it lets you back up.
■ If you get a "File not found" message, the
BACKUP.COM program itself may not be accessible
to the program. Check your path settings.
Problem: The update caused an index problem.
Solutions: ■ Delete the index files with the command DEL *.NTX.
■ You may need to check your system settings if they
are part of any index expressions.
Problem: Error messages about the AUTOEXEC.BAT and
CONFIG.SYS files come up.
Solutions: ■ In a data entry screen, press [Alt-H]. Then check
available files.
■ Set Files correctly.
■ Check the version of DOS (version 3.1 or higher is
■ Check the version by entering VER, and then check
the SET CLIPPER=F command.
■ Check for a FILE HANDLES= command if you are
using Novell 2.12 or higher.
■ If you are using Novell 2.0a, patch ANET3.COM.
■ Some menuing programs grab additional file handles.
Increase the Files settings in the CONFIG.SYS,
AUTOEXEC.BAT, and SHELL.CFG by five until the
error stops.
Problem: Unidentified identifier in Valid.
Solutions: ■ This problem is usually caused because we have
added a system variable to the software and you have
not entered the System Setup Options to initiate that
variable after doing an update. You should reenter
the configuration settings.
Problem: The DOS version is too old.
Solution: ■ Upgrade to DOS 3.1 or higher (the software will not
run under DOS 2.x versions).
Problem: Proc N_USE line 0, open error USERS.DBF (2).
Solution: ■ Users file was renamed or damaged. Restore or
copy a good version of the users.dbf file.
Problem: Proc SYSINIT line x, undefined identifier USERS->x.
Solution: ■ User's file was damaged. Restore or copy a good
version of the users.dbf file.
Problem: Proc GETMENU line x, type mismatch _1 + _2.
Solution: ■ Memory variable title was released. Delete the
init.mem file and run the program using the I option
to set up system configuration settings.
Problem: Undefined identifier < >.
Solution: ■ Configuration settings were not done when an update
was issued. A memory variable has not be defined.
Run the program using the I option to set up
configuration settings.
Problem: Proc N_USE line 5180, open error <file>.NTX (2).
Solution: ■ Index was deleted or renamed. Run the program
using the I option to get to the Configuration menu
and then reindex the required file.
Problem: No Users showing on User selection Screen.
Solution: ■ User's indexes have be corrupted. >DEL
USER*.NTX ->then reenter program.
Problem: PROCEDURE PUSH_SCR() line 7901 multiple errors.
Solutions: ■ Use the TYPE AUTOEXEC command to check the
autoexec.bat file. Does it contain RAM resident
software, PC Tools, or disk caching software?
■ How much memory?
■ What is VER?
■ What is your set clipper setting? Try SET
Problem: When you try to enter the program, the system prompts
you to edit the AUTOEXEC.BAT file.
Solution: ■ Press [Alt-H] to see how many file handles are
Memory Problems
Problem: Backup is not working (not enough memory).
Solutions: Try setting the SET CLIPPER=R setting to a higher
value. For example:
Before: SET CLIPPER=F89;V010;R32;E00
After: SET CLIPPER=F89;V010;R56;E00
Problem: Memory resident conflicts (the software locks up
unexpectedly due to lack of memory).
Solutions: ■ Find out which memory-resident programs have been
installed in the CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT
files (many memory-resident programs conflict with
■ Find out how much free memory is available by
running CHKDSK.
■ Disable TSR (Terminate and Stay Resident) programs
one at a time until the culprit is identified.
■ Known TSR programs that conflict with Clipper.
■ Remove older versions of PC-Tools and any PC disk
caching products that might be causing the problem.
Problem: The system ran out of disk space while doing UPDATE.
Solutions: ■ The update process should be checking to verify that
there is sufficient disk space before doing an update.
If not, you can restore from your backup. You
should always do a backup prior to doing an update.
■ If you have a copy of FoxPlus, the data can be
salvaged as long as you stop work at that time. Do
not delete temporary files, and do not allow other
users on the network to continue working.
Problem: Not enough memory after entering program.
Solution: ■ Is the Set Clipper statement set correctly?
■ Is the Buffers setting set too high? It should not be
more than 8. And on systems using Disk Manager
Device drivers that change the logical sector size, it
should be set even as low as 1.
This page is reserved for later useHardware Problems
Problem: Error message: "Cross Linked Files, RAM Conflict."
Solution: ■ This message will appear after serious hard disk
failure that you were attempting to fix with CHKDSK.
Cross linked files are two different files that have the
same FAT table entries. You will have to delete one
of them and run CHKDSK again.
Problem: Missing clusters.
Solution: ■ If running CHKDSK continually turns up missing
clusters, you have a hardware problem with your hard
disk or controller board. You can put CHKDSK /F
in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file so that the check is
done each day, but this is only a temporary solution.
Get your hard disk fixed.
Problem: The system locked up.
Solutions: ■ A power surge may have caused the problem. Press
[Alt-C] to return to the DOS prompt, then wait one
minute before reentering the program.
■ If pressing [Alt-C] has no effect, call Technical
Support and describe what the system doing when it
locked up (reindexing, packing, updating, etc.).
■ If you are working on a non-dedicated file server, do
not immediately press [Ctrl-Alt-Del]. Check to see
if other users can log out.
■ Did you get a network error? (For example: "Network
Error Receiving..."). If you did, it indicates a problem
with either the file server, the network cards, or the
network software.
■ As a last resort, press [Ctrl-Alt-Del]. If this does not
reboot the machine, the error is probably due to
hardware problem. Turn the computer off, wait five
seconds, and turn it on again. Check the files you
were just working with to see if the data were saved.
Problem: Allocation errors.
Solution: ■ This problem is indicated by CHKDSK. Running
CHKDSK /F will attempt to fix it. If this is a
recurring problem, get your hard disk fixed.
Problem: The date and time are not set correctly.
Solutions: ■ Check your hardware setup diskette for the correct
way to set your battery date and time.
■ If you have a system that does not have a battery
clock, go to System Configuration menu, choose "Edit
Autoexec.bat File", and add the DATE and TIME
Problem: Error message: "Fatal Internal error on drive D:."
Solution: ■ Redo the low level format and enter the bad sectors.
After reformatting, restore using the /P parameter.
This page is reserved for later use
Printer Problems
Problem: The network printer is not working.
Solutions: ■ Is the printer installed correctly?
■ Is the CAPTURE command set up correctly? (type
CAPTURE SHOW to show status the of network
■ Have the user files been set up correctly? Is the
correct printer installed? (some printers, if installed
with the wrong printer control codes, will not print at
all and will have to be powered off and on again).
■ CAPTURE commands should be put in batch files
that are executed after login, not as part of login
scripts. This method saves memory.
Problem: Network printing configuration problems; users want
different setups.
Solutions: ■ Set up different batch files for each user that are
executed with the EXIT command from the user login
Problem: The laser printer won't print landscape (old error, prior
to 1989).
Solutions: ■ CPI12 contains an ESC E that is used to reset the
printer before printing (the latest version of the
Printers database does not contain this problem). To
fix this problem, remove the ESC E from the CPI12
codes in the printers database for the HP LaserJet.
Problem: Error message: "PROC SysInit 320,subscript range[1]."
Solution: ■ Reinstall the printer. Check for problems with files.
Problem: Error message: "PROC SysInit line 301, unidentified
Users error Dev_Desc1."
Solution: ■ The Users database contains a record that doesn't
have a default printer number. Add the printer
Problem: Printer installation problems.
Solutions: ■ It is not enough to know what printer you have --
now you must know if the printer is emulating
another printer and which one it is. Most non-IBM
or non-Epson printers have switch settings that allow
you to set the printer as either IBM Proprinter XL
compatible or EPSON compatible.
■ Use the printer test option from the System
Configuration menu to test the printer. Pay attention
to CPI10, CPI12, and CPI16. Use a ruler to verify
that they are printing correctly. Turn the printer off
between each print test.
This page is reserved for later use
Miscellaneous Problems
Problem: Internal errors.
Solution: ■ Reindex your files.
Problem: Error message: "*** Internal Error - Record not at
Solution: Report the problem to Technical Support. It is probably
a harmless programming logic error.
Problem: PopHelp is not working.
Solutions: ■ Try reindexing the file in which you were trying to get
■ Make sure that PopHelp available for that field.
■ There may not be enough memory.
Problem: Error message: "Numeric Overflow line 990."
Solution: ■ Call Technical Support.
Problem: Open error.
Solutions: ■ The file could not be opened because it was
inaccessible. This problem is usually due to an index
problem. You can start the program with the "I"
option (for example, IMPLANT I), go to the System
Configuration menu, and then reindex the file. If it
is the Users, SysAuth, SysOper, Help, or Printers file,
you can delete its indexes and restart the program.
If any of these indexes is missing, it will be created
Example: Open Error file SysOper1.Ntx.
Solution: At the C> prompt, enter DEL
SYS*.NTX. Then restart the program.
■ If the file name ends in .DBF or .DBT, you may have
a damaged database, and may need to restore it from
your backup.
Problem: Proc <any> line <any> undefined identifier <file> ->
<field name>.
Solution: ■ The database structure was changed, or the update
procedure was not done correctly. Run the program
using the U option to do the update process again.
Problem: Semaphone in use by - Press [Escape] to Exit System:
error when not on a network.
Solution: ■ The network loaders, IPX and NET3, have been run,
but you have not logged onto the network. The
software then recognizes the existance of the network,
but can't create a semaphore lock, because you are
not on the network. Either log on to the network
and then run your application locally or disconnect
your cable to the network.
Problem: Errors during Update OPEN Error.
Solution: ■ Someone on another workstation has the USERS or
Other file open.
Problem: This error message appears: "Internal stack overflow,
system halted."
Solution: ■ Check for an invalid (corrupted) .LBL file or .FRM
Programming Problems
Problem: Error messages occur after writing custom reports with
the SysInit Form_Mgr procedure; for example:
- #" + M->CL_Name + " W/NO MATCHING
- #" + M->CL_Name + " W/NO MATCHING
Solutions: ■ See the Form_Mgr section of the SysInit user manual.
■ Call Technical Support.
This page is reserved for later use
Your program was created to be used with IBM-compatible personal
computers. The following information will benefit those not familiar
with basic computer terminology and the computer's disk operating
Computer Components
Your computer is composed of three parts: 1) a Central Processing
Unit (CPU) which processes information according to your
instructions; 2) a monitor (monochrome or color) which displays your
work; and 3) a keyboard which is used to enter information.
The computer's working memory is called random access memory
(RAM). When you are working on your computer, all of the
information is held in RAM while it is processed. This memory is
measured in kilobytes (Kb), or thousands of bytes. One kilobyte of
information is equivalent to two typewritten pages. Most computers
have at least 640 Kb of working memory. RAM is temporary
memory: the information in it will be lost unless it is stored
permanently on disks.
Disk Storage
Information may be stored permanently on floppy diskettes or on
hard disks. The capacity of a hard disk is given in megabytes (Mb),
or millions of bytes. A typical hard disk holds 20 to 30 Mb of
The capacity of a standard 5-1/4" floppy diskette depends on whether
it is one- or two-sided and whether it is regular density or high
density. Capacities range from 360 Kb to 1.2 Mb. Some of the
newer computers use the 3-1/2" diskette which, in most cases, can be
formatted to be double-sided, high-density, and has a storage capacity
of 1.4 Mb.
Disk Organization
Hard disks are capable of holding thousands of files. If all of these
files were stored together, it would be difficult to find a specific file.
A better way to keep your files is to organize them into directories.
A directory is like a file folder in a file drawer. The information is
organized because each folder holds a group of related files.
Your computer comes initially with one directory called the Root.
People typically set up their hard disks so that the utility programs
and the DOS programs are kept in one directory called \DOS, and
each unique application is kept in its own directory. For example,
you would want to create a directory for your program. All files,
needed to run this unique program application would be placed in
that directory. This process keeps the hard disk organized and makes
it much easier to update files and delete files.
When you work on your computer, one particular drive will be
designated as the current drive, and one particular directory will be
designated as the current directory. When you give a command,
DOS will look only in the current drive and directory for the
information it needs. If the information is on another drive or
directory, DOS will not be able to execute the command.
When you boot your computer, Drive C will be the current drive,
and the Root directory will be the current directory. The drive is
indicated in the prompt: C> means drive C is current.
Prompt Command
The Prompt command changes the DOS prompt so that it indicates
not only the current drive, but also the current directory.
To change the prompt:
■ Type: prompt $p $g [Enter]
The Root directory will now be shown as \ , and other directories will
be shown as \name, for example, \DOS. Now, you will always know
which directory is current.
Path Command
If all of your DOS commands are in a directory, you will not be able
to perform simple DOS functions unless \DOS is the current directory.
To overcome this limitation, you can tell DOS to always search the
\DOS directory whenever you give a command, regardless of the
current directory.
To give DOS this new path:
■ Type: path \dos [Enter]
This path will stay in effect until you turn off your computer.
Note: Both the Prompt and Path commands can be put in your
autoexec.bat file so that they execute automatically when you boot
your system. Refer to your DOS manual for instructions on changing
the autoexec.bat file.
Change Directory Command
The Change Directory (CD) command lets you change the current
To change the current directory (going down one level):
■ Type: cd directory name [Enter]
Example: cd implant
To make the Root directory current again:
■ Type: cd\ [Enter]
Make Directory Command
The Make Directory (MD) command lets you make new directories.
To make a directory (one level below the current directory):
■ Type: md directory name [Enter]
Example: md emglab
Note: Making a directory does not change the current directory (you
must use the Change Directory command to do that).
Directory Command
The Directory (DIR) command lists all files in the current directory
along with the file size and the time and date of creation.
To list all files in the current directory:
■ Type: dir [Enter]
Each file has a unique file name which is composed of a maximum
of eight characters (the name), a period, and three characters (the
extension). Extensions are assigned to files so that you can identify
a specific type of file. For example, database files end in .DBF;
programs usually end in either .COM or .EXE; report forms used in
dBASE III end in .FRM.
To list files with a common extension (ext):
■ Type: dir *.ext [Enter]
Example: dir *.bat
Copy Command
The copy command copies files from one directory to another, or
from one drive to another.
To copy a file from the current directory to a different directory:
■ Type: copy filename.ext \directory name [Enter]
Example: copy command.com \word will copy the file
command.com to the \word directory.
To copy a file to another drive:
■ Type: copy filename.ext drive: [Enter]
Example: copy weekly.dbf a: will copy the file weekly.dbf
to Drive A.
To copy all files with a common extension to another drive:
■ Type: copy *.ext drive: [Enter]
To copy all files from the current directory to another drive:
■ Type: copy *.* drive: [Enter]
Other useful DOS commands include Format, Backup, and Restore.
Refer to your DOS user's manual for further information on how to
use these commands.
When your program prompts you to enter a condition for a report or
criteria for searching, you will need to know the appropriate syntax of
a database expression. If the syntax of the expression is wrong, an
error message will be displayed on the screen and your program will
stop execution.
In this section, you will learn how to create valid dBASE expressions.
Some of the topics covered include:
Database basics
Database structures
Valid dBASE terms
How to build a dBASE expression
A database is a collection of information organized into rows and
columns. Each column represents a category of information, and
each row contains a group of related items. This arrangement allows
information to be organized in many useful ways quickly and easily.
Examples of databases include telephone books, dictionaries, and
mailing lists.
Database Terms and Definitions
The following are standard terms used to describe databases.
Filename The name of the database.
Record A single entry consisting of related information.
A record in an employee database might include
the employee's name with the corresponding
address and telephone number.
Fields The individual parts of a record. The fields in an
employee database might be name, address, and
telephone number. Each field has a unique name.
Field Name Description
Name Employee's Name
Address Employee's Address
Phone Employee's phone numberDatabase Structure
The database structure is the design of the database. The structure
includes the filename as well as the names, types, lengths, and
decimals in the fields.
Field NameType Length Dec Example
Name Character (C) 20 John Smith
Wage Numeric (N) 4 2 5.00
Hired Date (D) 8 01/09/85
Fulltime Logical (L) 1 T (true)
(true or false)
Notes Memo (M) 10 Employee History
Viewing the Structure of the Database
You will need to view the structure of the database in order to
determine which fields are needed in setting a condition. The
structure of your database can be found in the Data Dictionary,
accessible from the Main Menu of your program. For instructions on
how to use the Data Dictionary, see Part 4, Chapter 8, "The Data
On the following page is a database dictionary for a program that
tracks information about "on the job" injuries. Each record has a
unique case number for easier tracking of records (field CASENUM
C 8). It also contains basic information on each employee involved
such as name, address, date of birth, etc. There may be times when
you want to extract a portion of the database for a report based on
certain fields.
Data Dictionary
Field Name Type Len DecDescription
ACCIDATE D 8 0 Date of Accident
ACTIVE L 1 Active? True or False
ADDRESS C 20 0 Address of Patient
CASENUM C 8 0 Case Number
CITY C 15 0 City
DESC C 40 0 Description of Accident
DOB D 8 0 Date of Birth
FNAME C 10 0 First Name
LNAME C 13 0 Last Name
MEDITOT N 10 2 Medical Costs Total
INDEMTOT N 10 2 Indemnity Costs Total
PAYEE C 10 0 Payee of Costs
SEX C 1 0 Sex
SOCSEC C 11 0 Social Security Number
SOURCE C 10 0 source of claim
STATEC 2 0 state
STATUS C 1 0 status of claim
WAGE N 5 2 Hourly wage
ZIP C 5 0 zip code
In this chapter, you will learn the various operators, connectors, and
functions that you may use in a dBASE expression.
dBASE Comparison Operators
Comparison operators establish a range of values for a field that you
want to use. The range may be numeric or alphabetic.
Operator Function
< Less Than. Examples:
PRICE < 5.00 (expression that specifies all prices under
LIST FOR LNAME < "SMITH" (lists all last names
alphabetically less than "Smith").
Note: The expression is the part of the command that
actually gets evaluated.
> Greater Than. Examples:
PRICE > 5.00 (expression that specifies all prices over
LIST FOR LNAME > "SMITH" (lists all last names
alphabetically greater than "Smith").
= Equal. Examples:
PRICE = 5.00 (expression that specifies all prices equal
to $5.00).
LIST FOR LNAME="SMITH" (lists all last names
equal to "Smith").
<> or # Not equal. Examples:
PRICE <> 5.00 (expression that specifies all prices not
equal to $5.00).
LIST FOR LNAME <> "SMITH" (lists all last name
except "Smith").
<= Less than or equal to.
>= Greater than or equal to. Examples:
PRICE >= 5.00 (expression that specifies all prices
greater than or equal to $5.00).
LIST FOR LNAME <= "SMITH" (lists all names
alphabetically less than or equal to Smith).
$ Contained in. Determines whether one character string
is embedded in another. For example:
LIST FOR TRIM(LNAME) $"SMITH" (lists all last
names equal to Smith).
Mathematical Operators
Mathematical operators perform simple calculations.
+ Adds two numbers. For example, 1 + 1 produces 2.
The values of two fields can be added together, for
example, MEDITOT+INDEMTOT. If the fields are
character fields, it concatenates them, for example, "abc"
+ "def" produces "abcdef."
The + operator can also be used to add a number to a
date, for example, date() + 10 gives the date 10 days from
The + operator cannot be used on logical fields.
- Subtracts two numbers.
* Multiplies two numbers.
/ Divides two numbers.
Logical Connectors
Logical connectors qualify an expression.
.and. States that two things must be true. Example:
(Lists all Smiths that are male).
.or. States that at least one of two things must be true.
(Lists all records with last name Smith as well as all
records with wage greater or equal to $5.00).
.not. States that one thing must not be true. Example:
(Lists all records except those for New York).
( ) Parentheses are used for creating logical groupings in
database expressions (logical). Example:
.OR. STATE = "SC")
(Lists all Smiths who reside in either North Carolina or
South Carolina).
Database Functions Used in Expressions
Functions perform operations on character strings including
conversions and extraction of characters.
ctod(character) Converts a character date field to an actual date
field. "character" is character data in the format
of a valid date ("02/02/88"). Example:
dtoc(character) Converts a date field to a character string.
"character" is a date field. Example:
Returns: 01/01/90.
Defines how many characters are to be extracted
from the left-most portion of the character string.
"character" is a fieldname or character string;
"num1" specifies the number of left-most
characters. Example:
Returns: abc.
Defines how many characters are to be extracted
from the right-most portion of the character
string. "character" is a fieldname or character
string; "num1" specifies the number of right-most
characters. Example:
Returns: fgh.
Extracts a specified portion of a character
(alphanumeric) string. "character" is the character
string; "num1" is the starting location for the
substring; "num2" is the length of the substring
Returns: HO.
list substr(desc,1,11)
Where Description= "Broke hand by slipping on
ice," displays: Broke hand.
trim(character) Removes trailing blanks from a character
expression. "character" is any character string or
field. Example:
Returns: John Smith.
upper( ) Converts any lowercase characters or fields to
uppercase. Example:
(refer to SUBSTR example above).
There will be times when you want to work with a selected portion
of the database. In this chapter, you will learn how to set up dBASE
expressions that accomplish this selection.
3 Steps to Building a dBASE Expression
1)Select the fields. In order to select fields in the database, you need
to be familiar with the database structure. The structure of the
database can by viewed in the Data Dictionary which is accessible
from the Main Menu. You can also get a printout of the fields by
choosing the [List] command on the data management menus. For
more information on the Data Dictionary, see Part 4, Chapter 8.
Example of a Data Dictionary:
Data Dictionary
Field Name Type Len Decimals Description
ACCIDATE D 8 0 Date of Accident
ACTIVE L 1 Active? True or False
ADDRESS C 20 0 Address of Patient
CASENUM C 8 0 Case Number
CITY C 15 0 City
DESC C 40 0 Description of Accident
DOB D 8 0 Date of Birth
FNAME C 10 0 First Name
LNAME C 13 0 Last Name
MEDITOT N 10 2 Medical Costs
INDEMTOT N 10 2 Indemnity Costs
PAYEE C 10 0 Payee of Costs
SEX C 1 0 Sex
SOCSEC C 11 0 Social Security Number
SOURCE C 10 0 Source of claim
STATE C 2 0 State
STATUS C 1 0 Status of claim
WAGE N 5 2 Hourly wage
ZIP C 5 0 Zip code
2)Determine the comparison. You need to decide which records you
want displayed on the report. The expression you use determines
which records will be extracted from the database for the report.
Example: LNAME="SMITH".
3)Use operators and functions as necessary. Some fields such as
dates and numerics have to be converted to character strings in
order to be manipulated correctly within your dBASE expression.
You should determine if any of the operators and/or functions
explained earlier should be used.
The examples on the following pages illustrate how to build dBASE
Example #1
You want a report that lists claim records for everyone named Smith.
1) Look at the structure of the database to determine which fields
will be used. In this case, the field LNAME (last name) will be
2) Determine the comparisons you want to set up against the fields
chosen. In this case, because you want to see all claim records
that belong to persons with the last name SMITH, you should set
3) Because you have only one field in your expression, there is no
need to include any operators other than the = sign.
The completed expression would be:
This expression would cause the report to print claim records for all
persons with last name SMITH.
Example #2
You want a report that contains all Campus records with an accident
date before January 1, 1989.
1) Look at the structure of the database to determine which fields
will be used. In this case, the fields Source and Accidate will be
2) Determine the comparisons you want set up against the fields
chosen. In this case, because you want campus records, you
would set SOURCE = "CAMPUS." Because you want only the
campus records with accident dates of 01/01/89 or before, the
field Accidate should be set to:
3) Because you have two fields in your expression, you must set
these up in an equation using the .AND. logical operator.
The completed expression would be:
This expression would cause the report to print all claim records
with a source of CAMPUS and an accident date on or before
January 1, 1989.
Example #3
You want a report that contains all open Campus records with an
accident date between January 1 and December 31, 1988, and the
medical and indemnity cost totals greater than zero.
1)Look at the structure of the database to determine which fields will
be used. In this case, the fields Source, Status, Accidate, Meditot,
and Indemtot will be used.
2) Determine the comparisons you want to set up against the fields
chosen. In this case, because you want open campus records, you
would set SOURCE = "CAMPUS" and STATUS="O." Because
you want only the campus records with an accident date between
01/01/88 and 12/31/88, the field Accidate should be set to:
ACCIDATE>=ctod("01/01/88") .AND. ACCIDATE>=ctod("12/31/88")
You also want only the records to be shown that have total costs
greater than zero, so you would set up the fields
ACCIDATE>=ctod("01/01/88") .AND. ACCIDATE<=ctod("12/31/88")
3) Because you have multiple fields in your expression, you must link
these in an equation using the .AND. logical operator.
The completed expression would be:
SOURCE="CAMPUS" .AND. upper(STATUS)="O" .AND. ACCIDATE>=ctod("01/01/88") .AND.
ACCIDATE<=ctod("12/31/88") .AND. MEDITOT + INDEMTOT<>0
This expression would cause the report to print all open campus claim
records for the entire year of 1988 that have total costs greater than
Data Expression Help Sheet
The following is a summary of terms used in dBASE expressions.
OperatorsLogical NumericDate Character
= active wage =5.00dtoc(date)="01/01/88"source="CAMPUS"
< wage <5.00 date<ctod("01/01/88")lname>"SMITH"
> wage >5.00 date>ctod("01/01/88")lname >"SMITH"
# # active wage #5.00 dtoc(date)#"01/01/88"sex #"M"
substr() substr(dtoc(date),1,2)substr(desc,5)
left() left(desc,5)
upper() "FELL"$upper(desc)
.AND. .OR.
Logical active .and. wage=5.00 active .or. wage=5.00
Numeric wage=5.00 and. source="CAMPUS wage=5.00 .or. wage=3.00
Date active .and. dtoc(accidate) active .or. dtoc(accidate)
.not.="01/01/88" >"01/01/88"
Char source="CAMPUS" .and. sex="F" state="NC" .or. state="SC"
Logical .not. active
Numeric .not. wage=5.00
Date dtoc(accidate) .not. "01/01/88"
Char .not. state="NC"
DOS stands for Disk Operating System. Its primary purpose is to
set up the computing environment (that is, to establish the working
character of your computer).
How DOS Starts Up
Your computer has two special built-in programs. One performs a
self-test on your computer to diagnose any problems. The second
program starts DOS.
The start up program is called a bootstrap loader. The first thing
DOS does is check for the CONFIG.SYS file. If it finds it, DOS
configures the system for the devices listed therein. Then DOS loads
the command processor (COMMAND.COM). The command
processor looks for the AUTOEXEC.BAT file. If this file exists, the
command processor executes the AUTOEXEC.BAT file. If it does
not find it, the time and date prompts are displayed.
There are three different parts to DOS:
■ The two hidden files, IBMBIO.COM and IBMDOS.COM.
■ The COMMAND.COM file (the command processor).
■ Various command programs (such as FORMAT).
The COMMAND.COM file is known as the command interpreter or
command processor. It has also been referred to as the "heart of
DOS." It is an element of DOS that accepts and acts on commands
given by the user of the computer.
SETting the DOS Environment
DOS creates an environment which is a common information base for
all of your programs to use. By using the SET command, you can
place settings into DOS's environment. By typing SET by itself, you
see the current settings. To create a new setting or change an
existing one, type the SET command as illustrated below:
SET CLIPPER = F31 adds the CLIPPER setting to the
SET CLIPPER = F41 changes the CLIPPER setting in the
SET CLIPPER = removes the setting from the
Whatever setting is given, DOS will put it into the command
processor's environment. If it is a new setting, it will appear for the
first time. If it existed before, the value will be changed. If you type
the SET command and give it a null value, it will disappear from the
Here is an example of a DOS environment on a network system
(displayed on screen after typing SET):
1) Type SET without a name to see the current set of
environment settings.
2) If the name is specified but the parameter is not, the current
setting is removed from the environment.
3) If the name already exists, it is replaced with the new
Note: The COMSPEC is placed in the environment by DOS when it
starts up. It is used to describe the path that DOS would use to
reload the COMMAND.COM file. DOS assigns the COMSPEC
setting automatically, but it can be changed by using the SET
When DOS first begins, it performs some initialization routines. You
can assist in this initial process by setting up commands in the
configuration file. In the last stages of initialization, DOS looks on
the boot up disk for the CONFIG.SYS file. If the file is found, DOS
reads and interprets the commands. If it is not found, DOS assigns
default variables to the commands. This file tells DOS about your
computer system and how it is configured.
The CONFIG.SYS file is a plain ASCII text file which can be created
by an editor such as DOS's EDLIN or with the non-document mode
of your word processor. If you add or change any of the commands,
they will not be in effect until the next time you start DOS. So you
will need to reboot the system either by doing a warm boot (pressing
Ctrl-Alt-Del) or by doing a cold boot (turning your computer off,
waiting five seconds, then turning it on again).
You can use the DIR command to see if the CONFIG.SYS file is on
your system. It must be found in the Root directory. To see the
contents of the file, use the TYPE command:
Here is a sample CONFIG.SYS file:
The following briefly explains how this sample CONFIG.SYS
configures the system:
device Adds the device DRIVER.SYS to the system.
buffers Sets the number of disk/sector buffers to 30.
files Sets the number of files that can be open at the
same time to 39.
Configuration Commands
A disk buffer is a block of memory used to hold data being read
from or written to a disk when the amount of data being transferred
is not an exact multiple of the sector size.
For example, if an application reads a 132-byte record from a file,
DOS will read the entire sector into one of its buffers, locate the
correct 132-byte record in the buffer, and move the record from the
buffer to memory. The next time data is transferred, DOS will
attempt to use a different buffer. All of the buffers will eventually
contain the most recently used data. The more buffers DOS has, the
more data it holds in memory.
By default, DOS sets aside just two or three buffers -- not enough for
efficient operation. The BUFFERS command allows you to set the
number of buffers you want from 1 to 99. Nantucket Corporation
recommends setting BUFFERS equal to 8.
Each buffer takes about one-half K (528 bytes) of memory away from
your main programs. If you have the correct number of buffers and
memory, your hard disk's work (reading and writing records) can be
speeded up.
Purpose Allows you to determine the number of buffers that DOS
will allocate in memory in the initial process.
Syntax BUFFERS = x
Notes x is a number between 1 and 99. The default value is 2 (3
for IBM Personal Computer AT). This value remains in
effect until the value has been changed and the system has
been restarted.
The CLIPPER recommended setting is 8.
The FILES commands controls how many files DOS will allow a
program to use at one time. The default is 8, but can go as high as
255. A higher number lets you use more files while a smaller number
saves a little bit of memory.
Purpose This command determines the maximum number of file
handles that can be open at the same time.
Syntax FILES = x
Notes x is a number between 8 and 255. The default is 8. If
during running your program you encounter an error
message indicating insufficient number of handles, you
should update the FILES command to include more files.
Device Drivers
DOS already knows certain characteristics about your computer and
printer because these are the default devices. However, if you attach
other devices to your computer, DOS needs to know any special
commands that are required to operate these devices. This
notification is achieved by using the DEVICE command. Devices
need special support programs that are called device drivers.
An example of an unusual device could be a type of disk drive or a
mouse. Device drivers are used not only for hardware but for
software as well.
Common device commands are described on the following two pages.Driver.sys
Purpose Supports external floppy disk drives by allowing you to
create another disk drive letter.
Syntax DEVICE=DRIVER.SYS switches
It can accept the following switches:
/D: the physical device number (1-128 for diskettes,
129-255 for hard disks).
/S: the number of sectors per track.
/H: the number of heads per cylinder.
/C indicates a change line the drive senses when a
diskette is changed.
/N for nonremovable drives.
/F: the form factor type.
Notes When a PC has only one diskette drive, DOS allows you
to use it as two drives: A and B. If you add another
diskette drive of a different size (for example, 3-1/2"), this
command would tell DOS to treat that drive as two drive
letters also (for example, drives E and F). This setup
would allow you to copy from one diskette to another in
this new drive. For more information, see your DOS
Purpose DOS has a work space limit of 32 million bytes. This device
allows accessibility to a hard disk that is larger than the
work space. Peter Norton says that you can use all of the
space in a disk that is larger than 32 megabytes, but that
you have to use it in separate partition segments no larger
than DOS's 32 megabyte limit.
Notes This device driver comes with many Compaq models of PC.
If you ever find yourself repeating commands to perform a task,
creating a batch file will save you time and reduce the risk of
misusing commands. This file must be a plain unformatted (ASCII)
text file. Batch files are created by an editor such as EDLIN, by
using the non-document mode of your word processor, or by using
the COPY command (see your DOS manual for more information).
Inside the file are DOS commands that are placed on separate lines.
A batch file executes the whole sequence of commands when you
type the name of the file. DOS performs the commands just as if
you had typed them. DOS keeps track of where it is working in the
file. So after carrying out each command, DOS returns, reads past
the commands it has already processed, and then starts the next
Example: The following batch file is called COPY.BAT. It will copy
all .PRG files off the current directory to Drive A: and then display
the directory of A: on the screen (note: rem indicates a remark).
rem This is a file to copy *.PRG
rem to the A drive.
pause Insert a high density disk in drive A:
To execute the file, type COPY and press Enter (do not type the
.BAT extension).
If you press [CRTL-C] while running a batch file, DOS will ask if you
want to abandon the batch process. Type Y (yes) or N (no).
Advantages of using Batch Files:
1) Batch files are convenient to use because they automate a
number of commands needed to perform tasks.
2) Batch files can help protect data by reducing the risk of misusing
The Autoexec.bat File
Whenever DOS starts up its operation, COMMAND.COM (the
command interpreter) checks to see if there are any initial instructions
in a special batch file called AUTOEXEC.BAT.
If DOS does not find this file, it performs two automatic start up
procedures: DATE and TIME. If it does find the file, it processes
the commands found in the batch file as part of the initialization
routine. It does not do the DATE and TIME feature in this case, so
if you want to set the date and time, you need to include these in
your AUTOEXEC.BAT file.
The AUTOEXEC.BAT must be a plain ASCII text file. This file is
created with any editor program such as DOS's EDLIN or the non-
document mode of your word processor. In the file, each command
should be put on a separate line. The file should be located where
DOS can find it, that is, in the Root directory of the DOS system
disk you use to start your computer.
If you do not have an AUTOEXEC.BAT file, the only items
performed will be the DATE and TIME commands. Just having an
AUTOEXEC.BAT file is enough to tell DOS to not perform its
standard DATE and TIME commands.
Sample AUTOEXEC.BAT file:
These commands are explained below.
When a batch file is running, you may need to change disks or
perform some other action. This command suspends action until you
press any key.
Syntax PAUSE [comment]
Example PAUSE Please put a new disk into drive A.
PATH sets the extended program search paths. The search always
begins in the current directory. You can automatically set your path
by including this command in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file.
Directories in the path should be separated by semicolons. To view
what the current path is, just type in the command PATH. The
working path will then be displayed on the screen.
Syntax PATH [drive:][path][;[drive:][path]...]
Example PATH C:\
Note The more directories DOS has to search, the longer it
takes to find the command program. To help speed things
up, it is best to keep the ones used most frequently at the
beginning of the path.
The APPEND command extends the search path for data files.
Syntax APPEND [drive:] path [;drive][path]...]
The PROMPT command lets you change the DOS prompt to be
more informative, for example, to tell you the current drive and
directory being used.
Syntax PROMPT [[text][$character]...]
Example PROMPT $P$G
The $P changes the prompt to show current directory. The
$G tells DOS to show the > symbol which follows the
current directory. To have DOS enter the command for
you, include the PROMPT command in your
Set Clipper
The Set Clipper command determines the maximum number of files
that you can have open at any one time.
The default for x is 8. This parameter is used in relation
with the FILES= parameter in the CONFIG.SYS file. To
determine the number of files which may be opened,
Clipper uses the smaller of the two parameters.
Note: Check your version of DOS to see how many files can be open
at one time.
The DIR command shows a directory of the files in the current
directory. The list includes: filename, filename extension, the size of
the file, and the date and time the file was created or last changed.
Because of the time stamp, it is important to keep the date and time
accurate to verify creation time.
DIR/W Displays the listing across the width of display screen.
Shows only the filenames and extensions.
DIR/P Pauses each time the screen fills during the listing.
The CHKDSK command gives a status report on a disk by checking
to see how much space is being used and how much is available. It
also checks to see if there is any inconsistent usage of disk space. It
Total space on the disk.
Amount of space in use.
Number of files.
Whether there are any hidden files.
Amount of memory available in your system.
CHKDSK is prepared to repair any logical damage in the use of
space with the use of the F switch. See your DOS manual for more
information. Note: CHKDSK is good to include in the
AUTOEXEC.BAT file. Also CHKDSK cannot be used while on a
The TYPE command displays the contents of a text file. The file will
appear without underlining, tabs, or other formatting.
In Peter Norton's DOS Guide, Norton discusses ways to avoiding data
loss and ways data can be destroyed. The following are some
1)Don't mix versions of DOS.
2)Don't interrupt the writing of disk information before the process
is complete. This problem can occur when the power goes off. A
backup power supply can solve this problem. If you don't have
one, try to save your file periodically especially on windy or stormy
3)Don't stop an operation by removing a disk while it is being written
to or by using the [CRTL-C] key.
4)Don't switch disks in the middle of an operation. This action could
corrupt the File Allocation Table (FAT) and cause your file to be
damaged or permanently lost. If you substitute another disk, DOS
finishes writing out the file and the FAT. But it does not know you
switched disks. So it writes the FAT that was read from the first
disk onto the second. The files on the second disk would then be
Solution: If DOS ever tells you there is trouble with a disk, don't
switch to a disk with valuable data on it. Either fix the bad disk,
use a blank disk, or abandon the operation.
5)Don't misuse the ERASE (DELETE) command.
6)Don't misuse the FORMAT command.
Use these commands to check for any loss:
CHKDSK Tells if there is any logical scrambling of the disk.
DIR Checks the file size to see if it is smaller. If the file
size is zero, the creation of the file was stopped
before completion. Thus, both the data that was
being written and the previous data of the file have
been lost.
First check to see if your file has a .BAK extension
and rename the .bak file as the program file. If
you cannot find a .bak file, check to see if there
are any .TMP or .$$$ files.
Tips to Avoid Data Loss
1) Always follow a strict pattern in the way you copy data:
Keep using one diskette as the original. Never rotate between
the original and the backup.
Keep more than one backup diskette and rotate them.
Never make copies manually. Instead, use a batch file.
Use a batch file to format diskettes. Include a DIR:A command
in the file so that it first checks the diskette to see if any files are
on it.
Always label your diskettes properly.
2) Consider getting an "unerase" program.
3) Avoid physical damage to disk.
T) and cause your file to be damaged or permanently lost. If you
substitute another disk, DOS finishes writing out the file and the FAT.
But it does not know you switched disks. So it writes the FAT that
was read from the first disk onto the second. The files on the second
disk would then be lost.
Solution: If DOS ever tells you there is trouble with a disk, don't
switch to a disk with valuable data on it. Either fix the bad disk,
use a blank disk, or abandon the operation.
5)Don't misuse the ERASE (DELETE) command.
6)Don't misuse the FORMAT command.
Use these commands to check for any loss:
CHKDSK Tells if there is any logical scrambling of the disk.
DIR Checks the file size to see if it is smaller. If the file
size is zero, the creation of the file was stopped
before completion. Thus, both the data that was
being written and the previous data of the file have
been lost.
First check to see if your file has a .BAK extension
and rename the .bak file as the program file. If
you cannot find a .bak file, check to see if there
are any .TMP or .$$$ files.
Tips to Avoid Data Loss
1) Always follow a strict pattern in the way you copy data:
Keep using one diskette as the original. Never rotate between
the original and the backup.
Keep more than one backup diskette and rotate them.
Never make copies manually. Instead, use a batch file.
Use a batch file to format diskettes. Include a DIR:A command
in the file so that it first checks the diskette to see if any files are
on it.
Always label your diskettes properly.
2) Consider getting an "unerase" program.
3) Avoid physical damage to disk.
) and cause your file to be damaged or permanently lost. If you
ubstitute another disk, DOS finishes writing out the file and the FAT.
But it does not know you switched disks. So it writes the FAT that
was read from the first disk onto the second. The files on the second
ddisk would then be lost.
Solution: If DOS ever tells you there is trouble with a disk, don't
switch to a disk with valuable data on it. Either fix the bad disk,
use a blank disk, or abandon the operation.
5)Don't misuse the ERASE (DELETE) command.
6)Don't misuse the FORMAT command.
Use these commands to check for any loss:
CHKDSK Tells if there is any logical scrambling of the disk.
DIR Checks the file size to see if it is smaller. If the file
size is zero, the creation of the file was stopped
before completion. Thus, both the data that was
being written and the previous data of the file have
been lost.
First check to see if your file has a .BAK extension
and rename the .bak file as the program file. If
you cannot find a .bak file, check to see if there
are any .TMP or .$$$ files.
Tips to Avoid Data Loss
1) Always follow a strict pattern in the way you copy data:
Keep using one diskette as the original. Never rotate between
the original and the backup.
Keep more than one backup diskette and rotate them.
Never make copies manually. Instead, use a batch file.
Use a batch file to format diskettes. Include a DIR:A command
in the file so that it first checks the diskette to see if any files are
on it.
Always label your diskettes properly.
2) Consider getting an "unerase" program.
3) Avoid physical damage to disk.
and cause your file to be damaged or permanently lost. If you
ubstitute another disk, DOS finishes writing out the file and the FAT.
But it does not know you switched disks. So it writes the FAT that
was read from the first disk onto the second. The files on the second
ddisk would then be lost.
Solution: If DOS ever tells you there is trouble with a disk, don't
switch to a disk with valuable data on it. Either fix the bad disk,
use a blank disk, or abandon the operation.
5)Don't misuse the ERASE (DELETE) command.
6)Don't misuse the FORMAT command.
Use these commands to check for any loss:
CHKDSK Tells if there is any logical scrambling of the disk.
DIR Checks the file size to see if it is smaller. If the file
size is zero, the creation of the file was stopped
before completion. Thus, both the data that was
being written and the previous data of the file have
been lost.
First check to see if your file has a .BAK extension
and rename the .bak file as the program file. If
you cannot find a .bak file, check to see if there
are any .TMP or .$$$ files.
Tips to Avoid Data Loss
1) Always follow a strict pattern in the way you copy data:
Keep using one diskette as the original. Never rotate between
the original and the backup.
Keep more than one backup diskette and rotate them.
Never make copies manually. Instead, use a batch file.
Use a batch file to format diskettes. Include a DIR:A command
in the file so that it first checks the diskette to see if any files are
on it.
Always label your diskettes properly.
2) Consider getting an "unerase" program.
3) Avoid physical damage to disk.
and cause your file to be damaged or permanently lost. If you
ubstitute another disk, DOS finishes writing out the file and the FAT.
But it does not know you switched disks. So it writes the FAT that
was read from the first disk onto the second. The files on the second
ddisk would then be lost.
Solution: If DOS ever tells you there is trouble with a disk, don't
switch to a disk with valuable data on it. Either fix the bad disk,
use a blank disk, or abandon the operation.
5)Don't misuse the ERASE (DELETE) command.
6)Don't misuse the FORMAT command.
Use these commands to check for any loss:
CHKDSK Tells if there is any logical scrambling of the disk.
DIR Checks the file size to see if it is smaller. If the file
size is zero, the creation of the file was stopped
before completion. Thus, both the data that was
being written and the previous data of the file have
been lost.
First check to see if your file has a .BAK extension
and rename the .bak file as the program file. If
you cannot find a .bak file, check to see if there
are any .TMP or .$$$ files.
Tips to Avoid Data Loss
1) Always follow a strict pattern in the way you copy data:
Keep using one diskette as the original. Never rotate between
the original and the backup.
Keep more than one backup diskette and rotate them.
Never make copies manually. Instead, use a batch file.
Use a batch file to format diskettes. Include a DIR:A command
in the file so that it first checks the diskette to see if any files are
on it.
Always label your diskettes properly.
2) Consider getting an "unerase" program.
3) Avoid physical damage to disk.
nd cause your file to be damaged or permanently lost. If you
ubstitute another disk, DOS finishes writing out the file and the FAT.
But it does not know you switched disks. So it writes the FAT that
was read from the first disk onto the second. The files on the second
ddisk would then be lost.
Solution: If DOS ever tells you there is trouble with a disk, don't
switch to a disk with valuable data on it. Either fix the bad disk,
use a blank disk, or abandon the operation.
5)Don't misuse the ERASE (DELETE) command.
6)Don't misuse the FORMAT command.
Use these commands to check for any loss:
CHKDSK Tells if there is any logical scrambling of the disk.
DIR Checks the file size to see if it is smaller. If the file
size is zero, the creation of the file was stopped
before completion. Thus, both the data that was
being written and the previous data of the file have
been lost.
First check to see if your file has a .BAK extension
and rename the .bak file as the program file. If
you cannot find a .bak file, check to see if there
are any .TMP or .$$$ files.
Tips to Avoid Data Loss
1) Always follow a strict pattern in the way you copy data:
Keep using one diskette as the original. Never rotate between
the original and the backup.
Keep more than one backup diskette and rotate them.
Never make copies manually. Instead, use a batch file.
Use a batch file to format diskettes. Include a DIR:A command
in the file so that it first checks the diskette to see if any files are
on it.
Always label your diskettes properly.
2) Consider getting an "unerase" program.
3) Avoid physical damage to disk.
d cause your file to be damaged or permanently lost. If you
ubstitute another disk, DOS finishes writing out the file and the FAT.
But it does not know you switched disks. So it writes the FAT that
was read from the first disk onto the second. The files on the second
ddisk would then be lost.
Solution: If DOS ever tells you there is trouble with a disk, don't
switch to a disk with valuable data on it. Either fix the bad disk,
use a blank disk, or abandon the operation.
5)Don't misuse the ERASE (DELETE) command.
6)Don't misuse the FORMAT command.
Use these commands to check for any loss:
CHKDSK Tells if there is any logical scrambling of the disk.
DIR Checks the file size to see if it is smaller. If the file
size is zero, the creation of the file was stopped
before completion. Thus, both the data that was
being written and the previous data of the file have
been lost.
First check to see if your file has a .BAK extension
and rename the .bak file as the program file. If
you cannot find a .bak file, check to see if there
are any .TMP or .$$$ files.
Tips to Avoid Data Loss
1) Always follow a strict pattern in the way you copy data:
Keep using one diskette as the original. Never rotate between
the original and the backup.
Keep more than one backup diskette and rotate them.
Never make copies manually. Instead, use a batch file.
Use a batch file to format diskettes. Include a DIR:A command
in the file so that it first checks the diskette to see if any files are
on it.
Always label your diskettes properly.
2) Consider getting an "unerase" program.
3) Avoid physical damage to disk.
cause your file to be damaged or permanently lost. If you
ubstitute another disk, DOS finishes writing out the file and the FAT.
But it does not know you switched disks. So it writes the FAT that
was read from the first disk onto the second. The files on the second
ddisk would then be lost.
Solution: If DOS ever tells you there is trouble with a disk, don't
switch to a disk with valuable data on it. Either fix the bad disk,
use a blank disk, or abandon the operation.
5)Don't misuse the ERASE (DELETE) command.
6)Don't misuse the FORMAT command.
Use these commands to check for any loss:
CHKDSK Tells if there is any logical scrambling of the disk.
DIR Checks the file size to see if it is smaller. If the file
size is zero, the creation of the file was stopped
before completion. Thus, both the data that was
being written and the previous data of the file have
been lost.
First check to see if your file has a .BAK extension
and rename the .bak file as the program file. If
you cannot find a .bak file, check to see if there
are any .TMP or .$$$ files.
Tips to Avoid Data Loss
1) Always follow a strict pattern in the way you copy data:
Keep using one diskette as the original. Never rotate between
the original and the backup.
Keep more than one backup diskette and rotate them.
Never make copies manually. Instead, use a batch file.
Use a batch file to format diskettes. Include a DIR:A command
in the file so that it first checks the diskette to see if any files are
on it.
Always label your diskettes properly.
2) Consider getting an "unerase" program.
3) Avoid physical damage to disk.
cause your file to be damaged or permanently lost. If you ubstitute
another disk, DOS finishes writing out the file and the FAT. But it
does not know you switched disks. So it writes the FAT that was
read from the first disk onto the second. The files on the second disk
would then be lost.
Solution: If DOS ever tells you there is trouble with a disk, don't
switch to a disk with valuable data on it. Either fix the bad disk,
use a blank disk, or abandon the operation.
5)Don't misuse the ERASE (DELETE) command.
6)Don't misuse the FORMAT command.
Use these commands to check for any loss:
CHKDSK Tells if there is any logical scrambling of the disk.
DIR Checks the file size to see if it is smaller. If the file
size is zero, the creation of the file was stopped
before completion. Thus, both the data that was
being written and the previous data of the file have
been lost.
First check to see if your file has a .BAK extension
and rename the .bak file as the program file. If
you cannot find a .bak file, check to see if there
are any .TMP or .$$$ files.
Tips to Avoid Data Loss
1) Always follow a strict pattern in the way you copy data:
Keep using one diskette as the original. Never rotate between
the original and the backup.
Keep more than one backup diskette and rotate them.
Never make copies manually. Instead, use a batch file.
Use a batch file to format diskettes. Include a DIR:A command
in the file so that it first checks the diskette to see if any files are
on it.
Always label your diskettes properly.
2) Consider getting an "unerase" program.
3) Avoid physical damage to disk.
cause your file to be damaged or permanently lost. If you ubstitute
another disk, DOS finishes writing out the file and the FAT. But it
does not know you switched disks. So it writes the FAT that was
read from the first disk onto the second. The files on the second disk
wwould then be lost.
Solution: If DOS ever tells you there is trouble with a disk, don't
switch to a disk with valuable data on it. Either fix the bad disk,
use a blank disk, or abandon the operation.
5)Don't misuse the ERASE (DELETE) command.
6)Don't misuse the FORMAT command.
Use these commands to check for any loss:
CHKDSK Tells if there is any logical scrambling of the disk.
DIR Checks the file size to see if it is smaller. If the file
size is zero, the creation of the file was stopped
before completion. Thus, both the data that was
being written and the previous data of the file have
been lost.
First check to see if your file has a .BAK extension
and rename the .bak file as the program file. If
you cannot find a .bak file, check to see if there
are any .TMP or .$$$ files.
Tips to Avoid Data Loss
1) Always follow a strict pattern in the way you copy data:
Keep using one diskette as the original. Never rotate between
the original and the backup.
Keep more than one backup diskette and rotate them.
Never make copies manually. Instead, use a batch file.
Use a batch file to format diskettes. Include a DIR:A command
in the file so that it first checks the diskette to see if any files are
on it.
Always label your diskettes properly.
2) Consider getting an "unerase" program.
3) Avoid physical damage to disk.
ause your file to be damaged or permanently lost. If you ubstitute
another disk, DOS finishes writing out the file and the FAT. But it
does not know you switched disks. So it writes the FAT that was
read from the first disk onto the second. The files on the second disk
wwould then be lost.
Solution: If DOS ever tells you there is trouble with a disk, don't
switch to a disk with valuable data on it. Either fix the bad disk,
use a blank disk, or abandon the operation.
5)Don't misuse the ERASE (DELETE) command.
6)Don't misuse the FORMAT command.
Use these commands to check for any loss:
CHKDSK Tells if there is any logical scrambling of the disk.
DIR Checks the file size to see if it is smaller. If the file
size is zero, the creation of the file was stopped
before completion. Thus, both the data that was
being written and the previous data of the file have
been lost.
First check to see if your file has a .BAK extension
and rename the .bak file as the program file. If
you cannot find a .bak file, check to see if there
are any .TMP or .$$$ files.
Tips to Avoid Data Loss
1) Always follow a strict pattern in the way you copy data:
Keep using one diskette as the original. Never rotate between
the original and the backup.
Keep more than one backup diskette and rotate them.
Never make copies manually. Instead, use a batch file.
Use a batch file to format diskettes. Include a DIR:A command
in the file so that it first checks the diskette to see if any files are
on it.
Always label your diskettes properly.
2) Consider getting an "unerase" program.
3) Avoid physical damage to disk.
use your file to be damaged or permanently lost. If you ubstitute
another disk, DOS finishes writing out the file and the FAT. But it
does not know you switched disks. So it writes the FAT that was
read from the first disk onto the second. The files on the second disk
wwould then be lost.
Solution: If DOS ever tells you there is trouble with a disk, don't
switch to a disk with valuable data on it. Either fix the bad disk,
use a blank disk, or abandon the operation.
5)Don't misuse the ERASE (DELETE) command.
6)Don't misuse the FORMAT command.
Use these commands to check for any loss:
CHKDSK Tells if there is any logical scrambling of the disk.
DIR Checks the file size to see if it is smaller. If the file
size is zero, the creation of the file was stopped
before completion. Thus, both the data that was
being written and the previous data of the file have
been lost.
First check to see if your file has a .BAK extension
and rename the .bak file as the program file. If
you cannot find a .bak file, check to see if there
are any .TMP or .$$$ files.
Tips to Avoid Data Loss
1) Always follow a strict pattern in the way you copy data:
Keep using one diskette as the original. Never rotate between
the original and the backup.
Keep more than one backup diskette and rotate them.
Never make copies manually. Instead, use a batch file.
Use a batch file to format diskettes. Include a DIR:A command
in the file so that it first checks the diskette to see if any files are
on it.
Always label your diskettes properly.
2) Consider getting an "unerase" program.
3) Avoid physical damage to disk.
se your file to be damaged or permanently lost. If you ubstitute
another disk, DOS finishes writing out the file and the FAT. But it
does not know you switched disks. So it writes the FAT that was
read from the first disk onto the second. The files on the second disk
wwould then be lost.
Solution: If DOS ever tells you there is trouble with a disk, don't
switch to a disk with valuable data on it. Either fix the bad disk,
use a blank disk, or abandon the operation.
5)Don't misuse the ERASE (DELETE) command.
6)Don't misuse the FORMAT command.
Use these commands to check for any loss:
CHKDSK Tells if there is any logical scrambling of the disk.
DIR Checks the file size to see if it is smaller. If the file
size is zero, the creation of the file was stopped
before completion. Thus, both the data that was
being written and the previous data of the file have
been lost.
First check to see if your file has a .BAK extension
and rename the .bak file as the program file. If
you cannot find a .bak file, check to see if there
are any .TMP or .$$$ files.
Tips to Avoid Data Loss
1) Always follow a strict pattern in the way you copy data:
Keep using one diskette as the original. Never rotate between
the original and the backup.
Keep more than one backup diskette and rotate them.
Never make copies manually. Instead, use a batch file.
Use a batch file to format diskettes. Include a DIR:A command
in the file so that it first checks the diskette to see if any files are
on it.
Always label your diskettes properly.
2) Consider getting an "unerase" program.
3) Avoid physical damage to disk.
e your file to be damaged or permanently lost. If you ubstitute
another disk, DOS finishes writing out the file and the FAT. But it
does not know you switched disks. So it writes the FAT that was
read from the first disk onto the second. The files on the second disk
wwould then be lost.
Solution: If DOS ever tells you there is trouble with a disk, don't
switch to a disk with valuable data on it. Either fix the bad disk,
use a blank disk, or abandon the operation.
5)Don't misuse the ERASE (DELETE) command.
6)Don't misuse the FORMAT command.
Use these commands to check for any loss:
CHKDSK Tells if there is any logical scrambling of the disk.
DIR Checks the file size to see if it is smaller. If the file
size is zero, the creation of the file was stopped
before completion. Thus, both the data that was
being written and the previous data of the file have
been lost.
First check to see if your file has a .BAK extension
and rename the .bak file as the program file. If
you cannot find a .bak file, check to see if there
are any .TMP or .$$$ files.
Tips to Avoid Data Loss
1) Always follow a strict pattern in the way you copy data:
Keep using one diskette as the original. Never rotate between
the original and the backup.
Keep more than one backup diskette and rotate them.
Never make copies manually. Instead, use a batch file.
Use a batch file to format diskettes. Include a DIR:A command
in the file so that it first checks the diskette to see if any files are
on it.
Always label your diskettes properly.
2) Consider getting an "unerase" program.
3) Avoid physical damage to disk.
your file to be damaged or permanently lost. If you ubstitute
another disk, DOS finishes writing out the file and the FAT. But it
does not know you switched disks. So it writes the FAT that was
read from the first disk onto the second. The files on the second disk
wwould then be lost.
Solution: If DOS ever tells you there is trouble with a disk, don't
switch to a disk with valuable data on it. Either fix the bad disk,
use a blank disk, or abandon the operation.
5)Don't misuse the ERASE (DELETE) command.
6)Don't misuse the FORMAT command.
Use these commands to check for any loss:
CHKDSK Tells if there is any logical scrambling of the disk.
DIR Checks the file size to see if it is smaller. If the file
size is zero, the creation of the file was stopped
before completion. Thus, both the data that was
being written and the previous data of the file have
been lost.
First check to see if your file has a .BAK extension
and rename the .bak file as the program file. If
you cannot find a .bak file, check to see if there
are any .TMP or .$$$ files.
Tips to Avoid Data Loss
1) Always follow a strict pattern in the way you copy data:
Keep using one diskette as the original. Never rotate between
the original and the backup.
Keep more than one backup diskette and rotate them.
Never make copies manually. Instead, use a batch file.
Use a batch file to format diskettes. Include a DIR:A command
in the file so that it first checks the diskette to see if any files are
on it.
Always label your diskettes properly.
2) Consider getting an "unerase" program.
3) Avoid physical damage to disk.
your file to be damaged or permanently lost. If you ubstitute
another disk, DOS finishes writing out the file and the FAT. But it
does not know you switched disks. So it writes the FAT that was
read from the first disk onto the second. The files on the second disk
wwould then be lost.
Solution: If DOS ever tells you there is trouble with a disk, don't
switch to a disk with valuable data on it. Either fix the bad disk,
use a blank disk, or abandon the operation.
5)Don't misuse the ERASE (DELETE) command.
6)Don't misuse the FORMAT command.
Use these commands to check for any loss:
CHKDSK Tells if there is any logical scrambling of the disk.
DIR Checks the file size to see if it is smaller. If the file
size is zero, the creation of the file was stopped
before completion. Thus, both the data that was
being written and the previous data of the file have
been lost.
First check to see if your file has a .BAK extension
and rename the .bak file as the program file. If
you cannot find a .bak file, check to see if there
are any .TMP or .$$$ files.
Tips to Avoid Data Loss
1) Always follow a strict pattern in the way you copy data:
Keep using one diskette as the original. Never rotate between
the original and the backup.
Keep more than one backup diskette and rotate them.
Never make copies manually. Instead, use a batch file.
Use a batch file to format diskettes. Include a DIR:A command
in the file so that it first checks the diskette to see if any files are
on it.
Always label your diskettes properly.
2) Consider getting an "unerase" program.
3) Avoid physical damage to disk.
our file to be damaged or permanently lost. If you ubstitute
another disk, DOS finishes writing out the file and the FAT. But it
does not know you switched disks. So it writes the FAT that was
read from the first disk onto the second. The files on the second disk
wwould then be lost.
Solution: If DOS ever tells you there is trouble with a disk, don't
switch to a disk with valuable data on it. Either fix the bad disk,
use a blank disk, or abandon the operation.
5)Don't misuse the ERASE (DELETE) command.
6)Don't misuse the FORMAT command.
Use these commands to check for any loss:
CHKDSK Tells if there is any logical scrambling of the disk.
DIR Checks the file size to see if it is smaller. If the file
size is zero, the creation of the file was stopped
before completion. Thus, both the data that was
being written and the previous data of the file have
been lost.
First check to see if your file has a .BAK extension
and rename the .bak file as the program file. If
you cannot find a .bak file, check to see if there
are any .TMP or .$$$ files.
Tips to Avoid Data Loss
1) Always follow a strict pattern in the way you copy data:
Keep using one diskette as the original. Never rotate between
the original and the backup.
Keep more than one backup diskette and rotate them.
Never make copies manually. Instead, use a batch file.
Use a batch file to format diskettes. Include a DIR:A command
in the file so that it first checks the diskette to see if any files are
on it.
Always label your diskettes properly.
2) Consider getting an "unerase" program.
3) Avoid physical damage to disk.
ur file to be damaged or permanently lost. If you ubstitute another
disk, DOS finishes writing out the file and the FAT. But it does not
know you switched disks. So it writes the FAT that was read from
the first disk onto the second. The files on the second disk would
then be lost.
Solution: If DOS ever tells you there is trouble with a disk, don't
switch to a disk with valuable data on it. Either fix the bad disk,
use a blank disk, or abandon the operation.
5)Don't misuse the ERASE (DELETE) command.
6)Don't misuse the FORMAT command.
Use these commands to check for any loss:
CHKDSK Tells if there is any logical scrambling of the disk.
DIR Checks the file size to see if it is smaller. If the file
size is zero, the creation of the file was stopped
before completion. Thus, both the data that was
being written and the previous data of the file have
been lost.
First check to see if your file has a .BAK extension
and rename the .bak file as the program file. If
you cannot find a .bak file, check to see if there
are any .TMP or .$$$ files.
Tips to Avoid Data Loss
1) Always follow a strict pattern in the way you copy data:
Keep using one diskette as the original. Never rotate between
the original and the backup.
Keep more than one backup diskette and rotate them.
Never make copies manually. Instead, use a batch file.
Use a batch file to format diskettes. Include a DIR:A command
in the file so that it first checks the diskette to see if any files are
on it.
Always label your diskettes properly.
2) Consider getting an "unerase" program.
3) Avoid physical damage to disk.
r file to be damaged or permanently lost. If you ubstitute another
disk, DOS finishes writing out the file and the FAT. But it does not
know you switched disks. So it writes the FAT that was read from
the first disk onto the second. The files on the second disk would
then be lost.
Solution: If DOS ever tells you there is trouble with a disk, don't
switch to a disk with valuable data on it. Either fix the bad disk,
use a blank disk, or abandon the operation.
5)Don't misuse the ERASE (DELETE) command.
6)Don't misuse the FORMAT command.
Use these commands to check for any loss:
CHKDSK Tells if there is any logical scrambling of the disk.
DIR Checks the file size to see if it is smaller. If the file
size is zero, the creation of the file was stopped
before completion. Thus, both the data that was
being written and the previous data of the file have
been lost.
First check to see if your file has a .BAK extension
and rename the .bak file as the program file. If
you cannot find a .bak file, check to see if there
are any .TMP or .$$$ files.
Tips to Avoid Data Loss
1) Always follow a strict pattern in the way you copy data:
Keep using one diskette as the original. Never rotate between
the original and the backup.
Keep more than one backup diskette and rotate them.
Never make copies manually. Instead, use a batch file.
Use a batch file to format diskettes. Include a DIR:A command
in the file so that it first checks the diskette to see if any files are
on it.
Always label your diskettes properly.
2) Consider getting an "unerase" program.
3) Avoid physical damage to disk.
file to be damaged or permanently lost. If you ubstitute another
disk, DOS finishes writing out the file and the FAT. But it does not
know you switched disks. So it writes the FAT that was read from
the first disk onto the second. The files on the second disk would
then be lost.
Solution: If DOS ever tells you there is trouble with a disk, don't
switch to a disk with valuable data on it. Either fix the bad disk,
use a blank disk, or abandon the operation.
5)Don't misuse the ERASE (DELETE) command.
6)Don't misuse the FORMAT command.
Use these commands to check for any loss:
CHKDSK Tells if there is any logical scrambling of the disk.
DIR Checks the file size to see if it is smaller. If the file
size is zero, the creation of the file was stopped
before completion. Thus, both the data that was
being written and the previous data of the file have
been lost.
First check to see if your file has a .BAK extension
and rename the .bak file as the program file. If
you cannot find a .bak file, check to see if there
are any .TMP or .$$$ files.
Tips to Avoid Data Loss
1) Always follow a strict pattern in the way you copy data:
Keep using one diskette as the original. Never rotate between
the original and the backup.
Keep more than one backup diskette and rotate them.
Never make copies manually. Instead, use a batch file.
Use a batch file to format diskettes. Include a DIR:A command
in the file so that it first checks the diskette to see if any files are
on it.
Always label your diskettes properly.
2) Consider getting an "unerase" program.
3) Avoid physical damage to disk.
file to be damaged or permanently lost. If you ubstitute another
disk, DOS finishes writing out the file and the FAT. But it does not
know you switched disks. So it writes the FAT that was read from
the first disk onto the second. The files on the second disk would
then be lost.
Solution: If DOS ever tells you there is trouble with a disk, don't
switch to a disk with valuable data on it. Either fix the bad disk,
use a blank disk, or abandon the operation.
5)Don't misuse the ERASE (DELETE) command.
6)Don't misuse the FORMAT command.
Use these commands to check for any loss:
CHKDSK Tells if there is any logical scrambling of the disk.
DIR Checks the file size to see if it is smaller. If the file
size is zero, the creation of the file was stopped
before completion. Thus, both the data that was
being written and the previous data of the file have
been lost.
First check to see if your file has a .BAK extension
and rename the .bak file as the program file. If
you cannot find a .bak file, check to see if there
are any .TMP or .$$$ files.
Tips to Avoid Data Loss
1) Always follow a strict pattern in the way you copy data:
Keep using one diskette as the original. Never rotate between
the original and the backup.
Keep more than one backup diskette and rotate them.
Never make copies manually. Instead, use a batch file.
Use a batch file to format diskettes. Include a DIR:A command
in the file so that it first checks the diskette to see if any files are
on it.
Always label your diskettes properly.
2) Consider getting an "unerase" program.
3) Avoid physical damage to disk.
ile to be damaged or permanently lost. If you ubstitute another
disk, DOS finishes writing out the file and the FAT. But it does not
know you switched disks. So it writes the FAT that was read from
the first disk onto the second. The files on the second disk would
then be lost.
Solution: If DOS ever tells you there is trouble with a disk, don't
switch to a disk with valuable data on it. Either fix the bad disk,
use a blank disk, or abandon the operation.
5)Don't misuse the ERASE (DELETE) command.
6)Don't misuse the FORMAT command.
Use these commands to check for any loss:
CHKDSK Tells if there is any logical scrambling of the disk.
DIR Checks the file size to see if it is smaller. If the file
size is zero, the creation of the file was stopped
before completion. Thus, both the data that was
being written and the previous data of the file have
been lost.
First check to see if your file has a .BAK extension
and rename the .bak file as the program file. If
you cannot find a .bak file, check to see if there
are any .TMP or .$$$ files.
Tips to Avoid Data Loss
1) Always follow a strict pattern in the way you copy data:
Keep using one diskette as the original. Never rotate between
the original and the backup.
Keep more than one backup diskette and rotate them.
Never make copies manually. Instead, use a batch file.
Use a batch file to format diskettes. Include a DIR:A command
in the file so that it first checks the diskette to see if any files are
on it.
Always label your diskettes properly.
2) Consider getting an "unerase" program.
3) Avoid physical damage to disk.
le to be damaged or permanently lost. If you ubstitute another
disk, DOS finishes writing out the file and the FAT. But it does not
know you switched disks. So it writes the FAT that was read from
the first disk onto the second. The files on the second disk would
then be lost.
Solution: If DOS ever tells you there is trouble with a disk, don't
switch to a disk with valuable data on it. Either fix the bad disk,
use a blank disk, or abandon the operation.
5)Don't misuse the ERASE (DELETE) command.
6)Don't misuse the FORMAT command.
Use these commands to check for any loss:
CHKDSK Tells if there is any logical scrambling of the disk.
DIR Checks the file size to see if it is smaller. If the file
size is zero, the creation of the file was stopped
before completion. Thus, both the data that was
being written and the previous data of the file have
been lost.
First check to see if your file has a .BAK extension
and rename the .bak file as the program file. If
you cannot find a .bak file, check to see if there
are any .TMP or .$$$ files.
Tips to Avoid Data Loss
1) Always follow a strict pattern in the way you copy data:
Keep using one diskette as the original. Never rotate between
the original and the backup.
Keep more than one backup diskette and rotate them.
Never make copies manually. Instead, use a batch file.
Use a batch file to format diskettes. Include a DIR:A command
in the file so that it first checks the diskette to see if any files are
on it.
Always label your diskettes properly.
2) Consider getting an "unerase" program.
3) Avoid physical damage to disk.
e to be damaged or permanently lost. If you ubstitute another
disk, DOS finishes writing out the file and the FAT. But it does not
know you switched disks. So it writes the FAT that was read from
the first disk onto the second. The files on the second disk would
then be lost.
Solution: If DOS ever tells you there is trouble with a disk, don't
switch to a disk with valuable data on it. Either fix the bad disk,
use a blank disk, or abandon the operation.
5)Don't misuse the ERASE (DELETE) command.
6)Don't misuse the FORMAT command.
Use these commands to check for any loss:
CHKDSK Tells if there is any logical scrambling of the disk.
DIR Checks the file size to see if it is smaller. If the file
size is zero, the creation of the file was stopped
before completion. Thus, both the data that was
being written and the previous data of the file have
been lost.
First check to see if your file has a .BAK extension
and rename the .bak file as the program file. If
you cannot find a .bak file, check to see if there
are any .TMP or .$$$ files.
Tips to Avoid Data Loss
1) Always follow a strict pattern in the way you copy data:
Keep using one diskette as the original. Never rotate between
the original and the backup.
Keep more than one backup diskette and rotate them.
Never make copies manually. Instead, use a batch file.
Use a batch file to format diskettes. Include a DIR:A command
in the file so that it first checks the diskette to see if any files are
on it.
Always label your diskettes properly.
2) Consider getting an "unerase" program.
3) Avoid physical damage to disk.
to be damaged or permanently lost. If you ubstitute another disk,
DOS finishes writing out the file and the FAT. But it does not know
you switched disks. So it writes the FAT that was read from the first
disk onto the second. The files on the second disk would then be
Solution: If DOS ever tells you there is trouble with a disk, don't
switch to a disk with valuable data on it. Either fix the bad disk,
use a blank disk, or abandon the operation.
5)Don't misuse the ERASE (DELETE) command.
6)Don't misuse the FORMAT command.
Use these commands to check for any loss:
CHKDSK Tells if there is any logical scrambling of the disk.
DIR Checks the file size to see if it is smaller. If the file
size is zero, the creation of the file was stopped
before completion. Thus, both the data that was
being written and the previous data of the file have
been lost.
First check to see if your file has a .BAK extension
and rename the .bak file as the program file. If
you cannot find a .bak file, check to see if there
are any .TMP or .$$$ files.
Tips to Avoid Data Loss
1) Always follow a strict pattern in the way you copy data:
Keep using one diskette as the original. Never rotate between
the original and the backup.
Keep more than one backup diskette and rotate them.
Never make copies manually. Instead, use a batch file.
Use a batch file to format diskettes. Include a DIR:A command
in the file so that it first checks the diskette to see if any files are
on it.
Always label your diskettes properly.
2) Consider getting an "unerase" program.
3) Avoid physical damage to disk.
to be damaged or permanently lost. If you ubstitute another disk,
DOS finishes writing out the file and the FAT. But it does not know
you switched disks. So it writes the FAT that was read from the first
ddisk onto the second. The files on the second disk would then be
Solution: If DOS ever tells you there is trouble with a disk, don't
switch to a disk with valuable data on it. Either fix the bad disk,
use a blank disk, or abandon the operation.
5)Don't misuse the ERASE (DELETE) command.
6)Don't misuse the FORMAT command.
Use these commands to check for any loss:
CHKDSK Tells if there is any logical scrambling of the disk.
DIR Checks the file size to see if it is smaller. If the file
size is zero, the creation of the file was stopped
before completion. Thus, both the data that was
being written and the previous data of the file have
been lost.
First check to see if your file has a .BAK extension
and rename the .bak file as the program file. If
you cannot find a .bak file, check to see if there
are any .TMP or .$$$ files.
Tips to Avoid Data Loss
1) Always follow a strict pattern in the way you copy data:
Keep using one diskette as the original. Never rotate between
the original and the backup.
Keep more than one backup diskette and rotate them.
Never make copies manually. Instead, use a batch file.
Use a batch file to format diskettes. Include a DIR:A command
in the file so that it first checks the diskette to see if any files are
on it.
Always label your diskettes properly.
2) Consider getting an "unerase" program.
3) Avoid physical damage to disk.
o be damaged or permanently lost. If you ubstitute another disk,
DOS finishes writing out the file and the FAT. But it does not know
you switched disks. So it writes the FAT that was read from the first
ddisk onto the second. The files on the second disk would then be
Solution: If DOS ever tells you there is trouble with a disk, don't
switch to a disk with valuable data on it. Either fix the bad disk,
use a blank disk, or abandon the operation.
5)Don't misuse the ERASE (DELETE) command.
6)Don't misuse the FORMAT command.
Use these commands to check for any loss:
CHKDSK Tells if there is any logical scrambling of the disk.
DIR Checks the file size to see if it is smaller. If the file
size is zero, the creation of the file was stopped
before completion. Thus, both the data that was
being written and the previous data of the file have
been lost.
First check to see if your file has a .BAK extension
and rename the .bak file as the program file. If
you cannot find a .bak file, check to see if there
are any .TMP or .$$$ files.
Tips to Avoid Data Loss
1) Always follow a strict pattern in the way you copy data:
Keep using one diskette as the original. Never rotate between
the original and the backup.
Keep more than one backup diskette and rotate them.
Never make copies manually. Instead, use a batch file.
Use a batch file to format diskettes. Include a DIR:A command
in the file so that it first checks the diskette to see if any files are
on it.
Always label your diskettes properly.
2) Consider getting an "unerase" program.
3) Avoid physical damage to disk.
be damaged or permanently lost. If you ubstitute another disk,
DOS finishes writing out the file and the FAT. But it does not know
you switched disks. So it writes the FAT that was read from the first
ddisk onto the second. The files on the second disk would then be
Solution: If DOS ever tells you there is trouble with a disk, don't
switch to a disk with valuable data on it. Either fix the bad disk,
use a blank disk, or abandon the operation.
5)Don't misuse the ERASE (DELETE) command.
6)Don't misuse the FORMAT command.
Use these commands to check for any loss:
CHKDSK Tells if there is any logical scrambling of the disk.
DIR Checks the file size to see if it is smaller. If the file
size is zero, the creation of the file was stopped
before completion. Thus, both the data that was
being written and the previous data of the file have
been lost.
First check to see if your file has a .BAK extension
and rename the .bak file as the program file. If
you cannot find a .bak file, check to see if there
are any .TMP or .$$$ files.
Tips to Avoid Data Loss
1) Always follow a strict pattern in the way you copy data:
Keep using one diskette as the original. Never rotate between
the original and the backup.
Keep more than one backup diskette and rotate them.
Never make copies manually. Instead, use a batch file.
Use a batch file to format diskettes. Include a DIR:A command
in the file so that it first checks the diskette to see if any files are
on it.
Always label your diskettes properly.
2) Consider getting an "unerase" program.
3) Avoid physical damage to disk.
be damaged or permanently lost. If you ubstitute another disk,
DOS finishes writing out the file and the FAT. But it does not know
you switched disks. So it writes the FAT that was read from the first
ddisk onto the second. The files on the second disk would then be
Solution: If DOS ever tells you there is trouble with a disk, don't
switch to a disk with valuable data on it. Either fix the bad disk,
use a blank disk, or abandon the operation.
5)Don't misuse the ERASE (DELETE) command.
6)Don't misuse the FORMAT command.
Use these commands to check for any loss:
CHKDSK Tells if there is any logical scrambling of the disk.
DIR Checks the file size to see if it is smaller. If the file
size is zero, the creation of the file was stopped
before completion. Thus, both the data that was
being written and the previous data of the file have
been lost.
First check to see if your file has a .BAK extension
and rename the .bak file as the program file. If
you cannot find a .bak file, check to see if there
are any .TMP or .$$$ files.
Tips to Avoid Data Loss
1) Always follow a strict pattern in the way you copy data:
Keep using one diskette as the original. Never rotate between
the original and the backup.
Keep more than one backup diskette and rotate them.
Never make copies manually. Instead, use a batch file.
Use a batch file to format diskettes. Include a DIR:A command
in the file so that it first checks the diskette to see if any files are
on it.
Always label your diskettes properly.
2) Consider getting an "unerase" program.
3) Avoid physical damage to disk.
e damaged or permanently lost. If you ubstitute another disk, DOS
finishes writing out the file and the FAT. But it does not know you
switched disks. So it writes the FAT that was read from the first disk
onto the second. The files on the second disk would then be lost.
Solution: If DOS ever tells you there is trouble with a disk, don't
switch to a disk with valuable data on it. Either fix the bad disk,
use a blank disk, or abandon the operation.
5)Don't misuse the ERASE (DELETE) command.
6)Don't misuse the FORMAT command.
Use these commands to check for any loss:
CHKDSK Tells if there is any logical scrambling of the disk.
DIR Checks the file size to see if it is smaller. If the file
size is zero, the creation of the file was stopped
before completion. Thus, both the data that was
being written and the previous data of the file have
been lost.
First check to see if your file has a .BAK extension
and rename the .bak file as the program file. If
you cannot find a .bak file, check to see if there
are any .TMP or .$$$ files.
Tips to Avoid Data Loss
1) Always follow a strict pattern in the way you copy data:
Keep using one diskette as the original. Never rotate between
the original and the backup.
Keep more than one backup diskette and rotate them.
Never make copies manually. Instead, use a batch file.
Use a batch file to format diskettes. Include a DIR:A command
in the file so that it first checks the diskette to see if any files are
on it.
Always label your diskettes properly.
2) Consider getting an "unerase" program.
3) Avoid physical damage to disk.
damaged or permanently lost. If you ubstitute another disk, DOS
finishes writing out the file and the FAT. But it does not know you
switched disks. So it writes the FAT that was read from the first disk
oonto the second. The files on the second disk would then be lost.
Solution: If DOS ever tells you there is trouble with a disk, don't
switch to a disk with valuable data on it. Either fix the bad disk,
use a blank disk, or abandon the operation.
5)Don't misuse the ERASE (DELETE) command.
6)Don't misuse the FORMAT command.
Use these commands to check for any loss:
CHKDSK Tells if there is any logical scrambling of the disk.
DIR Checks the file size to see if it is smaller. If the file
size is zero, the creation of the file was stopped
before completion. Thus, both the data that was
being written and the previous data of the file have
been lost.
First check to see if your file has a .BAK extension
and rename the .bak file as the program file. If
you cannot find a .bak file, check to see if there
are any .TMP or .$$$ files.
Tips to Avoid Data Loss
1) Always follow a strict pattern in the way you copy data:
Keep using one diskette as the original. Never rotate between
the original and the backup.
Keep more than one backup diskette and rotate them.
Never make copies manually. Instead, use a batch file.
Use a batch file to format diskettes. Include a DIR:A command
in the file so that it first checks the diskette to see if any files are
on it.
Always label your diskettes properly.
2) Consider getting an "unerase" program.
3) Avoid physical damage to disk.
damaged or permanently lost. If you ubstitute another disk, DOS
finishes writing out the file and the FAT. But it does not know you
switched disks. So it writes the FAT that was read from the first disk
oonto the second. The files on the second disk would then be lost.
Solution: If DOS ever tells you there is trouble with a disk, don't
switch to a disk with valuable data on it. Either fix the bad disk,
use a blank disk, or abandon the operation.
5)Don't misuse the ERASE (DELETE) command.
6)Don't misuse the FORMAT command.
Use these commands to check for any loss:
CHKDSK Tells if there is any logical scrambling of the disk.
DIR Checks the file size to see if it is smaller. If the file
size is zero, the creation of the file was stopped
before completion. Thus, both the data that was
being written and the previous data of the file have
been lost.
First check to see if your file has a .BAK extension
and rename the .bak file as the program file. If
you cannot find a .bak file, check to see if there
are any .TMP or .$$$ files.
Tips to Avoid Data Loss
1) Always follow a strict pattern in the way you copy data:
Keep using one diskette as the original. Never rotate between
the original and the backup.
Keep more than one backup diskette and rotate them.
Never make copies manually. Instead, use a batch file.
Use a batch file to format diskettes. Include a DIR:A command
in the file so that it first checks the diskette to see if any files are
on it.
Always label your diskettes properly.
2) Consider getting an "unerase" program.
3) Avoid physical damage to disk.
amaged or permanently lost. If you ubstitute another disk, DOS
finishes writing out the file and the FAT. But it does not know you
switched disks. So it writes the FAT that was read from the first disk
oonto the second. The files on the second disk would then be lost.
Solution: If DOS ever tells you there is trouble with a disk, don't
switch to a disk with valuable data on it. Either fix the bad disk,
use a blank disk, or abandon the operation.
5)Don't misuse the ERASE (DELETE) command.
6)Don't misuse the FORMAT command.
Use these commands to check for any loss:
CHKDSK Tells if there is any logical scrambling of the disk.
DIR Checks the file size to see if it is smaller. If the file
size is zero, the creation of the file was stopped
before completion. Thus, both the data that was
being written and the previous data of the file have
been lost.
First check to see if your file has a .BAK extension
and rename the .bak file as the program file. If
you cannot find a .bak file, check to see if there
are any .TMP or .$$$ files.
Tips to Avoid Data Loss
1) Always follow a strict pattern in the way you copy data:
Keep using one diskette as the original. Never rotate between
the original and the backup.
Keep more than one backup diskette and rotate them.
Never make copies manually. Instead, use a batch file.
Use a batch file to format diskettes. Include a DIR:A command
in the file so that it first checks the diskette to see if any files are
on it.
Always label your diskettes properly.
2) Consider getting an "unerase" program.
3) Avoid physical damage to disk.