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- PATENT NO. 5,218,700
- Written by Al Beechick
- Copyright 1994 by Arrow Connection
- P.O. Box 899
- Pollock Pines CA 95726
- (916) 644-2341
- 1. Alphasort, the Newer and Faster MSD Radix Algorithm
- 2. Comparison to Quicksort
- 3. Comparison to Radix Exchange Sorting
- 4. Comparison to Sorting by Distribution
- 5. Comparison to Sorting by Address Calculation
- 6. Comparison to Patent No. 4,809,158
- Computer sorting algorithms can be divided into two classes,
- those that use compares and those that don't. Radix sorting does not
- use compares, and Alphasort falls into this class. This paper
- compares Alphasort to other sorting algorithms that fall into both
- classes. The goal is to help the reader understand why and how
- Alphasort is faster.
- Alphasort is called such, because it sorts by placing words
- according to the letters of the alphabet. This bypasses the need for
- compares. In addition to letters of the alphabet, Alphasort examines
- numbers or any computer-recognizable character. This method of
- placing words in "bins" or "piles" according to the characters in the
- word is radix sorting.
- When Alphasort examines the characters, it starts at the most
- significant digit (MSD). In other words, it starts at the front of
- the word. This is the opposite of traditional radix sorting which
- starts at the least significant digit (LSD). Old radix methods
- examined each character of the word, starting at the end of the word.
- The final pass, therefore, would be on the most significant digit, and
- this was necessary because of memory handling problems.
- The memory problems encountered by radix sorting were how to keep
- track of the "bins" or "piles." According to traditional radix
- thought, starting at the most significant digit would result in a
- multiplicity of "piles," and therefore use up a huge amount of memory
- in the computer. But Alphasort resolves this problem, finding a way
- to use a minimum amount of memory, no more memory than other methods
- which use compares.
- Resolving the memory problem is the key to faster sorting. Now
- that Alphasort starts at the most signifcant digit, this means that
- only a fraction of the total digits need to be examined, instead of
- all the digits as before. For example, if the first two passes result
- in a unique placement of the word, then the rest of the letters in the
- word are not examined. If "Alfred" is the only name in the list which
- starts with "Al," then the characters "fred" are not examined. This
- eliminates unnecessary passes, and it results in maximum efficiency.
- Alphasort not only increases efficiency over traditional radix
- sorting, but it also surpasses the other class of sorting methods,
- namely those methods which use compares. This could not be said of
- traditional radix sorting methods which sort according to the least
- significant digit. The necessity to examine each and every digit
- resulted in lower efficiency, and so there was no compelling need to
- abandon methods which use compares in favor of a radix method. But a
- radix method which sorts by the most significant digit examines only a
- fraction of the digits, resulting in an efficiency which surpasses
- that class of methods which use compares.
- Formulas show that sorting time increases, not proportionally,
- but geometrically, for methods which use compares. In other words,
- to increase a list by one item, the number of compares increases by,
- not one, but a multiple thereof. If N is the number of items in
- the list being sorted, then a method which uses compares may need
- N x log(base 2) N passes. In contrast, Alphasort uses approximately
- N x log(base r) N passes, where r is the range of values that
- individual characters can take, such as 26 for alphabetical sorting,
- or 10 for numerical sorting.
- If you were to graph sorting time against the size of the list,
- Alphasort's increased sorting time would rise almost linearly. The
- reason the graph would not show an exactly straight line is that
- additional items may require Alphasort to examine more digits in some
- items. It "may" require additional passes because the likelihood
- increases that words "may" have the same first two or three
- characters. On the other hand, if items added to the list have unique
- opening letters, then additional sorting passes will not be required.
- So sorting time depends upon the makeup of the list more than the size
- of the list.
- In contrast, methods which use compares require additional passes
- as the list size increases. This is an inherent requirement of the
- algorithm. Therefore, if you were to graph sorting time against the
- size of the list, increased sorting time would rise with a markedly
- upward curve.
- The preferable method for long lists, therefore, is Alphasort.
- But it works with equal efficiency for short lists. This is in
- contrast to traditional radix sorting. Since traditional radix
- sorting starts at the least significant digit, it has to examine each
- digit, and this is wasted effort in a short list. However, Alphasort
- starts with the most significant digit, meaning that for a short list
- only a small fraction of the total digits need to be examined. The
- concept of Alphasort is that only the minimum amount of passes need be
- applied to sort the list at hand. Thus, for a list of only 10 items,
- there is a strong likelihood that the entire list can be sorted in one
- pass. If by chance, two words in the short list started with the same
- letter, then an additional pass would be taken on those two words.
- The worst case scenario for Alphasort is a large number of
- duplicates or near duplicates in the list being sorted. This forces
- additional passes in order to arrive at a unique combination of
- opening characters for each item. Even in this worst case scenario,
- Alphasort compares favorably with traditional radix sorting methods,
- because the traditional methods examined each character regardless of
- whether the items were duplicates not.
- The table in the next section compares sorting times of Alphasort
- and quicksort that I tested on my personal computer. The list used
- had many duplicates, because I increased list size by copying portions
- of the list. Therefore, the table reflects Alphasort's performance at
- its worst case scenario. Even then it compares favorably with
- quicksort.
- To summarize thus far, Alphasort compares favorably with both
- classes of sorting algorithms. The class of algorithms which use
- compares will always be at a disadvantage next to Alphasort, because
- Alphasort never uses compares. The necessity of multiplying compares
- hampers efficiency. Also, Alphasort compares favorably with
- traditional radix methods, because it starts at the most significant
- digit instead of the least significant digit. The necessity of
- examining each digit hampers efficiency in traditional radix methods.
- Alphasort achieves this efficiency because of the way it handles
- the "bins" or the "piles." How Alphasort handles computer memory will
- be examined more closely in the last section where the Alphasort
- patent is compared to prior a patent.
- A question I often receive is, "How does Alphasort handle
- integers?" My answer, "It handles integers the same way it handles
- words." The method examines the digits, which can be any alphanumeric
- character. It does not matter whether the digits are letters,
- numbers, or any other special character in the set of recognizable
- computer characters.
- When sorting integers, however, the programmer will want to make
- one small adjustment. Make the first pass on the length of the
- integer, and then make the second pass on the first digit of the
- integer. In other words, when sorting 10, 100, and 1000, the
- respective lengths are 2, 3 and 4. Thus the first pass places shorter
- integers before longer ones, so that 10 ends up in a different "pile"
- than 100. The second pass, then, distinguishes 10 from 20, and so on
- up to 99. You can think of it as sorting on the zero byte first and
- the first byte second.
- Now that you have an overview of Alphasort, let's get into more
- detail as we compare Alphasort to other methods of sorting.
- My tests show that Alphasort runs at least twice as fast as quicksort,
- even faster for certain kinds of lists. The quicksort I used came
- with Borland's Turbo Pascal. The list I used for testing purposes was
- a list of people's names. The original list had 175 names. I created
- longer lists by copying the original list several times. Therefore,
- the longer lists have many exact duplicates, putting Alphasort at its
- worst case scenario. I ran these tests on my 38625 personal computer.
- The times shown in the following tables start from reading the list
- from the hard drive until the list is sorted in memory. I displayed
- the sorted list on the screen for verification, but such display was
- not counted in the sorting time. Assuming that the reading-from-disk
- time was equal for both algorithms, then the actual sorting time for
- Alphasort vs. quicksort would be even more favorable than the
- following tables show. I did not attempt to separate read time from
- sorting time; my source code combines the read with the first pass.
- In other words, as Alphasort reads one item it also places that item
- in a "bin" or "pile" according to the first letter of that item. So
- the read and the first placing both occur in the first loop. It is
- not necessary to combine these, of course, but that is the way I
- happened to do it.
- Table 1. Comparison of sorting times of a list of names up to 24
- characters wide. Programs were compiled in Turbo Pascal on a 38625
- personal computer. Times given are seconds and hundreths of seconds.
- length of list: 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000
- Quicksort 4:94 4:40 4:17 3:46 3:24 2:69
- Alphasort 2:41 2:31 2:14 2:04 1:97 1:26
- Table 2. Comparison of sorting times of a list of names items 10
- characters wide.
- length of list: 5000 3000 1000
- Quicksort 12:08 6:93 2:53
- Alphasort 3:51 2:86 1:20
- These tables show that the width of the items affect Alphasort more
- than the length of the list. The width of the items is more of a
- factor when there are more duplicates in the list. Fewer duplicates
- would mean that the width of the items would not be as much of a
- factor. This is due to the nature of radix sorting, which examines
- the items one character at a time and puts then into "bins" or "piles"
- according to those characters.
- I was limited in these tests by the memory limitations of my Turbo
- Pascal compiler, which in turn was limited by the memory limitations
- of DOS. Alphasort itself, has no inherent memory limitation, and it
- uses a minimal amount of memory. Its use of memory will be discussed
- in the last section of this paper where it is compared to a prior
- patent.
- Although these tests show promise, more comprehensive tests and
- benchmarks need to be designed. Considering that these tests were run
- with a list that put Alphasort at a disadvantage, I expect that future
- tests will not deviate very far from these results, or they might
- produce even more favorable results.
- To understand why Alphasort runs faster than quicksort, let's look at
- a table of running times.
- Table 3. Comparison of running times. The figures for the first two
- algorithms are taken from Donald Knuth's volume Sorting and Searching,
- (p. 381) and the figures for Alphasort are taken from my test. To
- arrive at Alphasort's running time, I used a counter in the repeat loops.
- length of list: 16 1000
- Distribution counting (radix) 10362 32010
- Median-of-3-quicksort 470 81486
- Alphasort 54 7744
- Knuth uses this table to show that radix sorting is not efficient for
- short lists. As you can see, distribution counting (traditional
- radix) loses to quicksort in the short list, but wins in the long
- list. However, Alphasort wins for both lists, because it sorts from
- the most significant digit, unlike traditional radix sorting which
- sorts from the least significant digit.
- Now that we've looked at some numbers, let's discuss the theory behind
- the numbers. Let's explain why Alphasort runs faster than quicksort.
- Quicksort uses partitions. It divides a list in half, compares words
- in each half, and then swaps them if necessary. It further partitions
- the list and makes further swaps. As I understand it, each time a word
- is swapped the word moves about half way closer to its destination.
- It's like a football team starting at it's own zero yard line. On the
- first play they gain 50 yards, half way to the goal line. On the next
- play they make 25 yards. On the next play 12 or 13 yards. At that rate
- they should reach the goal in 4 or 5 plays.
- Assuming 26 letters in the alphabet, each pass of Alphasort gets the
- word 26 times closer to its destination. It's like a football team
- making 96 yards on its first play. Alphasort often reaches the goal in
- 2 or 3 passes.
- How does Alphasort accomplish this? The first pass examines the first
- letter of each word. All the As are linked together in memory, all the
- Bs are linked together in memory, and so on. The words are not moved,
- but memory links their addresses together so that they can be accessed
- for the next pass. The second pass examines the second letter, not the
- second letter of every word in the list, but the second letter of only
- those words beginning with A. The third pass likewise examines the
- third letter of the highest group of words on the list. In most cases
- a unique combination of the first two or three letters allows words to
- be quickly sorted. In other cases, where the first 10 letters are the
- same, then more passes are needed to sort those words. Never is any
- letter examined unnecessarily. Passes are kept to an absolute minimum.
- We've discussed various scenarios, long lists, short lists, and lists
- with duplicates. Another scenario is a list that is previously
- sorted. Based on the previous paragraph, it makes no difference to
- Alphasort whether or not the list was previously sorted. Quicksort,
- however, would be affected by such a list.
- Radix exchange sorting, described in Knuth's volume, Sorting and
- Searching, is a combination of quicksort and radix sorting. The
- sorting process works like quicksort does because the list is divided
- into partitions, and records are swapped from one side of the
- partition to the other. It differs from quicksort in that individual
- digits are examined instead of comparing entire records.
- Does this method gain any advantage? The textbook says "Thus radix
- exchange sorting takes about as long as quicksort, on the average"
- (p. 128).
- Exchange sorting (whether it be quicksort or radix exchange sorting)
- sets up a partition midway in the list and moves records from one side
- to the other. Then it sets up other partitions to further divide the
- list, and so on. Therefore, each record is moved several times, each
- time a little closer to its final destination. Each time a record is
- moved, it is moved twice as close (on average) to its final
- destination as it was before. It keeps on moving twice as close as it
- was before until it finally hits the right spot.
- The same comments can be said here as were said about quicksort above.
- Visualize again a football field. Imagine a football team starting
- with the ball almost on the 0 yard line. On their first play they make
- 50 yards. That's half way to the goal. On the next play they make 25
- yards. Again that's half way to the goal. On the next play they make
- 12 and one-half, then 6 and one-fourth yards, and so on, until they
- finally reach the goal on the last play. That is how exchange sorting
- moves the ball.
- Alphasort moves the ball farther on each play. Instead of moving half
- way to the goal, it moves the ball 26 times closer to the goal (in the
- case of alphabetic sorting) or 10 times closer to the goal (in the
- case of numeric sorting).
- In contrast to quicksort, which uses compares, sorting by distribution
- does not use compares. It is a radix method like Alphasort.
- This discussion of sorting by distribution is based on Knuth's
- description of the method in his volume, "Sorting and Searching."
- Sorting by distribution distributes items in the list into "piles."
- The piles correspond to digits, such as the A pile for all items
- beginning with A, and so on. The main problem of radix sorting by
- distribution is what to do with the piles. "In order to handle radix
- sorting inside a computer, we must decide what to do with the piles"
- (page 171). Setting aside a pile for each letter of the alphabet (M
- piles) proved unsatisfactory "since each area must be large enough to
- hold N items. . . . Such an excessive memory requirement originally
- caused most people to reject the idea of radix sorting within a
- computer, until H.H. Seward . . . pointed out that we can achieve the
- same effect with only 2N record areas and M count fields. We simply
- count how many elements will lie in each of the M piles, by making a
- preliminary pass over the data; this tells us precisely how to
- allocate memory for the piles" (pages 171-172). Therefore, the
- problem of the piles is solved at the expense of an extra pass, a
- "preliminary pass" as the book calls it.
- How does Alphasort solve the problem of the piles? Instead of
- squeezing the memory down to 2N record areas as above, Alphasort
- uses only one N record area in which the items are stored. In
- addition, it uses an array of integers one N in size. The bottom line
- is that it requires less memory than the textbook method.
- The textbook method reduces memory requirements at the expense of an
- extra "preliminary pass." However, Alphasort does not require an
- extra "preliminary pass." It doesn't need this extra pass, because
- Alphasort does not count how many items go into each pile. It has
- another way of keeping track of the piles, and it's not by counting.
- The bottom line is that Alphasort needs fewer passes than the textbook
- method, approximately half as many.
- As a rule, in computer programming, you gain efficiency at the expense
- of memory. In this case, however, the reverse is true. Alphasort
- uses less memory, but it also accomplishes the sort with fewer passes.
- The textbook suggests an alternative solution to the problem of the
- piles. The alternative involves a linking mechanism. Records are
- linked to one another in such a way that the program follows the links
- rather than moving the records themselves. This is getting closer to
- Alphasort's method; so let's take a look at the linking mechanism.
- The textbook linking method uses links which point to both the top of
- the pile and the bottom of the pile. Alphasort, on the other hand,
- uses links which point to only one end of the pile. This is half as
- many links to keep track of.
- What does the textbook conclude about sorting by distribution (radix
- sorting)? Page 177 reads "Therefore radix sorting is usually more
- efficient than any other known method for internal sorting on such
- machines, provided that N is not too small and the keys are not too
- long." In other words, radix sorting is more efficient sometimes, but
- not in two cases: (1) when the list is short, and (2) when the items
- in the list are long.
- How would Alphasort rate if Knuth had known about it when he wrote the
- book? Regarding case 1, short lists, we have seen in the first
- section above, that Alphasort sorts both short and long lists equally
- well. Regarding case 2, long items, we also have seen in the first
- section above, that Alphasort is not ordinarily hindered by long items,
- assuming there is not an overabundance of duplicates in the list.
- I suppose that these two cases has prevented radix sorting from more
- common use. Since many applications deal with short lists or long
- items, then radix sorting has not often become the method of choice.
- But Alphasort avoids both limitations because it sorts from the most
- significant digit instead of the least significant digit.
- The textbook recognizes the value of most significant digit (MSD)
- sorting, if such a thing were possible, but it can't quite figure out
- how to manipulate the computer's memory in order to accomplish it.
- "In our analysis of radix-exchange sorting, we found that it was
- unnecessary to inspect many bits of the key, when we approach the keys
- from the left instead of the right. Let us therefore reconsider the
- idea of a radix sort which starts at the most signficant digit (MSD)
- instead of the least significant digit (LSD). . . . an MSD-first radix
- method suggests itself naturally. . . . This principle of `divide and
- conquer' is quite appealing, and the only reason it doesn't work
- especially well for sorting punched cards is that the multiplicity of
- piles tends to become confusing" (page 177).
- The "multiplicity of piles." That's the problem.
- The textbook continues: "Perhaps the best compromise has been
- suggested by M.D. MacLaren . . . who recommends an LSD-first sort . . .
- but applied only to the most significant digits. This does not
- completely sort the file, but it usually brings the file very nearly
- into order so that very few inversions remain; therefore straight
- insertion can be used to finish up" (page 177).
- A "best compromise" solution that partially sorts the file.
- Alphasort surmounts the compromise with a unique memory-handling
- technique which we will examine in the last section of this paper
- which compares Alphasort to a prior patent. Alphasort's method of
- keeping track of the "piles" allows it to start at the most
- significant digit, and therefore, it matters not if the list is long
- or short, or if the items are long or short.
- If I handed you a deck of cards to sort, and asked you to lay them out
- in numerical order on the table in front of you, I think you have a
- pretty good idea of how you would do it. If your first card were an
- ace, then you would put it to the far left on the table. Why not put
- it in the middle of the table? Because you already know that ace is
- the lowest number. So it goes to the left. When you turn over a 7,
- then you would put it in the middle of the table, because you know it
- is the middle number.
- Knowing ahead of time the range of values, you sort more efficiently.
- Most computer sorting methods, however, sort by trial and error.
- Give the same card sorting job to a computer, and it would do the
- equivalent of blindly placing the first card in the middle, even if it
- were an ace. Then it would compare the second card to the first
- before it knew where to place the second card. Compare and move,
- compare and move, until finally the list ends up in the right order.
- Sorting by address calculation attempts to avoid much of the trial and
- error of other sorting algorithms. Such an idea was first suggested in
- 1956 by Isaac and Singleton (ACM Journal, vol. 3). They devised a
- method similar to how you would sort a deck of cards on a table.
- The algorithm first determines the range of the list by a preliminary
- pass on the entire list or on a sample portion of it. Using this
- knowledge about the range, the algorithm then places items one by one
- in the approximate memory location where they belong. If it attempts to
- put an item in a memory location that is already occupied by another
- item, then it compares the two items, looks for the nearest empty
- memory location, and moves adjacent items if necessary. Allowing more
- memory locations than there are items in the list provides a buffer,
- and that reduces the number of moves needed. The last step is to get
- rid of the gaps in the extra memory locations by packing the list.
- The key to the success of the method is to reduce the number of moves.
- Isaac and Singleton say, "The fewer times the items have to be moved
- from one location to another, the more efficient the sorting
- process." (p. 169).
- How efficient is sorting by address calculation? Isaac and Singleton's
- evaluation is favorable: ". . . estimates indicate that on this
- computer, sorting random numbers with the tested method is more than
- twice as fast as any of the conventional merge-sort methods." (p. 173).
- Could sorting by address calculation be made even more efficient than
- it already is? If we could eliminate three steps, then yes, it could
- be made more efficient. The three steps are: (1) determining the
- range of the list in advance, (2) occasional compares and moves,
- and (3) closing the gaps and packing the list. On top of these three
- steps, it would be desirable to eliminate the need for the extra
- "buffer" memory.
- Alphasort can be described as sorting by address calculation, because
- it places items in pre-determined memory locations. Actually, it
- doesn't place the item itself, because the items are never moved, but
- a pointer to the item goes into the pre-determined memory location.
- So Alphasort works on the same principle as Isaac and Singleton's
- method.
- How does it differ? It differs in four ways. First, Alphasort does
- not determine the range of list in advance. Before it ever sees the
- list, it already knows what range it will use. This is the range of
- computer-recognizable characters, which is from 0 to 255 to include
- all of them. The programmer may narrow the range, depending upon the
- application. For example, the programmer may decide to narrow the
- range from from 0 to 127. Or, if the programmer knows there are no
- control codes to be dealt with in the application, then he/she can
- narrow the range even further, starting with 32, for example. The
- narrower the range, the faster Alphasort works. But the programmer
- adjusts the range to fit the application.
- What if a list has an overabundance of items starting with "A"? Isaac
- and Singleton's method would need to know this in advance, so that it
- can allow extra memory locations for "A" words. But Alphasort does
- not need to know this in advance. It matters not whether the list has
- an overabundance of "A" words or an overabundance of "Z" words.
- Therefore, Alphasort does not need to make a preliminary pass over the
- list like Isaac and Singleton's method does.
- There's a second difference between Alphasort and Issac and Singleton's
- sorting by address calculation. Alphasort eliminates the need for
- compares and moves altogether. Isaac and Singleton's method uses
- occasional compares whenever items bump into each other. In that
- case, items need to be moved over into adjacent empty locations.
- However, Alphasort has a flexibility built into its memory management
- system that avoids the rigid requirement to have empty memory
- buffers available in precise locations. Even if most of the items
- began with "A," none of the items would have to move over to make room
- for others.
- There's a third difference. Alphasort does not need to close the gaps
- in the memory buffers and pack the list. The items are packed tight
- from start to finish; so this final step is eliminated.
- The fourth and final difference: Alphasort has no need for extra
- "buffer" memory. Instead of using extra memory, Alphasort makes
- flexible use of the memory it has.
- When I say "flexible use of memory," does this mean that items are
- moved within the memory? No, items are never moved. By flexible, I
- mean that memory is written over itself. One location at a time, as
- each word is being processed, a memory location receives a new value.
- We'll discuss memory management more in the final section of this
- paper, when we compare Alphasort to a prior patent.
- My Alphasort patent application was initially denied by the patent
- office on the basis of McCauley's prior patent no. 4,809,158 in 1989.
- His is an MSD radix method, and therefore it is similar to Alphasort
- in the fact that it sorts items by examining the digits, starting with
- the first (most significant) digit. But the two methods differ in
- memory management.
- In my appeal to the patent office, I pointed out the differences in
- memory management, how Alphasort saves steps, and is therefore more
- efficient. The uniquness of Alphasort, and therefore its claim to
- patentability, lies in its efficient memory management.
- The patent examiner accepted the appeal and granted me patent no.
- 5,218,700 in 1993.
- Both methods group words together according to the characters
- they contain. For example, all words beginning with A are grouped
- together, all words with B are grouped together, and so on.
- However, Alphasort's implementation of the idea is different than
- McCauley's, because of the different way of tracking groups and
- subgroups of words, and because of a different linking mechanism.
- McCauley's invention tracks groups of words by remembering the
- first and last word in each group. We read in his patent, in column 6,
- lines 46-49 says, "Each `bin' is comprised of pointers kept in two
- vectors, the `first pointers vector' (`FPV'), and the `last pointers
- vector' (`LPV')." The following lines go on the explain that these
- two pointers point to the first and last words in the bin. Column 10,
- lines 62-68 says: ". . . the bin itself just holds pointers to the
- first and last records of that list (in vectors `FPV' and `LPV'). That
- is, the bins do not need to hold all the pointers to the records in
- each bin, for it is economically sufficient that the system be able to
- locate immediately only the first and last records in each bin."
- Therefore, McCauley's invention uses two pointers to keep track of the
- group of words in each bin.
- On the other hand, my invention uses only one pointer where
- McCauley's uses two. Alphasort eliminates the "first pointers
- variable" ("FPV"). This leaves only the "last pointers variable"
- ("LPV"), which is comparable in my invention to lettertracker.
- Lettertracker is a two-dimensional array of integers. Each memory
- location in lettertracker holds an integer which serves the same
- purpose as McCauley's LPV, pointing to the last, or most recently
- processed word, in a group of words.
- The reason McCauley uses two pointers for each bin is that he needs
- both in order to re-link the list after each sorting pass. And herein
- lies the second difference: my invention does not re-link the list
- during the sorting process.
- Re-linking in McCauley's invention occurs after each sorting pass.
- This is accomplished by connecting the LPV in one group to the FPV in
- the next group, so that the last word in one group points to the first
- word in the next group, and so on, until the entire list is re-linked
- into one unified list. Column 10, line 54 through column 11, line 20
- explain how the LPV and FPV values are changed in order to accomplish
- this re-linking process.
- Such re-linking does not occur in my invention, saving steps,
- saving sorting time, and reducing to only one the number of pointer
- variables needed for each group, or bin.
- Alphasort does use a linking mechanism, but it links only groups of
- words rather than linking the entire list. The linking mechanism in
- my invention is called wordtracker. After lettertracker points to the
- most recent word in a group, wordtracker tracks down the rest of the
- words in that group. As groups are subdivided into smaller and
- smaller groups, as is the manner in radix sorting, wordtracker also
- keeps track of these smaller subgroups. But Alphasort never re-links
- the entire list during intermediate stages of the sorting process as
- McCauley's invention does.
- Therefore, Alphasort's linking mechanism is different than McCauley's
- because it performs fewer steps.
- Fewer steps in the sorting process result in significantly faster
- sorting times. Timed tests on my 386 IBM-compatible personal computer
- corroborate this. Using a 4-character key comprised of 256 random
- characters, as McCauley did, a list 2000 long sorted 3.89 times faster
- than quicksort. A list 8000 long sorted 4.39 times faster
- than quicksort.
- McCauley also compared his method to quicksort, and these numbers show
- significant improvement over the relative efficiency given by McCauley.
- It is difficult to determine his precise numbers, because his results
- show on a graph from which I could only estimate the exact numbers.
- However, his graphical representation, compared to my numbers for
- Alphasort, are sufficient to show that Alphasort runs significantly
- faster.
- If 128 random characters are used instead of 256, the sorting times
- for Alphasort improve even more. In this case, a list 2000 long
- sorted 4.60 times faster than quicksort, and a list 8000 long sorted
- 5.79 times faster than quicksort.
- These faster sorting times are made possible by eliminating the extra
- steps; namely by keeping track of only one pointer per bin instead of
- two, and by skipping the re-linking process after each sorting pass.
- How does Alphasort manage memory so that it can skip these extra
- steps? Does it use extra memory in order to gain efficiency? No, it
- uses a mimimal amount of memory. The memory needed consists of two
- large arrays and one small array. First, an array of strings stores
- the list being sorted. Second, an array of integers (called
- wordtracker) stores pointers to items in the list. These two large
- arrays are no larger than the size of the list being sorted. No
- buffers are needed, no extra room is required, because items are not
- moved, swapped, packed, or consolidated.
- The final array, the small one, is a two-dimensional array of
- integers. One dimension corresponds to the range of possible digits
- (such as A through Z; or in computer terms, characters 0 through 255
- or 0 through 127). The other dimension corresponds to the possible
- width of the items (such as 30 if sorting a database whose largest
- field is 30 characters long). This array I call lettertracker. One
- dimension of the array keeps track of which letter of the word is
- being examined, whether it be the first letter, second letter, third
- letter, and so on. The other dimension keeps track of which character
- is being examined, whether it be A, or B, or C and so on.
- Therefore, any particular location of the lettertracker array
- corresponds to a certain character and to the position of that
- character. Since lettertracker is a two-dimensional array, the
- indexes of the array track those two things. This array roughly
- corresponds to McCauley's bins which store First Pointers Vector and
- Last Pointers Vector. The main difference is that lettertracker
- points to only one end, instead of both ends, of a group of records.
- In other words, to use McCauley's terms, the array holds Last Pointers
- Vectors. It does not track First Pointers Vectors at all.
- Remember, it is necessary to track only one set of pointers because
- the list never needs to be re-linked and consolidated.
- The value stored at any particular location in lettertracker is an
- integer which acts as a pointer. The integer points to an index in
- the wordtracker array. Thus, these two integer arrays work hand-in-
- hand. Lettertracker (the smaller array) and wordtracker (the larger
- array) cooperate in keeping track of groups and subgroups of items
- during the sorting process. The way they work together keeps memory
- usage down to the absolute minimum. Wordtracker, remember, is exactly
- the size of the list, no larger.
- The long-standing problem of MSD radix sorting, as you recall, is how
- to keep track of the "piles" or "bins." These piles represent groups
- of words within the list. These groups constantly change during the
- sorting process. Also, the groups get smaller and more numerous as
- the sorting progresses.
- The "pile" problem is solved by the two integer arrays, lettertracker
- and wordtracker. This is how the two work hand-in-hand to keep track
- of the piles. Lettertracker remembers the last record processed, and
- wordtracker recalls the rest of the group. First lettertracker points
- to an index in wordtracker. Then the value at that index of
- wordtracker points to another index in wordtracker. And the value at
- that index in turn points to another index in wordtracker. The values
- keep pointing until the value zero is found. Zero signals the end of
- the group.
- All of these values which point to indexes in wordtracker also
- correspond to record numbers, namely the number of the record as
- stored in the array of strings. For example, if the pointer is 7,
- then that corresponds to word number 7, the 7th word in the array of
- strings.
- To illustrate, suppose that you are one of 26 detectives. Each
- detective receives one clue on a piece of paper. Each clue is
- different. The clue you receive directs you to another clue somewhere
- in the city. The city has clues placed all over it. You don't know
- how many clues you will need to find, and you don't know how many of
- the clues scattered throughout the city belong to you and how many
- belong to one of the other 25 detectives. You follow the clues one by
- one, each clue leading to one other one, until you reach the last
- clue. The 26 detectives are like different letters of the alphabet;
- each hunts for a different set of clues just as each letter of the
- alphabet has a different set of words in its pile. The original 26
- clues given to the 26 detectives are like the lettertracker array;
- each memory location of lettertracker doesn't reveal much about the
- entire pile, but it points to the next word in the pile, and that is
- sufficient. The clues scattered throughout the city are like the
- wordtracker array; the words of each pile are not contiguous, but as
- one word points to another word, the entire pile can be found.
- Let's make the detective illustration work backwards. Before you go
- off looking for your next clue, suppose I take your clue from you and
- hand you another. The clue I take from you I hide somewhere in the
- city. The clue I hide will be the first one you find, because the clue
- I just handed you will direct you to it. This is what happens as words
- are read from disk. The most recent word pointer (like the clue in the
- detective's hand) is stored into lettertracker. The word pointer that
- was in lettertracker (like the clue I took from you) is stored into
- wordtracker. So word pointers are stored and retrieved in opposite
- fashion.
- As a pile is being retrieved, it is being subdivided into smaller
- piles. As this happens, values in wordtracker change, one by one, as
- each word is processed, with the result that the words are linked
- together in new ways according to the new piles.
- Big piles are divided into smaller and smaller piles, until only one
- word remains in each pile. If you were sorting a large stack of cards
- on the floor, the floor would quickly become filled with little piles
- everywhere, and you would run out of space. But the two arrays
- lettertracker and wordtracker work hand-in-hand to manage the piles
- without additional memory space.
- And in this case, efficient use of memory also translates into
- efficient use of time. The result is faster sorting.
- The core of the algorithm is a repeat loop that contains 6 lines of
- code. To inquire about obtaining the source code and permission to
- use it, contact:
- Al Beechick, P.O. Box 899, Pollock Pines, CA 95726
- Phone: (916) 644-2341