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453 lines
* xvdial.c - DIAL handling functions
* callable functions:
* DCreate() - creates a dial
* DSetRange() - sets min/max/current values of control
* DSetVal() - sets value of control
* DSetActive() - turns dial '.active' on and off
* DRedraw() - redraws the dial
* DTrack() - called when clicked. Operates control 'til mouseup
* Copyright 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992 by John Bradley and
* The University of Pennsylvania
* Permission to use, copy, and distribute for non-commercial purposes,
* is hereby granted without fee, providing that the above copyright
* notice appear in all copies and that both the copyright notice and this
* permission notice appear in supporting documentation.
* The software may be modified for your own purposes, but modified versions
* may not be distributed.
* This software is provided "as is" without any expressed or implied warranty.
* The author may be contacted via:
* US Mail: John Bradley
* GRASP Lab, Room 301C
* 3401 Walnut St.
* Philadelphia, PA 19104
* Phone: (215) 898-8813
* EMail: bradley@cis.upenn.edu
#include "xv.h"
#include "bitmaps.h"
static Pixmap cw1Pix, ccw1Pix; /* up/down arrows */
static Pixmap cw2Pix, ccw2Pix; /* up/down page arrows */
static int pixmaps_built=0; /* true if pixmaps created already */
#define PW dial_cw1_width /* size of arrows */
#define PH dial_cw1_height
/* dial regions */
#define INCW1 0
#define INCCW1 1
#define INCW2 2
#define INCCW2 3
#define INDIAL 4
#define INC1WAIT 150 /* milliseconds to wait after initial hit */
#define INC2WAIT 150 /* milliseconds to wait between increments */
#define DEG2RAD (3.14159265 / 180.0)
#define RAD2DEG (180.0 / 3.14159265)
/* local functions */
#ifdef __STDC__
static int whereInDial(DIAL *, int, int);
static void drawArrow(DIAL *);
static void drawValStr(DIAL *);
static void invertButt(DIAL *, int);
static int computeDialVal(DIAL *, int, int);
static void dimDial(DIAL *);
static int whereInDial(), computeDialVal();
static void drawArrow(), drawValStr(), invertButt(), dimDial();
void DCreate(dp, parent, x, y, w, h, minv, maxv, curv, page,
fg, bg, title, units)
DIAL *dp;
Window parent;
int x,y,w,h,minv,maxv,curv,page;
unsigned long fg,bg;
char *title, *units;
if (!pixmaps_built) {
cw1Pix = XCreatePixmapFromBitmapData(theDisp, parent,
dial_cw1_bits, PW, PH, fg, bg, dispDEEP);
ccw1Pix = XCreatePixmapFromBitmapData(theDisp, parent,
dial_ccw1_bits, PW, PH, fg, bg, dispDEEP);
cw2Pix = XCreatePixmapFromBitmapData(theDisp, parent,
dial_cw2_bits, PW, PH, fg, bg, dispDEEP);
ccw2Pix = XCreatePixmapFromBitmapData(theDisp, parent,
dial_ccw2_bits, PW, PH, fg, bg, dispDEEP);
dp->w = w;
dp->h = h;
dp->fg = fg;
dp->bg = bg;
dp->title = title;
dp->units = units;
dp->active = 1;
dp->drawobj = NULL;
if (w < h-24-16) dp->rad = (w - 8) / 2;
else dp->rad = (h - 24 - 16 - 8) / 2;
dp->cx = w / 2;
dp->cy = dp->rad + 4 + 16;
dp->bx[INCCW1] = 4; dp->by[INCCW1] = h - 4 - 20;
dp->bx[INCCW2] = 4; dp->by[INCCW2] = h - 4 - 10;
dp->bx[INCW1] = w-14-4; dp->by[INCW1] = h - 4 - 20;
dp->bx[INCW2] = w-14-4; dp->by[INCW2] = h - 4 - 10;
dp->win = XCreateSimpleWindow(theDisp, parent,x,y,w,h,1,fg,bg);
if (!dp->win) FatalError("can't create dial window");
DSetRange(dp, minv, maxv, curv, page);
XSelectInput(theDisp, dp->win, ExposureMask | ButtonPressMask);
void DSetRange(dp, minv, maxv, curv, page)
DIAL *dp;
int minv, maxv, curv, page;
if (maxv<minv) maxv=minv;
dp->min = minv; dp->max = maxv; dp->page = page;
dp->active = (minv < maxv);
DSetVal(dp, curv);
void DSetVal(dp, curv)
DIAL *dp;
int curv;
RANGE(curv, dp->min, dp->max); /* make sure curv is in-range */
if (curv == dp->val) return;
/* erase old arrow */
XSetForeground(theDisp, theGC, dp->bg);
dp->val = curv;
/* draw new arrow and string */
XSetForeground(theDisp, theGC, dp->fg);
XSetBackground(theDisp, theGC, dp->bg);
if (!dp->active) dimDial(dp);
void DSetActive(dp, i)
DIAL *dp;
int i;
if (i == dp->active) return;
dp->active = i;
XClearWindow(theDisp, dp->win);
void DRedraw(dp)
DIAL *dp;
double tsize;
int i, rad, cx, cy, x1, y1, x2, y2;
rad = dp->rad; cx = dp->cx; cy = dp->cy;
XSetForeground(theDisp, theGC, dp->fg);
XSetBackground(theDisp, theGC, dp->bg);
/* draw title */
CenterString(dp->win, dp->title, dp->w/2, 8);
/* draw tick marks around circle */
for (i = -60; i<=240; i += 10) {
if (i%60 == 0) tsize = 0.85; else tsize = 0.95;
x1 = cx + (int) ((double) rad * cos(i * DEG2RAD));
y1 = cy - (int) ((double) rad * sin(i * DEG2RAD));
x2 = cx + (int) ((double) rad * tsize * cos(i*DEG2RAD));
y2 = cy - (int) ((double) rad * tsize * sin(i*DEG2RAD));
XDrawLine(theDisp, dp->win, theGC, x1, y1, x2, y2);
/* draw the cw/ccw controls */
for (i=0; i<4; i++)
XDrawRectangle(theDisp, dp->win, theGC, dp->bx[i], dp->by[i], 14, 10);
XCopyArea(theDisp, ccw1Pix, dp->win, theGC, 0, 0, PW, PH,
dp->bx[INCCW1]+(15-PW)/2, dp->by[INCCW1]+(11-PH)/2);
XCopyArea(theDisp, ccw2Pix, dp->win, theGC, 0, 0, PW, PH,
dp->bx[INCCW2]+(15-PW)/2, dp->by[INCCW2]+(11-PH)/2);
XCopyArea(theDisp, cw1Pix, dp->win, theGC, 0, 0, PW, PH,
dp->bx[INCW1]+(15-PW)/2, dp->by[INCW1]+(11-PH)/2);
XCopyArea(theDisp, cw2Pix, dp->win, theGC, 0, 0, PW, PH,
dp->bx[INCW2]+(15-PW)/2, dp->by[INCW2]+(11-PH)/2);
if (!dp->active) dimDial(dp);
int DTrack(dp, mx, my)
DIAL *dp;
int mx,my;
Window rW,cW;
int rx,ry, x,y, ipos, pos, lit, i, origval;
unsigned int mask;
if (!dp->active) return 0;
XSetForeground(theDisp, theGC, dp->fg);
XSetBackground(theDisp, theGC, dp->bg);
/* determine in which of the five regions of the dial the mouse
was clicked (cw1, ccw1, cw2, ccw2, dial-proper) */
ipos = whereInDial(dp, mx, my);
if (ipos<0) return 0; /* didn't hit any of the actual controls */
origval = dp->val;
/* light up appropriate button, if it's in one of them */
if (ipos != INDIAL) {
invertButt(dp, ipos);
switch (ipos) {
case INCW1: if (dp->val < dp->max) DSetVal(dp, dp->val+1); break;
case INCW2: if (dp->val < dp->max) DSetVal(dp, dp->val+dp->page); break;
case INCCW1: if (dp->val > dp->min) DSetVal(dp, dp->val-1); break;
case INCCW2: if (dp->val > dp->min) DSetVal(dp, dp->val-dp->page); break;
if (dp->drawobj != NULL) (dp->drawobj)();
lit = 1;
else {
i = computeDialVal(dp, mx, my);
DSetVal(dp, i);
if (dp->drawobj != NULL) (dp->drawobj)();
/* loop until mouse is released */
while (XQueryPointer(theDisp,dp->win,&rW,&cW,&rx,&ry,&x,&y,&mask)) {
if (!(mask & Button1Mask)) break; /* button released */
if (ipos == INDIAL) {
int j;
i = computeDialVal(dp, x, y);
j = dp->val;
DSetVal(dp, i);
if (j != dp->val) {
/* track whatever dial controls */
if (dp->drawobj != NULL) (dp->drawobj)();
else { /* a button */
pos = whereInDial(dp, x, y);
if ( (pos==ipos && !lit) || (pos!=ipos && lit)) {
/* need to toggle lit state */
lit = !lit;
invertButt(dp, ipos);
if (lit) {
switch (ipos) {
case INCW1: if (dp->val < dp->max) DSetVal(dp, dp->val+1);
case INCW2: if (dp->val < dp->max) DSetVal(dp, dp->val+dp->page);
case INCCW1: if (dp->val > dp->min) DSetVal(dp, dp->val-1);
case INCCW2: if (dp->val > dp->min) DSetVal(dp, dp->val-dp->page);
/* track whatever dial controls */
if (dp->drawobj != NULL) (dp->drawobj)();
/* turn off button, if lit */
if (ipos != INDIAL && lit) invertButt(dp, ipos);
return (dp->val != origval);
static int whereInDial(dp, x, y)
DIAL *dp;
int x, y;
int i;
/* returns region * that x,y is in. returns -1 if none */
for (i=0; i<4; i++)
if (PTINRECT(x,y, dp->bx[i], dp->by[i], 14, 10)) return i;
if (PTINRECT(x,y, dp->cx - dp->rad, dp->cy - dp->rad,
2*dp->rad, 2*dp->rad))
return INDIAL;
return -1;
static void drawArrow(dp)
DIAL *dp;
int i, rad, cx, cy;
XPoint arrow[4];
rad = dp->rad; cx = dp->cx; cy = dp->cy;
/* map pos (range minv..maxv) into degrees (range 240..-60) */
i = 240 + (-300 * (dp->val - dp->min)) / (dp->max - dp->min);
arrow[0].x = cx + (int) ((double) rad * .80 * cos(i * DEG2RAD));
arrow[0].y = cy - (int) ((double) rad * .80 * sin(i * DEG2RAD));
arrow[1].x = cx + (int) ((double) rad * .33 * cos((i+160) * DEG2RAD));
arrow[1].y = cy - (int) ((double) rad * .33 * sin((i+160) * DEG2RAD));
arrow[2].x = cx + (int) ((double) rad * .33 * cos((i-160) * DEG2RAD));
arrow[2].y = cy - (int) ((double) rad * .33 * sin((i-160) * DEG2RAD));
arrow[3].x = arrow[0].x;
arrow[3].y = arrow[0].y;
XDrawLines(theDisp, dp->win, theGC, arrow, 4, CoordModeOrigin);
static void drawValStr(dp)
DIAL *dp;
int i, x1, x2;
char foo[60], foo1[60];
/* compute longest string necessary so we can right-align this thing */
sprintf(foo,"%d",dp->min); x1 = strlen(foo);
sprintf(foo,"%d",dp->max); x2 = strlen(foo);
if (dp->min < 0 && dp->max > 0) x2++; /* put '+' at beginning */
i = x1; if (x2>x1) i = x2;
if (dp->units) i += strlen(dp->units);
if (dp->min < 0 && dp->max > 0) sprintf(foo,"%+d", dp->val);
else sprintf(foo,"%d", dp->val);
if (dp->units) strcat(foo,dp->units);
foo1[0] = '\0';
if (strlen(foo)<i) {
for (i = i - strlen(foo); i>0; i--) strcat(foo1," ");
strcat(foo1, foo);
XSetFont(theDisp, theGC, monofont);
XDrawImageString(theDisp, dp->win, theGC,
dp->w/2 - XTextWidth(monofinfo, foo1, strlen(foo1))/2,
dp->h-14 - (monofinfo->ascent + monofinfo->descent)/2
+ monofinfo->ascent, foo1, strlen(foo1));
XSetFont(theDisp, theGC, mfont);
static void invertButt(dp, i)
DIAL *dp;
int i;
XSetState(theDisp, theGC, dp->fg, dp->bg, GXinvert, dp->fg ^ dp->bg);
XFillRectangle(theDisp, dp->win, theGC,
dp->bx[i]+1, dp->by[i]+1, 13, 9);
XSetState(theDisp, theGC, dp->fg, dp->bg, GXcopy, AllPlanes);
static int computeDialVal(dp, x, y)
DIAL *dp;
int x, y;
int dx, dy, val;
double angle;
/* compute dx, dy (distance from cx, cy). Note: +dy is *up* */
dx = x - dp->cx; dy = dp->cy - y;
/* if too close to center, return current value to avoid 'spazzing' */
if (abs(dx) < 3 && abs(dy) < 3) return dp->val;
/* figure out angle of vector dx,dy */
if (dx==0) { /* special case */
if (dy>0) angle = 90.0;
else angle = -90.0;
else if (dx>0) angle = atan((double) dy / (double) dx) * RAD2DEG;
else angle = atan((double) -dy / (double) -dx) * RAD2DEG + 180.0;
/* map angle into range: -90..270, then into to value */
if (angle > 270.0) angle -= 360.0;
if (angle < -90.0) angle += 360.0;
val = (int) ((dp->max - dp->min) * (240.0 - angle) / 300.0) + dp->min;
return val;
static void dimDial(dp)
DIAL *dp;
DimRect(dp->win, 0, 0, dp->w, dp->h, dp->bg);