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Assembly Source File
178 lines
;Simulates a disk-drive light for network activity. When a packet is sent or
;recieved, a block will flash at the upper, right corner of the screen.
;Andy Stevens 11/10/87
page ,132
name NetLight
CR equ 13
LF equ 10
Interrupt equ 71h
CSeg segment byte public 'CODE'
org 100h
assume CS: CSeg, DS:CSeg, ES: nothing, SS: nothing
ENTRY proc near
jmp initialize ;skip over the resident part of program
OldVector label dword ;storage space for old interrupt vector
VectorOff dw 0
VectorSeg dw 0
CursorRow db 0
CursorCol db 0
Character db 0
Attribute db 0
Signature db 'NETLIGHT'
InterruptServiceRoutine proc far
call Invert
jmp cs: dword ptr OldVector ;call the old int 0x71 ISR
InterruptServiceRoutine endp
Invert proc near
push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
mov ah, 3 ;get cursor position
xor bh, bh ;page 0
int 10h
mov cs: byte ptr CursorRow, dh ;save for later
mov cs: byte ptr CursorCol, dl
mov ah, 2 ;set cursor position
mov dl, 79 ;colum 79
xor dh, dh ;row 0
xor bh, bh ;page 0
int 10h
mov ah, 8 ;get character and attribute
xor bh, bh ;page 0
int 10h
mov cs: byte ptr Character, al ;save for later
mov cs: byte ptr Attribute, ah
mov ah, 9 ;put character and attribute
mov al, 219 ;block character
mov bl, ah
not bl ;reverse the attribute
xor bh, bh ;page 0
mov cx, 1 ;one character
int 10h
mov cx, 100 ;brief delay
l1: nop
loop l1
mov ah, 9 ;put character and attribute
mov al, cs: byte ptr Character ;restore old character
mov bl, cs: byte ptr Attribute ;and attribute
xor bh, bh ;page 0
mov cx, 1 ;one character
int 10h
mov ah, 2 ;set cursor position
mov dh, cs: byte ptr CursorRow ;restore old cursor position
mov dl, cs: byte ptr CursorCol
xor bh, bh
int 10h
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
Invert endp
;* The remainder of code will perform the folowing functions:
;* 1) verify that the computer is running a NetWare shell.
;* 2) check for previous installation of NetLight.
;* 3) terminate and stay resident, leaving only the ISR
;* Everything below this point will be discarded when the program TSR's
call CheckForIPX ;check for an IPX module
call CheckPrevious ;check for previous installations
mov ax, 3500h + Interrupt ;save old interrupt vector
int 21h ;returned in ES:BX
mov VectorSeg, es
mov VectorOff, bx
mov ax, cs
mov ds, ax
mov dx, offset InterruptServiceRoutine
mov ax, 2500h + Interrupt
int 21h
mov dx, offset message1 ;confirmation message
mov ah, 9
int 21h ;display message
mov dx, offset Initialize
int 27h ;TSR
ENTRY endp
CheckForIPX proc near
mov ax, 357Ah ;get interrupt address of int 0x7A
int 21h ;vector returned in ES:BX
sub bx, 6 ;IPX signature begins 6 bytes before
mov di, bx ;the int 0x7A handler
mov si, offset IPXString
mov cx, 4
repz cmpsb
jnz NoIPX
mov ah, 9
mov dx, offset message2 ;no IPX module present
int 21h ;display message
int 20h ;abort
CheckForIPX endp
CheckPrevious proc near
mov ax, 3500h + Interrupt ;get interrupt address of interrupt
int 21h ;vector returned in ES:BX
sub bx, 8 ;signature is 8 bytes befor ISR
mov di, bx
mov si, offset NetString
mov cx, 8 ;signature length of 8 bytes
repz cmpsb
jz Previous
mov ah, 9
mov dx, offset message3 ;already installed
int 21h ;display message
int 20h ;abort
CheckPrevious endp
;display messages
message1 db 'NetLight loaded',CR,LF,'$'
message2 db 'ERROR - No IPX module present. Aborting',CR,LF,'$'
message3 db 'ERROR - NetLight already installed. Aborting',CR,LF,'$'
;signature strings
IPXString db 'IPX',0
NetString db 'NETLIGHT'
CSeg ends