^DenyWWWTo^ = "Deny WWW access to the following :"
^DenyFTPTo^ = "Deny FTP access to the following :"
^DenyGopherTo^ = "Deny Gopher access to the following :"
^SngComp^ = "Single Computer"
^GroupComp^ = "Group of Computers"
^SubnetOnlyNec^ = "A subnet mask is only necessary when you deny access to a group of computers"
^AddrNonExist^ = "This address no longer exists."
^AccDeniedToServ^ = "Access denied to this service."
^ServStopped^ = "This service has been stopped."
# do not translate <%rpcstatus%>
^RPCError^ = "RPC error <%rpcstatus%>"
^InvIp^ = "Invalid IP address"
# do not translate <%reqstatus%>
^ErrorID^ = "Error encountered : <%reqstatus%>"
^RetMain^ = "Return to main menu"
^OK^ = "OK"
^AdmGrant^ = "Internet Services Administrator - Grant Access"
^IsGrantAcc^ = "Grant Access"
^GrantWWWTo^ = "Grant WWW access to the following :"
^GrantFTPTo^ = "Grant FTP access to the following :"
^GrantGopherTo^ = "Grant Gopher access to the following :"
^IsDefToDeny^ = "Internet Services Administrator - Set Default to Deny"
^IndDefToDeny^ = "Set Default to Deny"
# do not translate <p>
^WarnDeny^ = "This action will disable access from all computers.<p> To allow you further access for administrative purpose, the address you are using for the current request can be added to the list of address being granted access to this service.<p>"
^SetDenyAndAdd^ = "Set default to deny and add your address to the grant list"
# do not translate <%msgbody.cdirname%> and <%arg3%>
^CreateDirFailed^ = "The creation of the \"<%msgbody.cdirname%>\" directory in \"<%arg3%>\" failed."
^WWWSes^ = "Current WWW Sessions"
^FTPSes^ = "Current FTP Sessions"
^GopherSes^ = "Current Gopher Sessions"
^ConnTo^ = "Connections to"
^ConnUsers^ = "Connected Users"
^From^ = "From"
^Time^ = "Time"
^Disconnect^ = "Disconnect"
# do not translate <%enumusercount%>
^NumUsers^ = "There are <%enumusercount%> User(s) currently connected."
^DiscAll^ = "Disconnect All"
^Close^ = "Close"
^RefScr^ = "Refresh Screen"
^ConnUserWidth^ = "180"
^ConnFromWidth^ = "160"
^ConnTimeWidth^ = "80"
^ConnActionWidth^ = "150"
^Directory^ = "Directory"
# do not translate <FONT ...> and </FONT>
^DirMaySelect^ = "You may select <FONT COLOR=#802020>Edit</FONT>, <FONT COLOR=#802020>Add</FONT>, or <FONT COLOR=#802020>Delete</FONT> from the table below:"
^DirTableHeader^ = "Directory"
^DirTableHeaderWidth^ = "225"
^AliasTableHeader^ = "Alias"
^AliasTableHeaderWidth^ = "125"
^AddressTableHeader^ = "Address"
^AddressTableHeaderWidth^ = "60"
^ErrorTableHeader^ = "Error"
^ErrorTableHeaderWidth^ = "60"
^DirActionWidth^ = "90"
^Home^ = "Home"
^PathNotFound^ = "Path not found"
^AccessDenied^ = "Access denied"
^LogonFailed^ = "Logon failed"
# do not translate <%rooterror%>
^InvEntry^ = "Invalid entry: error <%rooterror%>"
^EditPlus^ = "Edit..."
^Delete^ = "Delete"
^EnabDefDoc^ = "Enable Default Document"
^DefDoc^ = "Default Document :"
^DirBrowAllow^ = "Directory Browsing Allowed"
^DirListStyle^ = "Directory Listing Style"
^Unix^ = "Unix"
^DirButtonsWidth^ = "570"
^DirButtonsHeight^ = "75"
^DirAdd^ = "Directory Add"
^DirPrompt^ = "Directory :"
^Browse^ = "Browse..."
^HomeDir^ = "Home Directory"
# width of table around all directory info tables
^DirBoxWidth^ = "570"
^VirtDir^ = "Virtual Directory"
^DirAliasPrompt^ = "Directory Alias :"
^AcctInfo^ = "Account Information"
^AcctHelp^ = "This box is valid only if the Directory specified \
at the top of this dialog page is a Universal Naming Convention (UNC) \
server and share name (e.g., \\\\Webserver\\Htmlfiles). \
Enter the username and password that has permission to use the \
network directory. Virtual directories on network drives must be \
on computers in the same Windows NT domain as the Internet \
Information Server."
# do not translate <B> and </B>
^AcctHelp2^ = "<B>Important:</B> If you specify a username and password to connect to a \
network drive, all Internet Information Server access to that \
directory will use that username and password. You should use \
care when using UNC connections to network drives to prevent \
possible security breaches."
^UsernamePrompt^ = "Username :"
^PasswordPrompt^ = "Password :"
^VirtServ^ = "Virtual Server"
^IfIpVirt^ = "If an IP address is specified, then Virtual Server is enabled."
^VirtIPPrompt^ = "Virtual Server IP Address : "
^Read^ = "Read"
^Write^ = "Write"
^Execute^ = "Execute"
^SSL^ = "Require secure PCT/SSL channel"
^HomeCollision^ = "A home directory already exists for this service. \
Creating a new home directory will cause the existing directory \
to no longer be a home directory. \
An alias will be created for the existing home directory."
^DirNonExist^ = "This directory no longer exists."
^DirEdt^ = "Directory Edit"
# references to http:URL are to be translated to a locally available