rule(4,"after doe and small bucks","drive protective cover - deer bed down during storms - after storm they may resume feeding regardless of time of day - try stands near feeding areas after storm",[20,21,22])
rule(5,"after doe and small bucks","drive protective cover - deer bed down during storms - after storm they may resume feeding regardless of time of day - try stands near feeding areas after storm",[9,20,21])
rule(6,"after doe and small bucks","still hunt protective cover - deer bed down in storms - after storm they may resume feeding regardless of time of day - try stands near feeding areas after storm",[21,22])
rule(7,"after doe and small bucks","still hunt protective cover - deer bed down in storms - after storm they may resume feeding regardless of time of day - try stands near feeding areas after storm",[22])
rule(8,"after doe and small bucks","still hunt protective cover - deer bed down in storms - after storm they may resume feeding regardless of time of day - try stands near feeding areas after storm",[9])
rule(9,"after doe and small bucks","still hunt protective cover - deer decrease movement in high wind when they cannot hear, smell, and see as well as at other times",[21])
rule(10,"after doe and small bucks","stand - position downwind from deer sign/trails - stands on opening day are preferred because many hunters are in the woods for the opener pushing deer to you; also deer are still in more normal movement\n patterns",[7,14,16])
rule(11,"after doe and small bucks","tree stand - position downwind from deer sign/trails - stands on opening day are preferred because many hunters are in the woods for the opener pushing deer to you; also deer are still in more normal\n movement patterns",[7,13,16])
rule(12,"after doe and small bucks","tree stand - position downwind from deer sign/trails - stands on opening day are preferred because many hunters are in the woods for the opener pushing deer to you; also deer are still in more normal\n movement patterns",[8,13,16])
rule(13,"after doe and small bucks","stand - position downwind from deer sign/trails - stands on opening day are preferred because many hunters are in the woods for the opener pushing deer to you; also deer are still in more normal movement\n patterns",[8,14,16])
rule(14,"after doe and small bucks","tree stand - position downwind from deer sign/trails",[12,16])
rule(15,"after doe and small bucks","tree stand - position downwind from deer sign/trails",[4,12])
rule(16,"after doe and small bucks","drive the woodlots",[12,20])
rule(17,"after doe and small bucks","stand in areas of warmest cover out of the wind",[14,26])
rule(18,"after doe and small bucks","tree stand in areas of warmest cover out of the wind",[13,26])
rule(19,"after doe and small bucks","tree stand - position downwind from deer sign/trails",[4,13,18])
rule(20,"after doe and small bucks","tree stand - position downwind from deer sign/trails",[6,13,18])
rule(21,"after doe and small bucks","stand - position downwind from deer sign/trails",[4,14,18])
rule(22,"after doe and small bucks","stand - position downwind from deer sign/trails",[6,14,18])
rule(23,"after doe and small bucks","drive - ground cover does not favor still hunting or tracking (noise alerts deer before you see them",[5,18,20])
rule(24,"after doe and small bucks","still hunt - especially feeding areas - walk into or across wind - the darker cloudy conditions usually cause deer to remain feeding longer in the morning",[23])
rule(25,"after doe and small bucks","still hunt - walk into the wind or across wind - deer ignore extended light rains",[10,25])
rule(26,"after doe and small bucks","still hunt - deer are active in light rain and calmer where they hear easily - the darker cloudy conditions usually cause deer to remain feeding longer in the morning",[10,27])
rule(27,"after doe and small bucks","still hunt - walk into the wind or across wind - keep sun at back - binoculars may help you see deer",[7,17])
rule(28,"after doe and small bucks","still hunt - walk into the wind or across wind - move slowly - binoculars may help you see deer",[8,17])
rule(29,"after doe and small bucks","still hunt - walk into the wind or across wind - move slowly - binoculars may help you see deer",[10,17])
rule(30,"after doe and small bucks","still hunt - walk into the wind or across wind - move slowly - binoculars may help you see deer",[10,19])
rule(31,"after doe and small bucks","rattle antlers - especially near used buck scrapes during high rut bucks may pay more attention to does than to territorial sparring; when peak rut ends scrape activity resumes",[4,7,27])
rule(32,"after doe and small bucks","rattle antlers - especially near used buck scrapes during high rut bucks may pay more attention to does than to territorial sparring; when peak rut ends scrape activity resumes",[6,7,27])
rule(33,"after doe and small bucks","track - it's easiest to track in snow - look for fresh tracks",[7,19,24])
rule(34,"after doe and small bucks","track - it's easiest to track in snow - look for fresh tracks",[8,19,24])
rule(35,"after doe and small bucks","still hunt - walk into the wind or across wind - keep sun at back - binoculars may help you see deer",[7,19])
rule(36,"after doe and small bucks","still hunt - walk into the wind or across wind - move slowly - binoculars may help you see deer",[8,19])
rule(37,"after doe and small bucks","tree stand - downwind of deer trail intersection",[15])
rule(38,"after doe and small bucks","tree stand - deer move a lot in early winter snows",[8,13])
rule(39,"after doe and small bucks","stand - deer move a lot in early winter snows",[8,14])
rule(120,"tracking a wounded deer","- consider whether enough time is left in the day to find the deer and get back to camp. Come back the next day with help if necessary",[37])
rule(121,"tracking a wounded deer","- consider whether you can find your way well enough to get back safely (perhaps in the dark) - take marking tape to mark blood signs and find way. Come back the next day with help if necessary",[36])
rule(122,"tracking a wounded deer","- approach the sound directly - the deer is dying",[38])
rule(123,"tracking a wounded deer","- follow blood trail slowly looking for second shot - probable fatal lung shot - deer should drop soon",[29,35])
rule(124,"tracking a wounded deer","- follow blood trail slowly looking for second shot - probable non fatal muscle shot - deer may recover soon",[30,35])
rule(125,"tracking a wounded deer","- follow blood trail slowly looking for second shot - probable fatal liver shot - deer should drop soon",[31,35])
rule(126,"tracking a wounded deer","- follow blood trail slowly looking for second shot - probable fatal shot - deer should drop soon",[32,35])
rule(127,"tracking a wounded deer","- follow blood trail slowly looking for second shot - probable gut shot - deer may not drop soon",[33,35])
rule(128,"tracking a wounded deer","- look in 20 degree arcs in direction deer went for blood trail - probable non-fatal grazing shot",[34,39])
rule(130,"tracking a wounded deer","- look in 20 degree arcs in direction deer went for blood trail - probable non-fatal grazing shot",[30,34])
rule(131,"tracking a wounded deer","- look in 20 degree arcs in direction deer went for blood trail - probable non-fatal grazing shot",[34])
rule(132,"tracking a wounded deer","- look in 20 degree arcs in direction deer went for blood trail - sometimes deer do not bleed right away",[35,39])