Shareware Supreme Volume 6 #1
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║ MS Word ║
║ for Windows ║
║ v2.0 ║
by Tony Curro
Microsoft has released it second version of Word for Windows.
WinWord, as the directory is called, is a full featured word
processor. It comes in a disk based version, and a CD-ROM version.
Mainly, I used the CD-ROM version. But, both versions are the same,
as far as WP features and functions. The CD-ROM version has the
added ability to be left on the disk, thereby requiring a minimum of
only 4 MB hard disk space for its installation. It also, as all CDs
do, fit into a pocket, and it has both MS Bookshelf, and the
complete MS Word Users Guide right on the CD. I was very impressed
with these features.
WinWord makes full use of the GUI and icon-oriented interface of
Windows. You can select almost any function from an icon. In
addition you can create macros to perform many functions that you
wish to customize. Open, Close, Create, Print, Print Envelope, Bold,
Create Tables or columns, are just a few things you can do with a
few clicks of the mouse.
MS Word also has very good mail merge features, and has desktop
publishing capability. It is not by any means going to replace a
full-featured DTP program, but it does a satisfactory job for those
times when a full DTP package is too much.
WinWord comes with a spell checker, thesaurus and grammar checker.
You can create templates for letterheads, and other things you use
often. I created a letterhead, and inserted the date variable. Each
time I open the template it inserts the current date into the
letter. Editing is done with the mouse or keyboard. I found that
marking blocks of text is easier using the mouse. Once marked, you
can do anything from change text color, size of text, font and even
cut, paste and copy.
The learning curve for this program is not that great. For basic
word processing you should be typing within 1 hour of installation.
For complex jobs, you should be working within several hours, or
sooner. With everything on screen as icons, and help a click away,
it still should not be that long.
As I said, I used the CD-ROM version. This is a complete word
processing package and more. Along with MS Word, you have MS
Bookshelf. MS Bookshelf is also sold separately, for those who do
not want the combo CD. I reviewed the Bookshelf several months ago.
In short it is a set of books, encyclopedia, dictionary, quotations,
atlas, almanac and so on. MS Word has a bookshelf icon, that you can
click to access the library. If you have a word highlighted in your
document, and click the icon, you are asked in which book you wish
to look for this word. After viewing the information, you can, with
another click, send that information to your document. The program
does add a footnote, and gives credit to the specific book where the
information originated.
It is not the only word processor for Windows. There are several
other good ones out there. However, maybe because it bears the
Microsoft name, it is the smoothest operating. Microsoft Word is a
word processor that you should want to add to your library. If you
have a CD-ROM, I urge you to add the MS Word/Bookshelf CD-ROM to
your collection. I have awarded MS Word an Editor's Choice Award for
1992. Those who purchase the CD-ROM version, can also purchase a
hard copy of the User's Guide if they wish. There is a card enclosed
with the CD.
For WinWord 2.0 users you can upgrade for $99. WinWord 1.x and
Bookshelf users can upgrade for $199. If you have a multimedia
CD-ROM hookup, you should strongly consider the upgrade.
As we went to press, we received the latest version of MS Word. This
CD-ROM version has video, in addition to all the above features. It
includes a run-time version of MS Video for Windows. It just seems
to be getting better. We will review this new addition in a future
As stated earlier, there is a non-multimedia version available on
disks. This program is for those without a CD-ROM drive. It requires
about 15MB hard disk space for a full installation.
║ Program Information ║
║ MS Word for Windows v2.0 ║
║ MS Bookshelf ║
║ CD-ROM Package ║
║ List Price $595 ║
║ Microsoft Corp. ║
║ 1 Microsoft Way ║
║ Redmond, WA 98052 ║
║ 206-882-8080 ║