Shareware Supreme Volume 6 #1
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Assembly Source File
1,773 lines
TITLE sh0.asm
NAME sh0
; MS-DOS SHELL - Swapper
; MS-DOS SHELL - Copyright (c) 1990 Data Logic Limited
; This code is subject to the following copyright restrictions:
; 1. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted
; provided that the above copyright notice is duplicated in the
; source form and the copyright notice in file sh6.c is displayed
; on entry to the program.
; 2. The sources (or parts thereof) or objects generated from the sources
; (or parts of sources) cannot be sold under any circumstances.
; $Header: D:/SRC/SHELL/RCS/sh0.asm 1.10 90/05/31 17:46:31 MS_user Exp $
; $Log: sh0.asm $
; Revision 1.10 90/05/31 17:46:31 MS_user
; Enasure that correct block zero is written for partial write
; Revision 1.9 90/05/31 10:04:56 MS_user
; Implement partial write on disk swapping
; Revision 1.8 90/04/25 22:32:31 MS_user
; Fix missing disk full check on writing swap file
; Revision 1.7 90/04/11 12:54:38 MS_user
; Fix non-disk device name print in CEH
; Revision 1.6 90/03/26 04:31:01 MS_user
; Remove original Interrupt 24 save address
; Revision 1.5 90/03/26 04:12:38 MS_user
; Add Full Interrupt 24 handler
; Revision 1.4 90/03/05 13:47:05 MS_user
; Add XMS driver
; Revision 1.3 90/02/22 16:50:23 MS_user
; Add XMS Driver support
; Revision 1.2 90/02/14 04:45:58 MS_user
; Add Interrupt 24 processing and clean up interrupt 0 and 23 processing
; Revision 1.1 90/01/25 13:43:36 MS_user
; Initial revision
; Segment declarations
SH0_TEXT segment word public 'CODE'
SH0_TEXT ends
_DATA segment word public 'DATA'
_DATA ends
CONST segment word public 'CONST'
CONST ends
_BSS segment word public 'BSS'
_BSS ends
C_ETEXT segment word public 'ENDCODE'
C_ETEXT ends
; Declare external functions and data
extrn _raise:far
extrn __maperror:far
extrn _errno:word
extrn __psp:word
; Declare end of text variable. The ENDCODE segment appears to be the last
; code segment loaded by the Microsoft loader
C_ETEXT segment word public 'ENDCODE'
public cetext
cetext equ $
C_ETEXT ends
; Start of the spawn function
SH0_TEXT segment
assume cs: SH0_TEXT, ds: NOTHING, ss: DGROUP
; For this function, all the code and data space are in the code space
public _cmd_line
public _path_line
public _SW_intr
public _SW_Blocks
public _SW_SBlocks
public _SW_fp
public _SW_I0_V
public _SW_I23_V
public _SW_EMstart
public _SW_Mode
public _SW_EMSFrame
public _SW_Int24
public _SW_XMS_Driver
public _SW_XMS_Gversion
public _SW_XMS_Allocate
public _SW_XMS_Free
public _etext
public _SW_Pwrite
_cmd_line db 129 dup (?) ; Command line
_path_line db 80 dup (?) ; Path line
_etext dw seg cetext ; End of text segment
_SW_Blocks dw 0 ; Number of blocks to read/write
_SW_SBlocks dw 0 ; Short Number of blocks to read/write
_SW_fp dw 0 ; File ID
_SW_Pwrite dw 0 ; Partial write to disk?
_SW_I0_V dd 0 ; Our Interrupt Zero address
_SW_I23_V dd 0 ; Our Interrupt 23 address
_SW_EMstart dd 0100000H ; Default Extended Mem start
_SW_Mode dw 0 ; Type of swapping to do
; 1 - disk
; 2 - Extended memory
; 3 - EMS driver
; 4 - XMS driver
_SW_EMSFrame dw 0 ; EMS Frame segment
_SW_intr dw 0 ; Interrupt 23 detected.
_SW_XMS_Driver dd 0 ; XMS Driver Interface
; Some addition variables
SW_LMstart dd 0 ; Low Mem start for Extended Mem swap
N_mcb dw 0 ; Start write address
Result dw 0 ; Return value
InShell db 0 ; In shell flag for Interrupt 23
; Stack save pointers
S_ss dw 0 ; Save Stack pointers
S_sp dw 0
S_di dw 0 ; Save DI, SI
S_si dw 0
S_ds dw 0 ; Save the original DS
; Two blank FCB
FCB1 dw 16 dup (?)
FCB2 dw 16 dup (?)
; XMS Driver Move structure
XMS_DIF equ $
XMS_Length dd 0 ; Number of bytes
XMS_SHandle dw 0 ; Source Handler
XMS_Soffset dd 0 ; Source Offset
XMS_DHandle dw 0 ; Destination Handler
XMS_Doffset dd 0 ; Destination Offset
; Extended Memory Global Descriptor tables
GD_table equ $
GDT_Dummy dw 4 dup (0) ; Dummy
GDT_self dw 4 dup (0) ; For self
GDT_src equ $ ; Source
dw 04000H ; Length - 16K bytes
GDT_src_low dw 0 ; Low Order address
GDT_src_high db 0 ; High Order address
db 093h ; Access Rights
dw 0 ; Reserved
GDT_dest equ $ ; Destination
dw 04000H ; Length - 16K bytes
GDT_dest_low dw 0 ; Low Order address
GDT_dest_high db 0 ; High Order address
db 093h ; Access Rights
dw 0 ; Reserved
GDT_bios dw 4 dup (0) ; Bios
GDT_stack dw 4 dup (0) ; Stack
; Execute interrupt structure
exec_parms equ $
exec_env dw 0
dw offset _cmd_line ; Command line address
exec_cseg dw ?
dw offset FCB1 ; FCB1 address
exec_f1seg dw ?
dw offset FCB2 ; FCB1 address
exec_f2seg dw ?
Swap_PANIC db 'PANIC: Swap file re-load error - REBOOT', 0aH, 0dH
db '$'
Swap_DZERO db 'PANIC: Divide by zero', 0aH, 0dH
db '$'
; OK - exec requires a local stack, cause some programs overwrite it
db 398 dup (0)
dw 0
; Code starts
public _SA_spawn
_SA_spawn proc far
push bp
mov bp, sp
; Entry Offsets
; Environment = 6
mov word ptr cs:S_di, di ; Save registers
mov word ptr cs:S_si, si
mov word ptr cs:S_ds, ds
; Set up to ingnore Control C interrupts
push ds
mov ax, 02523H ; Set Control C Interrupt
mov dx, offset SA_IRET
push cs
pop ds
mov byte ptr cs:InShell, 0 ; Set In shell flag for Interrupt 23
int 021H
mov ax, 02500H ; Set Divide Zero Interrupt
mov dx, offset SA_DZERO
push cs
pop ds
int 021H
pop ds
; Save the length of the current MCB block;
mov ax, word ptr ds:__psp
dec ax
mov word ptr cs:N_mcb, ax ; Save MCB address for swap out
; Calculate low mem start for extended memory
mov bx, ax ; Save copy
mov cl, 4 ; mult low order by 16
shl ax, cl
mov word ptr cs:SW_LMstart, ax ; Save low order
mov cl, 12 ; div by 16 ** 3
shr bx, cl
mov byte ptr cs:SW_LMstart + 2, bl ; Save low order
; Set up Environment segment in execute structure
mov bx, cs
mov ax, offset Env_OWrite
mov cl, 4
shr ax, cl
add ax, bx
mov word ptr cs:exec_env, ax ; Save Env seg.
; Set up rest of execute structure
mov word ptr cs:exec_cseg, cs ; Command line address
mov word ptr cs:exec_f1seg, cs ; FCB 1 address
mov word ptr cs:exec_f2seg, cs ; FCB 2 address
; Generate the FCBs
mov ax, cs ; Set up segments
mov ds, ax
mov es, ax
mov ax, 02901H ; Set up FCB interrupt
mov si, offset _cmd_line + 1
mov di, offset FCB1 ; FCB 1;
int 021H ; Execute the interrupt
mov ax, cs ; Set up segment
mov es, ax
mov ax, 02901H ; Reset AX cause errors are ignored
mov di, offset FCB2 ; FCB 2;
int 021H ; Execute the interrupt
; Copy out to the swap file
mov bx, word ptr cs:_SW_fp ; Load file handler
mov si, word ptr cs:_SW_Blocks ; Load Number of blocks to read
mov ax, word ptr cs:N_mcb ; Load the start address
; Check for Partial write on disk swap file
cmp word ptr cs: _SW_Mode, 1 ; Partial disk write ?
jnz SPart_Write
cmp word ptr cs: _SW_Pwrite, 0
jz SPart_Write
mov si, word ptr cs:_SW_SBlocks ; Load Number of blocks to read
mov ax, word ptr cs:_etext ; Load the start address
push ax
; load up extended memory GDT for destination
mov ax, word ptr cs:_SW_EMstart
mov dl, byte ptr cs:_SW_EMstart + 2
call $GDT_dest_load
; set up DS register with start of start copy
pop ax
mov ds, ax
mov ax, word ptr cs:SW_LMstart ; Load Full start address
mov dl, byte ptr cs:SW_LMstart + 2
call $GDT_src_load
; Check for end of copy - BX contains the file handler for disk write
or si, si
jnz $Write_L1
jmp $Write_Complete
; OK - Copy next 0x4000 bytes - switch on device
mov ax, word ptr cs: _SW_Mode
dec ax
jz $W_disk
dec ax
jnz $Write_L2
jmp $W_extend
dec ax
jnz $W_xms
jmp $W_expand
; Write to XMS driver. In this case, we do one write and let the driver
; sort out the blocking
xor ax, ax
mov word ptr cs:XMS_SHandle, ax ; Source - normal memory
mov word ptr cs:XMS_DHandle, bx ; Dest - XMS
mov word ptr cs:XMS_Doffset, ax ; Dest offset - zero
mov word ptr cs:XMS_Doffset + 2, ax
mov word ptr cs:XMS_Soffset, ax ; Source offset DS:0
mov ax, ds
mov word ptr cs:XMS_Soffset + 2, ax
; Set up number of bytes SW_Block * 16 * 1024
mov ax, si
mov dx, si
mov cl, 14
shl ax, cl
mov cl, 2
shr dx, cl
mov word ptr cs:XMS_Length, ax ; Load number of bytes
mov word ptr cs:XMS_Length + 2, dx
mov ah, 0BH ; Set up parameters
mov dx, cs
mov ds, dx
mov si, offset XMS_DIF
call cs:[_SW_XMS_Driver]
or ax, ax
jnz $Write_Complete
; XMS error - abort
mov ah, bl
jmp $Write_error
; Write to disk
call $Write_disk
; Increment counter
dec si ; Decrement block count
mov ax, ds ; Increment offset
add ax, 0400H
mov ds, ax
jmp $Write_loop
; Write to extended memory
call $Write_extend
jc $Write_error ; NO - abort
dec si ; Decrement block count
call $Inc_Extend
jmp $Write_loop
; Write to expanded memory
; BX - handler
; SI - count
; DS - source segment
call $map_ems_page ; Map in the current EMS page
jnz $Write_error
push ds ; Save DS and SI
push si
mov es, word ptr cs:_SW_EMSFrame ; Set Dest Seg
xor si, si ; Clear start
xor di, di
mov cx, 02000H ; move 16K
pushf ; Save direction flag
rep movsw
popf ; Restore direction flag
pop si ; And DS, SI
pop ds
jmp $Write_Incr ; Increment DS and dec SI
; Error - abort. The error code is in AH.
mov ds, word ptr cs:S_ds ; Restore DS
mov al, ah
xor ah, ah
mov word ptr ds:_errno, ax ; Save error code
mov ax, 0FFFEH
jmp $SA_spawn_Exit ; Exit
; Swap file is now written, set up environment. If this was a partial
; write, we need to write the first 4K.
cmp word ptr cs: _SW_Mode, 1 ; Partial disk write ?
jnz S1Part_Write
cmp word ptr cs: _SW_Pwrite, 0
jz S1Part_Write
mov ax, 04200H ; Set seek
xor dx, dx
xor cx, cx
int 021H
jnc $Write_C1 ; Abort - swap file error
jmp $Map_error
mov ax, word ptr cs:N_mcb ; Load the start address
mov ds, ax
call $Write_disk
mov ds, word ptr cs:exec_env ; Load Env seg.
xor si, si ; Clear start offset
; Copy into Env Seg
les bx, dword ptr ss:[bp + 6] ; Check for end of loop
mov ax, word ptr es:[bx + 0]
or ax, word ptr es:[bx + 2]
je $Copy_End
; Save start address
add word ptr ss:[bp + 6], 4 ; Increment environment by 4
mov cx, word ptr es:[bx + 0] ; Load address of cur Env string
mov ax, word ptr es:[bx + 2] ; into es:bx
mov es, ax
mov bx, cx
; Copy this value
mov al, byte ptr es:[bx] ; Copy across
mov byte ptr ds:[si], al
inc bx ; Increment pointers
inc si
or al, al
jne $Copy_Val
jmp $Copy_Env
; Set up exec parameter block - DS is on stack
xor ax, ax
mov word ptr ds:[si], ax ; Terminate environment
add si, 2
; Set up new program length
add si, 16 ; Round up paras
mov dx, si ; Save end offset in DX
mov bx, ds
mov cl, 4
shr si, cl ; # paras used by Env
add si, bx ; End para number
mov bx, word ptr cs:N_mcb ; Load our MCB address in BX
mov ax, bx
inc ax
sub si, ax
mov cx, si ; Save new max paras in CX
; Use interrupt 4a to shrink memory. First release all memory above us.
push ax
push cx ; Save Max paras and location
mov ds, bx ; Set up the segement for MCB
mov cx, word ptr ds:3 ; Get the MCB length
; Are we the only one in the chain?
cmp byte ptr ds:0, 'Z' ; End of chain ?
jz $Shrink_First
; Loop round releasing memory blocks
; CX - original length of block;
; DS - segement of the previous block
mov ax, ds ; Move to the next block
add cx, ax
inc cx
mov ds, cx
cmp byte ptr ds:0, 'Z' ; End of chain ?
jz $Shrink_First
mov cx, word ptr ds:3 ; Save the length of this block
mov ax, ds ; Advance to the block itself
inc ax
mov es, ax ; Set up Block address
mov ah, 049H
int 021H
jmp $Shrink_Next
; Shrink the PSP segment
pop cx
pop ax
mov es, ax ; Set PSP address
mov bx, cx ; Set max length
mov ah, 04aH
int 021H
; Execute function
mov word ptr cs: S_sp, sp ; Save the current stack
mov word ptr cs: S_ss, ss
; Move to the local stack so that it doesn't get overwritten.
mov ax, cs
mov sp, offset Local_Stack
mov ss, ax
; Clear out Interrupts
mov ah, 00bH ; Check Keyboard status
int 021H
; Check for interrupt 23 detected
mov ax, word ptr cs:_SW_intr
or ax, ax
jz $I23_Cf ; No - continue;
; Interrupt 23 detected - abort
mov ax, cs ; Set up for reload
mov sp, offset Local_Stack
mov ss, ax
mov ds, word ptr cs:S_ds ; Restore DS
xor ax, ax
jmp $Exec_Complete
; No interrupts - continue
mov ax, cs ; Set up segments
mov es, ax
mov ds, ax
mov ax, 04b00H ; Load and execute function
mov dx, offset _path_line ; Load path
mov bx, offset exec_parms ; Load the execute structure
mov byte ptr cs:InShell, 1 ; Set not In shell flag for Interrupt 23
int 021H
mov byte ptr cs:InShell, 0 ; Set In shell flag for Interrupt 23
; Disable interrupts while we restore the stack to the local one
mov ax, cs
mov sp, offset Local_Stack
mov ss, ax
; Did an error occur?
jnc $Exec_OK
; Error
mov ds, word ptr cs:S_ds ; Restore DS
mov ah, al
call far ptr __maperror ; Map the error
mov ax, 0FFFFH
jmp $Exec_Complete
; No - get the exit code and check for interrupts
mov ax, 04d00H
int 021H
dec ah ; Interrupt termination ?
jnz $Exec_OK1
inc word ptr ds:_SW_intr ; Set Interrupt 23 detected.
xor ah, ah
; Save the result code
mov word ptr cs:Result, ax ; Save response
; Very Dangerous - Restore Environment
; Seek to 0x4000 in file
mov bx, word ptr cs:_SW_fp ; Load File Handler
mov ax, word ptr cs: _SW_Mode ; Skip if not disk
dec ax
jnz $Seek_OK
; Seek in file to skip 16K
mov dx, 04000H
call $Seek_Disk
; Load from N_mcb:0x4000 to end of file.
mov si, word ptr cs:_SW_Blocks ; Load number of transfers
dec si ; Skip first block
; set up ES register with start of load
mov ax, word ptr cs:N_mcb ; Load the start address
add ax, 0400H
mov ds, ax
; load up extended memory GDT for destination
call $GDT_reload
call $Inc_Extend ; Increment addresses by 16K
; Check for end of copy - BX - File Handler for disk
or si, si
je $Read_Complete
; OK - Copy next 0x4000 bytes - switch on device
mov ax, word ptr cs: _SW_Mode
dec ax
jz $R_disk
dec ax
jz $R_extend
dec ax
jz $R_expand
; Read from XMS driver. In this case, we do one read and let the driver
; sort out the blocking
call $Read_XMS
jmp $Read_Complete
; Read from disk
call $Read_disk
jmp $Read_loop
; Read from extended memory
call $Read_extend
jmp $Read_loop
; Read from expanded memory
call $Read_EMS
jmp $Read_loop
; Re-load is now complete, Restore original stack which has just been
; reloaded. BX contains FP
mov sp, word ptr cs: S_sp ; Save the current stack
mov ss, word ptr cs: S_ss
; Save exit code
push word ptr cs:Result ; Save response
push word ptr cs:_SW_intr ; and interrupt flag
; Read in the first block - BX - File Handler
mov ax, word ptr cs: _SW_Mode ; Skip if not disk
dec ax
jnz $Seek1_OK
; Seek to 0 in file
xor dx, dx
call $Seek_Disk
; Load one block at N_mcb:0x0000
mov ds, word ptr cs:N_mcb ; Load the start address
call $GDT_reload ; Load the GDT for extend mem
mov ax, word ptr cs: _SW_Mode ; Skip if not disk
dec ax
jz $R1_Disk
dec ax
jz $R1_Extend
dec ax
jz $R1_Expand
mov si, 1 ; Read one block
call $Read_XMS
jmp $Read1_OK
call $Read_disk
jmp $Read1_OK
call $Read_extend
jmp $Read1_OK
mov si, word ptr cs:_SW_Blocks ; Read first block
call $Read_EMS
; Complete - load error code and return
pop word ptr cs:_SW_intr ; Restore interrupt flag
pop ax
; Exit function - Restore Control Interrupt handler
push ax ; Save exit code
mov ax, 02523H ; Set Control C Interrupt
mov dx, word ptr cs:_SW_I23_V
mov ds, word ptr cs:_SW_I23_V + 2
int 021H
mov ax, 02500H ; Set Divide Zero Interrupt
mov dx, word ptr cs:_SW_I0_V
mov ds, word ptr cs:_SW_I0_V + 2
mov di, word ptr cs:S_di ; Restore saved registers
mov si, word ptr cs:S_si
mov ds, word ptr cs:S_ds
; If interrupt 23 detected - raise the flag
mov ax, word ptr cs:_SW_intr ; Set Interrupt 23 detected.
or ax, ax
jz $SA_Exit1
mov ax, 02H
push ax ; Set SIGINT
call _raise
add sp, 2
pop ax ; Restore result
mov sp, bp
pop bp
_SA_spawn endp
; BX - file handler
; SI - Block count
; DS - Output data segement
$Read_XMS proc near
xor ax, ax
mov word ptr cs:XMS_SHandle, bx ; Source - XMS
mov word ptr cs:XMS_DHandle, ax ; Dest - normal memory
mov word ptr cs:XMS_Soffset, ax ; Source offset - zero
mov word ptr cs:XMS_Soffset + 2, ax
mov word ptr cs:XMS_Doffset, ax ; Dest offset DS:0
mov ax, ds
mov word ptr cs:XMS_Doffset + 2, ax
cmp si, 1 ; If first block, the
jz $Read_X1 ; source offset is
; 4000H
mov word ptr cs:XMS_Soffset, 04000H
; Set up number of bytes: si * 16 * 1024
mov ax, si
mov dx, si
mov cl, 14
shl ax, cl
mov cl, 2
shr dx, cl
mov word ptr cs:XMS_Length, ax ; Load number of bytes
mov word ptr cs:XMS_Length + 2, dx
mov ah, 0BH ; Set up parameters
mov dx, cs
mov ds, dx
mov si, offset XMS_DIF
call cs:[_SW_XMS_Driver]
or ax, ax
jnz $Read_XMS1
jmp Load_Error ; XMS error - abort
$Read_XMS endp
; BX - file handler
; SI - Block count
; DS - Output data segement
$Write_disk proc near
mov ax, 04000H ; Set up to write
mov cx, ax ; Load count
xor dx, dx ; Clear start address
push bx ; Save FP
push si ; Save count and Data Segment
int 021H ; Write the data
pop si ; Restore Regs
pop bx
jnc $Write_disk1 ; NO error - continue
; Error - abort
mov ds, word ptr cs:S_ds ; Restore DS
mov ah, al
call far ptr __maperror ; Map the error
jmp $Write_Error1
; Check for 16K write
cmp ax, 04000H
jnz $Write_disk2
mov ax,01c1cH ; Set disk full
jmp $Write_error ; NO - abort
$Write_disk endp
; BX - file handler
; SI - Block count
; DS - Output data segement
$Read_disk proc near
mov ax, 03f00H ; Set up to read
mov cx, 04000H ; Load count
xor dx, dx ; Clear start address
int 021H ; Read the data
jnc $Read_OK ; NO - abort
jmp Load_Error ; Abort - swap file error
; Read OK - next block
dec si ; Decrement block count
mov ax, ds ; Increment offset
add ax, 0400H
mov ds, ax
$Read_disk endp
; BX - file handler
; SI - Block count - counts from max
; DS - Output data segement
$Read_EMS proc near
call $map_ems_page ; Map in the current EMS page
jnz Load_Error
push ds ; Save DS and SI
push si
mov ax, ds
mov es, ax
mov ds, word ptr cs:_SW_EMSFrame ; Set Dest Seg
xor si, si ; Clear start
xor di, di
mov cx, 02000H ; move 16K
pushf ; Save direction flag
rep movsw
popf ; Restore direction flag
pop si ; And DS, SI
pop ds
jmp $Read_OK ; Increment DS and dec SI
$Read_EMS endp
; BX - file handler
; SI - Block count - counts from max
; DS - Output data segement
$map_ems_page proc near
push bx ; Need to save BX
mov ax, 04400h ; Map into physical page zero
mov dx, bx ; Set up handler
mov bx, word ptr cs: _SW_Blocks
sub bx, si
int 067H
pop bx
or ah, ah
$map_ems_page endp
; BX - file handler
; DX - offset
$Seek_Disk proc near
mov ax, 04200H ; Set seek
xor cx, cx
int 021H
jc Load_Error ; Abort - swap file error
$Seek_Disk endp
; PANIC - Abort
Load_Error proc near
mov di, offset Swap_PANIC
mov bx, cs
mov ds, bx
call I24_Display
jmp $Wait_L
Load_Error endp
; SI - Block count
$Write_extend proc near
push si ; Save SI (block counter)
mov cx, 02000H ; Copy a 16K block
mov ax, cs ; Set up GDT address
mov es, ax
mov si, offset GD_table
mov ah, 087H ; EMS function
int 015H
pop si
$Write_extend endp
; SI - Block count
$Read_extend proc near
call $Write_extend
jc Load_Error ; NO - abort
dec si ; Decrement block count
$Read_extend endp
; AX - used
$Inc_Extend proc near
mov ax, 04000H ; Increment address by 16K
add word ptr cs:GDT_dest_low, ax
adc byte ptr cs:GDT_dest_high, 0
add word ptr cs:GDT_src_low, ax
adc byte ptr cs:GDT_src_high, 0
$Inc_Extend endp
; AX - low order
; DL - high order
$GDT_src_load proc near
mov word ptr cs:GDT_src_low, ax
mov byte ptr cs:GDT_src_high, dl
$GDT_src_load endp
; AX - low order
; DL - high order
$GDT_dest_load proc near
mov word ptr cs:GDT_dest_low, ax
mov byte ptr cs:GDT_dest_high, dl
$GDT_dest_load endp
; LOAD the GDT for reloading
$GDT_reload proc near
mov ax, word ptr cs:_SW_EMstart ; Load Full start address
mov dl, byte ptr cs:_SW_EMstart + 2
call $GDT_src_load
mov ax, word ptr cs:SW_LMstart ; Load Full start address
mov dl, byte ptr cs:SW_LMstart + 2
call $GDT_dest_load
$GDT_reload endp
SA_IRET proc far
inc word ptr cs:_SW_intr ; Set Interrupt 23 detected.
cmp byte ptr cs:InShell, 0 ; Are we in the shell ?
jz $SA_Ins
; In another program - move the stack around
; In shell - ignore interrupt 23 for the moment
SA_IRET endp
SA_DZERO proc far
mov ax, 00900H
mov dx, offset Swap_DZERO
mov bx, cs
mov ds, bx
int 021H
mov ax, 04CFFh ; Exit
int 021H
; INTERRUPT 24 - ERROR HANDLER - Output message
; AH - Bit 7 = 0 Disk error
; = 1 FAT error if block device
; Error code in DI if character device
; Bit 6 UNUSED
; Bit 5 = 1 Ignore allowed
; Bit 4 = 1 Retry allowed
; Bit 3 = 1 Fail allowed
; Bits 2 & 1 = Disk Area
; Bit 0 = 1 Writing error
; AL = Disk drive number
; DI = Error code
; BP:SI = Header of device driver for which error occured
; Return
; AL = 0 Ignore Error
; = 1 Retry operation
; = 2 Abort program
; = 3 Fail system call
I24_Errors equ $
I24_EC00: db 'Write protect error$'
I24_EC01: db 'Unknown unit$'
I24_EC02: db 'Drive not ready$'
I24_EC03: db 'Unknown command$'
I24_EC04: db 'Data error$'
I24_EC05: db 'Bad request$'
I24_EC06: db 'Seek error$'
I24_EC07: db 'Unknown media type$'
I24_EC08: db 'Sector not found$'
I24_EC09: db 'Paper out$'
I24_EC0A: db 'Write fault$'
I24_EC0B: db 'Read fault$'
I24_EC0C: db 'General failure$'
I24_EC0D: db 'Unknown code$'
I24_EC0F: db 'Invalid disk change$'
I24_EC10: db 'FCB unavailable$'
I24_EC11: db 'Sharing buffer overflow$'
; Error message address table
I24_ECTABLE: dw offset I24_EC00
dw offset I24_EC01
dw offset I24_EC02
dw offset I24_EC03
dw offset I24_EC04
dw offset I24_EC05
dw offset I24_EC06
dw offset I24_EC07
dw offset I24_EC08
dw offset I24_EC09
dw offset I24_EC0A
dw offset I24_EC0B
dw offset I24_EC0C
dw offset I24_EC0D
dw offset I24_EC0D ; 0E - no message
dw offset I24_EC0F
dw offset I24_EC10
dw offset I24_EC11
I24_ECON: db ' when $'
I24_ECREAD: db 'reading $'
I24_ECWRITE: db 'writing $'
I24_ECDEVICE: db 'device $'
I24_ECDISK: db 'disk $'
I24_EABORT: db 'Abort$'
I24_EFAIL: db ', Fail$'
I24_EIGNORE: db ', Ignore$'
I24_ERETRY: db ', Retry$'
I24_EDRIVE: db '?$'
I24_EQUESTION db '? $'
I24_RESPONSE: db ' '
I24_ENL: db 0dH, 0aH, '$'
I24_EBELL: db 07H, '$'
I24_EDNAME: db '12345678$'
I24_EXTECODE: db 0dH, 0aH, '(Extended Code: '
I24_E_AL: db ' '
db ' Class: '
I24_E_BH: db ' '
db ' Action: '
I24_E_BL: db ' '
db ' Locus: '
I24_E_CH: db ' )', 0dH, 0aH, '$'
; Save DS, ES, BX, CX, DX
_SW_Int24 proc far
push ds ; Save registers
push es
push bx
push cx
push dx
push cs ; Set up data segment
pop ds
mov cx, ax ; Save the error information in CX
push di
mov di, offset I24_ENL
call I24_Display
pop di
; Check inside message range
cmp di, 012H
jb SWI24a
mov di, 0dH
; Write the error message
add di, di
mov di, word ptr ds:I24_ECTABLE[di]
call I24_Display
; Output on message
mov di, offset I24_ECON
call I24_Display
; Output reading or write message
mov di, offset I24_ECWRITE
test ch, 01H
jnz SWI24b
mov di, offset I24_ECREAD
call I24_Display
; Output device message
test ch, 080H
jz SWI24c
mov di, offset I24_ECDEVICE
call I24_Display
; Output device name - up to eight characters
add si, 0aH ; Move to device name
push ds
mov ds, bp
xor di, di ; Set counter
mov dl, byte ptr ds:[si] ; Get next character in name
cmp dl, ' '
jz SWI24d
mov byte ptr cs:[I24_EDNAME + di], dl
inc si
inc di
cmp di, 8
jnz SWI24b1
; Append a $
pop ds
mov byte ptr cs:[I24_EDNAME + di], '$'
mov di, offset I24_EDNAME
jmp SWI24e
; Write disk error
mov di, offset I24_ECDISK
call I24_Display
mov dl, cl
add dl, 'A'
mov byte ptr cs:I24_EDRIVE, dl
mov di, offset I24_EDRIVE
call I24_Display
; Get extended error codes
push cx
push ds
mov ah, 059H
xor bx, bx
int 021H
; Save responses
mov byte ptr cs:I24_E_AL, al
mov byte ptr cs:I24_E_BL, bl
mov byte ptr cs:I24_E_BH, bh
mov byte ptr cs:I24_E_CH, ch
pop ds
pop cx
; Convert to display Hex.
mov di, offset I24_E_AL
call I24_Convert
mov di, offset I24_E_BL
call I24_Convert
mov di, offset I24_E_BH
call I24_Convert
mov di, offset I24_E_CH
call I24_Convert
mov di, offset I24_EXTECODE
call I24_Display
; Output Options
mov di, offset I24_EABORT
call I24_Display
test ch, 020H ; Ignore allowed ?
jz SWI24f
mov di, offset I24_EIGNORE
call I24_Display
test ch, 010H ; Retry allowed ?
jz SWI24g
mov di, offset I24_ERETRY
call I24_Display
test ch, 08H ; Fail allowed ?
jz SWI24h
mov di, offset I24_EFAIL
call I24_Display
; Append a question mark.
mov di, offset I24_EQUESTION
call I24_Display
; Get the valid key codes
xor ax, ax ; Read a keyboard character
int 16H
and al, 05fH ; Upper case
xor ah, ah ; Clear counter
cmp al, 'I' ; Ignore ?
jnz SWI24k
test ch, 020H
jnz SWI24n
inc ah
cmp al, 'R' ; Retry ?
jnz SWI24l
test ch, 010H
jnz SWI24n
inc ah
cmp al, 'A' ; Abort ?
jz SWI24n
inc ah
cmp al, 'F' ; Fail ?
jnz SWI24m
test ch, 08H
jnz SWI24n
mov di, offset I24_EBELL
call I24_Display
jmp SWI24j
; OK - got code
mov cl, ah
mov byte ptr ds:I24_RESPONSE, al
mov di, offset I24_RESPONSE
call I24_Display
mov ax, cx
; Are we in the shell ?
cmp byte ptr cs:InShell, 0 ; Are we in the shell ?
jnz $SW_int24a ; No - no processing
cmp al, 02H ; Abort?
jnz $SW_int24a ; No - exit
test ah, 008h ; If fail allowed - convert to fail
jz $SW_int24a
mov al, 003h ; Fail system call
pop dx ; Restore registers
pop cx
pop bx
pop es
pop ds
_SW_Int24 endp
; Convert Hex code to display code
; ds:di Offset of code to replace
; ax is available
I24_Convert proc near
push cx
mov al, byte ptr ds:[di] ; Get the code
mov ah, al
mov cl, 4
shr ah, cl
and ah, 0fh
cmp ah, 10
jb I24_C1
add ah, 'A' - 10
jmp I24_C2
add ah, '0'
mov byte ptr ds:[di], ah
; Now LSB
and al, 0fh
cmp al, 10
jb I24_C3
add al, 'A' - 10
jmp I24_C4
add al, '0'
mov byte ptr ds:[di + 1], al
pop cx
I24_Convert endp
; Display message function for Interrupt 24 processing
; DS:DI message
; AX is available
I24_Display proc near
mov ah, 08H ; Get foreground colour
xor bx, bx
int 10H
mov bl, ah
and bl, 07h
; Loop until a $ is hit, outputting the characters
mov al, byte ptr ds:[di]
cmp al, '$'
jnz I24Da
push di
mov ah, 0EH
int 10H
pop di
inc di
jmp I24D
I24_Display endp
; Start of overwrite area for environment. Align on a paragraph
; Also the XMS driver functions used by SH3.C live here
; Get Version number. Return the release number in AX
_SW_XMS_Gversion proc far
push bp ; Save stack info
mov bp, sp
xor ax, ax
call cs:[_SW_XMS_Driver]
mov sp, bp
pop bp
_SW_XMS_Gversion endp
; Allocate N kbytes. Return the Handler in AX or -1 and error code in
; errno.
; Size will be in bp + 6.
_SW_XMS_Allocate proc far
push bp ; Save stack info
mov bp, sp
mov dx, word ptr ss:[bp + 6]
mov ah, 09H
call cs:[_SW_XMS_Driver]
or ax, ax
jnz $SW_A1
; Allocate Failed - return error code
xor ax, ax
neg ax
xor bh, bh
mov word ptr ds:_errno, bx ; Save error code
jmp $SW_F2
; Allocate OK - return handler
mov ax, dx
mov sp, bp
pop bp
_SW_XMS_Allocate endp
; Release handler. Return 0 or error code.
; Handler will be in bp + 6.
_SW_XMS_Free proc far
push bp ; Save stack info
mov bp, sp
mov dx, word ptr ss:[bp + 6]
mov ah, 0AH
call cs:[_SW_XMS_Driver]
or ax, ax
jnz $SW_F1
; Free Failed - return error code
mov al, bl
jmp $SW_F2
; Free OK - return zero
xor ax, ax
mov sp, bp
pop bp
_SW_XMS_Free endp
SH0_TEXT ends