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Text File  |  1991-06-26  |  3KB  |  34 lines

  1. ╔════════════════════╦═══════════════════════════════════╦════════════════════╗
  2. ║                    ║ ORDER FORM FOR "REUNION HANDBOOK" ║                    ║
  3. ║                    ╚═══════════════════════════════════╝                    ║
  4. ║                                                                             ║
  5. ║     Name:___________________________________________________________________║
  6. ║                                                                             ║
  7. ║     Address:________________________________________________________________║
  8. ║                                                                             ║
  9. ║     City:_____________________________________ State:_______ Zip:___________║
  10. ║                                                                             ║
  11. ║                                                        Price         Amount ║
  12. ║     First Book........................................$12.95         $12.95 ║
  13. ║     Postage for first book............................  1.50           1.50 ║
  14. ║     ......Additional book(s) @........................  9.95         ______ ║
  15. ║     ......Postage for each additional book(s) @.......   .75         ______ ║
  16. ║     California residents add 6% sales tax........................... ______ ║
  17. ║                                                                             ║
  18. ║                                        Total (enclosed)............. ______ ║
  19. ║                                                                             ║
  20. ║     (Make checks payable to: Reunion Research)                              ║
  21. ║                                                                             ║
  22. ║     NOTE: We will ship to multiple addresses at no additional charge. Please║
  23. ║           enclose an address list. Also, if you are buying the books as a   ║
  24. ║           gift, we will  enclose a gift card if you want. Please indicate   ║
  25. ║           how you want the card made  out, and be sure  that the above      ║
  26. ║           address is the one we should ship to.                             ║
  27. ║                                                                             ║
  28. ║                               Reunion Research                              ║
  29. ║                               3145 Geary Blvd., #14                         ║
  30. ║                               San Francisco, CA 94118                       ║
  31. ║                                                                             ║
  32. ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╣
  34. ╚═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝