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Text File  |  1991-04-18  |  18KB  |  351 lines

  1. temperance         temperans              1....|
  2. temperate          temperet               2....|
  3. temperately        temperetly             1....|
  4. temperature        temperacher          138....|
  5. temperatures       temperachers          29....|
  6. tempered           temperd                1....|
  7. tempering          tempering -            1....|
  8. tempers            tempers -              2....|
  9. tempest            tempest -              2....|
  10. tempestuous        tempeschuos            1....|
  11. template           templaet               5....|
  12. templates          templaets              1....|
  13. temple             templ                 41....|
  14. temples            templs                 4....|
  15. tempo              tempo -                4....|
  16. temporal           temporal -             5....|
  17. temporally         temporaly              1....|
  18. temporarily        temporairily          21....|
  19. temporary          temporairy            34....|
  20. temporize          temporiez              1....|
  21. temporized         temporiezd             1....|
  22. temporizing        temporiezing           1....|
  23. tempos             tempoes                2....|
  24. tempt              tempt -                2....|
  25. temptation         temptaeshun           13....|
  26. temptations        temptaeshuns           6....|
  27. tempted            tempted -             14....|
  28. tempter            tempter -              1....|
  29. tempting           tempting -             2....|
  30. temptingly         temptingly -           1....|
  31. temptress          temptres               1....|
  32. ten                ten -                169....|
  33. tenable            tenabl                 4....|
  34. tenacious          tenaeshus              1....|
  35. tenaciously        tenaeshusly            1....|
  36. tenacity           tenasity               5....|
  37. tenancy            tenansy                2....|
  38. tenant             tenant -               5....|
  39. tenantable         tenantabl              1....|
  40. tenants            tenants -             10....|
  41. tend               tend -                46....|
  42. tended             tended -               2....|
  43. tendencies         tendensys              5....|
  44. tendency           tendensy              52....|
  45. tendentious        tendenshus             1....|
  46. tender             tender -              12....|
  47. tendered           tenderd                1....|
  48. tenderfoot         tenderfuut             3....|
  49. tenderhearted      tenderharted           1....|
  50. tenderizer         tenderiezer            1....|
  51. tenderloin         tenderloin -           1....|
  52. tenderly           tenderly -             4....|
  53. tenderness         tendernes              4....|
  54. tending            tending -              4....|
  55. tendon             tendon -               1....|
  56. tendons            tendons -              2....|
  57. tendril            tendril -              1....|
  58. tends              tends -               37....|
  59. tenebrous          tenebrus               1....|
  60. tenement           tenement -             2....|
  61. tenements          tenements -            3....|
  62. tenet              tenet -                1....|
  63. tenets             tenets -               2....|
  64. tenfold            tenfoeld               1....|
  65. tennis             tenis                 16....|
  66. tenon              tenon -                1....|
  67. tenor              tenor -                6....|
  68. tenors             tenors -               1....|
  69. tenpin             tenpin -               1....|
  70. tenpins            tenpins -              1....|
  71. tens               tens -                 1....|
  72. tense              tens                  16....|
  73. tensed             tenst                  1....|
  74. tensely            tensly                 4....|
  75. tenses             tenses -               1....|
  76. tensile            tensil                 5....|
  77. tensing            tensing -              1....|
  78. tension            tenshun               62....|
  79. tensional          tenshunal              1....|
  80. tensioning         tenshuning             2....|
  81. tensionless        tenshunles             1....|
  82. tensions           tenshuns              19....|
  83. tenspot            tenspot -              1....|
  84. tent               tent -                21....|
  85. tentacle           tentacl                1....|
  86. tentacles          tentacls               2....|
  87. tentative          tentativ              16....|
  88. tentatively        tentativly             6....|
  89. tenth              tenth -                8....|
  90. tenths             tenths -               1....|
  91. tenting            tenting -              1....|
  92. tentmaker          tentmaeker             1....|
  93. tents              tents -               11....|
  94. tenuity            tenueity               1....|
  95. tenuous            tenueus                6....|
  96. tenuously          tenueusly              1....|
  97. tenure             tenuer                13....|
  98. tepee              teepy                  1....|
  99. tepees             teepees                1....|
  100. tepid              tepid -                1....|
  101. teratologies       terratolojys           1....|
  102. teratology         terratolojy            1....|
  103. tercentenary       tersentenairy          1....|
  104. term               term -                84....|
  105. termed             termd                 16....|
  106. terminable         terminabl              1....|
  107. terminal           terminal -            13....|
  108. terminals          terminals -            4....|
  109. terminate          terminaet             13....|
  110. terminated         terminaeted            4....|
  111. terminates         terminaets             1....|
  112. terminating        terminaeting           1....|
  113. termination        terminaeshun           9....|
  114. terming            terming -              1....|
  115. termini            termini                3....|
  116. terminology        terminolojy            6....|
  117. terminus           terminus -             2....|
  118. termite            termiet                1....|
  119. termites           termiets               1....|
  120. terms              terms -              167....|
  121. tern               tern -                 1....|
  122. terpsichorean      terpsycoreean          1....|
  123. terra              terra -                1....|
  124. terrace            terres                10....|
  125. terraced           terrest                2....|
  126. terraces           terreses               8....|
  127. terracing          terresing              1....|
  128. terrain            teraen                 9....|
  129. terrains           teraens                1....|
  130. terrapin           terrapin -             1....|
  131. terrarium          terairium              1....|
  132. terrestrial        terrestrial -          6....|
  133. terrible           terribl               48....|
  134. terribly           terribly -            18....|
  135. terrier            terryer                6....|
  136. terriers           terryers               1....|
  137. terrific           terific                5....|
  138. terrifically       terificaly             1....|
  139. terrified          terrified -            8....|
  140. terrifies          terrifies -            2....|
  141. terrify            terrifi                1....|
  142. terrifying         terrifieing            8....|
  143. territorial        territorial -         15....|
  144. territoriality     territoriality         1....|
  145. territories        territorys            10....|
  146. territory          territory -           33....|
  147. terror             terror -              28....|
  148. terrorism          terrorizm              1....|
  149. terrorist          terrorist -            1....|
  150. terrorists         terrorists -           1....|
  151. terrorize          terroriez              1....|
  152. terrorized         terroriezd             3....|
  153. terrorizing        terroriezing           1....|
  154. terrors            terrors -              1....|
  155. terse              ters                   2....|
  156. tersely            tersly                 2....|
  157. tertiary           tershiairy             1....|
  158. test               test -               122....|
  159. testament          testament -           32....|
  160. testamentary       testamentairy          1....|
  161. testaments         testaments -           2....|
  162. testator           testaetor              1....|
  163. tested             tested -              40....|
  164. testicle           testicl                2....|
  165. testicles          testicls               1....|
  166. testicular         testicuelar            1....|
  167. testified          testified -           12....|
  168. testifies          testifies -            4....|
  169. testify            testifi                9....|
  170. testifying         testifieing            1....|
  171. testily            testily -              1....|
  172. testimonial        testimoenial           2....|
  173. testimonials       testimoenials          1....|
  174. testimony          testimoeny            50....|
  175. testing            testing -             34....|
  176. testings           testings -             1....|
  177. tests              tests -               65....|
  178. testy              testy -                1....|
  179. tether             tether -               1....|
  180. tethered           tetherd                3....|
  181. tethering          tethering -            1....|
  182. tethers            tethers -              1....|
  183. tetrachloride      tetracloried           9....|
  184. text               text -                64....|
  185. textbook           textbuuk               4....|
  186. textbooks          textbuuks              1....|
  187. textile            textil                31....|
  188. textiles           textils               16....|
  189. texts              texts -                4....|
  190. textual            texchooal              2....|
  191. texture            texcher               16....|
  192. textured           texcherd               2....|
  193. textures           texchers               6....|
  194. than               than -              1760....|
  195. thank              thank -               54....|
  196. thanked            thankt                 8....|
  197. thankful           thankful -             8....|
  198. thankfulness       thankfulnes            2....|
  199. thanking           thanking -             3....|
  200. thankless          thankles               1....|
  201. thanklessly        thanklesly             1....|
  202. thanks             thanks -             110....|
  203. thanksgiving       thanksgiving -         9....|
  204. thanksgivings      thanksgivings -        1....|
  205. that               that -             11182....|
  206. that'll            that'l                 5....|
  207. that's             that's -             200....|
  208. thatch             thach                  1....|
  209. thatched           thacht                 1....|
  210. thatches           thaches                1....|
  211. thatching          thatching -            1....|
  212. thaw               thaw -                 6....|
  213. thawed             thawd                  3....|
  214. thawing            thawing -              2....|
  215. thaws              thaws -                1....|
  216. the                th                 68559....|
  217. theater            theeater              55....|
  218. theatergoer        theeatergoeer          1....|
  219. theatergoers       theeatergoeers         1....|
  220. theatergoing       theeatergoing          1....|
  221. theaters           theeaters             12....|
  222. theatre            theeater              32....|
  223. theatrical         theatrical -          13....|
  224. theatrically       theatricaly            2....|
  225. theatricals        theatricals -          2....|
  226. thee               thee -                17....|
  227. thees              thees -                1....|
  228. theft              theft -               11....|
  229. thefts             thefts -               1....|
  230. their              thair               2548....|
  231. their's            thair's               24....|
  232. theism             theeizm                1....|
  233. theist             theeist                1....|
  234. theistic           theistic -             1....|
  235. theivery           theevery               1....|
  236. them               them -              1884....|
  237. thematic           thematic -             1....|
  238. theme              theem                 58....|
  239. themes             theems                 9....|
  240. themselves         themselvs            276....|
  241. then               then -              1409....|
  242. thence             thens                  6....|
  243. thenceforth        thensforth             2....|
  244. theocracy          theocrasy              1....|
  245. theologian         theoloejan             5....|
  246. theologians        theoloejans           10....|
  247. theological        theolojical           30....|
  248. theologies         theologys              1....|
  249. theology           theolojy              19....|
  250. theorem            theeorem              18....|
  251. theoretical        theoretical -         24....|
  252. theoretically      theoreticaly           5....|
  253. theoreticians      theoretishans          1....|
  254. theories           theeorys              21....|
  255. theorists          theeorists             2....|
  256. theorizing         theeoriezing           1....|
  257. theory             theeory              132....|
  258. theosophy          theosofy               1....|
  259. therapeutic        therrapuetic          14....|
  260. therapeutics       therrapuetics          1....|
  261. therapies          therrapys              1....|
  262. therapist          therrapist            19....|
  263. therapists         therrapists            2....|
  264. therapy            therrapy              13....|
  265. there              thair               2833....|
  266. there'd            thair'd                4....|
  267. there'll           thair'l                3....|
  268. there're           thair'r                1....|
  269. there's            thair's              110....|
  270. thereabouts        thairabouts            1....|
  271. thereafter         thairafter            21....|
  272. thereby            thairbi               36....|
  273. therefore          thairfor             209....|
  274. therefores         thairfors              1....|
  275. therefrom          thairfrum              5....|
  276. therein            thairin               10....|
  277. thereinafter       thairinafter           1....|
  278. thereinto          thairinto              1....|
  279. thereof            thairof               17....|
  280. thereon            thairon                1....|
  281. thereto            thairto               12....|
  282. theretofore        thairtofor             2....|
  283. thereunder         thairunder             1....|
  284. thereupon          thairupon              5....|
  285. therewith          thairwith              3....|
  286. thermal            thermal -             36....|
  287. thermally          thermaly               1....|
  288. thermistor         thermistor -           1....|
  289. thermocouple       thermocupl             3....|
  290. thermocouples      thermocupls            3....|
  291. thermodynamic      thermo-dienamic        2....|
  292. thermodynamics     thermo-dienamics       1....|
  293. thermoelectric     thermo-electric        1....|
  294. thermoformed       thermo-formd           1....|
  295. thermoforming      thermo-forming         2....|
  296. thermometer        thermometer -         11....|
  297. thermometers       thermometers -         6....|
  298. thermometric       thermometric           1....|
  299. thermometry        thermometry -          3....|
  300. thermonuclear      thermo-nueclyer        2....|
  301. thermopile         thermopiel             1....|
  302. thermoplastic      thermoplastic -        1....|
  303. thermostat         thermostat -           6....|
  304. thermostated       thermostated -         1....|
  305. thermostatic       thermostatic -         1....|
  306. thermostatics      thermostatics -        1....|
  307. thermostats        thermostats -          1....|
  308. thesaurus          thesorus               1....|
  309. these              thees               1610....|
  310. theses             theesys                1....|
  311. thesis             theesis               11....|
  312. they               thae                3525....|
  313. they'd             thae'd                31....|
  314. they'll            thae'l                33....|
  315. they're            thae'r                65....|
  316. they've            thae'v                16....|
  317. thick              thik                  71....|
  318. thicken            thiken                 1....|
  319. thickened          thikend                5....|
  320. thickeners         thikeners              1....|
  321. thickening         thikening              1....|
  322. thickens           thikens                1....|
  323. thicker            thiker                 5....|
  324. thickest           thikest                1....|
  325. thicket            thiket                 1....|
  326. thickets           thikets                2....|
  327. thickly            thikly                 5....|
  328. thickness          thiknes               47....|
  329. thicknesses        thikneses              3....|
  330. thief              theef                  9....|
  331. thieves            theevs                10....|
  332. thieving           theeving               4....|
  333. thievish           theevish               1....|
  334. thigh              thi                   10....|
  335. thighs             thies                  8....|
  336. thimble            thimbl                 1....|
  337. thimbleful         thimblful              1....|
  338. thimbles           thimbls                1....|
  339. thin               thin -                94....|
  340. thine              thien                  1....|
  341. thing              thing -              340....|
  342. things             things -             377....|
  343. think              think -              443....|
  344. thinker            thinker -              6....|
  345. thinkers           thinkers -             6....|
  346. thinking           thinking -           149....|
  347. thinks             thinks -              26....|
  348. thinly             thinly                 3....|
  349. thinned            thind                  1....|
  350. thinner            thiner                 6....|