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Text File  |  1989-09-12  |  17KB  |  349 lines

  1. oceanside          oeshansied             1....|
  2. ocelot             oselot                 1....|
  3. ocher              oeker                  1....|
  4. ochre              oeker                  2....|
  5. octagon            octagon -              1....|
  6. octagonal          octagonal -            3....|
  7. octahedron         octaheedron            1....|
  8. octangular         octangguelar           1....|
  9. octave             octaev                 2....|
  10. octaves            octaevs                2....|
  11. octavo             octaevo                1....|
  12. octet              octet -                1....|
  13. octillion          octilyon               3....|
  14. octopus            octopus -              1....|
  15. octoroon           octoroon -             2....|
  16. ocular             ocuelar                2....|
  17. oculist            ocuelist               1....|
  18. oculists           ocuelists              1....|
  19. odd                od                    47....|
  20. oddities           oditys                 1....|
  21. oddity             odity                  1....|
  22. oddly              odly                  10....|
  23. oddness            odnes                  1....|
  24. odds               ods                   15....|
  25. ode                oed                    1....|
  26. odious             oedius                 3....|
  27. odium              oedium                 1....|
  28. odor               oedor                 15....|
  29. odoriferous        oedoriferus            1....|
  30. odorless           oedorles               1....|
  31. odorous            oedorus                1....|
  32. odors              oedors                 9....|
  33. oedipal            edipal                 4....|
  34. oedipus            edipus                21....|
  35. oersted            ersted                14....|
  36. oersteds           ersteds                1....|
  37. of                 of -               35844....|
  38. off                off -                655....|
  39. offal              offal -                1....|
  40. offbeat            offbeet                1....|
  41. offcast            offcast -              1....|
  42. offence            ofens                  1....|
  43. offences           ofenses                1....|
  44. offend             ofend                  4....|
  45. offended           ofended                3....|
  46. offender           ofender                2....|
  47. offenders          ofenders               2....|
  48. offending          ofending               1....|
  49. offense            ofens                  9....|
  50. offenses           ofenses                6....|
  51. offensive          ofensiv                9....|
  52. offensively        ofensivly              1....|
  53. offensives         ofensivs               1....|
  54. offer              offer -               85....|
  55. offered            offerd                88....|
  56. offering           offering -            31....|
  57. offerings          offerings -            3....|
  58. offers             offers -              48....|
  59. offhand            offhand -              1....|
  60. office             offis                262....|
  61. officeholder       offis-hoelder          1....|
  62. officeholders      offis-hoelders         1....|
  63. officer            offiser              103....|
  64. officered          offiserd               1....|
  65. officers           offisers              88....|
  66. offices            offises               48....|
  67. official           ofishal               81....|
  68. officialdom        ofishaldom             1....|
  69. officialism        ofishalizm             1....|
  70. officially         ofishaly              18....|
  71. officials          ofishals              65....|
  72. officiary          ofishiairy             1....|
  73. officiate          ofishiaet              1....|
  74. officiated         ofishiaeted            3....|
  75. officiating        ofishiaeting           1....|
  76. officiation        ofishiaeshun           1....|
  77. officio            ofishio                1....|
  78. officious          ofishus                1....|
  79. offing             offing -               1....|
  80. offish             offish -               1....|
  81. offprint           offprint -             1....|
  82. offsaddled         offsadld               1....|
  83. offscouring        offscouring -          1....|
  84. offset             offset -              10....|
  85. offsets            offsets -              1....|
  86. offsetting         offseting              1....|
  87. offshoot           offshoot -             1....|
  88. offshore           offshor                3....|
  89. offspring          offspring -            8....|
  90. offstage           offstaej               1....|
  91. oft                offt                   1....|
  92. often              offen                377....|
  93. oftener            offener                1....|
  94. oftentimes         offtentiems            2....|
  95. ofttimes           offttiems              1....|
  96. ogled              ogld                   2....|
  97. ogre               oeger                  1....|
  98. ogres              oegers                 1....|
  99. ogress             ogris                  1....|
  100. oh                 o                    122....|
  101. ohm                oem                    1....|
  102. ohmic              oemic                  1....|
  103. ohmmeter           oemmeeter              1....|
  104. ohms               oems                   1....|
  105. oil                oil -                132....|
  106. oilcloth           oilclauth              3....|
  107. oiled              oild                   3....|
  108. oiler              oiler -                1....|
  109. oilers             oilers -               1....|
  110. oilheating         oilheeting            10....|
  111. oiling             oiling -               1....|
  112. oils               oils -                16....|
  113. oilseed            oilseed -              1....|
  114. oilseeds           oilseeds -             4....|
  115. oilskin            oilskin -              1....|
  116. oily               oily -                11....|
  117. ointment           ointment -             3....|
  118. ointments          ointments -            1....|
  119. ok                 ok -                   1....|
  120. okay               oekae                 21....|
  121. old                oeld                 665....|
  122. olden              oelden                 1....|
  123. older              oelder                95....|
  124. oldest             oeldest               15....|
  125. oldies             oeldys                 1....|
  126. oldish             oeldish                1....|
  127. oldster            oeldster               1....|
  128. oldsters           oeldsters              2....|
  129. ole                oelae                  5....|
  130. oleander           oeliander              2....|
  131. oleograph          oeliograf              1....|
  132. oleomargarine      oelioemarjarin         1....|
  133. olfaction          olfacshun              1....|
  134. olfactory          olfactory -            1....|
  135. oligarch           oligark                1....|
  136. oligarchy          oligarky               1....|
  137. olive              oliv                   5....|
  138. olivefaced         olivfaest              1....|
  139. olives             olivs                  1....|
  140. omega              oemeega                1....|
  141. omelet             omelet -               3....|
  142. omelets            omelets -              1....|
  143. omen               oemen                  2....|
  144. ominous            ominus                13....|
  145. ominously          ominusly               3....|
  146. omissible          oemisibl               1....|
  147. omission           oemishun               3....|
  148. omissions          oemishuns              3....|
  149. omit               oemit                  1....|
  150. omits              oemits                 2....|
  151. omitted            oemited               14....|
  152. omitting           oemiting               6....|
  153. omnibus            omnibus -              1....|
  154. omnidirectional    omnydirecshunal        1....|
  155. omnipotence        omnipotens             1....|
  156. omnipresent        omnyprezent            1....|
  157. omniscience        omnishens              1....|
  158. omniscient         omnishent              1....|
  159. omnivorous         omniverus              1....|
  160. on                 on -                6899....|
  161. once               wuns                 511....|
  162. oncoming           oncuming               2....|
  163. one                wun                 3450....|
  164. oneness            wunnes                 1....|
  165. onerous            oenerus                1....|
  166. ones               wuns                 119....|
  167. oneself            wunself                5....|
  168. onetime            wuntiem                1....|
  169. oneupmanship       wunupmanship           1....|
  170. onion              unyon                 16....|
  171. onions             unyons                 4....|
  172. onionskin          unyonskin              1....|
  173. online             onlien                 1....|
  174. onlooker           onluuker               2....|
  175. onlookers          onluukers              2....|
  176. only               oenly               1697....|
  177. onrush             onrush -               4....|
  178. onrushing          onrushing -            1....|
  179. onset              onset -               41....|
  180. onsets             onsets -               5....|
  181. onslaught          onslaut                4....|
  182. onslaughts         onslauts               2....|
  183. onto               onto -                64....|
  184. ontogeny           ontojeny               1....|
  185. ontological        ontolojical            9....|
  186. ontologically      ontolojicaly           1....|
  187. ontology           ontolojy               1....|
  188. onus               oenus                  2....|
  189. onward             onward -               1....|
  190. onwards            onwards -              1....|
  191. onyx               onix                   1....|
  192. oops               oops -                 1....|
  193. ooze               ooz                    2....|
  194. oozed              oozd                   2....|
  195. oozy               oozy -                 1....|
  196. op                 op -                   9....|
  197. opacity            oepasity               1....|
  198. opalescent         oepalesent             1....|
  199. opaque             oepaek                 6....|
  200. open               oepen                327....|
  201. opened             oepend               135....|
  202. opener             oepener                6....|
  203. openhanded         oepenhanded            1....|
  204. openhearted        oepenharted            1....|
  205. opening            oepening              88....|
  206. openings           oepenings              8....|
  207. openly             oepenly               37....|
  208. openness           oepennes               1....|
  209. opens              oepens                17....|
  210. openwork           oepenwerk              1....|
  211. opera              opera -               10....|
  212. operable           operabl                1....|
  213. operagoers         operagoeers            1....|
  214. operand            operand -             17....|
  215. operands           operands -             1....|
  216. operas             operas -               2....|
  217. operate            operaet               51....|
  218. operated           operaeted             30....|
  219. operates           operaets              16....|
  220. operatic           operatic -             5....|
  221. operating          operaeting            93....|
  222. operation          operaeshun           116....|
  223. operational        operaeshunal          28....|
  224. operationally      operaeshunaly          1....|
  225. operations         operaeshuns           89....|
  226. operative          operaetiv              6....|
  227. operator           operaetor             52....|
  228. operators          operaetors            17....|
  229. operetta           opereta                6....|
  230. operose            operoes                1....|
  231. ophthalmology      ofthalmolojy           1....|
  232. ophthalmoscope     ofthalmoscoep          1....|
  233. opiate             oepiaet                1....|
  234. opiates            oepiaets               1....|
  235. opine              oepien                 1....|
  236. opinion            opinyon               97....|
  237. opinionated        opinyonaeted           2....|
  238. opinions           opinyons              47....|
  239. opium              oepium                17....|
  240. opponent           opoenent              16....|
  241. opponents          opoenents             14....|
  242. opportune          oportuen               1....|
  243. opportunism        oportuenizm            1....|
  244. opportunist        oportuenist            1....|
  245. opportunistic      oportuenistic          1....|
  246. opportunists       oportuenists           1....|
  247. opportunities      oportuenitys          54....|
  248. opportunity        oportuenity          124....|
  249. opposable          opoezabl               1....|
  250. oppose             opoez                 16....|
  251. opposed            opoezd                44....|
  252. opposes            opoezes                2....|
  253. opposing           opoezing              14....|
  254. opposite           opozit                86....|
  255. opposites          opozits                1....|
  256. opposition         opozishun             49....|
  257. oppressed          oprest                 5....|
  258. oppression         opreshun               6....|
  259. oppressions        opreshuns              1....|
  260. oppressive         opresiv                4....|
  261. oppressor          opresor                1....|
  262. oppressors         opresors               2....|
  263. opprobrious        oproebrius             1....|
  264. opprobrium         oproebrium             1....|
  265. opt                opt -                  1....|
  266. optative           optativ                1....|
  267. opted              opted -                2....|
  268. opthalmic          opthalmic -            2....|
  269. optical            optical -             19....|
  270. optically          opticaly               1....|
  271. optician           optishan               1....|
  272. optics             optics -               1....|
  273. optimal            optimal -             31....|
  274. optimality         optimality -           5....|
  275. optimism           optimizm              16....|
  276. optimist           optimist -             1....|
  277. optimistic         optimistic -          16....|
  278. optimistically     optimisticaly          1....|
  279. optimists          optimists -            1....|
  280. optimization       optimizaeshun          1....|
  281. optimize           optimiez               1....|
  282. optimizing         optimiezing            1....|
  283. optimo             optimo -               1....|
  284. optimum            optimum -             17....|
  285. opting             opting -               1....|
  286. option             opshun                 5....|
  287. optional           opshunal               4....|
  288. optionally         opshunaly              1....|
  289. options            opshuns                1....|
  290. optometrist        optometrist -          1....|
  291. optometrists       optometrists -         1....|
  292. optometry          optometry -            1....|
  293. opulence           opuelens               1....|
  294. opulent            opuelent               1....|
  295. opus               oepus                  3....|
  296. or                 or -                4059....|
  297. oracle             oracl                  2....|
  298. oracles            oracls                 1....|
  299. oracular           oracuelar              1....|
  300. oral               oral -                30....|
  301. orally             oraly                  2....|
  302. orange             orenj                 26....|
  303. orangeade          orenjaed               1....|
  304. oranges            orenjes                6....|
  305. orangewood         orenjwuud              1....|
  306. orate              oraet                  1....|
  307. orating            oraeting               1....|
  308. oration            oraeshun               3....|
  309. orations           oraeshuns              2....|
  310. orator             orator -               5....|
  311. oratorical         oratorical -           2....|
  312. oratorio           oratorio -             1....|
  313. orators            orators -              2....|
  314. oratory            oratory -              3....|
  315. orb                orb -                  1....|
  316. orbicular          orbicuelar             1....|
  317. orbit              orbit -               35....|
  318. orbital            orbital -              2....|
  319. orbiting           orbiting -            22....|
  320. orbits             orbits -              38....|
  321. orchard            orchard -              3....|
  322. orchards           orchards -             5....|
  323. orchestra          orkestra              64....|
  324. orchestral         orkestral              4....|
  325. orchestras         orkestras              4....|
  326. orchestrate        orkestraet             1....|
  327. orchestration      orkestraeshun          3....|
  328. orchestrations     orkestraeshuns         1....|
  329. orchid             orkid                  1....|
  330. orchids            orkids                 3....|
  331. ordain             ordaen                 2....|
  332. ordained           ordaend                4....|
  333. ordaining          ordaening              1....|
  334. ordains            ordaens                1....|
  335. ordeal             ordeel                 3....|
  336. order              order -              385....|
  337. ordered            orderd                74....|
  338. ordering           ordering -            14....|
  339. orderings          orderings -            2....|
  340. orderliness        orderlynes             1....|
  341. orderly            orderly -             21....|
  342. orders             orders -              61....|
  343. ordinal            ordinal -              1....|
  344. ordinance          ordinans              10....|
  345. ordinances         ordinanses             3....|
  346. ordinaries         ordinairys             1....|
  347. ordinarily         ordinairily           15....|
  348. ordinary           ordinairy             77....|