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Text File  |  1987-10-17  |  13KB  |  270 lines

  1.     ⌠
  2.         Glossary of synonyms for the Readability program.
  4.         Parts of the glossary may be omitted by enclosing the
  5.         relevant sections between "fish-hooks" as shown here.
  6.         Use capitals for key words. If a word is terminated
  7.         with a space, a search will be made for words having
  8.         the same initial letter as that word. The optional
  9.         text with comments following the word may consist of
  10.         up to 40 characters.
  12.         Installation of glossary:
  14.         If DOS 3.0 or later is used, the glossary should
  15.         preferably be entered in the same directory as the
  16.         program itself, or on the directory which is current
  17.         when the program is started. The file should be
  18.         called SYNLIST.RDB.
  20.         For DOS versions prior to 3.0 the glossary should be
  21.         in the directory which is current when the program
  22.         is started. The file should be called SYNLIST.RDB.
  24.         An optional glossary can be selected with a parameter
  25.         on command line or command file, example:
  26.             L=C:\RIX\OWNSYN.RDB
  28.         After the fish-hook you can enter your list of synonyms.
  29.     ⌡
  31. ACCOMPLISHED done 
  32. ACCORDINGLY so, then 
  33. ADDITIONALLY too, also  
  34. ADDITIONALLY too, also   
  35. AFFECT affect or effect?                          
  36. AFTERWARDS afterward?                             
  37. AGGRAVATE make worse                              
  38. ALLOCATE distribute    
  39. ALLOW# permit?                                    
  40. ALLUSION allusion or illusion?                    
  41. ALTERATION change    
  42. ALTERNATELY alternately or alternative?           
  43. ALTERNATIVE choice, option 
  44. AMELIORATE make better, improve  
  45. ANTECEDENTS personal history                      
  46. ANTICIPATE expect                                 
  47. ANYPLACE anywhere (?)                             
  48. APPROPRIATE proper, set aside  
  49. APPROXIMATELY about                               
  50. APT likely?                                       
  51. ASCERTAIN find out, learn, make sure  
  52. ASCERTAIN learn, find out                         
  53. ASSURE assure or ensure?                          
  54. AUGMENT increase                                             
  55. AUTHORESS (a needless word)                       
  56. AVOCATION do you mean vocation?                   
  57. BACKWARDS backward or backwards?                  
  58. BENEFICIAL helpful  
  59. BENEFIT help                                      
  60. BESIDE# beside or besides?                        
  61. BESIDES besides or beside?                        
  62. BI-WEEKLY bi-weekly or semi-weekly ?              
  63. BIANNUAL biannual or biennial?                    
  64. BIENNIAL biennial or biannual?                    
  65. BOYFRIEND friend                                  
  66. BUTCHER meat cutter                               
  67. CALCULATED likely?                                
  68. CANDIDATE aspirant?                               
  69. CAPACITY ability                                  
  70. CASKET coffin?                                    
  71. CASUALTIES losses?                                
  72. CEMENT cement or concrete?                        
  73. CENSOR censor or censure?                         
  74. CENSURE censure or censor?                        
  75. CHILDISH childish or childlike?                   
  76. CHILDLIKE childlike or childish?                  
  77. CHINAMAN Chinese                                  
  78. CITIZEN civilian?                                 
  79. CLAIM say, assert                                 
  80. CLIMACTIC climatic or climactic?                  
  81. CLIMATIC climatic or climactic?                   
  82. COFFEEPOT coffee maker                            
  83. COLORED Black                                     
  84. COMMENCE begin?                                   
  85. COMPRISE make up                                  
  86. CONCLUDE decide?                                  
  87. CONCRETE concrete or cement?                      
  88. CONSCIOUS aware?                                  
  89. CONSENT assent?                                   
  90. CONSOLIDATE unite, join 
  91. CONTINUAL continual or continuous?                
  92. CONTINUOUS continuous or continual?               
  93. CORRESPOND match, agree                           
  94. CREATED caused?                                   
  95. CREDIBLE credible or credulous?                   
  96. CREDULOUS credulous or credible?                  
  97. CRITERIA (criterion is singular)                  
  98. CRITICALLY seriously                              
  99. CURIOUS# odd, singular                            
  100. CUSTOM# habit                                     
  101. DECEASE die                                       
  102. DECIDEDLY very                                    
  103. DECLARED said                                     
  104. DEFINITELY definitively?                          
  105. DEMISE death                                      
  107. DEMOTE reduce                                     
  108. DEPRECATE deprecate or depreciate?                
  109. DESIGNATE name, select                            
  110. DETERMINE decide                                  
  111. DIFFICULT hard                                    
  112. DILAPIDATED ruined                                
  113. DISINTEREST (do you mean uninterested?)           
  114. DISTINCTLY distinctively?                         
  115. DIVORCED newly single                             
  116. DONATE give                                       
  117. DPRECIATE depreciate or deprecate?                
  118. ECHELON level 
  119. EFFECT effect or affect?                          
  120. ELEMENTARY simple, basic                          
  121. EMIGRATE emigrate or immigrate?                   
  122. EMINENT eminent or imminent?                      
  123. EMPLOYÉ emplyee                                   
  124. ENDEAVOR attempt, try  
  125. ENDORSE approve?                                  
  126. ENSURE ensure or assure?                          
  127. EPIDEMIC epizootic?                               
  128. EQUIVALENT equal                                  
  129. ESSENTIAL necessary                               
  130. EVERYPLACE (do you mean everywhere?)              
  131. EX-HUSBAND former husband                         
  132. EXECUTIVE secret                                  
  133. EXHIBIT show
  134. EXPECTORATE spit                                  
  135. FABRICATE make, build                             
  136. FACILITATE help, make easy                        
  137. FAMILIAR well known                               
  138. FARTHER farther or further?                       
  139. FEMININE female                                   
  140. FIRSTLY (and then secondly)?                      
  141. FLAUNT flaunt or flout?                           
  142. FLOUT flout or flaunt?                            
  143. FOREBEARS ancestors                               
  144. FORMALLY formally or formerly?                    
  145. FORMERLY formerly or formally?                    
  146. FREQUENTLY often                                  
  147. FUNNIES comics                                    
  148. FURTHER further or farther?                       
  149. FURTHERMORE also, too                             
  150. GENERALLY usually?                                
  151. GENT# Gentleman                                   
  152. GENTS Gentlemen                                   
  153. GIRLFRIEND friend                                 
  154. GRATUITOUS Unvarranted                            
  155. GRAVEYARD cemetery                                
  156. GROOM bridegroom                                  
  157. GUBERNATORIAL ?                                   
  158. HANGED (.. hung on the wall)                      
  159. HEALTHFUL healthful or healthy?                   
  160. HEALTHY healthy? healthful? wholesome?
  161. HEBREW Jew                                        
  162. HEREAFTER henceforth                              
  163. HISTORIC historic or historical?                  
  164. HOPEFULLY I hope                                  
  165. HOWEVER but, though  
  166. ILLUSION illusion or allusion?                    
  167. IMMIGRATE immigrate or emigrate?                  
  168. IMMINENT imminent or eminent?                     
  169. IMPLEMENT effect, tool                            
  170. IMPLY imply or infer?                             
  171. IMPRACTICAL impractical or impracticable?         
  172. IMPRACTICABLE impracticable or impractical?       
  173. INAUGURATE begin                                  
  174. INCORPORATE join                                  
  175. INCUMBENT obligatory                              
  176. INDIVIDUAL person?                                
  177. INFER infer or imply?                             
  178. INFLAMMABLE nonflammable                          
  179. INGENIOUS ingenious or ingenuous?                 
  180. INGENUOUS ingenuous or ingenious?                 
  181. INNOVATION change                                 
  182. INSIGNIFICANT small                               
  183. INSOLUBLE unsolvable                              
  184. JACKIES sailors                                   
  185. JUVENILE child                                    
  186. KLEENEX facial tissue                             
  187. LENGTHWAYS lengthwise                             
  188. LENIENCY lenity                                   
  189. LIABLE likely?                                    
  190. LIMITED small                                     
  191. LUXURIANT luxuriant or luxurious?                 
  192. LUXURIOUS luxurious or luxuriant?                 
  193. MALTREAT mistreat?                                
  194. MANPOWER human energy                             
  195. MANSION house                                     
  196. MARTIAL marital or martial?                       
  197. MASCULINE male                                    
  198. MEANTIME meantime or meanwhile?                   
  199. MEANWHILE meanwhile or meantime?                  
  200. MIDDLE-AGE midlife                                
  201. MISTREAT maltreat?                                
  202. MODIFICATION change 
  203. MONARCH king                                      
  204. MORAL moral or morale?                            
  205. NECESSARIES means                                 
  206. NECESSARY needed                                  
  207. NECESSITIES necessaries                           
  208. NOISOME noisome or noisy?                         
  209. NOISY noisy or noisome?                           
  210. NUMEROUS many, some 
  211. OBJECTIVE aim, goal
  212. OBSERVING noting, seeing  
  213. OBVIOUS plain, clear  
  214. ONGOING present 
  215. ORIGINAL# first
  216. PARTIALLY partly                                  
  217. PECULIAR odd                                      
  218. PERSECUTE persecute or prosecute?                 
  219. POETESS (a needless word)                         
  220. POSSESS have                                      
  221. PRACTICABLE can be done                           
  222. PREDICATE found, base                             
  223. PREVENTATIVE preventive                           
  224. PRIMARY first, main, major                        
  225. PRODUCE make                                      
  226. PRODUCING making                                  
  227. PROPENSITY tendency  
  228. PROSECUTE prosecute or persecute?                 
  229. PROVERBIAL familiar                               
  230. PROVIDED given                                    
  231. RECOLLECT remember?                               
  232. REGRETFULLY regretfully or regrettably?           
  233. REGRETTABLY regrettably or regretfully?           
  234. REMIT# send                                       
  235. REMITS# sends                                     
  236. REPUDIATE deny                                    
  237. REQUIREMENT need  
  238. REQUISITE needed                                  
  239. RESIDE# live                                      
  240. RESIDENCE house                                   
  241. RESIDES# lives                                    
  242. RETAINING keeping, holding  
  243. REVERENCE revere                                  
  244. RUINATION ruin                                    
  245. SECOND-HANDED second-hand                         
  246. SECURE# get, obtain, procure                      
  247. SELF-CONFESSED confessed                          
  248. SENSATION# emotion                                
  249. SETTLE# pay?                                      
  250. SETTLES# pay?                                     
  251. SIDE-HILL hill-side                               
  252. SIDEWAYS sidewise                                 
  253. SNEAKERS running shoes                            
  254. STANDPOINT point of view                          
  255. STEWARDESS flight attendant                       
  256. SUBSEQUENT next?, later? or after?
  257. SUBSTANTIATE prove                                
  258. SWITCHBOARD console                               
  259. TECHNICALITIES details 
  260. TERMINATION end conclusion    
  261. THEREFORE so  
  262. THRILLING (Who thinks so?)                        
  263. TRANSACTION action                                
  264. TRANSCRIPTION copy  
  265. TRANSPIRE occur                                   
  266. UNDER-HANDED under-hand                           
  267. UTILIZE use                                       
  268. VERBAL# oral                                      
  269. WITNESS# see?                                     