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A Make Utility for Programmers
____|__ | (tm)
--| | |-------------------
| ____|__ | Association of
| | |_| Shareware
|__| o | Professionals
-----| | |---------------------
|___|___| MEMBER
All rights reserved
Copyright (c) 1990 EmmaSoft
Table of Contents:
License Agreement and Warranty..... 4
On Line Table of Contents.......... 5
Printing the Manual................ 5
Technical Assistance............... 5
Introduction....................... 7
What is a Maker?
Wherefore SUPER MAKE
Chapter 1: Getting Started........ 9
The SUPERFILES variable
Mouse Stuff
Time and Date
Setup Information
Quick Start
Longer Explanation
Chapter 2: Help...................15
Chapter 3: Files and Macros.......17
Anatomy of a SUPER MAKE file
What S M thinks a Macro Is
Chapter 4: Make Menu..............22
Pick Code Files
Choose Default File Name
New File (Reset)
Edit Old File
Resetting Macros
Text Editor
File Names
Chapter 5: Setup..................30
Files To Make
S M Files
Name Defaults
Library File Names
Chapter 6: Toolbox................33
Info about S M
Language Definition Editor
Edit Help
Chapter 7: Quitting...............36
Chapter 8: Kinds of Files.........37
Chapter 9: Compatible Files.......39
Chapter 10: Using The Maker........43
Chapter 11: About Shareware........47
Appendix A: Error Messages.........49
Appendix B: Sample Files*..........51
Appendix C: Program Specs*.........54
Appendix D: LJ Landscape Printers..55
Appendix E: Registration Form*.....56
*Appendix B and C are not available in the on screen manual.
SUPER MAKE is a trade mark of EmmaSoft
Clear+ is a trademark of CLEAR Software, Inc.
PC-lint is a trademark of Gimpel Software.
MS-DOS, MS, CodeView and Microsoft are registered trademarks of
Microsoft Corporation.
Turbo C is a trademark of Borland International, Inc.
CompuServe is a registered trademark of CompuServe Information Service.
SUPER MAKE will run on any IBM XT, AT, 386 or compatible machine using
DOS 3.1 or later, with 640K of memory (it may run with less, but it has
been tested on machines with 640K. We assume that between SUPER MAKE and
your compilers that you will want this much memory), on color and
monochrome systems. SUPER MAKE has been tested with Microsoft C and MASM
as well as the Microsoft LIB and LINK programs.
Information on Compiler Support for various brands is in the "readme.sup"
file. Because this information will be growing as the program develops
it will always be found in "readme.sup."
1. You may use the program on a single computer at one
time. You may not copy the program and
accompanying materials except for backup purposes
or to distribute it as shareware (see Chapter 11).
2. You may not make copies of the program for sale.
3. This software is copyrighted, and all rights
therein are reserved for EmmaSoft. Registration
or purchase of this product does not transfer any
right, title, or interest in the software except as
specifically set forth in this agreement. You are
hereby notified that the software product is protected
by United States Copyright Law, and you may be held by
responsible by EmmaSoft for any infringement of
such rights or violations to this agreement.
4. This license is effective until terminated. You
may terminate it at any time by destroying the
program and all copies of it. It will also
terminate if you fail to comply with any term or
condition on this agreement. You agree upon
termination to destroy the program together with
all copies of the program.
1. This program is provided "as is" without warranty
of any kind, either expressed or implied, including
any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a
particular purpose. In no event shall EmmaSoft be
held liable for any loss of profit, special,
incidental, consequential, or other similar claims.
2. EmmaSoft does warrant that the magnetic media on
which the software is furnished is free of defects
of materials and workmanship under normal use for
60 days, provided that EmmaSoft provided your copy
of the program on such media. If during this period
the diskette should become defective it may be returned
to EmmaSoft for replacement without charge.
Governing law shall be that of New York State.
SUPER MAKE(tm) copyright(c) 1990 EmmaSoft
On Line Table of Contents:
Manual: On Line When viewing this manual on line in the SUPER MAKE
Editor use hot keys to go to the chapter you want:
Introduction alt-i
Chapter 1: Getting Started alt-g
Chapter 2: Help alt-h
Chapter 3: Files and Macros alt-f
Chapter 4: Make Menu alt-m
Chapter 5: Setup alt-s
Chapter 6: Toolbox alt-s
Chapter 7: Quitting alt-q
Chapter 8: Kinds of Files alt-k
Chapter 9: Compatible Files alt-c
Chapter 10: Using the Maker alt-u
Chapter 11: About Shareware alt-a
Appendix A: Error Messages alt-e
Printing the Manual:
Manual: Printing This manual is provided on your shareware disk
formatted for SUPER MAKE's help system. If you want to print the manual
access the manual from within SUPER MAKE (alt-t, alt-m) and press alt-p
to print it.
If you want to print the manual to a printer just press Enter if your printer
is attached to lpt1 (the first parallel port). You may replace lpt1 with
lpt2, com1, or com2 if your printer is hooked up to one of those ports. To
import the manual into a word processor you must first print it to a file
(you choose the file name in the printing window that pops up when you press
The printed manual includes some information that is not shown on the on-
screen version, including in-depth descriptions of the various files.
Technical Assistance:
SUPER MAKE was written by Dan Veaner. Dan can be reached at EmmaSoft, or
CompuServe at 71460,2644.
Technical assistance is available ONLY to registered users. You must have
a valid serial number to receive assistance. Before calling check the
manual to make sure you are using SUPER MAKE properly. If so, try using
a different copy of the program and see if the problem continues.
EmmaSoft is opened M-F 9-Noon and 1-5, and sometimes on Saturdays. When
you call for assistance have the following information ready (if you get
the answering machine please leave your name, serial number, a number where
you may be called collect, and some good times to reach you):
1. Your valid serial number. (Type alt-v in the SUPER MAKE
Editor to see your serial number.)
2. Type and make of computer, printer, etc.
3. Which compiler, linker, etc. you are using. PLEASE NOTE:
EmmaSoft does not support compilers, linkers, and so on. We
only support our own product. If you are having a problem
with a program SUPER MAKE calls, please call tech support
at the company that makes that program.
4. A concise explanation of the problem (what you tried to do,
what actually happened. How many times you tried it. Etc.)
EmmaSoft is very interested in hearing your suggestions for future features
in SUPER MAKE. Also, if you use a compiler that you would like specifically
supported please let us know (if you could send a sample make file and
a synopsis of the command line structure it will help).
SUPER MAKE is intended to run with any compiler that uses the command format:
compiler_name [command_flags] file_to_be_compiled
An example would be the Microsoft C command:
cl -c -AL myfile.c
What Is a Make Program?
A make program falls into the category of programs that can make life
a lot easier for a programmer.
Make programs are used in program development to keep track of how up to
date compiled files are. By using a maker you can keep all of the
information you usually pass to your compiler from the command line in a
make file. Whenever you invoke the maker with that make file it compares
the date and time stamps of a target file and it's dependents (a target
is the file to be made, and the dependent is the file(s) to make the target
from. For example, if you are making the target myfile.obj its dependent
might be myfile.c if you are writing in C, myfile.asm if you are writing
in assembly language, and so on). If the target is older than its
dependents compiler is called to recompile that file.
The advantage to this is that only source code files that have been updated
since the last program build are compiled. You don't have to remember
which files you have updated and you don't have to recompile them manually.
Also you don't have to sit and wait while the whole program is compiling.
Only those source code files that have been changed are compiled.
Makers look for the targets and call your compiler (or linker or librarian)
only if 1) the dependent file has changed since the last compile of the
target or 2) the target doesn't exist.
Wherefore SUPER MAKE?
Above we said that makers make a programmer's life easier. Unfortunately
not all makers do this. Sometimes learning the syntax of a make file is
like learning a whole new language.
SUPER MAKE simplifies all this by providing an editor that generates your
make files for you. You fill information in (in the Setup manu) about
how your compilers work, what libraries you want to link into your program,
and so on, and the SUPER MAKE Editor (SME) does the rest.
In addition there are many advanced features to SUPER MAKE that save you
key strokes; let you manage your source, object and executable files more
easily; and generally help make program development a simpler process.
SUPER MAKE has several special features that make it easy to use for
program development.
1. Path management. SUPER MAKE files contain the full path
of your source code, so the maker can find your code on
any supported drive and directory (drives a: through t:
are recognized if available).
In addition you may set a drive and directory to put your
object files in, no matter where your source code is. You
may also set a directory to keep your executable files or
libraries in.
2. Command line. SUPER MAKE remembers what project you are
working on and what features you are currently working on.
Most of the time all you have to type to rebuild your
program is "sm". You type more information ONLY when you
change the make file you are working with, and/or when
you want to change the development parameters. (For example,
if you originally called SUPER MAKE to build MYFILE using
debugging information (as for CodeView) and want to rebuild
without it you would type "sm -n", saving quite a bit of
typing at the command line).
3. SUPER MAKE Editor. The Editor that comes with SUPER MAKE
automatically develops make files for SUPER MAKE from a list
of source files you pick. This significantly reduces the time
it takes to create make files, and insures that they will be
error free.
In addition the SUPER MAKE Editor builds make files for
Microsoft MAKE and NMAKE, builds Response files for Mic-
rosoft LINK and LIB, Indirect files for PC-LINT, and List
files for Clear++.
The SUPER MAKE Editor is a full featured program with many
features for developing the above files, maintaining its own
files, and more.
SUPER MAKE is three programs in one.
SM.EXE is the maker. You must first compose a SUPER MAKE file for
the maker to use in putting your program together.
To compose this file you use SME.EXE, the SUPER MAKE Editor. This
makes it easy to build make files that SUPER MAKE can use. But
the Editor can do much more: it will build Microsoft compatible
make files, .res files for LINK and LIB, and files for Brief and
A third program, SMH.EXE, is a help facility used by SUPER MAKE and
the installation program. You may also use it as a stand alone program
(see Chapter 2).
The SUPERFILES variable:
If you did not let INSTALL.EXE do so, the first thing you must do after
installing the program is to set the SUPERFILES dos environment variable.
This is very important if SUPER MAKE is to find its own files. Let's say
you are keeping your SUPER MAKE files in a directory called \SMFILES on
drive C:. At the DOS prompt you should type:
If you include this command in your autoexec.bat file you will not have
to worry about it each time you want to use SUPER MAKE. (SUPER MAKE will
not run if this isn't set.)
Complete setup instructions can be found in the "readme" file.
You will also want to add the SUPER MAKE directory to your path command.
If your command already looks like this:
you will want to add the SUPER MAKE directory to it:
IMPORTANT NOTE: It is assumed in these documents that your compilers
are kept in directories that are included in your PATH command. If they
are not SUPER MAKE will not be able to call them.
Mouse Stuff:
If you have a Microsoft (or compatible) mouse the SUPER MAKE editor will
sense it (if it is properly installed). Here is a summary of Mouse
Left Button Pick A Menu Choice
Right Button Help
An Epsilon symbol appears at the top left of the screen. To exit a
menu place the mouse cursor over it and press the left button.
Placing the Mouse Cursor over "Quit" and pressing the left button is
like choosing "Quick Quit" (alt-q), avoiding the quit menu.
Left Button Next screen
Right Button Previous Screen
With the mouse cursor in the upper menu window:
Left Button (Over the Epsilon) Quit Macros
Right Button Help
With the mouse cursor below the upper menu window:
Left Button Next Macro
Right Button Previous Macro
While Picking Code Files:
When choosing a drive or directory put the mouse cursor on your choice
and press:
Left Button Chooses Drive or Directory
Right Button Help
When Marking files:
Left Button Marks or unmarks a file
Right Button Help
To see another page of directories or files put the mouse cursor over
the word "Page" in the appropriate window.
Left button Next Page
Right button Previous Page
Time and Date:
Because makers use your computer's clock to compare the time and date of
files to be compiled it is very important that the current time and date
be set on your machine before using SUPER MAKE.
Setup Information:
You set your program options in the Setup menu of the SUPER MAKE editor.
The values you set up here effect all three programs (SM.EXE, SME.EXE,
SMH.EXE). In particular, the color settings effect all three.
The maker's (SM.EXE) behavior is particularly effected by three setup
values. These are the two path settings for object and executable files,
and the brand of compiler currently active. So that you don't have to use
the SUPER MAKE Editor each time you want to check or reset these, you may
call SUPER MAKE with the -q (Quick Set) flag (SM -q <Enter>).
Quick Start:
A sample program has been provided for you to experiment with. To
use it you need a C compiler (an assembler isn't needed, as the .obj
file for the assembly module is included). If you program in a
language other than C you can easily write a small test program.
The test program consists of three modules, SAMPLE.C, SAMPLE1.C, and
SAMPLEA.ASM. These contain five functions. (The program is a simple
addition program. To use it you call the program with two numbers.
The program adds the numbers and reports on whether the exit is good
or bad (a bad exit is when the program has been called incorrectly.
Example: SAMPLE 4, 67 <Enter>.
The assembly module was written for the small model, so you should
set SUPER MAKE for that model (the default as shipped).
To generate make and other files:
1. Type: "SME" at the DOS prompt to start the SUPER MAKE Editor.
2. In SETUP menu (alt-s) mark which types of files to generate
3. In SETUP menu (alt-s) If using Microsoft maker set default
maker and memory model (alt-d) if you haven't already done so.
4. In MAKE Menu (alt-m) Pick files (alt-p).
Choose drive and directory, mark files to be included in
your files.
5. In Escaping from the DRIVES menu a window pops up containing
your choices. Highlight the file you want to lend it's name
to the executable, make, .res and other files, then press
6. Set libraries for memory models 1,2 and 3 (alt-l) if you
haven't already done so.
7. Press (alt-s) to SuperMake your files.
8. Back up through the menus with the Escape key, or press
(alt-q) to Quick Quit.
1. Start SUPER MAKE using flags and the SUPER MAKE make file
name (do not use the extension).
Example: sm -1 -d sample
The above example calls SUPER MAKE to use the small memory
model and to compile and link with Debugging information,
using the SAMPLE.SMF make file.
2. Each time you modify your source code and you want to re-
compile using the same parameters just type: sm
To use the SUPER MAKE Help Facility
1. For a specific topic type: smh [topicname]
2. For this Manual: On Line type: smh manual
(Manual: Printing Once the Table of Contents is on
screen press (alt-p) to print out a copy of the manual,
or highlight the chapter you want to read and press Enter.)
3. Escape to quit.
Longer explanation:
Start the SUPER MAKE Editor with the command: SME <Enter>
To begin with you should set up SUPER MAKE. (alt-s)
First you will want to set the colors if you didn't do so during
Now go through the rest of the Setup menu to set the files you want to
make. When shipped SUPER MAKE is set to make all files it can make, using
the default file name you choose at the time you pick source code files to
be included in a program's development.
The following keys work in most parts of the SUPER MAKE Editor:
Esc Go back 1 step
alt-q Fast Quit to DOS
alt-v Show the Version and Serial Number
alt-b Toggle Compiler Brand Reminder
alt-h Help
F1 Help
alt-r Review Current Settings
alt-'x' Where 'x' is the first letter of a menu choice
Exit the Setup Menu (Esc) and choose the Make menu (alt-m). You must set
a few things up here before building a Make file.
First define your macros (alt-d). Use Page-Up and Page-Down to view each
set of macros. (If you only use one language and the linker it is OK to
leave the other macro sets defined.) If you need to change any of the
macros press alt-e to get the editing screens.
When that is done pick Library File Names (alt-l). When shipped these
are set for small, medium and large memory models with no libraries. The
default memory model is small, and the Microsoft maker is set as NMAKE.
If you want to link special libraries to your program put the library name
under the appropriate memory model. If memory models aren't an issue you
should still list your libraries here if you want to link them.
Now pick the source code files you want included in your program (alt-p).
Choose a drive and directory (Page-Up and Page-Down give you more directory
and file choices if applicable), and mark the files. File marking is done
using the arrow keys to place the bar over a choice and pressing the + key.
To unmark a choice press the - key.
Now press Escape 3 times. Now you get a window showing the choices you
made. Put the bar over the file name that you want all of your files to
take their names from, and press Escape. (For example, if you choose a
file called 'prog.c' your executable will be called 'prog.exe,' your
SUPER MAKE file will be called 'prog.smf,' your Microsoft compatible
make file will be called 'prog,' and so on.
The last step is to make the files. Choose SUPERMAKE (alt-s).
Now exit the SUPER MAKE Editor and build your program with the following
command syntax:
sm [flags] [makefilename*]
*Do not type the file extension.
For example to build prog.exe using the small memory model type:
sm -1 prog
(For the Medium model use -2 and for the Large model use -3. Numbers are
used here so that you are not tied to these specific models. They may be
changed in the Library File Names choice in the Make menu).
As you develop your program you only need to use the command 'sm <Enter>'
until you want to change something. For example, to specially compile
for a debugger such as CodeView, type:
sm -d
To change to the large memory model type:
sm -3
You may use more than one command flag at a time by typing multiple flags.For
example, to go back to a finished compile using the small model type:
sm -n -1
Notice you don't have to type the make file name again. If you want to build
several programs using the same settings you can type:
sm [newfilename]
for each program you want to build.
For a full list of command flags see chapter 10.
Chapter 2: HELP
There are three ways to get help:
You may get help in the SUPER MAKE Editor.
You may get help by using the -h flag in SUPER MAKE
You may use the SUPER MAKE Help Utility
Once you are in Help, press the down arrow for the next screen, up
arrow for the previous screen, or the Escape key to leave help.
HELP in the Editor:
The SUPER MAKE Editor has context sensitive help. This means that
the program knows what you need help for, and automatically gives
you help for that task. Use F1 or alt-h to get help virtually
anywhere in the editor.
Manual: On Line, Manual: Printing
To view or print the manual choose "Manual" from the toolbox menu.
See "The SUPER MAKE" Help Utility for instructions on using the
online manual, or printing the manual to a printer or disk.
When using SUPER MAKE use the -h flag to get a summary of SUPERMAKE
commands, -hi for information about SUPER MAKE or use the -hf flag to
view a commented make file sample.
The SUPER MAKE Help Utility
A separate utility has been included for reading help files. When
calling this program you must type one argument. The argument must be
either a help topic, or the word 'manual'.
For a list of help topics type:
type super.ndx
at the DOS prompt. When calling the Help Utility do not type the percent
(%) marks. If a topic is more than one word long you must enclose the topic
in quotes.
To access the manual use the word 'manual' as the argument.
right: smh files
wrong: smh main menu
right: smh "main menu"
right: smh manual
Manual: On Line
To use the on-line manual use the arrow keys to place the bar over the
chapter you want to read, then press Enter. You may access any chapter
quickly by pressing alt-'x' (where 'x' is the first letter of the chapter
or appendix title).
For help on using the manual press F1.
Manual: Printing
To print the manual press alt-p. The Print Window pops up on your screen.
To print the manual on your printer type lpt1 (the default), lpt2, com1, or
com2, depending on which port your printer is attached to.
To print the manual to a disk file for printing later or importing into a
word processor type a file name. You may use any file name except those
reserved for printer ports (lpt1, etc.).
To escape without printing blank the line and press enter.
Chapter 3: Make Files and Macros
Anatomy of a SUPER MAKE file
SUPER MAKE make files have two sections: first a listing of macros,
and then the action blocks. The format for macros is:
MACRONAME = macrovalue
For action blocks the format is:
command line
There must be NO space between the first and second line of an action block.
Comments don't take any special format except that they must not be on the
same line as a macro or action block.
What SUPER MAKE thinks a macro is:
The Action Blocks in a make file have two parts. The first part (the
target : dependent line) checks to see whether a task should be performed.
The second (the command line) performs the task if it needs to be done.
SUPER MAKE's macros are used for the second part.
This command line invokes a compiler, linker, etc., with various flags
and commands that make it do what you want it to do. SUPER MAKE breaks
up this command line into sections that help make it easy to use the
different options you want. When the Make file is used the list of
macros is used to build the command line. IF A MACRO IS BLANK IT HAS NO
EFFECT. If there is a command in it the command is passed to the compiler
(or linker or whatever). See "Setting Macros" below for a description of
the SUPER MAKE macros. In short it is like putting together a sentence.
When the words (containing the letters needed) are put together in order
you get a sentence, as when the macros (containing the commands needed) are
put together you get a command line.
Setting Macros:
SUPER MAKE remembers the last macro settings you set up. There are five
sets of macros that must be set: one set for each of three languages one
for the linker, and one for the librarian.
When SUPER MAKE sets up a command line it builds the command out of macros.
Here is the order in which macros are used:
Languages 1,2,3 Linker, Librarian
[compile only] [debug or nodebug]
[mem model] [flags1]
[debug or nodebug] [flags2]
[flags1] [target extension]*
[flags2] filename.[dependent extension]*
[target extension]*
[dependent extension]*
Macros marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory. If you do not set values
for the optional macros they will have no effect on the command.
Example: These macros (and the file name cfile) would expand to
the following command (when using memory model 3):
[compiler name] cl
[compile only] -c
[mem model1] -AS
[mem model2] -AM
[mem model3] -AL
[debug] -Zi -Od
[flags1] -V"My Program"
[target extension] obj
[dependent extension] c
cl -c -AL -V"My Program" cfile.c
SUPER MAKE has five Macro Sets that it may use in a make file. A
Macro set is only used if it is needed. For example, if you have defined
your languages as C, Assembly, and Pascal and write a program entirely
made of C modules, only the Macro Set for C will be used (with the Linker
set, or if you are building a library the Library set will replace the
Linker set.
Here is a list of the five Macro Sets and their functions:
Lang1 Lang2 Lang3 Linker Lib Meaning:
L1CO L2CO L3CO LNCO LNCO "Compile Only" flag
L1M1 L2M1 L3M1 LNM1 LNM1 Memory Model 1 flag
L1M2 L2M2 L3M2 LNM2 LNM2 Memory Model 2 flag
L1M3 L2M3 L3M3 LNM3 LNM3 Memory Model 3 flag
L1ND L2ND L3ND LNND LNND No Debug Information
L1D L2D L3D LND LND Debug Information
L1F1 L2F1 L3F1 LNF1 LNF1 1st Group of Other Flags
L1F2 L2F2 L3F2 LNF2 LNF2 2nd Group of Other Flags
TNAMES = All the files to be included in the final executable file
or library (.com, .exe, or .lib)
The formatting is a little different for Microsoft and Borland products.
In the SUPER MAKE make file the command line looks like this:
cl (L1) sample.c
Commands are built as follows:
Microsoft: cl L1CO L1Mx (L1D or L1ND) L1F1 L1F2 sample.c
Borland: tcc L1CO L1Mx (L1D or L1ND) L1F1 sample.c L1F2
Using the second general commands flags macro (LxF2) at the end allows
for Borland's specific command structure.
SUPER MAKE always uses Response files for The Microsoft and Borland
Linkers and Librarians.
Below is an example make file (sample.smf) for three source code modules,
sample.c, sample1.c, and samplea.asm, included with this package. The
comments are included right in the file:
Here are the two macro sets used by this particular file (we are only
compiling in one language (C), so we use that set of macros and the
linker set of macros. Chapter 3 explains a macro set.
L1CO = -c
L1M1 = -AS
L1M2 = -AM
L1M3 = -AL
L1ND =
L1D = -Zi -Od
L1F1 =
L1F2 =
L2CO =
L2M1 =
L2M2 =
L2M3 =
L2ND =
L2D = -Zi
L2F1 =
L2F2 =
LNM1 =
LNM2 =
LNM3 =
LNF2 = /ST:25000
As long as notes don't have any of the symbols used in macros or action
blocks in them, they don't need any special symbols or formatting. Also,
Notice the semi-colon (;) at the end of the command line in the assembler
action block. This was placed there by the SUPER MAKE Editor to prevent
the assembler from stopping for responses during a build. (This is user
definable in the Setup Menu.
sample.txt: placebo
The above action block deserves special notice for several reasons. It
is an example of an action block you might put in manually (the SUPER
MAKE Editor does not generate action blocks using DOS commands).
1. It uses a DOS command on the action line. SUPER MAKE
supports these DOS commands (cd, chdir, chkdsk, cls, comp,
copy, del, dir, diskcomp, diskcopy, fc, find, format, mem,
mkdir, md, print, ren, remdir, rd, xcopy).
2. A Placebo has been used for the dependent. This is any
word that doesn't represent an actual file. This allows
SUPER MAKE to execute the command on the second line of the
action block. The first line of an action block MUST ALWAYS
have a target and a dependent. The target is the file to be
created, the dependent is the file(s) it is created from. You
may always use a placebo for the dependent. If you do the
command line will ALWAYS be executed, each time you make your
3. No path was specified for the dependent. SUPER MAKE will
look for the dependent in the current (default) directory.
4. The target is not an object file, or an .exe, .com, or .bat
file. SUPER MAKE generates a message that it doesn't know where
you want the target file, and that it is putting it in the
current (default) directory.
5. A user defined macro has been used (CPY). The other way to
do this would be to put the whole command right on the command
line. Example -- copy sample.c+sample1.c sample.txt
Either method is acceptable. By the way you can add commands
directly to the command line on command lines that use macro
sets such as (L1). Just type them after the (L) macro. You can
also put user defined macros there if you want. The only limit
is that the whole command line, including whatever is contained in
macros may not exceed 128 characters.
sample.txt: c:\code\sample.c c:\code\sample1.c c:\code\samplea.asm
Here's the same action block without the placebo. Notice the multiple
dependents. SUPER MAKE can handle up to 18 dependents in an action block
(if there's room for them on a line).
Action blocks MUST be two lines with no blank lines in between them, as
shown above.
As you can see there is no special format for Notes except that they
must not have the format of a macro or a target/dependent line. The
only trouble with using a LOT of notes is that it slows down the working
of SUPER MAKE (although in my tests on an 80386/16 I haven't noticed
any real difference in time. I have been using this file for testing
and you will agree it is quite verbose!). So the rules for notes are-
-Always put notes on their own line in the file. For
clarity's sake skip a line between notes and macros or
action blocks.
-Never use symbols in notes that are used in macros or
action blocks (equal sign, colon, dollar sign, etc).
-Be sparing with your notes.
If your ultimate goal is to create a program the .smf file will link
with @xxxxxxxx.lnk. This is a message to SUPER MAKE to use the .res
file for the memory model you specified (.lrs, .lrm, .lrl). When
compiling a library file the .lbr file is explicitly used in the make
file and by the maker.
Chapter 4: Make Menu
Once you have set your options you use the Make Menu to make the
files you want to generate. SUPER MAKE needs some information
before it can generate the files.
Typically you will choose the files you want to include in a Make
file. If you have chosen (in Options) not to use the default file
name (a name you choose from the list of files you pick) you will
also have to type in file names.
If you always use the same libraries and compiling or linking
options you may set the library names and define the macros once.
The SUPER MAKE Editor saves your last settings and uses them unless
you change them.
Use this option to pick up to 75 files to be included in your make
file. You may pick files from any drive or directory on your
computer. This is done in the Drive, Directory and Files Windows.
At any time you may press Escape to go to the last window.
If you mark a file in a directory and exit the Files Window and
then for some reason go back to the files window, that file will
appear unmarked. Be careful not to mark the same file again, or it
will be treated as a different file. This could cause duplicate
compile commands for that file.
Picking a Drive:
SUPER MAKE senses what drives you have on your system and lets you
choose a drive to work on. To choose a drive use the arrow keys
to highlight the drive letter, or type the drive letter. Then
press Enter. SUPER MAKE supports drives a: through t:.
Picking a Directory:
Next the program lists all the directories on the drive. If there
are more than 20 directories use Page Up or Page Down to see more.
Use the up and down arrow keys to highlight the directory you want
to view, and then press Enter.
Marking Files:
Use the up and down arrow keys to highlight a file you want to
mark. Then use the + and -keys to mark or unmark files you want in
your Make file. You may use the escape key to go to the
Directories window to choose another directory to mark files in.
You may now use the escape key to exit the directory you are in, and
go to other directories to continue marking files. Or you can escape
again and pick another drive.
When you escape from the DRIVES window you are presented with a window
that has all your choices in it. Put the bar over the file whose name
you want to use as the default name for your executable file, make files,
and so on. Now press Escape and you are ready to generate your files
This is not shown on the menu, but it is included for when you are editing
an old make file. If you have chosen to delete files from your make
file without adding more this is a way to get to the window in which
you choose the file whose name will be the default name. Another way to
do it is to go into the Pick Drives (alt-p) menu and then Escape.
You can also use alt-c to see if there are any file names currently on
the list. If so, always choose a default if you plan to generate a make
file from this list. Nothing will happen if there is nothing on the list.
The window won't even pop up.
If you have a mouse place the cursor over the EXE-LIB reminder (It says
"Building EXE" or "Building LIB") and press the left button to get this
NEW FILE (RESET) (alt-n)
Use this option to blank out old values. When you Pick Files a list is
started from which your make file will be generated. Unless you Reset
the SUPER MAKE Editor this list remains active, and when you pick more
files they are added to the existing list, even if you have left the Make
When starting to build a new make file it is very important that you
reset the SUPER MAKE Editor first, or you may have files included from
a previous make file.
When you first start the SUPER MAKE Editor it resets itself.
Using this feature does NOT actually edit a SUPER MAKE file. What it
DOES do is read the existing file, retrieve the names of the dependents,
and give you the opportunity to add or delete files before rebuilding
the make file.
If you want to save the original make file you must give the new one
another name.
This will be very useful to some programmers who use SUPER MAKE files
generated by the SUPER MAKE Editor without adding comments, DOS commands,
or other special items. The rule of thumb is: if you use SUPER MAKE
files AS IS, this is the way to edit them. If you manually add commands,
comments, etc. to your make files use a text editor to edit them manually.
You change an old make file in five steps:
1. Reset the SUPER MAKE Editor (alt-r).
2. Read the old version of the make file (alt-e).
3. Change the settings of your Macros, Libraries, etc. If you
always use standard settings or you are using the last settings
you set up you may skip this step.
4. Pick code files (alt-p). If you are not adding new code files
press escape when you get the DRIVES window. You now get the window
that lets you pick the file from which your program, make file, etc.
will take its name. Or use (alt-c) to get the window directly.
5. Make the file (alt-s)
MACROS (alt-m)
Before generating make files you should define the make file macros in
this section. SUPER MAKE tries to demystify macros by breaking them
down into easily understandable functions.
Macros are set for 3 programming languages and the linker or librarian
for a total of 5 sets of macros. Each set of macros is shown one screen
at a time. To see the different screens use the Home, End, Page Up, and
Page Down keys.
The SUPER MAKE Editor assumes you are compiling files to end up with a
specific result, namely an executable file or an object library. If it
is set for executable files you will get four macro screens-- one for
each language and one for the linker. Similarly, if you are set for
building Libraries the Linker screen will be replaced by the Library
screen. Use alt-l to toggle between these choices.
Macro Setting Command Summary:
Pg Down Next Screen
Pg Up Last Screen
Home First Screen
End Last Screen
Esc Exit to Make Menu
alt-q Quick Quit to DOS
alt-v Show Version and Serial Number
alt-r Reset this screen according to langx.sm file
alt-e Edit this screen
alt-l Toggle Linker/Lib
alt-F1 Toggle Command Help List
While Editing:
alt-F1 Toggle Command Help List
F1 Help
Resetting Macros (alt-r):
When you compose your langx.sm files you may preset macro values (see below).
If a value is listed SUPER MAKE will import it. Of course you can always
edit these values at any time (alt-e). Alt-r resets the macros for ONE
language, the one you are viewing. To reset all four sets of macros press
alt-r on each of the four macro screens.
This is especially useful when you almost always set macros the same way,
but have to change a few for a particular program. When you are done
building the files for that program use alt-r to reset your usual macro
Compiler Definition Files:
In your SUPER MAKE directory you MUST have five Compiler Definition
files, named lang1.sm, lang2.sm, lang3.sm, lib.sm and linker.sm. SUPER
MAKE uses these files to automatically generate some of the macros. These
are standard ascii files which you may create in any text editor (for your
convenience there is a Language Definition File Editor in the Toolbox
menu.) that saves files in ASCII format. However, the files have a
specific format, and if you create your own Compiler Definition Files
you MUST follow this format (the Language Definition File Editor auto-
matically uses this format).
Samples of these files (for MSC, MASM, Microsoft LIB, and LINK, or Turbo C,
TASM, and the Borland Linker) are included on your shareware disk.
The format for the langx.sm files is as follows:
Line: What to Type: Example:
1: Compiler Command CL
2: Target extension (without dot) OBJ
3: Dependent extension (without dot) C
4: Compile w/out linking command -c
5: Mem Model Command 1 -AS
6: Mem Model Command 2 -AM
7: Mem Model Command 3 -AL
8: Debug Setup Commands -Zi -Od
9-28: Compiler options and notes -Zi Makes Code View Info
Lines 9-28 will go to a help screen and should not contain more than 40
characters. Lines 1-8 should not include more than 25 characters each.
Whether you use all of the Language Definition Files or not, you must have
all five files in your SUPER MAKE directory. If you want a blank file (for
no language, linker or lib) create a file with 8 blank lines and name it
For example, SUPER MAKE ships with lang3.sm configured as a blank file.
The format for the linker.sm file is as follows:
Line: What to Type: Example:
1: Linker Command LINK
2: Target extension (without dot) EXE
3: Dependent extension (without dot) OBJ
4: Blank line
5: Blank Line
6: Blank Line
7: Blank Line
8: Debug Setup Commands -CO
9-28: Linker options and notes -E Packs exe files
Lines 9-28 will go to a help screen and should not contain more than 40
characters. Lines 1-8 should not include more than 25 characters each.
The format for the lib.sm files is as follows:
Line: What to Type: Example:
1: Linker Command LIB
2: Target extension (without dot) LIB
3: Dependent extension (without dot) OBJ
4: Blank line
5: Blank Line
6: Blank Line
7: Blank Line
8: Blank Line
9-28: Lib options and notes /P[num] Set Lib Pg Size
Lines 9-28 will go to a help screen and should not contain more than 40
characters. Lines 1-8 should not include more than 25 characters each.
Before saving these files make sure there are no spaces at the end of each
If these files exist SUPER MAKE uses the values contained in them to
automatically set up some of your macros, and to create help screens to
help you set up the remaining macros. If they do not exist you must set
up each macro manually.
In the setup section you tell SUPER MAKE where to find your text editor.
When you choose Text Editor (alt-t) from the MAKE menu a window pops up
in which you tell the text editor what file to edit. If a default file
name has been chosen it will appear here, but if you want to edit a dif-
ferent file you may type in it's name. Entering the text editor with no
name will start a new file.
Make sure your editor can save its text in pure ascii form. I like
Tom Kihlken's eedit (The Easiest Editor-- shareware) or PC Magazines's
TED.COM (free on PC-MAGNET).
FILE NAMES (alt-f)
If you have chosen not to use the default filename for one or more
of the files the SUPER MAKE Editor can build you must enter their
names here. SUPER MAKE will automatically bring up this screen if
you forget to name files before generating them.
Names may be up to 8 characters long. Do NOT type the file
extensions or a dot anywhere in the name. For example:
cpro correct
cpro. incorrect
cpro.c incorrect
SUPERMAKE!============> (alt-s)
Choosing this option generates the files. SUPER MAKE only
generates files you have chosen to make in the 'Files To Make'
section of the Options menu.
SUPER MAKE will make each type of file, one at a time.
If SUPER MAKE can not make a file for some reason an error message
is generated explaining why the file was not made. Otherwise you are
shown a message as each file is made.
EXE/LIB Reminder
At the bottom of the Make menu is a a note that reminds you whether the
SUPER MAKE Editor is set to generate Executable Files (programs) or
Libraries. To change the setting choose Macros (alt-m) and press (alt-l).
Then press (Esc) to return to the Make Menu.
Make Files:
SUPER MAKE builds its own Make files and Microsoft compatible make files
pretty much the same way. First it defines several macros, and then it
sets up the relationship between targets and dependent files.
The format is:
MACRONAME = macrovalue
action to take
Microsoft compatible make files plug in the appropriate macros in the
"action to take" section, while SUPER MAKE files list the macro set to
use. SUPER MAKE then picks the appropriate macros, based on how you
called the program.
Microsoft compatible make files have no extension. SUPER MAKE files have
the .smf extension. In either case, when building a file you type the name
of the Make file with no extension.
Microsoft MAKE.EXE make filename
Microsoft NMAKE.EXE nmake filename
SUPERMAKE sm filename
Microsoft MAKE.EXE* make filename.mak
Microsoft NMAKE.EXE* nmake filename.mak
SUPERMAKE sm filename.smf
*Only true when using make files generated by SUPER MAKE Editor.
If you are making Microsoft compatible make files and have indicated that
you use either MAKE.EXE or NMAKE.EXE SUPER MAKE also makes a batch file
that will automate your compiling for CodeView.
If you use MAKE.EXE the batch file will be called mxxxxxx.bat (xxxxxx
equals the first six letters of your Make file name, or the whole name if
it is less than 6 letters long).
Similarly, if you use NMAKE.EXE your batch file will be called nmxxxxxx.bat.
For example, if you have a Make file called "prog" and you want to compile
and Link it for CodeView using NMAKE.EXE you should type:
nmprog <Enter>
Finally there is the issue of pseudo targets. If you use NMAKE.EXE the
SUPER MAKE Editor puts in a pseudo target as the top description block.
This insures that your whole program will compile properly.
See Chapter 9 for more information on file formats, and see Chapter 3
(in the printed manual only) for a detailed example of a SUPER MAKE make
Chapter 5: SETUP
Before you do anything you should set the options you plan to use with
SUPER MAKE. All the SUPER MAKE programs use the same options file
(super.ini) to configure themselves and perform their tasks. This file
is updated each time you set an option in the Setup menu in the SUPER
MAKE Editor.
Remember that in most places you can see a review of the options you have
set by pressing alt-r.
To get to this menu start the Editor by typing SME at the DOS prompt. Now
press alt-s.
COLORS: (alt-c)
If you have a color adapter you will want to set the colors. Use the right
and left arrow keys to toggle the color choices. Some sample text will
appear to show you what your choices will look like. To accept a color
choice press Enter.
You are setting the colors for four types of display. The "Main Screen"
refers to the main work area on the screen. "Help Screen" refers to the
help colors in the Editor, and for help in SUPER MAKE and the Help Facility.
"Message Screen" colors are the colors of various short messages the Editor
places at the top or bottom of your screen. "Menu Screen" colors are the
colors used on all popup menus in the Editor, and in the Manual Table of
Contents in the Help Facility.
FILES TO MAKE: (alt-f)
The SUPER MAKE Editor can make six kinds of files including SUPER MAKE files,
Microsoft compatible make files, Linker Response files, Librarian Response
files, and files used by PC-Lint and Clear+ to process multiple source code
files. In addition you choose whether or not to make a map file here.
For each choice choose (Y)es or (N)o.
Note that SUPER MAKE makes three response files for the linker to allow for
three memory models. These have the extensions .lrs, .lrm, and .lrl. This
is necessary for library maintenance. The .lrs file uses the libraries in
the first column of the Library File Names screen (in the Make menu), .lrm
uses the center column, and .lrl the third column. Typically these refer to
small, medium and large memory models, but you may use any model by setting
your preferences on the Library Names screen.
The last question asks whether you want to make an executable file or a
library. If you want to compile files without linking (or "lib-ing")
pick "N".
Here you tell SUPER MAKE where to find your text editor, and where to put
object and executable files when you are developing a program. If you leave
these choices blank SUPER MAKE uses the default directory. In addition you
set some of SUPER MAKE's behavior.
Use the entire path in these choices. For example if a text editor called
editor.exe is in directory \edit on drive c: type:
If you do not set this up you will not be able to use "Text Editor" in the
"Make" Menu, or "Edit Help Files" in the "Toolbox" Menu.
Set the path for your object files and executable files here. SUPER MAKE
reads this file and puts these files where you tell it to. If you do not
enter any values here SUPER MAKE will put the files in the directory you
call it from.
You also have the opportunity to choose whether you want the SUPER MAKE
Editor to search all drives and paths or to always search a drive:\path
of your choosing. Pick Y if you want all paths searched. (Choosing No
reduces the time it takes to search your equipment for files. You ONLY
want to do this if you always keep all your source code in one directory.)
Next you choose whether you want the SUPER MAKE Editor to search all files
in a directory, or just files with the extensions for the languages you use
(such as .c or .asm).
The next field asks for the path you want to search. If you have chosen
to search just one path you must fill this field in to make it work.
Type in a full path for this. For example:
right: C:\CODE
wrong: \CODE
wrong: C:\CODE\
Finally there are three fields to type in the extensions to search (if you
have chosen not to search for all files in a directory). PLEASE NOTE:
Each time you exit the Macro area (alt-m in the Make Menu) these extensions
are automatically set. If you want different extensions here you may
change them manually. If you search different code extensions from the
ones you save your source code to the best choice is to search files with
all extensions.
When you first use the SUPER MAKE Editor these extensions will not be set.
If you want to set them simply go to the Make menu, press alt-m and then
press Esc. If you re-enter this area of the Setup Menu you will see the
extension fields are filled in with whatever values were set on your Macro
When making a Make file you mark various files to be included in your
program's development. Then you choose one of these to provide a default
name for the files you want the SUPER MAKE Editor to generate. If you want
to use this default name for a file pick (Y)es. If you want to explicitly
name a file choose (N)o.
DEFAULTS (alt-d)
Here you set the product specific commands. First you set a default memory
model. This is the memory model that will be used when making a Microsoft
compatible Make file. When using languages where the memory model isn't an
issue these settings will have no effect.
Next you must tell SUPER MAKE which Microsoft product you use (if any).
Pick 1 for NMAKE.EXE, 2 for MAKE.EXE, or 0 for none.
Third, tell SUPER MAKE whether you want a semi-colon (;) at the end of
assembler commands. If yes, and the dependent file has the extension
".asm" SUPER MAKE adds a semi-colon. With the Microsoft Assembler this
acts as a Response file, avoiding stopping the compile to answer prompts.
If you do not want this to happen you should delete the semi-colons.
Finally choose the compiler brand you want supported. Use the right and
left arrow keys to toggle your choice. (See readme.sup for more
SUPER MAKE supports three memory models at a time. You define the
memory model on the top line of each column. You may then enter
the library names for that model that you want linked to your
program. This is especially useful when you have a collection of
libraries you link to all your programs.
If a column is left blank the macros for that memory model set will
be left blank. For example, if the first column contains Small
Model libraries and the second is blank, making a file calling SUPER
MAKE with the -1 command line flag will link the small model libraries
while using -2 will not link any.
Chapter 6: TOOLBOX
In this menu you may do a number of things that make it more convenient to
This choice gives you a summary of SUPER MAKE and the SUPER MAKE Editor,
and of the EmmaSoft Company.
VERSION: (alt-v)
The Version number and your Serial number are displayed on the screen.
Press any key to return to the Toolbox menu.
The Language Definitions editor is divided into two screens.
Screen 1 contains the Commands Form. This contains the eight
compiler, linker, librarian commands at the top of a Language
Definition file.
Screen 2 has the Helps Form. There are 20 lines that you may
type help information for this language on. These lines will
be the help screens for defining macros. You may put anything
you want on them.
See chapter 4 of the manual for an in-depth description of a Language
Definition file.
MANUAL: On Line (alt-m)
You may access this manual on the screen. When you choose this option you
are presented with a Table of Contents window. Use the arrow keys to
choose a chapter to read, or press alt-x where 'x' is the first letter of
the chapter title.
To page through the manual press any key for the next page. Up arrow will
take you to the previous page. Press Escape to return to the Table of
To exit the manual from the Table of Contents press Escape. Of course help
is available in the Table of Contents window when you press F1.
Manual: Printing
You may print the manual using Alt-p. It is a good idea to print a hard
copy of the manual, because the printed version has more information in
it than the on- line version (including examples of files).
If you have a mouse place the mouse cursor over the "Alt-p to Print"
message and press the left button.
To print to your printer choose lpt1, lpt2, com1, or com2, depending on
how your printer is hooked up. To print to a file type the file name.
If you use a program to format your manuals you should print the manual
to a file, then import the file to your program. This strips out the codes
used by the help facility to read the manual on line.
EDIT HELP (alt-e)
Why Edit Super.hlp?
There are two reasons you may want to edit SUPER.HLP.
1. Although there is complete help provided as shipped you may want
to add to or alter some of the text to suit your preferences.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you distribute a copy or copies of SUPER MAKE
you MUST use the original files INCLUDING the original help files.
2. The SUPER MAKE Help Facility can be used as a separate utility
for anything you want it for. You could set up several help
screens for DOS, for example, and use it from the command line.
The command syntax is smh[key_word]. For example, if you had a
section called DIR you would type: "smh DIR". Remember that
you should NOT type the percent signs when calling the Help
Facility, and the keywords ARE case sensitive.
If you change the help file you must follow a certain format. We can
describe it here, but not illustrate it, as an illustration would inter-
fere with the workings of the online version of the manual (when you print
out the manual it is read from the online version of the file). Help
files are in ascii format and may be edited with any text editor that saves
files in pure ascii format. YOU MUST FOLLOW THESE DIRECTIONS CAREFULLY, or
the SUPER MAKE editor could crash, with no survivors. To be on the safe
side, make copies of SUPER.HLP and SUPER.NDX before starting. If things
don't work out you can always restore these old files.
It would be a good idea to print out a page or two of SUPER.HLP before
trying this, so you can see a working example of how the help file is
Help Codes:
A help section starts with a key word or phrase. This must be less than
23 characters long, and has a percent sign at the beginning and end of the
word or phrase. Ex: [percent symbol]My Help[percent symbol].
Screens in a help are divided by the divider symbol ([dot]cp
where [dot] = .) Ex: [dot]cp
Help sections always finish with the word END in capital letters with
an asterisk (*) at the beginning and end of the word.
Ex: [asterisk]END[asterick]
Help start, divider, and end codes must start at the beginning of a line.
You may have a maximum of 250 help subjects in SUPER.HLP.
Help Text Format:
Help text for SUPER MAKE ***MUST*** follow a certain format in order to
avoid causing serious problems.
Between two help codes you may type NO MORE THAN 19 lines of help. As
shipped SUPER MAKE's help screens start with a blank line to make the
screen more readable. A blank line is counted as a line.
Each line may be NO MORE THAN 76 characters wide.
The help functions require two files, SUPER.HLP and SUPER.NDX. The latter
is an index that tells SUPER MAKE hoe to read the help file. IF YOU CHANGE
done if you change help ONLY using the "Edit Help" choice in the Toolbox
menu. What happens here is that SUPER MAKE calls your text editor and
passes it the name of the help file. When you exit your editor a new index
is automatically generated. If you get an error message you should restore
the old versions of your help files.
If you follow the above formatting instructions you shouldn't have any
problems. If you must have an altered help screen and you can't get this
to work you may send your ascii file on a floppy disk to EmmaSoft and
we will get it to work. We charge $1 per help topic in your file plus
$2 return postage for this. Please include payment with your disk.
GO TO DOS: (alt-g)
You may temporarily leave SUPER MAKE to perform some tasks in DOS. SUPER
MAKE remains in memory (so you won't be able to use mammoth programs here)
and when you return all values in SUPER MAKE are intact.
Chapter 7: QUITTING
The SUPER MAKE Editor can be exited in several ways. Typically, from the
main menu bar you would choose QUIT. Choose Yes to exit, or No to return
to the Editor.
At most spots in the program you may press alt-q to quit quickly. None of
your work is saved when you choose this option. Pressing Ctrl-Break has
the same effect as alt-q, and works more of the time. At the main menu bar
placing the mouse cursor over the word "QUIT" will "quick quit" the program.
In the Help Facility press Esc to exit the program. Ctrl-Break will quick
exit the program while viewing a Help or Manual screen.
SUPER MAKE has several files that it uses. When you set the SUPERFILES
environmental variable in DOS these files should be in the directory
you set. You should also include this directory in your PATH.
SM.EXE The executable file for SUPER MAKE
SME.EXE The executable file for the SUPER MAKE Editor
SMH.EXE The executable file for the SUPER MAKE Help Facility
SM.INI Remembers the last options processed by SUPER MAKE
SME.INI Contains all values set up in the SUPER MAKE Editor in the
Setup menu. Information is used by the Editor, Help Facility,
and the Maker.
LANG1.SM Macro and Help Information for first programming language
LANG2.SM Macro and Help Information for second programming language
LANG3.SM Macro and Help Information for third programming language
LINKER.SM Macro and Help Information for linker
LASTMACS.SM Last macro settings used
SUPER.HLP Help information for all SUPER MAKE Executables
SUPER.NDX Help index needed to run Help
MANUAL.HLP This manual formatted to be read by the Help Facility
MANUAL.NDX Help index needed to run Help
Here are the files that SUPER MAKE generates (xxx refers to the unique file
name you assign to these files:
xxxxxxxx.SMF SUPER MAKE Make file
xxxxxxxx Microsoft Make or Nmake Make file
xxxxxxxx.lrs 1st memory model linker Response file
xxxxxxxx.lrm 2nd memory model linker Response file
xxxxxxxx.lrl 3rd memory model linker response file
xxxxxxxx.lbr Library Response file
xxxxxxxx.lnt PC-Lint Indirect file
xxxxxxxx.l Clear+ List file
nmxxxxxx.bat Batch file to compile with Debugging Info using NMAKE
mxxxxxx.bat Batch file to compile with Debugging Info using MAKE
These self extracting files are on the distribution disk (or in the
.zip file used to distribute SUPER MAKE on the bulletin boards). They
contain SUPER MAKE, and should NOT end up on your hard drive:
SMAK.EXE Contains SUPER MAKE, it's files and Help Facility
MS.EXE Contains Microsoft Compatible Language Definition Files
BOR.EXE Contains Borland Compatible Language Definition Files
The following files are contained on your distribution disk (or .zip)
file and are NOT compressed (ie. they are ready to use as is):
INSTALL.EXE Automatic installation program
README.SUP Latest update file
REG.FRM Registration Form
SUPER.INF A summary of SUPER MAKE features
VENDOR.DOC Information for shareware distributers
S.COM Landscape printer for HP LJII
SL.COM Landscape printer with line numbers, etc. for LJII
This chapter explains the structure of a SUPER MAKE make file, and provides
information of other files the SUPER MAKE Editor can generate for other
SUPER MAKE make files have the following general structure:
Standard Macros MACRONAME = Macrovalue
Action Block Target : Dependents
In a SUPER MAKE file the target and dependent must be separated by
a colon preceded and followed by a space " : ". This is how SUPER
make knows it is looking at an action block. SUPER MAKE then looks
for the command line on the next line. ALL command lines must be
preceded by a target : dependent line. ALL target : dependent lines
must be followed by a command line.
Standard Macros come in sets of eight. There is one set of macros for each
programming language used in building your program, plus one set for the
linker or librarian. Although not all of the macros may be used to build
your program you should leave them all in the make file. When you call
SUPER MAKE with various command flags it uses different combinations of
macros from each set. The macros in each set are:
xxCO Compile Only Flag
xxM1 Memory Model 1 Command
xxM2 Memory Model 2 Command
xxM3 Memory Model 3 Command
xxND Commands for compiling with No Debugging Information
xxD Commands for compiling with Debugging Information
xxF2 Two general purpose macros for any command flags
The TNAMES macro is a list of all the files including the drive and full
path that will make up your finished program or library. Each file name
is on a line by itself. All but the last file is followed by an '&' so
that SUPER MAKE will know there are more files on the list.
An Action Block consists of two lines that work like an if-then statement.
The first line is the 'if': If the target file is older than the de-
pendent file(s) then execute the command on the second line in this Action
Block. The 'then' (second line) part is a compiler, linker, or librarian
command, including the command flags contained in the macros and the name
of the file to be compiled (or the linker or librarian .res files which
contain the list of files and libraries to be linked, or files to be
included in a library).
Non SUPER MAKE files:
Aside from SUPER MAKE files the SUPER MAKE Editor generates a number of
files that other programs can use.
SUPER MAKE makes strong use of make file macros, and this strategy is applied
to the makefiles for the Microsoft products.
At the top of the files is a list of macros, including some blank ones.
These won't effect the performance of Make or Nmake, but you should leave
them in place, especially the macros called xxND and xxD. The xxND macro
is the compile with no debug information macro. The xxD macro is the compile
with debug information macro. These are both needed even if they are blank.
Of course you may always add your own macros or place unique compiler flags
on a command line manually, using an ascii text editor. You can use the
macros that the SUPER MAKE editor has created as examples if you are not
familiar with Microsoft make file macro use.
If you are using unique flags for compiling one of your files you may place
them on the command line for that file. They can go anywhere that makes
sense to you, including in between SUPER MAKE macros.
Example (placing the -NOI flag on the command line):
SM.obj: SM.c
cl $(L1CO) $(L1M1) $(L1ND) -NOI $(L1F1) $(L1F2) SM.c
In an Nmake file there is a pseudo target after the macros. The effect of
this is that if you type NMAKE MAKNAME (where MAKNAME is the name of your
make file) Nmake will check all modules to see if they need to be updated
(in other words it will behave like Make).
Next, in both Nmake and Make files, comes the description blocks. The first
line of each is in standard form. A target followed by a colon and the
dependents for the target. The second (command) line is made up almost
entirely of macros. To see what the command actually is saying cross
reference up to the macros.
This strategy takes advantage of the abilities of Nmake and Make to change
the values of a macro when invoking the maker. When the SUPER MAKE Editor
makes Microsoft make files it also makes a batch file that uses this
capability so you may easily compile with or without debugging information.
The batch files are named after the specific maker and the make file name.
For example, if you use Nmake, and your file is called code the batch file
will be called nmcode.bat (The file will use up to six letters of your make
file name, preceded with "nm" for Nmake, or "m" for make. Thus the same
for Make would be called "mcode.bat.")
This batch file changes all the xxND macros to use the xxD macro values
by calling the maker as follows:
Makername xxND=xxD Makefilename
You may create your own batch files to change other macro values.
The SUPER MAKE Editor makes Response files that can be used with Microsoft's
linker that comes with DOS and many of their programming products. All
Make files generated by the SUPER MAKE Editor assume you are using Response
files, so it is a good idea to generate them if you are generating make
files. Three sets are made: one for each memory model. The extensions
of these files are .lrx where "lr" stands for Linker Response and "x" is
either "s" for small, "m" for medium or "l" for large. If you have redefined
the memory model size the .lrs file will contain information for the first
memory model, .lrm the second, and .lrl the third.
The format is as follows (xxxxxxxx.LRx):
First the names of the object files to be linked. All but the
last one is followed by a '+' sign.
The name of the executable file.
The name of the map file (or nul.map if none)
Library names. All but the last one is followed by a "+" sign.
The name of the Definitions file (nul.def is provided, since
SUPER MAKE is a DOS based program. You may change this manually
in a text editor. (Does not appear in Borland files)
The SUPER MAKE Editor makes response files (with the extension .lbr) for
the Microsoft LIB.EXE program. The format is:
The name of the library.
Y (Means "Yes, build a new library if it doesn't already exist.")
Object files to add (all but the last followed by "&").
nul The list file.
For Borland's TLIB.EXE the format is:
Object files to add (all but the last followed by "&").
PC-Lint uses a file containing the names of all the files that make up a
program you are developing. If you use PC-Lint with these files instead
of individual file names the program will process all source modules listed
in the Indirect File. These files have the extension .lnt.
Clear+ list files are similar to PC-Lint Indirect files in their function
and format. They use the extension .l.
-h View help on SUPER MAKE commands EACH
-hi View information about SUPER MAKE EACH
-hf View help on Make File Construction EACH
-1 Use 1st Memory Model ONOFF
-2 Use 2nd Memory Model ONOFF
-3 Use 3rd Memory Model ONOFF
-d Build program with debugging information ONOFF
-n Build program without debugging information ONOFF
-v View Current SUPER MAKE settings ONOFF
-o Turn off Viewing Current SUPER MAKE settings ONOFF
-l Look Only, but don't make the program EACH
-r Reset all flags EACH
-s Suppress messages TOGGLE
-i Ignore errors from compilers, etc. TOGGLE
-e Erase Object Files EACH
-t "Touch" Dependents EACH
-q Quick Set EXE & OBJ dirs & Compiler Brand EACH
EACH: You must type these flags on the command line each time you want
this feature.
ONOFF: One flag turns the feature on. Another changes the flag value.
TOGGLE: Turn on the first time you specify this toggle. Next time you
type it the feature turns off.
Command Line Format:
sm [flags] [filename]
sm The SUPER MAKE Utility
flags Tells SUPER MAKE how to configure. If you want SUPER MAKE to
be configured the way it was the last time you used it you may
omit the flags. A flag is ALWAYS preceded by a dash (-) or a
slash (/). There should always be a space between flags.
Example: sm -1 -n filename
filename The name of the Make file. If you want to work on the same file
you worked on last time you do not have to type it again. (This
can go before, after, or in between flags.)
Once you have set SUPER MAKE for the Make File and option flags you want to
use you only have to type "sm" to build a program.
When entering the Make file name do NOT enter the extension. All SUPER
MAKE files have the extension ".smf" (for SUPER MAKE file). You only
type the unique file name when running SUPER MAKE. For example, if your
make file is called file.smf you might enter the following command when
starting SUPER MAKE: "sm -3 -n file". Typing "sm filename.smf" will
cause an error.
You may type the command flags in upper or lower case. Example: "-s" is
the same as "-S". You may replace the slash with a dash. Example: "-s"
is the same as "/s".
If you prefer a "clean" screen you may use the "-s" toggle to suppress
most SUPER MAKE messages. To get the messages back use "-s" again. We
recommend leaving messages on, since you may miss an important error
message if it is off.
When preparing for a total rebuild of your program you might want to
delete all your object files so they will be rebuilt with the latest
version of your include files, or to make sure there is no debugging
information in the final program.
You may erase the object files that SUPER MAKE normally builds from a
make file by using the -e flag.
The touch (-t) option changes the date of the dependent(s) to that of
the target without building the file. This allows you to update source
code comments without having to rebuild the program the next time you
invoke the maker. (If the maker can't find a file it tells which files
were not found, and therefore, not "touched".)
Here are some examples (The explanations make more sense if you imagine
calling SUPER MAKE several times in the order of the examples):
sm -r resets all flags for a new program
sm -3 -d -v filename sets up SUPER MAKE for the large model,
compiling with debugging information,
viewing the flags at the end of each session,
for a make file called filename.smf, and then
makes the program.
sm -l shows what SUPER MAKE would do under the
current settings, but doesn't do it
sm -o -l Turns off viewing the flags without building
the program
sm newfile Builds a different program using the same
flags that were already set
sm -n Final build of the program (if you are doing
these examples in order you are now building
the file "newfile") using no debug information
command flags.
When calling SUPER MAKE you can type as many command flags as you want, but
only one file name. You may call them in any order.
Thus, "sm newfile -3 -o" is the same as "sm -o -3 newfile". You may even
mix them up. For example: "sm -1 filename -n".
If you use the "View Current SUPER MAKE commands" (-v) option you will be
presented with a chart showing the current command flag settings. Line 1
show abbreviations of the flag name. Below that is a number which is the
actual setting. On the third line is the current Make file name (assuming
you entered a file name) with the .smf extension added. If you have set
directories for object or executable files (in SME) these are also listed.
0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
Here is a summary of the flags (flags without the abbrieviation above them
are unused, but reserved for future versions of SUPER MAKE):
HP Help Always shows 0
ME Current Memory Model 1 for 1st, 2 for 2nd, 3 for 3rd (User set in
DB Debug/Nodebug 1-Use Debug Information (User set in xxD
2-Use No Debug Information (User set in xxND
SM Suppress Messages 1-Messages on 2-Messages off
IR Ignore Return Codes 0-Stop on Error 1-Ignore errors
TO Touch Dependents Always shows 0.
EO Erase Object Files Always shows 0.
LO Look Only Always shows 0.
VF View Flags 1-On 2-Off If you can see the chart this
flag is on.
R Reset Always shows 0.
Path Control:
SUPER MAKE looks for executable files where you have listed them in the
make file. You always use the full path for dependents in a SUPER MAKE
make file.
If you have set a directory to put OBJECT files in (SUPER MAKE EDITOR,
Setup menu, alt-s) SUPER MAKE goes to that directory before calling
compilers. If not it stays in the directory you called it from.
If you set a directory in which to place executable files, SUPER MAKE
uses DOS commands to do it. First it uses COPY to put a copy of the
file where it needs to end up (generating a "1 File Copied" message),
then the DEL command to get rid of the original (now extra) executable
file. If this directory is not set executable files will go into the
same directory as object files.
Shareware distribution gives users a chance to try software
before buying it. If you try a Shareware program and continue
using it, you are expected to register. This allows you to try the
program before you buy it. When you register your copy of SUPER
MAKE you will receive the latest version on a disk and a
printed version of this manual. You will also be assigned a serial
number which entitles you to technical support.
Copyright laws apply to both Shareware and commercial software,
and the copyright holder retains all rights, with a few specific
exceptions as stated below. Shareware authors are accomplished
programmers, just like commercial authors, and the programs are
of comparable quality. (In both cases, there are good programs
and bad ones!) The main difference is in the method of
distribution. The author specifically grants the right to copy
and distribute the software, either to all and sundry or to a
specific group. For example, EmmaSoft requires written
permission before a commercial disk vendor may copy their
Shareware. (See vendor.doc for more information.)
Shareware is a distribution method, not a type of software. You
should find software that suits your needs and pocketbook,
whether it's conventional commercial software or Shareware (Many
shareware programs ARE commercial in that a registration fee is
required after a trial period. For SUPER MAKE this period is 30
days). The Shareware system makes fitting your needs easier, because
you can try before you buy. And because the overhead is low, prices
are low also. Shareware has the ultimate money-back guarantee --
if you don't use the product, you don't pay for it.
Distribution of SUPER MAKE:
EmmaSoft retains all rights to SUPER MAKE. You may distribute SUPER
MAKE provided you comply with the following conditions:
1. No files may be changed. All text and settings must be as shipped
originally from EmmaSoft. The original .zip file (SUPER.ZIP) must
be used to do this. When unzipped it has a message confirming the
authenticity of the files. This both insures that they are, indeed,
the original files, and protects against viruses.
If you received SUPER MAKE on a distribution disk you must make
exact copies of all files on the disk. You may then distribute
SUPER MAKE on another disk (containing all the files). You MUST NOT
compress the files yourself. If you received a compressed version
that does not display the message, "Authentic Files Verified",
followed by a number and "EmmaSoft Co." it is NOT supported by
EmmaSoft. Contact EmmaSoft immediately for a good copy.
2. Professional Distributors of shareware (and other programs) MUST
contact EmmaSoft before distributing SUPER MAKE. In catalogs there
MUST be a line in the program description describing the registration
fee, and somewhere in the catalog there must be a satisfactory
explanation of the shareware concept, including the facts that all
rights to this copyrighted program are retained by EmmaSoft, that
it is NOT a public domain program, and that registration fee is
required if the program is used beyond the trial period.
The Association of Shareware Professionals (ASP) was formed to educate
shareware authors, distributers and the public about shareware, to set
standards for shareware, and to allow its members to share resources and
information. Programs written by ASP members are as diverse as
conventional commercial programs, but share certain standards. Some
of the ASP requirements include that the programs are copyrighted (not
public domain), that they be fully functional (not partially functional
"come ons"), and that it may be copied (subject to copying restrictions)
so that users may try the software for a trial period before a registration
fee is required.
The ASP generally congregates on the shareware forum on CompuServe. For
more information "go shareware".
This program is produced by a member of the Association of Shareware
Professionals . ASP wants to make sure that the shareware principle works
for you. If you are unable to resolve a shareware-related problem with
an ASP member by contacting the member directly, ASP may be able to help.
The ASP Ombudsman can help you resolve a dispute or problem with an ASP
member, but does not provide technical support for members' products. Please
write to the ASP Ombudsman at P.O. Box 5786, Bellevue, WA 98006 or send
a Compuserve message via easyplex to ASP Ombudsman 70007,3536
APPENDIX A: Error Messages
SUPER MAKE generates a number of error messages when an error is
generated, or a condition occurs where you should know about
something that has happened or not happened. Here is a summary of
the messages and what they mean:
SM100: Unknown error.
SM101: Environment Problem.
SM102: Can't find command.com.
SM103: Invalid command.com.
SM104: Not enough memory.
SM105: Help system needs a topic to run.
SM125: Can't find file to open.
SM126: Lost count of compiler files.
SM127: Can't find text editor. Check Path setting in Setup.
SM128: Can't find SUPER MAKE files.
Make sure you have set the SUPERFILES environment variable.
SM129: Can't find SUPER MAKE Help Facility. Check Path setting in Setup.
SM130: Can't find SUPER MAKE initialization file.
SM131: SUPERFILES Environment not set.
SM170: No Make File Specified.
SM171: Can't open (filename). Try entering drive and path.
Example: sm c:\\sm\\filename
SM172: Don't know where to put (file).
Putting target in (obj file directory if defined,
default directory, otherwise).
SM174: Compiler Error. SUPER MAKE Stopping.
SM175: Can't find file: [filename].
SM176: Building [filename].
SM177: Can't Change File Date.
SM178: Can't Generate Help Index.
SM179: Can't save initialization file.
SM401: No files with .C or .H extensions. File not made.
SM402: Can't Make PC-Lint File Name. File Not Made.
SM403: Can't Make Clear+ File Name. File Not Made.
SM404: Can't Make Link Res File Name. File Not Made.
SM405: Can't open Link Res File. File Not Made.
SM406: Can't Open Clear+ File. File Not Made.
SM407: Can't Open PC-Lint File. File Not Made.
SM408: Internal Error Making File Name. File Not Made.
SM409: Can't Make Executable File Name. File Not Made.
SM410: Can't Make Map File Name. File Not Made.
SM411: Can't Open Macro File. Can't construct MS Make File.
SM412: Can't Make Microsoft Make File Name. File Not Made.
SM413: Can't Open Microsoft Make File. Can't Save The File.
SM414: Can't Open Microsoft Debug Batch File. Can't Make The File.
SM415: Can't Make Lib Res File Name. File Not Made.
SM416: Can't open Lib Res File. File Not Made.
SM417: Can't Make SUPER MAKE Make File Name. File Not Made.
SM418: Can't Open Macro File. Can't construct SUPER MAKE Make File.
SM419: Can't Open SUPER MAKE Make File. Can't Save The File.
SM420: Index Generated Successfully.
SM421: Creating Help Index.
SM422: Object files Erased.
SM423: Dependents Touched. File Dates Changed.
APPENDIX B: Sample Files
1. SUPER MAKE make file to make SAMPLE.EXE:
SAMPLE.OBJ& } TNAMES Macro shows the files it takes
SAMPLE1.OBJ } to build your finished program (or library)
SAMPLE.OBJ: C:\DUMP\SAMPLE.C } Action Block to build
SAMPLE1.OBJ: C:\DUMP\SAMPLE1.C } Action Block to build
SAMPLE.EXE: $(TNAMES) } Action Block to build
LINK $(LN) /ST:15000 @SAMPLE.LNK } executable file
(We put the stack command right on the command line for this example.
That is OK to do on any command line that has unique commands. See
Chapter 3 for a detailed example.)
2. Microsoft make file to make SAMPLE.EXE:
L1CO = -c }
L1M1 = -AS }
L1M2 = -AM }
L1M3 = -AL } Macro Set 1 (this example shows
L1ND = } commands for MS C)
L1D = -Zi -Od }
L1F1 = } It is OK to add your own macros
L1F2 = }
LNCO = }
LNM1 = }
LNM2 = }
LNM3 = } Macro Set 2 (this example shows
LNND = /E } commands for MS LINK)
LND = /CO }
LNF1 = /NOE } It is OK to add your own macros
LNF2 = }
TNAMES = SAMPLE.OBJ SAMPLE1.OBJ } Multiple dependents for executable file
} Pseudo Target for NMAKE files. Does not appear on
ALL: *.EXE } MAKE files. This tells NMAKE to build your whole
} program. If you use NMAKE but don't want this
} in your make file choose MAKE as your default
} Microsoft maker
CL $(L1CO) $(L1M3) -W4 $(L1ND) $(L1F1) $(L1F2) SAMPLE.C } Block
SAMPLE1.OBJ: SAMPLE1.C } Action Block
CL $(L1CO) $(L1M3) $(L1ND) $(L1F1) $(L1F2) SAMPLE1.C }
SAMPLE.EXE: $(TNAMES) } Action Block
LINK $(LNND) $(LNF1) $(LNF2) @SAMPLE.LRL } Action Block
Notice the -W4 command in the first action block. This is special to the
one file, and may be included on the command line as shown.
3. Microsoft batch file to make SAMPLE.EXE with CodeView Information:
make L1Nd=$(L1D) L2ND=$(L2D) L3ND=$(L2D) LNND=$(LND) SAMPLE
For each of the four possible macro sets this batch file calls a Microsoft
maker (for NMAKE the first command will be nmake), first giving the "Compile
With No Debugging Information" macro the values of the "Compile With
Debugging Information" macro. If a set of macros doesn't exist in your
make file this batch file won't have any adverse effect on the execution
of your maker.
4. Linker .res files:
SAMPLE+ } Object files to link
SAMPLE } Name of Executable File
SAMPLE } Name of map file (nul.map if no file)
MYLIB1+ } Libraries to link
nul.def } Name of .def file (Always nul.def for DOS programs)
} Not used in Borland files
5. Librarian .res files
SAMPLE.lib } Name of Library (MS only)
Y } Make new library if it doesn't exist (MS only)
SAMPLE& } Object files to add to library (MS and Borland)
nul } List file (MS only)
6. PC-lint Indirect files:
SAMPLE.C } List of .c files to include in the linting process
7. Clear+ List files:
SAMPLE.C } List of .c files to include when analyzing
SAMPLE1.C } your program.
APPENDIX C: Program Specs
SUPER MAKE will work on IBM or true compatible XT, AT, 80386, 80486,
with a hard disk and color or monochrome system. There is no special
printer coding, so SUPER MAKE should work on any printer. However,
it has been TESTED on an HP LJII and a STAR SG-10. If you try to
print the manual to your printer and it doesn't work, print it to a
file, then use the DOS PRINT command to print out the manual.
SUPER MAKE works with ANY compiler with the following command line format:
Command [command flags] Source_File
SUPER MAKE works with linkers and librarians with the above format PLUS
Microsoft compatible Response files. If you manually create response
files, or manually delete the Response file command in the make file,
replacing it with the proper commands for your librarian or linker,
SUPER MAKE should call your librarian or linker properly.
3 Languages supported at a time
3 Memory Models supported at a time
70 Maximum Action Blocks
18 Maximum Dependents in one Action Block
128 Chars Maximum Length of Command Line (Including expanded macros)
330 Lines Maximum length of Make File (Including comments -
about 5 1/2 pages)
20 Disk Drives
100 Directories per Drive
- Number of files per directory is limited by available
See the file "readme.sup" for information on other supported compilers,
linkers, etc. and their formats. The file "super.inf" has all the
latest specs for this version of SUPER MAKE.
APPENDIX D: LJ Landscape Printers
Two printing utilities for the HP LJII (and compatibles) are included
with SUPER MAKE. These are handy if your source code is wider than 80
S.COM just prints whatever file you want to print, with no frills.
SL.COM prints the file name, page number and time and date at the top
of each page, and prints a line number before each line.
They run the same way:
progname file_to_read [-i]
Progname is either S or SL.
File_to_read is the full name of the file you want printed, including
the extension.
-i is an optional flag to see how many pages the file will take up
without actually printing the file. ("i" stands for "information.")
s myfile.c prints myfile.c
sl myfile.c prints myfile.c with line numbers and page headings
sl myfile.c -i tells how many pages it will take to print myfile.c
APPENDIX E: Registration form
If you use SUPER MAKE beyond the 30 day trial period you must register
your copy. When you register you will recieve the latest version of
SUPER MAKE on disk (with the registration reminders removed from the
programs), and a printout of the manual. You will also recieve
notifications of updates, and discounted upgrades. You will also
recieve a serial number (to display press alt-v) with will entitle
you to technical support.
Distribution disks (registration NOT included) are $6 (plus S&L: $2
for the first disk, .50 for each additional disk).
Registration costs $55 (plus S&L: 2.50 for the first copy, .50 for
each additional copy). If you order a registered copy the $55
includes the disk and a printed manual(avoiding the distribution disk
cost altogether). This is for one copy on one computer. Call for
site license information.
New York residents MUST include sales tax (Mario insists!).
I would also like to hear your suggestions for new features in future
upgrades. The policy at EmmaSoft is to consider all suggestions, and
incorporate as many of them as are deemed feasible and appropriate.
Street Address:__________________________
Disk Size:________
Payment: check___ MC___ VISA___
MC/VISA #:__________________________
No. of Distribution Disks:______ Cost:_____________
No. of Registered Copies:______ Cost:_____________
NY Tax (if applicable):_____________
Total Enclosed:_____________
Send this to: EmmaSoft
PO Box 238
Lansing, NY 14882-0238
Or register with MC or VISA by phone: (607)533-4685
All funds must be in U.S. funds and drawn on a U.S. Bank.
Action Block 17, 20, 21, 39, 51, 52, 54
ASP 3, 48
Batch 28, 37, 40, 41, 50, 52
Borland 3, 19, 25, 37, 41, 42, 52
Clear+ 3, 8, 30, 37, 42, 49, 53
Colors 2, 12, 30
Command Flags 14, 39, 40, 44, 45
Command Line 6-8, 17, 19-21, 32, 34, 39, 40, 43, 51, 52, 54
Command Summary 24, 43
Commands 9, 15, 17, 19-22, 24-26, 32, 33, 39, 43, 45, 46, 51, 54
Comments 17, 19, 24, 44, 54
Compiler 3, 6, 7, 11, 12, 17, 25, 32, 33, 39, 40, 43, 49, 54
Compressed 38, 47
Copyright 1, 4, 47
Date 2, 7, 10, 44, 49, 55
Default 2, 11-13, 16, 20, 22, 23, 27, 31, 32, 49, 51
Delete 23, 32, 44, 54
Dependent 7, 17, 20, 21, 25, 26, 28, 32, 39, 44
Directory 7-11, 13, 20, 22, 23, 25, 26, 31, 37, 45, 46, 49, 54
Distribution 3, 37, 47, 56
DOS 2, 3, 9, 11, 12, 15, 20, 24, 30, 34, 35, 37, 41, 46, 52, 54
Drive 7-11, 13, 22, 23, 31, 37, 39, 49, 54
Edit 2, 23-25, 27, 31, 34, 35
Edit Help 2, 31, 34, 35
EmmaSoft 1-57
Environment 9, 49
Epsilon 9, 10
Erase Object Files 43, 45
Error 3, 5, 8, 27, 35, 44, 45, 49
Files 2, 3, 5, 7-13, 15-19, 22-28, 30-35, 37, 39-47, 49-54
Files To Make 2, 27, 30
Help 1, 2, 5-10, 12, 15-17, 25, 26, 30, 31, 33-37, 43, 45, 48-50, 56
Install 9, 38
Language Definition Files 26, 37
Language Definitions Editor 33
Lib 3, 8, 18, 23, 25-27, 30, 41, 50, 52
Librarian 7, 17, 18, 24, 30, 33, 39, 40, 52, 54
License 2, 4, 56
Link 3, 7, 8, 12, 13, 21, 25, 26, 28, 32, 49, 51, 52
Linker 6, 7, 12, 17-19, 24-26, 30, 33, 37, 39-41, 52, 54
Macro 2, 10, 13, 17-21, 24, 25, 27, 28, 31, 37, 39-41, 50-52
Macro Set 18, 19, 28, 51
Make File 2, 6-8, 11-15, 17-19, 21-24, 28, 32, 37, 39-41, 43-45, 49-52, 54
Make Menu 2, 5, 11-13, 22, 24, 27, 30, 31
Maker 2, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11, 13, 21, 37, 40, 41, 43, 44, 49, 51, 52
Manual: On line 5, 12, 15, 16, 33
Manual: Printing 5, 12, 15, 16, 33
Memory Model 11, 13, 18, 21, 32, 37, 39, 41, 43, 45
Microsoft 3, 6, 8, 9, 11, 13, 19, 25, 28, 30, 32, 37, 40, 41, 50-52, 54
Mouse 2, 9, 10, 23, 34, 36
PC-lint 3, 8, 30, 37, 42, 49, 52
Placebo 20, 21
Printing 2, 5, 12, 15, 16, 33, 55
Quick Quit 9, 11, 24, 36
Quit 9-12, 24, 36
Registration 3, 4, 38, 47, 48, 56
Reset 2, 11, 23-25, 43, 45
Response File 32, 37, 54
Review Current Settings 12
S.COM 38, 55
Sample Files 3, 51
Self Extracting Files 37
Serial Number 5, 6, 12, 24, 33, 47, 56
Setup 2, 5, 7, 9-12, 20, 25-27, 30, 31, 37, 45, 49
Shareware 1, 3-5, 25, 27, 38, 47, 48, 56
SL.COM 38, 55
SM.EXE 8, 10, 37
SME.EXE 8, 10, 37
SMH.EXE 8, 10, 37
SUPERFILES 2, 9, 37, 49
Target 7, 17, 20, 21, 25, 26, 28, 39, 40, 44, 49, 51
Technical Assistance 2, 5
Text Editor 2, 24, 25, 27, 31, 34, 35, 40, 41, 49
Toolbox 2, 5, 15, 25, 31, 33, 35
Touch 43-45
Trademarks 3
Version 2, 5, 12, 24, 33, 34, 44, 47, 54, 56
View 12, 15, 22, 25, 43, 45
Warranty 2, 4