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/ The SelectWare System Volume 2 #3 / The_SelectWare_System_Series_1_Volume_2_Number_3_Selectware.iso / pea10000 / tmp.bat < prev   
DOS Batch File  |  1989-10-17  |  1KB  |  23 lines

  1. @echo off
  2. echo off
  3. cls
  4. mode co80
  5. echo  ╔════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗
  6. echo  ║ ┌────┐                                                          ┌────┐ ║
  7. echo  ║ │    │                    To view this demo,                    │    │ ║
  8. echo  ║ │    │                       you must have                      │    │ ║
  9. echo  ║ │    │              an EGA color monitor or better              │    │ ║
  10. echo  ║ │    │          and at least 540K of available memory           │    │ ║
  11. echo  ║ │    │                                                          │    │ ║
  12. echo  ║ │    │                  While viewing the demo,                 │    │ ║
  13. echo  ║ │    │              press F1 at any time to pause,              │    │ ║
  14. echo  ║ │    │            then F1 again to continue the demo.           │    │ ║
  15. echo  ║ │    │                                                          │    │ ║
  16. echo  ║ │    │               Press ESC at any time to exit.             │    │ ║
  17. echo  ║ │    │                                                          │    │ ║
  18. echo  ║ │    │                 To quit now, press CTRL-C.               │    │ ║
  19. echo  ║ └────┘                                                          └────┘ ║
  20. echo  ╚════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝
  21. pause
  22. pt -s28