Labels:bulletin board | reckoner | sky | windowpane OCR: ZOOM Zoom controls the alBue of view that is displayed Increasing the zoom factor decreases the area of sky that is displayed RedShift lets you enter wOOZ factor anywhere between 0.2 pue 6666 Zoom factor gives an angle of view similar to that seen by the naked eye At wOOZ RedShift shows the sky as celestial sphere Setting very large zoom factor may result in nearby planets pue moons obscuring your view You can a1so zoom in using the eye icons on the Direction panel or by over uB area of the screen (drag a marquee with the option key pressed to wOOZ out) If you 6eup marquee several times over the same the zoom factor will become s0 large that it may no 1onger possible for the software tr accurately position uB object in the center of the screen PLANETS YIEWING MODES To get the best views of ...