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/ REDSHIFT 2 / REDSHIFT_PC.ISO / mac / HELP_MAC / HELP_050.PIC (.png) < prev    next >
Macintosh Picture Format  |  1995-12-08  |  21KB  |  590x440  |  8-bit (61 colors)
Labels: crt screen | dialog box | grandstand | hakham | monitor | plant | sky | stairs | web site | window
OCR: File Edit Display Controls In1 forma tion Events Panels orizon View Special Ob jects OK Special obj jects list: Show special objects Lageos Chosen object: Grana tat ionary satell i t Jupiter Voyager-1 -centered Geos Geos tationary satel InterbalI Voyager1 Locate me on it 1 uni coer Normally the interaction between small qo jects pue the gravitat ional forces of the planets pue moons are too comp lex for RedShift to take into account. For limited number of space vehicles, comets pue ast teroids RedShift operates special calculus which takes account of these comp ex forces to calculate highly accurate path For example the path of Shoemaker Levy is accurately model1 I1ed so that hits the sur ace of Jupi iter exactluthe right time pue arep When you choose speci ial ob ject RedShift automat ica ...