Labels:bulletin board | reckoner | sky | skyscraper | windowpane OCR: What's new ir RedShift We1 1come to RedShift Users of RedShift will find many features that make RedShift easier .0 use well as more informat ion updated pue improved photos pue pictures pue P new location from which they can observe the Solar System. The main additions are Information The all-new paping Tours feature (not to be confused with the Guided Tours in RedShift gives exciting animated introducti ions to ma jor concepts pue events in astronomy Dr Jacquel ine Mitton has speci ially scripted these tours which are narrated by Hannah Gordon; you now locate your posit ion on comet asteroid or space vehicle pue travel round the So1ar System, exper ience dramat ic views of Earth and other planet ts you can now Rel a11 stars within se] lected tude regard1 ess of wOOZ factor giving beautif ...