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dBASE Multiple Index  |  1997-09-04  |  145KB  |  2,497 lines

  4. WORD_ID
  6. A, a                                    
  7. ATM machine                             
  8. April                                   
  9. Aribau (name)                           
  10. Ashley (name)                           
  11. August                                  
  12. B, be                                   
  13. Barcelona (city)                        
  14. Brown (name)                                
  15. C, ce                                   
  16. CH, che                                 
  17. Caesar salad                            
  18. Canada                                  
  19. Canadian                                
  20. Carlos (name)                           
  21. Carranza (name)                         
  22. Christine (name)                        
  23. Cisneros (name)                         
  24. Customs                                 
  25. D, de                                   
  26. Davids (name)                           
  27. Spain                                   
  28. United States                           
  30. A, adi
  31. s                                
  32. Aduana                                  
  33. Alemania                                
  34. Aribau                                  
  35. Ashley                                  
  36. B, banco                                
  37. Barcelona                               
  38. Brown                                       
  39. C, centro, caf
  41. CH, cheque                              
  42. Canad
  44. Carlos                                  
  45. Carranza                                
  46. Christine                               
  47. Cisneros                                
  48. a                                  
  49. Davids                                  
  50. Dolores                                 
  51. E, espa
  52. ol                              
  53. a                                  
  54. Estados Unidos                          
  55. Europa                                  
  56. F, fant
  57. stico                           
  58. WORD_ID
  59. December                                
  60. Dolores (name)                          
  61. E, e                                    
  62. England                                 
  63. English                                 
  64. Europe                                  
  65. European                                
  66. F, efe                                  
  67. February                                
  68. France                                  
  69. Granada (city)                          
  70. H, hache                                q
  71. I am                                    
  72. I have a cold                           p
  73. I hear                                  
  74. I'm sick                                
  75. I, i                                    
  76. Immigration                             
  77. Italy                                    
  78. J, jota                                 
  79. January                                 !
  80. John                                    "
  81. K, ca                                   
  82. Davids (name)                           
  83. France                                  
  84. I'm sick                                
  85. K, ca                                   
  86. Paul (name)                             2
  87. United States                           
  88. after                                   
  89. anything                                J
  90. avocado                                 :
  91. bar                                     
  92. bill                                    f
  93. boots                                   L
  94. butter                                  
  95. car                                     *
  96. ceramics                                
  97. elevator                                
  98. fat, stout                              >
  99. flight attendant                        j
  100. friend, m.                              
  101. good afternoon                          N
  102. grandparents                            
  103. here                                    D
  104. hunger                                  
  105. Francia                                 
  106. G, gente, gracias                       
  107. Granada                                 
  108. H, hotel                                
  109. I, ingl
  110. s                               
  111. Inglaterra                              
  112. Inmigraci
  113. n                             
  114. Italia                                   
  115. J, jab
  116. n                                !
  117. Juan                                    "
  118. K, kil
  119. metro                            #
  120. L, lunes                                $
  121. LL, llave                               %
  122. Luis                                    &
  123. M, mapa                                 '
  124. Madrid                                  (
  125. a                                   )
  126. Morgan                                  *
  127. xico                                  +
  128. mero                               ,
  129. O, ocho                                 -
  130. P, pasaporte                            .
  131. Paul                                    
  132. F, fant
  133. stico                           
  134. Paul                                    
  135. _ca, casa                               "
  136. _gu, gusto                              &
  137. _q, queso                               .
  138. _z, zanahoria                           6
  139. aeropuerto                              8
  140. amiga                                   @
  141. car                                  F
  142. boleto                                  H
  143. cajero autom
  144. tico                       R
  145. casa                                    X
  146. churrasco                               ^
  147. comprender                              b
  148. mara                                  h
  149. desear                                  l
  150. doler                                   z
  151. encontrar                               
  152. esposo                                  
  153. exactamente                             
  154. garganta                                
  155. hacer                                   
  156. informar                                
  157. L, ele                                  $
  158. LL, elle                                %
  159. Luis (name)                             &
  160. M, eme                                  '
  161. Madrid (city)                           S
  162. March                                   (
  163. Mary (name)                             U
  164. May                                     m
  165. Mexican                                 *
  166. Mexico                                  
  167. Mexico                                  N
  168. Miss, Ms.                               C
  169. Monday                                  )
  170. Morgan (name)                           L
  171. Mr., sir                                M
  172. Mrs., ma'am                             +
  173. N, ene                                  
  174. November                                ,
  175. O, o                                    
  176. OK                                      
  177. October                                 -
  178. P, pe                                   .
  179. Paul (name)                             
  180. Q, qu
  181.                                   0
  182. R, restaurante                          1
  183. RR, marr
  184. n                              2
  185. rez                                 3
  186. S, se
  187. or                                4
  188. Segovia                                 5
  189. T, taxi                                 6
  190. Tarragona                               7
  191. U, usted                                8
  192. V, vacaciones                           9
  193. W, Washington                           :
  194. X, exactamente                          ;
  195. Y, yo                                   <
  196. Z, zapato                               =
  197. _a, agua                                >
  198. _ado, helado                            ?
  199. _ai, aire                               @
  200. _ao, cacao                              A
  201. _au, auto                               B
  202. _ay, guayaba                            C
  203. _b, banana                              D
  204. _c, carne                               E
  205. _ca, casa                               
  206. V, ve, uve                              9
  207. W, doble ve, uve doble                  t
  208. Wednesday                               :
  209. X, equis                                ;
  210. Y, i griega                             <
  211. Z, zeta                                 
  212. a bit, a little                         
  213. a, an, one                              
  214. aaaah                                   @
  215. about                                   R
  216. above                                   
  217. accident                                |
  218. address                                 
  219. admission ticket                        r
  220. after                                   
  221. air                                     
  222. airplane                                
  223. airport                                 
  224. alcoholic drinks                        
  225. ambulance                               `
  226. ancient                                 
  227. another                                 
  228. anything                                
  229. _ce, cerveza                            G
  230. _ch, chocolate                          H
  231. _ci, cidra                              I
  232. _co, comida                             J
  233. _cu, cuna                               K
  234. _cue, cuenta                            L
  235. _cui, cuidado                           M
  236. _cuo, cuota                             N
  237. _d, desayuno                            O
  238. _e, ensalada                            P
  239. _ea, jalea                              Q
  240. _ei, aceite                             R
  241. _ej, ejemplo                            S
  242. _eo, fideos                             T
  243. _eu, feudal                             U
  244. _ey, ley                                V
  245. _f, flan                                W
  246. _g, galleta                             X
  247. _ga, gato                               Y
  248. _ge, general                            Z
  249. _gi, gigante                            [
  250. _go, gordo                              \
  251. _gu, gusto                              
  252. crawfish                                P
  253. credit                                  j
  254. credit card                             
  255. cucumber                                
  256. currency exchange office                V
  257. custard                                 3
  258. date, appointment                       
  259. daughter                                
  260. day                                     i
  261. delicious                               
  262. department store                        
  263. departure, going                        
  264. desserts                                
  265. dinner                                  
  266. divorced                                
  267. doctor                                  
  268. dollar (currency)                       
  269. double bed                              
  270. downtown                                
  271. drinks                                  
  272. duck                                    
  273. during                                  
  274. each                                    
  275. _gua, guacamole                         ^
  276. _gue, merengue                          _
  277. _gui, guisado                           `
  278. _guo, antiguo                           a
  279. e, biling
  280. e                          b
  281. iro                             c
  282. _h, helado                              d
  283. _i, isla                                e
  284. _ia, fiambres                           f
  285. _ie, bien                               g
  286. _io, apio                               h
  287. _iu, ciudad                             i
  288. _j, jam
  289. n                               j
  290. _k, kilo                                k
  291. _l, lim
  292. n                               l
  293. _ll, llave                              m
  294. _m, manzana                             n
  295. _n, naranja                             o
  296. _o, ostra                               p
  297. _oi, oigo                               q
  298. _oy, soy                                r
  299. _p, pan                                 s
  300. _q, queso                               
  301. water                                   
  302. water                                   y
  303. weather                                 >
  304. week                                    
  305. weekend                                 
  306. welcome                                 f
  307. well                                    
  308. well, OK                                
  309. what time is it?                        
  310. what's your name?                       
  311. what?                                   
  312. when?                                   
  313. where to?                               
  314. where?                                  
  315. which, what?                            
  316. wife                                    
  317. wine                                    
  318. wine                                    
  319. winter                                  D
  320. with                                    z
  321. woman                                   E
  322. wood                                    )
  323. wool                                    
  324. card                                    L
  325. careful                                 
  326. carrot                                  
  327. carrot                                  X
  328. cat                                     <
  329. cauliflower                             g
  330. celery                                  
  331. cent (currency)                         !
  332. ceramics                                
  333. cheap                                   %
  334. check                                   W
  335. check                                   s
  336. cheese                                  t
  337. cheese                                  
  338. cheese                                  
  339. chicken                                 
  340. children                                (
  341. chili pepper                            G
  342. chocolate                               )
  343. chocolate                               H
  344. cider                                   1
  345. cinema                                  h
  346. city                                    
  347. it                                      
  348. it's been two days                      
  349. it's cloudy                             
  350. it's cold                               
  351. it's cool                               
  352. it's hot                                
  353. it's one o'clock                        
  354. it's raining                            
  355. it's snowing                            
  356. it's sunny                              Y
  357. it's the same to me                     Z
  358. it's three ten                          Y
  359. it's two o'clock                        
  360. it's windy                              $
  361. jacket                                  f
  362. jam                                     P
  363. jelly                                   
  364. large                                   U
  365. law                                     
  366. lawyer                                  X
  367. leather                                 
  368. left                                    k
  369. lemon                                   
  370. _qu, queso                              u
  371. _r, repollo                             v
  372. _rr, arroz                              w
  373. _s, salsa                               x
  374. _sc, fresco                             y
  375. _t, tomate                              z
  376. _u, uva                                 {
  377. _ua, agua                               |
  378. _ue, huevo                              }
  379. _ui, suizo                              ~
  380. _uo, cuota                              
  381. _v, vino                                
  382. _w, wiski                               
  383. _x, M
  384. xico                              
  385. _x, examen                              
  386. _x, excepci
  387. n                           
  388. _x, xenon                               
  389. _xt, mixto                              
  390. _y, yuca                                
  391. _ya, raya                               
  392. _ye, yema                               
  393. _yu, yunta                              
  394. _z, zanahoria                           
  395. Q, cu                                   0
  396. R, ere                                  1
  397. RR, erre                                2
  398. rez (name)                          3
  399. S, ese                                  `
  400. Saturday                                4
  401. Segovia (city)                          B
  402. September                               
  403. Spain                                   
  404. Spanish, Spaniard                       
  405. Sunday                                  5
  406. T, te                                   q
  407. TV                                      6
  408. Tarragona (city)                        
  409. Thursday                                R
  410. Tuesday                                 7
  411. U, u                                    
  412. United States                           
  413. oyster                                  
  414. paella(traditional Spanish rice dish)   
  415. pants                                   
  416. papers (ID)                             
  417. parents                                 
  418. passport                                
  419. pasta                                   
  420. people                                  
  421. pepper                                  
  422. per                                     
  423. person                                  
  424. peseta (currency)                       
  425. peso (currency)                         
  426. pharmacy                                
  427. places                                  
  428. pleased to meet you                     
  429. pleasure                                
  430. police station                          
  431. pork                                    
  432. post office                             
  433. potato                                  
  434. pretty                                  
  435. private bath                            
  436. _zc, mezclado                           
  437. ana                              
  438. a                                       
  439. a la derecha                            
  440. a la izquierda                          
  441. aaaah                                   
  442. abierto                                 
  443. abogado                                 
  444. abril                                   
  445. abrir                                   
  446. abuela                                  
  447. abuelo                                  
  448. abuelos                                 
  449. accidente                               
  450. aceituna                                
  451. aceptar                                 
  452. acompa
  453. antes                            
  454. acompa
  455. ar                               
  456. acompa
  457. ar                               
  458. acordarse                               
  459. s                                   
  460. aeromoza                                
  461. aeropuerto                              
  462. agosto                                  
  463. agua                                    
  464. agua mineral                            
  465. aguacate                                
  466. ah                                      
  467. ahora                                   
  469. al                                      
  470. al final de                             
  471. al lado de                              
  472. n                                  
  473. algo                                    
  474. algo                                    
  475. algod
  476. n                                 
  477. alguno, alguna                          
  478. almac
  479. n                                 
  480. almorzar                                
  481. almuerzo                                
  482. amable                                  
  483. amarillo                                
  484. ambos                                   
  485. ambulancia                              
  486. amiga                                   
  487. avocado salad                           
  488. baby                                    }
  489. bacon                                   G
  490. bad                                     C
  491. banana                                  
  492. banana                                  
  493. bank                                    
  494. bar                                     
  495. bass                                    
  496. bathroom                                
  497. beach                                   
  498. bed                                     
  499. beef                                    F
  500. beer                                     
  501. beer                                    
  502. before                                  s
  503. behind                                  
  504. bellhop                                 2
  505. belt                                    b
  506. better                                  
  507. big                                     a
  508. bilingual                               K
  509. bill                                    
  510. to allow                                9
  511. to arrive                               
  512. to be                                   C
  513. to be                                   
  514. to be able to, can                      
  515. to be pleasing                          M
  516. to believe that                         
  517. to bring                                
  518. to bring down                           A
  519. to buy                                  7
  520. to call oneself                         
  521. to change, exchange                     
  522. to close                                
  523. to drive                                ?
  524. to eat                                  
  525. to enjoy                                ~
  526. to excuse                               
  527. to find                                 [
  528. to give                                 
  529. to go                                   
  530. to go to                                m
  531. to have breakfast                       
  532. to have lunch                           
  533. father                                  
  534. father                                  
  535. ferry                                   T
  536. feudal                                  
  537. fever                                   
  538. fiancee                                 
  539. fianc
  541. fifteen                                 
  542. fifth                                   /
  543. fifty                                   
  544. finger                                  
  545. fire                                    
  546. firefighter                             
  547. first                                   
  548. first class                             
  549. first floor                             
  550. fish                                    
  551. fish and seafood                        .
  552. five                                    
  553. flamenco (dance)                        
  554. flan, custard                           
  555. flash                                   
  556. flight attendant                        
  557. amigo                                   
  558. amistad                                 
  559. n                                   
  560. anfitriona                              
  561. anfitri
  562. n                               
  563. antes de                                
  564. aperitivo                               
  567.  tiene                              
  568. arquitecto                              
  569. arquitectura                            
  570. arroz                                   
  571. ascensor                                
  572. n                                    
  573. autob
  574. s                                 
  575. autopista de peaje                      
  576. avenida                                 
  577. aves                                    
  578. n                                   
  579. ayer                                    
  580. azul                                    
  581. car                                  
  582. here it is                              
  583. here you are                            
  584. hi!, hello!                             
  585. highway                                 <
  586. him                                     
  587. hospital                                
  588. host                                    k
  589. hostel                                  
  590. hot chocolate                           
  591. hot drinks                                  
  592. hotel                                   
  593. hour                                    E
  594. house                                   
  595. house                                   
  596. house                                   
  597. how about...?                           
  598. how are you?                            
  599. how long?                               
  600. how many?                               
  601. how much?                               
  602. how's it going?                         
  603. how?                                    
  604. hunger                                  
  605. o                                     
  606. bajar                                   
  607. banco                                   
  608. bar                                     
  609. barato                                  
  610. barca                                   
  611. barco                                   
  612. o                                    
  613. o privado                            
  614. beber                                   
  615. bebidas                                 
  616. bebidas alcoh
  617. licas                     
  618. bebidas calientes                       
  620. bien                                    
  621. bienvenido                              
  622. billete                                 
  623. billete                                 
  624. bistec                                  
  625. blanco                                  
  626. blusa                                   
  627. boca                                    
  628. boleto                                  
  629. boleto de ida                           
  630. boleto de ida y vuelta                  
  631. bolso                                   
  632. bombero                                 
  633. bonito                                  
  634. botas                                   
  635. botones                                 
  636. brazo                                   
  637. culi                                 
  638. buenas noches                           
  639. buenas tardes                           
  640. bueno                                   
  641. buenos d
  642. as                             
  643. bulevar                                 
  644. buscar                                  
  645. cabeza                                  
  646. cada                                    
  649.  con crema                          
  650.  con leche                          
  651.  negro                              
  652. cajero autom
  653. tico                       
  654. anything else?                          
  655. aperitif                                
  656. appetizers                              m
  657. apple                                   N
  658. apple                                   
  659. apple juice                             
  660. architect                               
  661. architecture                            
  662. arm                                     
  663. at what time?                           
  664. at/to the end of                        
  665. aunt                                    
  666. autumn                                  
  667. available                               
  668. avenue                                  
  669. avocado                                 
  670. both                                    
  671. boulevard                               
  672. boy                                     
  673. boyfriend                               r
  674. bread                                   
  675. bread                                   N
  676. breakfast                               n
  677. breakfast                               
  678. broccoli                                
  679. brother                                 Q
  680. brown                                   
  681. bus                                     
  682. bus stop                                
  683. business                                
  684. but                                     M
  685. butter                                  
  686. cabbage                                 @
  687. cacao                                   
  688.                                     Y
  689. camera                                  ?
  690. canvas                                  A
  691. car                                     
  692. good evening, good night                
  693. good morning                            
  694. good-bye                                
  695. government-owned inn                    
  696. grandchildren                           
  697. granddaughter                           
  698. grandfather                             
  699. grandmother                             
  700. grandparents                            
  701. grape juice                             "
  702. grapefruit juice                        b
  703. green stalk of corn                     
  704. grey                                    +
  705. grilled flank steak                     B
  706. guava apple                             
  707. guide                                   i
  708. ham                                     
  709. ham                                     L
  710. hand                                    
  711. handbag                                 
  712. handsome                                
  713. head                                    
  714. here                                    
  715. calabaza                                
  716. calabaza                                
  717. calle                                   
  718. cama                                    
  719. cama matrimonial                        
  720. camarera                                
  721. camarero                                
  722. camar
  723. n                                 
  724. cambiar                                 
  725. cambio                                  
  726. caminar                                     
  727. camisa                                  
  728. canadiense                              
  729. canasta                                 
  730. cangrejo                                
  731. carne de cerdo                          
  732. carne de cordero                        
  733. carne de res                            
  734. carnes                                  
  735. caro                                    
  736. carretera                               
  737. cartera                                 
  738. casa                                    
  739. shirt                                   
  740. shoes                                   
  741. shorts                                  
  742. shoulder                                
  743. shrimp                                  
  744. shrimp                                  
  745. sick                                    
  746. side dishes                             W
  747. single                                  
  748. sister                                  :
  749. six                                     ;
  750. six                                     <
  751. six hundred                             x
  752. sixteen                                 J
  753. sixth                                   E
  754. sixty                                   
  755. skirt                                   q
  756. slowly                                  '
  757. small                                   
  758. spices                                  
  759. spinach                                 
  760. spring                                  
  761. squash                                  
  762. lemon, lime                             3
  763. lemonade                                c
  764. less                                    .
  765. lettuce                                 
  766. likewise                                D
  767. line                                    2
  768. liquor                                  
  769. little bit                              *
  770. lobster                                 5
  771. lovely                                  
  772. luggage                                 
  773. lunch                                   J
  774. mail                                    
  775. main dishes                             
  776. man                                     K
  777. mango                                   O
  778. map                                     e
  779. market                                  
  780. married                                 
  781. meats                                   ^
  782. meringue                                -
  783. milk                                    
  784. mineral water                           
  785. casa de cambio                          
  786. casado                                  
  787. catorce                                 
  788. cebolla                                 
  789. cena                                    
  790. cenar                                   
  791. centavo                                 
  792. centro                                  
  793. cerca                                   
  794. cerrado                                 
  795. cerrar                                   
  796. cerveza                                 !
  797. mica                                "
  798. chaleco                                 #
  799. champa
  800. a                                $
  801. chaqueta                                %
  802. cheque                                  &
  803. cheque de viajero                       '
  804. chico                                   (
  805. chile                                   )
  806. chocolate                               *
  807. chocolate                               +
  808. churrasco                               
  809. to order                                
  810. to pass, happen                         
  811. to pay                                  
  812. to prefer                               
  813. to recommend                            
  814. to remember                             
  815. to repeat                               
  816. to report                               
  817. to return, come back                    !
  818. to rob                                  c
  819. to say                                  @
  820. to seat oneself                         
  821. to see                                  J
  822. to send                                 D
  823. to serve                                
  824. to sign your name                       
  825. to smoke                                
  826. to speak, talk                          
  827. to stay                                 "
  828. to steal                                *
  829. to take                                 
  830. to take                                 ;
  831. to take, wear, carry                    
  832. city                                    6
  833. class                                   
  834. close, near                             
  835. closed                                  &
  836. clothes                                 e
  837. clothing size                           9
  838. cocktail                                8
  839. coconut                                 
  840. coffee                                  
  841. coffee with cream                       
  842. coffee with milk                        u
  843. coin                                    e
  844. cold cuts                               
  845. cold vegetable soup                     =
  846. color                                   >
  847. colors                                  G
  848. concierge                               
  849. congratulations!                        H
  850. consulate                               
  851. cotton                                  
  852. couple                                  
  853. crab                                    J
  854. cradle                                  
  855. cien                                    -
  856. cien mil                                .
  857. cinco                                   /
  858. cincuenta                               0
  859. cincuenta y cinco                       1
  860. cine                                    2
  861. cintur
  862. n                                3
  863. cita                                    4
  864. ciudad                                  5
  865. claro                                   6
  866. clase                                   7
  867. cocido                                  8
  868. coco                                    9
  869. coctel                                  :
  870. col                                     ;
  871. colectivo                               <
  872. coliflor                                =
  873. color                                   >
  874. colores                                 ?
  875. comer                                   @
  876. como                                    A
  877. comprar                                 B
  878. comprender                              
  879. comprometido                            D
  880. con                                     E
  881. conducir                                F
  882. conocer                                 G
  883. conserje                                H
  884. consulado                               I
  885. corbata                                 J
  886. correo                                  K
  887. cosa                                    L
  888. costar                                  M
  889. creer que                               N
  890. cristal                                 O
  891. cristaler
  892. a                             P
  893. dito                                 Q
  894. cuadra                                  R
  895. cuarenta                                S
  896. cuarto                                  T
  897. cuatro                                  U
  898. cuatrocientos                           V
  899. cuenta                                  W
  900. cuenta                                  X
  901. cuero                                   Y
  902. mara                                  
  903. minibus                                 q
  904. minute                                  
  905. mixed                                   s
  906. mixed                                   
  907. mixed salad                             
  908. mixed, blended                          {
  909. money                                   g
  910. month                                   i
  911. months                                  
  912. more                                    
  913. more or less                            V
  914. morning                                 
  915. my head hurts                           \
  916. my name is                              
  917. next to                                 u
  918. nineteen                                `
  919. noon                                    
  920. now                                     
  921. nurse                                   ]
  922. of                                      5
  923. of course                               Z
  924. of course                               h
  925. of the                                  
  926. bill                                    V
  927. bill                                    W
  928. biscuit                                 
  929. black                                   
  930. black coffee                            
  931. blanket                                 Q
  932. block                                   
  933. blouse                                  
  934. blue                                    
  935. boarding house                          
  936. body parts                              
  937. boots                                   
  938. mo no                                 [
  939. dar                                     \
  940. de                                      ]
  941. de                                      ^
  942. de acuerdo                              _
  943. de nada                                 `
  944. de vacaciones                           a
  945. debajo de                               b
  946. deber                                   c
  947. decir                                   d
  948. declarar                                e
  949. dedo                                    f
  950. dedo del pie                            g
  951. dejar                                   h
  952. del                                     i
  953. delicioso                               j
  954. dentro de                               k
  955. derecha                                 l
  956. derecho                                 m
  957. desayunar                               n
  958. desayuno                                o
  959. desde hace una semana                   p
  960. desear                                  
  961. foot                                    
  962. for                                     
  963. for                                     o
  964. for a week                              
  965. form                                    R
  966. forty                                   T
  967. four                                    U
  968. four hundred                            
  969. fourteen                                S
  970. fourth                                  
  971. fowl                                    
  972. free of charge                          1
  973. free, unoccupied                        
  974. fried                                   
  975. friend, f.                              
  976. friend, m.                              
  977. fruits                                  Y
  978. general                                 Z
  979. gigantic                                N
  980. glass                                   O
  981. glassware                               
  982. good                                    
  983. good afternoon                          
  984. despacio                                r
  985. despu
  986. s de                              s
  987. s de                               t
  988. diciembre                               u
  989. diecinueve                              v
  990. dieciocho                               w
  991. diecisiete                              x
  992. diecis
  993. is                               y
  994. diez                                    z
  995. diez mil                                {
  996. dinero                                  |
  997. direcci
  998. n                               }
  999. direcci
  1000. n                               ~
  1001. disculpar                               
  1002. disculpe                                
  1003. disfrutar                               
  1004. disponible                              
  1005. divorciado                              
  1006. doblar                                  
  1007. doce                                    
  1008. doctor                                  
  1009. documentos                              
  1010. doler                                   
  1011. taxi                                    
  1012. tea                                     r
  1013. telephone                               y
  1014. ten                                     z
  1015. ten thousand                            
  1016. tenth                                   
  1017. thank you, thanks                       
  1018. that                                    
  1019. that                                    
  1020. that one                                
  1021. the                                     
  1022. the weather is bad                      
  1023. there is, there are                     (
  1024. thief                                   K
  1025. thing                                   
  1026. this                                    
  1027. throat                                  
  1028. ticket                                  
  1029. ticket                                  I
  1030. tie                                     
  1031. to                                      
  1032. to accept                               
  1033. to accompany                            
  1034. jelly                                   
  1035. lemon                                   V
  1036. married                                 
  1037. mineral water                           d
  1038. morning                                 
  1039. nice to meet you                        
  1040. of the                                  ~
  1041. on                                      
  1042. or                                      
  1043. oyster                                  4
  1044. pharmacy                                
  1045. post office                             
  1046. private bath                            
  1047. squash                                  
  1048. taste, flavor                           
  1049. to accompany                            <
  1050. to close                                
  1051. to have lunch                           |
  1052. to open                                 Z
  1053. to take, wear, carry                    
  1054. to, to the, at, at the                  x
  1055. two thousand                            
  1056. water                                   (
  1057. city                                    
  1058. island                                  p
  1059. related to the stomach                  
  1060. ear                                     |
  1061. egg                                     
  1062. egg                                     
  1063. egg yolk                                
  1064. eight                                   
  1065. eight hundred                           v
  1066. eighteen                                
  1067. eighth                                  
  1068. eighty                                  
  1069. elevator                                
  1070. evening                                 
  1071. exactly                                 
  1072. exam                                    R
  1073. example                                 
  1074. excellent                               
  1075. exception                               
  1076. excuse me                               
  1077. expensive                               
  1078. extra large                             
  1079. facing                                  j
  1080. family restaurant                       /
  1081. far                                     [
  1082. fat, stout                              
  1083. to/on the left                          
  1084. to/on the right                         
  1085. toast                                   
  1086. toasted                                 
  1087. today                                   f
  1088. toe                                     
  1089. toll road                               y
  1090. tomato                                  
  1091. tomato                                  !
  1092. tomato juice                            
  1093. tour                                    {
  1094. towel                                   ?
  1095. traffic light                           
  1096. train platform                          
  1097. train station                           &
  1098. traveler's check                        
  1099. tuna                                    
  1100. turkey                                  
  1101. twelve                                  
  1102. two                                     
  1103. two hundred                             
  1104. two hundred fourteen                    
  1105. two thousand                            
  1106. domingo                                 
  1107. dos                                     
  1108. dos mil                                 
  1109. doscientos                              
  1110. doscientos catorce                      
  1111. dulce                                   
  1112. durante                                 
  1113. durar                                   
  1114. cimo                                  
  1115. a                                     
  1116. lar                                   
  1117. el, la                                  
  1118. emergencia                              
  1119. en                                      
  1120. en                                      
  1121. en efectivo                             
  1122. en seguida                              
  1123. en seguida                              
  1124. en una semana                           
  1125. en venta                                
  1126. encantado                               
  1127. encantar                                
  1128. encontrar                               
  1129. to have to                              b
  1130. to have to, must, should                
  1131. to hurt                                 
  1132. to include                              
  1133. to inform                               
  1134. to join                                 
  1135. to keep                                 F
  1136. to know                                 )
  1137. to know                                 
  1138. to last                                 
  1139. to leave                                .
  1140. to leave, depart                        g
  1141. to leave, forget                        r
  1142. to look at                              
  1143. to look for                             
  1144. to lose                                 
  1145. to make                                 
  1146. to need                                 
  1147. to open                                 
  1148. office                                  
  1149. oh                                      
  1150. oh!                                     
  1151. olive                                   Q
  1152. olive oil                               
  1153. omelet                                  
  1154. omelet                                  
  1155. on                                      
  1156. on sale                                 `
  1157. on vacation                             
  1158. one                                     ,
  1159. one hundred                             -
  1160. one hundred thousand                    
  1161. one million                             o
  1162. one thousand                            
  1163. one-way ticket                          3
  1164. oneself, for you                        
  1165. onion                                   V
  1166. only                                    c
  1167. only                                    
  1168. oooh                                    
  1169. open                                    
  1170. or                                      
  1171. enero                                   
  1172. enfermero                               
  1173. enfermo                                 
  1174. enfrente de                             
  1175. ensalada                                
  1176. ensalada C
  1177. sar                          
  1178. ensalada de frutas                      
  1179. ensalada mixta                          
  1180. entonces                                
  1181. entrada                                 
  1182. entradas                                
  1183. entremeses                              
  1184. envolver                                
  1185. equipaje                                
  1186. es la una                               
  1187. escalera                                
  1188. escribir                                
  1189. ese, esa                                
  1190. ol                                 
  1191. especias                                
  1192. espinacas                               
  1193. esposa                                  
  1194. esposo                                  
  1195. esquina                                 
  1196. estaciones                              
  1197. estaci
  1198. n                                
  1199. estaci
  1200. n de polic
  1201. a                     
  1202. estaci
  1203. n del metro                      
  1204. estaci
  1205. n del tren                       
  1206. estado                                  
  1207. estadounidense                          
  1208. estad
  1209. a                                 
  1210. estar                                   
  1211. estatuilla                              
  1212. este, esta                              
  1213. estomacal                               
  1214. estoy enfermo                           
  1215. estoy resfriado                         
  1216. estudiante                              
  1217.  bien                               
  1218.  lloviendo                          
  1219.  nevando                            
  1220.  nublado                            
  1221. mago                                
  1222. europeo                                 
  1223. exactamente                             
  1224. staircase                               =
  1225. stamp                                   
  1226. state                                   
  1227. station                                 
  1228. stay                                    
  1229. steak                                   7
  1230. stew                                    ~
  1231. still                                   
  1232. stomach                                 K
  1233. stop sign                               l
  1234. straight ahead                          
  1235. straw                                   
  1236. street                                  
  1237. student                                 
  1238. sugar                                   +
  1239. suit coat                               H
  1240. suitcase, bag                           
  1241. sweet                                   
  1242. sweet rolls                             }
  1243. swiss                                   
  1244. swordfish                               h
  1245. table                                   \
  1246. taste, flavor                           
  1247. French                                  
  1248. Friday                                  
  1249. G, ge                                   
  1250. German                                  
  1251. Germany                                 
  1252. Granada (city)                          
  1253. H, hache                                
  1254. I                                       q
  1255. I am                                    ]
  1256. I broke my foot                         
  1257. I don't understand                      
  1258. I don't understand                      
  1259. I have a cold                           u
  1260. I have a fever                          p
  1261. I hear                                  o
  1262. I love you                              v
  1263. I'm hungry                              
  1264. I'm sick                                
  1265. January                                 !
  1266. John                                    %
  1267. July                                    &
  1268. June                                    "
  1269. K, ca                                   
  1270. excelente                               
  1271. excursi
  1272. n                               
  1273. extra grande                            
  1274. falda                                   
  1275. farmacia                                
  1276. febrero                                 
  1277. fiebre                                  
  1278. fin de semana                           
  1279. firmar                                  
  1280. flamenco                                
  1281. flan                                    
  1282. flash                                   
  1283. formulario                              
  1284. foto                                    
  1285. franc
  1286. s                                 
  1287. frazada                                 
  1288. frente a                                
  1289. frito                                   
  1290. frutas                                  
  1291. fuera de                                
  1292. fumar                                   
  1293. gamba                                   
  1294. garganta                                
  1295. professor                               
  1296. pulse                                   
  1297. pumpkin                                 v
  1298. purple                                  
  1299. purpose                                 
  1300. pyramid                                 
  1301. quickly                                 M
  1302. quota                                   ~
  1303. quota                                   
  1304. ranch style                             
  1305. ray                                     6
  1306. ready                                   $
  1307. red                                     z
  1308. red (wine)                              
  1309. red pepper                              
  1310. red wine                                
  1311. related to the stomach                  
  1312. seafood                                 
  1313. seasons                                 
  1314. see you later                           
  1315. see you tomorrow                        w
  1316. seventeen                               
  1317. ship                                    
  1318. gazpacho                                
  1319. gente                                   
  1320. gracias                                 
  1321. grande                                  
  1322. grande                                  
  1323. gratis                                  
  1324. gris                                    
  1325. guapo                                   
  1326. gustar                                  
  1327. gusto                                   
  1328. a                                    
  1329. habitaci
  1330. n                              
  1331. hablar                                  
  1332. hace buen tiempo                        
  1333. hace calor                              
  1334. hace dos d
  1335. as                           
  1336. hace fresco                             
  1337. hace fr
  1338. o                               
  1339. hace mal tiempo                         
  1340. hace sol                                
  1341. hace viento                             
  1342. hacer                                   
  1343. hacer                                   
  1344. hambre                                  
  1345. hasta                                   
  1346. hasta luego                             
  1347. hasta ma
  1348. ana                            
  1349. hay                                     
  1350. helado                                  
  1351. hermana                                 
  1352. hermano                                 
  1353. hija                                    
  1354. hijo                                    
  1355. hombre                                  
  1356. hombro                                  
  1357. hora                                    
  1358. hospital                                    
  1359. hotel                                   
  1360. hoy                                     
  1361. huevo                                   
  1362. ida                                     
  1363. igualmente                              
  1364. incendio                                
  1365. incluido                                
  1366. incluir                                 
  1367. informar                                
  1368. umm                                     
  1369. uncle                                   a
  1370. under                                   
  1371. until, up to                            
  1372. us, each other                          
  1373. vacation                                
  1374. vegetables                              S
  1375. vermicelli                              |
  1376. very                                    ~
  1377. very well, all right                    "
  1378. vest                                    
  1379. virus                                   
  1380. waiter                                  
  1381. waitress, maid                          
  1382. wallet                                  =
  1383. water                                   
  1384. husband                                 >
  1385. ice cream                               c
  1386. ice cream                               
  1387. ice cream                               
  1388. iced tea                                O
  1389. if, whether                             
  1390. immediately                             
  1391. in                                      
  1392. in a week                               
  1393. in cash                                 
  1394. in front of                             
  1395. included                                
  1396. inn                                     j
  1397. inside                                  d
  1398. island                                  
  1399. informar                                
  1400. ingeniero                               
  1401. s                                  
  1402. invierno                                
  1403. ir                                      
  1404. ir a                                    
  1405. irse                                    
  1406. italiano                                
  1407. izquierda                               
  1408. n                                   
  1409. jalea                                   
  1410. n                                   
  1411. jueves                                  
  1412. jugo de manzana                          
  1413. jugo de naranja                         !
  1414. jugo de tomate                          "
  1415. jugo de toronja                         #
  1416. jugo de uva                             $
  1417. jugos                                   %
  1418. julio                                   &
  1419. junio                                   '
  1420. la                                      (
  1421. n                                  
  1422. jelly                                   $
  1423. juices                                  l
  1424. key                                     8
  1425. key                                     j
  1426. kilo                                    
  1427. kind                                    #
  1428. knee                                    
  1429. lamb                                    
  1430. large                                   h
  1431. late                                    @
  1432. later                                   
  1433. later                                   U
  1434. law                                     
  1435. lawyer                                  X
  1436. leather                                 
  1437. left                                    
  1438. leg                                     k
  1439. lemon                                   
  1440. lana                                    *
  1441. langosta                                +
  1442. langostino                              ,
  1443. le                                      -
  1444. leche                                   .
  1445. lechuga                                 /
  1446. lejos                                   0
  1447. les                                     1
  1448. libre                                   2
  1449. licor                                   3
  1450. limonada                                4
  1451. n                                   5
  1452. lindo                                   6
  1453. listo                                   7
  1454. llamarse                                8
  1455. llave                                   9
  1456. llegar                                  :
  1457. llenar                                  ;
  1458. llevar                                  <
  1459. lo                                      =
  1460. lo                                      >
  1461. lo siento                               ?
  1462. lona                                    
  1463. n                                  
  1464. lona                                    
  1465. ana                                  
  1466. mexicano                                
  1467. naranja                                 
  1468. novia                                   
  1469. organizado                              
  1470. pasar                                   
  1471. piloto                                  
  1472. precio                                  
  1473. quedarse                                
  1474. rollo de pel
  1475. cula                       
  1476. seiscientos                             
  1477. sobre                                   
  1478. tarjeta de cr
  1479. dito                      
  1480. todo                                    
  1481. un mill
  1482. n                               
  1483. verano                                  
  1484. nde?                                
  1485. stico!                            
  1486. informar                                
  1487. friendship                              \
  1488. from                                    
  1489. from the United States                  
  1490. from where?                             
  1491. front desk                              
  1492. fruit salad                             
  1493. fruits                                  Y
  1494. general                                 
  1495. gift                                    Z
  1496. gigantic                                
  1497. girl                                    
  1498. girlfriend                              N
  1499. glass                                   O
  1500. glassware                               
  1501. good                                    
  1502. good afternoon                          
  1503. to come                                 
  1504. to come back, return                    7
  1505. to continue                             L
  1506. to cost                                 d
  1507. to declare                              
  1508. to delight                              
  1509. to dine                                 
  1510. to do                                   
  1511. to drink                                E
  1512. to drive                                ?
  1513. to eat                                  
  1514. to enjoy                                ~
  1515. to excuse                               
  1516. to excuse                               A
  1517. to feel                                 :
  1518. to fill out                             
  1519. to find                                 
  1520. to forget                               [
  1521. to give                                 
  1522. to go                                   
  1523. to go to                                m
  1524. to have breakfast                       
  1525. to have lunch                           
  1526. luego                                   A
  1527. luego                                   B
  1528. lugares                                 C
  1529. lunes                                   D
  1530. nea                                   E
  1531. madera                                  F
  1532. madre                                   G
  1533. mal                                     H
  1534. maleta                                  I
  1535.                                     J
  1536. mandar                                  K
  1537. mango                                   L
  1538. mano                                    M
  1539. mantequilla                             N
  1540. manzana                                 O
  1541. mapa                                    P
  1542. mariscos                                Q
  1543. n                                  R
  1544. martes                                  S
  1545. marzo                                   T
  1546. materiales                              U
  1547. mayo                                    V
  1548. ana                                  
  1549. ana                                  X
  1550. me                                      Y
  1551. me da igual                             Z
  1552. me duele ...                            [
  1553. me duele la cabeza                      \
  1554. me llamo                                ]
  1555. me romp
  1556.  el pie                         ^
  1557. mediano                                 _
  1558. medianoche                              `
  1559. mediod
  1560. a                                a
  1561. mejill
  1562. n                                b
  1563. mejor                                   c
  1564. menos                                   d
  1565.                                     e
  1566. mercado                                 f
  1567. mermelada                               g
  1568. mes                                     h
  1569. mesa                                    i
  1570. meses                                   j
  1571. n                                   k
  1572. n                                   l
  1573. metro                                   m
  1574. mexicano                                
  1575. materials                               
  1576. me, to me                               X
  1577. me, to me, myself                       I
  1578. meal                                    D
  1579. meat                                    
  1580. meats                                   ^
  1581. medium                                  d
  1582. menu                                    ^
  1583. meringue                                
  1584. merry Christmas!                        _
  1585. midnight                                -
  1586. milk                                    p
  1587. mineral                                 
  1588. mineral water                           
  1589. mother                                  I
  1590. mother                                  
  1591. mouth                                   w
  1592. much                                    {
  1593. museum                                  F
  1594. mushroom                                a
  1595. mussel                                  n
  1596. my                                      Z
  1597. my ... hurts                            [
  1598. my head hurts                           \
  1599. my name is                              
  1600. name                                    
  1601. nausea                                  U
  1602. nephew                                  
  1603. next                                    
  1604. next to                                 Q
  1605. nice                                    x
  1606. nice to meet you                        
  1607. nylon                                   ]
  1608. of                                      5
  1609. of course                               Z
  1610. of course                               h
  1611. of the                                  
  1612. mi                                      o
  1613. mil                                     p
  1614. mineral                                 q
  1615. minuto                                  r
  1616. mirar                                   s
  1617. mixto                                   t
  1618. rcoles                               u
  1619. moneda                                  v
  1620. morado                                  w
  1621. mucho                                   x
  1622. mucho gusto                             y
  1623. muela                                   z
  1624. mujer                                   {
  1625. museo                                   |
  1626. muy                                     }
  1627. muy amable                              ~
  1628. muy bien                                
  1629. s                                     
  1630. s o menos                             
  1631. s tarde                               
  1633. nada                                    
  1634. naranja                                 
  1635. nariz                                   
  1636. necesitar                               
  1637. negocios                                
  1638. negro                                   
  1639. nieta                                   
  1640. nieto                                   
  1641. nietos                                  
  1642. n                                   
  1643. a                                    
  1644. o                                    
  1645. os                                   
  1646. no                                      
  1647. no comprendo                            
  1648. no entiendo                             
  1649. noche                                   
  1650. noche                                   
  1651. noche                                   
  1652. nombre                                  
  1653. nos                                     
  1654. novecientos                             
  1655. noveno                                  
  1656. noventa                                 
  1657. novia                                   
  1658. grandson                                z
  1659. grape                                   
  1660. grape                                   #
  1661. grape juice                             
  1662. grapefruit                              "
  1663. grapefruit juice                        
  1664. green                                   b
  1665. green stalk of corn                     
  1666. grey                                    +
  1667. grilled flank steak                     B
  1668. guava apple                             
  1669. guide                                   i
  1670. ham                                     
  1671. ham                                     L
  1672. hand                                    
  1673. handbag                                 
  1674. handsome                                
  1675. happy birthday!                         X
  1676. hat                                     
  1677. head                                    
  1678. help!                                   
  1679. here                                    
  1680. niece                                   
  1681. night                                   
  1682. nine                                    
  1683. nine hundred                            u
  1684. nineteen                                
  1685. ninety                                  
  1686. ninth                                   
  1687. no                                      `
  1688. noon                                    
  1689. nose                                    
  1690. nothing                                 
  1691. now                                     
  1692. number                                  
  1693. nurse                                   
  1694. nylon                                       
  1695. octopus                                 ]
  1696. of                                      5
  1697. of course                               Z
  1698. of course                               
  1699. of course                               h
  1700. of the                                  
  1701. I'm sorry                               w
  1702. I'm thirsty                             
  1703. I, i                                    
  1704. Immigration                             
  1705. Italian                                 
  1706. Italy                                    
  1707. J, jota                                 
  1708. January                                 !
  1709. John                                    %
  1710. July                                    &
  1711. June                                    "
  1712. K, ca                                   
  1713. noviembre                               
  1714. novio                                   
  1715. nuestro                                 
  1716. nueve                                   
  1717. useas                                 
  1718. mero                                  
  1719. meros ordinales                       
  1720. o                                       
  1721. ochenta                                 
  1722. ocho                                    
  1723. ochocientos                             
  1724. octavo                                  
  1725. octubre                                 
  1726. oficina                                 
  1727. oficina de correos                      
  1728. oh                                      
  1729. ojo                                     
  1730. olvidar                                 
  1731. omelet                                  
  1732. once                                    
  1733. oooh                                    
  1734. oreja                                   
  1735. organizado                              
  1736. eleven                                  
  1737. emergency                               C
  1738. engaged                                 
  1739. engineer                                
  1740. enjoy your meal!                        
  1741. evening                                 
  1742. everything                              
  1743. exactly                                 
  1744. exam                                    R
  1745. example                                 
  1746. excellent                               
  1747. exception                               
  1748. excuse me                               
  1749. excuse me                               
  1750. expensive                               
  1751. extra large                             
  1752. eye                                     
  1753. facing                                  j
  1754. family restaurant                       
  1755. fantastic!, great!                      /
  1756. far                                     [
  1757. fat, stout                              
  1758. orange                                  
  1759. orange                                   
  1760. orange juice                            
  1761. ordinal numbers                         
  1762. organized                               
  1763. our                                     
  1764. outside                                 o
  1765. oyster                                  
  1766. ostra                                   
  1767. o                                   
  1768. otra vez                                
  1769. otro                                    
  1770. padre                                   
  1771. padres                                  
  1772. paella                                  
  1773. pagar                                   
  1774. paja                                    
  1775. pan                                     
  1776. pan dulce                               
  1777. pantalones                              
  1778. pantalones cortos                       
  1779. papa                                    
  1781. para                                    
  1782. para                                    
  1783. parada de autob
  1784. s                       
  1785. parador                                 
  1786. parador                                 
  1787. partes del cuerpo                       
  1788. pasaporte                               
  1789. pasar                                   
  1790. pasta                                   
  1791. pato                                    
  1792. pavo                                    
  1793. s                                    
  1794. pedir                                   
  1795. pensar                                  
  1796. pensi
  1797. n                                 
  1798. pepino                                  
  1799. peque
  1800. o                                 
  1801. perder                                  
  1802. perdonar                                
  1803. perdone                                 
  1804. permitir                                
  1805. pero                                    
  1806. persona                                 
  1807. pescado                                 
  1808. pescados y mariscos                     
  1809. peseta                                  
  1810. peso                                    
  1811. pez espada                              
  1812. pie                                     
  1813. pierna                                  
  1814. piloto                                  
  1815. cooked                                  x
  1816. cool                                    
  1817. corner                                  
  1818. cotton                                  
  1819. country                                 
  1820. couple                                  
  1821. cousin, f.                              
  1822. cousin, m.                              
  1823. crab                                    J
  1824. cradle                                  
  1825. reservation                             
  1826. restaurant                              
  1827. restaurant                              
  1828. return                                  v
  1829. rice                                    
  1830. rice                                    k
  1831. right                                   
  1832. right away                              
  1833. right?                                  %
  1834. roll of film                            
  1835. room                                    
  1836.  wine                               
  1837. round-trip ticket                       O
  1838. salad                                   
  1839. salad                                   
  1840. scrambled                               P
  1841. seafood                                 
  1842. seasons                                 
  1843. second floor                            
  1844. see you later                           
  1845. see you tomorrow                        w
  1846. seventeen                               
  1847. ship                                    
  1848. piment
  1849. n                                
  1850. pimienta                                
  1851. mide                                
  1852. a                                    
  1853. planta baja                             
  1854. plato                                   
  1855. plato                                   
  1856. playa                                   
  1857. stico                                
  1858. tano                                 
  1859. poco                                    
  1860. poder                                   
  1861. polic
  1862. a                                 
  1863. pollo                                   
  1864. por                                     
  1865. por                                     
  1866. por favor                               
  1867. por supuesto                            
  1868. porcelana                               
  1869. posada                                  
  1870. postal                                  
  1871. postres                                 
  1872. precio                                  
  1873. photo                                   l
  1874. pie                                     
  1875. pill                                    
  1876. pilot                                   
  1877. pineapple                               '
  1878. pink                                    B
  1879. places                                  
  1880. plastic                                 
  1881. plate                                   
  1882. please                                  
  1883. pleased to meet you                     
  1884. pleasure                                
  1885. police officer, police                  
  1886. police station                          
  1887. porcelain                               
  1888. pork                                    
  1889. post office                             
  1890. potato                                  
  1891. prescription                            
  1892. pretty                                  
  1893. price                                   
  1894. private                                 
  1895. private bath                            
  1896. direction                               
  1897. dish                                    
  1898. divorced                                
  1899. do you speak English?                   
  1900. doctor                                  
  1901. dollar (currency)                       
  1902. double bed                              
  1903. downtown                                
  1904. dress                                   
  1905. drinks                                  
  1906. duck                                    
  1907. during                                  
  1908. each                                    
  1909. consulate                               
  1910. cradle                                  $
  1911. dinner                                  
  1912. each                                    v
  1913. elevator                                
  1914. fat, stout                              >
  1915. fifty                                   
  1916. flight attendant                        j
  1917. friend, m.                              
  1918. good afternoon                          N
  1919. grandparents                            
  1920. here                                    D
  1921. hostel                                  
  1922. hunger                                  
  1923. preferir                                
  1924. prima                                   
  1925. primavera                               
  1926. primer piso                             
  1927. primera clase                           
  1928. primero                                 
  1929. primo                                   
  1930. privado                                 
  1931. probar                                  
  1932. profesor                                
  1933. prometida                               
  1934. prometido                               
  1935. pronto                                  
  1936. pronto                                  
  1937. sito                               
  1938. ximo                                 
  1939. pues                                        
  1940. pulpo                                   
  1941. pulso                                   
  1942. ldora                                 
  1943. que                                     
  1944. quedarse                                
  1945. quedarse                                
  1946. to the, him, her, you                   0
  1947. to the, them, you                       
  1948. to think                                
  1949. to try, try on                          
  1950. to turn                                 B
  1951. to understand                           
  1952. to use, wear                            
  1953. to walk                                 
  1954. to want                                 p
  1955. to wish, want                           
  1956. to work                                 
  1957. to wrap                                 
  1958. to write                                
  1959. to, at                                  
  1960. to, to the, at, at the                  
  1961. fifty five                              
  1962. figurine                                ^
  1963. fine, all right                         e
  1964. finger                                  
  1965. fire                                    
  1966. firefighter                             
  1967. first                                   
  1968. first class                             
  1969. first floor                             
  1970. fish                                    
  1971. fish and seafood                        .
  1972. five                                    
  1973. five hundred                            
  1974. five hundred ten                        
  1975. flamenco (dance)                        
  1976. flan, custard                           
  1977. flash                                   
  1978. flight attendant                        
  1979. the weather is nice                     '
  1980. the, it, her                            p
  1981. theater                                 
  1982. then                                    A
  1983. then                                    
  1984. then, well                              
  1985. there is, there are                     (
  1986. thief                                   K
  1987. thing                                   x
  1988. third                                   6
  1989. thirst                                  
  1990. thirteen                                
  1991. this                                    
  1992. three                                   
  1993. three hundred                           
  1994. throat                                  
  1995. ticket                                  
  1996. ticket                                  I
  1997. tie                                     
  1998. to                                      
  1999. to accept                               
  2000. to accompany                            
  2001. salad                                   
  2002. see you tomorrow                        
  2003. ship                                    T
  2004. small                                   
  2005. squash                                  
  2006. student                                 
  2007. taste, flavor                           n
  2008. the weather is bad                      
  2009. thirteen                                
  2010. to accompany                            <
  2011. to close                                
  2012. to find                                 
  2013. to have lunch                           |
  2014. to open                                 Z
  2015. to take, wear, carry                    
  2016. to, to the, at, at the                  x
  2017. tomato juice                            
  2018. twelve                                  
  2019. two thousand                            
  2020. water                                   (
  2021. which, what?                            
  2022. wool                                    
  2023. querer                                  
  2024. queso                                   
  2025. quince                                  
  2026. quinientos                              
  2027. quinientos diez                         
  2028. quinto                                  
  2029. ranchero                                
  2030. recepci
  2031. n                               
  2032. receta                                  
  2033. recomendar                              
  2034. recordatorio                            
  2035. refrescos                               
  2036. regalo                                  
  2037. regresar                                
  2038. repetir                                 
  2039. reservaci
  2040. n                             
  2041. restaurante                              
  2042. revuelto                                !
  2043. robar                                   "
  2044. robar                                   #
  2045. rodilla                                 $
  2046. rojo                                    %
  2047. rollo de pel
  2048. cula                       
  2049. small                                   
  2050. soap                                    
  2051. soft drinks                             
  2052. some                                    
  2053. something                               
  2054. son                                     
  2055. soon                                    [
  2056. soup                                    
  2057. souvenir                                
  2058. spices                                  
  2059. spinach                                 
  2060. spring                                  
  2061. squash                                  
  2062. ropa                                    '
  2063. rosado                                  (
  2064. balo                                  )
  2065. saber                                   *
  2066. sacar                                   +
  2067. saco                                    ,
  2068. sal                                     -
  2069. salchicha                               .
  2070. salir                                   /
  2071. n                                  0
  2072. salsa                                   1
  2073. sandalias                               2
  2074. sardina                                 3
  2075. se                                      4
  2076. secci
  2077. n                                 5
  2078. secretario                              6
  2079. sed                                     7
  2080. seguir                                  8
  2081. seguir                                  9
  2082. segundo                                 :
  2083. segundo                                 ;
  2084. seis                                    <
  2085. seiscientos                             
  2086. salmon                                  ,
  2087. salt                                    1
  2088. sandals                                 2
  2089. sardine                                 0
  2090. sauce                                   w
  2091. sauce, gravy                            -
  2092. sausage                                 
  2093. scallop                                  
  2094. scrambled                               P
  2095. seafood                                 
  2096. seasons                                 9
  2097. second                                  
  2098. second floor                            5
  2099. secretary                               4
  2100. section                                 
  2101. see you later                           
  2102. see you tomorrow                        
  2103. seven hundred                           w
  2104. seventeen                               _
  2105. seventh                                 H
  2106. seventy                                 I
  2107. seventy five                            
  2108. ship                                    
  2109. sello                                   >
  2110. semana                                  ?
  2111. foro                                @
  2112. sentarse                                A
  2113. sentirse                                B
  2114. septiembre                              C
  2115. ser                                     D
  2116. servir                                  E
  2117. sesenta                                 F
  2118. seta                                    G
  2119. setecientos                             H
  2120. setenta                                 I
  2121. setenta y cinco                         J
  2122. sexto                                   K
  2123. al de alto                           L
  2124. or                                   M
  2125. ora                                  N
  2126. orita                                O
  2127. si                                      P
  2128. siete                                   Q
  2129. tico                               R
  2130. sobre                                   S
  2131. sobre                                   
  2132. subway                                  
  2133. subway station                          d
  2134. such                                    
  2135. sugar                                   +
  2136. suit coat                               H
  2137. suitcase, bag                           
  2138. summer                                  ^
  2139. sweater                                 
  2140. sweet                                   
  2141. sweet rolls                             }
  2142. swiss                                   
  2143. swordfish                               b
  2144. symptom                                 h
  2145. table                                   \
  2146. taste, flavor                           
  2147. afternoon                               
  2148. again                                   
  2149. ah                                      
  2150. aha                                     ?
  2151. air                                     
  2152. airplane                                
  2153. airport                                 
  2154. alcoholic drinks                        
  2155. all                                     
  2156. already                                 f
  2157. also                                    
  2158. ambulance                               `
  2159. ancient                                 
  2160. and                                     |
  2161. ankle                                   
  2162. another                                 
  2163. anything                                
  2164. sobrina                                 U
  2165. sobrino                                 V
  2166. solamente                               W
  2167. soltero                                 X
  2168. sombrero                                Y
  2169. son las dos                             Z
  2170. son las tres y diez                     [
  2171. sopa                                    \
  2172. su                                      ]
  2173. subir                                   ^
  2174. ter                                  _
  2175. ptimo                                 `
  2176. bado                                  a
  2177.                                       b
  2178. ntoma                                 c
  2179. lo                                    d
  2180. tal                                     e
  2181. talla                                   f
  2182. tambi
  2183. n                                 g
  2184. tarde                                   h
  2185. tarde                                   i
  2186. tarjeta                                 j
  2187. tarjeta de cr
  2188. dito                      
  2189. xenon                                   
  2190. year                                    
  2191. yellow                                  a
  2192. yes                                     
  2193. yes?, may I help you?                   
  2194. yesterday                               
  2195. yet                                     
  2196. you                                     
  2197. you all                                 }
  2198. you're very kind                        _
  2199. you're welcome                          \
  2200. your, his, her, their                   
  2201. yucca                                   
  2202. e                                  
  2203. to follow                               
  2204. to forget                               ]
  2205. to get in, climb in                     [
  2206. to give                                 
  2207. to go                                   
  2208. to go to                                s
  2209. to have                                 m
  2210. to have breakfast                       
  2211. to have lunch                           
  2212. champagne                               
  2213. change                                  
  2214. cheap                                   %
  2215. check                                   W
  2216. check                                   s
  2217. cheese                                  t
  2218. cheese                                  
  2219. cheese                                  
  2220. chicken                                 
  2221. children                                (
  2222. chili pepper                            G
  2223. chocolate                               )
  2224. chocolate                               H
  2225. cider                                   1
  2226. cinema                                  h
  2227. city                                    
  2228. postal                                  k
  2229. postcard                                
  2230. potato                                  
  2231. prescription                            
  2232. pretty                                  
  2233. price                                   
  2234. private                                 
  2235. private bath                            
  2236. tarjeta postal                          l
  2237. tarta                                   m
  2238. taxi                                    n
  2239. taxista                                 o
  2240. te quiero                               p
  2241. teatro                                  q
  2242. televisor                               r
  2243. fono                                s
  2244. tener                                   t
  2245. tener que                               u
  2246. tengo fiebre                            v
  2247. tengo hambre                            w
  2248. tengo sed                               x
  2249. tercero                                 y
  2250. tiempo                                  z
  2251. tinto                                   {
  2252. toalla                                  |
  2253. tobillo                                 }
  2254. tocino                                  ~
  2255. todav
  2256. a                                 
  2257. todav
  2258. a                                 
  2259. todo                                    
  2260. todo                                    
  2261. cab driver                              u
  2262. cabbage                                 :
  2263. cabbage                                 @
  2264. cacao                                   
  2266. cake                                    Y
  2267. camera                                  ?
  2268. canvas                                  A
  2269. car                                     
  2270. basket                                  (
  2271. bass                                    
  2272. bathroom                                
  2273. beach                                   
  2274. bed                                     
  2275. beef                                    F
  2276. beer                                     
  2277. beer                                    
  2278. before                                  s
  2279. behind                                  
  2280. bellhop                                 2
  2281. belt                                    b
  2282. better                                  
  2283. big                                     a
  2284. bilingual                               K
  2285. bill                                    
  2286. tomar                                   
  2287. tomate                                  
  2288. toronja                                 
  2289. torta                                   
  2290. tortilla                                
  2291. tortilla                                
  2292. tostada                                 
  2293. tostado                                 
  2294. trabajar                                
  2295. traer                                   
  2296. trece                                   
  2297. treinta                                 
  2298. tren                                    
  2299. tres                                    
  2300. trescientos                             
  2301. trucha                                  
  2302. turista                                 
  2304.  helado                               
  2305. a                                     
  2306. o                                     
  2307. umm                                     
  2308. un mill
  2309. n                               
  2310. tomorrow                                W
  2311. tomorrow                                y
  2312. tooth, molar                            
  2313. tortilla                                
  2314. tour                                    
  2315. tourist                                 {
  2316. towel                                   ?
  2317. traffic light                           
  2318. train                                   
  2319. train platform                          
  2320. train station                           
  2321. traveler                                &
  2322. traveler's check                        
  2323. trip                                    
  2324. trout                                   
  2325. tuna                                    
  2326. turkey                                  
  2327. twelve                                  
  2328. twenty four                             
  2329. two                                     
  2330. two hundred                             
  2331. two hundred fourteen                    
  2332. two thousand                            
  2333. un poco                                 
  2334. un, una                                 
  2335. uno                                     
  2336. usar                                    
  2337. usted                                   
  2338. ustedes                                 
  2339. uva                                     
  2340. vacaciones                              
  2341. varios                                  
  2342. veinte                                  
  2343. veinticinco                             
  2344. veinticuatro                            
  2345. veintid
  2346. s                               
  2347. veintinueve                             
  2348. veintiocho                              
  2349. veintisiete                             
  2350. veintis
  2351. is                              
  2352. veintitr
  2353. s                              
  2354. veintiuno                               
  2355. venera                                  
  2356. venir                                   
  2357. ver                                     
  2358. verano                                  
  2359. seven                                   G
  2360. seven hundred                           w
  2361. seventeen                               _
  2362. seventh                                 H
  2363. seventy                                 I
  2364. seventy five                            
  2365. several                                 
  2366. ship                                    
  2367. twenty                                  
  2368. twenty eight                            
  2369. twenty five                             
  2370. twenty four                             
  2371. twenty nine                             
  2372. twenty one                              
  2373. twenty seven                            
  2374. twenty six                              
  2375. twenty three                            
  2376. twenty two                              
  2377. two                                     
  2378. two hundred                             
  2379. two hundred fourteen                    
  2380. two thousand                            
  2381. verde                                   
  2382. verduras                                
  2383. vestido                                 
  2384. viaje                                   
  2385. viajero                                 
  2386. viernes                                 
  2387. vino                                    
  2388. vino blanco                             
  2389. vino rosado                             
  2390. vino tinto                              
  2391. virus                                   
  2392. volver                                  
  2393. vuelta                                  
  2394. y                                       
  2395. ya                                      
  2396. yo                                      
  2397. zanahoria                               
  2398. zapatos                                 
  2399. sa, eso                           
  2400. ste, 
  2401. sta, esto                        
  2402. o                                 
  2403.  hora?                            
  2404. nde?                                
  2405. thirty                                  
  2406. this                                    
  2407. this one                                
  2408. three                                   
  2409. three hundred                           
  2410. throat                                  
  2411. ticket                                  
  2412. ticket                                  I
  2413. tie                                     
  2414. to                                      
  2415. to accept                               
  2416. to accompany                            
  2417. algo m
  2418. s?                              
  2419. l?                                  
  2420. ndo?                                
  2421. nto tiempo?                         
  2422. nto?                                
  2423. ntos?                               
  2424. mo est
  2425.  usted?                       
  2426. mo se llama?                         
  2427. mo?                                  
  2428. nde?                              
  2429. game?                                
  2430. nde?                                 
  2431. habla ingl
  2432. s?                          
  2433. por qu
  2434. ?                               
  2435. n?                                 
  2436.  hora es?                           
  2437.  tal ...?                           
  2438.  tal?                               
  2439. ?                                   
  2440. verdad?                                
  2441. ay!                                    
  2442. buen provecho!                         
  2443. stico!                            
  2444. whisky                                  
  2445. white                                   
  2446. white wine                              
  2447. who?                                    
  2448. why?                                    
  2449. wife                                    
  2450. wine                                    
  2451. wine                                    
  2452. winter                                  D
  2453. with                                    z
  2454. woman                                   E
  2455. wood                                    )
  2456. wool                                    
  2457. on                                      
  2458. on sale                                 `
  2459. on vacation                             
  2460. one                                     ,
  2461. one hundred                             -
  2462. one hundred thousand                    
  2463. one million                             o
  2464. one thousand                            
  2465. one-way ticket                          3
  2466. oneself, for you                        
  2467. onion                                   V
  2468. only                                    c
  2469. only                                    
  2470. oooh                                    
  2471. open                                    
  2472. or                                      
  2473. felicitaciones!                        
  2474. feliz Navidad!                         
  2475. feliz cumplea
  2476. os!                      
  2477. hola!                                  
  2478. !                                   
  2479. socorro!                               
  2480. hostess                                 *
  2481. hot chocolate                           
  2482. hot drinks                                  
  2483. hotel                                   
  2484. hour                                    E
  2485. house                                   
  2486. house                                   
  2487. house                                   
  2488. how about...?                           
  2489. how are you?                            
  2490. how long?                               
  2491. how many?                               
  2492. how much?                               
  2493. how's it going?                         
  2494. how, that, may it, may you              
  2495. how?                                    
  2496. hunger                                  