trect "key1" 170 125 300 130 "You must have the correct Quick & Easy CD properly installed in your CDROM drive before you can run this course. Please do this now./n//n/Click to continue." $_trecttextcolor $_trectlspace $_trectlmargin $_trectrmargin $_trec $ttmargin $_trectbmargin $_trectindent $_trectffacename $_trectfpoint $_trectfweight $_trectfitalic $_trectfunderline $_trectfstrikeout $_trectcolor $_trectltcolor $_trectdkcolor $_trectborder $_trectlnthick $_trectcenter $_trectshadow $_trecteffect ;
any $mkLeftBtn | $mkAnyKey ;
killk "key1" ;
jump "main1" ;
endif ;
status "" 1 ;
gcfg "_idxfile" "course.ndx" ;
gcfg "_idxlabel" "doindex" ;
gcfg "_goframe" 0 ;
gcfg "_gostrip" "main" ;
sysinfo "colors" 3 ;
if $colors < 256 ;
trect "key1" 132 171 377 138 "The video mode that you are currently running displays less than 256 colors. /n//n/You will enjoy our courses a lot more if you change your video mode so that it supports at least 256 colors!/n//n/Click your mouse to continue..." $_trecttextcolor $_trectlspace $_trectlmargin $_trectrmargin $_trecttmargin $_trectbmargin $_trectindent $_trectffacename $_trectfpoint $_trectfweight $_trectfitalic $_trectfunderline $_trectfstrikeout $_trectcolor $_trectltcolor $_trectdkcolor $_tre $ctborder $_trectlnthick $_trectcenter $_trectshadow $_trecteffect ;
trect "m1" 170 140 300 200 "You do not have enough disk space to run this lesson. /n//n/12MB of free disk space may be required to run this lesson. /n//n/Your should exit Quick & Easy, free up some disk space, then re-execute Quick & Easy. /n//n/Click your mouse to continue..." $_trecttextcolor $_trectlspace $_trectlmargin $_trectrmargin $_trecttmargin $_trectbmargin $_trectindent $_trectffacename $_trectfpoint $_trectfweight $_trectfitalic $_trectfunderline $_trectfstrikeout $_trectcolor $_trectltcolor $ $_trectdkcolor $_trectborder $_trectlnthick $_trectcenter $_trectshadow $_trecteffect ;
endif ;
if $_cperror == 1 ;
trect "m2" 170 140 300 200 "Unknown disk error occured when we tried to copy files off our CD. Verify that our CD is installed properly in your CDROM drive, and choose a lesson again. /n//n/Click your mouse to continue..." $_trecttextcolor $_trectlspace $ $_trectlmargin $_trectrmargin $_trecttmargin $_trectbmargin $_trectindent $_trectffacename $_trectfpoint $_trectfweight $_trectfitalic $_trectfunderline $_trectfstrikeout $_trectcolor $_trectltcolor $_trectdkcolor $_trectborder $_trectlnthick $_trectcenter $_trectshadow $_trecteffect ;