trect "key3" 360 147 260 70 "We could run /c3/My Internet Provider/c/ first, to get access to the Internet. Then open up /c3/The Internet /c/(Explorer)." $_trecttextcolor $_trectlspace $_trectlmargin $_trectrmargin $_trecttmargin $_trectbmargin $_trectindent $_trectffacename $_trectfpoint $_trectfweight $_trectfitalic $_trectfunderline $_trectfstrikeout $_trectcolor $_trectltcolor $_trectdkcolor $_trectborder $_trectlnthick $_trectcenter $_trectshadow $_trecteffect ;
frame "" ;
trect "key4" 360 235 260 70 "Or, we can just open /c3/The Internet/c/, which will automatically run /c3/My Internet Provider/c/." $_trecttextcolor $_trectlspace $_trectlmargin $_trectrmargin $_trecttmargin $_trectbmargin $_trectindent $_trectffacename $_trectfpoint $_trectfweight $_trectfitalic $_trectfunderline $_trectfstrikeout $_trectcolor $_trectltcolor $_trectdkcolor $_trectborder $_trectlnthick $_trectcenter $_trectshadow $_trecteffect ;
frame "" ;
label "topic4" ;
gcfg "curtopic" 4 ;
frame "" ;
audstop ;
clr ;
arrow "a1a" 309 259 $arWest $darkred ;
status " Double-click the /c1/The Internet /c/icon." 0 ;
mouse 245 234 69 60 $mkLeftBtn | $mkDouble ;
status " " 0 ;
clr ;
imgadv ;
scaret 273 153 1 13 ;
audplay ( - 1 ) ;
frame "" ;
audstop ;
arrow "a2" 302 300 $arEast $_arrowcolor ;
status " Click the /c1/Connect/c/ button." 0 ;
mouse 306 287 84 24 $mkLeftBtn ;
status " Please wait..." 0 ;
clr ;
imgadv ;
loadcur "" $idc_wait ;
hcaret ;
sleep 100 ;
imgadv ;
sleep 100 ;
imgadv ;
sleep 100 ;
imgadv ;
sleep 100 ;
imgadv ;
sleep 100 ;
imgadv ;
status " " 0 ;
audplay ( - 1 ) ;
frame "" ;
imgadv ;
frame "" ;
imgadv ;
frame "" ;
imgadv ;
frame "" ;
imgadv ;
frame "" ;
imgadv ;
frame "" ;
imgadv ;
frame "" ;
label "topic5" ;
gcfg "curtopic" 5 ;
index "The Explorer Start Page" ;
imgadv ;
loadcur "" 32512 ;
mapcur "keybox" 60 88 509 20 "" $idc_ibeam ;
call "Fsetbuttons" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ;
rmmap "pos1,pos2" ;
frame "" ;
trect "key4" 25 322 266 53 "The first page you see when you open Explorer is called the /c3/Start Page/c/." $_trecttextcolor $_trectlspace $_trectlmargin $_trectrmargin $_trecttmargin $_trectbmargin $_trectindent $_trectffacename $_trectfpoint $_trectfweight $_trectfitalic $_trectfunderline $_trectfstrikeout $_trectcolor $_trectltcolor $_trectdkcolor $_trectborder $_trectlnthick $_trectcenter $_trectshadow $_trecteffect ;
frame "" ;
trect "key4a" 330 322 266 53 "A /c3/Home Page/c/ is the first page in a series of pages stored in a Web site." $_trecttextcolor $_trectlspace $_trectlmargin $_trectrmargin $_trecttmargin $_trectbmargin $_trectindent $_trectffacename $_trectfpoint $_trectfweight $_trectfitalic $_trectfunderline $_trectfstrikeout $_trectcolor $_trectltcolor $_trectdkcolor $_trectborder $_trectlnthick $_trectcenter $_trectshadow $_trecteffect ;
frame "" ;
audstop ;
status " Click to continue." 0 ;
any 9 ;
status " " 0 ;
clr ;
audplay ( - 1 ) ;
frame "" ;
label "topic6" ;
gcfg "curtopic" 6 ;
frame "" ;
trect "key8" 211 189 219 53 "The Explorer program found my connection to the Internet." $_trecttextcolor $_trectlspace $_trectlmargin $_trectrmargin $_trecttmargin $_trectbmargin $_trectindent $_trectffacename $_trectfpoint $_trectfweight $_trectfitalic $_trectfunderline $_trectfstrikeout $_trectcolor $_trectltcolor $_trectdkcolor $_trectborder $_trectlnthick $_trectcenter $_trectshadow $_trecteffect ;
frame "" ;
trect "key9" 293 254 219 53 "Then it used this connection to hook into the Microsoft server." $_trecttextcolor $_trectlspace $_trectlmargin $_trectrmargin $_trecttmargin $_trectbmargin $_trectindent $_trectffacename $_trectfpoint $_trectfweight $_trectfitalic $_trectfunderline $_trectfstrikeout $_trectcolor $_trectltcolor $_trectdkcolor $_trectborder $_trectlnthick $_trectcenter $_trectshadow $_trecteffect ;
frame "" ;
trect "key10" 346 320 257 53 "Then it transferred a copy of the Explorer Start Page to my computer." $_trecttextcolor $_trectlspace $_trectlmargin $_trectrmargin $_trecttmargin $_trectbmargin $_trectindent $_trectffacename $_trectfpoint $_trectfweight $_trectfitalic $_trectfunderline $_trectfstrikeout $_trectcolor $_trectltcolor $_trectdkcolor $_trectborder $_trectlnthick $_trectcenter $_trectshadow $_trecteffect ;
trect "key14" 193 304 254 53 "This is called a /c3/link/c/, because it links you to another page of information." $_trecttextcolor $_trectlspace $_trectlmargin $_trectrmargin $_trecttmargin $_trectbmargin $_trectindent $_trectffacename $_trectfpoint $_trectfweight $_trectfitalic $_trectfunderline $_trectfstrikeout $_trectcolor $_trectltcolor $_trectdkcolor $_trectborder $_trectlnthick $_trectcenter $_trectshadow $_trecteffect ;
text "key23" 222 92 319 17 "You can use the Address Box to go to another site." $_textcolor $_textbgcolor $_textmode $_textlspace $_textffacename $_textfpoint $_textfweight $bYes $_textfunderline $_textfstrikeout $_textcenter $_textshadow ;
trect "key39" 60 242 198 87 "During the simulation, the mouse pointer will change to a hand only when we're working with a link." $_trecttextcolor $_trectlspace $_trectlmargin $_trectrmargin $_trecttmargin $_trectbmargin $_trectindent $_trectffacename $_trectfpoint $_trectfweight $_trectfitalic $_trectfunderline $_trectfstrikeout $_trectcolor $_trectltcolor $_trectdkcolor $_trectborder $_trectlnthick $_trectcenter $_trectshadow $_trecteffect ;
trect "key16" 190 192 260 53 "Many Microsoft Web pages offer links for downloading Internet Explorer." $_trecttextcolor $_trectlspace $_trectlmargin $_trectrmargin $_trecttmargin $_trectbmargin $_trectindent $_trectffacename $_trectfpoint $_trectfweight $_trectfitalic $_trectfunderline $_trectfstrikeout $_trectcolor $_trectltcolor $_trectdkcolor $_trectborder $_trectlnthick $_trectcenter $_trectshadow $_trecteffect ;
frame "" ;
trect "key16a" 193 266 255 53 "If you're already using Explorer, you can use a special link in the Toolbar." $_trecttextcolor $_trectlspace $_trectlmargin $_trectrmargin $_trecttmargin $_trectbmargin $_trectindent $_trectffacename $_trectfpoint $_trectfweight $_trectfitalic $_trectfunderline $_trectfstrikeout $_trectcolor $_trectltcolor $_trectdkcolor $_trectborder $_trectlnthick $_trectcenter $_trectshadow $_trecteffect ;
frame "" ;
label "topic26" ;
gcfg "curtopic" 26 ;
index "Displaying the ''Links'' Buttons" ;
frame "" ;
arrow "key4" 616 109 $arNorth $_arrowcolor ;
mapcur "key2a" 590 85 46 29 "explorer.dll" 310 ;
frame "" ;
audstop ;
killk "key16,key16a" ;
status " Click /c1/Links/c/." 0 ;
mouse 591 83 45 33 $mkLeftBtn ;
status " " 0 ;
rmmapcur "key2a,keybox" ;
clr ;
imgadv ;
call "Fsetlinks" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ;
audplay ( - 1 ) ;
frame "" ;
arrow "key7" 230 121 $arNorthEast $_arrowcolor ;
arrow "key7a" 450 121 $arNorthWest $_arrowcolor ;
frame "" ;
killk "key17,key7,key7a" ;
arrow "key18" 466 121 $arNorth $_arrowcolor ;
frame "" ;
audstop ;
status " Click the /c1/Product News /c/button." 0 ;
bullet "b1" 180 160 344 40 "There will be no audio during the Review." $_bulletlib $_bulletname 8388608 $_bulletbgcolor $_bulletmode $_bulletlspace $_bulletlmargin $_bulletffacename $_bulletfpoint $_bulletfweight $_bulletfitalic $_bulletfunderline $_bulletfstrikeout $_bulletshadow $_bulletcolor ;
bullet "b2" 180 200 375 42 "You will not perform any tasks during the Review." $_bulletlib $_bulletname 8388608 $_bulletbgcolor $_bulletmode $_bulletlspace $_bulletlmargin $_bulletffacename $_bulletfpoint $_bulletfweight $_bulletfitalic $_bulletfunderline $_bulletfstrikeout $_bulletshadow $_bulletcolor ;
bullet "b3" 180 240 375 42 "Look over each Review screen and then click your mouse or press any key to advance to the next screen." $_bulletlib $_bulletname 8388608 $_bulletbgcolor $_bulletmode $_bulletlspace $_bulletlmargin $_bulletffacename $_bulletfpoint $_bulletfweight $_bulletfitalic $_bulletfunderline $_bulletfstrikeout $_bulletshadow $_bulletcolor ;
trect "key1" 355 45 261 70 "The /c3/My Internet Provider/c/ icon on this desktop represents the program used to get access to the Internet." $_trecttextcolor $_trectlspace $_trectlmargin $_trectrmargin $_trecttmargin $_trectbmargin $_trectindent $_trectffacename $_trectfpoint $_trectfweight $_trectfitalic $_trectfunderline $_trectfstrikeout $_trectcolor $_trectltcolor $_trectdkcolor $_trectborder $_trectlnthick $_trectcenter $_trectshadow $_trecteffect ;
trect "key1b" 355 199 261 70 "You can run /c3/My Internet Provider/c/ first, to get access to the Internet. Then open up /c3/The Internet/c/ (Explorer.)" $_trecttextcolor $_trectlspace $_trectlmargin $_trectrmargin $_trecttmargin $_trectbmargin $_trectindent $_trectffacename $_trectfpoint $_trectfweight $_trectfitalic $_trectfunderline $_trectfstrikeout $_trectcolor $_trectltcolor $_trectdkcolor $_trectborder $_trectlnthick $_trectcenter $_trectshadow $_trecteffect ;
trect "key1c" 355 288 261 70 "Or, you can open /c3/The Internet/c/, which then automatically runs /c3/My Internet Provider/c/." $_trecttextcolor $_trectlspace $_trectlmargin $_trectrmargin $_trecttmargin $_trectbmargin $_trectindent $_trectffacename $_trectfpoint $_trectfweight $_trectfitalic $_trectfunderline $_trectfstrikeout $_trectcolor $_trectltcolor $_trectdkcolor $_trectborder $_trectlnthick $_trectcenter $_trectshadow $_trecteffect ;
any $mkLeftBtn | $mkAnyKey ;
clr ;
imgadv ;
trect "key2" 105 286 213 70 "After you open the Explorer program, it first finds your connection to the Internet." $_trecttextcolor $_trectlspace $_trectlmargin $_trectrmargin $_trecttmargin $_trectbmargin $_trectindent $_trectffacename $_trectfpoint $_trectfweight $_trectfitalic $_trectfunderline $_trectfstrikeout $_trectcolor $_trectltcolor $_trectdkcolor $_trectborder $_trectlnthick $_trectcenter $_trectshadow $_trecteffect ;
trect "key3" 339 286 213 87 "Then, by default, it connects to the Microsoft server and transfers a copy of Explorer's Start Page to your computer." $_trecttextcolor $_trectlspace $_trectlmargin $_trectrmargin $_trecttmargin $_trectbmargin $_trectindent $_trectffacename $_trectfpoint $_trectfweight $_trectfitalic $_trectfunderline $_trectfstrikeout $_trectcolor $_trectltcolor $_trectdkcolor $_trectborder $_trectlnthick $_trectcenter $_trectshadow $_trecteffect ;
call "Fsetbuttons" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ;
rmmap "pos1,pos2" ;
mapcur "keybox" 60 88 509 20 "" $idc_ibeam ;
any $mkLeftBtn | $mkAnyKey ;
clr ;
imgadv ;
trect "key4" 25 322 266 53 "The first page you see when you open Explorer is called the /c3/Start Page/c/." $_trecttextcolor $_trectlspace $_trectlmargin $_trectrmargin $_trecttmargin $_trectbmargin $_trectindent $_trectffacename $_trectfpoint $_trectfweight $_trectfitalic $_trectfunderline $_trectfstrikeout $_trectcolor $_trectltcolor $_trectdkcolor $_trectborder $_trectlnthick $_trectcenter $_trectshadow $_trecteffect ;
trect "key4a" 330 322 266 53 "A /c3/Home Page/c/ is the first page in a series of pages stored in a Web site." $_trecttextcolor $_trectlspace $_trectlmargin $_trectrmargin $_trecttmargin $_trectbmargin $_trectindent $_trectffacename $_trectfpoint $_trectfweight $_trectfitalic $_trectfunderline $_trectfstrikeout $_trectcolor $_trectltcolor $_trectdkcolor $_trectborder $_trectlnthick $_trectcenter $_trectshadow $_trecteffect ;
any $mkLeftBtn | $mkAnyKey ;
clr ;
trect "key5" 187 179 267 53 "The Explorer window contains standard Windows features, and more." $_trecttextcolor $_trectlspace $_trectlmargin $_trectrmargin $_trecttmargin $_trectbmargin $_trectindent $_trectffacename $_trectfpoint $_trectfweight $_trectfitalic $_trectfunderline $_trectfstrikeout $_trectcolor $_trectltcolor $_trectdkcolor $_trectborder $_trectlnthick $_trectcenter $_trectshadow $_trecteffect ;
text "key23" 222 92 319 17 "You can use the Address Box to go to another site." $_textcolor $_textbgcolor $_textmode $_textlspace $_textffacename $_textfpoint $_textfweight $bYes $_textfunderline $_textfstrikeout $_textcenter $_textshadow ;
trect "key16" 10 179 227 53 "An underlined word or phrase in a document is called a /c3/link/c/." $_trecttextcolor $_trectlspace $_trectlmargin $_trectrmargin $_trecttmargin $_trectbmargin $_trectindent $_trectffacename $_trectfpoint $_trectfweight $_trectfitalic $_trectfunderline $_trectfstrikeout $_trectcolor $_trectltcolor $_trectdkcolor $_trectborder $_trectlnthick $_trectcenter $_trectshadow $_trecteffect ;
trect "key17" 10 242 243 53 "Clicking a link displays the document associated with the link." $_trecttextcolor $_trectlspace $_trectlmargin $_trectrmargin $_trecttmargin $_trectbmargin $_trectindent $_trectffacename $_trectfpoint $_trectfweight $_trectfitalic $_trectfunderline $_trectfstrikeout $_trectcolor $_trectltcolor $_trectdkcolor $_trectborder $_trectlnthick $_trectcenter $_trectshadow $_trecteffect ;
trect "key18" 364 294 250 87 "When you move the mouse pointer over a link, the pointer changes to a hand, and the related document's URL is displayed in the Status Bar." $_trecttextcolor $_trectlspace $_trectlmargin $_trectrmargin $_trecttmargin $_trectbmargin $_trectindent $_trectffacename $_trectfpoint $_trectfweight $_trectfitalic $_trectfunderline $_trectfstrikeout $_trectcolor $_trectltcolor $_trectdkcolor $_trectborder $_trectlnthick $_trectcenter $_trectshadow $_trecteffect ;
arrow "key1" 76 378 $arSouthEast $_arrowcolor ;
setcur 317 285 ;
any $mkLeftBtn | $mkAnyKey ;
loadcur "" $idc_arrow ;
clr ;
rmmapcur "key8" ;
imgadv ;
trect "key10" 28 137 317 53 "When you link to another document, it usually takes some time to transfer the document." $_trecttextcolor $_trectlspace $_trectlmargin $_trectrmargin $_trecttmargin $_trectbmargin $_trectindent $_trectffacename $_trectfpoint $_trectfweight $_trectfitalic $_trectfunderline $_trectfstrikeout $_trectcolor $_trectltcolor $_trectdkcolor $_trectborder $_trectlnthick $_trectcenter $_trectshadow $_trecteffect ;
trect "key11" 74 201 360 70 "During the transfer, the /c3/Status Indicator/c/ is animated, the /c3/Stop /c/button is active, and the /c3/Status Bar /c/indicates the progress of the transfer." $_trecttextcolor $_trectlspace $_trectlmargin $_trectrmargin $_trecttmargin $_trectbmargin $_trectindent $_trectffacename $_trectfpoint $_trectfweight $_trectfitalic $_trectfunderline $_trectfstrikeout $_trectcolor $_trectltcolor $_trectdkcolor $_trectborder $_trectlnthick $_trectcenter $_trectshadow $_trecteffect ;
trect "key5b" 176 176 289 53 "Clicking the /c3/Links/c/ area brings up a list of buttons linking to hot spots on the Web." $_trecttextcolor $_trectlspace $_trectlmargin $_trectrmargin $_trecttmargin $_trectbmargin $_trectindent $_trectffacename $_trectfpoint $_trectfweight $_trectfitalic $_trectfunderline $_trectfstrikeout $_trectcolor $_trectltcolor $_trectdkcolor $_trectborder $_trectlnthick $_trectcenter $_trectshadow $_trecteffect ;
trect "key5c" 145 241 351 53 "The /c3/Product News/c/ button leads to links for downloading the latest version of Internet Explorer." $_trecttextcolor $_trectlspace $_trectlmargin $_trectrmargin $_trecttmargin $_trectbmargin $_trectindent $_trectffacename $_trectfpoint $_trectfweight $_trectfitalic $_trectfunderline $_trectfstrikeout $_trectcolor $_trectltcolor $_trectdkcolor $_trectborder $_trectlnthick $_trectcenter $_trectshadow $_trecteffect ;
bullet "b1" 180 160 258 67 "If you are unsure about any of the material covered, you should take some or all of the lesson again." $_bulletlib $_bulletname 8388608 $_bulletbgcolor $_bulletmode $_bulletlspace $_bulletlmargin $_bulletffacename $_bulletfpoint $_bulletfweight $_bulletfitalic $_bulletfunderline $_bulletfstrikeout $_bulletshadow $_bulletcolor ;
bullet "b2" 180 230 273 36 "In Lesson 3 you'll learn how to surf the World Wide Web using Explorer." $_bulletlib $_bulletname 8388608 $_bulletbgcolor $_bulletmode $_bulletlspace $_bulletlmargin $_bulletffacename $_bulletfpoint $_bulletfweight $_bulletfitalic $_bulletfunderline $_bulletfstrikeout $_bulletshadow $_bulletcolor ;