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/ PSION CD 1 / PsionCDVol1.iso / Programs / 84 / SCREEN.GIF < prev    next >
Graphics Interchange Format  |  1999-02-28  |  9KB  |  640x240  |  4-bit (4 colors)
Labels: book | box | bulletin board | dialog box | earth | fence | poster | shelf | sky | window
OCR: Inventions and Inventors Four horsemen oft 1590 Compound microscope Zacharias Janssen French Revolutiona 1593 Water thermometer Galileo Fruits 1608 Telescope Hans Lippershey 1642 Adding machine Blaise Pascal Greek alphabet 1643 Barometer Evangelista Torricelli Greek and Roman 1656 Pendulum clock Christiaan Huygens Hangovers (causes 1668 Reffecting telescope Isaac Newton Henry VIII'S wives 1671 Calculating machine Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Hugo Award winnei 1701 Seed Jethro Tull Inventions and Inve Suchen: Vorh Nach 54/142 notes dnventions horsemer ipper rshey Rorman Refecting winnel drill nventions