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- à 5.4ïReview
- äïPlease answer the following questions about complex
- êênumbers.
- â
- êêïNot available in the Review Section.
- éS
- êêïNot available in the Review Section.
- 1
- êêêïAddï7 + 3iïand -8 + 6i.
- êë A)ï-15 + 9iêêè B)ï-1 + 9i
- êë C)ï-1 + 3iêêëD)ïå of ç
- ü
- êêïNot available in the Review Section.
- Ç B
- 2
- êêëSubtractï-6 - 14iïfrom -1 + 7i.
- êë A)ï-7 - 7iêêëB)ï-5 - 21i
- êë C)ï5 + 21iêêëD)ïå of ç
- ü
- êêïNot available in the Review Section.
- Ç C
- 3
- êêëMultiplyï8 + iïandï-3 + 6i.
- êë A)ï-24 + 31iêêèB)ï-30 + 45i
- êë C)ï17 - 8iêêëD)ïå of ç
- ü
- êêïNot available in the Review Section.
- Ç B
- 4
- êêê Divideï6 - 2i by 1 + i.
- êë A)ï2 - 4iêêë B)ï3 - 2i
- êë C)ï-7 + iêêë D)ïå of ç
- ü
- êêïNot available in the Review Section.
- Ç A
- 5ê Express √3 - i in trigonometric form.
- êêêA)ï2∙(cos 60° + i∙sin 60°)
- êêêB)ï2∙(cos -30° + i∙sin -30°)
- êêêC)ï2∙(cos 330° + i∙sin 330°)
- êêêD)ïå of ç
- ü
- êêïNot available in the Review Section.
- Ç C
- 6ê Express -1 - i in trigonometric form.
- êêêA)ï√2∙(cos 225° + i∙sin 225°)
- êêêB)ï2∙(cos 45° + i∙sin 45°)
- êêêC)ï√2∙(cos 135° + i∙sin 135°)
- êêêD)ïå of ç
- ü
- êêïNot available in the Review Section.
- Ç A
- 7ê Express -1 - √3i in trigonometric form.
- êêêA)ï2∙(cos π/3 + i∙sin π/3)
- êêêB)ï2∙(cos 240° + i∙sin 240°)
- êêêC)ï√2∙(cos 120° + i∙sin 120°)
- êêêD)ïå of ç
- ü
- êêïNot available in the Review Section.
- Ç B
- 8ëExpress 2 + 7i in trigonometric form with the angle in
- êêradian measure.
- êêêA)ï3.78∙(cos 2.14 + i∙sin 2.14)
- êêêB)ï8.36∙(cos 1.45 + i∙sin 1.45)
- êêêC)ï7.28∙(cos 1.29 + i∙sin 1.29)
- êêêD)ïå of ç
- ü
- êêïNot available in the Review Section.
- Ç C
- 9ïUse De Moivre's product rule to find the product ofï√3 - i
- andï-1 - iïin trigonometric form.
- êêêA)ï2∙√2∙(cos 195° + i∙sin 195°)
- êêêB)ï2∙(cos 115° + i∙sin 115°)
- êêêC)ï2∙√2∙(cos -155° + i∙sin -155°)
- êêêD)ïå of ç
- ü
- êêïNot available in the Review Section.
- Ç A
- 10ïUse De Moivre's quotient rule to find the quotient of √3 - i
- andï-1 - √3iïin rectangular form.
- êêêA)ïi
- êêêB)ï1 - i
- êêêC)ï-1 - i
- êêêD)ïå of ç
- ü
- êêïNot available in the Review Section.
- Ç A
- # 11ïUse De Moivre's power rule to findï(-1 - i)æ.
- êêêA)ï√3 - i
- êêêB)ï1/2 + √3i/2
- êêêC)ï-8i
- êêêD)ïå of ç
- ü
- êêïNot available in the Review Section.
- Ç C
- 12ïUse De Moivre's Formula to find the square roots of i.
- êêêA)ïi,ï-i
- êêêB)ï1/√2 + i/√2,ï-1/√2 - i/√2
- êêêC)ï1/2 + i/2,ï-1/2 - i/2
- êêêD)ïå of ç
- ü
- êêïNot available in the Review Section.
- Ç B