Programming Tool Box
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BASIC Source File
503 lines
Option Explicit
Global Const MouseMove = 1
Global Const MouseDown = 2
Global Const MouseButton = 3
Global Const vbQHFalse = 1
Global Const vbQHTrue = 2
Dim forced As Integer
Dim loaded As Integer
Dim sUsed As Integer
Dim pUsed As Integer
Dim qhloaded As Integer
'Dim qvisible As Integer
Dim MyStrings() As String
Dim ToolRecs() As apiRect
'Dim tRect() As apiRect
Dim tRect() As apiRect
Declare Function GetCursor Lib "User" () As Integer
Declare Function LoadCursor Lib "User" (ByVal hInstance As Integer, ByVal lpCursorName As Any) As Integer
Declare Function DestroyCursor Lib "User" (ByVal hCursor As Integer) As Integer
Sub vbCopyTool (src As Control, trg As Control, Flag As Integer)
Dim sep As Integer, i As Integer, rc As Integer
Dim x As Integer, Y As Integer, dx As Integer, dy As Integer
Dim temp$
Dim tRect As apiRect
Static tools As Integer
temp$ = src.Tag
If Len(temp$) Then
x = Val(temp$)
sep = InStr(temp$, ",")
temp$ = Right$(temp$, Len(temp$) - sep)
Y = Val(temp$)
sep = InStr(temp$, ",")
temp$ = Right$(temp$, Len(temp$) - sep)
dx = Val(temp$)
sep = InStr(temp$, ",")
temp$ = Right$(temp$, Len(temp$) - sep)
dy = Val(temp$)
GetWindowRect src.hWnd, tRect
trg.AutoRedraw = True
rc = StretchBlt(trg.hDC, x, Y, dx, dy, src.hDC, 0, 0, tRect.Right - tRect.Left, tRect.Bottom - tRect.Top, SrcCopy)
trg.Picture = trg.Image
If Flag = vbQHTrue Then
If tools Then
ReDim Preserve ToolRecs(UBound(ToolRecs) + 1)
ReDim ToolRecs(0)
tools = True
End If
rc = (UBound(ToolRecs))
ToolRecs(rc).Left = x
ToolRecs(rc).Top = Y
ToolRecs(rc).Right = dx
ToolRecs(rc).Bottom = dy
End If
MsgBox "Keine Position fⁿr Tool angegeben!", 4096
End If
End Sub
Function vbGetCursorHeight () As Integer
Dim hCur As Integer, rc As Integer
Dim hsx As Integer, hsy As Integer
hCur = GetCursor()
rc = DrawIcon(vbQHelpForm.hDC, 0, 0, hCur)
' Find the height
vbGetCursorHeight = GetSystemMetrics(14)
For hsy = GetSystemMetrics(14) To 1 Step -1
For hsx = GetSystemMetrics(13) To 1 Step -1
If vbQHelpForm.Point(hsx, hsy) = 0 Then
vbGetCursorHeight = hsy
GoTo vbGetCursorHeightExit
End If
'vbQHelpForm.PSet (hsx, hsy)
Next hsx
Next hsy
End Function
Function vbPaintedToolExt (MyBar As Control, Flag As Integer, Status As Control) As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim bRect As apiRect', dRect As apiRect
Static wPoint As apiPoint
Dim temp$
Static vbNext As Integer, tButton As Integer
Static rc As Integer
Select Case Flag
Case MouseDown
If tButton <> True Then
If vbNext Then
GetCursorPos wPoint
For i = 0 To rc
If wPoint.x > tRect(i).Left And wPoint.x < tRect(i).Right - 1 And wPoint.Y > tRect(i).Top And wPoint.Y < tRect(i).Bottom Then Exit For
Next i
If i <= rc Then tButton = i
End If
temp$ = vbQHGetString(tButton)
i = InStr(temp$, "|")
temp$ = Left$(temp$, i - 1)
Status.Caption = temp$
If vbToolExt(MyBar, Flag, ToolRecs(tButton), tButton) Then
vbPaintedToolExt = tButton
vbPaintedToolExt = True
End If
If Not sUsed Then
sUsed = True
vbNext = False
rc = vbPaintedToolExt(MyBar, MouseButton, Status)
rc = vbPaintedToolExt(MyBar, MouseDown, Status)
vbPaintedToolExt = rc
tButton = True
sUsed = False
End If
End If
' DoEvents
'Loop Until GetKeyState(1) >= 0
Case MouseMove, MouseButton
If pUsed Then Exit Function
pUsed = True
If Not vbNext Then
vbNext = True
rc = UBound(ToolRecs)
GetWindowRect MyBar.hWnd, bRect
ReDim tRect(rc) As apiRect
For i = 0 To rc
tRect(i).Top = bRect.Top + ToolRecs(i).Top
tRect(i).Left = bRect.Left + ToolRecs(i).Left
tRect(i).Right = tRect(i).Left + ToolRecs(i).Right
tRect(i).Bottom = tRect(i).Top + ToolRecs(i).Bottom
Next i
End If
GetCursorPos wPoint
For i = 0 To rc
If wPoint.x > tRect(i).Left And wPoint.x < tRect(i).Right - 1 And wPoint.Y > tRect(i).Top And wPoint.Y < tRect(i).Bottom Then Exit For
Next i
If i <= rc Then
tButton = i
If Flag = MouseButton Then pUsed = False: Exit Function
i = vbToolExt(MyBar, MouseMove, ToolRecs(i), i)
End If
tButton = True
Loop While wPoint.x > bRect.Left And wPoint.x < bRect.Right - 1 And wPoint.Y > bRect.Top And wPoint.Y < bRect.Bottom
pUsed = False
vbNext = False
vbPaintedToolExt = True
End Select
End Function
Sub vbqHelp (MyControl As Control, ForceStop As Integer)
Dim mWidth As Integer, mHeight As Integer, rd As Integer, sep As Integer
Dim wPoint As apiPoint, wRect As apiRect
Dim NewTime As Long
Dim temp$
Static used As Integer, LastTime As Long
If ForceStop Then 'Not forced And
forced = ForceStop
If loaded Then
'vbQHelpForm.Move -1000, -1000
SetWindowPos vbQHelpForm.hWnd, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, &H80'&H20 Or &H1 Or &H40 Or &H10 'Or &H8
End If
End If
If used Then Exit Sub
rd = MyControl.ScaleMode
MyControl.ScaleMode = 3
mWidth = MyControl.Width
mHeight = MyControl.Height
NewTime = GetTickCount()
used = True
GetWindowRect MyControl.hWnd, wRect
If NewTime - LastTime > 1000 Then
WaitZehntel 9
End If
GetCursorPos wPoint
If forced Then
forced = False
used = False
loaded = False
Unload vbQHelpForm
Exit Sub
End If
If wPoint.x < wRect.Left Or wPoint.x > wRect.Right - 1 Or wPoint.Y < wRect.Top Or wPoint.Y > wRect.Bottom Then
Exit Do
If Not loaded Then
Load vbQHelpForm
sep = InStr(MyControl.Tag, "|")
temp$ = Right$(MyControl.Tag, Len(MyControl.Tag) - sep)
vbQHelpForm.CurrentX = 30
vbQHelpForm.CurrentY = 30
vbQHelpForm.Print temp$
vbQHelpForm.Height = vbQHelpForm.TextHeight(temp$) + 60
vbQHelpForm.Width = vbQHelpForm.TextWidth(temp$) + 60
vbQHelpForm.Move 7.5 * (wRect.Left + wRect.Right) - .5 * vbQHelpForm.Width, stppy * (wPoint.Y + 16)
vbQHelpForm.Line (0, 0)-(vbQHelpForm.Width - stppx, vbQHelpForm.Height - stppy), , B
SetWindowPos vbQHelpForm.hWnd, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, &H20 Or &H1 Or &H40 Or &H10 'Or &H8
loaded = True
End If
End If
MyControl.ScaleMode = rd
If loaded Then Unload vbQHelpForm
loaded = False
LastTime = GetTickCount()
used = False
End Sub
Function vbQHGetString (Index As Integer) As String
On Error Resume Next
vbQHGetString = MyStrings(Index)
End Function
Sub vbQHPutString (Index As Integer, Help As String)
Static MyFlag As Integer
If MyFlag Then
If Index >= UBound(MyStrings) Then
ReDim Preserve MyStrings(Index)
End If
ReDim MyStrings(Index)
MyFlag = True
End If
MyStrings(Index) = Help
End Sub
Function vbTool (MyTool As Control, Flag As Integer) As Integer
Dim mKey As Integer, mWidth As Integer, mHeight As Integer, sm As Integer
Dim ButtonState As Integer, ds As Integer, dm As Integer, sep As Integer
Dim wPoint As apiPoint, wRect As apiRect
Dim temp$
Dim NewTime As Long
Dim rc As Integer, py As Integer, px As Integer
Static LastTime As Long
On Error Resume Next
Select Case Flag
Case MouseDown
GetWindowRect MyTool.hWnd, wRect
mWidth = wRect.Right - wRect.Left
mHeight = wRect.Bottom - wRect.Top
sm = MyTool.ScaleMode
ds = MyTool.DrawStyle
dm = MyTool.DrawMode
MyTool.ScaleMode = 3
MyTool.DrawStyle = 0
MyTool.DrawMode = 13
mKey = GetKeyState(1)
GetCursorPos wPoint
If mKey >= 0 Then
Exit Do
End If
If wPoint.x < wRect.Left Or wPoint.x > wRect.Right - 1 Or wPoint.Y < wRect.Top Or wPoint.Y > wRect.Bottom Then
If ButtonState Then MyTool.Cls
ButtonState = False
If mKey < 0 Then
If ButtonState = False Then
rc = BitBlt(MyTool.hDC, 3, 3, mWidth - 4, mHeight - 4, MyTool.hDC, 2, 2, SrcCopy)
MyTool.Line (2, 2)-(mWidth - 2, 2), RGB(192, 192, 192)
MyTool.Line (2, 3)-(2, mHeight - 2), RGB(192, 192, 192)
MyTool.Line (1, 1)-(1, mHeight - 2), RGB(128, 128, 128)
MyTool.Line (1, 1)-(mWidth - 2, 1), RGB(128, 128, 128)
MyTool.Line (2, mHeight - 2)-(mWidth - 2, mHeight - 2), RGB(192, 192, 192)'RGB(255, 255, 255)
MyTool.Line (mWidth - 2, 2)-(mWidth - 2, mHeight - 1), RGB(192, 192, 192)'RGB(255, 255, 255)
ButtonState = True
If qhloaded Then
SetWindowPos vbQHelpForm.hWnd, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, &H80 Or &H10
End If
End If
If ButtonState Then
ButtonState = False
End If
End If
End If
vbTool = ButtonState
If ButtonState Then forced = True
ButtonState = False
MyTool.ScaleMode = sm
MyTool.DrawStyle = ds
MyTool.DrawMode = dm
Case MouseMove
If sUsed Then Exit Function
sUsed = True
NewTime = GetTickCount()
GetWindowRect MyTool.hWnd, wRect
mWidth = wRect.Right - wRect.Left
mHeight = wRect.Bottom - wRect.Top
If NewTime - LastTime > 1000 Then
WaitZehntel 9
End If
GetCursorPos wPoint
If forced Then
forced = False
sUsed = False
qhloaded = False
Unload vbQHelpForm
vbTool = False
Exit Function
End If
If wPoint.x < wRect.Left Or wPoint.x > wRect.Right - 1 Or wPoint.Y < wRect.Top Or wPoint.Y > wRect.Bottom Then
Exit Do
If Not qhloaded Then
Load vbQHelpForm
sep = InStr(MyTool.Tag, "|")
temp$ = Right$(MyTool.Tag, Len(MyTool.Tag) - sep)
vbQHelpForm.CurrentX = 30
vbQHelpForm.CurrentY = 30
vbQHelpForm.Print temp$
vbQHelpForm.Height = vbQHelpForm.TextHeight(temp$) + 60
vbQHelpForm.Width = vbQHelpForm.TextWidth(temp$) + 60
vbQHelpForm.Line (0, 0)-(vbQHelpForm.Width - stppx, vbQHelpForm.Height - stppy), , B
GetCursorPos wPoint
sep = GetSystemMetrics(14)
px = ((wRect.Left + wRect.Right) - vbQHelpForm.Width / stppx) / 2
If px < 0 Then
px = 0
ElseIf (px + vbQHelpForm.Width / stppx) > GetSystemMetrics(0) Then
px = GetSystemMetrics(0) - vbQHelpForm.Width / stppx
End If
py = (wPoint.Y + 18)
If py + vbQHelpForm.Height / stppy > GetSystemMetrics(1) Then
py = wPoint.Y - 2 - vbQHelpForm.Height / stppy
End If
vbQHelpForm.Move px * stppx, stppy * py
SetWindowPos vbQHelpForm.hWnd, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, &H20 Or &H1 Or &H40 Or &H10 'Or &H8
qhloaded = True
End If
End If
If qhloaded Then Unload vbQHelpForm
qhloaded = False
LastTime = GetTickCount()
sUsed = False
vbTool = True
End Select
End Function
Function vbToolExt (MyTool As Control, Flag As Integer, MyRect As apiRect, Index As Integer) As Integer
Dim mKey As Integer, mWidth As Integer, mHeight As Integer, sm As Integer
Dim ButtonState As Integer, ds As Integer, dm As Integer, sep As Integer
Dim wPoint As apiPoint, wRect As apiRect
Dim temp$
Dim NewTime As Long
Dim rc As Integer, py As Integer, px As Integer
Static LastTime As Long
On Error Resume Next
Select Case Flag
Case MouseDown
GetWindowRect MyTool.hWnd, wRect
wRect.Top = wRect.Top + MyRect.Top
wRect.Left = wRect.Left + MyRect.Left
wRect.Right = wRect.Left + MyRect.Right
wRect.Bottom = wRect.Top + MyRect.Bottom
mWidth = wRect.Right - wRect.Left
mHeight = wRect.Bottom - wRect.Top
sm = MyTool.ScaleMode
ds = MyTool.DrawStyle
dm = MyTool.DrawMode
MyTool.ScaleMode = 3
MyTool.DrawStyle = 0
MyTool.DrawMode = 13
mKey = GetKeyState(1)
GetCursorPos wPoint
If mKey >= 0 Then
Exit Do
End If
If wPoint.x < wRect.Left Or wPoint.x > wRect.Right - 1 Or wPoint.Y < wRect.Top Or wPoint.Y > wRect.Bottom Then
If ButtonState Then MyTool.Cls
ButtonState = False
If mKey < 0 Then
If ButtonState = False Then
rc = BitBlt(MyTool.hDC, 3 + MyRect.Left, 3 + MyRect.Top, mWidth - 4, mHeight - 4, MyTool.hDC, 2 + MyRect.Left, 2 + MyRect.Top, SrcCopy)
MyTool.Line (2 + MyRect.Left, 2 + MyRect.Top)-(mWidth - 2 + MyRect.Left, 2 + MyRect.Top), RGB(192, 192, 192)
MyTool.Line (2 + MyRect.Left, 3 + MyRect.Top)-(2 + MyRect.Left, mHeight - 2 + MyRect.Top), RGB(192, 192, 192)
MyTool.Line (1 + MyRect.Left, 1 + MyRect.Top)-(1 + MyRect.Left, mHeight - 2 + MyRect.Top), RGB(128, 128, 128)
MyTool.Line (1 + MyRect.Left, 1 + MyRect.Top)-(mWidth - 2 + MyRect.Left, 1 + MyRect.Top), RGB(128, 128, 128)
MyTool.Line (2 + MyRect.Left, mHeight - 2 + MyRect.Top)-(mWidth - 2 + MyRect.Left, mHeight - 2 + MyRect.Top), RGB(192, 192, 192)'RGB(255, 255, 255)
MyTool.Line (mWidth - 2 + MyRect.Left, 2 + MyRect.Top)-(mWidth - 2 + MyRect.Left, mHeight - 1 + MyRect.Top), RGB(192, 192, 192)'RGB(255, 255, 255)
ButtonState = True
If qhloaded Then
SetWindowPos vbQHelpForm.hWnd, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, &H80 Or &H10
qhloaded = False
End If
End If
If ButtonState Then
ButtonState = False
End If
End If
End If
vbToolExt = ButtonState
If ButtonState Then forced = True
ButtonState = False
MyTool.ScaleMode = sm
MyTool.DrawStyle = ds
MyTool.DrawMode = dm
Case MouseMove
If sUsed Then Exit Function
sUsed = True
NewTime = GetTickCount()
GetWindowRect MyTool.hWnd, wRect
wRect.Top = wRect.Top + MyRect.Top
wRect.Left = wRect.Left + MyRect.Left
wRect.Right = wRect.Left + MyRect.Right
wRect.Bottom = wRect.Top + MyRect.Bottom
mWidth = wRect.Right - wRect.Left
mHeight = wRect.Bottom - wRect.Top
If NewTime - LastTime > 1000 Then
WaitZehntel 9
End If
GetCursorPos wPoint
If forced Then
forced = False
sUsed = False
qhloaded = False
Unload vbQHelpForm
vbToolExt = False
Exit Function
End If
If wPoint.x < wRect.Left Or wPoint.x > wRect.Right - 1 Or wPoint.Y < wRect.Top Or wPoint.Y > wRect.Bottom Then
Exit Do
If Not qhloaded Then
Load vbQHelpForm
temp$ = vbQHGetString(Index)
sep = InStr(temp$, "|")
temp$ = Right$(temp$, Len(temp$) - sep)
sep = vbGetCursorHeight() - 1
vbQHelpForm.CurrentX = 2
vbQHelpForm.CurrentY = 2
vbQHelpForm.Print temp$
vbQHelpForm.Height = (vbQHelpForm.TextHeight(temp$) + 4) * stppx
vbQHelpForm.Width = (vbQHelpForm.TextWidth(temp$) + 4) * stppy
vbQHelpForm.Line (0, 0)-(vbQHelpForm.Width / stppx - 1, vbQHelpForm.Height / stppy - 1), , B
GetCursorPos wPoint
px = ((wRect.Left + wRect.Right) - vbQHelpForm.Width / stppx) / 2
If px < 0 Then
px = 0
ElseIf (px + vbQHelpForm.Width / stppx) > GetSystemMetrics(0) Then
px = GetSystemMetrics(0) - vbQHelpForm.Width / stppx
End If
py = (wPoint.Y + sep)
If py + vbQHelpForm.Height / stppy > GetSystemMetrics(1) Then
py = wPoint.Y - 2 - vbQHelpForm.Height / stppy
End If
vbQHelpForm.Move px * stppx, stppy * py
SetWindowPos vbQHelpForm.hWnd, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, &H20 Or &H1 Or &H40 Or &H10 'Or &H8
qhloaded = True
End If
End If
If qhloaded Then Unload vbQHelpForm
qhloaded = False
LastTime = GetTickCount()
sUsed = False
vbToolExt = True
End Select
End Function