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/ Programming Tool Box / SIMS_2.iso / vb_code2 / prnt_clp / printcb.frm (.txt) < prev    next >
Visual Basic Form  |  1995-02-27  |  5KB  |  186 lines

  1. PrintCB
  2. Print Clipboard
  3. wwwwwwwwwwww
  4. wwwwwwwwwwww
  5. wwwwwwwwww
  6. wwwwwwwwwwww
  7. wwwwwwwwww
  8. wwwwwwwwww
  9. fffff`
  10. fffff`
  11. fffff`
  12. fffff`
  13. owwwwp
  14. Form2%
  15. CancelButton
  16. &Cancel
  17. PrintButton
  18. &Print
  19. TextOnly
  20.     Text Only
  21. MS Sans Serif
  22. PromptBeforePrint
  23. Prompt Before Printing
  24. MS Sans Serif
  25. Message
  26. MS Sans Serif
  27. Explination
  28. ] To Print the clipboard just PASTE something to the clipboard and then DOUBLE-CLICK the ICON 
  29. Explination
  30. To print the clipboard without first being prompted just turn off the 'Prompt before Print' checkbox.  IF you then want to return to this configuration screen just 'Double click' the ICON with NOTHING in the Clipboard.  
  31. Explination
  32.    1)TEXT  2)BITMAP  3)D.I.B.
  33. Explination
  34. uThis utility will print the contents of the Windows clipboard.  It can print Three types of data from the clipboard: 
  35. Form_Click
  36. Form_DblClick
  37. form2
  38. Windowstate
  39. Command1_Click
  40. CF_TEXT(
  41.     Clipboard
  42. tempy
  43. Printer
  44. Command2_Click
  45. Form_Resize
  46. Windostate?
  47. @    Form_Load
  48. caption
  49. TextToPrintg
  50.     CF_BITMAP
  51. PicToPrint
  52. Picture
  54. CF_DIBz
  55. NULLf
  56. Printformer
  58. Print_Switch<
  59. FALSEE
  60. PrintForm_Switch 
  62.     WS_NORMAL
  63. PicToPrint_Click
  64. Fontname0
  65. CancelButton_Click[
  66. Check1_Click
  67. PrintButton_Clickx
  68. FileType
  69. CF_DIP
  70. PrintCB
  71.     OKtoPrint
  72. GetClipboardType
  73. PrintButton
  74. visiblea
  75. Printit
  76. Message
  77. label7
  78. PrintPIC
  79. Unload
  80. esle7
  81. Printit_ErrorG
  82.     MinimizedA
  83. PromptBeforePrint
  84. valueo
  85. ElsePrintCB
  86. ExitButton_Click
  87. TypeDesc
  88. TypeDescription
  89. CBType6
  90. IC002
  91. CliffU
  92. Monthly
  93. Reportr
  94. FASTm
  95. Attended
  96. Reach
  97. Remote
  98. software
  99. Began/
  100. evaluation
  101. product}
  102. Upgraded?
  103. JillN
  104. setup
  105. Attachmate
  106. Netbeui
  107. gateway
  108.     Requested
  109. gateways
  110. Tested
  111. Manager
  112. Board
  113. Compaq)
  114.     computersd
  115. mixed
  116. success
  117. Created]
  118. method
  119. gather
  120.     inventory
  121. informationJ
  122. DocumentedX
  123. support
  124. needs
  125. project&
  126. program
  127. check
  128. freeK
  129.     connected9
  130. servers
  131.     Installed
  132. schedule
  133. testing
  134. looksq
  135. Other
  136. process
  137. RoutersD
  138. Bridges
  139. Helpg
  140. solve
  141. problem[
  142. traffice
  143. caused
  144. improperR
  145. wiring
  146. virus:
  147. scanning
  148.     procedure
  149. Larry
  150. section
  151. backup
  152. optical
  153. Cisco0
  154. another
  155. lobeK
  156. cable
  157. router
  158.     Completed
  159. better
  160. administrator
  161.     utilities
  162. LanMan
  163. Works
  164. restores
  165. files
  166. Wasted
  167. hours
  168. presentation
  169. errno
  170. errerrno
  171. TextOnly
  172. CancelButton_Click
  173. Form_Load
  174. Form_Resize
  175.  OK to Print: 
  176.  No valid data in Clipboard!
  177. GetClipboardType
  178. D.I.B
  179. Bitmap
  180. PrintButton_Click
  181. Printit
  182. 0 = OK
  183. 1 = Errorr
  184. No valid data in clipboard
  185. An Error occured during print