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Visual Basic Form  |  1993-07-21  |  9KB  |  329 lines

  1. Form1
  2. &Proceed
  3. Form15
  4. Data1%
  5. Data1
  6. prtrep
  7. "Generate report <Databasename>.LST
  8. tabname
  9. Working On Table:
  10. GenTypes
  11. -Output VB 3.0 TYPE statements to GENTYPES.LST
  12. Command2
  13. &Quit
  14. &Proceed
  15. Text1
  16. Label1
  17. Data Base to print:
  18.     Form_Load
  19. Database
  20.     TableDefs?
  21. Fields
  22. Command1_Click
  23. Command2_Click
  24. text1~
  25. Text>
  26. printerM
  27. NameN
  28. Connect
  29. Transactions;
  30. CollatingOrder
  31. UpdateableS
  32. QueryTimeout
  33. Count
  34. Attributes
  35. Windows+
  36. initialization"
  37. files
  38. Within*
  39. Visual
  40. Basic
  41. Article
  42. Q75639
  43. Summary
  44. thereU
  45. several
  46.     Microsoft*
  47.     functionsl
  48. manipulate
  49. information
  50. filef
  51. GetProfileIntd
  52. GetPrivateProfileInt
  53. GetProfileStringo
  54. GetPrivateProfileString
  55. allow
  56. program[
  57. retrieve
  58. fromH
  59. based
  60. application
  61. WritePrivateProfileString-
  62. WriteProfileStringP
  63. Create}
  64. items
  65. contain
  66. defines
  67. environment
  68. Examples
  69. whichx
  70. commonly
  71. found
  72. subdirectory
  73. applications
  74. stored
  75. these
  76.     configureB
  77. themselves
  78. needs
  79. preferences
  80. Description
  81. review
  82. comes
  83. composed
  84. least_
  85. contents"
  86.     following-
  87. [Application name]+
  88. keyname
  89. ValueY
  90. fourE
  91. calls
  92. particular"
  93. dependsQ    
  94. whether_
  95. wantM
  96. obtainU
  97.     numericali
  98. GetProfile
  99. family
  100. standard
  101. shouldw
  102. GetPrivateProfile?
  103. specify
  104. formaly
  105.     arguments/    
  106. accepted
  107.     describedn
  108. farthera
  109. below
  110. modify
  111. search
  112. under
  113. match
  114. addsj
  115. user9
  116. profileL
  117. entry
  118. containingx
  119.     specifiedj    
  120. replaceV
  121. include
  122. statementsJ
  123. module|
  124. GeneralH
  125. declarations
  126. section
  127.     lpKeyNameI
  128. nDefault)
  129.     lpDefault
  130. lpReturnedString
  131. nSize
  132. lpString
  133.     lpAppName
  134. lpFileName
  135. Note7
  136.     statement
  137. followsz
  138. Argument
  139. appears
  140.     Specifies_
  141. default
  142. givenP
  143. cannot
  144. PointsC    
  145. names
  146. searches?
  147.     directory
  148. buffer
  149. receives!
  150.     character
  151. maximumI    
  152. Number
  153. characters
  154.     including
  155. lastr
  156. copied
  157. contains
  158. steps
  159.     necessary
  160. sampleg
  161. uses&    
  162. created;
  163. shellsb    
  164. Calculator
  165. demonstrates
  166. editor
  167. example
  168. Notepad
  169. suppliedz
  170. Save    
  171. NET8    
  172. NetPaths
  173. WordProcessory    
  174. WINWORD
  175.     indicated
  176. after
  177. above
  178. correctw
  179. hardp    
  180. drive
  181. Starte
  182. called
  183. Form1
  184. button
  185. Command1
  186. Declaration,
  187. appear
  188. lpReturnStringg
  189.     FileError
  190. Valid
  191. Succ{
  192. dupstr
  193. DateCreated
  194. LastUpdate
  195. LastUpdatesW
  196. LastUpdated
  197. SourceTableName
  198. BitsG
  199. ABits
  200. SourceField
  201. SourceTable
  202. FontSize
  203. GenTypesG
  204. length
  205. FontName
  206.     Updatable^
  207. OrdinalPosition
  208. CurrentX<
  209. CurrentY
  210. disable!
  211. Enabled
  212. ETrap
  213.     prt_Click
  215. SkipTd
  216. screen
  217. Height
  218. Widthq
  219. ScaleHeight
  220. ScaleWidth
  221. prtrep
  222. tabname
  223. ListSet
  224. snapshotH
  225. Table
  226. QueryDef
  227. definition
  228. changed
  229.     TableType
  230. identifying
  231. possible
  232. values
  233. RecordCount
  234. records
  236. characteristics\
  237.     Attribute
  238. equalo
  239. tnames
  240. TableDef&
  241. Data1
  242. RecordSource    
  243. DatabaseNameg
  244.     Recordset
  245. Text1_Change
  246. Data1_ValidateR
  247. Action
  248. whoops
  249. prt_err
  250. DynaSet
  251. Tableded
  252. DB_TABLE
  253. Indexes
  254. idxcnt
  255. Primary
  256. Unique
  257. Index
  258. RecordSourcec%
  259. DB_QUERY
  260. Command2_Click
  261. Form_Load
  262. prt_Click
  263. on error GoTo ETrap
  264. Please enter a data base name...
  265. Database : 
  266.  not found on disk...
  267.  Copy Table info to td("
  268. gentypes.lst
  269. 'Structures from data base: 
  270. as of: 
  271. Listing of data base: 
  272. Date: 
  273. Time: 
  274. Source of data: 
  275. Connect string: 
  276. Transactions supported? 
  277. Sort Order: 
  278. Updateable? 
  279. Query time-out (secs): 
  280. Number of tables: 
  281. Attributes
  282. On Error Resume Next
  283. Data1.recordset.QueryTimeout = 1
  284. qq = 1
  285. qq = 1
  286. On Error GoTo ETrap
  287. Table Name:      
  288. Updateable?:     
  289. Date Created:    
  290. DateCreated
  291. Last Updated:    
  292. LastUpdated
  293. Table Type:      
  294. TableType
  296. TableType
  297. TABLE
  298. Index count: 
  299. Index name: 
  300.     fields: 
  301.    primary: 
  302.     unique: 
  303. UNKNOWN
  304. Record Count:    
  305. RecordCount
  306. Attributes:      
  307. Attributes
  308. Fields:
  309. Source Field
  310. Source Table
  311. Type td_
  312. Working on table: 
  313. Integer
  314. Currency
  315. Single
  316. Double
  317. String * 
  318. UNKNOWN:
  320. String
  321. String
  322. END TYPE
  323. data1.Close
  324.  Move to next record.d
  325. *** END OF REPORT ***
  326. Printing completed!
  327. An error occurred! 
  328. Code was: 