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Visual Basic Form  |  1994-04-24  |  19KB  |  517 lines

  1. Form1
  2.     DEMONET 1
  3. Form15)
  4. EasyNet
  5. MS Sans Serif
  6.     CMDialog1
  7. CommonDialog
  8. Etiquette1
  9. MS Sans Serif
  10. &File
  11. NewMenu
  12. OpenMenu
  13. &Open...
  14. SaveMenu
  15. &Save
  16. SaveAsMenu
  17. Save &As...
  19.         PrintMenu
  20.     &Print...
  22. ExitMenu
  23. &Exit
  24. EditMenu
  25. &Edit
  26. CopyMenu
  27. &Copy
  28. DeleteMenu
  29. &Delete
  31. SelectAllMenu
  32. Select &All
  34. SelectModeMenu
  35. &Select Mode
  36. DrawMenu
  37. &Draw
  38.     Rectangle
  39. &Rectangle
  40. EllipseMenu
  41. &Ellipse
  43. NodeColorMenu
  44. &Fill Color...
  45. DrawColorMenu
  46. &Draw color...
  47. NaviguateMenu
  48.     &Navigate
  49. Exercice1Menu
  50. $Change current node &out links color
  51. Exercice2Menu
  52. &Makes a node be &destination of others
  53. Exercice3Menu
  54. Give each node a &number
  55. InfoMenu
  56. &Info
  57.     AboutMenu
  58.     &About...
  59. NodeFillColor_ClickR
  61.     CMDialog1
  62. Color
  63. NodeFillColor
  64. Flags
  65. Action
  66.     Form_Load
  67. Form_Resize
  68. windowstate
  69. ScaleHeight
  70. Visible
  71. Leftw
  72. Height
  73. Width/
  74. ScaleWidth
  75. Net1_ClickNode
  76. idnode
  77. Open_Click
  81. Filename~
  82. DefaultExt<
  83. FilterO
  84. Openfile9
  85. LinkColor_Click
  86.     LinkColor
  87. Net1_DblClick
  88. OldStr
  89. NewStr.
  90. GetNodeTexti
  91. SetNodeText
  92. Exit_Click\
  93. SelectAll_Click
  94.     SelectAll
  95.     Cut_Click
  96. Copy_Click
  97. Copyq
  98. Paste_ClickS
  99. Paste
  100. Delete_Click<
  101.     New_Click
  102. NodeLeft
  103. NodeTop)
  104.     NodeRight
  105. NodeBottom
  106. SaveAs_Click
  107. Save_Click
  108.     printNet1*
  109. curItemf
  110. CurrentItemH
  111. Net1_ChangeB
  112. Net1_SelChangev
  113. Net1_ClickLink
  114. idLink
  115. TypeItem
  116. Ellipse_Click
  117. Shape
  118.     NodeShapeq
  119. RoundRect_Click
  120. Rectangle_Click
  121. Net1_ClickOut$
  122. idItem
  123. Net1_DragOver4
  124. Source
  125. control
  126. StateT
  127. Net2_ClickNode
  128. Net2_SelChange
  129. Net1_MouseUp
  130. Button
  131. Shift
  132. itemId
  133. itemType.
  134.     FirstNode
  135. NextNode
  136. Node 
  137. SaveFileP
  138. EnrNode5
  139. NodeRecord
  140. X1Net1V
  141.     FillColorV
  142. NodeBorderColor
  143. BorderColord
  144. NodeText
  145. TextF
  146. Label
  147. Lengthe
  148. FileHeader
  149.     NodeCount
  150. GetNodeCount
  151.     LinkCount
  152. GetLinkCount
  153. GetCountNodeY
  154.     CountNode
  155.     GetNbNode
  156. GetNumberbNode
  157. GetNodesCount
  158. TextLengthI
  159. NextLink&
  160.     FirstLink
  161. LinkRecord
  162. SrcNode
  163. DstNode
  164.     LinkWidthX
  165. LinkSrcNode
  166. LinkDstNode
  167. offsete
  168. GetNodeIndex
  169. nodeId9
  170. nNbNode
  171. PointCount
  172. LinkPointCountG
  173. Changed
  174. FirstLinkPoint
  175. NextLinkPoint
  176.     LinkPoint
  177. NodeBorderColor_Click
  178. Destination
  179. Origin
  180. NoShape_Click
  181. Bitmap_Clickr
  182. Picture
  183. Image1B
  184. Edit_Click
  185. PointTabU
  186.     FillStyle
  187. EditActionC    
  188. File_ClickP    
  189.     ShapeNode
  190. Net1_Click
  191. ThenNet1r
  192. Image2
  193. Image3
  194. SelNodeCount
  195. SelFirstNode|
  196.     Asinteger
  197. FirstSelNodet
  198. NextSelNode
  199. LinkedNode
  200. NodeLink
  201. LoopType
  202.     LoopCount
  203. LoopItem
  204. LoopAction
  205. Net1_AddNode
  206.     Clipboard
  207. Metafilet    
  208. SelectModeMenu_Clicke    
  209. Mode(    
  210. SelectionMode6    
  211. SelectMode
  212.     NodeColor
  213.     DrawColor"
  214.     DrawWidth
  215. draw=
  216. Color_Click
  217. DrawColor_Click
  218. PersistentL
  219. FontMenu_Click
  220. FontName
  221. FontSize
  222. FontUnderline
  223. FontItalic$
  224. FontBold
  225. IsLink
  226. LoopAc4
  227. About
  228. countD
  229. AddPoint
  230. CenDrawNodeMenu_Click
  231. CanDrawNode0
  232.     FalseelseQ
  233. CanDrawNodeMenu_Click
  234. ReadOnlyMenu_Click
  235. ReadOnly
  236. MiscMenu_Click\
  237. Net1_ErrSpace
  238. Oriented
  239. Net1_AddLinkx
  240. PointXg
  241. PointY6
  242. value
  243. Form_QueryUnload
  244. Cancel
  245. UnloadMode
  246. Response
  247. FState
  248. Dirty
  249. Caption
  250. frmMDI[
  251. GetFileName
  252. SaveFileAsF
  253. FilenamefrmMDI
  254. QueryUnload
  255. IfEnd
  256. Form_Unloadz
  257. Form28
  258. FormK
  259. Form1
  260. notNet1
  261. Draw_Click
  262. Form_PaintY
  263. Option_Click(
  264. DefFillColor
  265. DefDrawColor
  266. DefShapew
  267.     BackColor
  268. nbnode
  269. nblink
  270.     memoriser
  271. tableauC
  272. elected
  273. nodes
  274. array
  275. Exercice1Menu_Click%
  276. CopyMenu_ClickK
  277. DeleteMenu_ClickG
  278. EllipseMenu_Click4
  279. DrawColorMenu_Click{
  280. RoundRectMenu_ClickX
  281. SelectAllMenu_Clickf
  282. NodeFillColorMenu_Click}
  283. NoShapeMenu_Click
  284. Exercice2Menu_Click.
  285. Exercice3Menu_Click3
  286. Exercice4Menu_Clickg
  287. linkType
  288. Exercice5Menu_Click"
  289. Etiquette1
  290. SelectModeMenue
  291. Checked
  292. AboutMenu_Click
  293. moMenu_Click
  294. WinExec
  296. DemoMenu_Click
  297. SendMessages
  298. GetActiveWindow
  300. InvisibleMenu_Click$
  301. NodeColorMenu_Click
  302. MousePointerW
  303. CanSizeNodeMenu_Clickp
  304. CanSizeNode
  305. CanSizeNodeMenu%
  306. ReadOnlyMenu
  307. CanMoveNodemenu_Clickf
  308. CanMoveNode
  309. CanMoveNodeMenu
  310. CanStretchLinkMenu_Click
  311. CanStretchLinkMenu
  312. CanStretchLink
  313. CanMultiLinkMenu_Click
  314. CanMultiLinkp
  315. CanMultiLinkMenu,
  316. Net1CanMoveNode
  317. MultiSelectionMenu_Click
  318. MultiSelectionMenu
  319. MultiSelZ
  320. Enabled
  321. CanDrawNodeMenu
  322. CanDrawLinkMenu_Click-
  323. CanDrawLinkJ
  324. CanDrawLinkMenu
  325. NewMenu_Click4
  326. OpenMenu_Click
  327. SaveMenu_Clickc
  328. SaveAsMenu_Click9
  329. ExitMenu_Clicko
  330. EndDemo
  331. Show1
  332. ItemTextj
  333. MultiSelectioni
  334. DefReadOnly
  335. DefMultiSelection
  336. DefCanSizeNode
  337. DefCanMoveNode
  338. DefCanStretchLink
  339. DefCanMultiLink
  340. DefCanDrawNodeW
  341. DefCanDrawLinkU
  342. DefMultiSel
  343. InitMenu@
  344. BitmapMenu_Click
  345. number
  346. orgNum
  347. DstNum
  348. demo|
  349. DemoMenu
  350. EndDemoMenu_Clickt
  351. UseMenu_Click
  352. Command1_Click
  353. ButtonMenu_Click
  354. Command1
  355. Picture1
  356. allows
  357. graphs
  358. interactively
  359. forms
  360. graph@
  361. thatB
  362. linked
  363. change
  364. style]
  365. sizeG
  366. position
  367.     associate
  368. navigate
  369. INFO1z
  370. INFO2
  371. INFO3
  372. INFO4
  373. INFO5[
  374. StartDemoMenu_Click
  375. EndDemoMenu5
  376. Command2_ClickS
  377. Command2
  378. FeaturesMenu_Click+
  379. flase
  380. Picture1_Click
  381. UseMenu
  382. RedrawMenu_Click
  383. dessinS
  384. NetCtrl
  385. PrintMenu_Clickv
  386. DessinForm
  387. nbpoint
  388. radius
  389.     ForeColor
  390. CurrentX
  391. CurrentY*
  392. printer
  393. endodc
  394.     BeginPage
  395. EndPage
  396.     NumCopies
  397. CancelError
  398. Errhandler
  399. FromPage
  400. ToPage
  401. Copies
  402. Net1X1
  403.     PrintFilef
  404. AboutMenu_Click
  405. CopyMenu_Click
  406. DeleteMenu_Click
  407. DrawColorMenu_Click
  408. Set initial color selection for dialog
  409. Display color dialog
  410. Set the new default border color
  411. EllipseMenu_Click
  412.  Set default node shape to be ellipsoidd
  413. Exercice1Menu_Click
  414.  Exercise: makes color of all "out" links of all selected nodes to be red.
  415.  Two LoopAction cannnot be cascaded so you have first to memorize the 
  416.  selected nodes in an array in order to work with them.o
  417.  Selected nodes loop
  418.  If no selected nodes, nothing to do
  419.  Memorize selected nodes in a dynamic array.
  420.  For each node of our array...
  421.  ... makes it be the current item in order to be able to
  422.  work with it.
  423.  Do a node links Loop
  424.  For each link of the current node....
  425. ... if this link is an "out" linke
  426.  ... changes its color  
  427.  Don't forget to delete the arrayn
  428. Exercice2Menu_Click
  429.  Exercise: draw a link betweeen each node and current oneu
  430.  First save current item
  431.  If current item is 0 or is not a node then quit
  432.  Destination noden
  433.  Nodes loopn
  434.  Restore current item
  435. Exercice3Menu_Click
  436.  Exercise: give each node a number and each link a couple of numbers
  437.  First save current item
  438.  Do a nodes loop
  439.  Count of nodes involved in that loopo
  440.  Do a links loop
  441.  Count of nodes involved in that loopo
  442.  Restore current itemt
  443. ExitMenu_Click
  444. Form_Load
  445. Drawing mode
  446. Form_QueryUnload
  447. Form_Resize
  448. GetFileName
  449. Display file open dialog
  450. Net Files(*.NET)|*.net|All Files(*.*)|*.*|
  451. Select a file and open it
  452. Net1_AddLink
  453.  Save current link
  454.  Get destination node type
  455.  Restore current linkp
  456.  Decide that link type is the same as its destination node type.
  457. Net1_AddNode
  458.  Avoid too small nodes
  459.  Decide that node type is the same as its shape
  460. Net1_Change
  461. Net1_DblClick
  462. Enter item text:
  463. ITEM TEXT
  464. NewMenu_Click
  465. NodeColorMenu_Click
  466. Set initial color selection for dialog
  467. Display color dialog
  468. Set the new default fill color
  469. Openfile
  470. Header
  471. List of nodes
  472. List of link
  473. Create a link between SrcNode and dstNoder
  474. Point
  475. OpenMenu_Click
  476. PrintFile
  477.  Nodes loop
  478.  Ellipse
  479.  Rectangle
  480.  Links loop@
  481. Number of extra points
  482. Alocate an array of nbpoint + 2r
  483. First point (intersection between origin node border and link)
  484.  Normal extra points
  485. Last point (intersection between dest. node border and link)
  486.  Draw all link segments
  487. Get point arrows
  488. Draw arrow
  489. PrintMenu_Click
  490. Display print dialogboxD
  491.  First save current item
  492.  Restore current item
  493. QueryUnload
  494.  Message box
  495. The graph in [
  496. ] has changed.
  497. Do you want to save the changes?
  498. Get the filename to save the filei
  499. If the user did not specify a file name,
  500. cancel the unload; otherwise, save it.
  501.  Cancelc
  502. Rectangle_Click
  503.  Set default node shape to be rectangularr
  504. SaveAsMenu_Click
  505. Display file open dialog
  506. Net Files(*.NET)|*.net|All Files(*.*)|*.*|
  507. Select a file
  508. SaveFile
  509. Header
  510. List of nodes
  511. List of links
  512. SaveMenu_Click
  513. SelectAllMenu_Click
  514. SelectModeMenu_Click
  515. Selection mode
  516. Drawing mode