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/ Programming Tool Box / SIMS_2.iso / vb_code1 / del_drag / dlaymain.frm (.txt) < prev   
Visual Basic Form  |  1992-04-25  |  14KB  |  483 lines

  1. MainForm
  2. Delayed Drag Demo
  3. wwwww
  4. Form1
  5. FileList
  6. SourceList
  7. Command2
  8. Exit 
  9. FileCabinetOpen
  10. wwwwp
  11. FileCabinetClosed
  12. FileCabinet
  13. Command1
  14. Show Items in Cabinet
  15. Drive1_Change
  16. Drive1
  17. Drive!
  18. Dir1_Change}
  19. File1
  20. File1_ClickO
  21. File1_DblClick
  22. SwitchesZ
  23. Form_Click
  24. Index
  25. Form_Compile
  26. Text_Input
  27. Text<
  28. FileName
  29. File_O_Dialog
  30. ToOpeno
  31. Field_Prog_Name
  32. oneLine
  33. SelText
  34. ToSave
  35. Field_Save
  36. @    Form_Load
  37. Dir2_Change*
  38. Drive2_Change
  39. File_Actions
  40. Do_Whatd
  41. which=
  42. Case2
  43. File2
  44. File2_Click
  45. File2_DblClickG
  46. File_Click
  47. Directory_Changet
  48. Drive_Changef
  49.     Directory{
  50. File_DblClickK
  51. WhatFile
  52. FileListBox
  53. Drive2
  54. File1_DragOver
  55. Source
  56. State
  57. Dir1_KeyDown'
  58. KeyCode
  59. ShiftY
  60. List4
  61.     ListIndex
  62. Dir2_KeyDown"
  63. File1_GotFocus8
  64. Copy{
  65. Caption
  66. File2_GotFocusW
  67. Move_
  68. Delete_Clickx
  69. FileList
  70.     ListCount.
  71. List1
  72. DestDir}
  73. FullPathName
  74. dirname
  75. Count@
  76. Counmt
  77.     SourceDir,
  78. Quit_Click
  79. Menu_File_ClickV
  80. Menu_FileSelection_Click^
  81. Inedex
  82. AboutFM1l
  83. OldFocusk
  84. Copy_Click/
  85. CommandString
  86. TaskNum
  87. visibleX
  88. ChooseDest
  89. OpenCloseDemo#
  90. TestString
  91. FName8
  92. MousePointer
  93. SizeI    
  94. BufferT
  95. DestFileName
  96. Label1_Click
  97. WhichOptionB
  98. HeaderK
  99. CurrentX
  100. CenterHeaderText
  101. Width
  102. CurrentY
  103. HeightX
  104. Headr
  105. AddFiles_Option_Click
  106. Destination_Option_Click
  107. FileCaption
  108. DestCaptionC
  109. AddFiles_Option_GotFocus
  110. Destination_Option_GotFocusX    
  111. Destination_Option
  112. AddFiles_optionH
  113. value"
  114. DestPath
  115. DestDestPath
  116. Center
  117. DestPathText6
  118. Responsei
  119. FileCaption_Click
  120. FileCaption_DblClickl
  121. Move__Click!
  122. MkDir__Click
  123. DestCaption_Click
  124. DestCaption_DblClick
  125. DestPath_ClickB
  126. DestPath_DblClick
  127. Rename_Click
  128. MkDirBox
  129. FALSE
  130. MkDirCancel_Click
  131.     MkDirTextl
  132. MkDirBox_DragDrop
  133. MkDirText_Change
  134. MkDirText_GotFocus
  135. MkDirDo_Click
  136. NewDirName
  137. MkDirText_KeyDown
  138. MkDirLabel3
  139. extCharPos8
  140.     HereCount
  141. Dir1_Click
  142. Dir2_GotFocus
  143. Dir1_GotFocus
  144. FileList_Click
  145. FileList_MouseDownu
  146. Button]
  147. FileList_MouseMove
  148. FileList_MouseUp;
  149. Singl
  150. ThenFileList_MouseMovek    
  151. SourceFileFullPath
  152. FileList_LostFocus
  153. Butoon
  154. SourceOrDestHeaderTextA
  155. SourceOrDestCaption%    
  156. SourceOrDestHeader1    
  157. SourceFilesHeaderText&
  158. SourceOr9    
  159. HereT
  160. SourceOrDest{    
  161. dotPosition
  162. ThenMkDirLabel3
  163. RmDir__Click
  164.     Dir2_Path
  165. Drive2_GotFocus
  166. ErrorHandler]
  167. MkDirErrorHandler0
  168. RmDirErrorHandler
  169. PositionB
  170. Holder
  171. Menu_TipsSelection_Click
  172. FM1_Tips
  173. SmBuf
  174. MedBufi
  175. LgBufj
  176. SMALL
  177. MEDIUM
  178. LARGE
  179. FileSize
  180. WhichBuffer
  181. TinyBuf
  182. IntegerDim
  183. SizeLeft-
  184.     LoopCount
  185. OldSize
  186.     StartSize
  187. NumberOfInts+
  188.     NumOfInts
  189. BufSize
  190. FileBufSizeB
  191. BufSizeLeftj
  192. FileSizeLeftE
  193. FilePositionJ
  194. SourceOrDestCaption_Click
  195. SourceOrDestCaption_DblClickx
  196. DriveError
  197. Drive2Error    
  198. Drive1Error
  199. ChangeDestDir/
  200. change
  201. Curren
  202. Current]
  203.     OldCurDirw
  204. Parentq
  205. DirFocus
  206. Dir_15
  207. Dir_2
  208. Dir2_ClickP
  209. DriveLetter{
  210. Source_Option_Click
  211. Source_Dir
  212. Destination_Dir
  213.     SelectDir
  214. SourcePath3
  215. FileFullPath
  216. SourceDirLabel_Click
  217. DestHeader
  218. SourceHeader
  219. SoyrceCaption
  220. SourceCaption
  221. (SourSourSourSourSourSourSourSourSourSour
  222. (ourSourSourSourSourSourSourSourSourSourSi
  223. (urSourSourSourSourSourSourSourSourSourSo\
  224. FileListHeader
  225. SourcePathText
  226. DestPathTrim'
  227. ZZZPathText
  228. SourceDirText
  229. WhichDir
  230. Destination0
  231. Source_Option
  232. Click
  233. OrigDir
  234.     OrigDrive
  235. LeftStringM
  236. Form_UnLoad?
  237. Cancel
  238. TempName
  239. Command1_Click/
  240. DestDirLabel
  241.     BackColorw
  242.     ForeColor
  243. Black
  244. White
  245. SourceDirLabelE
  246. HiLiteWhichDir
  247. OldWhichDir
  248. Form1_UnLoadd
  249. Form1+
  250. DestDirLabel_ClickL
  251. SourceCaption_Click$
  252. OldDriveK
  253. MoveForm
  254. Actiono
  255. Proceed
  256. Mainform
  257. Menu_Tips_Clickt
  258. Menu_OptionsSelection_Click
  259. Menu_Options_Click
  260. Move_Click
  261. Rename__Click
  262. MoveIt_Click
  263. RenameItClick
  264. Dir2_MouseDownR
  265. Dir1_MouseDown
  266. QuitForm
  267. DelForm
  268.     FromWhere
  269. FromMove,
  270. Command2_Click
  271. BitBlt
  272. dial_pic
  273. dial_offScreen
  274. SrcCopy
  275. DialDo_Click
  276. DialClear_Click
  277. Progress
  278. color_offScreen
  279. SRCANDj
  280. DialDraw
  281. HowMuch:
  282.     DialReset
  283. File1_MouseDown
  284. File1_DoubleClick
  285. File1_MouseUp
  286. File1_LostFocusC
  287. File1_MouseMouseMoveW
  288. File1_MouseMouse
  289. File1_MouseMove
  290.     OldStartY
  291. OldListIndexe
  292. DoEents
  293. Enabled2
  294. DeleteS
  295. MoveItA
  296. Text1_Change
  297. Text1_KeyDown
  298. Pattern
  299. Text1{
  300. tempPic
  301. Picture+
  302. TrashPicG
  303. trasht
  304. offtrash
  305. trash_Clickv
  306. ElseButton
  307. trash_DragOver
  308. trash_DragDropa
  309. DragIcon
  310. Screen
  311. TrashCountI
  312.     TrashForm
  313.     TrashList
  314. TrashPathName
  315. IfTempName
  316. TrashFileList
  317. trashfor%
  318. trash_DblClick
  319. ThenTrashformB
  320. offtrash_Clickw
  321. TrashPicIndex
  322.     darktrashX
  323. ThentrashPicIndex
  324. Source_Option_DragOver
  325. fullTrash_Click
  326. fullTrash_DragOver
  327. darkFullTrash
  328. fullTrash_DragDrop
  329. AddTrashList
  330.     fullTrash
  331. fullTrash_DblClick
  332. darkTrash_ClickT
  333. FullTrshC
  334. File2_MouseMove)
  335. File2_MouseDownm
  336. File2_MouseDownButton
  337. darkTrash_DragDropj
  338. FileList_DblClick
  339. capic
  340. Command3_Click-
  341. SuCommand3_Clickl
  342. EnEnd
  343. Command4_ClickU
  344. darkFullTrash_Click
  345.     can_Click
  346. can_DragOverg
  347. canner_Click.
  348. TrashState
  349. SrCopy
  350. plaintrash
  351. RmDirErrorHandler2d
  352. TrshForm
  353. List1_Click
  354. List1_MouseDown
  355.     draktrashQ
  356. trashCan
  357. empty
  358. emptyTrash
  359. trashCan_Click
  360. trashCan_DragDrop{
  361. trashCan_DragOver
  362. trashCan_DblClickE
  363. List1_MouseMove
  364. List1_MouseUp
  365. ExitDemo_Clicko
  366. emptyTrash_ClickV
  367. destDC
  368. srcDC
  369. RasterOp
  370. Add2X
  371. List2
  372. Number
  373. SourceList
  374. List2_Click
  375. List2_MouseDown
  376. List1_DragDrop
  377. List2_DragDrop
  378. List2_MouseUp
  379.     ThenList1+
  380. SetIndex
  381. darkFullTrash_DblClick
  382. List2_MouseMove
  383. SourceList_Click
  384. SourceList_DragDrop
  385. SourceList_MouseDown
  386. SourceList_MouseMove
  387. MouseDownStart
  388. SourceList_MouseUp4
  389. pointer_
  390. MouseDownTimen
  391. Watching<
  392. Theny
  393. Pring
  394. SendMessage
  395. wMsgB
  396. wParam
  397. lParam
  399. WM_USER
  400. WN_USER
  401. RECT:
  402. right
  403. bottom
  404. ListRect
  405. SourcehWnd
  406. GetFocus%
  407. PutFocusR
  408. ShWnd"
  409. FileCabinet
  410. FileCabinet_DragOver
  411. FileCabinet_DragDrop    
  412. FileCabinet_DblClick.
  413. FileCabinetClosed0
  414. FileCabinetOpen
  415. CabinetList
  416. Exit_Click
  417. MouseIsDown
  418. MouseCountStart
  419. StartMouseTimer
  420. StartPosition
  421. SelectedItem
  422. SelectedItemift
  423. SelectedItemowR
  424. StartingItem
  425.     StartItem
  427. MouseTimer
  428. OldItemo
  429. Timer1_Timer
  430.     OldMarker
  431. Markere
  432. first
  433. checks
  434. Simms
  435. haveZ
  436. FileList_GotFocus
  437. FlhWnd
  438. LRect
  439. GetWindowRect
  440. LBWRectw
  441. lpRect
  442. ListShowing(
  443. Showing
  444. begins
  445. could
  446. might
  447. matter
  448. program
  449. because
  450. Start
  451. Finish
  452. Adjuster
  453. calls
  454.     determine
  455. .4414063
  456. Label1
  457. Adjust
  458.  The Delayed Drag Routine code is contained in the
  459.  FileList_MouseMove event. The basic idea is to countM
  460.  how long the mouse is moved over a particular item (Marker)
  461.  before dragging begins. It also checks to see whether the
  462.  Marker is on a selected item and whether or not the cursorr
  463.  is in the listbox boundary before dragging begins..
  464.  Since the users system clock will vary an "Adjuster" had to
  465.  be determined to keep the delay the same for all users. I think
  466.  it should do the trick. The API calls to determine "Showing""
  467.  are necessary to determine the number of items that can be"
  468.  displayed in the listbox at one time. This can vary
  469.  because of the users display. So these calls make sure we'vee
  470.  got the right count..
  471.  If you need any help, let me know and good luck!!
  472.  Jeff Simms  72200,31733
  473. UserT
  474. UserT    
  475. Form_Load
  476. File Number 
  477. FileCabinet_DragOver
  478. FileCabinet_DragDrop
  479. Command1_Click
  480. FileList_MouseMove
  481. Command2_Click
  482. FileList_GotFocus