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package symantec.itools.util;
import java.awt.Component;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.beans.PropertyVetoException;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
import java.beans.VetoableChangeListener;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.awt.AWTEvent;
import java.awt.AWTEventMulticaster;
// 05/30/97 LAB Updated to support Java 1.1
// 06/06/97 LAB Removed deprecated (unusable in 1.1) functions:
// public void setEventType(int type)
// public int getEventType()
// public void setTarget(Component t)
// public Component getTarget()
// 06/24/97 LAB Changed the behavior of the start and stop
// methods to actually start and stop the thread
// instead of suspending and resuming it. Added
// pause() and resume() for this purpose.
// 07/23/97 CAR implemented readObject
// 08/19/97 LAB Fixed a bug where Timer would keep going even if repeat was set to false.
// Fixed resume to only resume if currently paused. Changed property
// names used by firePropertyChange to follow the naming conventions set
// forth in the Bean Spec. (lowwer case first letter, unless second letter
// is capitalized too). Made package level data protected.
// 10/11/97 LAB Fixed a problem where if stop was called before the original delay
// elapsed it would wait until the delay elapsed (Thanks KSB. Addresses
// Mac Bug #9172). Fixed resume to start the timer if it was not
// started (also avoids Exception if the thread was dead). Now no
// threads are created or accessed at design time (Addresses Mac Bug
// #9187). Fixed a problem when calling stop on a stopped timer would
// cause an exception (Addresses Mac Bug #9178). Added restart method.
// Fixed stoping a timer would reset the repeat property (Addresses Mac
// Bug #9171).
// 10/14/97 LAB Added isEnabled and getEnabled for compatability with the backrunner
// (Addresses Mac Bug #9268).
// 10/16/97 LAB Made methods synchronized as needed. Fixed a problem where stopping,
// then starting would sometimes result in no events being fired (Addresses
// Mac Bug #9376).
// 10/17/97 LAB Made thread return when it was interrupted, and check in start for interrupted
// thread before resuming it (re-fixes #9376).
* Sets a timer to wait before an action event is posted to a component.
* The caller can specify the target component, the event to send to the
* component, and the time delay.
* The timer is implemented as a thread. The one of the start(...) methods should
* be called to start the thread.
* @version 1.0, Nov 26, 1996
* @author Symantec
public class Timer implements Runnable, java.io.Serializable
* Creates a timer with the default delay.
* After 1000 miliseconds this timer will fire an ActionEvent.
* It will not repeat.
public Timer()
this(1000, false);
* Creates a timer with specified delay.
* After the specified delay this timer will fire an ActionEvent.
* It will not repeat.
* @param d the delay in milliseconds
public Timer(int d)
this(d, false);
* Creates a timer with specified repeat setting and the default delay.
* After 1000 miliseconds this timer will fire an ActionEvent.
* It may repeat, depending on r.
* @param r if true, reset and repeat after generating the event
public Timer(boolean r)
this(1000, r);
* Creates a timer with specified delay and repeat setting.
* After the specified delay this timer will fire an ActionEvent.
* It may repeat, depending on r.
* @param d the delay in milliseconds
* @param r if true, reset and repeat after generating the event
public Timer(int d, boolean r)
delay = d;
repeat = r;
execute = false;
live = false;
isDesignTime = java.beans.Beans.isDesignTime();
thread = new Thread(this);
* @deprecated
* @see Timer#Timer(int, boolean)
public Timer(Component t)
* @deprecated
* @see Timer#Timer(int, boolean)
public Timer(Component t, int d)
this(d, false);
* @deprecated
* @see Timer#Timer(int, boolean)
public Timer(Component t, int d, boolean r)
this(d, r);
* @deprecated
* @see Timer#Timer(int, boolean)
public Timer(Component t, int d, boolean r, int e)
this(d, r);
* Sets the delay time for this timer.
* @param d the delay in milliseconds. This delay will be used starting
* after the current delay elapses
* @exception PropertyVetoException
* if the specified property value is unacceptable
* @see #getDelay()
public void setDelay(int d) throws PropertyVetoException
Integer newValue = new Integer(d);
Integer oldValue = new Integer(delay);
vetos.fireVetoableChange("delay", oldValue, newValue);
delay = d;
changes.firePropertyChange("delay", oldValue, newValue);
* Obtains the delay time setting for this timer.
* @return the current delay setting for this timer, in milliseconds
* @see #setDelay(int)
public int getDelay()
return delay;
* Changes the repeat setting of the timer.
* If the repeat setting is false a single event will be generated. When
* set to true the timer produces a series of events.
* @param f reset and repeat after generating the event
* @exception PropertyVetoException
* if the specified property value is unacceptable
* @see #isRepeat
public void setRepeat(boolean f) throws PropertyVetoException
Boolean newValue = new Boolean(f);
Boolean oldValue = new Boolean(repeat);
vetos.fireVetoableChange("repeat", oldValue, newValue);
repeat = f;
changes.firePropertyChange("repeat", oldValue, newValue);
* Obtains the repeat setting of the timer.
* @return true if this timer is set to repeat, false if this timer does not repeat
* @see #setRepeat
public boolean isRepeat()
return repeat;
* @deprecated
* @see #isRepeat()
public boolean getRepeat()
return isRepeat();
* Is the timer currently enabled
* @return true if the timer is running.
public boolean isEnabled()
return live;
* @deprecated
* Needed for compatability with backrunner.
public boolean getEnabled()
return isEnabled();
* Pauses the timer.
* Differs from stop in that the timer
* is continued from whatever state it was in before
* pausing.
* <p>
* start() and stop() overrule this function.
* @see #resume
* @see #start
* @see #stop
synchronized public void pause()
execute = false;
* Resumes the timer.
* Differs from start in that the timer
* is continued from whatever state it was in before
* pausing.
* <p>
* start() and stop() overrule this function
* @see #pause
* @see #start
* @see #stop
synchronized public void resume()
execute = true;
* Starts the timer with existing settings.
* @see #start(int)
* @see #start(boolean)
* @see #start(int, boolean)
* @see #stop
* @see #run
synchronized public void start()
execute = true;
live = true;
if(thread.isAlive() && !thread.isInterrupted())
thread = new Thread(this);
* Starts the timer using the specified delay.
* @param d the delay in milliseconds
* @exception PropertyVetoException
* if the specified property value is unacceptable
* @see #start()
* @see #start(boolean)
* @see #start(int, boolean)
* @see #stop
* @see #run
synchronized public void start(int d) throws PropertyVetoException
* Starts the timer using the specified repeat setting.
* @param r reset and repeat after generating the event
* @exception PropertyVetoException
* if the specified property value is unacceptable
* @see #start()
* @see #start(int)
* @see #start(int, boolean)
* @see #stop
* @see #run
synchronized public void start(boolean r) throws PropertyVetoException
* Starts the timer using the specified delay and repeat settings.
* @param d the delay in milliseconds
* @param r reset and repeat after generating the event
* @exception PropertyVetoException
* if the specified property value is unacceptable
* @see #start()
* @see #start(int)
* @see #start(boolean)
* @see #stop
* @see #run
synchronized public void start(int d, boolean r) throws PropertyVetoException
* Restarts the timer immediately with the current delay value.
* This will start a stopped timer.
* @see #start()
* @see #stop()
synchronized public void restart()
* Stops the timer. After return the timer will generate no more events.
* @see #start
synchronized public void stop()
execute = false;
live = false;
if(!isDesignTime && thread.isAlive())
* The thread body. This method is called by the Java virtual machine in response to a
* start call by the user.
* @see #start()
* @see #start(int)
* @see #start(boolean)
* @see #start(int, boolean)
* @see #stop
public void run()
repeating = repeat;
if (execute)
catch (InterruptedException e) { return; }
while (repeating && live);
if((!execute && live) || !repeating)
* Sets the command name of the action event fired by this button.
* @param command Tthe name of the action event command fired by this button
* @see #getActionCommand
* @exception PropertyVetoException
* if the specified property value is unacceptable
public void setActionCommand(String command) throws PropertyVetoException
String oldValue = actionCommand;
vetos.fireVetoableChange("actionCommand", oldValue, command);
actionCommand = command;
changes.firePropertyChange("actionCommand", oldValue, command);
* Returns the command name of the action event fired by this button.
* @see #setActionCommand
public String getActionCommand()
return actionCommand;
* Adds the specified action listener to receive action events
* from this button.
* @param l the action listener
public void addActionListener(ActionListener l)
actionListener = AWTEventMulticaster.add(actionListener, l);
* Removes the specified action listener so it no longer receives
* action events from this button.
* @param l the action listener
public void removeActionListener(ActionListener l)
actionListener = AWTEventMulticaster.remove(actionListener, l);
* Fires an action event to the listeners.
* @see #setActionCommand
public void sourceActionEvent()
if (actionListener != null)
actionListener.actionPerformed(new ActionEvent(this, ActionEvent.ACTION_PERFORMED, actionCommand));
* Adds a listener for all property change events.
* @param listener the listener to add
* @see #removePropertyChangeListener
public void addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener)
* Removes a listener for all property change events.
* @param listener the listener to remove
* @see #addPropertyChangeListener
public void removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener)
* Adds a listener for all vetoable property change events.
* @param listener the listener to add
* @see #removeVetoableChangeListener
public void addVetoableChangeListener(VetoableChangeListener listener)
* Removes a listener for all vetoable property change events.
* @param listener the listener to remove
* @see #addVetoableChangeListener
public void removeVetoableChangeListener(VetoableChangeListener listener)
private void readObject(java.io.ObjectInputStream in) throws java.io.IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
execute = false;
thread = new Thread(this);
* Reserved.
protected Component target;
* Reserved.
protected int eventType;
* The value of the Repeat property.
protected boolean repeat;
* Internal use. True if Repeat property true, and Timer is in its repeat timing loop.
protected boolean repeating;
* True while timer thread is running.
protected boolean execute;
* True if the timer is enabled and running.
protected boolean live;
* True if we're in the Java development environment.
protected boolean isDesignTime;
* The value of the Delay property.
protected int delay;
* The value of the Action Command property.
protected String actionCommand;
* Listener(s) that get notified when an ActionEvent is generated.
protected ActionListener actionListener = null;
* The timer's thread.
transient protected Thread thread;
private symantec.itools.beans.VetoableChangeSupport vetos = new symantec.itools.beans.VetoableChangeSupport(this);
private symantec.itools.beans.PropertyChangeSupport changes = new symantec.itools.beans.PropertyChangeSupport(this);