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* @(#)ColorModel.java 1.13 98/07/01
* Copyright 1995-1998 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.,
* 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, California, 94303, U.S.A.
* All rights reserved.
* This software is the confidential and proprietary information
* of Sun Microsystems, Inc. ("Confidential Information"). You
* shall not disclose such Confidential Information and shall use
* it only in accordance with the terms of the license agreement
* you entered into with Sun.
package java.awt.image;
* A class that encapsulates the methods for translating from pixel values
* to alpha, red, green, and blue color components for an image. This
* class is abstract.
* @see IndexColorModel
* @see DirectColorModel
* @version 1.13 07/01/98
* @author Jim Graham
public abstract class ColorModel {
private int pData; // Placeholder for data for native functions
protected int pixel_bits;
private static ColorModel RGBdefault;
* Return a ColorModel which describes the default format for
* integer RGB values used throughout the AWT image interfaces.
* The format for the RGB values is an integer with 8 bits
* each of alpha, red, green, and blue color components ordered
* correspondingly from the most significant byte to the least
* significant byte, as in: 0xAARRGGBB
public static ColorModel getRGBdefault() {
if (RGBdefault == null) {
RGBdefault = new DirectColorModel(32,
0x00ff0000, // Red
0x0000ff00, // Green
0x000000ff, // Blue
0xff000000 // Alpha
return RGBdefault;
* Constructs a ColorModel which describes a pixel of the specified
* number of bits.
public ColorModel(int bits) {
pixel_bits = bits;
* Returns the number of bits per pixel described by this ColorModel.
public int getPixelSize() {
return pixel_bits;
* The subclass must provide a function which provides the red
* color compoment for the specified pixel.
* @return The red color component ranging from 0 to 255
public abstract int getRed(int pixel);
* The subclass must provide a function which provides the green
* color compoment for the specified pixel.
* @return The green color component ranging from 0 to 255
public abstract int getGreen(int pixel);
* The subclass must provide a function which provides the blue
* color compoment for the specified pixel.
* @return The blue color component ranging from 0 to 255
public abstract int getBlue(int pixel);
* The subclass must provide a function which provides the alpha
* color compoment for the specified pixel.
* @return The alpha transparency value ranging from 0 to 255
public abstract int getAlpha(int pixel);
* Returns the color of the pixel in the default RGB color model.
* @see ColorModel#getRGBdefault
public int getRGB(int pixel) {
return (getAlpha(pixel) << 24)
| (getRed(pixel) << 16)
| (getGreen(pixel) << 8)
| (getBlue(pixel) << 0);
/* Throw away the compiled data stored in pData */
private native void deletepData();
public void finalize() {