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Assembly Source File
60 lines
; This routine expects two pointers to be passed on the stack. The first
; points to a Turbo Basic integer which indicates which drive to look at.
; The second is a pointer to a Turbo Basic string descriptor which in turn
; points to the string which will store the directory returned by DOS. The
; string must have been allocates 64 characters in length or this routine
; will cause string memory to become corrupt.
; STACK after saving BP
; │ 32 bit(segment and offset) │
; │ to TB integer representing │ <----- BP + 0Ah
; │ which drive to look at │
; ├────────────────────────────┤
; │ 32 bit(segment and offset) │
; │ to TB string representing │ <----- BP + 6
; │ current path │
; ├────────────────────────────┤
; │ return address that │
; │ TB will go to after │ <----- BP + 2
; │ completion of routine │
; ├────────────────────────────┤
; │ saved BP │ <----- BP
; │ │
; └────────────────────────────┘
DosCall equ 21h ; equates for assembler routine
GetDir equ 47h
program segment ; begin program segment
assume cs:program
push bp ; save bp
mov bp, sp
push es ; save es because we'll use it for pointer manipulation
push ds ; ditto
les di, [bp + 6h] ; load pointer to string descriptor into es:di
mov dx, ds:[0] ; get the beginning of the string segment from ds:[0]
push dx
pop ds ; make ds point to string segment
mov si, es:[di + 2] ; get offset into string segment from es:[di + 2]
les di, [bp + 0Ah] ; load pointer to TB integer into es:di
mov dx, es:[di] ; load which drive to look at into dx
; now ds:si points to the appropriate location for the DOS Get Directory
; call and dl contains the drive to look at
mov ah, GetDir
int DosCall
pop ds
pop es ; restore registers
pop bp
program ends ; end program segment