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- à 7.3ïFinding the Volume of Geometric Figures.
- äïPlease find the Volume of the following Geometric figures.
- âëFind the Volume of the given Rectangular Solid.
- êêêê Volume = Length ∙ Width ∙ Height
- êêêêê = (4 in.)(2 in.)(6 in.)
- #êêêêê = 48 in.Ä
- @fig301.bmp,25,118
- éSVolume is the amount of space or room inside of a shell.ïIt is
- #measured in cubic units, i.e. in.Ä, ft.Ä, m.Ä, and so on. In order to
- find the Volume inside of a rectangular solid, you should multiply the
- length times the width times the height. If the Length is "4 in.", Height
- is "6 in." and the Width is "2 in." then the Volume is
- #êêë (4 in.)(2 in.)(6 in.) = 48 in.Ä.
- @fig302.bmp,100,215
- @fig303.bmp,340,215
- ê The Volume of a Cylinder isë The Volume of a Sphere is
- #ê Volume = π∙(Radius)²∙Heightë Volume = 4/3 ∙ π ∙ (Radius)Ä
- 1êFind the Volume of the Rectangular Solid.
- #êêêêè A)ï30 m.ÄêêB) 24 m.Ä
- #êêêêè C)ï10 m.ÄêêD) å of ç
- @fig304.bmp,25,229
- ü
- ê Volume = Length ∙ Width ∙ Heightï=ï(2 m.)(3 m.)(5 m.)
- #êêêêêê=ï30 m.Ä
- Ç A
- 2êFind the Volume of the Rectangular Solid
- #êêêêè A)ï18 ft.Äêë B) 36 ft.Ä
- #êêêêè C)ï150 ft.ÄêëD) å of ç
- @fig305.bmp,25,229
- ü
- ëVolume = Length ∙ Width ∙ Heightï=ï(5 ft.)(3 ft.)(10 ft.)
- #êêêêêè =ï150 ft.Ä
- Ç C
- 3êïFind the Volume of the given Cylinder.
- #êêêêè A)ï401.92 cm.Äê B) 64 cm.Ä
- #êêêêè C)ï128.34 cm.Äê D) å of ç
- @fig306.bmp,25,229
- ü
- #êêêè Volume = π(Radius)ì(Height)
- êêêêè = (3.14)(4 cm)²(8 cm)
- #êêêêè = 401.92 cmÄ
- Ç A
- 4êïFind the Volume of the given Cylinder.
- #êêêêè A)ï2,158 in.ÄêïB) 16,471.4 in.Ä
- #êêêêè C)ï18,237.12 in.ÄëD) å of ç
- @fig307.bmp,25,229
- ü
- #êêêè Volume = π(Radius)ì(Height)
- êêêêè = (3.14)(11 in.)²(48 in.)
- #êêêêè = 18,237.12 in.Ä
- Ç C
- 5êè Find the Volume of the given Sphere.
- #êêêêè A)ï64.18 yds.ÄêïB) 267.95 yds.Ä
- #êêêêè C)ï326.14 yds.Äê D) å of ç
- @fig308.bmp,25,229
- ü
- #êêêèVolume = 4/3∙π∙(Radius)Ä
- #êêêêè= 4/3(3.14)(4yds.)Ä
- #êêêêè= 267.95 yds.Ä
- Ç B
- 6êè Find the Volume of the given Sphere.
- #êêêêè A)ï8.15 mm.Äêè B) 33.49 mm.Ä
- #êêêêè C)ï16.25 mm.ÄêèD) å of ç
- @fig309.bmp,25,229
- ü
- #êêêèVolume = 4/3∙π∙(Radius)Ä
- #êêêêè= 4/3(3.14)(2 mm.)Ä
- #êêêêè= 33.49 mm.Ä
- Ç B
- 7êè Find the Volume of the given figure.
- #êêêêè A)ï30 ft.Äêë B) 36 ft.Ä
- #êêêêè C)ï28 ft.Äêë D) å of ç
- @fig310.bmp,25,229
- üêFind the Volume of two Rectangular Solids and then add
- êêè them together to get the total volume.
- #ï(1 ft.)(3 ft.)(2 ft.) = 6 ft.Äê(2 ft.)(2 ft.)(6 ft.) = 24 ft.Ä
- #êë Total Volumeï=ï6 ft.Ä + 24 ft.Äï=ï30 ft.Ä
- Ç A
- 8êëFind the Volume of the given figure.
- #êêêêè A)ï267.95 m.ÄêèB) 426.4 m.Ä
- #êêêêè C)ï342.6 m.Äêè D) å of ç
- @fig311.bmp,25,229
- üèFirst, find "half" the Volume of a sphere with a radius of 2 m.
- #Volumeè4/3(3.14)(2 m.)ÄêëNext, find the volume of a cylinder
- #────── = ────────────── = 12.56 m.Äïof radius 2 m. and height 20 m.
- ï2êè 2êêê Volume = (3.14)(2m.)²(20m.) = 251.2m
- #Finally, add to get the total volume.ï16.75 m.Ä + 251.2 m.Ä = 267.95 m.
- Ç A