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- à 7.2ïFinding the Area of Geometric Figures.
- äïPlease find the Area of the following Geometric figures.
- âëFind the Area of the given Rectangle.
- êêêêèArea = Length ∙ Width
- êêêêê = (6 in.)(2 in.)
- êêêêê = 12 in.²
- @fig201.bmp,25,118
- éSArea is the amount of surface inside of a given boundary.ïIt is
- measured in square units, i.e. in.², ft.², m.², and so on. In order to
- find the Area inside of a rectangle, you should multiply the length
- times the width.êèArea = Length ∙ Width
- ëIf the Length is "6 in." and the Width is "2 in." then the Area is
- êè(6 in.)(2 in.) = 12 in.².ïThus, the Area = 12 in.².
- @fig202.bmp,0,210
- @fig204.bmp,200,210
- @fig203.bmp,365,210
- The Area of aêêThe Area of anyêïThe Area of any
- Parallelogram is theêTriangle isêë Circle is
- Base ∙ Heightêê1/2 ∙ Base ∙ Heightë"π" ∙ (Radius)²
- 1
- êêêFind the Area of the given Square.
- êêêêè A)ï12 cm.²êë B) 36 cm.²
- êêêêè C)ï16 cm.²êë D) å of ç
- @fig205.bmp,25,229
- ü
- êë Area = Length ∙ Widthï=ï(4 cm.)(4 cm.) = 16 cm.²
- Ç C
- 2êïFind the Area of the given Parallelogram.
- êêêêè A)ï64 yds.²êè B) 40 yds.²
- êêêêè C)ï36 yds.²êè D) å of ç
- @fig213.bmp,25,229
- ü
- êëArea = Base ∙ Height = (10yds.)(4yds.) = 40 yds.²
- Ç B
- 3êëFind the Area of the given Rhombus.
- êêêêè A)ï12 m.²êêB) 9 m.²
- êêêêè C)ï15 m.²êêD) å of ç
- @fig211.bmp,25,229
- ü
- êêèArea = Base ∙ Height = (5 m.)(3 m.) = 15 m.²
- Ç C
- 4êè Find the Area of the given Rectangle.
- êêêêè A)ï96 mi.²êë B) 112 mi.²
- êêêêè C)ï64 mi.²êë D) å of ç
- @fig206.bmp,25,229
- ü
- êêArea = Length ∙ Widthï=ï(14 mi.)(8 mi.) = 112 mi.²
- Ç B
- 5êèFind the Area of the given Triangle.
- êêêêè A)ï32 m.²êêB) 36 m.²
- êêêêè C)ï25 m.²êêD) å of ç
- @fig207.bmp,25,229
- ü
- êêêèArea = 1/2 ∙ Base ∙ Height
- êêêê = 1/2 ∙ 16 m. ∙ 4 m.
- êêêê = 32 m.²
- Ç A
- 6êFind the Area of the given Right Triangle.
- êêêêè A)ï24 ft.²êë B) 36 ft.²
- êêêêè C)ï48 ft.²êë D) å of ç
- @fig208.bmp,25,229
- ü
- êêêèArea = 1/2 ∙ Base ∙ Height
- êêêê = 1/2 ∙ 8 ft. ∙ 6 ft.
- êêêê = 24 ft.²
- Ç A
- 7è Find the Area of a Circle with a given Diameter of 12 in.
- êêêêè A)ï144 in.²êëB) 113.04 in.²
- êêêêè C)ï96 in.²êë D) å of ç
- @fig209.bmp,25,229
- üêêThe Radius is 1/2 of the Diameter.
- êêêê Radius = 6 in.
- êêêè Area = π ∙ (Radius)²
- êêêêï≈ (3.14)(6 in.)²
- êêêêï= 113.04 in.²
- Ç B
- 8êFind the Area of a Circle with Radius 3 cm.
- êêêêè A)ï24.2 cm.²êè B) 18 cm.²
- êêêêè C)ï28.26 cm.²êè D) å of ç
- @fig210.bmp,25,229
- ü
- êêêè Area = π ∙ (Radius)²
- êêêêï≈ (3.14)(3 cm.)²
- êêêêï= 28.26 cm.²
- Ç C
- 9ê Find the Area of the following figure.
- êêêêè A)ï72 in.²êë B) 100 in.²
- êêêêè C)ï86.13 in.²êèD) å of ç
- @fig212.bmp,25,229
- üëFirst, find "half" the Area of a circle with Radius 3 in.
- êêê Areaë(3.14)(3)²
- #êêê ────ï=ï──────────ï=ï14.13 in.²
- êêêè2êè2
- Then, find the rectangular area.ïLength ∙ Width = (12in.)(6in.) = 72in.
- ëThe sum is the total area.ï14.13 cm.² + 72 in.² = 86.13 in.²
- Ç C