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- 315
- àï5.4èSolving Percent Problems.
- äè Please solve the following Percent Problems by finding
- the Amount.
- âèSolve the Percent Problem, "What number is 25% of 40?"
- #è Aê 25è┌───¥è100 Aè=è40 ∙ 25è┌──¥è Aè=è10
- #è──è=è───è│ê100 Aè=è1,000ë│
- #è40ê100è│êêêê │ëThe Amount is 10.
- #êê ───┘êè Aè=è1,000/100 ┘
- éSIn order to solve the Percent Problem, "What number is 25% of
- 40?",ïyou should first identify the three parts.
- êêëWhat number is 25% of 40?
- êêê êè ê
- êêëAmountê Rateè Base
- Next, you should substitute ç three parts into the Percent
- Proportion.
- êëAmountêïRateêêAê 25
- #êë──────è =è ────ï,êè──è=è───
- êë Baseêè 100êë 40ê100
- Note that the Amount, represented by the letter "A", is the unknown in
- this proportion.ïNext, you should solve the proportion by cross
- multiplying.
- #êêë 100 ∙ Aè=è40 ∙ 25è┌¥ëAè=è10
- #êêë 100 ∙ Aè=è1,000ë│
- #êêêêêêï│èThe Amount is 10.
- #êêêëAè=è1,000/100 ┘
- 1
- êêïWhat number is 35% of 200?ïFind the Amount.
- ë A)ï90êëB)ï70êëC)ï85êëD)ïå
- üêêêèAêï35
- #êêêê ───è=è───
- êêêê 200ê100
- ïAmountëRate
- #ï──────ï=ï────êë100 ∙ Aè=è200 ∙ 35
- èBaseê100êë100 ∙ Aè=è7,000
- êêêêêAè=è7,000/100
- êêêêêAè=è70,èThe Amount is 70.
- Ç B
- 2
- êê What number is 40% of 50?ïFind the Amount.
- ë A)ï35êëB)ï40êëC)ï20êëD)ïå
- üêêêèAêï40
- #êêêê ───è=è───
- êêêêï50ê100
- ïAmountëRate
- #ï──────ï=ï────êë100 ∙ Aè=è50 ∙ 40
- èBaseê100êë100 ∙ Aè=è2,000
- êêêêêAè=è2,000/100
- êêêêêAè=è20,èThe Amount is 20.
- Ç C
- 3
- êê 80% of 150 is what number?ïFind the Amount.
- ë A)ï120êè B)ï110êè C)ï100êè D)ïå
- üêêêèAêï80
- #êêêê ───è=è───
- êêêê 150ê100
- ïAmountëRate
- #ï──────ï=ï────êë100 ∙ Aè=è150 ∙ 80
- èBaseê100êë100 ∙ Aè=è12,000
- êêêêêAè=è12,000/100
- êêêêêAè=è120,èThe Amount is 120.
- Ç A
- 4
- êêï90% of 82 is what number?ïFind the Amount.
- ë A)ï80êëB)ï73.8êèC)ï75êëD)ïå
- üêêêèAêï90
- #êêêê ───è=è───
- êêêêï82ê100
- ïAmountëRate
- #ï──────ï=ï────êë100 ∙ Aè=è82 ∙ 90
- èBaseê100êë100 ∙ Aè=è7,380
- êêêêêAè=è7,380/100
- êêêêêAè=è73.8,èThe Amount is 73.8.
- Ç B
- 5
- êê What number is 75% of 180.ïFind the Amount.
- ë A)ï135êè B)ï140êè C)ï145êè D)ïå
- üêêêèAêï75
- #êêêê ───è=è───
- êêêê 180ê100
- ïAmountëRate
- #ï──────ï=ï────êë100 ∙ Aè=è180 ∙ 75
- èBaseê100êë100 ∙ Aè=è13,500
- êêêêêAè=è13,500/100
- êêêêêAè=è135,è The Amount is 135.
- Ç A
- äïPlease solve the following Percent Problems by finding
- êêthe Base.
- âëSolve the Percent Problem, "52 is 65% of what number?"
- #è Aê Rêï52ê 65ë┌¥ï5200è=è65∙B
- #è ─è=è─── ,ë ──è=è───ë│êêë┌¥ The Base
- #è Bê100êïBê100ë│ï5200/65 =ïBë│ïis 80.
- #êêêêêë│êêë│
- #êêë 52 ∙100è=è65∙B ─┘ë80è=èBï──┘
- éSIn order to solve the Percent Problem, "52 is 65% of what
- number", you should first identify the three parts.
- êêë 52ïisï65%ïofïwhatïnumber?
- êêë ê êè
- êêëAmountèRateê Base
- Next, ç parts are substituted into the Percent Proportion.
- êèAmountêïRateêê 52ê 65
- #êè──────è =è ────ï,êë──è=è───
- êè Baseêè 100êêïBê100
- Note that the Base, represented by the letter "B", is the unknown in
- this proportion.ïNext, you should solve the proportion.
- #êê 100 ∙52è=è65∙Bè ┌¥ë 80è=èB
- #êêè 5200è=è65∙Bè │
- #êêêêêï│ë The Base is 80.
- #êê 5200/65è=èBè ───┘
- 6
- êê 40.5 is 45% of what number?ïFind the Base.
- ë A)ï75êëB)ï85êëC)ï90êëD)ïå
- üêêêè40.5ê 45
- #êêêêï────è=è───
- êêêêè Bê 100
- ïAmountëRate
- #ï──────ï=ï────ê40.5 ∙ 100è=è45 ∙ B
- èBaseê100êë 4050è=è45 ∙ B
- êêêê4050/45ï=èB
- êêêêë90è=èB,è The Base is 90.
- Ç C
- 7
- êê 55% of what number is 38.5?ïFind the Base.
- ë A)ï70êëB)ï75êëC)ï80êëD)ïå
- üêêêè38.5ê 55
- #êêêêï────è=è───
- êêêêè Bê 100
- ïAmountëRate
- #ï──────ï=ï────êè38.5 ∙ 100è=è55 ∙ B
- èBaseê100êë 3850è=è55 ∙ B
- êêêê3850/55ï=èB
- êêêêë70ï=èB,ëThe Base is 70.
- Ç A
- 8
- êê 57 is 95% of what number?ïFind the Base.
- ë A)ï55êëB)ï60êëC)ï65êëD)ïå
- üêêêè 57êï95
- #êêêêï────è=è───
- êêêêè Bê 100
- ïAmountëRate
- #ï──────ï=ï────êë57 ∙ 100ï=è95 ∙ B
- èBaseê100êë5700ë =è95 ∙ B
- êêêê 5700/95è=èB
- êêêêë 60è=èB,ëThe Base is 60.
- Ç B
- 9
- êê 27 is 15% of what number?ïFind the Base.
- ë A)ï115êè B)ï90êëC)ï180êè D)ïå
- üêêêè 27êï15
- #êêêêï────è=è───
- êêêêè Bê 100
- ïAmountëRate
- #ï──────ï=ï────êë27 ∙ 100è=è15 ∙ B
- èBaseê100êê2700è=è15 ∙ B
- êêêê2700/15è=èB
- êêêêè 180è=èB,è The Base is 180.
- Ç C
- 10
- êêï9 is 20% of what number?ïFind the Base.
- ë A)ï45êëB)ï85êëC)ï95êëD)ïå
- üêêêë9êï20
- #êêêêè ─è =è───
- êêêêè Bê 100
- ïAmountëRate
- #ï──────ï=ï────êë9 ∙ 100è=è20 ∙ B
- èBaseê100êêï900è=è20 ∙ B
- êêêêï900/20è=èB
- êêêêë 45è=èB,è The Base is 45.
- Ç A
- äïPlease solve the following Percent Problems by finding
- êêthe Rate.
- âëSolve the Percent Problem, "70 is what percent of 200?"
- #è Aê Rêï70ê Rë┌¥ï7000è=è200∙R
- #è ─è=è─── ,ë───è=è───è │êêë┌¥ The Rate
- #è Bê100ê200ê100è │ 7000/200 =èRè │ïis 35%.
- #êêêêêè │êêë│
- #êêë 70 ∙100ï=ï200∙R ─┘ë35è=èRï──┘
- éSIn order to solve the Percent Problem, "70 is what percent of
- 200?", you should first identify the three parts.
- êêêï70ïisïwhat percent of 200?
- êêêïê êê
- êêê AmountèRateêè Base
- Next, ç parts are substituted into the Percent Proportion.
- êë AmountêïRateêè 70ê R
- #êë ──────è =è ────ï,ê───è=è───
- êêBaseêè 100êè200ê100
- Note that the Rate, represented by the letter "R", is the unknown in
- this proportion.ïNext, you should solve the proportion.
- êë 70 ∙ 100è=è200∙R
- #êêè7000è=è200∙Bè┌─¥è 35è =è R
- #êêêêê │
- #êë 7000/200è=èRè ───┘ëThe Rate is 35%.
- 11
- êêï20 is what percent of 50?ïFind the Rate.
- ë A)ï45%êè B)ï35%êïC)ï40%êè D)ïå
- üêêêè 20êïR
- #êêêêï────è=è───
- êêêêè50ê 100
- ïAmountëRate
- #ï──────ï=ï────êë20 ∙ 100è=è50 ∙ R
- èBaseê100êë 2000è=è50 ∙ R
- êêêê 2000/50 =èR
- êêêêë40è=èR,è The Rate is 40%.
- Ç C
- 12
- êêï120 is what percent of 150?ïFind the Rate.
- ë A)ï80%êè B)ï85%êïC)ï90%êè D)ïå
- üêêêè120êïR
- #êêêêï────è=è───
- êêêêï150ê 100
- #ïAmountëRateêêêêêï┌─¥è80è=èR
- #ï──────ï=ï────ê 120 ∙ 100è=è150 ∙ Rë │
- #èBaseê100êë12000è=è150 ∙ Rë │ The Rate is 80%.
- #êêêè 12000/150è=èRêï───┘
- Ç A
- 13
- êêï73.8 is what percent of 82?ïFind the Rate.
- ë A)ï80%êè B)ï85%êïC)ï90%êè D)ïå
- üêêê73.8êïR
- #êêêë ────è=è───ë ┌─¥è90è =è R
- #ïAmountëRateêè 82ê 100ë │
- #ï──────ï=ï────è 73.8 ∙ 100è=è82 ∙ Rè│è The Rate is 90%.
- #èBaseê100êè7380è=è82 ∙ Rè│
- #êêêè7380/82è=èRë───┘
- Ç C