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MultiUse = -1 'True
Persistable = 0 'NotPersistable
DataBindingBehavior = 0 'vbNone
DataSourceBehavior = 0 'vbNone
MTSTransactionMode = 0 'NotAnMTSObject
Attribute VB_Name = "BilateralEffect"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = True
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
'Author :Roberto Mior
' reexre@gmail.com
'If you use source code or part of it please cite the author
'You can use this code however you like providing the above credits remain intact
Option Explicit
Private Type tHSP
H As Single
S As Single
P As Single
End Type
Private Type tVector
x As Single
Y As Single
L As Single
End Type
Private Type Bitmap
bmType As Long
bmWidth As Long
bmHeight As Long
bmWidthBytes As Long
bmPlanes As Integer
bmBitsPixel As Integer
bmBits As Long
End Type
Private Declare Function GetObject Lib "gdi32" Alias "GetObjectA" (ByVal hObject As Long, ByVal nCount As Long, ByRef lpObject As Any) As Long
Private Declare Function GetBitmapBits Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hBitmap As Long, ByVal dwCount As Long, ByRef lpBits As Any) As Long
Private Declare Function SetBitmapBits Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hBitmap As Long, ByVal dwCount As Long, ByRef lpBits As Any) As Long
Private Sbyte() As Byte
Private Sbyte2() As Byte
Private BlurByte() As Byte
Private SepaByte() As Byte
'Private PGMByte() As Byte
'Private PGM_C_Byte() As Byte
Private BILAByte() As Byte
Private ContByte() As Byte
Private ContByte2() As Byte
Private hBmp As Bitmap
Private pW As Integer
Private PH As Integer
Private PB As Integer
Private FastExp() As Single
Private FastDIF() As Single
Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (dest As Any, _
source As Any, ByVal bytes As Long)
Private Sub ZInitFastExp(SigS)
Dim V As Single
Dim V2 As Single
ReDim FastExp(255)
For V = 0 To 255
FastExp(V) = Exp(-((V / 255) / (SigS)))
ReDim FastDIF(0 To 255, 0 To 255)
For V = 0 To 255
For V2 = 0 To 255
FastDIF(V, V2) = FastExp(Abs(V - V2))
End Sub
Public Sub SetSource(pboxImageHandle As Long)
'Public Sub GetBits(pBoxPicHand As Long)
Dim iRet As Long
'Get the bitmap header
iRet = GetObject(pboxImageHandle, Len(hBmp), hBmp)
' iRet = GetObject(pBoxPicHand, Len(hBmp), hBmp)
'Resize to hold image data
ReDim Sbyte(0 To (hBmp.bmBitsPixel \ 8) - 1, 0 To hBmp.bmWidth - 1, 0 To hBmp.bmHeight - 1) As Byte
'Get the image data and store into Sbyte array
'iRet = GetBitmapBits(pBox.Picture.Handle, hBmp.bmWidthBytes * hBmp.bmHeight, Sbyte(0, 0, 0))
iRet = GetBitmapBits(pboxImageHandle, hBmp.bmWidthBytes * hBmp.bmHeight, Sbyte(0, 0, 0))
pW = hBmp.bmWidth - 1
PH = hBmp.bmHeight - 1
PB = (hBmp.bmBitsPixel \ 8) - 1
'ReDim PGMByte(0 To PB, 0 To pW, 0 To PH)
End Sub
Public Sub zEFF_CONTOUR2(Enhanced As Integer)
Dim x As Long
Dim Y As Long
Dim iX As Long
Dim iY As Long
Dim X2 As Long
Dim Y2 As Long
Dim vMinR As Integer
Dim vMinG As Integer
Dim vMinB As Integer
Dim vR As Integer
Dim vG As Integer
Dim vB As Integer
Dim R As Integer
Dim G As Integer
Dim B As Integer
Dim Xp3 As Long
Dim Xm3 As Long
Dim Xp2 As Long
Dim Xm2 As Long
Dim yp3 As Long
Dim ym3 As Long
Dim yp2 As Long
Dim ym2 As Long
ReDim ContByte(0 To PB, 0 To pW, 0 To PH)
ReDim ContByte2(0 To PB, 0 To pW, 0 To PH)
For Y = 1 To PH - 1
For x = 1 To pW - 1
ContByte2(0, x, Y) = Sbyte(0, x, Y)
ContByte2(1, x, Y) = Sbyte(1, x, Y)
ContByte2(2, x, Y) = Sbyte(2, x, Y)
If Enhanced > 0 Then ReDim ContByte2(0 To PB, 0 To pW, 0 To PH) 'As Long
For Y = 1 To PH - 1
For x = 1 To pW - 1
' contbyte2(0, x, y) = Sbyte(0, x, y)
' contbyte2(1, x, y) = Sbyte(1, x, y)
' contbyte2(2, x, y) = Sbyte(2, x, y)
vMinR = 255
vMinG = 255
vMinB = 255
For iX = -1 To 1
X2 = x + iX
For iY = -1 To 1
'If IX <> 0 And IY <> 0 Then
vR = Sbyte(0, X2, Y + iY)
If vR < vMinR Then vMinR = vR
vG = Sbyte(1, X2, Y + iY)
If vG < vMinG Then vMinG = vG
vB = Sbyte(2, X2, Y + iY)
If vB < vMinB Then vMinB = vB
'End If
Next iY
Next iX
R = Sbyte(0, x, Y)
G = Sbyte(1, x, Y)
B = Sbyte(2, x, Y)
R = (R - vMinR)
G = (G - vMinG)
B = (B - vMinB)
If R < 10 Then R = 0
If G < 10 Then G = 0
If B < 10 Then B = 0
' r = r * 4 '10 ' 12 '10
' G = G * 4 '10 '12
' B = B * 4 '10 '12
If R > 255 Then R = 255
If G > 255 Then G = 255
If B > 255 Then B = 255
ContByte2(0, x, Y) = R '255 - r
ContByte2(1, x, Y) = G '255 - G
ContByte2(2, x, Y) = B '255 - B
Next x
Next Y
'Blurring contour
For Y = 1 To PH - 1
For x = 1 To pW - 1
R = 0
G = 0
B = 0
For iX = -1 To 1
X2 = x + iX
For iY = -1 To 1
Y2 = Y + iY
R = R + ContByte2(0, X2, Y2)
G = G + ContByte2(1, X2, Y2)
B = B + ContByte2(2, X2, Y2)
Next iY
Next iX
'r = FastAVG(r + G + b) \ 9
R = (R + G + B) \ 27
ContByte(0, x, Y) = R
ContByte(1, x, Y) = R
ContByte(2, x, Y) = R
Next x
Next Y
If Enhanced > 0 Then
For Y = 0 To PH - 1
For x = 0 To pW - 1
ContByte2(0, x, Y) = ContByte(0, x, Y)
Next x
Next Y
For Y = 4 To PH - 5
ym3 = Y - 3
yp3 = Y + 3
ym2 = Y - 2
yp2 = Y + 2
For x = 4 To pW - 5
Xm3 = x - 3
Xp3 = x + 3
Xm2 = x - 2
Xp2 = x + 2
If ContByte2(0, Xm3, Y) + ContByte2(0, Xm2, ym2) + _
ContByte2(0, x, ym3) + ContByte2(0, Xp2, ym2) + _
ContByte2(0, Xp3, Y) + ContByte2(0, Xp2, yp2) + _
ContByte2(0, x, yp3) + ContByte2(0, Xm2, yp2) < _
Enhanced Then
ContByte(0, x, Y) = 255
ContByte(1, x, Y) = 255
ContByte(2, x, Y) = 255
End If
Next x
Next Y
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
Erase Sbyte
Erase Sbyte2
Erase ContByte
Erase BlurByte
Erase SepaByte
'Erase PGMByte
'Erase PGM_C_Byte
End Sub
Public Function zNotMin0(V) As Byte
If V < 0 Then zNotMin0 = 0 Else: zNotMin0 = V
End Function
Public Function zNotMax255(V As Single) As Byte
If V > 255 Then zNotMax255 = 255 Else: zNotMax255 = CByte(V)
End Function
Public Sub zEFF_Contour_Apply()
Dim x As Long
Dim Y As Long
For x = 0 + 1 To pW - 1
For Y = 0 + 1 To PH - 1
'BILAByte(0, X, Y) = zNotMin0(BILAByte(0, X, Y) \ 1 - 2 * (ContByte(0, X, Y) \ 1))
'BILAByte(1, X, Y) = zNotMin0(BILAByte(1, X, Y) \ 1 - 2 * (ContByte(0, X, Y) \ 1))
'BILAByte(2, X, Y) = zNotMin0(BILAByte(2, X, Y) \ 1 - 2 * (ContByte(0, X, Y) \ 1))
' Stop
If ContByte(0, x, Y) > 0 Then
BILAByte(0, x, Y) = zNotMin0(BILAByte(0, x, Y) \ 1 - (ContByte(0, x, Y) \ 1))
BILAByte(1, x, Y) = zNotMin0(BILAByte(1, x, Y) \ 1 - (ContByte(0, x, Y) \ 1))
BILAByte(2, x, Y) = zNotMin0(BILAByte(2, x, Y) \ 1 - (ContByte(0, x, Y) \ 1))
End If
'BILAByte(0, X, Y) = zNotMin0(1 * (ContByte(0, X, Y) \ 1))
'BILAByte(1, X, Y) = zNotMin0(1 * (ContByte(0, X, Y) \ 1))
'BILAByte(2, X, Y) = zNotMin0(1 * (ContByte(0, X, Y) \ 1))
End Sub
Public Sub zEFF_BilateralFilter(n As Long, Sigma As Single, Iterations As Long)
'Author :Roberto Mior
' reexre@gmail.com
'If you use source code or part of it please cite the author
'You can use this code however you like providing the above credits remain intact
Dim I As Long
Dim x As Long
Dim Y As Long
Dim B As Long
Dim Xp As Long
Dim Yp As Long
Dim XmN As Long
Dim XpN As Long
Dim YmN As Long
Dim YpN As Long
Dim dR As Single
Dim dG As Single
Dim dB As Single
Dim TR As Long
Dim TG As Long
Dim TB As Long
Dim RDiv As Single
Dim GDiv As Single
Dim BDiv As Single
ZInitFastExp 2 * Sigma * Sigma
ReDim BILAByte(0 To PB, 0 To pW, 0 To PH)
For I = 1 To Iterations
For x = 0 + n To pW - n
XmN = x - n
XpN = x + n
For Y = 0 + n To PH - n
TR = 0
TG = 0
TB = 0
RDiv = 0
GDiv = 0
BDiv = 0
YmN = Y - n
YpN = Y + n
For Xp = XmN To XpN
For Yp = YmN To YpN
'How to Speed up
'Everything inside these For Loops ?
'***** wich is FASTER?????
'dR = abs(Sbyte(2, Xp, Yp) \ 1 - Sbyte(2, X, Y) \ 1)
'dG = abs(Sbyte(1, Xp, Yp) \ 1 - Sbyte(1, X, Y) \ 1)
'dB = abs(Sbyte(0, Xp, Yp) \ 1 - Sbyte(0, X, Y) \ 1)
dR = FastDIF(Sbyte(2, Xp, Yp), Sbyte(2, x, Y))
dG = FastDIF(Sbyte(1, Xp, Yp), Sbyte(1, x, Y))
dB = FastDIF(Sbyte(0, Xp, Yp), Sbyte(0, x, Y))
'Pixels that are very different in intensity from the central pixel are weighted less
'dR = FastExp(dR)
'dG = FastExp(dG)
'dB = FastExp(dB)
TR = TR + CSng(Sbyte(2, Xp, Yp)) * dR
TG = TG + CSng(Sbyte(1, Xp, Yp)) * dG
TB = TB + CSng(Sbyte(0, Xp, Yp)) * dB
RDiv = RDiv + dR
GDiv = GDiv + dG
BDiv = BDiv + dB
BILAByte(2, x, Y) = zNotMax255(TR / RDiv)
BILAByte(1, x, Y) = zNotMax255(TG / GDiv)
BILAByte(0, x, Y) = zNotMax255(TB / BDiv)
'PIC2.PSet (X, Y), RGB(COut(X, Y).R, COut(X, Y).G, COut(X, Y).B)
'For B = 0 To PB
'For X = 0 To pW
'For Y = 0 To PH
'Sbyte(B, X, Y) = BILAByte(B, X, Y)
CopyMemory ByVal VarPtr(Sbyte(0, 0, 0)), ByVal VarPtr(BILAByte(0, 0, 0)), CLng(PB + 1) * CLng(pW + 1) * CLng(PH + 1)
End Sub
Public Sub zGet_Effect(pboxImageHandle As Long)
Dim iRet As Long
iRet = SetBitmapBits(pboxImageHandle, hBmp.bmWidthBytes * hBmp.bmHeight, BILAByte(0, 0, 0))
Erase BILAByte
End Sub
Public Sub zGet_Contour(pboxImageHandle As Long)
Dim iRet As Long
iRet = SetBitmapBits(pboxImageHandle, hBmp.bmWidthBytes * hBmp.bmHeight, ContByte(0, 0, 0))
Erase ContByte
End Sub
Public Sub zEFF_Contour(Contour_0_100 As Single)
Dim x As Long
Dim Y As Long
Dim ContAmount As Single
'Contour_0_100 = 25
ContAmount = 0.00004 * Contour_0_100
ReDim ContByte(0 To PB, 0 To pW, 0 To PH)
ReDim ContByte2(0 To PB, 0 To pW, 0 To PH)
Dim HSP() As tHSP
Dim Vec() As tVector
ReDim HSP(0 To pW, 0 To PH)
ReDim Vec(0 To pW, 0 To PH)
' frmMAIN.PIC2.Cls
For x = 0 To pW
For Y = 0 To PH
With HSP(x, Y)
RGBtoHSP BILAByte(2, x, Y), BILAByte(1, x, Y), BILAByte(0, x, Y), .H, .S, .P
End With
For x = 1 To pW - 1
For Y = 1 To PH - 1
With Vec(x, Y)
.Y = -(-HSP(x - 1, Y - 1).P - 2 * HSP(x - 1, Y).P - HSP(x - 1, Y + 1).P + HSP(x + 1, Y - 1).P + 2 * HSP(x + 1, Y).P + HSP(x + 1, Y + 1).P)
.x = (-HSP(x - 1, Y - 1).P - 2 * HSP(x, Y - 1).P - HSP(x + 1, Y - 1).P + HSP(x - 1, Y + 1).P + 2 * HSP(x, Y + 1).P + HSP(x + 1, Y + 1).P)
.L = (.x * .x + .Y * .Y)
'.L = .L * 0.001
.L = .L * ContAmount
'frmMAIN.PIC2.PSet (X, Y), RGB(.L, .L, .L)
ContByte(0, x, Y) = zNotMax255(.L)
End With
End Sub