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431 lines
MultiUse = -1 'True
Persistable = 0 'NotPersistable
DataBindingBehavior = 0 'vbNone
DataSourceBehavior = 0 'vbNone
MTSTransactionMode = 0 'NotAnMTSObject
Attribute VB_Name = "clsPDF"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = True
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
' File name (.PDF)
Public FileName As String
' Info - these are optional
Public Producer As String ' Producer
Public Title As String ' Title
Public Subject As String ' Subject
Public Author As String ' Author
' Paper specifications
Public PaperSize As pdfPaperSize ' Paper Size
Public LandScape As Boolean ' If TRUE, swap height & width
Public TopMargin As Long ' Top margin
Public LeftMargin As Long ' Left margin
Private PaperWidth As Long ' Paper width (computed)
Private PaperHeight As Long ' Paper height (computed)
' Font specifications
Public FontSize As Long ' Font size
Public FontType As pdfFont ' Type (Bold/Italic/Regular)
Public VertSpace As Long ' Spacing between rows
' Support variables
Private nStartStream
Private nObject As Long ' Number of Objects
Private Objects As New Collection ' Objects collection (with offset from the start of the file)
Private Kids As New Collection ' Pages collection
' Font types
Public Enum pdfFont
pdfRegular = 1
pdfItalic = 2
pdfBold = 3
pdfBoldItalic = 4
End Enum
' Paper sizes
Public Enum pdfPaperSize
pdfA3 = 1
pdfA4 = 2
pdfA5 = 3
pdfTABLOID = 4
pdfLEDGER = 5
pdfLEGAL = 6
End Enum
' Setup default values
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
PaperSize = pdfA4
LandScape = False
TopMargin = 50
LeftMargin = 50
FontType = pdfRegular
FontSize = 10
VertSpace = 12
End Sub
' Write the header
Sub StartPDF()
Dim nLen As Long
Dim cObj As String
Dim nTemp As Long
' Compute width & height
Select Case PaperSize
Case pdfA3
PaperWidth = 842
PaperHeight = 1190
Case pdfA4
PaperWidth = 595
PaperHeight = 842
Case pdfA5
PaperWidth = 421
PaperHeight = 595
PaperWidth = 792
PaperHeight = 1224
Case pdfLEDGER
PaperWidth = 1224
PaperHeight = 792
Case pdfLETTER
PaperWidth = 612
PaperHeight = 1008
PaperWidth = 396
PaperHeight = 612
PaperWidth = 540
PaperHeight = 720
Case Else
' The default is A4
PaperWidth = 595
PaperHeight = 842
End Select
' If landscape, swap width & height
If LandScape Then
nTemp = PaperWidth
PaperWidth = PaperHeight
PaperHeight = nTemp
End If
' Create the output file
n = FreeFile
Open FileName For Output As #n
' Version
Print #n, "%PDF-1.2" & vbLf & _
"%Γπ╧╙" & vbLf;
Close #n
' Info
nObject = 1
cObj = "/CreationDate (D:" + Format(Now, "YYYYMMDDHHMMSS") + ")"
cObj = cObj + vbLf + "/Creator (Visual Basic)"
cObj = cObj + vbLf + "/Producer (vb2pdf v1.2 \251 M. Nicolato)"
If Title <> "" Then cObj = cObj + vbLf + "/Title (" + Title + ")"
If Subject <> "" Then cObj = cObj + vbLf + "/Subject (" + Subject + ")"
If Author <> "" Then cObj = cObj + vbLf + "/Author (" + Author + ")"
WriteObject cObj
' Objects 2 and 3 will be created in the trailer
nObject = 4
cObj = "/Type /Font"
cObj = cObj + vbLf + "/Subtype /Type1"
cObj = cObj + vbLf + "/Name /F1"
cObj = cObj + vbLf + "/Encoding 8 0 R"
cObj = cObj + vbLf + "/BaseFont /Courier"
WriteObject cObj
nObject = nObject + 1
cObj = "/Type /Font"
cObj = cObj + vbLf + "/Subtype /Type1"
cObj = cObj + vbLf + "/Name /F2"
cObj = cObj + vbLf + "/Encoding 8 0 R"
cObj = cObj + vbLf + "/BaseFont /Courier-Oblique"
WriteObject cObj
' Font BOLD
nObject = nObject + 1
cObj = "/Type /Font"
cObj = cObj + vbLf + "/Subtype /Type1"
cObj = cObj + vbLf + "/Name /F3"
cObj = cObj + vbLf + "/Encoding 8 0 R"
cObj = cObj + vbLf + "/BaseFont /Courier-Bold"
WriteObject cObj
nObject = nObject + 1
cObj = "/Type /Font"
cObj = cObj + vbLf + "/Subtype /Type1"
cObj = cObj + vbLf + "/Name /F4"
cObj = cObj + vbLf + "/Encoding 8 0 R"
cObj = cObj + vbLf + "/BaseFont /Courier-BoldOblique"
WriteObject cObj
' Font Encoding
nObject = nObject + 1
cObj = "/Type /Encoding"
cObj = cObj + vbLf + "/BaseEncoding /WinAnsiEncoding"
WriteObject cObj
' Fonts object
nObject = nObject + 1
cObj = " /Font << /F1 4 0 R /F2 5 0 R /F3 6 0 R /F4 7 0 R >>"
cObj = cObj + vbLf + " /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ]"
WriteObject cObj
' Start with a new page
End Sub
' Write the PDF terminator
Public Sub EndPDF()
Dim cObj As String
Dim n As Long
Dim nOffset As Long
' Close the last page
' Catalog
cObj = "2 0 obj"
cObj = cObj + vbLf + "<<"
cObj = cObj + vbLf + "/Type /Catalog"
cObj = cObj + vbLf + "/Pages 3 0 R"
cObj = cObj + vbLf + "/PageLayout /OneColumn"
cObj = cObj + vbLf + ">>"
cObj = cObj + vbLf + "endobj"
nOffset = WriteText(cObj)
Objects.Add (nOffset), CStr(2)
' Pages
cObj = "3 0 obj"
cObj = cObj + vbLf + "<<"
cObj = cObj + vbLf + "/Type /Pages"
cObj = cObj + vbLf + "/Count " + CStr(Kids.Count)
cObj = cObj + vbLf + "/MediaBox [ 0 0 " + CStr(PaperWidth) + " " + CStr(PaperHeight) + " ]"
cObj = cObj + vbLf + "/Kids [ "
' List each page object
For n = 1 To Kids.Count
cObj = cObj + CStr(Kids(n)) + " 0 R "
cObj = cObj + "]"
cObj = cObj + vbLf + ">>"
cObj = cObj + vbLf + "endobj"
' Write
nOffset = WriteText(cObj)
Objects.Add (nOffset), CStr(3)
' CrossReference
nObject = nObject + 1
cObj = "xref"
cObj = cObj + vbLf + "0 " + CStr(nObject)
cObj = cObj + vbLf + "0000000000 65535 f "
' List all the object's offset, ordering by object number
For n = 1 To Objects.Count
cObj = cObj + vbCr + Format(Objects(CStr(n)), "0#########") + " 00000 n "
cObj = cObj + vbCr + "trailer" ' prova
nOffset = WriteText(cObj)
' Trailer
cObj = "<<"
cObj = cObj + vbLf + "/Size " + CStr(nObject)
cObj = cObj + vbLf + "/Root 2 0 R"
cObj = cObj + vbLf + "/Info 1 0 R"
cObj = cObj + vbLf + ">>"
cObj = cObj + vbLf + "startxref"
cObj = cObj + vbLf + CStr(nOffset)
cObj = cObj + vbLf + "%%EOF"
WriteText cObj
End Sub
' Create a new page
Public Sub NewPage()
Dim cObj As String
Dim nLen As Long
Dim nOffset As Long
' Close the previous page
If Kids.Count > 0 Then
End If
' Page resources
nObject = nObject + 1
cObj = "/Type /Page"
cObj = cObj + vbLf + "/Parent 3 0 R"
cObj = cObj + vbLf + "/Resources 9 0 R"
cObj = cObj + vbLf + "/Contents " + CStr(nObject + 1) + " 0 R"
WriteObject cObj
' Add this object to the pages's collection
Kids.Add nObject
' Page length is in the next object
nObject = nObject + 1
cObj = CStr(nObject) + " 0 obj"
cObj = cObj + vbLf + "<<"
cObj = cObj + vbLf + "/Length " + CStr(nObject + 1) + " 0 R"
cObj = cObj + vbLf + ">>"
cObj = cObj + vbLf + "stream"
cObj = cObj + vbLf + "BT"
nOffset = WriteText(cObj)
Objects.Add nOffset, CStr(nObject)
' Store the offset of the stream
nStartStream = nOffset + Len(cObj) - 5 ' Adjust start of stream
' Start with the font, page offset and vertical spacing
cObj = "/F" + CStr(FontType) + " " + CStr(FontSize) + " Tf"
WriteText cObj
' Start offset and rotation at default position
SetOrigin LeftMargin, PaperHeight - TopMargin, 0
End Sub
' Close the page
Private Sub EndPage()
Dim cObj As String
Dim nLen As Long
Dim nOffset As Long
cObj = "ET"
cObj = cObj + vbLf + "endstream"
cObj = cObj + vbLf + "endobj"
' Calculate the length of the page
nLen = WriteText(cObj) - nStartStream
nObject = nObject + 1
cObj = CStr(nObject) + " 0 obj"
cObj = cObj + vbLf + CStr(nLen)
cObj = cObj + vbLf + "endobj"
nOffset = WriteText(cObj)
Objects.Add (nOffset), CStr(nObject)
End Sub
' Write the text in the PDF file
Public Sub WritePDF(ByVal cText As String, bNewRow As Boolean, Optional NewFont As pdfFont)
Dim cObj As String
Dim cRestoreFont As String
' Change the current font ?
If NewFont <> 0 And NewFont <> FontType Then
cObj = "/F" + CStr(NewFont) + " " + CStr(FontSize) + " Tf" + vbLf
cRestoreFont = vbLf + "/F" + CStr(FontType) + " " + CStr(FontSize) + " Tf"
End If
' New row ?
If bNewRow Then
cObj = cObj + "T* "
End If
' Convert special chars
cObj = cObj + "(" + Convert(cText) + ") Tj"
' Restore original font
cObj = cObj + cRestoreFont
WriteText cObj
End Sub
' Set origin & text orientation (added 2003, may)
Public Sub SetOrigin(nStartX As Long, nStartY As Long, Optional nDegree As Long = 0)
Dim cObj As String
Dim a As Single
Dim b As Single
Dim c As Single
Dim d As Single
' calculate (Tm) matrix coefficents
Const pi = 3.141592654
a = Cos(pi * nDegree / 180)
b = Sin(pi * nDegree / 180)
c = -b
d = a
' Tm text matrix
WriteText Number2Str(a, 3) & " " & _
Number2Str(b, 3) & " " & _
Number2Str(c, 3) & " " & _
Number2Str(d, 3) & " " & _
Str(nStartX) & " " & _
Str(nStartY) & _
" Tm"
' Vertical spacing
WriteText CStr(VertSpace) + " TL"
End Sub
' Write this text as an object using PDF syntax
Private Sub WriteObject(cObject As String)
Dim nOffset As Long
Dim cObj As String
cObj = CStr(nObject) + " 0 obj"
cObj = cObj + vbLf + "<<"
cObj = cObj + vbLf + cObject
cObj = cObj + vbLf + ">>"
cObj = cObj + vbLf + "endobj"
nOffset = WriteText(cObj)
' Add the offset of this objetc to the Objects collection
Objects.Add (nOffset), CStr(nObject)
End Sub
' Write this text and return his offset from the start of the file
Private Function WriteText(cText As String) As Long
Dim n As Long
n = FreeFile
Open FileName For Append As #n
WriteText = LOF(n)
Print #n, cText & vbLf;
Close #n
End Function
' Convert special chars as "\", "(" or ")"
Private Function Convert(cText As String) As String
Dim i As Long
Dim t As String
For i = 1 To Len(cText)
t = Mid(cText, i, 1)
If t = "\" Or t = "(" Or t = ")" Then
t = "\" + t
End If
Convert = Convert + t
End Function
' Same as FORMAT function, but returns a DOT instead of local decimal separator
' (it may be different by country)
Private Function Number2Str(nValue As Variant, nDecimals As Long) As String
Dim cMask As String
' create a mask for decimal point
If nDecimals <> 0 Then
cMask = "0." & String(nDecimals - 1, "#") & "0"
cMask = "0"
End If
Number2Str = Format(nValue, cMask)
' replace local decimal separator with "."
Dim cDecSep As String
cDecSep = Mid(CStr(0.1), 2, 1) ' get local decimal separator character
Dim nDecPos As Long
nDecPos = InStr(Number2Str, cDecSep) ' find where used
If nDecPos <> 0 Then
Mid(Number2Str, nDecPos, 1) = "." ' substitute with a DOT
End If
End Function