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222 lines
MultiUse = -1 'True
Persistable = 0 'NotPersistable
DataBindingBehavior = 0 'vbNone
DataSourceBehavior = 0 'vbNone
MTSTransactionMode = 0 'NotAnMTSObject
Attribute VB_Name = "clsLoadTGA"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = True
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
' Original Code : CodeId=56537 (PNG Class By Alfred Koppold)
' Revision By Erkan ▐anl² 2009
Option Explicit
Private Type HEADER '18 Byte
IDSize As Byte '1
ColorMapType As Byte '1
ImageType As Byte '1 0=none,1=indexed,2=rgb,3=grey,>8=rle
ColorMapStart As Integer '2
ColorMapLenght As Integer '2
ColorMapBits As Byte '1
XStart As Integer '2
YStart As Integer '2
Width As Integer '2
Height As Integer '2
Bits As Byte '1
Descriptor As Byte '1
End Type
Private Type PALLET2
Byte1 As Byte
Byte2 As Byte
End Type
Private mHeader As HEADER
Private mWidth As Long
Private mHeight As Long
Private mBitmapData() As Byte
Private mNumFile As Integer
Private mNumPixel As Long
Public Sub LoadTGA(ByVal Filename As String)
mNumFile = FreeFile
Open Filename For Binary As #mNumFile
Get #mNumFile, , mHeader
With mHeader
mWidth = .Width - .XStart
mHeight = .Height - .YStart
mNumPixel = mWidth * mHeight
Select Case .Bits
Case 8: Read_bd08
Case 16: Read_bd16
Case 24: Read_bd24
Case 32: Read_bd32
End Select
End With
Close #mNumFile
Call DrawBitmap(mWidth, mHeight)
End Sub
Private Sub Read_bd08()
Dim Pal(255) As RGBTRIPLE
Dim Pal16() As PALLET2
Dim Pal24() As RGBTRIPLE
Dim Pal32() As RGBQUAD
Dim idx As Integer
Select Case mHeader.ColorMapBits
Case 16
ReDim Pal16(mHeader.ColorMapLenght - 1)
Get #mNumFile, , Pal16
For idx = 0 To UBound(Pal16)
If GetByte(Pal16(idx).Byte1, 1) Then Pal(idx).Blue = 16
If GetByte(Pal16(idx).Byte1, 2) Then Pal(idx).Blue = Pal(idx).Blue + 8
If GetByte(Pal16(idx).Byte1, 3) Then Pal(idx).Blue = Pal(idx).Blue + 4
If GetByte(Pal16(idx).Byte1, 4) Then Pal(idx).Blue = Pal(idx).Blue + 2
If GetByte(Pal16(idx).Byte1, 5) Then Pal(idx).Blue = Pal(idx).Blue + 1
If GetByte(Pal16(idx).Byte1, 6) Then Pal(idx).Green = 16
If GetByte(Pal16(idx).Byte1, 7) Then Pal(idx).Green = Pal(idx).Green + 8
If GetByte(Pal16(idx).Byte1, 8) Then Pal(idx).Green = Pal(idx).Green + 4
If GetByte(Pal16(idx).Byte2, 1) Then Pal(idx).Green = Pal(idx).Green + 2
If GetByte(Pal16(idx).Byte2, 2) Then Pal(idx).Green = Pal(idx).Green + 1
If GetByte(Pal16(idx).Byte2, 3) Then Pal(idx).Red = 16
If GetByte(Pal16(idx).Byte2, 4) Then Pal(idx).Red = Pal(idx).Red + 8
If GetByte(Pal16(idx).Byte2, 5) Then Pal(idx).Red = Pal(idx).Red + 4
If GetByte(Pal16(idx).Byte2, 6) Then Pal(idx).Red = Pal(idx).Red + 2
If GetByte(Pal16(idx).Byte2, 7) Then Pal(idx).Red = Pal(idx).Red + 1
Pal(idx).Blue = Pal(idx).Blue * 4
Pal(idx).Green = Pal(idx).Green * 4
Pal(idx).Red = Pal(idx).Red * 4
Next idx
Case 24
ReDim Pal24(mHeader.ColorMapLenght - 1)
Get #mNumFile, , Pal24
For idx = 0 To UBound(Pal24)
Pal(idx).Red = Pal24(idx).Blue 'Attention !! Red = Blue (rgb>>bgra)
Pal(idx).Green = Pal24(idx).Green
Pal(idx).Blue = Pal24(idx).Red 'Attention !! Blue = Red (rgb>>bgra)
Next idx
Case 32
ReDim Pal32(mHeader.ColorMapLenght - 1)
Get #mNumFile, , Pal32
For idx = 0 To UBound(Pal32)
Pal(idx).Red = Pal32(idx).rgbRed
Pal(idx).Green = Pal32(idx).rgbGreen
Pal(idx).Blue = Pal32(idx).rgbBlue
Next idx
Case Else
ReDim mBitmapData(LOF(mNumFile) - Len(mHeader))
For idx = 0 To 255
Pal(idx).Blue = idx
Pal(idx).Green = idx
Pal(idx).Red = idx
Next idx
End Select
Call QuickColorTable_08(Pal)
ReDim mBitmapData(LOF(mNumFile) - Len(mHeader) - 765) '765=((mHeader.ColorMapLenght - 1) * 3))
Get #mNumFile, , mBitmapData()
If mHeader.ImageType > 8 Then
MsgBox "Compression under consruction"
Call MakeBitmap(mWidth, mHeight, mBitmapData)
Call CreateBitmap(mWidth, mHeight, mBitmapData, bd_08)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Read_bd16()
ReDim mBitmapData(LOF(mNumFile) - Len(mHeader))
Get #mNumFile, , mBitmapData()
If mHeader.ImageType > 8 Then
MsgBox "Compression under consruction"
Call MakeBitmap(mWidth * 2, mHeight, mBitmapData)
Call CreateBitmap(mWidth, mHeight, mBitmapData, bd_16)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Read_bd24()
Dim quad() As RGBQUAD
Dim idx As Long
Dim idx3 As Long
ReDim mBitmapData(LOF(mNumFile) - Len(mHeader))
Get #mNumFile, , mBitmapData()
If mHeader.ImageType > 8 Then
MsgBox "Compression under consruction"
ReDim quad(UBound(mBitmapData) / 3)
For idx = 0 To UBound(mBitmapData) / 3 - 1
With quad(idx)
idx3 = idx * 3
.rgbBlue = mBitmapData(idx3)
.rgbGreen = mBitmapData(idx3 + 1)
.rgbRed = mBitmapData(idx3 + 2)
End With
Next idx
ReDim mBitmapData(UBound(quad) * 4 + 4)
CopyMemory mBitmapData(0), quad(0), UBound(mBitmapData)
Call CreateBitmap(mWidth, mHeight, mBitmapData, bd_32)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Read_bd32()
Dim quad() As RGBQUAD
Dim idx As Long
Dim idx4 As Long
ReDim mBitmapData(LOF(mNumFile) - Len(mHeader))
Get #mNumFile, , mBitmapData()
If mHeader.ImageType > 8 Then
MsgBox "Compression under consruction"
If mAlpha = True Then
Call MakeAlpha(mWidth, mHeight, mBitmapData)
Call CreateBitmap(mWidth, mHeight, mBitmapData, bd_24)
ReDim quad(UBound(mBitmapData) / 4)
For idx = 0 To UBound(mBitmapData) / 4 - 1
With quad(idx)
idx4 = idx * 4
.rgbBlue = mBitmapData(idx4)
.rgbGreen = mBitmapData(idx4 + 1)
.rgbRed = mBitmapData(idx4 + 2)
End With
Next idx
ReDim mBitmapData(UBound(quad) * 4 + 4)
CopyMemory mBitmapData(0), quad(0), UBound(mBitmapData)
Call CreateBitmap(mWidth, mHeight, mBitmapData, bd_32)
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Function GetByte(Bytes As Byte, Position As Byte) As Byte
GetByte = 0
Select Case Position
Case 1: If Bytes And 128 Then GetByte = 1 ' 128= 10000000
Case 2: If Bytes And 64 Then GetByte = 1 ' 64 = 01000000
Case 3: If Bytes And 32 Then GetByte = 1 ' 32 = 00100000
Case 4: If Bytes And 16 Then GetByte = 1 ' 16 = 00010000
Case 5: If Bytes And 8 Then GetByte = 1 ' 8 = 00001000
Case 6: If Bytes And 4 Then GetByte = 1 ' 4 = 00000100
Case 7: If Bytes And 2 Then GetByte = 1 ' 2 = 00000010
Case 8: If Bytes And 1 Then GetByte = 1 ' 1 = 00000001
End Select
End Function