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Begin VB.UserControl gucScrollControl
BorderStyle = 1 'Fest Einfach
ClientHeight = 3600
ClientLeft = 0
ClientTop = 0
ClientWidth = 4800
ControlContainer= -1 'True
ScaleHeight = 240
ScaleMode = 3 'Pixel
ScaleWidth = 320
Begin VB.PictureBox picWorkArea
AutoRedraw = -1 'True
BackColor = &H80000005&
BorderStyle = 0 'Kein
Height = 1515
Left = 1110
ScaleHeight = 1515
ScaleWidth = 2625
TabIndex = 0
Top = 810
Width = 2625
Attribute VB_Name = "gucScrollControl"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = True
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
Attribute VB_Exposed = True
Option Explicit
'Control: gucScrollControl
'IPN prefix: gsc
'Purpose: User control with native windows scrollbars, using gifSubClassing for
' subclassing. Use this control as a basis to design other controls with full
' scrollbar functionality.
'Author: Herbert Glarner
'Contact: herbert.glarner@bluewin.ch
'Copyright: (c) 2005 by Herbert Glarner
' Freeware, provided you include credits and mail.
'picWorkArea Represents the inner work area. Note, that the client area is automatically
' adjusted, when scrollbars are shown/hidden (i.e. "ScaleWidth" and "ScaleHeight"
' always reflect the really visible client area).
'gifSubClassing IDE-safe subclassing [by Paul Caton]
'(1) Assign the type of scrollbar(s) to be used (Horiz/Vert/Both) with "ActiveScrollbars".
'(2) Use "Min", "Max", "LargeChange" and "Value" to specify the scrollbars' properties.
' Until now, nothing was displayed: we defined just how the future scrollbar(s) will look like.
'(3) Above definitions are communicated to windows now.
' Use "SetScrollbar" to inform Windows about what we want (once for each scrollbar).
'(4) Time to display the scrollbar(s) now (both in one go, if both were defined).
' Display the scrollbar(s) via "ShowScrollbars" (hide them via "HideScrollbars")
' The scrollbars are displayed and functional now, i.e., they will trigger events.
'ActiveScrollbars r/w
'LargeChange r/w
'Max r/w
'Min r/w
'ScaleHeight r/-
'ScaleWidth r/-
'SmallChange r/w
'Value r/w
'WorkArea r/-
'LineDown Suggest a line down/pos right, raises events as if the scrollbar was clicked.
'LineUp Suggest a line up/pos left, raises events as if the scrollbar was clicked.
'Windows messages that we're going to filter for callback.
Private Const gscWMHScroll As Long = &H114&
Private Const gscWMVScroll As Long = &H115&
Private Const gscWMMouseWheel As Long = &H20A&
'Pressed keys while rotating the mouse wheel
Public Enum egscMouseKeys
egscMKShift = 4&
egscMKControl = 8&
End Enum
'Type of scrollbar. Used in API calls.
Public Enum egscSBDefinition
egscSBDHorizontal = 0&
egscSBDVertical = 1&
egscSBDBoth = 3&
End Enum
'Our properties allow setting the value for either one of the scrollbars, but not
'for both together: we have an individual record of the "tgswScrollInfo" structure
'for each.
Public Enum egscSBOrientation
egscSBOHorizontal = 0&
egscSBOVertical = 1&
End Enum
'The scrollbar notification types are delivered in the low word of the DWord
'"wParam". Use the private function "GetLoWord" to extract that word from wParam.
Public Enum egscSBNotification
'Set scroll value to value - SmallChange
egscSBNLineLeft = 0
egscSBNLineUp = 0
'Set scroll value to value + SmallChange
egscSBNLineDown = 1
egscSBNLineRight = 1
'Set scroll value to value - LargeChange
egscSBNPageLeft = 2
egscSBNPageUp = 2
'Set scroll value to value + LargeChange
egscSBNPageRight = 3
egscSBNPageDown = 3
'Set scroll value to track position, Track Event if wanted
egscSBNThumbTrack = 5 'while Tracking
egscSBNThumbPosition = 4 'End of Tracking
'Set scroll value to min
egscSBNLeft = 6
egscSBNTop = 6
'Set scroll value to max
egscSBNRight = 7
egscSBNBottom = 7
'Raise a Change Event
egscSBNEndScroll = 8
End Enum
'Used in the "Mask" field of the structure "tgswScrollInfo".
Public Enum egscScrollInfoMask
egscSIMRange = &H1
egscSIMPage = &H2
egscSIMPos = &H4
egscSIMDisableNoScroll = &H8
egscSIMTrackPos = &H10
egscSIMAll = (egscSIMRange Or egscSIMPage Or egscSIMPos Or egscSIMTrackPos)
End Enum
'MS's SCROLLINFO structure. Used to set/retrieve scrollbar values.
Private Type tgscScrollInfo
Size As Long 'Size of (this) structure
Mask As egscScrollInfoMask 'Values to change
Min As Long 'Minimum value of the scrollbar
Max As Long 'Maximum value of the scrollbar
Page As Long 'What VB calls "LargeChange"
Pos As Long 'Current value
TrackPos As Long '[Is actually in HiWord of wParam]
End Type
Private Const cSizeofScrollInfo As Long = 28&
'Note, that the actual maximal value of the scrollbar is actually equal to the
'structure's "Max" value plus its "Page" value.
'Declaring the subclasser
Private gscSubClasser As gclSubClassing 'Declare the subclasser
'Stores the active scrollbar(s). Use "ActiveScrollbars" to set/read this value.
Private glSBDefinition As egscSBDefinition
'We need a "tgswScrollInfo" record per scrollbar, i.e. one each for the
'horizontal (egswSBOHorizontal) and the vertical (egswSBOVertical) scrollbar.
Private grScrollInfo(egscSBOHorizontal To egscSBOVertical) As tgscScrollInfo
'To not destroy above data when it's needed to call the "GetScrollInfo" API (i.e.
'when requesting the 32-bit-thumb value while scrolling), another structure pair
'is defined for that purpose.
Private grScrollInfoTrack(egscSBOHorizontal To egscSBOVertical) As tgscScrollInfo
'We're only raising a "Change" event if there is a new value. This variable holds
'the last value for which such an event was raised.
Private glLastEventValue(egscSBOHorizontal To egscSBOVertical) As Long
'A "small change" is not realized via the structure. Still, we can't assume "1"
'all the time, that depends on the clients implementation. Thus, we store that
'value in a global variable.
'Usually 1, and initialized with that value
Private glSmallChange(egscSBOHorizontal To egscSBOVertical) As Long
'Use these individual events, if you need a precise control (alignments in grids
'and the like). As the second argument implies, this is a *suggested* change value
'only. You can modify this argument and when *your* event procedure was handled the
'changed value will be applied. (You even can 'cancel' the event by setting this
'value to 0).
'Separating the events for the different scrollbars. Vertical scrollbar:
Public Event LineUp(SuggestedChange As Long)
Public Event LineDown(SuggestedChange As Long)
Public Event PageUp(SuggestedChange As Long)
Public Event PageDown(SuggestedChange As Long)
'Horizontal scrollbar
Public Event PosLeft(SuggestedChange As Long)
Public Event PosRight(SuggestedChange As Long)
Public Event PageLeft(SuggestedChange As Long)
Public Event PageRight(SuggestedChange As Long)
'When clicking onto the thumb and when dragging it, a suggested *position* (and
'not a suggested *change* value) is communicated. This position can be manipulated
'by the client's event procedure: if the value is modified, it is that value which
'is applied.
Public Event VScroll(SuggestedPos As Long)
Public Event HScroll(SuggestedPos As Long)
'Raised when there is a new Value for the scrollbar. Communicated *after* above
'events, taking into account a possibly modified suggestion value.
Public Event Change(Scrollbar As egscSBOrientation, Value As Long)
Public Event MouseWheel(hWnd As Long, X As Long, Y As Long, Value As Long, Key As egscMouseKeys)
'Shows or hides a scrollbar
Private Declare Function ShowScrollBar Lib "user32.dll" _
(ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal wBar As egscSBDefinition, _
ByVal bShow As Boolean) As Long
'Sets the properties of a scrollbar
Private Declare Function SetScrollInfo Lib "user32.dll" _
(ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal wBar As egscSBOrientation, _
ByRef lpScrollInfo As tgscScrollInfo, ByVal bool As Boolean) As Long
'Gets the properties of a scrollbar
Private Declare Function GetScrollInfo Lib "user32.dll" _
(ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal wBar As egscSBOrientation, _
ByRef lpScrollInfo As tgscScrollInfo) As Long
'Initializing data structures
Private Declare Sub ZeroMemory Lib "kernel32.dll" Alias "RtlZeroMemory" _
(Destination As Long, ByVal Length As Long)
'We're implementing the interfaces declared in iSuperClass. Once the following declaration is in
'place you'll find an entry in the left hand combo-box at the top of the code window for gifSubClassing.
Implements gifSubClassing
Private Sub UserControl_Initialize()
Dim lSize As Long
'The field "Size" of the two variables of structure type "tgswScrollInfo"
'needs to be set once only: it won't change.
lSize = Len(grScrollInfo(egscSBOHorizontal)) 'Either one (Hor/Vert) does the job
grScrollInfo(egscSBOHorizontal).Size = lSize
grScrollInfo(egscSBOVertical).Size = lSize
grScrollInfo(egscSBOHorizontal).Mask = egscSIMAll
grScrollInfo(egscSBOVertical).Mask = egscSIMAll
'Initializing the small change value is '1' (can be overwritten with the
'property "SmallChange").
glSmallChange(egscSBOHorizontal) = 1&
glSmallChange(egscSBOVertical) = 1&
'Subclass the scrollbar messages. Create a SubClasser instance.
Set gscSubClasser = New gclSubClassing
'Position picture box representing the work area.
picWorkArea.Left = 0&
picWorkArea.Top = 0&
'Tell the subclasser which messages to callback on (filtered mode).
With gscSubClasser
'Note: There's an optional second parameter to AddMsg which should be set to True if you
' wish to receive the message *before* default processing.
Call .AddMsg(gscWMHScroll, True)
Call .AddMsg(gscWMVScroll, True)
Call .AddMsg(gscWMMouseWheel, True)
'Start subclassing.
Call .Subclass(hWnd, Me)
End With
End Sub
Private Sub UserControl_Terminate()
'Destroy the SubClasser.
Set gscSubClasser = Nothing
End Sub
Private Sub UserControl_Resize()
'The picture box representing the work area rakes the whole inner client area
'(without occupying the space needed for the scrollbars).
picWorkArea.Width = ScaleWidth
picWorkArea.Height = ScaleHeight
End Sub
Private Sub gifSubClassing_After _
(lReturn As Long, ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal uMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As Long)
'Not used, but existence of the Sub is an implementation requirement.
End Sub
'This implemented interface is called BEFORE default processing, i.e. *before* the previous WndProc.
'Set "lReturn" to '0' and "lHandled" to 'True' when the message was handled.
Private Sub gifSubClassing_Before _
(lHandled As Long, _
lReturn As Long, ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal uMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As Long)
Dim lX As Long, lY As Long
Dim lDelta As Long, lKeys As egscMouseKeys
Select Case uMsg
Case gscWMMouseWheel
'Get the coordinates relative to the *Screen* (not relative to this control or its owner).
lX = GetLoWord(lParam): lY = GetHiWord(lParam)
'We need the delta value signed.
lDelta = (wParam And &HFFFF0000) \ &H10000
lKeys = GetLoWord(wParam)
'Owner handles this event.
RaiseEvent MouseWheel(hWnd, lX, lY, lDelta, lKeys)
lHandled = True
lReturn = 0
Case gscWMHScroll
'Horizontal scrollbar messages
ProcessScrollBar egscSBOHorizontal, GetLoWord(wParam), GetHiWord(wParam)
lHandled = True
lReturn = 0
Case gscWMVScroll
'Vertical scrollbar messages
ProcessScrollBar egscSBOVertical, GetLoWord(wParam), GetHiWord(wParam)
lHandled = True
lReturn = 0
End Select
End Sub
'Returns the work area (picture box) to the client for direct drawing.
Public Property Get WorkArea() As Object
Set WorkArea = picWorkArea
End Property
'Assign the type of scrollbar(s) to be displayed, read what type(s) were assigned.
Public Property Let ActiveScrollbars(BarsToDisplay As egscSBDefinition)
glSBDefinition = BarsToDisplay
End Property
Public Property Get ActiveScrollbars() As egscSBDefinition
ActiveScrollbars = glSBDefinition
End Property
'Assign/Read the scrollbar property Min/Max/Value/LargeChange/SmallChange for one
'of the two scrollbars (horizontal or vertical).
Public Property Let LargeChange(Scrollbar As egscSBOrientation, NewValue As Long)
grScrollInfo(Scrollbar).Page = NewValue
End Property
Public Property Get LargeChange(Scrollbar As egscSBOrientation) As Long
LargeChange = grScrollInfo(Scrollbar).Page
End Property
'(A "small change" is not realized via the structure. Still, we can't assume "1"
'all the time, that depends on the clients implementation. Thus, we store that
'value in a global variable.)
Public Property Let SmallChange(Scrollbar As egscSBOrientation, NewValue As Long)
glSmallChange(Scrollbar) = NewValue
End Property
Public Property Get SmallChange(Scrollbar As egscSBOrientation) As Long
SmallChange = glSmallChange(Scrollbar)
End Property
Public Property Let Max(Scrollbar As egscSBOrientation, NewMaximum As Long)
grScrollInfo(Scrollbar).Max = NewMaximum
End Property
Public Property Get Max(Scrollbar As egscSBOrientation) As Long
Max = grScrollInfo(Scrollbar).Max
End Property
Public Property Let Min(Scrollbar As egscSBOrientation, NewMinimum As Long)
grScrollInfo(Scrollbar).Min = NewMinimum
End Property
Public Property Get Min(Scrollbar As egscSBOrientation) As Long
Min = grScrollInfo(Scrollbar).Min
End Property
Public Property Let Value(Scrollbar As egscSBOrientation, NewValue As Long)
grScrollInfo(Scrollbar).Pos = NewValue
End Property
Public Property Get Value(Scrollbar As egscSBOrientation) As Long
Value = grScrollInfo(Scrollbar).Pos
End Property
'Retrieving the work area dimensions (read only)
Public Property Get ScaleHeight() As Long
ScaleHeight = UserControl.ScaleHeight
End Property
Public Property Get ScaleWidth() As Long
ScaleWidth = UserControl.ScaleWidth
End Property
'Communicating the desired settings (Min, Max, Value, LargeChange) to Windows.
Public Sub SetScrollbar(Scrollbar As egscSBOrientation)
SetScrollInfo hWnd, Scrollbar, grScrollInfo(Scrollbar), True
End Sub
'Showing the scrollbars as defined in "ActiveScrollbars".
Public Sub ShowScrollbars()
ShowScrollBar hWnd, glSBDefinition, True
End Sub
'Hide the scrollbars as defined in "ActiveScrollbars".
Public Sub HideScrollbars()
ShowScrollBar hWnd, glSBDefinition, False
End Sub
'It is possible to tell the control to trigger any event to the owner. Use this instead
'of setting a position with the "Value" property, when your client performs value manipulation
'in order to ensure a dedicated position.
Public Sub LineDown(Scrollbar As egscSBOrientation)
ProcessScrollBar Scrollbar, egscSBNLineDown, glSmallChange(Scrollbar)
End Sub
Public Sub LineUp(Scrollbar As egscSBOrientation)
ProcessScrollBar Scrollbar, egscSBNLineUp, glSmallChange(Scrollbar)
End Sub
'Processing a scrollbar notification. Called by InterceptedWinMsg for either of
'the two scrollbar orientations (Scrollbar tells for which).
Private Sub ProcessScrollBar(Scrollbar As egscSBOrientation, _
Notification As egscSBNotification, nPos As Long)
Dim lValue As Long
Dim lChangeValue As Long 'This is user-modifiable on page/line up/down
Dim eMask As egscScrollInfoMask
Dim lEffMax As Long
With grScrollInfo(Scrollbar)
'The other notifications all change the position (the 'value').
Select Case Notification
Case egscSBNThumbTrack, egscSBNThumbPosition
'Usual 16-bit technique:
' 'Set scroll value to track position. Here, the scroll position
' 'is provided in nPos (ex the Hi Word of wParam).
' lValue = nPos
'Circumventing the usual 16 bit value and getting the 32 bit value.
' Microsoft states: "The GetScrollInfo function enables applications to use
' 32-bit scroll positions. Although the messages that indicate scroll-bar position,
' WM_HSCROLL and WM_VSCROLL, provide only 16 bits of position data, the functions
' SetScrollInfo and GetScrollInfo provide 32 bits of scroll-bar position data.
' Thus, an application can call GetScrollInfo while processing either the WM_HSCROLL or
' WM_VSCROLL messages to obtain 32-bit scroll-bar position data."
' (To not to destroy the data in the usual ScrollInfo structures, we use the separate
' structure variable "grScrollInfoTrack()" instead of "grScrollInfo()".)
ZeroMemory ByVal VarPtr(grScrollInfoTrack(Scrollbar)), cSizeofScrollInfo
grScrollInfoTrack(Scrollbar).Size = cSizeofScrollInfo
grScrollInfoTrack(Scrollbar).Mask = egscSIMTrackPos
GetScrollInfo hWnd, Scrollbar, grScrollInfoTrack(Scrollbar)
'The function returns the tracking position of the scroll box in the nTrackPos member
'of the SCROLLINFO structure.
lValue = grScrollInfoTrack(Scrollbar).TrackPos
'The event *suggests* a final position. This can be changed by
'the client's event procedure (for example to force a start at
'the beginning of rows/columns in grids etc.)
If Scrollbar = egscSBOVertical Then
RaiseEvent VScroll(lValue)
RaiseEvent HScroll(lValue)
End If
'To deactivate if not of use:
'lValue = .Pos
Case egscSBNLineUp 'also egswSBNLineLeft
'Set scroll value to value - SmallChange
lChangeValue = glSmallChange(Scrollbar)
'Events enabling the client to correct the suggested value
'(User can change lChangeValue).
If Scrollbar = egscSBOVertical Then
RaiseEvent LineUp(lChangeValue)
RaiseEvent PosLeft(lChangeValue)
End If
lValue = .Pos - lChangeValue 'Default is 1
If lValue < .Min Then lValue = .Min
Case egscSBNLineDown 'also egswSBNLineRight
'Set scroll value to value + SmallChange
lChangeValue = glSmallChange(Scrollbar)
'Events enabling the client to correct the suggested value
'(User can change lChangeValue).
If Scrollbar = egscSBOVertical Then
RaiseEvent LineDown(lChangeValue)
RaiseEvent PosRight(lChangeValue)
End If
lValue = .Pos + lChangeValue 'Default is 1
lEffMax = .Max - .Page + 1&
If lValue > lEffMax Then lValue = lEffMax
Case egscSBNPageUp 'also egswSBNPageLeft
'Set scroll value to value - LargeChange
lChangeValue = .Page
'Events enabling the client to correct the suggested value
'(User can change lChangeValue).
If Scrollbar = egscSBOVertical Then
RaiseEvent PageUp(lChangeValue)
RaiseEvent PageLeft(lChangeValue)
End If
lValue = .Pos - lChangeValue
If lValue < .Min Then lValue = .Min
Case egscSBNPageDown 'also egswSBNPageRight
'Set scroll value to value + LargeChange
lChangeValue = .Page
'Events enabling the client to correct the suggested value
'(User can change lChangeValue).
If Scrollbar = egscSBOVertical Then
RaiseEvent PageDown(lChangeValue)
RaiseEvent PageRight(lChangeValue)
End If
lValue = .Pos + lChangeValue
lEffMax = .Max - .Page + 1&
If lValue > lEffMax Then lValue = lEffMax
Case egscSBNTop 'also egswSBNLeft
'Set scroll value to min
lValue = .Min
Case egscSBNBottom 'also egswSBNRight
'Set scroll value to max
lValue = .Max
End Select
'Provide the new values for Windows (not for egswSBNEndScroll)
If Notification <> egscSBNEndScroll Then
.Pos = lValue
grScrollInfo(Scrollbar).Mask = egscSIMAll
SetScrollbar Scrollbar
End If
'"glLastEventValue" holds the last value for which a "Change" event was
'raised. A new event is raised only when it differs from the last event.
'If you don't want hot tracking, use "egswSBNEndScroll" to raise a "Change"
'event and "egswSBNThumbTrack" to raise a "Scroll" event.
If glLastEventValue(Scrollbar) <> .Pos Then
RaiseEvent Change(Scrollbar, .Pos)
glLastEventValue(Scrollbar) = .Pos
End If
End With
End Sub
'Extracting the High Word of a DWord.
Private Function GetHiWord(ByVal DWord As Long) As Long
GetHiWord = (DWord And &HFFFF0000) \ &H10000
If GetHiWord < 0& Then GetHiWord = GetHiWord + 65536
End Function
'Extracting the Low Word of a DWord.
Private Function GetLoWord(ByVal DWord As Long) As Long
DWord = DWord And &HFFFF&
If DWord > 32767 Then GetLoWord = DWord - 65536 Else GetLoWord = DWord
End Function