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BASIC Source File
526 lines
Attribute VB_Name = "ModRPN"
Option Explicit
Public glParsedSize As Long
Public gstrTokens(1 To 7) As String
Public gstrParsed(0 To 200) As String
Public gstrDoubleQuote As String * 1
' Name: CalcRPN
' Description: This function calculates a results from a RPN formula.
' By: Juha Mensola
' Inputs: The formula as string, separated by spaces.
' Returns: The end result as double
'Assumes: For those unfamiliar with RPN,
' it is a notation somewhat different from
' the standard way of writing down formulas.
' For example the calculation (2+3)*(4+5)(= 45)
' in RPN would be 2 3 + 4 5 + *.
'Also, this function understands multiple operands in the following manner:
'Formula 5*5+1*2*3/4-1 (= 25.5) would be 5 5 * 1 2 3 * * 4 / 1 - +
'The RemoveCell-function is used by the CalcRPN-function and should also be included in your project.
'The function currently understands the following perators: +, -, *, / and \(integer divide).
'But you can add new ones easily. Just add another case-statement and so on.
'Side Effects: None known.
'This code is copyrighted and has limited warranties.
'Please see http://www.planet-source-code.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=24179&lngWId=1
'for details.
'Converting from infix to postfix notation
'The algorithm to convert from normal, infix, notation to postfix notation works as follows,
' converting an expression on the input stream into an equivalent one on the output stream.
' The expression on the input stream is examined symbol by symbol:
' Identifiers and constants are passed directly to the output stream, but operators and
' parentheses require special attention.
' An opening parenthesis, '(', is simply placed on the operator stack.
' A closing parenthesis, ')', causes all of the operators on the stack down
' to the matching '(' to be placed on the output stream, the operators being
' removed from the top, down. The matching '(' is not placed on the output
' stream, and neither is the ')' -- these are discarded.
' An operator on the input stream causes one of two actions to be taken:
' If the stack is empty, or there is a '(' on the top of it, then the
' operator is placed on the top of the stack.
' If the top of the stack is an operator then if the current operator
' has a higher priority value than the one on the top, again, it is placed on the top of the stack.
' If, however, the operator has a priority which is lower than or equal
' to that of the operator on the top of the stack (again assuming all
' operators are left-associative), then the operator at the top of the stack is moved to the ouput stream.
' The whole of the above process is repeated until the operator can be
' placed on the top of the stack.
'This is only a simple introduction to Reverse Polish notation --
' more can be found in most books on compiling. We will not be using
' it any further as we will use the operator precedence method to parse
' expressions and will focus on tree-walking techniques when discussing code generation.
'article with animated compile
'Converting Infix to Postfix
'We know that the infix expression (A+B)/(C-D) is equivalent to the postfix expression AB+CD-/.
'Let's convert the former to the latter.
'We have to know the rules of operator precedence in order to convert infix to postfix.
'The operations + and - have the same precedence. Multiplication and division, which we will
'represent as * and / also have equal precedence, but both have higher precedence than + and -.
'These are the same rules you learned in high school.
'We place a "terminating symbol" after the infix expression to serve as a marker that we
'have reached the end of the expression. We also push this symbol onto the stack.
'After that, the expression is processed according to the following rules:
'Variables (in this case letters) are copied to the output
'Left parentheses are always pushed onto the stack
'When a right parenthesis is encountered, the symbol at the top of the stack is
'popped off the stack and copied to the output. Repeat until the symbol at the top
'of the stack is a left parenthesis. When that occurs, both parentheses are discarded.
'Otherwise, if the symbol being scanned has a higher precedence than the symbol at
'the top of the stack, the symbol being scanned is pushed onto the stack and thee
'scan pointer is advanced.
'If the precedence of the symbol being scanned is lower than or equal to the
'precedence of the symbol at the top of the stack, one element of the stack is
'popped to the output; the scan pointer is not advanced. Instead, the symbol being
'scanned will be complared with the new top element on the stack.
'When the terminating symbol is reached on the input scan, the stack is popped to
'the output until the terminating symbol is also reached on the stack. Then the
'algorithm terminates.
'If the top of the stack is a left parenthesis and the terminating symbol is scanned,
'or a right parenthesis is scanned when the terminating symbol is at the top of the stack,
'the parentheses of the original expression were unbalanced and an unrecoverable error has occurred.
Public Function CalcRPN(pstrStatements() As String) As Double
Dim dOperand1 As Double
Dim dOperand2 As Double
Dim dResult As Double
Dim bMultipleOperands As Boolean
Dim strOperator As String
Dim strTmp As String
Dim lCnt As Long
Dim lMultipleStartPos As Long
Dim lX As Long
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
lCnt = LBound(pstrStatements)
Do Until False
' strTmp = vbNullString
' For lX = LBound(pstrStatements) To UBound(pstrStatements)
' strTmp = strTmp & pstrStatements(lX) & " "
' Next lX
' Debug.Print strTmp
If Not IsNumeric(pstrStatements(lCnt)) Then
lCnt = lCnt - 2
ElseIf Not IsNumeric(pstrStatements(lCnt + 1)) Then 'NOT NOT...
lCnt = lCnt - 1
ElseIf IsNumeric(pstrStatements(lCnt + 2)) Then 'NOT NOT...
bMultipleOperands = True
lMultipleStartPos = lCnt
Do Until False
If Not IsNumeric(pstrStatements(lCnt + 2)) Then Exit Do
lCnt = lCnt + 1
End If
dOperand1 = pstrStatements(lCnt)
dOperand2 = pstrStatements(lCnt + 1)
strOperator = pstrStatements(lCnt + 2)
Select Case strOperator
Case "+": dResult = dOperand1 + dOperand2
Case "-": dResult = dOperand1 - dOperand2
Case "*": dResult = dOperand1 * dOperand2
Case "/": dResult = dOperand1 / dOperand2
Case "^": dResult = dOperand1 ^ dOperand2
Case "\": dResult = dOperand1 \ dOperand2
Case "MOD": dResult = CLng(dOperand1) Mod CLng(dOperand2)
Case "AND": dResult = CLng(dOperand1) And CLng(dOperand2)
Case "OR": dResult = CLng(dOperand1) Or CLng(dOperand2)
Case "XOR": dResult = CLng(dOperand1) Xor CLng(dOperand2)
End Select
If bMultipleOperands Then
pstrStatements(lCnt) = dResult
Call RemoveCell(pstrStatements, lCnt + 1, 2)
lCnt = lMultipleStartPos
bMultipleOperands = False
pstrStatements(lCnt) = dResult
Call RemoveCell(pstrStatements, lCnt + 1, 2)
lCnt = lCnt + 1
' If UBound(pstrStatements) < 2 Then Exit Do
End If
If UBound(pstrStatements) < 2 Then Exit Do
CalcRPN = pstrStatements(LBound(pstrStatements))
Exit Function
MsgBox "Error!"
' Resume Next
End Function
Private Function flOperPrecedence(ByVal pstrTst As String) As Long
Select Case pstrTst
Case "^": flOperPrecedence = 8
Case "AND": flOperPrecedence = 7
Case "OR": flOperPrecedence = 6
Case "XOR": flOperPrecedence = 5
Case "*", "/": flOperPrecedence = 4
Case "\": flOperPrecedence = 3
Case "MOD": flOperPrecedence = 2
Case "+", "-": flOperPrecedence = 1
Case "(": flOperPrecedence = -1
Case Else: MsgBox "Unrecognized Operator: " & pstrTst
End Select
End Function
Public Sub ParsedEqn2RPNorder(pstrRPN() As String, plRPNpntr As Long)
Dim lX As Long
Dim lY As Long
Dim lParseSize As Long
Dim lStrt As Long
Dim lStackPntr As Long
Dim lTstPrec As Long
Dim lStckPrec As Long
Dim strTst As String
Dim strTmp As String
Dim strTmps As String
Dim strStack(1 To 100) As String
Dim bRepeat As Boolean
Dim bUnaryNeg As Boolean
'test that there are matching parens
' On Error GoTo HaveanError
lParseSize = glParsedSize
lStrt = LBound(gstrParsed()) + 2
lStackPntr = 0
plRPNpntr = 0
bUnaryNeg = False
'ReDim pstrRPN(1) As String
For lX = lStrt To lParseSize
strTst = gstrParsed(lX)
' strTmp = ":OutStream: "
' For lY = 1 To plRPNpntr
' strTmp = strTmp & " " & Trim$(pstrRPN(lY))
' Next lY
' strTmps = ":Stack: "
' For lY = 1 To lStackPntr
' strTmps = strTmps & " " & Trim$(strStack(lY))
' Next lY
' Debug.Print ":TestOp: " & strTst
' Debug.Print strTmp
' Debug.Print strTmps
' Debug.Print
If strTst = "(" Then
lStackPntr = lStackPntr + 1
strStack(lStackPntr) = strTst
ElseIf strTst = ")" Then 'NOT STRTST...
If strStack(lStackPntr) <> "(" Then
plRPNpntr = plRPNpntr + 1
ReDim Preserve pstrRPN(1 To plRPNpntr) As String
pstrRPN(plRPNpntr) = strStack(lStackPntr)
End If
lStackPntr = lStackPntr - 1
Do While strStack(lStackPntr) <> "("
plRPNpntr = plRPNpntr + 1
ReDim Preserve pstrRPN(1 To plRPNpntr) As String
pstrRPN(plRPNpntr) = strStack(lStackPntr)
lStackPntr = lStackPntr - 1
If lStackPntr = 0 Then Exit Do
lStackPntr = lStackPntr - 1
If IsNumeric(strTst) Then
plRPNpntr = plRPNpntr + 1
ReDim Preserve pstrRPN(1 To plRPNpntr) As String
If bUnaryNeg Then
pstrRPN(plRPNpntr) = Trim$(Str$(-Val(strTst)))
bUnaryNeg = False
pstrRPN(plRPNpntr) = strTst
End If
bRepeat = True
Do While bRepeat
lTstPrec = flOperPrecedence(strTst)
If lStackPntr = 0 Then
If lX = lStrt Then
bUnaryNeg = True
Exit Do
Else 'NOT LX...
lStckPrec = 0
End If
lStckPrec = flOperPrecedence(strStack(lStackPntr))
End If
'if lStckPrec negative then unary -
If (lStckPrec < 0) Then
If strTst = "-" Then
If lX = lStrt Then
bUnaryNeg = True
Exit Do
ElseIf gstrParsed(lX - 1) = "(" Then 'NOT LX...
bUnaryNeg = True
Exit Do
End If
ElseIf gstrParsed(lX - 1) = "(" Then 'NOT STRTST...
MsgBox "Error"
End If
End If
If lTstPrec <= lStckPrec Then
plRPNpntr = plRPNpntr + 1
ReDim Preserve pstrRPN(1 To plRPNpntr) As String
pstrRPN(plRPNpntr) = strStack(lStackPntr)
lStackPntr = lStackPntr - 1
bRepeat = True
lStackPntr = lStackPntr + 1
strStack(lStackPntr) = strTst
bRepeat = False
End If
End If
End If
Next lX
If lStackPntr > 0 Then
'empty stack
Do While lStackPntr > 0
plRPNpntr = plRPNpntr + 1
ReDim Preserve pstrRPN(1 To plRPNpntr) As String
pstrRPN(plRPNpntr) = strStack(lStackPntr)
lStackPntr = lStackPntr - 1
End If
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Error in Parseing equation to RPN."
Resume Next
End Sub
Public Sub Parser(ByVal pstrString As String)
Dim lStrPtr As Long
Dim lY As Long
Dim lLen As Long
Dim lStrt As Long
Dim bIgnoreString As Boolean
Dim bIgnoreSpace As Boolean
Dim bInQuotes As Boolean
Dim bSkip As Boolean
Dim strVar As String
Dim strWork As String
Dim strTmp As String
Dim strTmp2 As String
Dim strTmp3 As String
glParsedSize = 0
strWork = Trim$(pstrString)
If InStr(strWork, "[") > 0 Then
lLen = Len(strWork)
lY = lLen + 1
Do While lLen < lY
lY = lLen
strWork = Replace$(strWork, " [", "[")
strWork = Replace$(strWork, "[ ", "[")
strWork = Replace$(strWork, " ]", "]")
lLen = Len(strWork)
End If
'comments are defined by REM and '
'a string is enclosed with "
'exspected tokens =-+*/; <> >< and or xor mod
'multi character tokens must end in a blank to identify their end
'and not the beginning of a variable name
glParsedSize = -1
lStrPtr = InStr(strWork, "REM")
If lStrPtr > 0 Then
glParsedSize = glParsedSize + 1
gstrParsed(glParsedSize) = "REM"
glParsedSize = glParsedSize + 1
gstrParsed(glParsedSize) = Mid$(strWork, lStrPtr + 3)
Exit Sub
End If
If Left$(strWork, 1) = "'" Then
glParsedSize = glParsedSize + 1
gstrParsed(glParsedSize) = "'"
glParsedSize = glParsedSize + 1
gstrParsed(glParsedSize) = Mid$(strWork, lStrPtr + 3)
Exit Sub
End If
'remove comments
bIgnoreString = False
lStrPtr = 0
For lY = 1 To Len(strWork) 'find beginning of ' comments
strTmp = Mid$(strWork, lY, 1)
If strTmp = """" Then
bIgnoreString = Not bIgnoreString
ElseIf strTmp = "'" Then 'NOT STRTMP...
If Not bIgnoreString Then lStrPtr = lY
Exit For
End If
Next lY
If lStrPtr > 0 Then
'is a ' comment
'strComments = Mid$(strWork, lStrPtr + 1)
'<:-) :WARNING: assigned only variable commented out
strWork = Trim$(Left$(strWork, lStrPtr - 1))
End If
'ucase everything but what is between ""
bInQuotes = False
For lY = 1 To Len(strWork)
strVar = Mid$(strWork, lY, 1)
If Not bInQuotes Then
If strVar <> """" Then
Mid$(strWork, lY, 1) = UCase$(strVar)
bInQuotes = True
End If
ElseIf strVar = """" Then 'NOT NOT...
bInQuotes = (Mid$(strWork, lY + 1, 1) = """")
End If
Next lY
'start the parseing
strVar = vbNullString
strTmp = vbNullString
bIgnoreSpace = False
bIgnoreString = False
For lStrPtr = 1 To Len(strWork)
strTmp3 = Mid$(strWork, lStrPtr, 1)
If (strTmp3 <> " ") Then
If bIgnoreSpace Then
If Len(Trim$(strVar)) > 0 Then
bIgnoreSpace = Not bIgnoreSpace
glParsedSize = glParsedSize + 1
gstrParsed(glParsedSize) = Trim$(strVar)
End If
strVar = vbNullString
bIgnoreSpace = False
End If
End If
If strTmp3 = gstrDoubleQuote Then
If Not bIgnoreString Then
If Len(Trim$(strVar)) > 0 Then
glParsedSize = glParsedSize + 1
gstrParsed(glParsedSize) = Trim$(strVar)
strVar = vbNullString
End If
strVar = strTmp3
bIgnoreString = True
ElseIf Mid$(strWork, lStrPtr + 1, 1) <> gstrDoubleQuote Then 'NOT NOT...
strVar = strVar & strTmp3
If Len(Trim$(strVar)) > 0 Then
glParsedSize = glParsedSize + 1
gstrParsed(glParsedSize) = Trim$(strVar)
strVar = vbNullString
End If
bIgnoreString = False
Else 'get the double double quote'NOT MID$(STRWORK,...
strVar = strVar & strTmp3 & Mid$(strWork, lStrPtr + 1, 1)
lStrPtr = lStrPtr + 1 '<:-) :WARNING: Modifies active For-Variable
End If
ElseIf bIgnoreString Then 'NOT STRTMP3...
strVar = strVar & strTmp3
ElseIf strTmp3 = " " Then 'BIGNORESTRING = FALSE/0
If Len(Trim$(strVar)) > 0 Then
glParsedSize = glParsedSize + 1
gstrParsed(glParsedSize) = Trim$(strVar)
strVar = vbNullString
End If
bIgnoreSpace = Not bIgnoreSpace
ElseIf strTmp3 = "," Then ' Then make a token
If Len(strVar) > 0 Then
glParsedSize = glParsedSize + 1
gstrParsed(glParsedSize) = Trim$(strVar)
strVar = vbNullString
End If
Else 'NOT STRTMP3...
bSkip = False
For lY = 2 To UBound(gstrTokens())
'multicharacter tokens will have a space before and after
'if they are in the middle of a string
lStrt = lStrPtr - 1
If lStrPtr = 1 Then
strTmp2 = gstrTokens(lY) & " "
lLen = Len(gstrTokens(lY)) + 1
lStrt = lStrPtr
ElseIf Len(strWork) - lStrPtr = Len(gstrTokens(lY)) Then 'NOT LSTRPTR...
strTmp2 = " " & gstrTokens(lY)
lLen = Len(gstrTokens(lY)) + 1
strTmp2 = " " & gstrTokens(lY) & " "
lLen = Len(gstrTokens(lY)) + 2
End If
If Mid$(strWork, lStrt, lLen) = strTmp2 Then
glParsedSize = glParsedSize + 1
gstrParsed(glParsedSize) = Trim$(gstrTokens(lY))
lStrPtr = lStrPtr + Len(gstrTokens(lY)) - 1 '1 is for the "if" adder'<:-) :WARNING: Modifies active For-Variable
bSkip = True
End If
Next lY
If Not bSkip Then
If (InStr(gstrTokens(1), strTmp3) > 0) Then 'look for single char tokens
If LenB(strVar) > 0 Then
glParsedSize = glParsedSize + 1
gstrParsed(glParsedSize) = Trim$(strVar)
strVar = vbNullString
End If
glParsedSize = glParsedSize + 1
gstrParsed(glParsedSize) = Trim$(strTmp3)
strTmp2 = vbNullString
lStrPtr = lStrPtr + Len(strTmp3) - 1 'skip past multichar token in strwork'<:-) :WARNING: Modifies active For-Variable
strTmp3 = vbNullString
strVar = strVar & strTmp3
End If
End If
End If
Next lStrPtr
If Len(strVar) > 0 Then
glParsedSize = glParsedSize + 1
gstrParsed(glParsedSize) = Trim$(strVar)
End If
For lY = glParsedSize + 1 To glParsedSize + 6
gstrParsed(lY) = vbNullString
Next lY
End Sub
Private Sub RemoveCell(pstrArray() As String, _
plIndex As Integer, _
Optional plBlockLen As Long = 1)
Dim lX As Long
Dim lY As Long
Dim lBnd As Long
lBnd = (plIndex + plBlockLen - 1)
'remove array items from plIndex to plBlockLen
lY = LBound(pstrArray)
For lX = LBound(pstrArray) To UBound(pstrArray)
If lX < plIndex Or lBnd < lX Then
pstrArray(lY) = pstrArray(lX)
lY = lY + 1
End If
lX = LBound(pstrArray)
lY = UBound(pstrArray) - plBlockLen
ReDim Preserve pstrArray(lX To lY)
End Sub
':)Code Fixer V3.0.9 (8/2/2005 5:15:24 AM) 5 + 638 = 643 Lines Thanks Ulli for inspiration and lots of code.