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544 lines
MultiUse = -1 'True
Persistable = 0 'NotPersistable
DataBindingBehavior = 0 'vbNone
DataSourceBehavior = 0 'vbNone
MTSTransactionMode = 0 'NotAnMTSObject
Attribute VB_Name = "cProgram"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = True
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
' Part of DC3 Compiler - Interpreter
' Author: Lorenzi Davide (http://www.hexagora.com)
' See the file 'license.txt' for informations
'Esegue la generazione del programma
Option Explicit
'Variabili di gestione
Private moSymbTable As cSymbTable
Private moCurrSymbTable As cSymbTable 'Puntatore alla SymbTable Corrente
Private moCompError As cCompilerError
Private mbAllowResAccMod As Boolean
Private moByteCode As cByteCode
Private moResSymb As cResSymbols
'Return Byte Code
Public Function GetByteCode() As cByteCode
Set GetByteCode = moByteCode
End Function
'Return Symbol Table
Public Function GetSymbTable() As cSymbTable
Set GetSymbTable = moSymbTable
End Function
Public Function Compile(sSource As String, lstLog As ListBox) As Boolean
On Error GoTo Errore
'Crea la tabella dei simboli per il programma
Set moSymbTable = New cSymbTable
Set moCurrSymbTable = moSymbTable
Set moCompError = New cCompilerError
Set moByteCode = New cByteCode
Set moResSymb = New cResSymbols
'La prima istruzione del programma e' sempre NDATA xche' mi permette di
'allocare lo spazio per le variabili
'Questa istruzione verra' poi modificata alla fine della compilazione
Dim lBCIndexVars As Long
lBCIndexVars = moByteCode.Count
moByteCode.Add_INData 0, 1
'Prima compila le parole riservate
Dim oRes As cReduction
Set oRes = DoParseFile(App.Path & "\dc3res.vb", lstLog)
If Not oRes Is Nothing Then
'Solo io posso dichiarare cose riservate ;-)
mbAllowResAccMod = True
pCompile oRes
mbAllowResAccMod = False
'Poi il programma vero e proprio
Dim oParsed As cReduction
Set oParsed = DoParse(sSource, lstLog)
If Not oParsed Is Nothing Then
'Poi compila il programma vero e proprio
pCompile oParsed
'Istruzione di termine del programma
moByteCode.Add_IEnd 1
'Adesso cambio il valore dell'NDATA
moByteCode.SetIstroParam moCurrSymbTable.CountType(estet_const) + _
moCurrSymbTable.CountType(estet_var), _
lBCIndexVars, 1
Compile = True
Compile = False
End If
Compile = False
End If
Exit Function
Compile = False
Log "Compiler Error: " & Err.Description, lstLog
End Function
'Rende il tipo di modificatore per una certa variabile o procedura
Private Function getAccessModifierOpt(oReduction As cReduction) As eAccessModifier
With oReduction.oData
Select Case .ParentRule.TableIndex
Case Rule_Accessmodifieropt
'<AccessModifierOpt> ::= <AccessModifier>
getAccessModifierOpt = getAccessModifierOpt(.Tokens(0).Data)
'Se in pratica sono all'interno di una funzione allora sbrocco
If Not moCurrSymbTable Is moSymbTable Then
moCompError.RaiseError ece_AccessModifiersNotAllowedHere, oReduction.lRow, oReduction.lCol
End If
Case Rule_Accessmodifieropt2
'<AccessModifierOpt> ::=
getAccessModifierOpt = eam_private
Case Rule_Accessmodifier_Public
'<AccessModifier> ::= Public
getAccessModifierOpt = eam_public
Case Rule_Accessmodifier_Private
'<AccessModifier> ::= Private
getAccessModifierOpt = eam_private
Case Rule_Accessmodifier_Reserved
'<AccessModifier> ::= Reserved
getAccessModifierOpt = eam_reserved
'Solo io posso usare il modificatore d'accesso e lo abilito solo per la parte delle funzioni riservate
If Not mbAllowResAccMod Then
moCompError.RaiseError ece_CannotUseReservedWord, oReduction.lRow, oReduction.lCol
End If
End Select
End With
End Function
'<VarDecl> ::= <AccessModifierOpt> Const <VarDeclList> <NL>
'<VarDecl> ::= <AccessModifierOpt> Dim <VarDeclList> <NL>
'<VarDecl> ::= <AccessModifierOpt> Var <VarDeclList> <NL>
Private Sub doVarDecl(oReduction As cReduction)
Dim iAccessMod As eAccessModifier
With oReduction.oData
'Leggo il modificatore d'accesso
iAccessMod = getAccessModifierOpt(.Tokens(0).Data)
Select Case .ParentRule.TableIndex
Case Rule_Vardecl_Dim, Rule_Vardecl_Var
doVarDeclList .Tokens(2).Data, iAccessMod, estet_var
Case Rule_Vardecl_Const
doVarDeclList .Tokens(2).Data, iAccessMod, estet_const
End Select
End With
End Sub
'<VarDeclList> ::= ID '=' <ConstExpr> ',' <VarDeclList>
'<VarDeclList> ::= ID ',' <VarDeclList>
'<VarDeclList> ::= ID '=' <ConstExpr>
'<VarDeclList> ::= ID
Private Sub doVarDeclList(oReduction As cReduction, _
ByVal iAccMod As eAccessModifier, ByVal iElType As eSymbTableElType)
Dim sVarName As String
Dim oSymbEl As cSymbTableEl
'Per la lettura delle costanti
Dim vVarVal As Variant
Dim iVarType As eVarType
With oReduction.oData
sVarName = .Tokens(0).Data
'Aggiunge la variabile alla simbol table
Set oSymbEl = moCurrSymbTable.AddVar(sVarName, iElType, iAccMod)
If oSymbEl Is Nothing Then
'Allora lo cerca e vede se e' riservata
Set oSymbEl = moCurrSymbTable.Search(sVarName)
If oSymbEl.iAccMod = eam_reserved Then
moCompError.RaiseError ece_CannotRedefineReservedWords, oReduction.lRow, oReduction.lCol
moCompError.RaiseError ece_DuplicateDeclarationInCurrentScope, oReduction.lRow, oReduction.lCol
End If
End If
Select Case .ParentRule.TableIndex
Case Rule_Vardecllist_Id_Eq_Comma
'<VarDeclList> ::= ID '=' <ConstExpr> ',' <VarDeclList>
'Legge il valore costante
doConstExpr .Tokens(2).Data, iVarType, vVarVal
'Crea l'istruzione per la sua valorizzazione
moByteCode.Add_IConst iVarType, vVarVal, oReduction.lRow
moByteCode.Add_IStore moCurrSymbTable.GetVarIndex(sVarName), Not moCurrSymbTable Is moSymbTable, oReduction.lRow
'E si richiama sulle altre
doVarDeclList .Tokens(4).Data, iAccMod, iElType
Case Rule_Vardecllist_Id_Comma
'<VarDeclList> ::= ID ',' <VarDeclList>
'Le costanti devono avere un valore
If iElType = estet_const Then
moCompError.RaiseError ece_ConstantMustHaveAValue, oReduction.lRow, oReduction.lCol
End If
'Si richiama sulle altre
doVarDeclList .Tokens(2).Data, iAccMod, iElType
Case Rule_Vardecllist_Id_Eq
'<VarDeclList> ::= ID '=' <ConstExpr>
'Legge il valore costante
doConstExpr .Tokens(2).Data, iVarType, vVarVal
'Crea l'istruzione per la sua creazione
moByteCode.Add_IConst iVarType, vVarVal, oReduction.lRow
moByteCode.Add_IStore moCurrSymbTable.GetVarIndex(sVarName), Not moCurrSymbTable Is moSymbTable, oReduction.lRow
Case Rule_Vardecllist_Id
'<VarDeclList> ::= ID
'Le costanti devono avere un valore
If iElType = estet_const Then
moCompError.RaiseError ece_ConstantMustHaveAValue, oReduction.lRow, oReduction.lCol
End If
End Select
End With
End Sub
'Rende il carattere separatore dei decimali
Private Function GetDecSep() As String
GetDecSep = Mid(CStr(0.1), 2, 1)
End Function
'<ConstExpr> ::= <BoolLiteral>
'<ConstExpr> ::= <IntLiteral>
'<ConstExpr> ::= FloatLiteral
'<ConstExpr> ::= StringLiteral
'<ConstExpr> ::= <Nothing>
Private Sub doConstExpr(oReduction As cReduction, _
ByRef iType As eVarType, _
ByRef vVal As Variant)
With oReduction.oData
Select Case .ParentRule.TableIndex
Case Rule_Constexpr
'<ConstExpr> ::= <BoolLiteral>
vVal = getBoolLiteral(.Tokens(0).Data)
iType = evt_bool
Case Rule_Constexpr2
'<ConstExpr> ::= <IntLiteral>
vVal = getIntLiteral(.Tokens(0).Data)
iType = evt_long
Case Rule_Constexpr_Floatliteral
'<ConstExpr> ::= FloatLiteral
'Rimpiazzo il carattere . con quello che serve in base alla lingua
vVal = CDbl(Replace(.Tokens(0).Data, ".", GetDecSep()))
iType = evt_double
Case Rule_Constexpr_Stringliteral
'<ConstExpr> ::= StringLiteral
vVal = CStr(.Tokens(0).Data)
'Toglie le parentesi
vVal = Mid(vVal, 2, Len(vVal) - 2)
'Toglie il doppio apice e lo fa diventare singolo
vVal = Replace(vVal, """""", """")
'Setta il tipo stringa
iType = evt_string
Case Rule_Constexpr3
'<ConstExpr> ::= <Nothing>
vVal = 0
iType = evt_null
End Select
End With
End Sub
'<BoolLiteral> ::= True
'<BoolLiteral> ::= False
Private Function getBoolLiteral(oReduction As cReduction) As Boolean
With oReduction.oData
Select Case .ParentRule.TableIndex
Case Rule_Boolliteral_True
'<BoolLiteral> ::= True
getBoolLiteral = True
Case Rule_Boolliteral_False
'<BoolLiteral> ::= False
getBoolLiteral = False
End Select
End With
End Function
'<IntLiteral> ::= IntLiteral
'<IntLiteral> ::= HexLiteral
'<IntLiteral> ::= OctLiteral
Private Function getIntLiteral(oReduction As cReduction) As Long
With oReduction.oData
getIntLiteral = CLng(.Tokens(0).Data)
' Select Case .ParentRule.TableIndex
' Case Rule_Intliteral_Intliteral
' '<IntLiteral> ::= IntLiteral
' Case Rule_Intliteral_Hexliteral
' '<IntLiteral> ::= HexLiteral
' Case Rule_Intliteral_Octliteral
' '<IntLiteral> ::= OctLiteral
' End Select
End With
End Function
'<SubDecl> ::= <AccessModifierOpt> Sub ID <MethodArgList> <NL> <MethodStmtList> End Sub <NL>
'<SubDecl> ::= <AccessModifierOpt> Function ID <MethodArgList> <NL> <MethodStmtList> End Function <NL>
Private Sub doSubDef(oReduction As cReduction)
Const C_IDX_ACCMOD = 0
Const C_IDX_BLOCK = 5
Dim sSubName As String
Dim oSymbEl As cSymbTableEl
Dim iVarType As eSymbTableElType
Dim iAccMod As eAccessModifier
Dim lBCIndexJump As Long
With oReduction.oData
sSubName = .Tokens(C_IDX_SUBNAME).Data
iAccMod = getAccessModifierOpt(.Tokens(C_IDX_ACCMOD).Data)
Select Case .ParentRule.TableIndex
Case Rule_Subdecl_Sub_Id_End_Sub
'<SubDecl> ::= <AccessModifierOpt> Sub ID <MethodArgList> <NL> <MethodStmtList> End Sub <NL>
iVarType = estet_sub
Case Rule_Subdecl_Function_Id_End_Function
'<SubDecl> ::= <AccessModifierOpt> Function ID <MethodArgList> <NL> <MethodStmtList> End Function <NL>
iVarType = estet_func
End Select
'Aggiunge la variabile alla simbol table
Set oSymbEl = moCurrSymbTable.AddFunc(sSubName, iVarType, iAccMod)
If oSymbEl Is Nothing Then
'Allora lo cerca
Set oSymbEl = moCurrSymbTable.Search(sSubName)
If oSymbEl.iAccMod = eam_reserved Then
moCompError.RaiseError ece_CannotRedefineReservedWords, oReduction.lRow, oReduction.lCol
moCompError.RaiseError ece_AmbiguousNameDetected, oReduction.lRow, oReduction.lCol
End If
'Setta come symbol table quella corrente
Set moCurrSymbTable = oSymbEl.oFuncInfos.oSymbTable
End If
'Dopo aver creato la Symbol Table locale mette come prima variabile locale
'il nome della funzione/sub
moCurrSymbTable.AddVar sSubName, estet_var, eam_notused
'Ovviamente non devo creare il codice per le funzioni/sub riservate
If oSymbEl.iAccMod <> eam_reserved Then
'Inserisce un'istruzione di salto oltre la funzione in modo
'che passi qui dentro solo se viene chiamata
'Il valore lo modifico alla fine
lBCIndexJump = moByteCode.Count
moByteCode.Add_IJump -1, oReduction.lRow
End If
'Processa i parametri della sub/function
doMethodArgList oSymbEl.oFuncInfos, .Tokens(C_IDX_ARGLIST).Data
'Ovviamente non devo creare il codice per le funzioni/sub riservate
If oSymbEl.iAccMod <> eam_reserved Then
'Assegna il puntatore all'indirizzo in memoria in cui e' la funzione
oSymbEl.oFuncInfos.lInstrPointer = moByteCode.Count()
'Istruzione per l'allocazione delle n. variabili locali
'Da modificare alla fine quando ho tutta la Symb Table completa
Dim lBCIndexVars As Long
lBCIndexVars = moByteCode.Count
moByteCode.Add_INData 0, oReduction.lRow
'Adesso processa le istruzioni interne
pCompile .Tokens(C_IDX_BLOCK).Data
'Alla fine inserisce l'istruzione di ritorno per l'uscita dalla funzione
moByteCode.Add_IReturn oReduction.lRow
'Adesso cambia le coordinate del salto
moByteCode.SetIstroParam moByteCode.Count(), lBCIndexJump, 1
'Adesso cambia il numero di var. da allocare
moByteCode.SetIstroParam moCurrSymbTable.CountType(estet_const) + _
moCurrSymbTable.CountType(estet_var) - _
oSymbEl.oFuncInfos.oCollParams.Count - 1, _
lBCIndexVars, 1
'Se e' una funzione riservta allora tolgo il puntatore al programma per pulizia
oSymbEl.oFuncInfos.lInstrPointer = -1
End If
End With
'Risetta come symboltable quella globale
Set moCurrSymbTable = moSymbTable
End Sub
'<MethodArgList> ::= '(' <ArgList> ')'
'<MethodArgList> ::= '(' ')'
'<ArgList> ::= <Arg> ',' <ArgList>
'<ArgList> ::= <Arg>
'<Arg> ::= <ArgModifier> ID
'Si richiama varie volte fino a raggiungere l'argomento
Private Sub doMethodArgList(oFuncInfos As cFuncInfos, oReduction As cReduction)
With oReduction.oData
Select Case .ParentRule.TableIndex
Case Rule_Methodarglist_Lparan_Rparan
'<MethodArgList> ::= '(' <ArgList> ')'
doMethodArgList oFuncInfos, .Tokens(1).Data
Case Rule_Methodarglist_Lparan_Rparan2
'<MethodArgList> ::= '(' ')'
Case Rule_Arglist_Comma
'<ArgList> ::= <Arg> ',' <ArgList>
doMethodArgList oFuncInfos, .Tokens(0).Data
doMethodArgList oFuncInfos, .Tokens(2).Data
Case Rule_Arglist
'<ArgList> ::= <Arg>
doMethodArgList oFuncInfos, .Tokens(0).Data
Case Rule_Arg_Id
'<Arg> ::= <ArgModifier> ID
'Aggiunge il parametro alla funzione corrente
oFuncInfos.AddParam getArgModifier(.Tokens(0).Data), .Tokens(1).Data
'e lo aggiunge anche alle variabili locali
oFuncInfos.oSymbTable.AddVar .Tokens(1).Data, estet_var, eAccessModifier.eam_notused
End Select
End With
End Sub
'<ArgModifier> ::= ByVal
'<ArgModifier> ::= ByRef
'<ArgModifier> ::=
Private Function getArgModifier(oReduction As cReduction) As eParmMod
'Modificatore non specificato
getArgModifier = epm_NotSpecified
With oReduction.oData
Select Case .ParentRule.TableIndex
Case Rule_Argmodifier_Byval
'<ArgModifier> ::= ByVal
getArgModifier = epm_ByVal
Case Rule_Argmodifier_Byref
'<ArgModifier> ::= ByRef
getArgModifier = epm_ByRef
End Select
End With
End Function
'<AssignStmt> ::= <QualifiedID> '=' <Expr>
'<AssignStmt> ::= <QualifiedID> '+=' <Expr>
'<AssignStmt> ::= <QualifiedID> '-=' <Expr>
'<AssignStmt> ::= <QualifiedID> '++'
'<AssignStmt> ::= <QualifiedID> '--'
Private Sub doAssignStmt(oReduction As cReduction)
Dim oSymbEl As cSymbTableEl
Dim bIsLocal As Boolean
Dim poSymbTable As cSymbTable
With oReduction.oData
'Prende il nome della variabile
getQualifiedId .Tokens(0).Data, oSymbEl, bIsLocal
'Non posso cambiare il valore di una costante
If oSymbEl.iType = estet_const Then
moCompError.RaiseError ece_AssignmentToConstantNotPermitted, oReduction.lRow, oReduction.lCol
End If
If bIsLocal Then
Set poSymbTable = moCurrSymbTable
Set poSymbTable = moSymbTable
If oSymbEl.iType = estet_func Or oSymbEl.iType = estet_sub Then
moCompError.RaiseError ece_AssignmentToFunctionNotPermitted, oReduction.lRow, oReduction.lCol
End If
End If
Select Case .ParentRule.TableIndex
Case Rule_Assignstmt_Eq
'<AssignStmt> ::= <QualifiedID> '=' <Expr>
'Adesso esegue l'espressione
doExpr .Tokens(2).Data
'Adesso crea l'istro di assegnazione
moByteCode.Add_IStore poSymbTable.GetVarIndex(oSymbEl.sName), bIsLocal, oReduction.lRow
Case Rule_Assignstmt_Pluseq
'<AssignStmt> ::= <QualifiedID> '+=' <Expr>
'Aggiunge il suo valore attuale in testa allo stack
moByteCode.Add_IG valorizzazione