Windows NT Super Tune-Up Kit
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This documentation provides some overview information on a number of utilities
that have been posted. All utilities were written by Bruce Guthrie of Wayne
Software and are free for use following the normal restrictions (don't charge
for them, etc).
The utilities are uploaded with a ZIP name that includes the year and month of
the release. These names are:
ADDymm.ZIP ADD program
BFINDymm.ZIP BFIND program
FILLymm.ZIP FILL program
READymm.ZIP READ program (with READMAKE)
TAKE1ymm.ZIP TAKE1ST program
This collection of utilities were compiled using QuickBASIC 4.5 with the help of
Thomas G. Hanlin III's PBClone routines. Each of the utilities are separately
described in a like-named *.DOC file. This documentation (BRUCEymm.DOC--the
file release date is indicated by the "ymm" parameter) serves to summarize what
the various utilities consist of.
Several utilities expect you to have a sorting program in your path. You can
use either Vern Buerg's SORTF program, Ben Baker's QSORT program, DOS's own SORT
program, or a slow internal sort program in the routines themselves. Some also
accept PC Magazine's PCSORT program. The utilities which require this sorting
are DIRCOMP and DIRTOTAL (although DIRTOTAL makes it optional if you're using
MS-DOS 5.0).
Several of the routines have defaults that can be changed by the program
CONFIGWS.EXE which is included in the appropriate ZIP's.
I'm looking at redoing them using VisualBASIC for DOS but haven't really gotten
into that product yet. I've got to admit, I'm not a GUI sort of guy.
All utilities here were written by Bruce Guthrie of Wayne Software. Some were
written to fill specific needs at the U.S. Department of Commerce; they are
copyrighted but can be freely distributed provided the programs and associated
documentation files are kept intact. The programs are freeware, not shareware.
They work for me but I'm not responsible for problems they cause for you.
Comments and suggestions can be sent to:
Bruce Guthrie
Wayne Software
113 Sheffield St.
Silver Spring, MD 20910
fax support: (301) 588-8986
Other addresses:
CompuServe users can reach me through the Internet address.
If you'd actually like me to pay to write programs for you (or to set up
batch files and menus or something), drop me a line!
A summary of each routine follows. See the associated *.DOC files for fuller
ADD.EXE: Adds up a column of numbers in a text file. Also presents minimum and
maximum information. Syntax:
ADD infile [ /COLUMNS { col1-col2 | col1 colct } ]
[ /LINES { line1-line2 | line1 linect } ... ]
[ /V | /-V ] [ /I | /-I ] [ /IN search ]
[ /C | /-C ] [ /Q ] [ /? ]
BFIND.EXE: Allows Boolean-type FIND requests. For example, find any line with
one string AND another one, or any line with one string OR another. The syntax
shown below is limited since "search" allows a lot of choices.
BFIND [ /V | /-V ] [ /C | /-C ] [ /N | /-N ] [ /I | /-I ] [ /P | /-P ]
[ /-HEADER | /HEADER ] { search } infile [ /? ] [ >filename ]
CHANGE.EXE: Processes change commands in files. Files can be of any size and
type (e.g. binary or text) and are processed quickly. Up to twenty-five change
commands can be processed in a single pass. Also provides ability to remove
trailing spaces from text files. Syntax:
CHANGE filename [ commandfile | /FROM string /TO string [ /IN search ] ]
[ /LINES { line1-line2 | line1 linect } ... ] [ /V | /-V ] [ /I | /-I ]
[ /Noutfile [ /OVERWRITE | /-OVERWRITE | /OVERASK ] ]
[ /Fflag_file ] [ /Ttemp_file ] [ /TRIM | /-TRIM ]
[ /BINARY | /TEXT ] [ /VERIFY | /-VERIFY ] [ /Q ] [ /? ]
CONCAT.EXE: Concatenates a series of files together. Can use wildcards or an
input file. Syntax:
CONCAT [ filespec | @filespec | [drive:]filespec+ ] outfile
[ /LRECL=nnn [ /BLKSIZE=nnnn ] ] [ /NAMED ] [ /BEEP ] [ /Q ] [ /? ]
CONFIGWS.EXE: Lets you change some of the defaults for some of the programs.
CONFIGWS [ routine ] [ /MONO | /-MONO | /COLOR | /-COLOR ] [ /? ]
CONVERT.EXE: Converts between data formats: FROM dBase, ASCII-delimited
(commas between fields and quotes around strings), and fixed field TO Lotus WKS,
ASCII-delimited, dBase, and fixed field. Syntax:
CONVERT infile [ outfile [ deffile ] ]
[ /DEF=deffile ] [ /FROM { FIXED | ASCII | ASCII=char | DBF } ]
[ /FIXED | /ASCII | /ASCII=char | /DBF ] [ /USEDEF | /NODEF ]
[ /TO { FIXED | ASCII | ASCII=char | WKS | DBF } ] [ /HEADER | /-HEADER ]
[ /SKIP | /MISSING | /ABORT ] [ /SAS ] [ /BEEP | /-BEEP ] [ /Q ] [ /? ]
DIRCOMP.EXE: Updates files in one subdirectory based on files in another
subdirectory. Similar to DOS' REPLACE commands in some ways but also removes
unused files and can report what it's doing. Needs an external sorting program
in your path although /SORT=INTERNAL can be used. Syntax:
DIRCOMP directory1 directory2 [ /ALL ] [ /UPDATE ] [ /KILL ]
[ /NETWORK ] [ /Ffilename | /FNUL: ] [ /SORT=pgm ]
DIRTOTAL.EXE: Prepares report showing files in subdirectory or drive. Allows
some restriction requests (show only files with date greater than a certain
value). Similar to Norton's FF and Ray Van Tassle's WIZ command (which is a
great program but it doesn't work on network or CD-ROM discs) in some ways but
presents a more formal report. Needs an external sorting program in your path
(unless you're using MS-DOS 5.0 and above) although /SORT=INTERNAL can be used.
DIRTOTAL [ [ drive: ] ... [drive:][filespec] |
[ drive: ] ... [drive:]\path[\filespec] ]
[ /NL ] [ /S { GT | GT | LT | LE | EQ | NE } value ]
[ /D { GT | GT | LT | LE | EQ | NE } mm/dd/yy ]
[ /ATTR=attr ] [ /Ffilename ] [ /SPLIT ] [ /SORT=pgm ] [ /-SUB ]
[ /Z ] [ /-DOS | / DOS ] [ /BEEP | /-BEEP ] [ /Q ] [ /? ]
FILL.EXE: Program designed to fill up floppies with the maximum number of files
that will fit into them. "FILL *.BAS" will move *.BAS files onto a floppy,
taking the biggest files first. When it can't fit a file, it will skip it and
move the next one. Syntax:
FILL [ source-filespec ] [ dest-drive: | dest-drive:\path\ ] [ /MOVE | /COPY ]
[ /Ox | /O-x ] [ /Xfilespec ]... [ /WIPE | /-WIPE ] [ /MULTI | /SINGLE ]
[ /BEEP | /-BEEP ] [ /Q ] [ /? ]
FILUPDAT.EXE: Program which compares a selected list of files in a source path
against those in another path and copies those that have been updated. Similar
to DOS' REPLACE command but works from a stored list of files and can handle any
number of directories. Syntax:
FILUPDAT control_fil
[ /Flist_file [ /OVERWRITE | /APPEND | /-OVERWRITE | /OVERASK ] ]
[ /FULL ] [ /ALL ] [ /Q ] [ /? ]
FIXCHARS.EXE: Program which removes non-standard print characters from a text
file. Translates graphics characters into their ASCII equivalents. Also
expands tabs and removes backspaces. Is primarily intended for people who have
problems printing a file. Syntax:
FIXCHARS infile { outfile [ /OVERWRITE | /-OVERWRITE | /OVERASK ] |
/REPLACE } [ /BINARY | /TEXT ] [ /Ffilename ] [ /-EJECT ] [ /Q ] [ /? ]
MULTICOL.EXE: Program creates multiple column listings from straight ASCII
text, ASCII-delimited text, or dBase files. Also does subtotalling. Syntax:
[ /DELIM="string" ]
[ /LINES=n ] [ /WIDTH=n ] [ /EJECT | /-EJECT ]
[ /COLUMNS=n ] [ /WRAP | /-WRAP [ /INDENT=n ] | /REFLOW ]
[ /Ccontrol_file ] [ /SETUP="string" ] [ /RESET="string" ]
[ /{ TITLE | HEADER | FOOTER }[ R | C | L ][ 1 to 5]="text" ]
[ /{ TITLE | HEADER | FOOTER }{ T | B }="string" ]
[ /FROM ASCII | /FROM ASCII=char | /FROM DBF ] [ /DEF=deffile ]
[ /SKIP | /MISSING | /ABORT ] [ /GAP=n ] [ /USEDEF ] [ /TALLY ]
[ /SUM={ col_spec | var_spec } ] [ /BREAK={ col_spec | var_spec } ]
[ /PRINT={ col_spec | var_spec } ] [ /? ]
READ.EXE: Simplified version of a file browser. Only works with files of
16,000 lines or less (maybe 800,000 bytes). Other text viewers are out there.
This one has some advantage because it's free. Syntax:
READ [ filename ] [ /line ] [ /MONO | /-MONO | /COLOR | /-COLOR ]
[ /Pport ] [ /? ]
READMAKE.EXE: Program which takes an ASCII-text file and makes it self-viewing.
Provides same capabilities as the READ program. Syntax:
READMAKE infile [ outfile ] [ /OVERWRITE | /-OVERWRITE | /OVERASK ]
[ /DATE=FILE | /DATE=TODAY ] [ /TITLE="text" ] [ /? ]
TAKE1ST.EXE: Program that takes only the first occurrence of a record in a text
file. Useful way to get rid of duplicates. Syntax:
TAKE1ST infile outfile [ /COLUMNS { col1-col2 | col1 colct } ]
[ /LINES { line1-line2 | line1 linect } ... ]
[ /V | /-V ] [ /I | /-I ] [ /IN search ]
[ /UNIQUE | /DUPLICATES ] [ /GROUP=n ] [ /Q ] [ /? ]
Other utilities that I've written that I might clean up and release if requested
include the following:
COPSINCE.EXE: Copies files created since a given date to another subdirectory.
DATES.EXE: Reminds you in advance of birthdays, special events, etc so you
can get cards out in time or get out of time before hand.
NETSORT.EXE: Rather slow directory sorting program (physically arranging the
files in a particular order) which works on files on a network (at least on a
Banyan network).
SPLITREC.EXE: Splits up fixed length files without carriage return/line feeds
into individual text records based on record lengths.
I suspect there are better shareware/freeware versions of these out there. In
any case, if you want a complete release of everything, send $10 to the address
above and I'll send you everything.
Another Wayne Software product, called The DEMO System, made its debut in
January 1993. Unlike the other programs, this one is being released as
shareware. The DEMO System is a unique system designed to create text-screen
demos, tutorials, help screens, etc. Look for the file DEMOSymm.ZIP on boards
around you.
================================Revision history================================
Release 93/02:
In general, all routines have shifted from using Hanlin's PBClone 1.8 routines
to using PBClone 2.1. Some routines should be a bit quicker because of this.
In addition, I bought a fax machine and have put that phone number on this
documentation. Finally, some of the options were rationalized; most routines
now support /OVERWRITE, /-OVERWRITE, and /OVERASK. Much of the search
functionality of the BFIND routine was extended to ADD, CHANGE, and TAKE1ST.
Given the number of options supported by CHANGE, it's possible that new bugs
have crept into the program. Please report them and back up files before using
that command.
ADD: Added /LINES selection option. Also added /V, /-V, /I, /-I and the search
string capabilities of the BFIND routine. Changed /SKIP to be /C (similar to
the BFIND and FIND parameters) and added /-C. Made several options
CONFIGWS-able and added ADD to that routine.
BFIND: Fixed a problem with the /V switch.
CHANGE: Added /OVERWRITE, /-OVERWRITE, and /OVERASK options. Added /-TRIM,
/-VERIFY, /V, /-V, /I, /-I, and /LINES. BFIND's search capabilities have been
added to the "/IN search" parameter but only from the command line. /V, /-V,
/I, and /-I are now settable by the CONFIGWS routine; CHANGE has been added to
that program. Slashes were added in front of FROM, TO, and IN in order to make
them consistent with the other routines although use without the slashes at
least temporarily works. /CASE has been renamed /I to be consistent with the
BFIND command (although /CASE at least temporarily still works).
CONFIGWS: Was previously named BGCONFIG; renamed it as CONFIGWS. Recoded using
the menu routines in PBClone. Added several settings for (and sometimes added
in general) configuring ADD, CHANGE, DEMOMAKE (fromt The DEMO System), DIRTOTAL,
FILL, and TAKE1ST. Added /COLOR and /-COLOR as synonyms for /-MONO and /MONO
CHANGE: Fixed a problem with files that were in the root. You could get them
before but you had to explicitly specify the subdirectory due to a bug. Also
added some colors and changed subroutines to make the hexadecimal conversion
chart a little more readable.
CONVERT: Added /-OVERWRITE and /OVERASK options. Fixed a bug in writing out
dBase input files with numeric data. Fixed a bug in reading dBase files with
more than 32,000 records.
DIRCOMP: Boy! Been awhile since I looked at this one! Some things didn't work
at all. Fixed them up. Added support for PC Magazine's PCSORT program. Added
/-OVERWRITE and /OVERASK options.
DIRTOTAL: Added directory subtotals (adding in child subdirectories). Added
/-SUB option. Added support for PC Magazine's PCSORT program. Made /SUB vs
FILL: Added /OVERASK and /OVERSKIP. Made the /OVERxxxx parms as well as the
order parameter (/O[-]{N,S,D}) CONFIGWS-able. Added /COPY and /MOVE parameters
as well as /MULTI and /SINGLE; all of these are CONFIGWS-able. Switched over to
use Hanlin's BoxMenu subroutines for much of the prompting.
READ: Added /COLOR and /-COLOR as synonyms for /-MONO and /MONO respectively.
Now have READ returning error level 2 (file not found) and error level 1 (bad
parameter). Added Ctrl-P (printer page eject). Added /Pport option and added
the setting of this to CONFIGWS.
TAKE1ST: Added /-OVERWRITE and /OVERASK options. Added /LINES and /GROUP
selection option. Also added /V, /-V, /I, /-I and the search string
capabilities of the BFIND routine. Made several options CONFIGWS-able and added
TAKE1ST to that routine.
Release 93/01:
This release actually went out over Internet's SIMTEL lists and some made it to
CompuServe (thanks Tom!) so distribution is wider than before. This was also
the release the The DEMO System came out; a separate Shareware program which
you'll find out there (I hope!) under the name DEMOSymm.ZIP.
BFIND: Fixed a bug which wouldn't let you search for any string that began
with a dash.
CHANGE: If /TRIM was used and no specific changes were specified, the program
didn't notice anything had changed so it never kept the output file. Fixed
CONVERT: Added /SAS option. Added /HEADER option and fixed up a number of
errors in the Lotus 1-2-3 format (EOF characters weren't being written, column
widths weren't being set, and 0-width columns were being written out).
READ: Added mouse bar if a supported mouse is detected.
READMAKE: Dropped READMAKE.ADD requirement. Now concatenating the viewer onto
the end of the READMAKE.EXE itself.
The DEMO System: Initial release. Shareware. Is not covered in the normal
BRUCEymm.DOC file.
Release 92/12:
BFIND: Fixed up some minor glitches involved in parsing some user arguments.
FILL: Added /Ox and /O-x parameters. Since I'm increasingly using this command
to copy files to a Banyan network, and I don't want to have to always use
NETSORT to sort the files there, I've found it desirable to specify an order to
the output files. If anyone cares, I can add /Ox and /O-x to the list of things
handled by CONFIGWS. In any case, adding this parameter required a change in
the way the files are actually processed; duplicate files on the destination
disk are deleted before any files are copied now. Also, the routine used to
show on-going file counts as "(current copied: current sequence)" whereas now
the counts will show "(current copied: total which will be copied)". Also
added /Xfilespec option.
MULTICOL: Major changes here. Added support for ASCII-delimited and dBase
input files, adding a whole bunch of parameters. Then added /SUM, /BREAK,
/TALLY, and /PRINT options. It's possible that a number of options don't work
together all that well. Let me know!
Release 92/11:
Added two new routines this time--MULTICOL and READMAKE--making the count 15.
The BRUCEymm.ZIP idea (having all files in the same ZIP) was creating ZIP's that
were huge so switched to separate ZIP's for each major routine. Makes it harder
to get them all together in one spot but that's life. Send me $10 to the
address above (with disk size specification) and I'll send you the whole
BFIND: Fixed a bug that ignored Boolean requests if they weren't enclosed in
CHANGE: Fixed a bug that lost characters when the replacement string was a
different length from the source string.
CONFIGWS: Recoded so only those programs which are actually available when show
up when you load it.
FILL: Added /OVERWRITE and /-OVERWRITE switches. Previously, files in the
output directory were automatically overwritten (/OVERWRITE). The default is
now to skip them (/-OVERWRITE).
READ: Used memory for storing more text so fewer disk reads are necessary and
the program is faster. Added the companion program READMAKE.EXE.
Release BRUCE210.ZIP:
Added two new routines this time--BFIND and CONFIGWS--making the count 13.
(NOTE: At the time, CONFIGWS was called BGCONFIG.)
Added *very* limited mouse support to some of the routines. The BBS I used for
uploading these files (Your Place) was down most of September so I couldn't
post the new files.
CONVERT: Added back in support for writing out dBase files. Speeded up writing
out numeric fields. Added /ABORT option (the alternative to /ABORT and /SKIP).
Added "/FROM format" as a synonym for just "/format". Added CONFIGWS support.
DIRTOTAL: Switched /NODOS to /-DOS (although the old version works). Added
/-BEEP and /DOS (reversing /BEEP and /-DOS). Added CONFIGWS support.
FILL: Added /-PROMPT and /-BEEP options (reversing /PROMPT and /BEEP). Added
CONFIGWS support.
READ: Added Alt-J (or Alt-G) to jump to DOS. Added /-MONO option (reverse of
/MONO). Added CONFIGWS support. Added the graphic.
Release BRUCE208.ZIP:
Added one routine--FIXCHARS--to the collection this time, making the count 11.
Skipped awhile due to vacations, beta testing for PC Tools, and playing with
Microsoft's Professional Development System (which I had trouble with so I
returned it). Also had a problem since I only distribute this through one
bulletin board and it was down much of the time.
In general, switched most optional parameters to they need to start with "/" (or
"-"). In most cases, though, the parameters could also be used with the "/".
(NOTE: This latter point is no longer true.)
CONCAT: Added NAMED option for concatenating text files where you wanted to be
told what the names of the input files were (ala DOS' FIND command). Added
/BEEP option. Now runs much quicker if you don't specify a new file name (it
always ran pretty quickly if you did specify a new file name).
CONVERT: Dropped support for writing out dBase files. Added /MISSING parameter
for ASCII-delimited input files.
DIRCOMP: Added my own copying subroutine which speeds things up a bit. Allowed
multiple choices for sorting programs including SORTF, QSORT, DOS's SORT
command, and a slow internal sorter.
DIRTOTAL: Added the /NODOS option to avoid using MS-DOS 5.0 internal DIR
sorting if desired. Also restores showing of file attributes. Added ability to
handle multiple drives in one pass. Added /BEEP option. Allowed multiple
choices for sorting programs including SORTF, QSORT, DOS's SORT command, and a
slow internal sorter.
FILL: Built in my own MOVE command which was fast enough to justify removing
the DOS option. Switched the to/from parameters to be consistent with the DOS
COPY command (as well as most MOVE commands). Added /BEEP option. Added
ability to move files to a specified subdirectory which makes moving between
hard disks easier. When the files are being copied, a "percentage copied"
figure will now show up. Added Esc capability. Added some transfer rate
FILUPDAT: Added my own copying subroutine which speeds things up a bit. Added
/APPEND option.
READ: Added Alt-E support for 43- and 50-line screen modes for EGA and VGA
users respectively. Added Alt-R to show a ruler. Added "/line" option. Added
# and G to goto a specific line in the file. Added + and - to skip a certain
number of lines.
TAKE1ST: Added /APPEND option.
Release BRUCE205.ZIP:
CHANGE: Increased number of changes per pass from 10 to 25. Also fixed error
message that showed up when it got rid of its temporary file.
DIRTOTAL: Added support for DOS 5.0 increased DIR functionality. Will
automatically detect DOS 5.0's presense and not need SORTF program unless the /Z
option is requested.
FILL: Fixed error that happens when you try to fill from a subdirectory with
non-empty child subdirectories.
READ: Expanded program to handle up to 16,000 lines. Added Tab and Shift-Tab
to move 8 columns to the right or left.
TAKE1ST: Fixed problem which resulted in first record being considered a
duplicate record if it was empty.
Release BRUCE204.ZIP:
Initial release. Had ten programs: ADD, CHANGE, CONCAT, CONVERT, DIRCOMP,