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/ On Hand / On_Hand_From_Softbank_1994_Release_2_Disc_2_1994.iso / 00202 / s / disk3 / delay.fr_ / delay.bin
Text File  |  1993-04-28  |  13KB  |  379 lines

  1. VERSION 2.00
  2. Begin Form DelayFrm 
  3.    BackColor       =   &H00FFFFFF&
  4.    BorderStyle     =   3  'Fixed Double
  5.    Caption         =   "Delayed Recognition and OnTap Demonstration"
  6.    ControlBox      =   0   'False
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  34.          Alignment       =   2  'Center
  35.          BackColor       =   &H00C0C0C0&
  36.          Caption         =   "The BEdit and HEdit controls both support inking and recognition.  Both controls allow for delayed recognition and recognition when the user taps the control."
  37.          FontBold        =   -1  'True
  38.          FontItalic      =   0   'False
  39.          FontName        =   "MS Sans Serif"
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  52.          Alignment       =   2  'Center
  53.          BackColor       =   &H00C0C0C0&
  54.          Caption         =   "With DelayRecog set to FALSE, any handwiting within the control will be recognized."
  55.          ForeColor       =   &H00000000&
  56.          Height          =   255
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  63.    End
  64.    Begin VHedit HEdit1 
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  93.       BackColor       =   &H00C0C0C0&
  94.       Height          =   375
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  104.          Alignment       =   2  'Center
  105.          BackColor       =   &H00C0C0C0&
  106.          Caption         =   "Set the DelayRecog property to TRUE.  Writing will remain as Ink until DelayRecog is set to FALSE."
  107.          ForeColor       =   &H00000000&
  108.          Height          =   315
  109.          Index           =   8
  110.          Left            =   120
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  112.          Top             =   60
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  114.       End
  115.    End
  116.    Begin PictureBox Picture3 
  117.       BackColor       =   &H00FFFFFF&
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  123.       TabStop         =   0   'False
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  138.          Width           =   2535
  139.          Begin OptionButton DelayOn 
  140.             BackColor       =   &H00FFFFFF&
  141.             Caption         =   "TRUE"
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  154.          End
  155.          Begin OptionButton DelayOff 
  156.             BackColor       =   &H00FFFFFF&
  157.             Caption         =   "FALSE"
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  169.             Value           =   -1  'True
  170.             Width           =   945
  171.          End
  172.       End
  173.       Begin CommandButton EraseInk 
  174.          Caption         =   "Erase Ink"
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  187.       End
  188.       Begin Label Label2 
  189.          BackColor       =   &H00FFFFFF&
  190.          Caption         =   "DelayRecog"
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  192.          FontItalic      =   0   'False
  193.          FontName        =   "MS Sans Serif"
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  197.          ForeColor       =   &H00000000&
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  202.          Top             =   180
  203.          Width           =   1335
  204.       End
  205.    End
  206.    Begin PictureBox Picture1 
  207.       BackColor       =   &H00C0C0C0&
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  214.       TabStop         =   0   'False
  215.       Top             =   3960
  216.       Width           =   8775
  217.       Begin Label Label1 
  218.          BackColor       =   &H00C0C0C0&
  219.          Caption         =   "Recognition occurs when the DelayRecog property is changed from FALSE to TRUE."
  220.          ForeColor       =   &H00000000&
  221.          Height          =   255
  222.          Index           =   5
  223.          Left            =   120
  224.          TabIndex        =   13
  225.          Top             =   120
  226.          Width           =   8295
  227.       End
  228.       Begin Label Label1 
  229.          BackColor       =   &H00C0C0C0&
  230.          Caption         =   "When this occurs, the OnTap property is evaluated.  If it is TRUE, the recognition will not occur until the user taps on the edit field.  Try setting OnTap and DelayRecog to TRUE."
  231.          ForeColor       =   &H00000000&
  232.          Height          =   495
  233.          Index           =   6
  234.          Left            =   120
  235.          TabIndex        =   14
  236.          Top             =   360
  237.          Width           =   8535
  238.       End
  239.       Begin Label Label1 
  240.          BackColor       =   &H00C0C0C0&
  241.          Caption         =   "Write some text in the control and then set DelayRecog to FALSE.  Recognition will not occur until the control is tapped."
  242.          ForeColor       =   &H00000000&
  243.          Height          =   495
  244.          Index           =   14
  245.          Left            =   120
  246.          TabIndex        =   22
  247.          Top             =   840
  248.          Width           =   8415
  249.       End
  250.    End
  251.    Begin PictureBox Picture2 
  252.       BackColor       =   &H00FFFFFF&
  253.       Height          =   735
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  256.       ScaleWidth      =   4305
  257.       TabIndex        =   10
  258.       TabStop         =   0   'False
  259.       Top             =   5400
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  272.          Top             =   -60
  273.          Width           =   2610
  274.          Begin OptionButton TapOn 
  275.             BackColor       =   &H00FFFFFF&
  276.             Caption         =   "TRUE"
  277.             FontBold        =   -1  'True
  278.             FontItalic      =   0   'False
  279.             FontName        =   "System"
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  282.             FontUnderline   =   0   'False
  283.             ForeColor       =   &H00000000&
  284.             Height          =   315
  285.             Left            =   360
  286.             TabIndex        =   6
  287.             Top             =   240
  288.             Width           =   885
  289.          End
  290.          Begin OptionButton TapOff 
  291.             BackColor       =   &H00FFFFFF&
  292.             Caption         =   "FALSE"
  293.             FontBold        =   -1  'True
  294.             FontItalic      =   0   'False
  295.             FontName        =   "System"
  296.             FontSize        =   9.75
  297.             FontStrikethru  =   0   'False
  298.             FontUnderline   =   0   'False
  299.             ForeColor       =   &H00000000&
  300.             Height          =   315
  301.             Left            =   1440
  302.             TabIndex        =   7
  303.             Top             =   240
  304.             Value           =   -1  'True
  305.             Width           =   1005
  306.          End
  307.       End
  308.       Begin Label Label2 
  309.          BackColor       =   &H00FFFFFF&
  310.          Caption         =   "OnTap"
  311.          FontBold        =   -1  'True
  312.          FontItalic      =   0   'False
  313.          FontName        =   "MS Sans Serif"
  314.          FontSize        =   9.75
  315.          FontStrikethru  =   0   'False
  316.          FontUnderline   =   0   'False
  317.          ForeColor       =   &H00000000&
  318.          Height          =   375
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  320.          Left            =   480
  321.          TabIndex        =   15
  322.          Top             =   180
  323.          Width           =   735
  324.       End
  325.    End
  326.    Begin CommandButton Command1 
  327.       Caption         =   "Return to Main Menu"
  328.       FontBold        =   -1  'True
  329.       FontItalic      =   0   'False
  330.       FontName        =   "MS Sans Serif"
  331.       FontSize        =   9.75
  332.       FontStrikethru  =   0   'False
  333.       FontUnderline   =   0   'False
  334.       Height          =   495
  335.       Left            =   120
  336.       TabIndex        =   8
  337.       Top             =   6240
  338.       Width           =   8775
  339.    End
  340. End
  342. Sub ClearText_Click ()
  343.     HEdit1.Text = ""
  344. End Sub
  346. Sub Command1_Click ()
  347.     MainFrm.Show
  348.     DelayFrm.Hide
  349. End Sub
  351. Sub DelayOff_Click ()
  352.     HEdit1.TabStop = True
  353.     HEdit1.DelayRecog = False
  354.     EraseInk.Enabled = False
  355. End Sub
  357. Sub DelayOn_Click ()
  358.     HEdit1.DelayRecog = True
  359.     EraseInk.Enabled = True
  360.     HEdit1.TabStop = False
  361. End Sub
  363. Sub EraseInk_Click ()
  364.     HEdit1.EraseInk = True
  365. End Sub
  367. Sub Form_Unload (Cancel As Integer)
  368.     MainFrm.Show
  369. End Sub
  371. Sub TapOff_Click ()
  372.     HEdit1.OnTap = False
  373. End Sub
  375. Sub TapOn_Click ()
  376.     HEdit1.OnTap = True
  377. End Sub