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Text File  |  1994-07-30  |  32KB  |  616 lines

  1. !CHINESE            General topic chatting in Chinese
  2. 12_STEPS            12 Steps Discussion
  3. 4DOS                4DOS ECHO
  4. 60S_70S_PROGROCK    60's/70's Progressive Rock Music Echo
  5. 80XXX               Assembly language programming (Intel CPUs mainly)
  6. ABLED               disABLED Users Information Exchange.
  7. ABLED_ATHLETE       Abled Athletes
  8. ABLENEWS            Disability/medical news, views, resources
  9. ABORTION            Abortion Discussion
  10. AD&D                Advanced Dungeons and Dragons
  11. ADAM                Adam Computer Conference
  12. ADHD                Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders
  13. ADLIB               Computer soundcard discussion area
  14. ADOPTEES            Adoptees Information Exchange
  15. AI                  Artificial Intelligence forum
  16. AIDS-HIV            AIDS & HIV
  17. AIDS/ARC            AIDS/ARC
  18. AIRGUN              Airgunners' Information Exchange
  19. ALLFIX_HELP         AllFix Support Conference
  20. ALTMED              Alternative Medicine
  21. AMATEUR_RADIO       Amateur Radio Conference
  22. AMIGA               Amiga International Echo
  23. AMIGAGAMES          Amiga Games
  24. AMIGA_CDROM         AMIGA & CDROM/CDTV/CD32 Discussions & Sales.
  25. AMIGA_DESKTOP       Amiga Desktop Publishing
  26. AMIGA_INT           Amiga Worldwide
  27. AMIGA_LC            Amiga Language C programming & SAS/C Conference
  28. AMIGA_MUSIC         Topics relating to music and audio on Amiga computers.
  29. AMIGA_OS&EM         Amiga Operating Systems and Emulators
  30. AMIGA_PDREVIEW      Amiga Public Domain & Requests
  31. AMIGA_SALE          Amiga Software/Hardware Sale Echo
  32. AMIGA_SYSOP         Amiga BBS System Operators conference
  33. AMIGA_VIDEO         Amiga video/Graphics and Amiga Desktop Video echo.
  34. AMPUTEE             Amputee Support
  35. AMY_COMMS           Amiga Communications Roundtable
  36. AMY_POINT           Amiga FidoNet Point and Node Software Support
  37. AMY_TECH            Amiga Technical Support
  38. ANEWS               News of the US and World
  39. ANIMAL_RIGHTS       Animal Rights Conference
  40. ANIME               Japanese Animation Conference
  42. ANXIETY             Anxiety Disorders
  43. APPLE               APPLE
  44. AQUARIUM            Aquaria & Fishkeeping
  46. AREXX               AREXX Programmers and Users
  47. ARJ                 ARJ Support Echo
  48. ARTWARE             TimEd, NetMgr, WIMM Support Conference
  49. ASIAN_LINK          International chat echo - members on 6 continents
  50. ASKACOP             Ask Law enforcement professionals about their work and pra
  51. ASKACOP2            ASK A COP
  52. ASK_A_NURSE         Ask nurses and others about your health concerns.
  53. ASL                 American Sign Language Echo
  54. ASP                 ASP (Association of Shareware Professionals)
  55. AT&T                AT&T PC Support Conference
  56. ATARI               Atari 8-bit computers topic
  57. ATARI_ST            Atari ST Echo
  58. AUDIO               Int'l Fidonet AUDIO Echo
  59. AUTOMOTIVE          Automotive
  62. AVICULTURE          Captive Propagation of Birds
  63. A_CAD               International AutoCAD/CAD Conference
  64. A_THEIST            A_Theism Education and Enlightenment Echo
  65. BABYLON5            Babylon 5 Discussions.
  66. BAMA                Odyssey Fringe Science Research Echo
  67. BARDROOM            BardRoom Authors' and Poets' virtual Get-Together
  68. BASIC7              PDS 7.x and VB/DOS Discussions
  69. BATPOWER            Batch Languages Programming
  70. BATTERED            Family Violence
  71. BB-CARDS            Baseball Card Conference
  72. BBSLAW              Bulletin Board Legal Issues Conference
  73. BBSPLUS             BBS Plus Software Support Echo
  74. BBS_ADS             ADVERTISE with ANSI OR Graphics and Promote YOUR BBS!
  75. BBS_CARNIVAL        BBS Software & Related Utility Chatter
  76. BBS_STANDARDS       Standards for Authors and Users of Bulletin Boards
  77. BIBLE               International Bible Conference
  78. BIKENET             Bicycling and human powered vehicles
  79. BIMODEM             Bimodem Technical Support
  80. BINKLEY             BinkleyTerm Mailer Echo
  81. BIOMED              Biomedical and Clinical Engineering Topics
  82. BLINDTLK            Blindness-related topics and discussions
  83. BLINKTALK           Visual Disabilities Echo
  84. BLUEWAVE            Blue Wave Support Echo
  85. BOATING             BOATING
  86. BRIT_CAR            British Car Echo
  87. BROADCAST           Discussion of the profession of Broadcast Radio & Televisi
  88. BUSINESS            Business Echo
  89. CAD-CAM             Computer Aided Design/Manufacturing
  90. CALLNY              New York Interests
  91. CANACHAT            canada chatter
  92. CANADA              Canada Sysop Echo
  93. CANPOL              Canadian Policics Conference
  94. CAN_MILITARY        Canadian Military Conferance
  95. CAP_NAT             Civil Air Patrol National Conference
  96. CARCINOMA           Cancer Survivors
  97. CARE_GIVER          Care Giver
  99. CBM                 Commodore Computer Conference
  100. CBM-128             Commodore 128 Computers
  101. CBM-GEOS            Commodore GEOS
  102. CDROM               CD ROM Discussion and Information
  103. CDROM_SALE          CD ROM For Sale
  104. CD_ECHO             CD_ECHO
  105. CELLULAR            Cellular Telephone Discussions
  106. CFL                 Canadian Football League Echo
  107. CFORSALE            Commercial for Sale Echo
  108. CFS                 Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  109. CHAMELEON           Non-standard/unusual type pets chatter echo
  110. CHANNELS            Channelled Messages From The Spirit Realm
  112. CHATTER             Mindless Chatter Conference
  113. CHESS               International Chess Echo
  114. CHILD_ABUSE         Child Abuse Information and Recovery
  115. CHRONIC_PAIN        Chronic Pain Discussion Area
  116. CHURCH&STATE        Separation of Church & State
  117. CIVIL_WAR           Civil War
  118. CIVLIB              Civil Liberties
  119. CLARION             Clarion Database Language Conference
  120. CLASSIFIEDS         Classified Advertising Echo
  121. CLIPPER             Clipper database & programming language echo.
  122. CMX4SALE            Comics For Sale
  123. CNET                CNet Amiga BBS Software Support For CNet SysOps & Users.
  124. COCO                Tandy Color Computer Conference
  125. COFFEE_KLATSCH      A gossip and chit-chat echo with household overtones
  126. COLLEGE             International College Echo
  127. COMICS              Comics Echo
  128. COMM                Communications Echo
  129. COMPRESS            Archiver & Compression Software Forum
  130. COMPUSALE           COMPUSALE echo
  131. CONCORD             Concord BBS Software Support Conference
  132. CONSULTING          International Consulting Forum
  133. CONSUMER_REPORT     Consumer Report
  134. CONTROV             Controversial
  135. COOKING             National Cooking Echo [see Elist]
  136. COUNTRY             Country Music Discussion
  137. CPALSY              Cerebral Palsy
  138. CPMTECH             CP/M Technical Echoconference
  139. CRAFTING            Craft and Needlework Hobbies of All Kinds
  140. CRAFTING-FORSALE    Crafting Project and Supplies For Sale
  141. CRAFTING-SYSOPS     Crafting File Distribution Network Sysop Conference
  142. CUSS                Computer Users in the Social Sciences
  143. C_ADVOCAT           Consumer Advocate
  144. C_ECHO              The International C Echo
  145. C_PLUSPLUS          The International C++ Echo
  146. DADS                Dads
  147. DBASE               Database topics, techniques, & advice.
  148. DBRIDGE             D'Bridge Support Echo
  149. DB_NOVICE           D'Bridge Official Novice User Support Echo
  150. DEADHEAD            Grateful Dead Discussions
  151. DEBATE              DEBATE Conference
  152. DESQVIEW            DESQview Tech Conference
  153. DIABETES            Diabetes discussions and support
  154. DIETING             DIETING
  155. DIRTY_DOZEN         Virus/Trojan ALERT - Hack Reports
  156. DISASTERS           Disaster Info/Relief/Recovery
  157. DISP                Filedoor_Pro Support Conference
  158. DLG_INFO            DLG Professional Information
  159. DND                 Dungeons and Dragons Discussion Echo
  160. DOGHOUSE            Dog Lovers' Discussions
  161. DOG_FANCIERS        Dog_Fanciers - for the conformation, obedience, performanc
  162. DOMINO              DOMINO BBS support echo
  163. DOORWARE            DOORWARE (tm) Support Echo and General Door Development Fo
  164. DR_DEBUG            Doctor Debug's Laboratory
  165. ECHODOR             EchoDor / EDorQwk Users
  166. ECHOLIST            Echolist Access Conference
  167. ECHOMAC             International General Macintosh Discussion Conference
  168. ECHO_REQ            Echo Requests
  169. ECOLOGY             Ecology, problems and potential solutions.
  170. ECONET              Ecology Network
  171. ECPROG              East Coast Programmer's Echo
  172. EC_DEV              Ezycom Development Echo
  173. EC_SUPPORT          Ezycom Support Echo
  174. EDUCATOR            EDUCATOR
  175. ELECTRONICS         Home Electronics and Appliances Discussions
  176. EMBEDDED            Embedded Systems Programming and Engineering.
  177. EMS                 Emergency Medical Services
  178. ENTREPRENEUR        Entrepreneur conference
  179. ENVIRON             Environmental Issues
  180. EQUUS               HORSE DISCUSSION ECHO
  181. EVOLUTION           Evolutionary Mechanism Theory Discussion
  182. FALCON_CBCS         Amiga BBS Support
  183. FANTASY_SPORTS      Fantasy Sports and Gaming
  184. FAN_SUPPORT         FAN (File Announcement Utility) Support Echo
  185. FCC                 Radio and Data Telecommunications Regulation
  186. FDECHO              FrontDoor/TosScan Support Conference
  187. FEMINISM            Feminism and Gender Issues
  188. FE_HELP             FastEcho EchoMail Tosser Help & Support Conference
  189. FIBROM              Fibromyalgia/Fibrositis Discussion Area
  190. FIDOBBS             FidoBBS Software Support & Topics -- SYSOPS ONLY --
  191. FIDOBILL            FIDOBILL Software Support Echo
  192. FIDOPCB             Support Echo for the FidoPCB, PCBoard<-->Fido interface
  193. FILE_ECHO           File echoing software support - Tick, Filemgr, Allfix, etc
  194. FILE_REQ            File Distribution Networks Files, Info, & Links
  195. FILK                Science Fiction Fannish Folksongs
  196. FILM                Film & Movie Review
  198. FIRENET             Firefighters conference
  199. FISHING             Fishing discussions of all kinds
  200. FLAME               National Flame! Echo
  201. FMAIL_HELP          FMail Tosser/Scanner Support
  203. FOR-SALE            National For Sale Echo
  204. FOXPRO              FoxPro & Fox Database Products
  205. FRANCAIS            FRANCAIS
  206. FREEMAIL            FreeMail and Alexi/Ware support
  207. FREEMASON           Freemasonry
  208. FS                  Flight Simulators
  209. FUNNY               FUNNY Jokes and Stories
  210. GAMING              International Personal Computer Gaming
  211. GAYLINK             Gay Topic Discussion Conference
  212. GAYNEWS             Gays/Lesbians News Echo.
  213. GAYTEEN             Gay Teenager forum for teenagers to discuss their sexualit
  214. GECHO_HELP          GEcho/MBUTIL Help Conference
  215. GENDATA             Tiny Tafel Database
  216. GENDER              Gender Dysphoria Information and Support Echo
  217. GENEALOGY           National Genealogical Conference
  218. GENEALOGY.CDN       Canadian Genealogy Echo
  219. GENEALOGY.EUR       Genealogy and Family History international
  220. GENREPLY        Tiny Tafel Reply
  221. GENSOFT             Genealogy Software
  222. GENSYSOP            Genealogy Sysop Echo
  223. GEOWORKS            GeoWorks Ensemble Help Echo
  224. GMD                 Grunged Message Detector User Forum
  225. GOLDED              GoldED Help & Information Conference
  226. GOURMET             Gourmet Cooking
  227. GRAND_ROUNDS        Grand Rounds medical information conference.
  228. GRAPEVINE           Grapevine BBS Support
  229. GRAPHICS            Graphics conception, programing, and applications
  230. GREEN.029           "The" international environment conference
  231. GUITAR              Guitar Topics & Ovation Abuse
  232. HAM                 Amateur Radio Interest
  233. HAM-SALE            Ham Radio equipment sale, swap and buy
  234. HAM_REQ             Amateur Radio File Announcements & File Requests
  235. HAM_TECH            HAM (Amateur) Radio TECHnology Conference
  236. HAYES               Hayes Modems Conference
  237. HDCONF              Hard Drive CONFerence
  238. HDSALE              Buying and selling of hard drive & accessories Buying and
  239. HERBS-N-SUCH        Herbal Conference, The
  240. HERMES_SYSOPS       Hermes II BBS Operators Support
  241. HISTORIA            History Topics in Spanish
  242. HISTORY             International History Echo
  243. HOBBIES             All Hobbies International
  244. HOCKEY              North American Hockey Echo
  245. HOLYSMOKE           Religion Debate Echo
  246. HOLY_BIBLE          Bible, Wholly Bible Related Discussions.
  247. HOME-N-GRDN         The Home and Garden Echo
  248. HOMEPOWR            Alternative Energy Systems and Homemade Power
  249. HOMESCHL            homeschooling support
  250. HOME_COOKING        Home Cooking and Related Topics
  251. HOME_OFFICE         Home Office Echo
  252. HOME_REPAIR         The Home Repair Echo
  253. HOTROD              Race Cars Of All Types
  254. HP                  Hewlett-Packard Computer Discussions
  255. HST                 US Robotics high speed modem technical discussion
  256. HST-SALE            HST for Sale
  257. HS_MODEMS           High Speed modems
  258. HUMOR               G-Rated HUMOR or Jokes and no Discussion's allowed.
  259. HYPERWARE           Hyperware Hyperdisk Technical Conference
  260. I95                 Interstate 95 Area BBS Chat Echo
  261. ICGAL               Issues Concerning Gays and Lesbians
  262. IEEE                Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers conferen
  263. IMAIL_HELP          Help for Imail (echomail processor)
  264. INDIAN_AFFAIRS      Indian_Affairs
  265. INTEL_MODEMS        Intel Modems
  266. INTERCOOK           International Cooking
  267. INTERMAIL           InterMail/InterEcho Discussion Echo
  268. INTERNET            INTERNET: For discussion of the Internet from a user's per
  269. INTERUSER           International general conversation (INTERUSER)
  270. INVEST              International Investor's Forum
  271. IN_COUNTRY          Combat Veterans Echo (Any War)
  272. IVS                 Interactive Video Systems Support
  273. I_UFO               UFO Discussion Allowing Views That They Exist
  274. JAMMAIL             JamMail Amiga FrontEnd Mailer Support
  275. JAZZ                JAZZ
  276. JEWISHGEN           Jewish Genealogy Conference
  277. JFK_ASSN            John F. Kennedy Assassination
  278. JOBS                Employment and Job Conference
  279. JOBS-NOW            Job & Employment offerings ONLY
  280. JOURNAL             Pioneer Journal Entries
  281. JUDAICA             Jewish Discussions
  282. K9COPS              Conference on Police Dogs
  283. KATTY_KORNER        Cat Conference
  284. KIDS                International KIDS Conference
  285. KLINGON             Star Trek Klingon Discussions
  286. LAN                 Local Area Networks
  287. LAND                Land of Devestation Doorgame
  288. LANTASTI            Lantastic Net Work Conference
  289. LAPTOP              Laptop Computer Echo
  290. LASERPUB            Laser Publishing
  291. LATINO              LATINO's Spanish International Conference
  292. LAW                 LEGAL ISSUES CONFERENCE
  293. LAW_&_ORDER         Law Enforcement Issues
  294. LAW_DISORDER        "Law and Disorder" Discussion Area
  295. LAW_TECH            Law & Technology
  296. LEGAL_LAW           LEGAL_LAW Conference
  297. LIBRARY             Information Power!
  298. LIMBAUGH            Rush Limbaugh Fans/Topics Echo
  299. LOCAL_MUSIC         Local Music
  300. LORA                Lora Support Echo
  301. LOTAKIDS            Lots of Kids/Large Family Echo
  302. LV_GAMBLER          Las Vegas Gambler and Information
  303. MAC4SALE            Macintosh Items For Sale/Wanted
  304. MACCOMM             Macintosh Telecommunications and Networking Echo
  305. MACDEV              Macintosh Developer Support
  306. MACFSALE            Macintosh For Sale/Wanted
  307. MACHW               MACHW
  308. MACHYPE             MAC HYPERCARD
  309. MACSW               MACSW
  310. MACSYSOP            Macintosh Sysop Discussion Forum
  311. MACWOOF             MacWoof Point/MacKennel Mailer Software Support Echo
  312. MAC_GAMES           MAC GAMES
  314. MAINFRAME           Mainframe Computing Discussions
  315. MAXDEV              Maximus Developers Conference
  316. MCSOFT              Motor City Software Support Echo
  317. MEADOW              Meadow Opus Sysops Conference
  318. MEAL-MASTER         Meal-Master Support Conference
  319. MEBBS               MEBBS Support Echo
  320. MECCA               Maximus MECCA Language Conference
  321. MED_RAYS            Radiology (X-Ray, Ultrasound, Nuclear Med. & Rad Therapy)
  322. MELEE               MELEE and Banzai Software support and chat conference
  323. MEMORIES            Nostalgia
  324. MENSA               Mensa, intelligence, education, other hi-IQ groups, etc.
  325. MENS_ISSUES         Men's Issues
  326. MENTAL_HEALTH       Mental Health
  327. MIDI-NET            MIDI-NET(tm) * International MIDI Conference *
  328. MIDI-PROGRAMMING    MIDI Software Programmer's Conference
  329. MIDRANGE            IBM Midrange Systems (S/3x, AS/400, & RS/6000)
  330. MILHISTORY          Military History
  331. MILITARY_PEOPLE     Military issues of all kinds
  332. MISSING             National Missing Persons Echo
  333. MISSING_CHILD       Missing Children Echo
  334. ML-BASEBALL         Major League Baseball
  335. MLM                 Multi-Level Marketing conference
  336. MM1_TECH            OS9.68K
  337. MOD1000             Tandy Model 1000 Personal Computers Users Conference
  338. MODERATOR           Moderator's Discussion Echo
  339. MODULA-2            Modula-2 Programming Language
  341. MORMON              MORMON Open Conference
  342. MOTORCYCLE          INTERNATIONAL echo, Anything associated with motorcycles.
  343. MSGED_ECHO          MsgedSQ Support Conference
  344. MST3K               Mystery Science Theater 3000
  345. MS_WORD             Microsoft Word
  346. MTASK               Multi-TASKing products and problems
  347. MUFFIN              Maximus-CBCS SysOp Conference
  348. MULT-SCLEROSIS      Multiple Sclerosis
  349. MUSIC               Music Discussion of All Types
  350. MUSICIAN'S_SERVICES Musician's Classified Conference
  351. MUSICSYN            MUSICSYN echo
  352. MUSIC_COMP_101      Music Composition Conference
  353. MW_GENE             Midwest Genealogy Conference
  354. MYSTERY             Mystery fiction
  355. M_P_D               Multiple Personality Disorder Support
  356. NAVY                United States Navy Support and General Discussion Echo
  357. NEURAL_NET          Artificial Neural Network (ANN) Discussion Echo
  358. NEUROLOGY           NEUROLOGY
  359. NEWOPUS             New Opus Sysop Echo
  360. NEWSCHAT            FidoNet News Chat Conference
  361. NEWTON              Newton Personal Digital Assistants & Intelligence
  362. NEW_AGE_ECHO        New Age Open Discussion
  363. NEW_SYSOP           New sysop conference
  364. NFB-TALK            National Federation of the Blind news/discussion
  365. NFL                 National Football League
  366. NIGHT_SHIFT         Gramps Kiersarge - On Line Talk Show (Open to All ages)
  367. NONSPORT_CARDS      Non-Sport Cards
  368. NOPIRACY            Piracy/Computer Crime Discussion & Debate
  369. NORML               Electronic Media Venture for Medical Marijuana Information
  370. NOVELL              Novell Technical Discussions Echo
  371. NURSES_NETWORK      NurseNet International
  372. NUTRITION           Nutrition
  373. OASIS               OAsis for compulsive overeaters
  374. OFFLINE             Offline Messaging Discussion, Development and Help Echo
  375. OKILLERS            Operation: Overkill II Players/Game Discussion
  376. OLDCARS             Old Cars and related topics
  377. ON_LINE_GAMES       Door Games (On Line BBS Games)
  378. OOII                Operation: Overkill II Sysop/Technical Discussion
  379. OPENDOORS           OpenDoors and BBS door/utility programming conference
  380. OPTOMETRY           Optometry/Eycare Topics
  381. OS-DEBATE           Operating System Debate
  382. OS2                 Fidonet International OS/2 Conference
  383. OS2BBS              OS/2 BBS'ing
  384. OS2DOS              Fidonet OS/2 DOS/Windows Conference
  385. OS2DOSBBS           Support for DOS-Based BBS Software Under OS/2
  386. OS2HW               OS/2 Hardware
  387. OS2LAN              OS/2 Local Area Networks
  388. OS2PROG             OS/2 Programming Echo
  389. OS9                 OS-9 Operating System conference
  390. OTHERNETS           OtherNets: Information on Networks other than FidoNet
  391. PACKET              Amateur Radio Packet Echo
  392. PARADOX             PARADOX support echo
  393. PARALEGAL           Paralegal profession issues and discussions
  394. PARENTS             Parents Echo
  396. PASCAL              Pascal
  397. PASCAL_LESSONS      Pascal Lessons
  398. PATCHES             Public Service Patch Traders Echo
  399. PCBNET              PCBoard Sysops Conference
  400. PCBOARD             Clark Development PCBoard Support
  401. PCTOOLS             PC-Tools
  402. PCUG                PC User Groups
  403. PCWRITE             PCWRITE Word Processor
  404. PC_ADDICT           Computer Addicts Conference
  405. PC_CONSULT          PC Consultants Echo
  406. PDNECHO             Programmers Distribution Network Echo
  407. PDP-11              National DEC PDP-11 Echo
  408. PDREVIEW            Public Domain/Shareware/Commercial software chatter
  409. PEP                 TeleBit Modem & PEP Topics
  410. PERFECT             WordPerfect Corporation Products Basic Echo
  411. PERFECT_MACRO       WordPerfect Corporation Products Advanced Echo
  412. PHARMACY            Medication and Pharmaceuticals Discussion Area
  413. PHIL                Philosophy
  414. PHONES              A Telephone Industry Watchdog Conference
  415. PHOTO               International PHOTO Conference
  416. PHYSICS             PHYSICS
  417. PKEY_DROP           Public-Key Distribution Echo
  418. PLEASE              Stopping the cycle of child abuse (Support & Info)
  419. POETRY_WORKSHOP     The Poetry Workshop
  420. POINTS              Point usage discussion
  421. POLISH              Poland and Polish related topics
  422. POLITICS            Political Discussions
  423. PORTAL              Portal of Power Support Conference
  424. POST_POLIO          International Post-Polio Survivors Forum
  425. POWERPC             POWERPC/POWERMAC Topics and Discussion
  426. POWER_BAS           PowerBASIC Programmers Conference
  427. PPI_MODEMS          Practical Peripherals Modem Support
  428. PROBLEM_CHILD       Problem Children
  429. PROBOARD            ProBoard BBS Support Conference.
  430. PROWRITE            Professional Writers
  431. PRO_VIDEO           Professional video discussion
  432. PS_2                PS/2 Hardware Discussions
  433. PUBLIC_KEYS         Public-Key Encryption and Distribution Echo
  434. PUBLIC_PSYCH        PUBLIC PSYCHOLOGY Support Conference.
  435. PYRO                National Pyrotechnic Echo
  436. P_NEWS              Progressive News & Views
  437. QEDIT               QEdit Echo
  438. QMODEM_USER         Qmodem Users Conference
  439. QM_ECHO             QM FidoNet Mail Processor Help
  440. QNX                 QNX Software Systems LTD QNX OS
  441. QUANTUMLEAP         Quantum Leap Echo
  442. QUICKBBS            QuickBBS Support
  443. QUICKEN             Quicken Software Help conference
  444. QUICKPRO            QuickBBS Professional Sysop's Forum
  445. QUIK_BAS            Discussion of QuickBasic language and programming
  446. QUOTES_2            QUOTES_2
  447. RAILFANS            Railfans, Train Watching, Prototype Railroads
  448. RAINBOW             DEC RAINBOW conference on Digital's Personal Computer.
  449. RARE_CONDITION      Rare Diseases
  450. RA_MULTI            Remote Access Multi-Node Sysops Echo
  451. RA_SUPPORT          Remote Access Support Echo
  452. RA_UTIL             RemoteAccess Utilities Echo
  453. RBBS-PC             RBBS-PC Support Echo
  455. RCM                 Radio Control Modeling
  456. RC_MODEL            Radio Controlled Modeling
  457. REAL                The Real Estate Discussion Echo
  458. RECFRP              Role Playing Games
  459. RECIPES             Recipes
  460. RECOVERY            12 Step Oriented Chat / Share
  461. REC_SUPPORT         Remote Echo Control Software Support
  462. REEF_KEEPING        Saltwater/Reef Keeping Information
  463. REVIEWS             Reviews of just about anything
  464. RIBBS               RiBBS (CoCo/OS9) Sysop Support
  465. RIGHTS              Gender Equality and RIGHTS
  466. ROBO                RoboBoard/FX Support Conference
  467. ROBOTECH            Robotech Discussion Area
  468. ROBOTIX             Robitics and robot builders conference
  470. RTTY                RTTY, SITOR, FAX, CW Over Radio
  471. RUSH_FAN            International Rush Fan Echo
  472. SAILING             SAILING
  473. SAR                 SAR
  474. SB-E/N/L            SpaceBase's READ ONLY Electronic Space Newsletters
  475. SB-NASA_NEWS        SpaceBase's READ ONLY Nasa News & Press Releases
  476. SB-NASA_TECH        SpaceBase's READ ONLY Nasa Tech News & Probe Rpts
  477. SB-QUESTIONS        SpaceBase's Discussion Echo for Space News Q&A
  478. SB-SAT_TRACK        SpaceBase's Amateur Satellite Tracking Discussion
  479. SB-SOLAR_RPT        SpaceBase's Solar Activity Reports & Discussion
  480. SB-SYSOPS           SpaceBase Sysops Only Confrence
  481. SB-WORLD_NWS        SpaceBase's READ ONLY World Space Reports
  482. SCANRADIO           Scanner & Frequency Discussions-General/Technical
  483. SCI&TECH            Science and Technology Conference
  484. SCIENCE             National Science Echo
  485. SCIFOR              VortexNet/c-128 Support conference
  486. SCUBA               SCUBA DIVING
  487. SEARCHLIGHT         Searchlight BBS Support Echo
  488. SE_GENEALOGY        South Eastern US Genealogy Conference
  489. SF                  Science Fiction and Fantasy Literature
  490. SFFAN               Science Fiction and Fandom
  491. SHAREWRE            Shareware Products Discussion Forum
  492. SHORTWAVE           Shortwave Listener's Conference
  493. SIERRAN             Sierra Club (Environment)
  494. SILENTTALK          Conference for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing
  495. SIM                 SIMulation & Wargaming
  496. SIP_AA              Alcoholism & Recovery
  497. SIP_INCEST          Survivor's of Incest/Ritual abuse
  498. SIP_MPD             Singleness in Purpose - Multiple Personality Disorder
  499. SIP_NA              Narcotics Anonymous Echo
  500. SIP_SAA             12-Step Recovery from Sexual Addiction
  501. SIP_SSAS            Spouses of Sexual Abuse Survivors
  502. SIP_SURVIVOR        Twelve Step Discussions for Survivors of Incest
  503. SKEPTIC             Skeptical Inquiry Echo
  504. SKYDIVE             Skydiving, Parachuting and Paragliding
  505. SPACE               Space Development Conference
  506. SPANISH.GEN         Spanish Genealogy
  507. SPINAL_INJURY       Spinal Cord Injury Topics
  508. SPIRITUAL           The Spirituality and World Peace echo
  510. SPORTS              Sports
  511. SRA                 Survivors of Ritual Abuse
  512. SRGAMES             Solar Realm Games
  513. STARTREK            Star Trek Role Playing Echo
  514. STARTREK_RPG        Startrek Roleplaying Conference
  515. STDSN               Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
  516. STOCK_MARKET        Discussions about investment trading on a stock exchange
  517. STRESS_MGMT         Learn HOW to reduce STRESS FAST its easier than you think!
  518. STTNG               Star Trek: The Next Generation
  519. STUDIO_101          Studio and Live Music Performance Conference
  520. SUPERBBS            SuperBBS Support Conference
  521. SUPRAFAX            Suprafax Modem Echo for v.32 and V.32b external and intern
  522. SURVIVOR            Cancer/Leukemia/blood & immuune system/coping with adversi
  523. SUST_AG             Sustainable Agriculture
  524. SYNCHRONET          Synchronet Multinode BBS Software Discussion (Public)
  525. SYNC_SYSOPS         Synchronet Multinode BBS Software Support (Sysops Only)
  526. SYS4SALE            Sysop For Sale Echo
  527. SYSOP               International Sysop Conference (the original one)
  528. SYSTEM7             Macintosh System 7 Support
  529. S_KING              Stephen King Discussion Conference
  530. TABBY               Macintosh Mailer Support
  531. TABLATURE           Guitar Tablature Echo
  532. TAG                 T.A.G. BBS Support Echo
  533. TAGLINES            Taglines
  534. TAGMULTI            T.A.G. BBS (Multinode) Support Echo
  535. TAG_TALK            Tagline Discussion/How-to
  536. TBBS                TBBS SysOps Support
  537. TCXL                TCXL Library Support Echo
  538. TEAMOS2             OS/2 User Groups & Promotion
  539. TECH                Technical Computer & Miscellaneous Discussion
  540. TEEN                International Teenagers' Echo
  541. TELEMATE            Telemate
  542. TELIX               Telix Users Information Exchange
  543. TEL_TECH            Business Telephone Topics & Voice Mail
  544. TERMINAT            Terminate, The Final Terminal Program
  545. TG_SUPPORT          Telegard BBS Support Echo
  546. THEDRAW             The Draw - ANSI Editor - Echo Conference
  547. THI_CVA             Brain Injuries
  548. TI-ECHO             Texas Instruments Topics
  549. TOONS               General Animation Echo
  550. TOTT                Tott Echo [See Elist]
  551. TOTT_SYSOP          TOTT Sysop Echo [See Elist]
  552. TOURETTES           Support and information for those with Tourette Syndrome.
  553. TPWTECH             Turbo Pascal For Windows (Borland) Technical/Programming
  554. TRADE_WARS          TRADE WARS Game discussion, Tips, Tricks & Hints
  555. TRAINS              MODEL RAILROADER
  556. TRANSAMIGA          TransAmiga BBS Support Echo
  557. TRAPDOOR            TrapDoor Support Echo
  558. TREK                Star Trek
  559. TREKTECH            Star Trek technical discussions
  560. TREK_VOYAGER        Star Trek: Voyager Echo
  561. TRIBBS              TriBBS Software Support Conference
  562. TRS-MOD134          Tandy TRS-80 National Echo
  563. TUB                 SquishMail Users
  564. TV                  Television Forum
  565. TVRO                Satellite Television Echo
  566. UFGATE              Usenet-FidoNet Gating Conference
  567. UFO                 UFO Topics
  568. UNIX                International Fidonet Unix Conference
  569. USA_EURLINK         USA-Europe Link
  570. USS_LIBERTY         USS Liberty (AGTR-5) Incident of June 8, 1967
  571. UWSA                United We Stand, America
  572. VAX                 VAX conference for users and managers of Digital's VAX.
  573. VBBS                VBBS Technical Support
  574. VFALSAC             Victims of False Accusations of Abuse
  575. VFIDO               VFIDO Technical Support
  576. VIDEO               VIDEO-TOASTER
  577. VID_GAME            Videogame System Discussion Echo
  579. VIRUS               Virus Conference
  580. VIRUS_NFO           Computer Virus Topics
  581. VISUAL_BASIC        Visual Basic Echo
  582. WARNINGS            Warnings of Public Interest
  583. WELFARE             Welfare Conference
  584. WELMAT              WPL Network language support
  585. WGW                 Genealogy Forum: "Who's Got What" (WGW)
  586. WHITEHOUSE          White House Press Releases
  587. WHO                 The Int'l Doctor Who and British SF TV Conference
  588. WHOLLY_BIBLE        Biblical discussions and related topics
  589. WILDCAT             WILDCAT! BBS Sysops Conference
  590. WILDRNSS            Wilderness Travel
  591. WIN.SYSOP           Windows Sysop Echo
  592. WIN32               Microsoft WIN32 Operating Systems
  593. WINCOMM             Windows Communication Software Echo
  594. WINDOWS             WINDOWS
  595. WINDOWS.PROG        Windows Programming
  596. WIN_4_WRKGRPS       Conference for Windows For Workgroups
  597. WIN_ACCESS          Microsoft Access for Windows
  598. WORDSTAR            WordStar International Users Forum
  599. WORDS_WORDS         The FidoNet Words Conference.
  600. WORLDTLK            World Talk Conference & United Nations News
  601. WP-CRAFT            WordPerfect support for individual users
  602. WP-TOOLS            WordPerfect TOOL and macro development support
  603. WRITING             FidoNet Writing conference
  604. WUNDERMENT          Science Fiction, Fantasy, Pagans, Anarchy, and Wierd Scien
  605. X00_USER            X00 FOSSIL Echo
  606. XPRESS_SUPPORT      Silver Xpress OPX/QWK Reader Support Conference
  607. XPRESS_SYSOP        Silver Xpress OPX/QWK Mail Door SysOp Conference
  608. YOUNG_ADULT         Young Adult Forum
  609. Z1_ELECTION         Z1_ELECTION Topics
  611. ZEC                 Zone 1 Echomail Coordinator Echo Conference
  612. ZMODEM              Zmodem Help
  613. ZOOM                Zoom Modems Echo
  614. ZYMURGY             Beer Homebrewing
  615. {COMMO}             {Commo} Comms Program