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E-Z Chat v1.0 from LlanoWare
copyright 1993,1994,1995 <c>
E-Z Chat may be run on 1 to 99 nodes at once!
======================== Features ==============================
* Editable Language
* Supports up to 99 nodes, up to 256 may be run with minor modifications
(contact author)
* Easy to use "/" (slash) commands
* Easy to use Action Commands
* E-Z setup
* No Maintenance needed
* All Action commands and Language editing is done from within the door.
* Sysop editable Opening and Help screens
* Users can change their Colors
* Users can use ANSi
* Full Handle support
* 255 chat "rooms" available
* Users can password protect their "rooms" for private chat.
* Additional support for RemoteAccess v2.0x BBS systems (see RA-EXTRA.DOC)
======================= Files needed ===========================
* These files are included in the E-Z Chat Archive.
EZCHAT.EXE The main EXE file
EZCSETUP.EXE E-Z Chat setup program. see below for instructions.
EZCHATO.A?? E-Z Chat Opening Screen.
EZCHATH.A?? E-Z Chat help file
Note: the *.A?? files are ANSi (*.ANS) and ASCII (*.ASC)
Edit the *.A?? files as needed. I do recommend removing the
line in the EZCHATH.A?? files that shows the users there is even a
SysOp menu available... keeps the users honest maybe? <g>
You may delete the EZCHATO.A?? completely if you do not want an opening
screen or prompt to be shown to the user.
* Files listed below are created in the EZCHAT directory by running EZCSETUP:
EZCHATx.CTL Control file for each node created by EZCSETUP.EXE
A CTL file named "EZCHAT.CTL" (no node number) will
also be created, this is for simple running in local
mode (see below).
* Files listed below are created in the EZCHAT directory the first time you
EZCHAT.ACT E-Z Chat action commands data file.
* Files listed below are created and used in the "semaphore" directory:
Note: The files below are created as needed. Loss of these files by
is not damaging in any way.
EZCHAT.x Contains the text that is sent to each node. These
files are well behaved and don't grow too much.
Normally they are zero (0) byte files when a user exits.
EZCHAT.ONL E-Z Chat OnLine file, contains what each node is doing.
This file has a static size of about 15k. It does NOT
* This file is created in each Node's Directory:
EZCHATx.LOG IF you have logging turned on, this file keeps a log of
all that is typed in this node. Logging should only be
turned on for debugging purposes. It does slow things
down a little and if your users find their chats are being
monitored they may get upset. :{) (it grows, watch it)
Directory and filename can be edited in EZCSETUP.
Note: The 'x' in the above file names represent the Node Number
that the file belongs to. This will be a number between
1 and 99.
* One additional file will be created if needed. That file is EZCHAT.ERR
and will be created in the directory where EZCHAT.EXE resides. PLEASE
send a copy of this file to me if any errors are recorded in it.
=========================== Setting up E-Z Chat =======================
1) Create a directory for the E-Z Chat files.
2) Change directories to your new E-Z Chat directory.
3) UnArchive the files you received into your new E-Z Chat directory.
4) Run EZCSETUP and create a CTL file for each node you run.
5) Install E-Z Chat as a door on your BBS.
For RA: type 7 with a command line of:
c:\ra\ezchat\ezchat.exe *N
*M swapping should not be needed.
IF you must use a batchfile, then the ONLY line needed is:
REM E-Z Chat sample batch file.
REM Stay in the directory that contains your dropfile
REM Do NOT CD to the E-Z Chat directory
c:\bbs\ezchat\ezchat.exe %1
REM end of file
The %1 in the above line uses the node number you pass to it.
****E-Z Chat is smart and will be able to locate it's needed files
without changing directories, in fact if you do change directories
it may not be able to find your dropfile.
6) Run E-Z Chat locally (or remotely) and edit the Action Commands
to suit your tastes as well as the Language file.
Try them out after making them.. :{)
7) Edit the *.A?? files to suit your tastes.
7) Your all set!
========================== Recommendations ========================
1) Edit the EZCHATH.??? files and delete the line that shows
that a /S gets the SysOp menu. You need to know the password
to access the sysop menu (password is setup when running EZCSETUP),
but you know how users are, if they know it exists then they will sit
there and try and try... :{)
========================== Local Mode ============================
To run E-Z Chat in Local Mode is simple. At the dos command line
where: C: is the drive that has the EZChat files on it
\BBS\EZCHAT\ is the directory that EZChat resides in
EZCHAT.EXE is the program name (no extension or parameters needed)
This will automatically run EZChat in local mode using Node x where 'x'
is the highest node number you have setup in your CTL files. This will
also use the EZCHAT.CTL (no node number) that was created.
You may also run in local mode on ANY node by specifying the node number
on the command line as shown above in "Setting up E-Z Chat" and
adding a /S or /L (SysOp or Local) to the command line.
Handle support may be used by adding /H to either of the command lines
IF handles are supported and you are using a DOOR.SYS style dropfile.
======================== Registration ============================
Registration is ONLY $15.00
Unregistered version only allows 20 minutes in the door.
Unregistered version does not allow the "force user into E-Z Chat"
when running RemoteAccess.
=========================== ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ======================
Big Thanks to (and not necessarily in any order):
Scott Baker for DoorDriver 5.0!
Borland International for Turbo Pascal 7.0
Cheryl & Bruce Bergstrom for all of their aid and support.
CheryL Bergstrom for the ANSi screens.
Ronnie Toth for helping distribute all the great RA programs that support
us all! If you have a buck or two laying around, please help her defray
her phone costs so she can continue helping all us RA SysOps!
A great big THANKS to The Beta Team:
Scott Reeves
Jon Johnson
Frank Widdis
Dale Ormsbee
Their contributions have been of GREAT value!
========================= DISTRIBUTION SITES ========================
Author's BBS - Llano, CA
Bob DaCastello (That's Me!)
805-264-0443 (28.8)
805-264-0448 (14.4)
FIDONET: 1:102/1313
XeroNet: 131:8050/101
TumbleWeed BBS - Lancaster, CA
Bruce & Cheryl Bergstrom
805-946-3332 (28.8)
FIDONET: 1:102/1308
Control Central ]I[ - Islandia, NY
Jon Johnson
516-342-0382 (28.8)
FIDONET: 1:2619/265
Down the Rabbit Hole - Newport News, VA
Scott Reeves
804-887-8345 (28.8)
FIDONET: 1:271/257
Ring of Fire BBS - Grafton, VA
Frank Widdis
804-898-1162 (28.8)
FIDONET: 1:271/360
Note: This node may be down for awhile.
Sherwood Forest BBS - Newport News, VA
Dale Ormsbee
804-887-0540 (28.8)
FIDONET: 1:271/269
The latest versions of E-Z Chat and all other Llanoware programs
utilities, and doorgames should always be available for download from
one of the above systems.
Freq Magic Name EZCHAT - for E-Z Chat from any of the above sites.
Freq Magic Name LLANOWARE for a complete list of LlanoWare files.
^^^^^^^^^ available from authors BBS only.
Thats all you get for now, please contact me if you have problems or
for ANY reason.