3 Using Microsoft System Agent to automatically update a database on the WWW=Using Microsoft System Agent to automatically update a database on the WWW
1 How to...
2 Recipes
3 To open a recipe=To open a recipe>proc4
3 To create a recipe=To create a recipe>proc4
3 To modify a recipe=To modify a recipe>proc4
3 To save a recipe=To save a recipe>proc4
3 Batch processing recipes
4 To process a number of recipes=To process a number of recipes>proc4
4 To process and publish a number of recipes=To process and publish a number of recipes>proc4
4 To batch process recipes stored in a list file=To batch process recipes stored in a list file>proc4
4 To save selected recipes in a list file=To save selected recipes in a list file>proc4
4 To change the order in which recipes are batch processed=To change the order in which recipes are batch processed>proc4
3 Running Corel WEB.DATA from the command line interface
4 To run a recipe file with additional arguments (silent mode)=To run a recipe file with additional arguments silent mode>proc4
4 To run a recipe file in silent mode from the command line interface=To run a recipe file in silent mode from the command line interface>proc4
2 Choosing a database
3 To choose the main table=To choose the main table>proc4
3 To view the contents of a table=To view the contents of a table>proc4
3 To search for a record=To search for a record>proc4
3 To change a main table with a join=To change a main table with a join>proc4
3 To change a main table without a join=To change a main table without a join>proc4
3 To choose additional tables=To choose additional tables>proc4
3 Joining tables
4 To join tables=To join tables>proc4
4 To undo a join=To undo a join>proc4
4 To create a lookup join=To create a lookup join>proc4
4 To create a subview join=To create a subview join>proc4
4 To publish fields from a subview join=To publish fields from a subview join>proc4
4 To apply a Join dictionary=To apply a Join dictionary>proc4
3 Adding calculated fields
4 To add calculated fields=To add calculated fields>proc4
4 To create an expression for a calculated field=To create an expression for a calculated field>proc4
4 To edit a calculated field=To edit a calculated field>proc4
2 Choosing Publishing Options
3 To publish to the World Wide Web=To publish to the World Wide Web>proc4
3 To publish to Corel WEB.DESIGNER=To publish to Corel WEB.DESIGNER>proc4
2 Selecting records
3 To define selection criteria=To define selection criteria>proc4
3 To define multiple selection criteria=To define multiple selection criteria>proc4
3 To edit selection criteria=To edit selection criteria>proc4
3 To change the order of the selection criteria=To change the order of the selection criteria>proc4
2 Sorting records
3 To select sort fields=To select sort fields>proc4
3 To select a sort order=To select a sort order>proc4
3 To change the sort field order=To change the sort field order>proc4
3 Custom sorting
4 To view the sort key status=To view the sort key status>proc4
4 To change the sort key length=To change the sort key length>proc4
4 To sort text fields numerically=To sort text fields numerically>proc4
4 To sort text fields alphabetically=To sort text fields alphabetically>proc4
4 To use a sort table=To use a sort table>proc4
4 To apply a Field Sorting dictionary=To apply a Field Sorting dictionary>proc4
4 To apply a String Sorting dictionary=To apply a String Sorting dictionary>proc4
4 To create your own custom Sort Table=To create your own custom Sort Table>proc4
4 To edit a custom Sort Table=To edit a custom Sort Table>proc4
2 Working with fields
3 Selecting Fields
4 To add a field to a control block=To add a field to a control block>proc4
4 To rearrange selected fields=To rearrange selected fields>proc4
4 To specify Additional Text Before or Text After for a heading control block=To specify Additional Text Before or Text After for a heading control block>proc4
4 To apply a heading block=To apply a heading block>proc4
4 To enable a control field in a heading block=To enable a control field in a heading block>proc4
4 To apply a document control block=To apply a document control block>proc4
4 To use counters=To use counters>proc4
4 To apply a subtotal block=To apply a subtotal block>proc4
4 To add functions to fields in subtotal blocks=To add functions to fields in subtotal blocks>proc4
4 To define document total blocks=To define document total blocks>proc4
2 Applying Field Attributes
3 Using tags
4 To apply tags=To apply tags>proc4
3 Adding text
4 To insert text before=To insert text before>proc4
4 To insert text after=To insert text after>proc4
4 To add text in place of an empty field=To add text in place of an empty field>proc4
4 To add text in place of a repeating field value=To add text in place of a repeating field value>proc4
3 Using the keypad
4 To select a custom keypad=To select a custom keypad>proc4
4 To display the keypad after it is closed=To display the keypad after it is closed>proc4
4 To use the keypad to enter field attributes=To use the keypad to enter field attributes>proc4
3 Additional attributes settings
4 To surpress field contents=To surpress field contents>proc4
4 To capture first letter changes=To capture first letter changes>proc4
3 Copying field attributes
4 To copy field attributes to another field=To copy field attributes to another field>proc4
4 To reset field attributes to default formatting=To reset field attributes to default formatting>proc4
3 Applying dictionaries
4 To apply a dictionary to a field=To apply a dictionary to a field>proc4
3 Formatting a table
4 To add a single column heading=To add a single column heading>proc4
4 To add column headings that straddle multiple columns=To add column headings that straddle multiple columns>proc4
4 To add column headings that straddle multiple heading levels=To add column headings that straddle multiple heading levels>proc4
4 To apply background color to column headings=To apply background color to column headings>proc4
4 To apply column background color=To apply column background color>proc4
4 To apply color to empty table cells=To apply color to empty table cells>proc4
3 Formatting different field types
4 To change the field type=To change the field type>proc4
4 Date fields
5 To format a date field=To format a date field>proc4
4 Time fields
5 To format a time field=To format a time field>proc4
4 Logical fields
5 To format a logical field=To format a logical field>proc4
4 Numeric fields
5 To format a general numeric field=To format a general numeric field>proc4
5 To format a currency numeric field=To format a currency numeric field>proc4
5 To format a scientific numeric field=To format a scientific numeric field>proc4
5 To format numbers with templates=To format numbers with templates>proc4
5 To apply text to a range of numbers=To apply text to a range of numbers>proc4
4 Text fields
5 To apply capitalization to a text field=To apply capitalization to a text field>proc4
4 Memo fields
5 To change hard line breaks in memo fields=To change hard line breaks in memo fields>proc4
4 File fields
6 To reference a graphics file stored on a Web server=To reference a graphics file stored on a Web server for HTML only>proc4
6 To reference a graphics file stored locally=To reference a graphics file stored locally for HTML only>proc4
6 To use a text field to reference a text file=To use a text field to reference a text file for HTML only>proc4
6 To specify the alignment of a frame=To specify the alignment of a frame for HTML only>proc4
6 To substitute text for missing graphics=To substitute text for missing graphics for HTML only>proc4
6 To specify frame size=To specify frame size for HTML only>proc4
6 To specify border width=To specify border width for HTML only>proc4
2 Global attributes
3 To insert text before the first record=To insert text before the first record>proc4
3 To insert text after the last record=To insert text after the last record>proc4
3 To insert text between records=To insert text between records>proc4
3 To insert text in place of null records=To insert text in place of null records>proc4
3 Global table options
4 To set global table options=To set global table options>proc4
4 To apply table row colors=To apply table row colors>proc4
4 To set the applet parameters for Corel InstantView=To set the applet parameters for Corel InstantView>proc4
4 To set the applet parameters for Corel InstantChart or Corel InstantAnalyzer=To set the applet parameters for Corel InstantChart or Corel InstantAnalyzer>proc4
2 Processing, publishing and printing
3 To choose processing options=To choose processing options>proc4
3 To choose the number of records to process=To choose the number of records to process>proc4
3 To choose the start record=To choose the start record>proc4
3 To process all records=To process all records>proc4
3 To process only=To process only>proc4
3 To process and preview=To process and publish>proc4
3 To view the output file before publishing=To view the output file before publishing>proc4
3 To choose the output file=To choose the output file for HTML only>proc4
3 To merge output with an existing HTML file=To merge output with an existing HTML file>proc4
3 To merge output to a section number=To merge output to a section number>proc4
3 To automatically update your Web page using Microsoft System Agent=To automatically update your Web page using Microsoft System Agent>proc4
3 Using Dictionaries
4 To use the Make Dictionary command=To use the Make Dictionary command>proc4
4 To apply a Substitution dictionary=To apply a Substitution dictionary>proc4
4 To apply a Field Sorting dictionary=To apply a Field Sorting dictionary>proc4
4 To apply a String Sorting dictionary=To apply a String Sorting dictionary>proc4
4 To apply a Sort dictionary=To apply a Sort dictionary>proc4
4 To apply an Exception dictionary for capitalization=To apply an Exception dictionary for capitalization>proc4
4 To apply a Tagging dictionary=To apply a Tagging dictionary>proc4
4 To apply a Text dictionary=To apply a Text dictionary>proc4
4 To apply a String Translation dictionary=To apply a String Translation dictionary>proc4
4 To apply an Event dictionary=To apply an Event dictionary>proc4
4 To remove a dictionary file from your system=To remove a dictionary file from your system>proc4
3 Using the Dictionary Editor
4 To edit a dictionary=To edit a dictionary>proc4
4 To create a new dictionary for a text field=To create a new dictionary for a text field>proc4
4 To create a new dictionary for a numeric field=To create a new dictionary for a numeric field>proc4
4 To merge a dictionary with an existing file=To merge a dictionary with an existing file>proc4
4 To import a dictionary file from outside the Dictionary Editor=To import a dictionary file from outside the Dictionary Editor>proc4
4 To export a dictionary file from the Dictionary Editor=To export a dictionary file from the Dictionary Editor>proc4
3 Using the Keypad
4 To display the keypad after it is closed=To display the keypad after it is closed>proc4
4 To select a custom keypad=To select a custom keypad>proc4
4 To create a custom copy of the keypad=To create a custom copy of the keypad>proc4
3 Using the Keypad Editor
4 To edit the key top legend=To edit the key top legend>proc4
4 To edit the generated code of a key=To edit the generated code of a key>proc4
4 To edit the key description=To edit the key description>proc4
4 To remove keypad button contents=To remove keypad button contents>proc4
4 To copy keypad button contents=To copy keypad button contents>proc4
4 To swap keypad button contents=To swap keypad button contents>proc4
4 To move keypad button contents=To move keypad button contents>proc4
3 Setting Corel WEB.DATA defaults
4 To change the settings for the default recipe file folders=To change the settings for the default recipe file folders>proc4
4 To change the default Project drive and folder=To change the default Project drive and folder>proc4
4 To change the default Project folder name=To change the default Project folder name>proc4
4 To define default field formatting=To define default field formatting>proc4
4 To change the default Publishing package=To change the default Publishing package>proc4
4 To change the default Process method=To change the default Process method>proc4
4 To change the default number of records=To change the default number of records>proc4
1 Reference
2 Data Sources
3 Retrieving information=Retrieving information
3 Accessing information stored in a text format=Accessing information stored in a text format
3 Accessing databases using the Structured Query Language (SQL)=Accessing databases using the Structured Query Language SQL
3 Accessing Excel worksheets and workbooks=Accessing Excel worksheets and workbooks