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PANLASZ2.ZIP "Envelope LaserPrint/Panasonic v2.0", prints envelopes and address labels on Panasonic KX-P4410/20/30 laser printers
PARA13.ZIP "Parallel v1.34", analyser for parallel ports
PASCII12.ZIP "PASCII v1.2", prepares ASCII files for printing (repagination, margins...)
PB24.ZIP "Playback v2.4", keyboard macro utility for DOS, takes also time delay into account
PCFONT30.ZIP "PCFont v3.0", DOS typeface editor for VGA screen fonts
PCMOUS12.ZIP "PCMouse v1.2", enables mouse-controlled Cut & Paste functions in text mode
PCOPY93.ZIP "PCopy v9.3", very powerful substitute for DOS COPY command
PCPS760.ZIP "PCPC v7.6", prints normal text files on PostScript printer
PCSLITE.ZIP "PC-Sentry Lite", TSR program providing good protection against unauthorised use of computer
PCSS33.ZIP "PC Snooper-Stopper v3.3", protects PC of unauthorised use, even after system boot
PDEL11.ZIP "PDel v1.1", deletes files, to ensure data protection file contents are overwritten with different parameters
PDF10.ZIP "Partial Defragger v1.0", DeFragment utility operating only on certain parts of hard disk or on individual files
PDQ140.ZIP "PDQ Utils v1.4", little tools for DOS, such as file finder or little editor
PFD400.ZIP "PathFind v4.0", finds out from which path directory file has been loaded from
PHANSCRN.ZIP "PhantomScreen v1.2b", excellent DOS screen saver, works in VGA graphics mode, superb effects
PIGAS102.ZIP "Pigas Security v1.02", denies unauthorised access to files
PINST143.ZIP "PowerInstall v1.43", good installation program for applications, window and menu-operated
PL26.ZIP "Pop-Label v2.6", pop-up program to print labels
PMAN115.ZIP "Path Man v1.15", searches along path for certain file name and returns DOS error level according to result
POCK31.ZIP "PocketD Plus v3.1", various quite useful DOS utilities, e.g. improved DIR command
POPKEY.ZIP "PopKey v1.0", variable adjustment of keyboard speed
PREXCM.ZIP "Protect! EXE/COM v4.0", adds checksums to programs (i.e. virus protection)
PRFF23.ZIP "PrtScFF v2.3", sends FormFeed to connected printer
PRINDIR9.ZIP "Prindir v9.0", redirector for printer, can redirect printer output to different ports, screen or hard disk
PRNF245.ZIP "PrnSet v2.45", control utility for a wide range of popular printers
PSEDT35.ZIP "PSEdit v3.5", Hex editor for any kind of file, editing in Hex format
PSPRI10.ZIP "PostScript-Print v1.0", prints text files on PostScript printers
PTM29C.ZIP "DOS Phantom v2.9c", keyboard macro recorder, can also play macro at set times
PUNCH1.ZIP "Punch v1.0", helps to keep book of how much time you spend on a certain activity on the computer
PXDDS101.ZIP "Pure DOS Disk Speed v1.01", simple program to determine data transfer rate of hard disks, with Pascal source
Q387_363.ZIP "Q387 v3.63", emulates math coprocessor
QDEL033.ZIP "QDel v0.33", deletes entire directory trees
QDIR132.ZIP "QuickDir v1.32", DOS shell and shell for common archive programs
QINST2.ZIP "Quik-Install v2.0", multi-purpose application installation utility
QKOPY332.ZIP "QuickCopy v3.32", copies one or more files to one or more directories
QUADRIVE.ZIP "QuaDrive v1.0", driver enabling use of lots of different formats on disk drives
RAMMAP.ZIP "RAMMap v1.51", indicates location and status of programs, drivers, etc in system memory
RB_UTIL.ZIP collection of seven useful "DOS utilities" (e.g. detection of CPU, reading from Atari XL/XE files...)
RDEL12.ZIP "RDel v1.2", enables recursive delete of certain files in all directories
RDIR10.ZIP "RDir v1.0", deletes entire subdirectories with all connected files and directories
REMIND20.ZIP "Remind v2.0", reminds of impending schedules whenever run
RFM302.ZIP "RFM v3.02", visually appealing DOS file manager, requires VGA and Maus
RLST11.ZIP "RList v1.1", prints out any part of a text file
RMND34.ZIP "Remind v3.4", reminds of impending schedules whenever run
RM_RZAC2.ZIP "RM-R v2.0", deletes subdirectories and connected files
RND11.ZIP "RND v1.1", facilitates renaming and moving of directories
RS232101.ZIP "RS232 v1.01", drastically simplifies locating faults with serial ports
RUNCOUNT.ZIP "RunCounT v0.0", batch utility returns error level after set number of runs
SBBACK24.ZIP "SpaceBak v2.4", saves and subsequently deletes all files not used for a long time
SBEP11.ZIP "SetBeep v1.1", allows to modify DOS beeping sound
SCDTSK25.ZIP "SchedTsk v2.5", runs programs at preset times (e.g. nighttime backups)
SCHEDT25.ZIP "Task Scheduler v2.5", runs programs at preset times
SCRLIT18.ZIP "ScrollIt v1.8", screen scrolling utility (saves text in EMS and XMS)
SCSV.ZIP "Screen Saver v5.1", simple screen saver for DOS, requiring only very little hard disk space
SD100.ZIP "Screen Designer v1.0", good tool to quickly design any sort of text screens, masks, etc.
SDSR5.ZIP "SpeedStr v5.0", menu-operated benchmark test for graphics cards
SHELLIT1.ZIP "Shellit v1.0", shell for programs such as ARC, PkZIP and SCAN
SHOWF251.ZIP "ShowFAT v2.51", visually shows mechanical design of hard disk
SHROOM24.ZIP "Shell Room v2.4b", creates more free memory for DOS shell
SLEEPHD.ZIP "Sleep v1.1", shuts down motor of IDE hard disk if it has not been in use for certain time
SLEEP_43.ZIP "Sleep v4.3", waits for certain file or system time
SLOWDOWN.ZIP "Slowdown v1.0", slows down fast computers thus allowing programs to run that still require slow 286 CPU
SMAC03.ZIP "Send Macros v0.39", runs macros saved in setting file with simple key combinations
SOSDFU.ZIP "Solid Oak Software's DOS Toolbox" collection of very efficient DOS utilities that are ideal for use in stack files
SOSEVD.ZIP "Everyday", runs command sets assigned to certain system parameters from a list
SOSTDU.ZIP "Solid Oak Software's DOS Toolbox", collection of very efficient DOS utilities that are ideal for use in stack files
SPKT465S.ZIP "SpeedKit v4.65", HyerDisk hard disk cache, HyperKey keyboard macro recorder
SRTDSC26.ZIP "SortDesc v2.6", sorting and moving archive files using FILE_ID.DIZ
ST2DOS10.ZIP "ST2DOS v1.0", enables DOS PC to read Atari format floppy disks
SW_42A.ZIP "SW v4.2a", batch file language, improves capabilities of stack files
SW_46.ZIP "Screen Wizard v4.6", batch tool allows fast and convenient output in a wide range of formats (substitute for ECHO)
TAME310.ZIP "Tame v3.1", multitasking supplement enabling simultaneous use of several programs
TASKR195.ZIP "Tasker v1.95a", runs programs even with parameter transfer- at preset times
TBOX14.ZIP "The ToolBOX v1.4", extended DOS shell with additional functions (e.g. FileFind)
TDY400.ZIP "Tidy v4.0", deletes all .BAK files and files with size 0 bytes, also accepts different filename extensions
TESTIT10.ZIP "Test-It v1.0", tests all system resources of computer (memory, video card, hard disk, CPU...)(German)
TIR109.ZIP "TIR Triple Directory v1.09", alternative DIR command, displays directory entries in three columns
TLADF10.ZIP "TLA Disk Farm v1.0", indicates free and used memory of all existing drives
TOP200.ZIP "Top v2.0", excellent DOS supplement (history keys, on-line help, scrolling buffer etc.)
TPPDR101.ZIP "TPPDir v1.01", facilitates directory change, e.g. in stack files
TREESZ02.ZIP "TreeSZ02 v2.0", shows directory structure plus information on file size and total size as tree diagram
TRYWARE1.ZIP "Trialware Core v1.0", ensures that program can only be run a certain number of times, after that a serial number has to be entered
TSBAT43.ZIP "TS Batch Tricks v4.3", collection of a large variety of stack files for a wide range of applications
TSD300.ZIP "TSort v3.0", very fast sorter, even for large files, uses EMS/XMS memory (16 and 32-bit version)
TSTSR17.ZIP "TS-TSR", collection of memory-resident DOS utilities
TSUTLC19.ZIP "TS Util Set 3", collection of various DOS utilities
TSUTLD21.ZIP "TS Util Set 4", collection of various DOS utilities
TSUTLF13.ZIP "TS Util Set 6", collection of various DOS utilities
TSX411A.ZIP "TSX-Lite v4.11 (part 1/4)", DOS-compatible 32-bit multi-user operating system
TSX411B.ZIP "TSX-Lite v4.11 (part 2/4)", DOS-compatible 32-bit multi-user operating system
TSX411C.ZIP "TSX-Lite v4.11 (part 3/4)", DOS-compatible 32-bit multi-user operating system
TSX411D.ZIP "TSX-Lite v4.11 (part 4/4)", DOS-compatible 32-bit multi-user operating system
TV1511.ZIP "TSR-Vision v1.511", examine every kind of memory (CMOS, XMS, HMA, Cluster, Fat...)
UC194.ZIP "ProtDump v1.1", Protected Mode Hex Dump, enables memory dump in protected mode
ULTRA62.ZIP "The Ultimate Batch Util v6.2", more than 250 function that can be used in stack files
UNST14.ZIP "Universal Install v1.4", script-operated installation program for any application
USE62.ZIP "Use/UnUse v6.2", adding and deleting of directories of path
UVBE42.ZIP "The Universal VESA VBE v4.2", TSR program to make video cards VESA 1.2 compatible
UXUTL22.ZIP "UxUtil v2.2", lots of UNIX commands for MS DOS (cat, df, grep, mv...)
VADCD180.ZIP "Vadol CD v1.8", facilitates directory changes
VDEL20.ZIP "VDEL v2.0", deletes files, with user confirmation safeguard
VGABLK1A.ZIP "Blank v1.0", screen saver for VGA cards, blanks out screen
VID_FX20.ZIP "Video F/X v2.0", batch utility enables display of various graphics effects in stack files on EGA/VGA cards
VPRVESA.ZIP "VPRVESA v1.2", VESA VBE driver for video card Diamond Viper VLB
VSAVE200.ZIP "VGAsave v2.0", DOS screen-saver requiring very little memory
WATCHDSK.ZIP "WatchDisk v1.05", how much memory is taken up by user (conceived for LANs)
WCED18C.ZIP "WcED v1.8c", command line editor, remembers last keyboard entries
WDEL16.ZIP "WDEL v1.6", file delete utility that deletes files irretrievably by overwriting
WDN121.ZIP "Wipe Directory Names v1.21", automatically deletes all empty directories
WHCH20GR.ZIP "Which v2.0", finds out from what location certain DOS program is run (with C source)
WIPEO122.ZIP "Wipe-Out v1.22", creates copy of present system status and, if run again, writes changes into log file
XDCPY150.ZIP "eXtended DiSKCoPY v1.5", fast disk copying program that uses extended memory for temporary data storage
XDCPY200.ZIP "Extended Diskcopy v2.0", disk copying utility, puts entire content of disk into XMS memory
XEQ16.ZIP "XEQ v1.6", can combine several .COM files to one file while individual commands remain fully operational
XE_V40.ZIP "heXEdit v4.0", little editor for any kind of ASCII or binary file
XSET350.ZIP "XSet v3.5", uses DOS environment (SET...), to generate all different kinds of functions
YAFM22D.ZIP "YAFM v2.2d", very useful file manager for DOS, works with two directories in two windows, easy to use
ZAPCHK.ZIP "ZapChk v1.0", removes annoying reminder SCANDISK from DOS 6.2 CHKDSK
ZCOPY16.ZIP "ZCopy v1.6", substitute for DOS XCOPY command
ZMOVE16.ZIP "ZMove v1.6", file copying utility similar to XCOPY, it does, however, delete source files after copying
ZPRO120.ZIP "ZIP'R Pro for DOS v1.2", saves all rarely or never used files in a large archive file thus freeing hard disk space
ZRD16.ZIP "ZRD v1.6", deletes dirctories and enclosed files using only one command