The Muppet CD-ROM - Muppets Inside
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Text File
314 lines
I3D DEMO block database file version: 2.0
Background color index: 0
Shadow color index : 189
Highlight color index : 177
Floor color index : 188
Ceiling color index : 188
Player start x : 37
Player start y : 32
Player start heading : 64
{ block definitions }
block 0 ( { open block }
shape = empty;
set trans;
ceil = kitchens\woody_06; floor = kitchens\woody_05;
block 1 ( { walls }
shape = cube;
set wall;
n_wall = kitchens\woody_00; e_wall = kitchens\woody_01;
s_wall = kitchens\woody_02; w_wall = kitchens\woody_03;
t_width = 256;t_height = 256;
ceil = kitchens\woody_06; floor = kitchens\woody_05;
{ obstacle = kitchens\woody_07;}
block 2 ( { horz goal wall }
shape = horz;
n_wall = misc\woody_do; s_wall = misc\woody_do;
ceil = kitchens\woody_06; floor = kitchens\woody_05;
block 3 ( {vert goal wall }
shape = cube;
set wall;
e_wall = misc\woody_do; w_wall = misc\woody_do;
n_wall = misc\woody_do; s_wall = misc\woody_do;
ceil = kitchens\woody_06; floor = kitchens\woody_05;
{ utensil definitions }
thing 6 (
set trans;
panel = utensils\uten_btr;
{ t_width = 256; t_height = 128;}
thing 8 (
set trans;
panel = utensils\uten_pro;
{ t_width = 256; t_height = 128;}
thing 9 (
set trans;
panel = utensils\uten_gun;
{ t_width = 256; t_height = 128;}
{ thing definitions }
thing 10 ( { carrot }
set hitable; set wall; set trans;
panel = foods\ca_wlk00;
action = 10;
thing 17 ( { tomato }
set hitable; set wall; set trans;
panel = foods\to_wlk00;
action = 17;
{ wall definitions }
block 35 ( { kitchens\woody_00 }
shape = cube;
set wall;
n_wall = kitchens\woody_00; e_wall = kitchens\woody_00;
s_wall = kitchens\woody_00; w_wall = kitchens\woody_00;
ceil = kitchens\woody_06; floor = kitchens\woody_05;
t_width = 256; t_height = 256;
block 36 ( { kitchens\woody_01 }
shape = cube;
set wall;
n_wall = kitchens\woody_01; e_wall = kitchens\woody_01;
s_wall = kitchens\woody_01; w_wall = kitchens\woody_01;
ceil = kitchens\woody_06; floor = kitchens\woody_05;
t_width = 256; t_height = 256;
block 37 ( { kitchens\woody_02 }
shape = cube;
set wall;
n_wall = kitchens\woody_02; e_wall = kitchens\woody_02;
s_wall = kitchens\woody_02; w_wall = kitchens\woody_02;
ceil = kitchens\woody_06; floor = kitchens\woody_05;
t_width = 256; t_height = 256;
block 38 ( { kitchens\woody_03 }
shape = cube;
set wall;
n_wall = kitchens\woody_03; e_wall = kitchens\woody_03;
s_wall = kitchens\woody_03; w_wall = kitchens\woody_03;
ceil = kitchens\woody_06; floor = kitchens\woody_05;
t_width = 256; t_height = 256;
block 39 ( { kitchens\woody_04 }
shape = cube;
set wall;
n_wall = kitchens\woody_04; e_wall = kitchens\woody_04;
s_wall = kitchens\woody_04; w_wall = kitchens\woody_04;
ceil = kitchens\woody_06; floor = kitchens\woody_05;
t_width = 256; t_height = 256;
block 100 ( { bare:woodsy bare01 }
shape = cube;
set wall;
n_wall = kitchens\woody_08; e_wall = kitchens\woody_08;
s_wall = kitchens\woody_08; w_wall = kitchens\woody_08;
ceil = kitchens\woody_06; floor = kitchens\woody_05;
t_width = 256; t_height = 256;
block 89 ( { l.bare:woodsy bare02 }
shape = cube;
set wall;
n_wall = kitchens\woody_09; e_wall = kitchens\woody_09;
s_wall = kitchens\woody_09; w_wall = kitchens\woody_09;
ceil = kitchens\woody_06; floor = kitchens\woody_05;
t_width = 256; t_height = 256;
block 90 ( { pict:woodsy bare03 }
shape = cube;
set wall;
n_wall = kitchens\woody_10; e_wall = kitchens\woody_10;
s_wall = kitchens\woody_10; w_wall = kitchens\woody_10;
ceil = kitchens\woody_06; floor = kitchens\woody_05;
t_width = 256; t_height = 256;
block 91 ( { gonzo:woodsy bare04 }
shape = cube;
set wall;
n_wall = kitchens\woody_11; e_wall = kitchens\woody_11;
s_wall = kitchens\woody_11; w_wall = kitchens\woody_11;
ceil = kitchens\woody_06; floor = kitchens\woody_05;
t_width = 256; t_height = 256;
block 92 ( { bare:woodsy bare01 }
shape = cube;
set wall;
n_wall = kitchens\woody_12; e_wall = kitchens\woody_12;
s_wall = kitchens\woody_12; w_wall = kitchens\woody_12;
ceil = kitchens\woody_06; floor = kitchens\woody_05;
t_width = 256; t_height = 256;
block 93 ( { l.bare:woodsy bare02 }
shape = cube;
set wall;
n_wall = kitchens\woody_13; e_wall = kitchens\woody_13;
s_wall = kitchens\woody_13; w_wall = kitchens\woody_13;
ceil = kitchens\woody_06; floor = kitchens\woody_05;
t_width = 256; t_height = 256;
block 94 ( { pict:woodsy bare03 }
shape = cube;
set wall;
n_wall = kitchens\woody_14; e_wall = kitchens\woody_14;
s_wall = kitchens\woody_14; w_wall = kitchens\woody_14;
ceil = kitchens\woody_06; floor = kitchens\woody_05;
t_width = 256; t_height = 256;
block 86 ( { easy out north-south == fifties01 }
shape = cube;
set wall;
n_wall = kitchens\woody_01; e_wall = kitchens\woody_01;
s_wall = kitchens\woody_01; w_wall = kitchens\woody_01;
ceil = kitchens\woody_06; floor = kitchens\woody_05;
t_width = 256; t_height = 256;
block 87 ( { easy out east-west == fifties02 }
shape = cube;
set wall;
n_wall = kitchens\woody_02; e_wall = kitchens\woody_02;
s_wall = kitchens\woody_02; w_wall = kitchens\woody_02;
ceil = kitchens\woody_06; floor = kitchens\woody_05;
t_width = 256; t_height = 256;
{ action definitions }
action 10 ( { carrot action }
name = carrot; radius= 0.92;
walk_anim = 10;
throw_anim = 11;
talk_anim = 12;
die_anim = 13;
dead_anim = 14;
speed = 75; { 0 is still, 25 is very slow, 50 is ok, 100 is fast }
wisk = 256 86 64; { out of 255 health points, so 4 hits required }
egg_beater = 256 86 64; { 4 hits }
rolling_pin = 256 128 86; { 3 hits }
food_processor = 256 256 128; { 2 hits }
pastry_gun = 256 256 256 ; { only one hit }
action 17 ( { tomato action }
name = tomato; radius= 0.98;
walk_anim = 80;
throw_anim = 81;
talk_anim = 82;
die_anim = 83;
dead_anim = 84;
speed = 100; { 0 is still, 25 is very slow, 50 is ok, 100 is fast }
wisk = 128 52 43; { out of 255 health points, so 4 hits required }
egg_beater = 128 52 43; { 4 hits }
rolling_pin = 128 52 43; { 3 hits }
food_processor = 128 64 52; { 2 hits }
pastry_gun = 256 256 256; { only one hit }
{ anim definitions }
{ the carrot anims }
anim 10 ( { walking carrot }
panel = foods\ca_wlk;
frames = 3; views = 3;
anim 11 ( { throwing carrot }
panel = foods\ca_thr;
frames = 3; views = 1;
anim 12 ( { talking carrot }
panel = foods\ca_tlk;
frames = 3; views = 1;
anim 13 ( { dying carrot }
panel = foods\ca_die;
frames = 5; views = 1;
anim 14 ( { dead carrot }
panel = foods\ca_fnl;
frames = 1; views = 1;
{ the tomato anims }
anim 80 ( { walking tomato }
panel = foods\to_wlk;
frames = 3; views = 3;
anim 81 ( { throwing tomato }
panel = foods\to_thr;
frames = 3; views = 1;
anim 82 ( { talking tomato }
panel = foods\to_tlk;
frames = 3; views = 1;
anim 83 ( { dying tomato }
panel = foods\to_die;
frames = 3; views = 1;
anim 84 ( { dead tomato }
panel = foods\to_fnl;
frames = 1; views = 1;