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Text File  |  1997-01-01  |  6KB  |  343 lines

  1. Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
  2. Ad Hoc Committee
  3. ADL
  4. AFL
  5. African National Congress (ANC)
  6. Agenda for Development
  7. Agenda For Peace
  8. AIDS
  9. AK-47 assault rifle
  10. ANC
  11. Antarctic Treaty
  12. apartheid
  13. Arab League
  14. Armed Forces of Liberia
  15. armistice
  16. Armistice Demarcation Line
  17. ASEAN
  18. Association of Southeast Asian Nations
  19. Atlantic Charter
  20. biodiversity
  21. bipolarism
  22. blockade
  23. blue helmet
  24. Bretton Woods
  25. buffer zone
  26. Cambodian Mine Action Centre
  27. cantonment
  28. capitalism
  29. CBW
  30. CDR
  31. cease-fire
  32. chemical and biological weapons
  33. Chemical Weapons Convention
  34. CIAV
  35. CIS
  36. CITES
  37. civil war
  38. CIVS
  39. CMAC
  40. Coalition for Defense of the Republic
  41. Cold War
  42. commando 
  43. Commonwealth of Independent States
  44. communism
  45. Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty
  46. Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe
  47. Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species
  48. coup
  49. CSCE
  50. CTBT
  51. CWC
  52. demilitarized zone
  53. demobilization
  54. Demographic momentum
  55. Department of Humanitarian Affairs 
  56. DHA
  57. diplomat
  58. disarmament
  59. disengagement
  60. dmz
  61. DOMREP
  62. Dumbarton Oaks
  63. ECOMOG
  64. Economic and Social Council
  65. Economic Community of West African States
  66. ECOSOC 
  67. ECOWAS
  68. ECOWAS Monitoring Group
  69. ENRIN
  70. Environment and Natural Resource Information Networking
  71. EU
  72. European Union
  73. ex aequo et bono
  74. FAO
  75. FDI
  76. fertility rate
  77. FMLN
  78. Food and Agriculture Organization
  79. Foreign Direct Investment
  80. Frente Farabundo Marti para la Liberacion Nacional
  81. Frente POLISARIO
  83. GATT
  84. GDI
  85. GEMS
  86. Gender-related Development Index
  87. General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
  88. Geneva Conventions
  89. genocide
  90. Global Commons
  91. Global Environmental Monitoring System
  92. Global Resource Information Database
  93. global warming
  94. Good Offices
  95. greenhouse effect
  96. GRID
  97. Gross Domestic Product
  98. Group of 77
  99. Group of Seven
  100. guerrilla
  101. HABITAT
  102. HIV
  103. Human Immunodeficiency Virus
  104. IAEA
  105. IBRD
  106. ICAO
  107. ICJ
  108. ICPD
  109. IDA
  110. IDF
  111. IFAD
  112. IFC
  113. IGO
  114. ILO
  115. IMF
  116. indigenous people
  117. INF Treaty
  118. Infant Mortality Rate
  119. INSTRAW
  120. inter alia
  121. Intergovernmental organization
  122. International Atomic Energy Agency 
  123. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
  124. International Civil Aviation Organization 
  125. International Conference on Population and Development 
  126. International Court of Justice
  127. International Development Association
  128. International Finance Corporation
  129. International Fund for Agricultural Development
  130. International Labor Organization
  131. International Monetary Fund 
  132. International Nuclear Event Scale
  133. International Red Cross
  134. International Register of Potentially Toxic Chemicals 
  135. International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women
  136. International Support and Verification Mission
  137. International Verification and Follow-up Commission
  138. IPTF
  139. IRPTC
  140. Israeli Defense Forces
  141. JNA
  142. LAS
  143. laws of war
  144. League of Arab States
  145. League of Nations
  146. Less Developed Country
  147. martial law
  148. MCP
  149. Medecins sans Frontieres
  150. MICIVIH
  151. MIGA
  152. Mine Clearance Program
  153. MINUGUA
  154. MINURSO
  155. MINUSAL
  156. MNRD
  157. Montreal Protocol
  158. morbidity
  159. Mozambican National Resistance 
  160. MPLA
  161. Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency
  162. NAM
  163. National Patriotic Front of Liberia 
  164. National Revolutionary Movement for Democracy and Development
  165. National Union for the Total Independence of Angola
  166. NATO
  167. neutrality
  168. Non Aligned Movement
  169. Non Proliferation Treaty
  170. non-refoulement
  171. nongovernmental organization
  172. North Atlantic Treaty Organization
  173. NPFL
  174. NPT
  175. Nuclear Weapons Free Zones
  176. NWFZ
  177. OAS
  178. OECD
  179. OGB
  180. OGE
  181. OGG
  182. OGL
  183. ONUC
  184. ONUCA
  185. ONUMOZ
  186. ONUSAL
  187. ONUVEH 
  188. ONUVEN
  189. OPEC
  190. ordnance
  191. Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
  192. Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe
  193. Organization of African Unity
  194. Organization of American States
  195. Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
  196. OSCE
  197. ozone
  198. Palestine Liberation Organization
  199. peace building
  200. peace treaty
  201. peacekeeping
  202. plebiscite
  203. PLO
  204. plurilateral
  205. Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola
  206. publicist
  207. Rarotonga Treaty
  208. referendum
  209. refugee
  210. RENAMO
  211. resolution
  212. Revolutionary United Front
  213. RUF
  214. sanctions
  215. sericulture
  216. South-West People's Organization
  217. Special Envoy
  218. Special Rapporteurs
  219. status quo
  220. sustainable development 
  221. SWAPO
  222. Tlatelolco Treaty
  223. transitional government
  224. trusteeship
  225. UN specialized agency
  226. UNAIDS
  227. UNAMIC
  228. UNAMIR
  229. UNASOG
  230. UNAVEM I
  231. UNAVEM II
  232. UNAVEM II
  233. UNCED 
  234. UNCIP
  235. UNCRO 
  236. UNCTAD
  237. UNDCP
  238. UNDOF 
  239. UNDP
  240. UNEF
  241. UNEP
  242. UNESCO
  243. UNFDC
  244. UNFICYP
  245. UNFPA
  246. UNGOMAP
  247. UNHCR 
  248. UNICEF 
  249. UNIDO
  250. UNIFEM
  251. UNIFIL
  252. UNIFIL
  253. UNIIMOG
  254. UNIIMOG
  255. UNIKOM
  256. UNIKOM
  257. UNIPOM
  258. UNIPOM
  259. UNITA
  260. UNITA
  261. UNITAR
  262. UNITAR
  263. United National Front for an Independent, Neutral, Peaceful and Cooperative Cambodia
  264. United Nations AIDS initiative
  265. United Nations Childrens Fund
  266. United Nations Conference on Environment and Development
  267. United Nations Conference on Human Settlements
  268. United Nations Conference on Trade and Development 
  269. United Nations Development Program
  270. United Nations Development Program
  271. United Nations Drug Control Program
  272. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
  273. United Nations Fund for Drug Control
  274. United Nations Fund for Women
  275. United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
  276. United Nations Industrial Development Organization
  277. United Nations Institute for Training and Research 
  278. United Nations International Police Task Force
  279. United Nations Population Fund
  280. United Nations University
  281. United Nations Volunteers
  282. UNLOB
  283. UNMIBH
  284. UNMIH
  285. UNMOGIP
  286. UNMOGIP
  287. UNMOP
  288. UNMOT
  289. UNMOT
  290. UNOCHA
  291. UNOCHA
  292. UNOGIL
  293. UNOHAC
  294. UNOMIG
  295. UNOMIL
  296. UNOMOZ
  297. UNOMOZ
  298. UNOMSA
  299. UNOMSA
  300. UNOMUR
  301. UNOSOM
  302. UNOSOM
  303. UNPA
  304. UNPAs
  305. UNPF
  306. UNPF
  307. UNPREDEP 
  308. UNPREDEP 
  311. UNRWA
  312. UNRWA
  313. UNSF
  314. UNSF
  315. UNTAC
  316. UNTAC
  317. UNTAC
  318. UNTAES
  319. UNTAG
  320. UNTAG
  321. UNTAG
  322. UNTEA 
  323. UNTEA 
  324. UNTSO 
  325. UNTSO 
  326. UNU
  327. UNV
  328. UNYOM
  329. UNYOM
  330. Warsaw Pact
  331. weapons of mass destruction
  332. WFC
  333. WFP
  334. WHO 
  335. WIPO
  336. WMO
  337. World Food Council
  338. World Food Program
  339. World Health Organization
  340. World Intellectual Property Organization
  341. World Meteorological Organization
  342. Yugoslav People's Army