Multimedia & CD-ROM 3
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Assembly Source File
256 lines
; COLOR sets the screen to the specified combination of colors. Its
; syntax is
; COLOR foreground background
; where "foreground" specifies the foreground color and "background"
; specifies the background color. Valid values for these parameters are:
; Preceding a color identifier with an underscore selects the intense
; version of that color (foreground colors only). The ANSI.SYS driver
; must be installed.
code segment
assume cs:code,ds:code
org 100h
begin: jmp main
helpmsg db "Sets the screen to the specified combination of "
db "colors.",13,10,13,10
db "COLOR foreground background",13,10,13,10
db " foreground Foreground color.",13,10
db " background Background color.",13,10,13,10
db "Valid colors are BLACK, BLUE, GREEN, CYAN, RED, "
db "MAGENTA, YELLOW, and WHITE.",13,10
db "ORANGE or BROWN may be substituted for YELLOW. "
db "Preceding a color identifier",13,10
db "with an underscore highlights the color "
db "(foreground colors only).",13,10,"$"
errmsg1 db "Syntax: COLOR foreground background",13,10,"$"
errmsg2 db "DOS 4.0 or higher required",13,10,"$"
errmsg3 db "ANSI.SYS not installed",13,10,"$"
errmsg4 db "Invalid color identifier",13,10,"$"
color_ids db "BROWN",0 ;Color ID table
db "ORANGE",0
db "WHITE",0
db "CYAN",0
db "MAGENTA",0
db "BLUE",0
db "YELLOW",0
db "GREEN",0
db "RED",0
db "BLACK",0
command db 27,"[0;3x;4xm$" ;ANSI command string
; Procedure MAIN
main proc near
cld ;Clear direction flag
mov si,81h ;Point SI to command line
call scanhelp ;Scan for "/?" switch
jnc checkver ;Branch if not found
mov ah,09h ;Display help text and exit
mov dx,offset helpmsg ; with ERRORLEVEL=0
int 21h
mov ax,4C01h
int 21h
; Make sure this is DOS 4.0 or higher and that ANSI.SYS is installed
; before proceeding.
checkver: mov dx,offset errmsg2 ;Exit if DOS version
mov ah,30h ; is less than 4.0
int 21h
cmp al,4
jae checkansi
error: mov ah,09h ;Display error message and
int 21h ; exit with ERRORLEVEL=1
mov ax,4C01h
int 21h
checkansi: mov ax,1A00h ;Check for ANSI.SYS using
int 2Fh ; the DOS multiplex
mov dx,offset errmsg3 ; interrupt
cmp al,0FFh
jne error ;Error if not installed
; Capitalize everything on the command line.
mov si,81h ;Point SI to start
mov cl,[si-1] ;Get character count in CX
sub ch,ch
jcxz parse ;Branch if nothing entered
capsloop: lodsb ;Get a character
cmp al,"a" ;Branch if lower than "a"
jb skipchar
cmp al,"z" ;Branch if higher than "z"
ja skipchar
and byte ptr [si-1],0DFh ;Capitalize the character
skipchar: loop capsloop ;Loop until done
; Parse the command line for identifiers and build the command string.
parse: mov si,81h ;Reset SI again
call findchar ;Find first parameter
mov dx,offset errmsg1 ;Error if no parameter
jc error ; found
cmp byte ptr [si],5Fh ;Test for an underscore
jne not_uscore ;Branch if found
inc si ;Advance SI past underscore
inc byte ptr command[2] ;Select intense foreground
not_uscore: call convert_color ;Convert to a color code
mov dx,offset errmsg4 ;Exit if error occurred in
jc error ; the conversion
add cl,30h ;Convert binary to ASCII
mov command[5],cl ;Store in command string
call finddelim ;Find end of parameter
mov dx,offset errmsg1 ;Exit if parameter ended
jc error ; with a carriage return
call findchar ;Find second parameter
mov dx,offset errmsg1 ;Error if no parameter
jc error ; found
call convert_color ;Convert to color code
mov dx,offset errmsg4 ;Exit if error occurred in
jc error ; the conversion
add cl,30h ;Convert binary to ASCII
mov command[8],cl ;Store in command string
; Output the command string to ANSI.SYS and terminate.
mov ah,09h ;Output the string with
mov dx,offset command ; DOS function 09H
int 21h
mov ax,4C00h ;Exit with ERRORLEVEL=0
int 21h
main endp
; FINDCHAR advances SI to the next non-space or non-comma character.
; On return, carry set indicates EOL was encountered.
findchar proc near
lodsb ;Get the next character
cmp al,20h ;Loop if space
je findchar
cmp al,2Ch ;Loop if comma
je findchar
dec si ;Point SI to the character
cmp al,0Dh ;Exit with carry set if end
je eol ; of line is reached
clc ;Clear carry and exit
eol: stc ;Set carry and exit
findchar endp
; FINDDELIM advances SI to the next space or comma character. On return,
; carry set indicates EOL was encountered.
finddelim proc near
lodsb ;Get the next character
cmp al,20h ;Exit if space
je fd_exit
cmp al,2Ch ;Exit if comma
je fd_exit
cmp al,0Dh ;Loop back for more if end
jne finddelim ; of line isn't reached
dec si ;Set carry and exit
fd_exit: dec si ;Clear carry and exit
finddelim endp
; SCANHELP scans the command line for a /? switch. If found, carry returns
; set and SI contains its offset. If not found, carry returns clear.
scanhelp proc near
push si ;Save SI
scanloop: lodsb ;Get a character
cmp al,0Dh ;Exit if end of line
je scan_exit
cmp al,"?" ;Loop if not "?"
jne scanloop
cmp byte ptr [si-2],"/" ;Loop if not "/"
jne scanloop
add sp,2 ;Clear the stack
sub si,2 ;Adjust SI
stc ;Set carry and exit
scan_exit: pop si ;Restore SI
clc ;Clear carry and exit
scanhelp endp
; CONVERT_COLOR compares the string pointed to by DS:SI against a list
; of ASCIIZ strings and returns carry clear if there's a match, carry set
; if there's not. If carry is clear, CX holds the number of the string
; that was matched.
convert_color proc near
push si ;Save SI on stack
mov bx,si ;Also save it in BX
; Compare the parameter to the list of color identifiers.
mov si,offset color_ids ;Point SI to table
mov cx,9 ;Initialize CX
cc1: mov di,bx ;Point DI to parameter
cc2: lodsb ;Get a character
or al,al ;Is it zero?
je match ;Match if it is
scasb ;Compare the characters
je cc2 ;Loop if they're equal
jcxz nomatch ;Finished if CX is 0
dec cx ;Decrement count
cc3: lodsb ;Skip to the first character
or al,al ; beyond the next zero and
jnz cc3 ; compare the next string
jmp cc1 ; in the list
; Set the carry flag to 1 or 0, then exit.
nomatch: pop si ;Restore SI
stc ;Set carry and exit
match: cmp cx,8 ;Set CX to 3 if it's
jb match1 ; greater than 8
mov cx,3
match1: pop si ;Restore SI
clc ;Clear carry and exit
convert_color endp
code ends
end begin