Multimedia & CD-ROM 3
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Assembly Source File
228 lines
; CLRSCR clears the screen or a specified region of the screen using the
; attribute specified. Its syntax is:
; CLRSCR attr [row1 col1 row2 col2]
; where "attr" is the attribute to be used, "row1" and "column1" are
; the row and column numbers of the upper left corner of the region to
; be cleared, and "row2" and "col2" are the row and column numbers of the
; lower right corner. Row and column numbers are zero-based, so the upper
; left corner of the screen is 0,0. If row and column numbers are omitted,
; the entire screen is cleared.
code segment
assume cs:code,ds:code
org 100h
begin: jmp short main
msg1 db 13,10,"Syntax: CLRSCR attr [row1 col1 "
db "row2 col2",13,10,"$"
msg2 db 13,10,"Invalid parameter",13,10,"$"
attr db ?
row1 db 0
col1 db 0
row2 db 24
col2 db ?
; Procedure MAIN
main proc near
cld ;Clear direction flag
mov si,81h ;Point SI to command line
call findchar ;Advance to first character
jnc parse ;Branch if found
error1: mov dx,offset msg1 ;Display error message
error2: mov ah,09h
int 21h
mov ax,4C01h ;Exit with ERRORLEVEL=1
int 21h
; Parse the command line for attribute and row and column entries.
parse: call hex2bin ;Get attribute value and
mov dx,offset msg2 ; save it
jc error2
mov attr,bl
call findchar ;Advance to next character
jnc readcoords ;Branch if found
; Determine the coordinates for the lower left corner of the screen.
mov ah,0Fh ;Get the number of columns
int 10h ; displayed (minus 1)
dec ah
mov col2,ah
mov ah,12h ;Check for an EGA with
mov bl,10h ; video function 12H
int 10h
cmp bl,10h ;Branch if no EGA detected
je clrscr
mov ax,40h ;Get number of rows from
mov es,ax ; the BIOS Data Area
mov al,es:[84h]
mov row2,al
jmp short clrscr
; Read row and column coordinates from the command line
readcoords: call asc2bin ;Read "row1" parameter
mov dx,offset msg2
jc error2
mov row1,al
call findchar
jc error1
call asc2bin ;Read "col1" parameter
mov dx,offset msg2
jc error2
mov col1,al
call findchar
jc error1
call asc2bin ;Read "row2" parameter
mov dx,offset msg2
jc error2
mov row2,al
call findchar
jc error1
call asc2bin ;Read "col2" parameter
mov dx,offset msg2
jc error2
mov col2,al
; Clear the region.
clrscr: mov ax,0600h ;Use DOS function 06H
mov bh,attr ;BH = attribute
mov ch,row1 ;CH = upper left row
mov cl,col1 ;CL = upper left column
mov dh,row2 ;DH = lower right row
mov dl,col2 ;DL = lower right column
int 10h ;Do it
mov ax,4C00h ;Exit with ERRORLEVEL=0
int 21h
main endp
; FINDCHAR advances SI to the next non-space or non-comma character.
; On return, carry set indicates EOL was encountered.
findchar proc near
lodsb ;Get the next character
cmp al,20h ;Loop if space
je findchar
cmp al,2Ch ;Loop if comma
je findchar
dec si ;Point SI to the character
cmp al,0Dh ;Exit with carry set if end
je eol ; of line is reached
clc ;Clear carry and exit
eol: stc ;Set carry and exit
findchar endp
; HEX2BIN converts a hex number entered in ASCII form into a binary
; value in BL. Carry set on return indicates that an error occurred in
; the conversion.
hex2bin proc near
sub ah,ah ;Initialize registers
sub bx,bx
h2b_loop: lodsb ;Get a character
cmp al,20h ;Exit if space
je h2b_exit
cmp al,2Ch ;Exit if comma
je h2b_exit
cmp al,0Dh ;Exit if carriage return
je h2b_exit
cmp al,"0" ;Check for digits "0"
jb h2b_error ; through "9"
cmp al,"9"
ja h2b2
sub al,30h ;ASCII => binary
h2b1: mov cl,4 ;Multiply BX by 16 and
shl bx,cl ; add the latest
add bx,ax ; digit
cmp bx,255 ;Error if sum > 255
ja h2b_error
jmp h2b_loop ;Loop back for more
h2b2: and al,0DFh ;Capitalize the letter
cmp al,"A" ;Check range and exit if
jb h2b_error ; not "A" through "F"
cmp al,"F"
ja h2b_error
sub al,37h ;ASCII => binary
jmp h2b1 ;Finish and loop back
h2b_error: dec si ;Set carry and exit
h2b_exit: dec si ;Clear carry and exit
hex2bin endp
; ASC2BIN converts a decimal number entered in ASCII form into a binary
; value in AL. Carry set on return indicates that an error occurred in
; the conversion.
asc2bin proc near
sub ax,ax ;Initialize registers
sub bh,bh
mov dl,10
a2b_loop: mov bl,[si] ;Get a character
inc si
cmp bl,20h ;Exit if space
je a2b_exit
cmp bl,2Ch ;Exit if comma
je a2b_exit
cmp bl,0Dh ;Exit if carriage return
je a2b_exit
cmp bl,"0" ;Error if character is not
jb a2b_error ; a number
cmp bl,"9"
ja a2b_error
mul dl ;Multiply the value in AL by
jc a2b_error ; 10 and exit on overflow
sub bl,30h ;ASCII => binary
add ax,bx ;Add latest value to AX
cmp ax,255 ;Error if sum > 255
jna a2b_loop ;Loop back for more
a2b_error: dec si ;Set carry and exit
a2b_exit: dec si ;Clear carry and exit
asc2bin endp
code ends
end begin